Good Chromatography Practices - SOP & Guideline - Pharma Beginners

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Good Chromatography Practices – SOP

& Guideline
Dengen Dental Inc

Dengen Dental
Chromatography is a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture.
t$ % & ' ( L
The mixture is dissolved in a fluid called the mobile phase, which carries it
through a structure holding another material called the stationary phase. The
various constituents of the mixture travel at different speeds, causing them to


1.0   PURPOSE :
The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe
the procedure of Good Chromatographic Practices.
2.0   SCOPE :
This SOP shall be used as such for “Good Chromatographic Practices”
in Quality Control Laboratory.


The Executive/Officer QC shall be responsible;

To carry out the analysis and

record the findings as per SOP.

To intimate the Head QC /

designee in case of any
deviation from the SOP.

The Section head / Manager  QC shall be responsible;

Ensure implementation and adherence to the system as per the SOP.

Evaluate proper documentation.

Provide training as and when required.

The Head QA/his or her designee shall be responsible for;

To ensure implementation and adherence to the system as per the



Precautions during Chromatography:

Indicate on the status board, the name of product/ material, batch

number / A.R.No., Stage, Test, Start time, and Analyst (Sign/Date) prior
to starting the chromatography.

Make the relevant entry in the chromatography instrument logbook.

Handle the chromatography column with extreme care.

Always keep both ends closed after usage.

Increase/ decrease the mobile phase flow rate stepwise and slowly.

Use always filtered degassed Chromatography (HPLC) grade solvents/

mobile phases.

Do not overtighten fittings of the injector, column, pump, or detector.

Ensure that the date and time of data acquisition appear on each
chromatogram and the chromatograms are compiled in succession.

Related: SOP for Waters HPLC system with Empower Software

System suitability parameters shall be checked by the analyst before

proceeding with the sample analysis.

All solutions shall be clear homogeneous and free from particulate


Filter the solutions before use.

While going through change over from reverse phase to normal phase
and normal phase to reverse phase follow the changeover steps.

Use High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) grade solvents

In case of non-availability of Chromatography, grade solvents use AR

grade solvents

Use Elga/MilliQ or any high purity water (suitable for chromatography)

for the preparation of the mobile phase.

Never mix the aqueous phase and organic phase portion in measuring
cylinder as it can give erroneous composition.

Column shall be washed pre and post running of the sample set.

It should be part of the Sample set/sequence.

Flush the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system

with hot water (Approx. Temp 50-600C or as per the suitability of tubing)
by using union in place of Column at least by weekly.

Preparation of mobile phase and usage of solvent for

Chromatography :

If the mobile phase contains a buffer solution, first calculate the quantity
of the mobile phase required for complete analysis (including quantity
of the mobile phase required for complete analysis (including quantity
required for dilution) and prepare the buffer solution as per the

Set the pH (If required) and do not use concentrated acid/alkali directly
for pH adjustment,

Use diluted acid/alkali solution for pH adjustment.

Filter the buffer solution through 0.45µ nylon filter or as mentioned in

respective STP.

The filter also can be done at the time of the final mobile phase
composition, if applicable.

Measure the aliquot of buffer solution required in the mobile phase


Transfer to a clean and dried stoppered bottle.

Measure the required quantity of organic solvents separately and

Add to the stoppered bottle containing a buffer solution and mix well.

If the mobile phase contains a small amount (5% or less) of solvents,

use a volumetric flask/pipette/measuring cylinder of appropriate size for

the measurement.

Degas by sonication or vacuum for 4-5 minutes.

Do not degas the mobile phase for a longer time containing organic

It may alter the composition while sonication ensures that the bottle cap
is loosened to avoid the pressure built up.

If the mobile phase is reverse-phase then rinse the filtration assembly


Collection vessel with water before filtration followed by the mobile


If the mobile phase is a normal phase then rinse the filtration assembly
and collection vessel with the water-miscible component of the mobile
phase before filtration followed by the mobile phase.

Do not sonicate the buffer solution prepared by using acetate and

phosphate buffer since on sonication it forms the complex which may
interfere with the analysis.

Usage of the chromatography column, System set-up, and

Sample analysis:

Physically check the column intactness and then Connect the column
on HPLC.

