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When Quality depends on the

amount which the customer is Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
willing to pay, it is called as
The cost which aries from tasks User Manufacturing Value Product
like helpline support, warranty
etc. are called as ________. Appraisal Cost Prevention Cost Internal Failure CExternal Failure Cost
Cost of Quality = Cost of
Control + _________ Cost of Failure of CoAppraisal Cost Cost of Internal FPrevention Cost
With principle
respect of TQM
(Total is thetoease
PDCA cycle-
of use
Management) and “
If any deviations
learning ofare
abilityproper system. Performance Reliability Functionality Usability
aims to create
in actual outcomes with respect
functioning between
to planned results theunits of
the organization.
organization may need to Integrated System Combined Syste Department Syst Staff System
decide the actions” . This will
How isunder which phase?
the concept of Plan Do Change Act
Productivity described for
working projects?
Improvement in Quality has a Output / Input Output x Input Output + Input Output - Input
__________effect on
characteristic of a
Software refers to its ability to Positive Negative No effect Worsening
be used in most effective
manner. Functionality Reliability Efficiency Maintainability
“One defect hides another Cascading
defect” is termed as ? Camouflage Effect Effect Coverage Effect Redundant Code
The cost arises
form defects
Which of the following is not aninter-process inspectmaintenance
The cost arises identified quality
The costplanning
arises testing
The cost arises
from efforts to internally to from efforts to from efforts to
What is prevention cost?  prevent defects. correct them prevent cost. implement cost
A__________cost arises from
document is a
efforts to defects.
high level document defines Appraisal Prevention Internal failure External failure.
software testing approach to
Which oftesting objective.
the following defect Test Plan Test Strategy Test case Test note
attribute denotes the order in
which defects need to be fixed? Severity Priority  Intensity
Evaluating  Complexity
process of
In whichof of
following term
following Finding broken A stage of all deliverable to developing
describes testing?
testing strategies, a smallest code projects find error software
testable unit is the encapsulated Integration
class or object? Unit testing testing System testing Component
Software mistakes during Eliminate the
 Which are known
of the as
following does errors
Uses incremental failures
 Only essential bugs
use of project defects
not apply to agility to a product delivery work products planning and It is based on
software process? strategy are produced testing iterative model
Testing is activities, but
Different testing conducted by debugging must
techniques are the developer of be
Which of the following is not a appropriate at the software or accommodated
software testing generic different points in an independent in any testing None of the
 Maintenance testing is time test group strategy mentioned
performed using which Breadth test and  Confirmation
The basic idea to test normal Retesting Sanity testing depth test testing
boundary values are to check maximum
the given options except minimum boundary nominal boundary max+100
Real-time Boundary value commision
problem does not include temperature pressure air problem
equivalence class testing does
will be the next-date Weak -Robust Strong-Robust Weak Normal Normal-Normal
value for mm-dd-yy format for
In a decision-table for triangles 08-31-2020 1/8/2020 07-32-2020 8/7/2021
there are ___________ways of
creating an isoselesValue
Robust Boundary triangle one two three four
_________forces attention
slices S(v,n)onrefer
to statement fragments that Exception Handling Error Input Output
DD-path graph is the directed
contribute to the valueare
graph in which_____ of DD-
v at
paths of its program graph, and Forward
n. Backward Upward Downward
_______ represent control flow
When allsuccessor
the nodesDD-paths.
are path,nodes nodes,edges edges,graph nodes,graph
travesered in program graph
then it is called as ____ graph coverage Edge coverage Node coverage path coverage

Which is type of coverage for exe

Decesion coverage condition coveraStatement covera path coverage

Statement and branch coverageinvoves me
Analysis Model Design Model Testing Source Code
testing of software with
One of the
software following is not
environmental aa
like database , operating system orthogonal
of nice domain complete linear inconsistent
application is
that involves
supposed to work.
testing of many units by Interface testing Integration testinSystem Testing Unit Testing
combing them together
_______matrix to form
starts with the
module or sub module.
as stated in the Interface testing Integration testinSystem Testing Unit Testing
requirement specification and
goes forward upto test results. Traceability Testing Specification Execution
Find which model
_________ of the following are
explains the Both Alpha and
validation activities associated Alpha Testing
types of acceptance testing. Beta Testing Beta Testing Unit testing
with different phases of
Program development.
level designs are Verification VV Waterfall validation
associated with _________
At the code level to validate Unit Componant Integration Acceptance
individual units ________
testing is done. Unit Componant Integration Acceptance
"Stubs" and "Drivers" are used isAlpha Testing Beta Testing Integration TestinUnit Testing
Capability Common
Capability Maturity Common
CMM stands for __________. Modification Modification
Model Maturity Model
Model Model
How many process maturity
Five Two Three Four
levels are there?
This is not a valid level in
Adhoc Managed Defined Premature
"Design a little, Code a little, Conventional Assembly Machine
test a little" is used in languages Language Language
The cost of finding and
Depends on
correcting errors _______ with Increases Decreases Remains same
________ Testing is performed Interstate Execution
Ad Hoc Testing Parallel Testing
without any proper planning. Testing Testing
Call Online
Common Object Commercial Off Capability Off
COTS' stands for Training
_________ is a Security Training Standard the Shelf the Shelf
Testing technique where we try SQL injection Database Brute Force Scripting Attack
different combinations of injection Attack
username and password.
al Failure Cost

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