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JUNE, 2022

I declare that this dissertation is truly my original work and has never submitted at any time for
award any academic qualification to the university. I declare that this thesis DESIGN OF A
research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and
is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

Name: Yusuf Abdirahman Mahmud Signature: ------------------------------------


I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and, in my opinion, this thesis is sufficient in terms
of scope and quality for award of the degree of Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineering.

"I confirm that the work presented in this project was carried out by the candidate under my

Supervisor’s Name: Dr. Abdul Rashid Omar Mumin

Supervisor’s Signature: __________________________

Date: ____/_______/ 2022


APPLICATION” prepared by and submitted to our honourable students and Faculty of
Engineering in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
in Telecommunication Engineering has been examined and approved by the panel on oral

Name of Chairman: Panelist Name:

Signature: _____________________ Signature: ________________________

Supervisor’s Name: Dr. Abdul Rashid Omar Mumin

Signature: __________________________


Signature: __________________________

Date: ______/_______/ 2022


In the name of Allah S. W. T, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise to Allah, deep and humble
gratitude to ALLAH Almighty for providing the opportunity and giving me the strength to
complete this work. I am sincerely grateful to my supervisor, Dr Abdul Rashid Omar Mumin
for his guidance, constructive ideas, invaluable support and encouragement. Their broad
knowledge, willingness to spend their time to help and dedication to quality have made this
project possible. Thanks, and acknowledgement to SIMAD Staffs for their assistance and
suggestions. Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents, my brothers, my sisters, and
for their praying and patience.


1.1 Background Study 1

1.2 Problem Statement 5

1.3 Objectives 5

1.4 Scope of Study 6

1.5 Significant of study 6

1.6 Thesis structure 6


2.1 Introduction 7

2.1.1 History of a small patch Antenna at 3.5 GHZ 9

2.1.2 Advantage and Disadvantages of a small patch antenna at 3.5 GHZ 10

2.2 Previous studies 11

2.2.1 A Hexa-Band Quad-Circular-Polarization Slotted Patch Antenna for 5G,

GPS, WLAN, LTE, and Radio Navigation Applications 11

2.2.2 A Small Dual Band (28/38 GHz) Elliptical Antenna For 5G Applications
With DGS. 12


2.2.4 A High Gain Patch Antenna Array with Defected Ground Structure for
5G Applications. 13



2.2.6 Dual Band Patch Antenna for Bluetooth and Wireless Local Area
Networks Applications. 15

2.2.7 A new double L-shaped multiband patch antenna on a polymer resin

material substrate. 17

2.2.8 A Miniaturized Printed Antenna with Extended Circular Patch and

Partial Ground Plane for UWB Applications. 18

2.2.9 Shape Patch Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications 19

2.3 Summary of previous studies 20

3.1 Introduction 22

3.2 Project Flow Chart 23

3.3 CST microwave studio simulation and formulation 24

3.4 CST microwave studio simulation 25

3.5 Specification of parameters 27

3.6 Conclusion 27



Table 2.1: Summary of previous studies 20

Table 3.1: List of parameters 27


Figure 2.1: Geometry of a proposed antenna: (a) Top view, (a) Side view 12
Figure 2.2: The modified pyramid UWB horn (a) End view; (b) Side view [4] 13
Figure 2.3: Proposed configurations of design: (a) Single patch, (b) Array-1, (c) Array-2
(front view), (d) Array-2 (Back view). 14
Figure 2.4: Structure of Microstrip Patch Antenna [4] 15
Figure 2.5 Radiation pattern of the antenna at 2.4 GHz (a) E-plane, (b) H-plane. 16
Figure 2.6: current distribution of the antenna at two resonant frequencies. 17
Figure 2.7: Multi-layered substrate of solar cell antenna. 18
Figure 2.8: Proposed antenna geometry. (a) Front view. (b) Cross-sectional view. 19
Figure 3.1: Research process 22
Figure 3.2: Project Flow Chart 23
Figure 3.3: Project Flow Chart 25
Figure 3.4: Front 26
Figure 3.5: Ground 26



1.1 Background Study

Since the development of First-Generation technology: 1G, Second Generation: 2G,

Third Generation: 3G, Fourth Generation: 4G and finally, Fifth Generation: 5Gis being
realized [1-2]. There have been significant and noteworthy improvements with every
generation of communication system. Fifth Generation (5G) technology is designed to
offer alternatives to the limitations in the Fourth Generation (4G) technology. The
limitations include limited bandwidth and speed. In January 2020, the Malaysian
Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) established three bands,
which are 700 MHz, 3.5 GHz and 26/28 GHz for the implementation of the 5G in
Malaysia [3]. The 3.5 GHz frequency band is widely recognized and has been
approved in most countries [4]. Accordingly, this research focuses on 3.5 GHz for the
upcoming Fifth Generation (5G) applications.
The increased demand of cellular mobile communication requires peak data rate (> 10
Gbps), user experienced data rate (> 100 Mbps), network energy efficiency of greater
than 100 times IMT advanced, traffic capacity of greater than 10Mbps/m2. mobility
of 100Km/h, implementation of fifth generation cellular communication. The 5G
cellular communication is applied in three main areas such as enhancement of
broadband mobile communication, ultra-reliable and low latency communication and
massive machine type communication [5]. The frequency band allotted for 5G is
broadly categorized into sub 6GHz band and millimetre wave band. The antenna
design in the above two frequency bands is challenging because of additional bands

