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FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OWERRI SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERIN ‘Course Code; ECE 407; File and Database System Management Session: 20192020, Instruction: Attempt five (5) questions, Question | is compulsory — Date: 19/02/2021 Time: 21165. 30 min Question 1 (20 Marks) 1, The process of gathering data from multiple heterogeneous sources is known as... 2. The summarized data that leads us to the detailed data, which is also defined as data about data is called... 3. OLAP is an acronym for Online Analytical Processing, while OL'TP stands for, sseesees 8 Software used t0 store, and manage data in a database, 5 a collection of related entries, which consist of numerous columns and rows, 6, The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects which is called. isa row of data in which individual entry exists a collective set of multiple data sets organized in Tables, records, and columns, ‘An open source SQL database that is not controlled by any corporation, which is used for web: application is : {s the most popuilar open source SQL database used for web application development, and sed using php. , -ssis a large non-open source database application used in banking industry. 12, What does RDBMS stands for, is a popular open source SQL database used in cell phones, MP3 players, nd other electronic gadgets: : isa repository of information collected from multiple sources, stored under @ unified schema, and usually residing at a single site. 15. The full meaning of NoSQL is m2 a. What isa file system? (ii) Highlight 2 classifications of file (ii) Explain 2 types of file organization ambyive one sdvantage and cisadvantage for'zaci (9 Marks) b. Define data (ii) Give 7 drawbacks of using filz system of storing data. (3 Marks) cc. Explain 4 types of data models (ii) Differentiate between DDL and DML (6 Marks) Question 3 a, What is data dictionary? (ii) Explain 2 types of data dictionary? (3 Marks) b, Define DCL and TCL (ii) Highlight 4 types of DB users. (iii) What is database Admin?, Give 3 functions ofa database Admin. (10 Marks) c. List 6 stages of DB design, (ii) How can you use database management system to control and crime rate in Nigeria? (7 Marks) Question + a. Write short note on DBMS, (i of Stored Data, Database Structure, Number ofc ire fh Database. (8 Marks) % b, What is SQL? (ii) State ovo advantages an Write short note on Oracle DB Question 7 ‘ ‘a, What is Data Mining? (ii) Mention 3 b, Hightight 7 steps involved in Know components of RDBMS, (10 Marks) ci What is the differen ct oriented data warehouse si ree ignify? (4 Marks) between data warehouse and sing (li) State 5 functions performed by data ‘data mining techniques (4 Marks) c. What is primary key in DBMS? ‘iy Highigh 5 IPs of key in DBMS é Les 7 edge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process (i) List 6 major (6 Marks) wy FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY oWERR I ELECTRICAL/BLECTRONIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT a 2019/2020 HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS TIME: 3 H TECHNOLOGY ECE 405: SEMICONDUCTOR DEV! ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN SECTION A AND ANY 3 QUESTIONS FROM sEcrION B INSTRUCTIONS: SORY AND IT CARRIES 40MARKS) SECTION A (THIS SECTION IS COMPU! 1. Instead of having discrete energies as in the case of free atoms, the available energy states form bands in solid and liquid materials. True/Faise, 2, The two factors that influence oxide growth are 4. Mevialscan only conduct if there are electrons inthe valence band, True/False? 4. ‘The value of electron concentration, » and the value for Ey are same for all metals. True/False? and ‘The four-point probe is used in IC fabrication for ». Two reasons why Silicon is preferred to germanium for fabrication of I ICs are ..... With a forward bias p-n junction, the width of depletion layer increases. Tyie/False? “ and 8. Intel Pentium microprocessor is an analog IC. True/False? 9. Semiconductor at 0K temperature behave as.. in IC fabrication for. 10. Ion implantation is a process used 11. The equation for mass action law is 12. The difference between passive and active semiconductor devices is 13. The purpose of distillation and decomposition of Trichlorosilane is. 14: orbidden energy gap exists only in metals. irue/Faise 15. Photoresists are materials used for. a 16. Two advantages of integrated circuits over discrete components and 17, Silicon is an excellent conductor with a positive temperature coefficient. True/False 18. Two examples of compound semiconductors are «.......... 19. The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor is 20. RCA clean implemented before oxidation to SECTION B: ANSWER ANY 3 QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION, EACH CARRIES 20 MARKS. la. Briefly explain the purpose of photolithography in Integrated Circuits fabrication. With the aid of appropriate diagrams describe the process flow for photolithography (8marks).. 