Wash the column with appropriate solvents and

Saturate the column with the mobile phase for about 30 minutes or
more until the baseline gets stabilized.
more until the baseline gets stabilized.

The injection sequence (sample set) shall be prepared by the analyst

for the respective tests.

The injection sequence shall contain the following but not

limited to:

Vial No.

Injection volume.

Sample name (sufficient details to link each chromatogram with the

sample, like Product name, B. No./AR No., Stage).

Method set name.

Chromatogram No./Data No./ Injection No. etc.

Before starting the sequence, the reviewer or section head shall ensure
that the sequence (sample set) parameter and respective instrument
method parameters are as per STP/GTP.

There shall not be any trial injection run to check the suitability of the
system (except System Suitability run defined in respective STP/GTP).

All injections shall be run as a part of the main sequence.

Check that the

Peak shape,
Peak shape,

Retention time,

Relative retention time



System pressure and theoretical plates, etc. from the system

suitability run / First run of Standard preparation and

If required to make necessary modification in the system as per

“Allowable modification in chromatography system”,

The modification shall not be made prior to Authorization.

After satisfactory system suitability run (if applicable) inject blank (i.e.
diluents, mobile phase, etc.) standard solution, check the system
suitability parameters, and if it meets then start sequence.

If peak splitting or broadness of peak occurs during the analysis stop

the analysis, then after proper washing of column bracketing standard
injection/system suitability solution shall be injected.

If it meets with the system suitability then analysis shall be carried on

from that sample where peak splitting or broadness took place.

Fill the details of system suitability parameters in the respective

analytical template/worksheet.
analytical template/worksheet.

After completion of the analysis, wash the column with an appropriate

solvent for the appropriate time (e.g. Column shall be washed with
water for a long time if the buffer concentration is more in the mobile
phase and/or if the column is used for a long time), rinse/ purge auto-
injector and make necessary entry in the “Column usage log” and in
“Instrument usage logbook”.

All chromatograms shall be part of the final reports.

Ensure the pressure graph/run shall be enabled while

creating/modifying the instrument method.

Handling of chromatography column change while analysis :

If the peak shape is not satisfactory system suitability parameters are

not achieved as per the limit even after making necessary modifications
in the system, the column can be changed with the following

Make entry of previously used column in the column usage log with
the reason of discontinuation and keep for washing.

Take the print of all chromatograms generated on the previous

column and put the reason for column change on the Chromatogram
checklist along with the previous column no.

Attach all chromatograms with the relevant document / Template /

Analytical report/worksheet.
Handling of mobile phase change while chromatography

If the peak shape is not satisfactory or resolution is not achieved or the

theoretical plate and/or tailing factor is not within the limit even after
making necessary modifications in the system mobile phase can be
changed with the following documentation.

Make an entry in the instrument usage logbook with the reason for
discontinuation of the mobile phase.

System suitability check is a must for every new mobile phase and

The mobile phase cannot be added in between the analysis of the

running mobile.

Note A) ± 10% flow rate adjustment in RT shall be considered during the


B) ± 1-minute tolerance shall be considered for retention time up to 10

minutes, ± 10% tolerance shall be considered for retention time more than
10 minutes.

Allowable modification in Chromatography system:

Adjustments to the specified chromatographic system may be

necessary in order to meet system suitability requirements.

Chromatographic systems adjustments performed in order to comply

with system suitability requirements are not to be made in order to
compensate for column failure, Analytical error, and system

ALTIVIA Ketones & Additives, LLC

Global Distribution
Chemical supplier based in North

Directions Call

Adjustments are permitted only when suitable standards (including

Reference Standards / Working Standard) are available for all
compounds used in the suitability test; and

The adjustments or column change yields a chromatogram that meets

all the system suitability requirements specified in the official procedure.

If adjustments of operating conditions are necessary in order to meet

system suitability requirements,

Each of the items in the following list is the maximum variation that can
be considered unless otherwise directed in the ATP.

Multiple adjustments can have a cumulative effect on the performance

of the system and are to be considered carefully before implementation.
In some circumstances, it shall be desirable to use an HPLC column
with different dimensions to those prescribed in the official procedure
(different length, internal diameter, and/or particle size).

In either case, changes in the chemical characteristics (“L” designation)

of the stationary phase will be considered a modification to the method
and will require full validation.