such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and near field communication. A few literatures related
5G are discussed here.
In the last decade, a large variety of wireless enabled portable devices such as
smartphones, tablets or laptops have been introduced. The implementation of new
mobile technologies further increases the bandwidth requirements of wireless systems
in order to cover recently allocated LTE and 5G frequency bands [6]. Recent research
works have allowed us to develop the design of antennas using textile materials in the
substrate, leading to devices called “wearable antennas” [7]. One of the main
advantages of the antennas based on textile materials is that they can be manufactured
using smart fabric and interactive textile systems [8], in which unobtrusive integration
of electronic components increases functionality of the garment [9,10].
Due to the tremendous growth of cellular data traffic, higher capacities and faster data
rates are needed. 5G technology with its new spectrum, larger bandwidth (BW) and
advanced antennas such as massive multiple input multiple output (mMIMO) has been
the promising solution to meet demanding requirements. In many countries, N78 band
(3.3−3.8 GHz) has been assigned for 5G new radio in sub-6 GHz. There has been
antenna research in 3.5 GHz band for WiMAX in the past. With the advent of 5G,
interest in 3.5 GHz band has increased rapidly. Many successful 5G trials around the
world are being conducted and widespread commercial deployment is expected to start
by 2020.
The 3.5 GHz frequency band has promising applications in the implementation of 5G
[11]. The speed of 5G network deployment in the mid-bands, such as 3.5 GHz, can be
significantly faster due to its propagation characteristics, which generally permit the
reuse of the existing macro site grid that uses 1.8 GHz spectrum. In addition, the bands’
capacities can be significantly higher than those of lower frequency bands. There have
been efforts to implement 5G using 3.5GHz frequency band. South Korea auctioned
3.42- 3.7 GHz in July 2018 and is studying 3.4-3.42 GHz and 3.7- 4.2 GHz. China
issued 5G licenses in June 2019 for 3.4-3.6 GHz. 3.3-3.4 GHz is being studied. Japan
awarded 3.6-4.1 GHz in April 2019. In the U.S., the 3.55-3.7 GHz band, also known
as the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band is being made available. The
U.S. is also studying the 3.7-4.2 GHz range where 200 MHz or more could be cleared
in the medium term and 3.45-3.55 GHz offered as a longer-term candidate. 3.4-3.8
GHz is a 5G pioneer band in Europe, where several countries, like the UK, Finland,

Italy, Spain, and Germany have conducted auctions and others like France are planning
them [12]-[13].
been proposed in the previous studies [14-18]. However, the existing dual-band and
dual-polarized antenna cannot meet the wide band requirements of 5G mm-Wave band
satisfied. For example, the design of [19] used a stacked patch antenna to achieve dual
band and dual polarization, but it has only about 2% bandwidth at lower and higher
frequencies, that is not feasible for 5G applications. In the literature [20], the design
using capacitive feed to achieve wideband characteristics in the mm-wave band was
proposed. However, the lack of dual-polarized characteristics makes it difficult to
apply for mobile applications. In addition, dual-band implementation is also an
important part of mm-wave antenna. In [21], a broadband patch antenna consists of
dual polarized meshed capacitive fed patch antennas with feed section in mobile phone
PCB, it achieves the 30% bandwidth, while lacking of the dual-band structures.
Planar inverted F antenna is the most popular antenna in mobile handsets. Loading of
shorting pin and slot in the conventional MSA decreases/increases its electrical length
respectively. This change in the electrical length changes the resonant frequency of
MSA, useful in designing compact MSA, dual frequency MSA and multi-frequency
MSA. The length of rectangular MSA is approximately equal to λ/2, hence, voltage at
the radiating edges of the patch is 180 degrees out of phase with each other. The current
is maximum at the center of the patch, implies impedance is zero exactly at the center
of the patch. When the shorting pin is inserted at the center of the patch, there is no
change in the performance of antenna but at the same time, electrical length of the
patch is reduced to half i.e., λ/4 compared to conventional rectangular MSA. Hence,
Planar Inverted F antenna is used for mobile handsets. The frequency bands used in
2G mobile communication are 900MHz and 1800 MHz GSM band. As the frequency
increases, the length of the patch is reduced. The length of patch for 3500 MHz band
is small than 900 MHz patch antenna. So, MIMO antenna with PIFA as unit element
can be accommodated in small space. It is the main objective and motivation of
proposed antenna design in this paper
Moreover, some additional components, like connector, coaxial cable, and RF
amplifier, are present, which increases noise and also reduce the bandwidth of the
system. Alternately, the photodiode can be brought close to the antenna, without
introducing other components in between them. The termed approach is Photonic
integrated Antennas (PIA) [22,23]. The advantages include lightweight, small size,

