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1st Page - Essay

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our way of life. Early signs of recovery are emerging as
the rate of infections starts to slow in some of the hardest-hit areas. Businesses, public spaces,
and other services are slowly reopening in some towns, countries, and states. Even as people
return to work, education, and a more normal life, there will be a risk of infection before a safe,
effective coronavirus vaccine is available.
Every family around the world is going through the changes that are taking place due to COVID-
19 disease. There are many parents experience stress and have difficulty balancing their work,
care or upkeep with children, at the same time, the maintenance of households especially if they
are separated from their relatives or in people who served as their home -run counterparts before
the epidemic. Undeniable that Community Quarantine provided an opportunity for many families
to come together and give of time with each other. It is have a good effect somehow because
family that stays together are like a stars on the sky.Staying in your home provided an
opportunity to feel loved and attention to your children. But many parents or guardians of
children in homes do also experiences confusion and challenges.
And it is inevitable that in the midst of this pandemic, we sometimes experience anxiety, stress
and so on. Covid-19 has changed us a lot not only in us but all over the world many have lost
their jobs especially the street vendors that sometimes I see on television on how many people
affected by this covid-19, but even then, it is gradually surviving even in our situation where we
are still hesitant to come out to live.
Despite the CoronaVirus's many negative effects, it also served as an advantage. We should
simply obey the government's rules and do what we need to do to keep the virus from spreading.
We should see the benefits of this as well, and still pray to God instead. It might be possible to
prevent or even cure the virus by doing so. It quietly can help to lighten the situation.

2nd page- Speech

Good morning to each and every one of you. I'm going to give a quick speech about the
environment. All living things, as well as their surroundings, make up our environment. A
healthy environment is one that can be sustained for a long time. Everyone depends on it for
survival. It guides everyone's life and determines optimal growth and development.
Our life's good or bad quality is determined by the state of our natural environment. The
environment influences our needs for food, water, shelter, and other necessities. Between the
environment and the life of humans, plants, and animals, there must be a natural cycle that is
balanced. Human society is contributing significantly to the degradation of the natural
environment, which has a negative impact on human life on our planet. In today's world, every
human action has a direct impact on our ecology. Many of our actions have caused significant
changes on this planet, resulting in numerous environmental issues. Another key reason is the
growing need for technologies and industries. Another important factor is deforestation. The
human population is increasing at a fast rate and therefore to meet their daily consumption we
need to cut forests and trees. It may be for home or for fuel, but we are causing great loss to the
environment. Depletion of natural resources such as water, fuel, and food are also causes. Human
overconsumption of resources and inefficient trash disposal, on the other hand, have resulted in a
massive amount of solid and hazardous garbage. These wastes pose additional environmental
Finally, I'd want to emphasize the importance of environmental consciousness in both our
society and our daily lives. Our environment must be preserved and protected. Everyone, in my
opinion, has a responsibility to contribute to environmental protection. As a result, let us work
together to make the future greener and more sustainable.