Adjustments to the composition of the mobile phase in gradient elution

may cause changes in selectivity and are not recommended.

The adjustments are allowed only to improve the quality of the

chromatography unless otherwise directed in the respective
pharmacopoeial monograph/GTP/STP.

Note: Modification in the allowable chromatographic system

shall be within the raggedness study performed during the
method validation study.
Any adjustment done shall be part of the reporting.

The dis-positioning of the batch/sample will be subject to the approval

of this report.

Alternate columns (Different make) can be used in case of column fails

to meet the system suitability requirement.

But it should be defined in respective GTP/STP and also covered under

AMV / Pharmacopoeial evaluation study.

The following are the general criteria, which provide the extent of
The following are the general criteria, which provide the extent of
allowable variation to get the system suitability.

The pH of Mobile phase:

The pH of the aqueous buffer used in the mobile phase preparation can
be adjusted to within ±2 pH units.

Example: If the specified pH is 7.0 then the allowable limit for

adjustment is 6.80 – 7.20.

The concentration of Salts in Buffer:

The concentration of salts used in the preparation of aqueous buffer

used in the mobile phase can be adjusted within ±10%

(Ex.: If the specified concentration is 1.0% then the allowable limit for
adjustment is 0.90 % – 1.10 %).

Stationary phase in chromatography :

Column length: ±70%.

(Ex.: If specified length is 25 cm then allowable limit for adjustment is

7.5 cm – 42.5 cm).

Column internal diameter: ±25%

(Ex.: If specified internal diameter is 4.6 mm then allowable limit for

adjustment is 3.45 – 5.75 mm.).
Particle size :

A maximum reduction of 50%, no increase permitted.

(Ex.: If specified particle size is 5 micron then the allowable maximum

reduction is 2.5 micron).

Flow rate: When column dimensions have been modified, the flow rate
can be adjusted using

F2= F1 (L2 D2/ L1d2 )

F1:     Flow indicated in the monograph in ml/min,
F2:     Adjusted flow rate, in ml/min,
L1:     Length of column indicated in the monograph,
L2:     Length of column used,
d:     Column inner diameter of the column indicated in the monograph
D:     Internal diameter of the column used
Additionally, the flow rate can be adjusted ± 50 %.

Column temperature: ±10%

(Ex.: If specified column temperature is 40°C then allowable limit for

adjustment is 36° – 44°C).

Note: If the column temperature and sample temperature are not mentioned
in the ATP/STP, or it is mentioned to keep it “Ambient”, then in both cases
the column temperature shall be set to 25°C and sample temperature to

ALTIVIA Ketones & Additives, LLC

Global Distribution
Chemical supplier based in North

Directions Call

Detector wavelength:

Deviations from the wavelengths specified in the method are not


Injection volume:

The injection volume can be reduced/increased as far as is consistent

with accepted precision and detection limits.

Mobile phase composition can be changed in

chromatography as follows:

The following adjustment limits apply to minor components of the

mobile phase (specified at 50% or less).

The amount(s) of these component(s) can be adjusted + 30% relative.

However the change in any component cannot exceed + 10% of
absolute (i.e. in relation to the total mobile phase), nor can the final
concentration of any component be reduced to zero.

Examples of adjustments are given below.

The specified ratio of 50:50:

Thirty percent of 50 is 15% absolute, but this exceeds the maximum

permitted change of + 10% absolute in either component.

Therefore, the mobile phase ratio may be adjusted only within the range
of 40:60 to 60:40.

The specified ratio of 60:35:5:

For the second component, 30% of 35 is 10.5% absolute, which

exceeds the maximum permitted change of + 10% absolute in any

Therefore the second component may be adjusted only within the range
of 25% to 45% absolute.

For the third component, 30% of 5 is 1.5% absolute.

In all cases, a sufficient quantity of the first component is used to give a

total of 100%.

Therefore, a mixture range of 50:45:5 to 70:25:5 or 58.5:35:6.5 to

61.5:35:3.5 would meet the requirement.
Duplicate standard / Similarity Factor calculation

The duplicate standard shall be applied for the Assay test (irrespective
of sample category).

2nd Standard shall be injected in duplicate after System suitability run

(After completion of 5/6 replicate standard injection and prior to the
sample run).

Assay analysis shall be performed using duplicate standard


The second standard shall be prepared by the same/different analyst.