non-requirement of coaxial cable connection, offers wide bandwidth and better
immunity to electromagnetic interference. To reduce losses generated by transmission
cable, brought the fiber close to the antenna in integrated photonic antenna. This
approach also provides a reduction in cost due to non-inclusion of RF amplifier and
filters before the antenna. The photodiode output power is directly fed to the antenna,
limits the coverage area. Hence this methodology finds application in microcell and
picocell base stations, wireless hot spots.
A compact design of a MIMO antenna utilizing a pair of C-shaped parasitic structures
to reduce the mutual coupling of the dual-frequency/dual-port patch antennas is
proposed. The configuration of the design is composed of two patch antenna elements
fed by coaxial probes. By cutting a U-shaped slot on the radiation patch of the single-
element design, the antenna can exhibit dual-frequency function. The results show that
about 13 dB and 10 dB at mutual coupling reduction are achieved at first and second
resonances, without any impact on the frequency bandwidth and radiation
performance. The antenna design is optimized to operate at 2.6 GHz/3.6 GHz. Thus,
the proposed MIMO antenna can be used for fourth and fifth generation (4G/5G)
wireless communications.
One of the important issues in communication systems is the provision of the right
orientation between the transmitter and receiver antennas. Circularly polarized (CP)
antennas are good solutions to this problem. Using the CP antennas, there will be no
need to consider the orientation between the transmitter and receiver [24]. Apart from
this, overcoming the multipath fading problem, higher performance, and better
mobility and weather penetration with respect to the linearly polarized (LP) antennas
are of the admirable CP antennas features [25]. In recent years, research on circularly
polarized antennas has intensified due to their many advantages compared to linearly
polarized antennas. This is mainly due to CP antennas’ ability to operate with similar
radiation performance despite being installed in various random orientations.
Circularly polarized radiation can be realized by exciting two orthogonal modes with
equal amplitude and 90◦ phase difference. Antennas with circular polarization have
many advantages including reduced orientation constraints between transmitter and
receiver antennas, suppressed multi-path interferences, avoiding the need of
polarization alignment for terrestrial, and feeds and mitigated polarization mismatch
losses [26, 27]. Hence, the circularly polarized antennas are widely used in front-end
systems of wireless communication, satellite communication, and navigation systems

[28]. Consequently, various CP antennas with different geometries have been
experimentally characterized [29, 30].
In the daily life a common man wherever they go on an average carry one or more than
one antenna with them (For instance: In cell phones GPS system is linked with multiple
antennas). This indicates as wireless communication systems become an important
part of everyday life. In extension, to the RFID devices advise that the number of
antennas used may extend to one antenna per object in the world. The structure of a
four element and three lumped components, high-separated dual-element MIMO
antenna is to reduce the mutual coupling drastically [31]. It is analysed with the
coverage frequency band limit from 3.4 GHz to 3.6 GHz, in the C- band. An 8-
elements hybrid array antenna is composed with two- antenna arrays, these two are
operating at GSM and LTE [32] bands to achieve the better envelope correlation
coefficient value. The monopole parasitic inverted-L striped [33] MIMO antenna abide
of four elements arranged perpendicular to one another to attain the good impedance
matching and diversity capability of polarization.

1.2 Problem Statement

A low-profile patch antenna has been designed for 5G communication application. The
resonating frequency has been chosen as 3.5 GHz for 5G application. FR4 epoxy
material with permittivity of 4.3 has been chosen for the substrate material which has
fire redundant property. The size of the substrate is 25.2×48 mm2. The main radiating
patch is in a shape of ellipse and the line feed technique is used. Therefore, The main
issues antenna lower bandwidth, low gain, low efficiency. Therefore, it is proposed
compact antenna which is suitable transparent antenna. There is a risk of human error.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this work are the follows:

I. To design antenna using CST for patch antenna.
II. To evaluate the proposed antenna.

1.4 Scope of Study

This project can be implemented as a design of a small patch antenna at 3.5 GHz for
5G application. The main scopes of this work are as follows;
I. To simulate and design microstrip patch antenna with small patch antenna for
5G application operating at frequency range 3.5GHz, using microwave studio
(CST) software.
II. Fabricate the patch antenna on FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant (𝜀𝑟 )of
4.3, utilizing network analyser to measure S parameter analysis and axial ratio.
III. To compare simulation and measurement result and the difference in terms of
the performance and effectiveness utilizing network analyser.

1.5 Significant of study

This project focuses on “design of a small patch antenna at 3.5 GHz for 5G
application”, in addition to the outcome of this project it will used for medical and the
wireless generation will be beneficial it.

1.6 Thesis structure

Chapter 2 contains the background and research study this thesis is based upon.
Chapter 3 contains the planned methodology and working progress used in the project
and thesis.
Chapter 4 Results and analysis.
Chapter 5 contains the result and comprehensive analysis of the finished product.



