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TAHUN PELAJARAN .....................

Kelas : IV (Empat)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Waktu : 120 Menit
Tanggal Pelaksanaan : ...............................................

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. My father has a father. He is my ....
a. grandfather b. sister c. son d. niece

Scheme for number 2 – 6

Mr. Lathif Mrs. Lathifah

Mr. Wahyu Mrs. Syarifah

Mr. Yusuf Mrs. Sarah

Fadhil Husna Neila Farid

2. Fadhil is Mr. Wahyu’s ....

a. father b. brother c. son d. sister
3. Mrs.Syarifah has two childrens. They are ....
a. Farid, Husna b. Fadhil, Husna c. Fadhil, Farid d. Neila, Farid
4. Mrs. Sarah is Mr. Yusuf’s ....
a. husband b. nephew c. son d. wife
5. Mr. Yusuf is Fadhil’s ....
a. uncle b. sister c. aunt d. nephew
6. Fadhil is Neila’s ....
a. nephew b. cousin c.niece d. brother

7. She is ....

d. nephew c. father b. uncle a. grandmother

8. “Grandson” in indonesian means ....

a. cucu laki-laki b. cucu perempuan c. nenek d. kakek| Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester

2 1
9. sister – in – the office – Nurul’s – works
1 2 3 4 5
The correct sentence is ....
a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 c. 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4
b. 4 – 1 - 5 – 2 – 3 d. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 - 4
10. o – i – c – u – s – n
The correct word is ....
a. cuosin b. suocin c. cousin d. sincou
11. Mrs. Rahma ....three daughter.
a. have b. makes c. has d. use
12. Our aunt is our parent’s ....
a. sister b. daughter c. mother d. grandmother

13. My .... is eighty nine years old.

a. grandparent c. grandmother
b. b. grandfather d. grandson

14. A : Does your uncle have a son ?

B : No, ....

a. he doesnot b. she doesnot c. he isnot d. she isnot

15. This .... is thorny.

d. pineapple c. durian b. starfruit a. grape

16.This mango isnot sweet but ....

a. sour b. juicy c. salty d. thorny
17.My mother sells oranges in the ....
a. greengrocer b. stationary c. fruitstall d. hospital

18. A .... is red. It is very juicy.

d. watermelon c. jackfruit b. melon a. avocado

19.A : What is chilli like ?

B : It is ....

a. salty b. sweet c. hot d. juicy

20.“ Spinach “ in Indonesian means ....

a. seledri b. wortel c. kubis d. bayam

21. A farmer plants ...... in the ricefield.

d. cucumber c. pumpkin b. potato a. corn| Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 2

22. A : Do you like mushroom ? B :
....., I don’t.

a. yes b. do c. is d. no

23.Cabbage, broccoli, bean are kinds of .....

a. fruits b. animals c. vegetables d.transportation
24.Tomato contains vitamin ....
a. A b. B c. C d. D
25.My sister makes meatball. She needs ....
a. selery b. bean c. carrot d. cabbage

II. Fill the blanks correctly !

1. a – h – f – r – t – e
The correct word is ....
2. Father, mother, son, and daughter are ............. of family.
3. “ Cucu perempuan “ in english means .................
4. Mrs. Anita ......... a sister.
5. Mangosteen is very ........
6. Rambutan, avocado, apple are kinds of ....................
7. Do they like pear ?
Yes, ............
8. We can buy vegetables in the .............
9. Ardi likes to ................. tomato.
10. Fruits and vegetables are good for our ................

III. Answer these questions correctly !

Translate into Indonesian !
1. Let’s buy grape.
2. What is cucumber like ?
Arrange these words !
3. a – likes – carrot – eat – rabbit – to
4. green – a – is – sour – mango.
5. Mrs.Ahmad – vegetables – in – buys – the greengrocer.| Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 3

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