The first standard (Initial standard) shall be injected as per the above
schedules, while the second standard shall be injected in duplicate.

The correlation between two standards shall be calculated as per the

below formula.

Mean area of std -2 x Weight of std -1

Mean area of std -1 x Weight of std -2

Acceptance criteria: Between 0.98 -1.02

In case of correlation does not fall within acceptance criteria,

log the Lab Incident/Event as per the current version of SOP – Lab
Incident, investigate and repeat the analysis by preparing the standard
and establish the similarity factor prior to sample injection.
and establish the similarity factor prior to sample injection.

For calculation mean area of the first standard shall be considered.

Bracketing standard procedure in Chromatography:

System suitability shall be established as per the test procedure.

After every defined sample injections or after every test (Club analysis
or individual analysis) standard preparation in single shall be injected
(Called as Bracketing standard preparation).

Bracketing Standards shall be injected after 12 injections or 3 hrs after

the last standard injection injected whichever is earlier.

Bracketing standard can be injected other than the above conditions

(Completion of Test, After 3 Hrs, After 12 sample injection), It should be
justified and documented.

To meet the system suitability criteria of method %RSD of last five

injections (including Bracketing Standard) area to be considered,

the average area including bracketing standard preparations shall be

used in the calculations.

For e.g. If System suitability is established by five injections of standard

injection (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ).

After testing the sample (A) preparations (6th and 7th ) and one
bracketing standard preparation injection (8th ) shall be injected.
Then further sample (B) preparation injections ( 9th and 10th ) followed
by bracketing standard (11th ).

To calculate the result (A)

Standard Avg. Area = Avg. Area of std (2nd, 3rd, 4th 5thand 8th).

Sample(A) Avg. Area = Avg. Area of Sample (6th and 7th)

To calculate the result (B)

Standard Avg. Area = Avg. Area of std (3rd,4th,5th, 8th, and 11th ).

Sample(B) Avg. Area = Avg. Area of Sample (9th and 10th).

The analysis is valid only if the %RSD of Bracketing Standard

preparations are within the limit.

If the RSD of bracketing standard is failed, stop the analysis,

The analyst shall log the Lab Incident (as per the current version of
SOP for Lab Incident) and investigate the reason for failure, adopt the
strategy as follows.

If the failure in RSD is because of system instability, bracketing

standard RSD shall be considered up to last bracketing standard till it
meets the criteria of system suitability and analysis of remaining
samples shall be carried after reestablishing the system suitability as
per the GTP.
per the GTP.

If there is a significant change in one of the injection area of bracketing

standard and analysis is continued.

Additional injections of bracketing standard shall be done and reason

for variation in the previous injection of bracketing standard shall be

In case of vial missing/solution volume inside the vial is less than

required, area variation between replicate injection, additional peak
observed, re-injection from the same vial, or from the same solution
shall be done, with proper scientific justification.

Additional injection of the Blank-mobile phase and/or diluent, placebo

preparation, and impurity standard can be injected to verify the elution
pattern and peak identification of Blank, placebo, and impurity.

Data shall be attached to the Analytical Report with scientific rationales.

Chromatogram set up for integration, review, Calculation, and


Note1: Chromatograms shall be processed within one working day from the
completion of the sequence. If exceeds, Log the Lab incident, Investigate /
Justify and then process the acquired data.
Note 2: No single chromatogram shall remain unprocessed irrespective of
Blank, Placebo, System check, standard, sample, etc.

Analysts shall ensure the peak shape and system suitability parameters
for all chromatograms in a sequence (i.e.Up to the last chromatogram)
before the set up of integration parameters.

Set the integration parameters like width, threshold, peak area, peak
height, scale are selected appropriately for proper peak marking and
detection and inhibit all others peaks except the principal peak in all
tests except for related substance test and degradation product,
Chromatography purity (but not limited to).

Integration parameters shall be the same for all chromatograms

generated in a sequence or test.

Manual Integration is not allowed.

In case of the integration of peak is not possible by software, manual

integration can be done for the proper peak integration with justification
(Only in RS test).

If different processing methods (Integration parameters) used in the

same sequence then it shall be properly justified.
same sequence then it shall be properly justified.

In the system, suitability chromatogram identifies the peaks, its RRT,

System suitability parameters, peak shape, and report the values as

Identify each peak for RS test e.g.