2.1 Introduction

Because of its many appealing features, the microstrip antenna has attracted the
attention of many researchers. In the 21st century, research on microstrip antennas
aimed to reduce size, increase gain, more bandwidth, multiple functionality and
convergence at the device level. The demand for small and broadband antennas has
greatly increased with the widespread utility of wireless communication technology in
recent years. The microstrip antenna deals with conductive rectangular shaped patches
on one side and dielectric base having thickness h and "εr" dielectric constant.
Wearable wireless applications are seeing tremendous growth in recent time due to
emergence of 5G/Beyond 5G networks and increased demand of user mobility. Advent
of Internet of Things and “smart” technologies including smart homes, smart watches,
smart phones, smart cars etc. have also made wearable sensors a highly desirable
commodity [33]. Antennas are crucial elements for such communication. Beyond the
general requirements of gain, directivity and radiation pattern, wearable antennas also
needed to be compact in form factor, flexible in structure and easy in design to
facilitate freedom of mobility, ease of integration and minimum antenna-body
coupling [34]. 5G and Beyond 5G networks also require low latency operation. It
makes the antenna design a rather complex problem that necessitates innovative
solutions. Wearable antennas have applications that can be extended from continuous
health and sports monitoring to safety, and security of people [33-34]. Development
of such antennas has enthused researchers who come up with a variety of solutions.
Microstrip patch antennas have appeared as the preferred choice in most of the

academic as well as commercial solutions due to their inherent features of reduced
complexity, ease of integration, cost effectiveness, low profile and lightweight
structure. They also offer the liberty of antenna form as can be designed in different
sizes and shapes such as rectangular, circular and square radiators [35-41]. Patch
antenna arrays remained of great interest for wearable 5G/B5G applications especially
in millimetre-wave frequency range due to the added demand of high data rate [33].

Wireless communication technology is escalating rapidly over the time due to

increasing of internet users. It has come across the first, second, third, fourth
generation and recently the fifth generation (5G) technologies but still wireless
communication is facing lacking of sufficient frequency resources. The increasing
number of users and development of the internet of things (IoT), therefore the
connection of more objects than ever before, such as connected vehicles, smart homes,
smart cities, e-healthcare, virtual reality, augmented reality and many more [42]. The
current age of remote communication (4G) can't satisfy the shopper's necessities. The
above age inadequate to take care of the issues of poor inclusion, swarmed channel,
low quality, dropped association and adaptability, to satisfy these trade-offs,
examination and advancement of 5G of remote correspondence have been beginning
and marketed in recent years. Ultra-wide band (UWB) is one of the promising
candidates for 5G applications due to some striking features like higher data rate, lower
cost and robust in multipath fading. UWB is highly instrumental in enhancing data
throughput compared to other types of antennas.

Many types of antennas have been designed to meet the requirement of 28 GHz band
for 5G technology. Several researchers have proposed microstrip patch antennas to
operate at 28 GHz using FR4 as the dielectric substrate where permittivity value of the
substrate was 4.4 with different substrate thickness which are 0.8 mm and 1.6 mm [43-
45]. In [43], the gain was achieved higher, 6.37 dB as compared to the other two
substrates. The results were exactly opposite with regards to the bandwidth. The
highest bandwidth of 4.1 GHz was achieved in [45] followed by 3.9 GHz in [40] and
2.48 GHz in [45]. In [46], the authors used FR-406 with a permittivity value of 3.93
and a thickness of 0.8 mm to design a Planar Inverted F-Antenna (PIFA) operating at
28 GHz. Here, the proposed antenna achieved a gain value of 3.75 dB with a bandwidth
of 3.34 GHz. Another common dielectric substrate used for microstrip patch antenna

is RT-5880 with a permittivity value of 2.2 to operate at 28 GHz [47-50]. The thickness
of the substrate was 0.708 mm, 0.5 mm, 1.6 mm and 0.127 mm in [47], [48], [49] and
[50] respectively. With regards to the gain performance, the highest gain value of 8.03
dB was achieved by the authors in [47] and subsequent gain value of 2.6 dB in [48],
3.7308 dB in [49] and 6.61 dB in [50]. From the literature review, it has been
considerably observed that, performance of FR-4 based antennas specifically in term
of bandwidth is much better as opposed to the RT-5880 based antennas. Moreover, it
is noticed that using thicker substrate with lower permittivity value increases the
antenna’s overall efficiency however it leads to enlargement of antenna’s dimension.
Therefore, it is complex to balance the trade-off between antenna’s size and
performance. Since, fifth generation technology particularly in 5G communication
systems, wide bandwidth and smaller geometry are important undoubtedly.

2.1.1 History of a small patch Antenna at 3.5 GHZ

Fifth generation (5G) communication1 is commercially deploying in several regions

in the world. The 5G is already bringing with it faster speeds, wider coverage, and a
long-awaited end to congestion and latency issues relative to the 4G. Although both
sub-6-GHz and millimetre-wave frequency bands are recommended for the 5G,2 most
countries have initially utilized the Sub6 GHz frequency bands because of the readily
available network; for example, Korea: 3.42-3.70 GHz, India: 3.3-3.6 GHz, Australia:
3.4-3.7 GHz, Europe: 3.4-3.8 GHz, China: 3.3-3.6 GHz, and USA: 3.10-3.55 GHz and
3.7-4.2 GHz. In the evolution process, developing antenna is a crucial step for realizing
the 5G services. Also, beamforming and massive multiple-input, multiple output (mm
IMO) antenna systems are utilized as powerful tools in the 5G for improving capacity
and coverage.3 An element for the beamforming mm IMO antenna system is
commonly designed to meet specific requirements, such as compact size, broad
bandwidth, pure polarization, stable radiation pattern, and high efficiency.
Recent years, the use of Multiband antenna for wireless communication systems
specially, WLAN (5.15-5.8GHz) and WiMAX (3.3-3.7GHz) has been developed
successfully. Owing to the planar antenna characteristics such as compact size, simple
fabrication, and easy integration capability with other microwave elements, they are
used in many wireless devices. Considering the size limitation of wireless devices, the