3rd page – 2 paragraphs

A. The most memorable experience is always difficult for me to forget and remains fresh in
my mind at all times. All my life, I've remembered the sensation of being. My family and
I spent our vacation on Redang Island last summer. This is one of the beautiful beaches in
Malaysia. My family taught me a lot of fascinating facts about Redang Island. There are
plenty intriguing sights and activities to enjoy. I and my siblings are very pleased and
excited to get to Redang island. Redang island is located in Terengganu who takes the
time 8 hours to get there from Kuala Lumpur. After arriving in Terengganu, we will
board a boat to Redang Island. The journey to Redang Island takes 40 minutes. We
arrived at a larger pontoon boat anchored in the middle of the reef after a short boat ride.
I was prepared with my medium flippers, a life jacket, large goggles, and, most
importantly, a snorkel after watching a quick instructional video on how to snorkel. In the
sea, I can see a variety of fish. There are many different types of fish, both tiny and
unusual. My family and I are quite pleased to view the gorgeous and unique fish,
therefore our only activities on Redang Island are snorkeling and diving. We should
return home after three days on Redang Island. The day had flown by. That day left a
lasting impression on my family and me. I will never forget the experience of a holiday
B. Bullying comes in many different forms, from cyber bulling to physical bullying. It’s all
wrong and it has to stop. Bullying has a real negative effect on the victim’s life. Those
who are constantly bullied can be pushed to the breaking point, where they could end up
hurting themselves or others. Why do students bully their class mates? I believe students
bully other because they are insecure and lack confidence. They use bullying tactics to
impress other students. Bullies thrive on attention they get from their fellow classmates.
Their hurtful actions make them feel powerful and popular. Bullies pick on students who
they think are weak in physical stature, unpopular with their peers, easily intimated, or
discriminated against. Bullying occurs on a regular basis in many schools. It’s usually
started by the same person or a ring leader who gets a few other students to join in on the
bullying. Unfortunately, the majority of students are spectators who act like the “peanut
gallery” laughing out loud or snickering behind the victim’s back. The “peanut gallery”
may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the sidelines giving their attention to
the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a bully, I have been part of
the “peanut gallery” that makes bullying an even worse situation. The “peanut gallery”
are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. As students, we can take
action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas to make this happen. I and a
group of students would dedicate one week at the beginning of the school year to hold an
anti-bullying campaign called “Bully Beatdown.” The “Bully Beatdown” campaign
would raise awareness to the issues of bullying. For the campaign kick-off, I would hold
a rally for students to share their personal stories and experience with bullying. I would
invite a counselor or a psychologist specializing in anti-social behavior to speak at the
rally about the effects of bullying. The person could train students on anti-bullying
tactics. During the “Bully Beatdown” campaign, I would have students perform skits
acting out different bullying scenarios and ways they can stop bullying such as
befriending a victim of bullying. To promote my campaign, I would pass out information
flyers and pamphlets, buttons, and signs to post throughout the school in bathrooms,
gyms, lunchrooms, and hallways. Another feature of the campaign will have students
sign a social contract agreeing to not participate in bullying of any kind, to stand up for
the victims of bullying, to not be a bystander to bullying, and to report bullying to
teachers or a responsible adult. I would create an organization called “Bully Guardians”
which is a community of students who act as a support network for students targeted by
bullies. The students who were spectators to bullying can become a “Bully Guardian.”
Many students are afraid to report bullying incidents they observe because they might
become targets themselves. I would create an “Anonymous Email System” for those
students who don’t want to report an incident in-person to a teacher or the principal. The
student could send an email explaining the bullying incident they saw or encountered.
After the campaign kick-off, I propose that each month schools devote a day to bully
awareness and to report on the progress they’ve made to stop bullying. I believe my plan
of action is practical and easy to implement in schools.

4th page – Speech

Something I thought I knew

My buddies were intrigued when I told them I was giving a speech at a high school. So I asked
them, what do you wish someone had told you in high school? Their answers were remarkably
similar. So let me tell you something that we all wish someone had told us. I'll start by telling
you something you don't have to know in high school: what you want to do with your life.
People always ask you this, so you believe you should know the answer. Adults, on the other
hand, usually ask this as a conversation starter. They want to know who you are as a person, and
this question is just to get you going. They inquire about it. You don't need to be in a rush to
choose your life's work. You must first determine what you enjoy. If you want to be good at
what you do, you must work on things you enjoy.

Nothing appears to be easier than picking what you like, yet it turns out to be difficult, partially
because most careers are difficult to accurately visualize. Being a doctor is not as glamorous as it
appears on television. Fortunately, you can also watch real doctors, by volunteering in hospitals.
Don't think that you can't do what other people can. And I believe that you should not undervalue
your abilities. People who have accomplished great things are often perceived as a separate race.
And most biographies only exaggerate this illusion, partly due to the worshipful attitude
biographers inevitably sink into, and partly because, knowing how the story ends, they can't help
streamlining the plot till it seems like the subject's life was a matter of destiny, the mere
unfolding of some innate genius. In reality, I imagine that if you were in school with
Shakespeare or Einstein at sixteen, they would appear outstanding, but not unlike your other
classmates. If they were like us, they would have had to put forth a lot of effort to achieve their
goals. That is one of the reasons we believe in genius. It provides us with an excuse to be
indolent. If these folks were only able to do what they did because of some supernatural
Shakespearean or Einsteinian ability, then it's not our fault if we can't match them.
I'm not denying the existence of talent. However, if you're deciding between two ideas and one
of them gives you an excuse to be lazy, the other one is probably correct.

