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A IM S : Language related to: interests, hobbies, art, sport, online games, music, collections

• Identifying detailed information • Classifying vocabulary • Completing forms and tables

• Multiple-choice questions

Part 1: Vocabulary

la Look at the pictures. Copy and complete the table with the numbers of the pictures and the
names of the activities.

Hobby Interest Sports

lb Now read the definitions below and check your answers.

Vocabulary note

A hobby is an activity you do for pleasure in your spare tim e. It often involves doing
som ething w ith your hands or collecting som ething, for example, painting and collecting
stamps are hobbies.
A sport is a game that involves physical activity.
An interest is something you enjoy doing. It may be a hobby, or a sport, but not always. For
example, going to the cinema is an interest, but it is not a hobby or a sport.

Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Unit 9

Exam tip
Knowing that a w ord belongs to a group of w ords w ill make it easier for you to predict
w hat you are going to hear in the recording. For example, if you know that stam p
collecting is a hobby, you w ill be ready to listen for other w ords connected w ith hobbies.

Put the following words in the correct column. Remember, hobbies and sports are interests,
but not all interests are hobbies or sports.

playing chess gardening travelling listening to m usic football

going to art galleries running cooking sw im m ing

Hobbies Interests Sports

c o lle c tin g qclwz. to the c w c lln g

^j)) 3 You will hear some people talking about what they are planning to do in their free time.
11 Write the activity next to the speaker in each conversation. Check that your spelling is
correct. Use only one word for each answer.

Conversation A Conversation C
Speaker 1 : ..................................... Speaker 1 : .....................................
Speaker 2 : ..................................... Speaker 2 : .....................................

Conversat on B Conversation D
Speaker 1 ..................................... Speaker 1 : ........
Speaker 2 ..................................... Speaker 2 : ........

0 < * t/
Spelling is im portant in the listening test. Rem em ber that som e w ords sound the
same, but are w ritte n differently, fo r example to, too and two. W hen you hear these
words, you w ill have to think about w hich one is gram m atically possible.

Complete these sentences with the correct spelling, to, too or two.

1 Michael w a n ts ................... go travelling in the vacation.

2 Jerem y h a s ............................................much w ork to do.
3 Annie h a s .................sisters in Germany.
4 Edward i s .................lazy to study for his exams.
5 Elizabeth w ould like to g o .................Paris for the summer.
6 Faizal is pla n n in g this year.

Hobbies, interests and sports 61

Part 2: Skills development

Exam tip
Some words can be confused because tw o letters may sound similar, for example: p and
b, I and r. If you find these tricky, make sure you get plenty of practice before the exam.

^ ))) Listen to the recording and circle the word you hear. You will hear the words twice.
1 fly / f r y 6 p la y / pray
2 play / pray 7 lead /re a d
3 le a d / read 8 fly/fry
4 blade / played 9 blade / played
5 collect / correct 10 collect / correct

4 ))) 2 Now you will hear a conversation between two people discussing their hobbies. Circle the
13 words you hear.

1 flying / frying / fly in 3 leading / reading / lead in

2 play / played / blade

Exam information I Table completion

In this type of task, you w ill have to com plete a table w ith information from the
recording. Before you listen, read the headings of the columns in the table to see w hat
kind of information you need to listen for. Remember to keep to the word count.

This table shows how one person keeps a record of the stamps in their collection. Look at
the headings in the table and make a note of what kind of information is required in each
column, e.g. a number, a name, a date.

Value Picture Year Origin

(1) colour, im aae (3) (4)

^ ))) 4 You are going to hear a boy talking to a friend about his stamp collection. Listen and
14 complete the table about the stamps. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.

Value Picture Year Origin

32 c e n ts c ardina l h o n e y e a te r
( 1 ) ................ (2 ) ................

25 c e n ts p a rro t
(3)................. (4).................

62 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Exam information I Completing forms
In this type of question you w ill often need to listen for num bers and letters. These
m ight be part of an address, name, age or phone number. Before you listen, read the
form carefully. It w ill give you a lot of clues about the topic of the recording and the
kind of inform ation you w ill need.

Before you hear a student applying to join a mountain climbing club, read the list of
questions below and make a note of the kind of information you need.

Question Type of information

t Are you over 18? age
2 Where do you live?
3 What's your family name?
4 Do you have a number where I can contact you?

5 Do you have any health problems?

6 Do you have any climbing experience?

Now you will hear a young man talking to the administrator of a climbing club. Complete his
application form.

M ountain High Climbing Club

Membership Application form

Name: (1)
Age: (2 )......
Address: (3) H ig h b u ry Square, LONDON, W1
Telephone number: 07209 (4 )................................................
Health problem s: No
Previous experience: (circle one) (5) none / som e / extensive

Hobbies, interests and sports

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