small antennas are needed. A small antenna operating in multi bands is required to be
inserted in wireless communication systems and devices. There are many different
methods for miniaturization antenna such as defected ground structures (DGS),
employing slot on radiated patch, and coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed-line. Defected
ground structure compared to the normal ground increases surface current and
improves the impedance bandwidth [51]-[62].
During a ten-year development, the study of materials that can be used to make
transparent antennas has been very comprehensive and extensive. The basic principles
of optically transparent antennas had been mastered. Nowadays, the applications of
optically transparent antennas in actual scenes attract more attention. There are already
some papers that proposed optically transparent antenna structures for a variety of
practical scenarios [63–65]. An optically transparent GPS antenna integrated in a car’s
windshield was proposed by Laser Antenna in Australia [63]. The optically transparent
RFID reader antenna for smart fitting room application was proposed by the same
authors of this paper [64]. But all of the optically transparent antennas cannot achieve
directional radiation [65], which makes these antennas have low effective utilization
of radiated power, and hence confidentiality is not good.

2.1.2 Advantage and Disadvantages of a small patch antenna at 3.5 GHZ

One of the key motivators for 5G is to provide ubiquitous, high-speed, high-quality

wireless broadband coverage to meet societal and industrial needs beyond 2020. The
frequency band around 28 GHz is considered as one of the prospective bands for mm-
wave 5G smartphone applications [61]. Recently, several researches are focused on
developing mm-wave phased antenna arrays at 28 GHz for 5G mobile phone
applications. In [61], researchers at Samsung America developed a mesh type patch
antenna with dual feeds to achieve dual polarization around 28 GHz. The antenna array
was placed in the plane normal to the PCB as opposed to the conventional PCB plane
placement to save space. But the bandwidth was 2 GHz which was not sufficient. In
[62], the authors proposed a compact PIFA with defected ground structure with a wide
bandwidth of 6 GHz. However, the design did not provide dual polarization. In [63],
four linear sub-arrays of 12 capacitive fed patch antennas each was integrated into
mobile phone PCB for providing 360 0 coverage. The design provided good coverage

and sufficient bandwidth but occupied large space in the PCB and provided only single
linear polarization.

2.2 Previous studies

2.2.1 A Hexa-Band Quad-Circular-Polarization Slotted Patch Antenna for 5G,

GPS, WLAN, LTE, and Radio Navigation Applications

THE development of modern wireless electronic devices’ abilities to meet the

significant growth of communication systems has become vital. One of the most
important characteristics of the new electronic devices is the multiband operation,
which enables modern devices to seamlessly operate across different communication
standards while meeting tight design requirements, such as low cost and ease of
fabrication. Since antennas play an essential role in modern communication devices,
various techniques of multiband antennas were developed.
Also, on July 14, 2016, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted
new rules for wireless broadband operations above 24 GHz, making the U.S. the first
country to make this spectrum available for next generation wireless services. The
FCC allocated approximately 11 GHz for flexible, mobile, and fixed use of wireless
broadband, comprising 7 GHz of unlicensed spectrum from 64 to 71 GHz and 3.85
GHz of licensed spectrum, designated as a new “upper microwave flexible use”
service, in three bands: 27.5 to 28.35 GHz, 37 to 38.6 GHz, and 38.6 to 40 GHz. Table
1 illustrates the breakdown of the major frequencies established for use in 5G
networks. FR1 will likely be used for initial implementations, with FR2 following. The
second chart lists the FR2 frequency bands of interest. The FCC has also opened up
spectrum from 64 GHz to 71 GHz for future activity [64–67]. As we know, wireless
sensor networks like ZigBee, LDWA, LoRa, WWAN, and mobile radio networks
comprising 2G, 3G, 4G, and coming 5G need wider frequency bandwidth, data
processing, and machine learning for optimum performance. Also, there are numerous
applications and demands for faster wireless networks like less response time (40 times

2.2.2 A Small Dual Band (28/38 GHz) Elliptical Antenna For 5G Applications
With DGS.

Antennas for the next-generation wireless communication systems are expected to

achieve high data rate while being low cost, lightweight, and small in size with multi-
frequency features. For 5G network, they are, in addition, supposed to have high gain
to overcome the high path loss at mm-wave frequencies. Microstrip antennas can fulfil
these requirements as compared to the other types of antennas. However, in their basic
form, microstrip antennas suffer from some drawbacks such as low radiation
efficiency, narrow bandwidth, and excitation of surface waves [68]. The literature
survey shows that various approaches have been explored to improve printed circuits
and antennas performances. Defected Ground Structure (DGS) is one of the techniques
used by researchers to overcome some of the drawbacks [69], mainly when designing
electrically small antennas. On the other hand, antennas with different shapes and
design techniques [70] for 28 GHz and 38GHz communication have been proposed by
researchers worldwide. Some of them are focused on antenna array [71-74], while
others researchers keep on working on single element antennas [ 75-78] for the same
applications. As specified in [79] antennas design for high-speed networks for
multimedia applications is a challenging task. Wideband systems are encouraging for
5G since they provide high data rates, less power consumption and wide bandwidth.
Such systems and antennas design have gained researchers attention worldwide. For
instance, a tri-band antenna has been presented for higher 5G bands [80].