Principal peak,

Unknown impurity,

Known impurity (mention the name of impurity), etc. and

Inhibit those peaks in the sample whose responses are similar in

placebo and blank.

If the response of an unknown peak in sample chromatogram is greater

than the response of that peak in blank or placebo chromatogram then
integrate that peak in both (sample and blank or placebo)
chromatograms and consider area for calculation after (area of peak in
sample-area of the peak in blank or placebo).

In the case of the RS test, attach the overlay chromatogram of the

sample, blank, and placebo for clarity of peaks.

In-case of In-house product/ material if system suitability parameters (

In-case of In-house product/ material if system suitability parameters (
theoretical plates, resolution, and tailing, etc.) do not comply as per
acceptance criteria but peak shape or peak elution pattern is good then
send all relevant data to the analytical method development team for to
review and revise the system suitability acceptance criteria.

Chromatography Report Format :

The custom report shall cover the following information but not limited,
which is for information and can be modified as per the specific need.

Name of Product / Raw Material

Test performed

Sample ID -B. No. / A.R. NO.

Data Path

Injection volume

Vial no.

Column number / ID


Date of acquisition

Date processed
Acquired by /Analyst

Instrument ID

Chromatogram No / Data No / Injection No.

Instrument method ID

Processing method ID

Print date / Time & Time Zone

The peak table in the custom report shall cover the following data (But
not Limited to), however other data as per requirement.

Peak Name

Retention time

Area / Height

Area% / Height%

Tailing factor or Asymmetry

Theoretical plates / Plate count

Integration type

Other system suitability parameter as per requirement

Take the print out of integration parameters and all chromatograms.

If Degradation / Related substances are to be calculated from Assay,

take the separate print out of the first injection of each sample
chromatogram by setting the width and threshold appropriately to detect
all peaks along with blank or placebo.

Report the system suitability data (theoretical plate, tailing factor,

capacity factor, etc.) in the respective analytical template.

In cases where reintegration is necessary, all the chromatograms from

the previous integration or multiple integrations shall be identified,
assessed, justified and shall be part of the raw data and set of
chromatograms (previous Processing method print out, audit trail (for
that specific change) and the print out shall be attached with the
sequence of record).

For related substances and similar low content test.

The analyst shall be zoomed the chromatograms on the baseline and

shall check that all the peaks are integrated and the integration of all
interested peaks are properly marked.

Peaks that are not separated completely shall be integrated valley-to-

valley extrapolation (tangential skim).

The integration parameters shall set in such a way that the peak of at
least half of the disregard limit must be integrated, and shall be
documented in the Chromatogram checklist.
The scale of chromatograms shall be set properly so that the peak
shape of all interesting peaks and their integration can be seen clearly.

In the chromatogram peak shall be identified by RT only and other detail

like peak identification, etc. shall be part of the peak table.

The sample chromatogram shall overlay with diluent and placebo

chromatograms to identify the interested peak properly.

For Assay, Content uniformity, dissolution, preservative


Integration shall be set appropriately for the principal peak.

The scale of chromatogram shall be such that the response of principal

peak is at least 70% of the full-scale deflection or Autoscale of the

In the related substances/chromatographic purity/degradation test

exclude the area of diluent/placebo peak in the impurity calculation.

Where disregard peak/area is mentioned in GTP (based on LOQ

performed during AMV), those peak/ peaks area shall be ignored in the

In the calculation of impurity disregard the peak of response below

0.03% with respect to the principal peak where LOQ is not available.

Calculate the area equivalent to 0.03% as follows :

For area normalization method :
= 0.03 x  area of the principal peak in sample preparation-1

For the external standard method :

= 0.03  x X x Z


X= Concentration of drug substance (Theoretical) in sample


Y= Concentration of external standard in standard preparation.

Z= Area of external standard in standard preparation.

P= Potency of an external standard.

In the calculation of known and unknown impurity disregard the peak of

response below LOQ level.

Calculate the area equivalent to LOQ as follows.



L= LOQ of impurity in ppm

C= Concentration of impurity in ppm from Standard preparation

A= Area of impurity from standard preparation

P = Potency of impurity standard

In the calculation of known and unknown impurity disregard the peak of

response below LOQ level.