1b. List two alternatives to Photolithography and the benefits. (4marks), Ic. Give one reason why semiconductor device fabrication is carried out in Cleanrooms. Outline cleanroom etiquettes for IC fabrication workers. (8 marks) 2a, Sketch the energy band diagram for an n-type semiconductor, clearly showing the donor energy level, Fermi level, the valence and conductor bands, (6matks). ‘ b. Using appropriate diagram, describe the fabrication process flow from silica reduction to polis! wafers. (Smarks). scribe using a table how Float Zone compares with Czochralski erystals. (6marks). ctor Devices Tech 2019/2020 lak il FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY owerni SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINELiUING TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONS ENGINEERING ode: EEE 407; Linear System Theory Session: 2019 / 2490 Course e Tnstruction; Section A Is; eee By Other 3 Questions With at Least One J Firom Section B And © ate: 021 Time: 3 hours guages ‘Tarmattan Semester Exam tance of state pace analysis of dynamic systems. ($ Marks) 'b. Sate the implications of all possible eigen values of a dynamic system. ($ Marks) ‘c. Derive the state space representation of the following differential equation ey 4 4 5= (9 8 marks) pepe tae tok OC d. Write down the minors and cofactors of each elements in determinant of A ry aft & comma bs 2 the vector space A and evaluate the SECTION B: Question 2 fa Show the justification forthe use of similarity transformation and state space method in solving oe > differential equation. (10 Marks) Es a Using the concept of similarity transformation and state space ‘method, solve the following differential equations: FO given the initial conditions x 0)=2,x(0) = 0 and K) - (10 Marks) i Question 3 ——. | : Derive the state space expression forthe RLC circuit shown in figQ3 (10 M, Ks) - | ee ee C-02cF 20) Comey ee | | ___-b- Determine the stability status of the cireuit when the switch is closed at t= 0 ci) )4100 " MeTSATAC 1 :9b0 9100.) 1. The irs, second and fourth terms of an A.Pare the three consecutive terms of aG.P find the, # ‘common ratio (10 Marks). laa be) Ba poperee of deteinant show that [bt 5 ex|=— Jat ot )- 10 Nar) a4 4] nt 4 oman 1 f. Using determinant find the area ofa triangle with vertices (-3, 5) (3, 6) and (7,2) (S marks) Solve the following sets of equation using Cramer's rule Sx-7y+z=11 NOLOGY OWE ‘| SCHOOL, OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINERIUNG TECHNOLOGY g DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL /ELCTRONIC ENGINE HUNG 7) "1019/2020 HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION 7 HCE ALT: APPLIED ELECTRONICS 12" Feb 2001 Iustruetion: Attempt five Questions in all, Two questions Fach should come fron respectively while Section A is compulsory Units: 3, Tiny HON A: compulsory ; ‘ay With the aid of cineuit diagrany and waveforms; deseribe the types of rectifiers and th snatks) {) Explain the operations ofthe following diodes, sketching their symbols and applications stated underneath; (i) Varaeter ode (i) Photodiode (ii) Solar Diode (iv) LED (8 marks) se circuit diagrams, 1-V characteristics and brief explanations where appropriate; differentiate) Diode as a clipper diode as a clamper (ii) Zener effect versus kcal Diode (6 marks) 1A 45.0y bridge regulated power supply the following components: 1000f , 1.0f capacitors, ‘transformer, fuse and earthing materials, State the functions of each of the thegé outlined components (B marks) Section 1 and Section ¢ S hours ipplications respectively. (s Bs Attempt any Two questions of your choles si the following devices, an give one spesifi aplication foreach: () Passive sensors i) Absolute sensor Sensor (iy) Transducer (v) Transmitter (7 marks) “ Ja tabular form, explain the various types of thermocouple JAK.1 &E which fe which are “note metal” based on; the material, sensitivity, temperature range and app! ‘with the aid of a block diagram, briefly discuss the operations of infrared pyrometer. Hi ‘gun used during COVID-19 pand i) (6 marks). ice explain this; thermometer nic is said (o have similar applications with infrared pyrometer but with limitations (7 ie are of two types, explain them with ar mn Then calculate the P-values at 25% and 100" of appli ven that a 10kO NTC thermistor has af value of 3466 between the temperati ‘cand | a. f the temperature range of 25% and 10M (5 {bY by the use oF scebck effect principles. explain the operation of thermo*couples. Diagram essential (S marks) EE BAUS performance specifications of digital -to-analog eotverter (DAC) G marks) BoP Tavamazes wuiitot siswrals over auakyg signals. Als, state the areas of application of ADCs and BACs respectively. (7 maths) 4a) Using a block diagram, explain the basic operation of an ADC (Amarks) Serbia {b) Discuss elaborately with block diagrams, the 2 important stages of ADC process (5S marks) (6) For an ADC that has 10-bit resolution with Sv system of interest, what wi be the digital guia 2.12? (amar) (@) Outline the various types of DAC, with emphases on their diagrams, operations, applications, merits a and demerits respectively. (7 marks) 2 b ps ss SECTION C: Attempt any two questions of your choice SMD as /5(2) By the use of Energy diagrams at; (i) instant forrgation and (ii) at equilibrium, receptively, discuss the formation of Pe tion depletion region. (8 marks). {b) briefly explain the effect of (i) forward bias (ii) reverse bias and ( Junction diode (9mark). (c) State the typical barrier potential values of (i) ger marks) ) Barrier potential on depletion region of a Poe id 6(a) Give explanation of conduction in n- marks). b) What are; generation, recombination, diffusion and drift provesses during currents flow across semiconductor “Bmarks). ih boyy merchant ©) describe the formation of a Pa- Junetion (6 marks) Apa ler” ale ee H(a) i, Deseribe the two types of transducers that you know? agar" eee ne ii, Give two examples of each type with its application, “tenn” “(5 marks) Fy F ' With the help of a diagram, explain the operation of a carbon microphone? (10 marks ~ Define the following: open circuit sensitivity, Dynamic range, Vibration sensitivity? (S types semiconductor materials respectively. Diagrams are FEDERAL UNIVE 7 SCHOOL OF r GINE : NIOFBLECTRICAL yp 11)!" TNO MARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINA Toy 4) 0 ENGINEERING 7 EEE 409 (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTION: ANSWER FIVE QUESTIONS ONLY. TIME ALLOW a pupil engineer, saddled with management of 0 SESSION ANALYSIS Iv) an electrical network, about SLEE(T MKS) Aliscuss the seven variables to be sea one line diagram to indicate a model interconnected with «7 imp ,

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