Figure 2.1: Geometry of a proposed antenna: (a) Top view, (a) Side view


Small antennas have been widely investigated and reported in various medical
applications for some times [81]. It is interesting to note that small ultra-wideband
(UWB) antennas are also demanded for some medical applications recently. One of
the medical applications which require the UWB antennas is the microwave imaging
of breast cancer. This imaging modality transmits lower power short microwave pulses
(tens picoseconds to nanoseconds) into the body and detects the differentiated
scattering due to the dielectric contrast between malignant and health tissues. A UWB
compact antenna array is employed to conduct a 3D scanning through a so-called
digital beamforming in space-time domain [82]. In order to achieve high detection
resolutions and good clutter rejection, the antennas with an impedance bandwidth 4-
10GHz are usually employed as the elements in a condensed antenna array. So, small
and low profile directional UWB antennas are desirable for this application. In
addition, the antenna needs to have good radiation characteristics, i.e. consistent
patterns over the entire operating bandwidth and good time-domain characteristics –
minimal pulse distortion. Therefore, it still remains as an engineering challenge to
design suitable UWB antennas for this application.

Figure 2.2: The modified pyramid UWB horn (a) End view; (b) Side view [4]

2.2.4 A High Gain Patch Antenna Array with Defected Ground Structure for
5G Applications.

Rapid advancements in communication systems have drawn the attention of

researchers towards high frequencies and high gain antennas. The massive growth in

communication networks demand lossless long-range communication, improved
received signal strength and less interfering environment. Millimetre-wave (MMW)
frequency bands have attained importance because of their large capacity and
capability to provide high transmission speed [83]. According to Fries formula, these
frequency bands suffer from high path losses [84]. High gain antennas or arrays are
required to mitigate these path losses and can easily be incorporated with millimetre
wave circuits. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has standardized the
MMW bands globally. FCC has endorsed licensed bands of 28, 37, 39 GHz and an
unlicensed band of 64-71 GHz, as the potential candidate for Fifth Generation (5G)
[85]. The lowest possible requirement of antennas designed for 5G is 12 dBi gain and
1 GHz bandwidth [86]. Several techniques are employed to acquire high gain in
antennas such as the use of Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure (EBGs) [87],
superstrate [88], Artificial Magnetic Conductors (AMCs) [89] and arrays. In [90], four
dielectric dense patch radiators-based antenna array structure is proposed. To enhance
the radiation characteristics of an antenna, array a dielectric slab is employed as a
superstrate layer above radiators. EBG structure is also used in the ground plane to
achieve the enhanced gain. The gain of 16 dBi with a bandwidth of 5 GHz is achieved
at the expense of a multilayer structure. In [88], a high gain four dielectric patches-
based array is proposed. A holey superstrate layer having uniform holes is placed
above the antenna array to enhance the antenna performance and to reduce the side
lobe levels. A gain of 16 dBi with an impedance bandwidth of 15.35% is achieved.

Figure 2.3: Proposed configurations of design: (a) Single patch, (b) Array-1, (c) Array-
2 (front view), (d) Array-2 (Back view).


The concept of micro strip patch antenna was proposed in 1970s [91] and that was
due to the constant decrease in the size of electronic equipment’s. Hence, in the era
of modern world where communication has become indispensable, antennas are
rightly to be said as electronic eyes and ears of the world due to their undeniable
place in the communication technology. While, the revolution in antenna engineering
leads the fast-growing communication systems, Micro strip Patch Antennas have
been one of the most innovative developments in the era of miniaturization. Micro
strip Patch Antennas are increasingly finding their applications in a broad range of
microwave systems from radars, telemetry, navigation, biomedical systems, mobile
and satellite communications, missile systems, global positioning system (GPS) for
remote sensing and etc. because of their light weight, low volume, low cost, low
profile, ease of fabrication, conformability to mounting hosts and ability to be printed
directly onto a circuit board.