Where impurity standard is not injected and LOQ and RF are mentioned
in GTP/Protocol.

Calculate the area equivalent to LOQ as follows :

L x A x RF


L= LOQ of impurity in ppm

C= Concentration of drug substances (theoretical) in ppm from

Sample preparation-1

A= Area of drug substances from Sample preparation-1

RF= Response factor of impurity.

In the case where RF is mentioned in the GTP corrected area of

respective impurity shall be used in the calculation.
respective impurity shall be used in the calculation.

Chromatogram Checklist (Chromatography Review) :

(Annexure 2)

Fill the detail like Product / Sample, Test, Reference (GTP/Protocol

No./Template No.), Bach No., A.R.No.,  in Chromatogram checklist.

Put the “ √ ” mark against the applicable point and ‘NA’ against the not
applicable points.

If any parameter in the Chromatogram checklist is not complying or not

carried out writing the justification under the head “Remark” or if the
deviation is filled mention the deviation no.

Make a bunch of “Chromatogram checklist”, “Mobile phase preparation

“Sequence print out”, instrument method, processing method, and all
chromatograms and attach with the template/worksheet or protocol.

Put all chromatograms together and attach them with the relevant Batch
No./ A.R.No. Document.

In case of analysis discontinuation, mention the reason for

discontinuation in instrument usage Log and on the “Chromatogram

Take the print out of all generated chromatograms put the canceled on
each chromatogram with proper justification and attaches with the
relevant document.

General Guideline and instructions for

General Guideline and instructions for

Chromatographic systems shall be reviewed by the reviewer for events,

such as,

Unprocessed chromatograms,

Single injections,

system check injections,

system suitability injections,

Partially run sequences or complete run sequences,

Which are not part of the original sequences on a weekly basis and

Document the review observations as per the current version of SOP for
Analytical Data Review.

Any of the above events are observed, log the lab incident as per the
current version of the SOP-Lab Incident.

Chromatographic run shall be identified, processed, justified and impact

assessment shall be performed w.r.t. original sequence. Prints out shall
be attached to the original sequence.

For any chromatographic run incident, such as incomplete run,

discontinued run or run for system suitability check (or for any other
reason ) and not considered for evaluation shall be marked as “Not
Used” with proper justification, signature, date, and shall be made part
of main sample sequence set attached with the batch analytical

“Printed on date and time” of chromatograms shall be part of the

chromatogram report format.

Chromatograms shall be processed within one working day from the

completion of the sequence.

QC head shall identify instruments that are not in compliance with 21

CFR part 11.

Derive an action plan with a timeline to make all such instrument

compliant (refer current version of SOP for Data Integrity).

For experimental analysis sample shall be selected from,

Expired lots of finished products.

Lots prepared from working standard.

Retention Sample (subject to Approval of Head QA)

All the activities performed by the service technician shall be recorded

in the report and the same shall be reviewed and approved as per
respective report approval procedure.

For related substances test / Degradation product, New cleaned vial

shall be used.

Run time and replicate injection.

In the test for Assay, run all Standard and Sample chromatograms
about 5 minutes extra after the principal peak elution is over and the
peak is properly integrated or as per the GTP / STP.

Chromatography Purity/ Degradation/ Related Substances/Stability

samples analysis, run the chromatogram 2.5 times the RT of principal
peak or as specified in individual GTP / STP.

In case of specific impurity analysis, run the chromatogram about 5

minutes extra after the principal peak elution is over and the peak is
properly integrated.

In case the HPLC system is running in the mobile phase (subject to

sufficient mobile phase volume available) and the further sample is
supposed to inject,

It can be injected as per the following strategy.

If the time gap is 2 hrs. or less further samples can be injected


If there are more than 2 hrs. time-gap inject bracketing standard.

Calculate the RSD of bracketing standard (i.e. last two injections of

initial system suitability standard and injections of bracketing standard
made after time gap) and if this is satisfactory further sample analysis
shall be continued.
shall be continued.

In the end of the sample sequence a different method for “D2 lamp off
and flow rate change to 0.2ml/min (or suitable)” shall be submitted to
keep the system stabilize in the mobile phase.

If any carryover in the chromatogram is not affecting the interested peak

analysis shall be considered after proper justification and authorization.