5th page- Short Story

“The Tiger in the Tunnel” tells the story of an Indian family who faces the stark reality of their
humble existence with honor and duty. These themes pervade the lives and acts of the characters,
highlighting Bond's perspective on service and family, as well as the idea of family protection.
Tembu is a twelve-year-old kid who lives with his mother and younger sister, as well as his
father, Baldeo. They reside in an Indian tribal community on the fringes of a jungle. The family's
livelihood is limited because they rely on a nearby rice field for food, which yields very little. To
earn more money, Baldeo works as a watchman for the railroad. He's assigned to a nearby way
station and must sleep in a makeshift hut beside the story's namesake tunnel, which is carved into
the rock. Baldeo's task is to maintain the signal lamp lit and ensure that the tunnel is clear of
obstructions so that the overland mail can travel through. The villagers all tell stories of an
infamous tiger known as a “man-eater.” The tiger has supposedly been seen quite often in the
area, especially around the tunnel. Baldeo, however, has never seen or even heard the tiger while
on his trips to check on the signal lamp. Even if he did, Baldeo is confident in his ability to
manage himself. Not only is he familiar with the jungle, he carries a weapon. It's a little axe that
Baldeo wields with finesse and expertise. Baldeo's father gave it to him, and he regards it as an
extension of himself. Baldeo discovers that the signal light is out when he arrives at the tunnel
and begins about relighting it. He then walks down the length of the tunnel to ensure that there
are no obstructions in the way. The train is late this night, but Baldeo notices the ground
quivering, which indicates the approaching overland mail train. Tembu is still awake back at the
hut, and soon feels the trembling of the ground as well, so waits for his father to return as his
work should be done. Right before the train reaches the tunnel, a tiger springs into the entrance
and charges at Baldeo. He keeps his back to the signal lamp and brandishes his axe. Baldeo
lunges to one side when the tiger attacks and manages to bury his axe in the tiger's shoulder. The
fierce blow only upsets the tiger more, and it attacks Baldeo again. Baldeo leaps to the tiger's
side and rams his axe into its shoulder once more. The axe, however, becomes stuck too far into
the shoulder blade this time, rendering Baldeo defenseless. Baldeo is armed to the teeth. The
tiger is furious. Baldeo is torn apart. Baldeo is killed. The train whistle can be heard. The tiger
wants to run. It cannot, however, run quickly. It has a broken leg. The tiger is dispatched by the
train. The engine driver comes to a complete halt at the next station. He notices the tiger's lifeless
body. He's taken aback. He guesses what has happened. Thembu wakes up. He sets out to find
his father. He finds his father's body. He's completely broken. He gets granted the same job as
his father the next week. His father makes him very proud. He brings his father's sword with
him. As a result, "The Tiger in the Tunnel" is a lovely little story.
6th page- Activities
Activity A.
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak has had a significant influence on daily life, as well as
the global economy. Fever, chills, coughing up bone pieces, and difficulty breathing are the most
frequent symptoms of the flu or a viral infection, which can lead to pneumonia. Major
precautions should be taken, such as maintaining a regular cleaning regimen, maintaining social
distance, and wearing masks, among other things. To prevent the disease from spreading and
breaking the exponential distribution curve, governments limited public meetings at the outset of
the pandemic. Several countries confined their residents in order to prevent the spread of this
highly dangerous sickness. With the discovery of immunizations, however, this scenario had
significantly changed. The research aims to investigate the effect of the Covid-19 epidemic and
its impact on the population’s well-being. The link between socioeconomic determinants of
health and health outcomes is gaining popularity. Despite this, many medical professionals and
academics have been unwilling to acknowledge racism as a cause in racial health disparities.
While helping to feed the world’s population, millions of paid and unpaid agricultural laborers
suffer from high levels of poverty, hunger, and bad health, as well as a lack of safety and labor
safeguards, as well as other kinds of abuse at work. Poor people who do not have access to social
assistance are forced to work longer and harder hours, often in dangerous occupations, putting
their families in danger (Daniel Pg 96). When faced with a financial emergency, people may
resort to risky financial practices such as asset liquidation, predatory lending, or child labor to
make ends meet.
In conclusion, the Covid 19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on people's health. The
global economy has been destabilized as the majority of people have been left jobless while job
operations have been halted. Because the majority of people have lost their jobs, their living
conditions have deteriorated dramatically. Furthermore, the education sector has been impacted
because most learning institutions prefer to employ online learning, which is less successful than
traditional methods. Most wealthy countries have seen their populations stabilize slowly since
the advent of vaccines, whilst poor countries have been unable to vaccinate the majority of their
Activity B.
This is a place for poets. That was the feeling that enveloped me as I arrived on the Korean
island of Jeju.
We drove through the lush countryside, each tree a vibrant, velvety green. Horses and cows
grazed peacefully in the grassy fields, and many stones lined the road. Seeing the rock walls that
had been built to block the wind, I pictured the rough, worn hands of the people who labored to
lay each stone--hands that had seen so much effort and toil.
I looked toward Mount Halla, a mysterious peak. It seemed as though the spirits of all living
beings in the universe had gathered to form it. Holding a quiet dialogue with the heavens, this
mountain, like a great loving mother, seemed to embrace all the immense joys of life, as well as
the anguished cries that have slipped through mouths shut tightly in grief.

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