Figure 2.4: Structure of Microstrip Patch Antenna [4]

2.2.6 Dual Band Patch Antenna for Bluetooth and Wireless Local Area
Networks Applications.

The compact size, low profile, low cost, easy fabrication etc. make the micro strip
patch antennas suitable for aircraft applications, missile applications, radar
applications, mobile communications etc. [92-96]. The accelerating demand and
developments of communication devices that require extremely high performing,
miniaturized and multiband antennas have increased vastly and rapidly. The
communication devices in use today requires wireless connectivity for multiple

applications such as Bluetooth, GPS, WLAN, GSM900, DSC1800, UTMS2000, etc.
with different centre frequencies. While the usage of multiple antennas can achieve
multiband operations, but they increase the costs, size of the device and complexity of
the system. In addition to that, using multiple antennas creates the coupling problem
which in turn degrades the performance of the antennas. The design of a novel dual
band rectangular patch antenna is presented in this paper. The defected ground
structure (DGS) is used to achieve dual band and to enhance the bandwidth of the
The design of a novel dual band rectangular patch antenna is presented in this paper.
The defected ground structure (DGS) is used to achieve dual band and to enhance the
bandwidth of the antenna. The design is optimized and simulated using CST
microwave studio software. A prototype is fabricated with the optimized dimensions
of the structure. Simulated as well as measured results are shown. The designed and
developed high gain antenna is low cost antenna. The proposed antenna is compact in
size and suitable for Bluetooth and WLANs application.

(a) E-plane (b) H-plane

Figure 2.5 Radiation pattern of the antenna at 2.4 GHz (a) E-plane, (b) H-plane.

2.2.7 A new double L-shaped multiband patch antenna on a polymer resin
material substrate.

The increasing demands of wireless technology show that communication terminal

antennas are required to be compatible with multiband operation and satisfactory
coverage of the required frequency band. Further requirements on micro strip patch
antennas include integration with more than one communication system in a compact
module to achieve light weight, low cost, low profile, easy integration and good
manufacturability [97]. Several studies have reported applications and technologies
of multiband antenna design, including a dipole antenna loaded with single-cell
metamaterial [98], slot-ring antenna with single- and dual-capacitive coupled patch
[99], metamaterial-based planar antenna [100], dual-patch elements [101], and E-
shaped fractal antenna [102]. Considerable research effort has gone into the design of
multiband antennas. A 41 mm × 14 mm slotted multiband antenna was designed
which had three frequency bands centered at 0.9 GHz, 1.8 GHz and 5.2 GHz [103].
A 38 mm × 3 mm planar multiband antenna was proposed for GPS, DCS, and WLAN
applications [104].

Figure 2.6: current distribution of the antenna at two resonant


2.2.8 A Miniaturized Printed Antenna with Extended Circular Patch and
Partial Ground Plane for UWB Applications.

THE growth of information traffic in radio mobile communications requires the

improvement of the hardware systems performance used for transmission. A vital
component of these systems is the antenna, which is one of the most important design
issues. In such domain, the diversity of standards (GSM, UMTS, LTE ...) led us to
design antennas fulfilling many constraints such as: low manufacturing cost, multi-
frequency operation, signal reception... The major challenge of many communication
systems is the power supply of such systems in remote places where the power grid is
not available. In order to address this challenge, the use of photovoltaic in
communication systems has recently been the subject of much more researches. Solar
powered communication systems received considerable attention thanks to their ability
to work without necessity of being connected to an electricity grid. Traditionally,
telecommunication antennas and solar cells do not mix. The antenna and the solar cell
must operate independently and therefore cannot interfere. This constraint, for
example, has repercussions on the weight and size of communication systems: they
must have a larger surface enough to accommodate both the antenna system for
transmitting and capturing data and solar cells and for the supply of electricity [105].

Figure 2.7: Multi-layered substrate of solar cell antenna.

2.2.9 Shape Patch Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications

The designs of the antenna may increase the cost or complexity of practical terminal
design in [106] which possibly limits the integration level of the future wireless
communication system. On the other hand, various types of antenna [107–113 ] which
can both cover WLAN and WiMAX bands have attracted more and more attention in
recent years: A double coupled C-shaped strips antenna [114], a circular ring and a Y-
shaped strip antenna [115], L-shaped microstrip feed line and open-ended slot on the
ground plane triple frequency antenna [114], a symmetrical door-shaped circular ring
patch antenna [116], and triple-band microstrip fed planar monopole antenna with
defected ground structure [117] which have disadvantageous to some level such as
incompetent well match for the whole WLAN/WiMAX bands and relatively complex
structure. But they are all complicated in configuration to reduce the antenna

Figure 2.8: Proposed antenna geometry. (a) Front view. (b) Cross-sectional

2.3 Summary of previous studies

Table 2.1: Summary of previous studies

Author/Year Title Method

Kishk, A. A. (2021) A Hexa-Band Quad-Circular- Primarily, the patch
Polarization Slotted Patch antenna is optimized to
Antenna for 5G, GPS, WLAN, excite the modes TM100,
LTE, and Radio Navigation TM110, TM210, and
Applications TM220 at 0.7, 1.17, 1.57,
and 2.4 GHz, respectively,
while being fed by a single
microstrip line
P. Moukala (2019 A Small Dual Band (28/38 GHz) The proposed antenna is
Elliptical Antenna For 5G designed and analyzed
Applications With DGS using a 3-D full-
wave electromagnetic
software named, High
Frequency Structure
Simulator (HFSS)
software based on finite
element method (FEM).
Lakshmanan (2016) Flexible SMALL ULTRA It is the primary approach
WIDEBAND ANTENNAS in using natural rubber as
the substrate for UWB
antenna. The UWB
antenna is designed for
applications in WBAN,
which is the current
revolution in wireless
sensor networks.
Farhat (2020) A new double L-shaped A single patch is designed
multiband patch antenna on a and to
polymer resin material substrate enhance the performance,
two distinct arrangements
of arrays are proposed and
Yunusa Rabiu (2018) IMPROVED DESIGN OF The proposed antenna has
COMPACT MICROSTRIP a compact size of 20 mm x
PATCH ANTENNA FOR 20 mm x 1.6 mm and
FUTURE 5G APPLICATIONS operates at 10.031 GHz
which is suitable for future
5G applications and hand
held devices