The concentration of any unknown peak in assay, dissolution, and

content uniformity test, shall not be more than the concentration of
unknown impurity peak in related substances test. (As related
substances unknown impurity limit is derived based on ICH daily dose

Any unknown peak detected above this concentration shall

be investigated.

During analysis, an additional injection of blank-mobile phase and/or

diluent can be made to verify the elution pattern of the blank.

Additional injection of placebo solution and impurity solution with or

without spiking can be made where ever necessary with proper

In case, if during analysis any failure in established system suitability,

peak splitting, area variation shall be rectified on line by altering the
same sequence with justification.

In the case of the sample if any abnormality is observed during analysis

then a freshly prepared sample can be injected with proper justification.
then a freshly prepared sample can be injected with proper justification.

If the system is required to be discontinued for rectification then it shall

be handled as per SOP on Lab Incident.

Preparation and use of specimen chromatograms

To verify the reproducibility in chromatography and

To notice any change in chromatograms online during analysis and also

At the verification stage during raw data review by comparing the

chromatogram against specimen chromatograms, the laboratory shall
maintain a file of “Specimen Chromatograms “for each HPLC test (
product wise).

Reproducibility can also be verified by AMV data.

To prepare the specimen chromatogram and ensure its usage the below
procedure to be followed.

If the reference chromatogram is available from the manufacturer,

Source laboratory STP/ Data, the chromatogram of first analysis/
analytical method transfer (or method validation) shall be compared
against the reference chromatogram to check the following but not
limited to,

Peak shape

Retention time
Baseline (Baseline pattern is very important particularly in HPLC
gradient analysis)

Scale of chromatogram

Additional peak

Other system suitability parameters as per the requirement of STP /


Make a photocopy of one chromatogram each of

Blank (diluent),

Resolution solution,

Standard solution,

Placebo solution,

Sample solution, etc. as per the requirement of the test,

Put “Specimen chromatogram” on individual chromatogram and

sign/date of Head QC.

File all the “ Specimen chromatograms” product and test wise for the
comparison of all future analyses.

During routine analysis, the analyst shall verify the chromatogram

against Specimen Chromatograms.
In case of any abnormality observed in the chromatographic pattern
analyst shall immediately inform QC -Head or designee.

QC-Head or designee shall suggest an analyst for allowable

modification to get the chromatography that is comparable with the “
Specimen chromatogram”.

During raw data review, the reviewer shall verify the chromatograms
against the “specimen chromatogram”, in case of any abnormality

Whenever there is any change in method of analysis, the impact on the

“Specimen chromatogram” shall be evaluated.

Cancellation of Chromatograms :

Each cancellation of chromatograms due to system failure, system

suitability parameters failure, poor chromatography or due to any other
reason, shall be canceled by section head only.

Section head shall put the canceled stamp on each canceled

chromatograms with proper justification with sign and date.

HPLC change oversteps from reverse phase to

Normal phase chromatography
Step 1:

After proper washing of the previously used column remove the column
from the column compartment and connect the Union.
from the column compartment and connect the Union.

Keep all tubing reservoirs in the bottle containing HPLC water/Solvent

(degassed) and proceed following steps.

Step 2: Dry Prime:

Take 100 % HPLC water in Mobile phase reservoirs, and execute the
dry prime 5 minutes individually for each channel (line) at flow rate
5ml/minutes during the dry prime outlet valve shall be opened.

Step 3: Wet  Prime:

Execute the wet prime 3 minutes individually for each channel (line) at
flow rate 5ml/minutes during the dry prime outlet valve shall be opened.

Note: Degasser shall be off during priming (preferably in Quaternary


Step 4: Needle Wash, Seal Wash, Injector Wash:

Perform these activities for the time as per default settings


Step 5:

Flush the HPLC system for 20 minutes by gradually increase the flow
1ml/minute to 5ml/minute, 25% flow from each channel / Pump (line).

Step 6 :
Repeat wet prime, needle wash, seal wash, and injector wash as per
procedure mentioned above in steps 2, 3, and 4 by using 100% HPLC
grade methanol.

Step 7 :

Repeat wet prime, needle wash, seal wash, and injector wash as per
procedure mentioned above in step 2, 3, and 4 by using 100 %HPLC
grade IPA.

Step 8 :

Use 100% IPA or other non-polar solvents as per GTP or template for
seal wash or needle wash during the analysis.

HPLC change oversteps from the Normal phase to

Reverse phase chromatography.
Step 1 :

After proper washing of the previously used column remove the column
from the column compartment and connect the Union.

Keep all tubing reservoirs in the bottle containing HPLC water /solvent
(degassed) and proceed following steps.

Step 2: Dry Prime:

Take 100 % Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) in Mobile phase reservoirs, and

execute the dry prime 5 minutes individually for each channel (line) at
flow rate 5ml/minutes during the dry prime outlet valve shall be opened.

Step 3: Wet  Prime:

Execute the wet prime 3 minutes individually for each channel (line) at
flow rate 5ml/minutes during the dry prime outlet valve shall be opened.

Note: Degasser shall be off during priming (preferably in Quaternary


Step 4: Needle Wash, Seal Wash, Injector Wash:

Perform these activities for the time as per default settings


Step 5:

Flush the HPLC system for 20 minutes by gradually increase the flow
1ml/minute to 5ml/minute, 25% flow from each channel (line).

Step 6:

Repeat wet prime, needle wash, seal wash, and injector wash as per
procedure mentioned above in step 2, 3, and 4 by using 100% HPLC
grade methanol.

Step 7:

Repeat wet prime, needle wash, seal wash, and injector wash as per
procedure mentioned above in step 2, 3, and 4 by using 100 %HPLC
grade water.
grade water.

Step 8:

Flush the HPLC system for 20 minutes by gradually increase the flow
rate 1 ml/min to 5 ml/minutes, 25% flow from each channel (line), (In
case of the Quaternary pump).

5.0   Reference & Annexure – Good Chromatography

Practices :
References :

21 CFR Part 11: Electronic Records ; Electronic Signatures

Schedule L1: Drug and Cosmetic Act (Good Laboratory Practices)

USP – NF: USP 40, NF -35, Chapter <621>

Annexure 1: Mobile Phase Preparation Record

Product / Material :
B. No. / A.R. No. : 1. ………………….. 2. ………………..3. …………………. 4.

Tests : 1. …………………. 2. …………………… 3. …………………….. 4.


Mobile Phase Quantity: …………………………………ml

Date of preparation: …………………………………

Prepared by: …………………………………

Date of Usage: …………………………………

Quantity Used: ………………………………….

Quantity Destroyed: …………………………………

Destroyed by (Sign/Date): …………………………………

Annexure 2: Chromatogram Checklist

Product / Sample: _______________ A.R. No.: ________________

Test :_____________________ Batch No.:_____________________

1. Integration Parameters printed on the last Standard

chromatogram of System suitability / Processing Method
printout attached.

2. Chromatograms in serial of Blank, Standard, and Sample from

the first Injection.

3. Cancellation of any chromatogram justified (Justification


4. Each chromatogram properly identified.

5. Chromatograms checked for the proper peak shape and
baseline and identify Peaks.

6. System Suitability Parameters filled in the respective

template/worksheet and should be within the limit.

7. In Chromatographic Purity/ Degradation/ Related

Substances/Stability samples analysis, run the chromatogram
2.5 times the RT of principal peak or as specified in individual
GTP/Pharmacopoeial Monograph.

8. The method and integration parameters the same throughout

the analysis.

9. Any type of Reintegration authorized.

10. Samples bracketed by Standards as per the system. If not,


Remarks (If any):

pharmabeginers $
Janki Singh is experienced in Pharmaceuticals, author and founder of Pharma Beginners, an
ultimate pharmaceutical blogging platform. Email:


Microbiologist Qualification : SOP & Protocol »

Microbiologist Qualification : SOP & Protocol »


« HVAC System Qualification Protocol (Validation)


$ % & ' (


pharmabeginers $


GC Analysis / General HPLC Practices / HPLC Analysis / Reverse Phase to Normal




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GENERAL INQUIRIES +91-9002009126

Office Address:
165, Shiv Colony, Pinjore, Panchkula, Haryana, India 134102


Depyrogenating Tunnel – Qualification Protocol (PQ)

Reference Standard, Working Standard Handling

Quality Metrics – New FDA Guideline

Dietary Supplements Recall Guideline

Grounding Requirement for Equipment and Building

All Rights Reserved View Non-AMP Version

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