P. Kumar. (2018) Dual Band Patch Antenna for The dual band
Bluetooth and Wireless Local antenna consists of a
Area Networks Applications rectangular patch which is
fed by the coaxial probe
feeding technique
M. Habib (2013) A new double L-shaped The designed microstrip
multiband patch antenna on a line fed compact antenna
polymer resin material substrate consists of a planar double
L-shaped slotted radiating
patch, 1.6 mm thick
substrate and ground
Manish Varun (2021) A Miniaturized Printed Antenna The overall structure
with Extended Circular Patch and volume of the antenna is
Partial Ground Plane for UWB 15 * 20 * 1.6 m3

Samsuzzaman (2014) An android based course The antenna, which

attendance system using face occupies an overall
recognition dimension of
0.305λ × 0.305λ × 0.012λ
at lower frequency, has a
simple structure which
comprises of a planar wide
square slot in the ground
with four slits and
Swastika shape radiation
patch with a rectangular



This project focuses on around a position of safety fix receiving wire has been intended
for 5G correspondence application. The resounding recurrence has been picked as 3.5
GHz for 5G application. FR4 epoxy material with permittivity of 4.3 has been decided
for the substrate material which has fire repetitive property. The size of the substrate
is 25.2×48 mm2. The vitally emanating patch is in a state of oval and the line feed
strategy is utilized. The reproduction is finished by CST microwave studio
programming. Various boundaries like S-Parameter, Antenna Gain, Directivity,
Efficiency has been noticed. The radio wire has an addition of in excess of 5 dB which
is extremely helpful for correspondence applications. The radio wire is intended for
5G correspondence applications.

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the methodologies used for design of a small patch antenna. It
comprises of the information gathering, the source of the materials used in designing
and writing the project report. The components and devices used in the course of
designing this project will be analysed to know their basic means of operation and how
they will help in putting up this design, system design approach.

Development phase Analyse Design phase

Study phase

Figure 3.1: Research process

3.2 Project Flow Chart


Literature study

Design Antenna
Compare with different
designs and their
Simulation of
patch antenna in
Analysis of
the proposed
Evaluate the

Testing the

problem No

Figure 3.2: Project Flow Chart

3.3 CST microwave studio simulation and formulation

The following formulas are used for designing antennas of A SMALL PATCH
The computed dimensions of the will be obtained using these formulas, and then
necessary adjustments will be added to the dimensions in order to satisfy ANTENNA

𝑤= 𝜀 +1
2𝑓√ 𝑟

where W, c, ɛr, f0 are width of the rectangular patch, speed of light, permittivity
of the substrate and desired operating frequency respectively,
𝜀𝑟 +1 𝜀𝑟 −1 ℎ
𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 𝑤]−2 (3.2)
2 2

Where ɛreff and h are the effective permittivity and height of the substrate.
∆𝐿 (𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 +0.3)( +0.264)

= 0.412 𝑤 (3.3)
ℎ (𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 −0.258)( +0.8)

𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝐿 + 2∆𝐿 (3.4)

𝐿 = 2 − 2∆𝐿 (3.5)
=𝑓 (3.6)

where 𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 is the effective length of the patch?

The dielectric constant of the substrate material, εr as measured, is 4.3 and 3.5 GHz as
the operating frequency. Solving for εr = 3.4 and f = 3.5 GHz in equation 3.1 as
3 × 108
4.3 + 1
2(3.5 × 109 )√ 2
= 26.32mm
The substrate thickness was found to be 1.6 mm, therefore εreff can be calculated using
equation 3.2 as follows:

4.3 + 1 4.3 − 1 1.6 −1
𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 ] 2
2 2 26.32
= 3.90
The actual can then be found using equation 3.5 by solving for:
∆𝐿 (3.90 + 0.3)( 1.6 + 0.264)
= 0.412
1.6𝑚𝑚 26.32
(3.90 − 0.258)( 1.6 + 0.8)

∆𝐿 = 0.736𝑚𝑚
1 3×108
𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 = ×
2 3.5×109 √3.90

= 21.7mm
𝐿 = 21.7 − 2(0.736)
= 20.228mm

3.4 CST microwave studio simulation

Figure 3.3: Project Flow Chart

Figure 3.4: Front

Figure 3.5: Ground

3.5 Specification of parameters

Table 3.1: List of parameters

Parameter values

Width 26.32mm

Length 20.228mm

Εr 4.3

Thickness 1.6

Frequency 3.5

3.6 Conclusion

Hence, the proposed antenna discussed in this project comprised of a shorted pin
loaded square patch with square slot operates in the desired frequency band ranging
3.6 GHz. The antenna has good far field symmetrical radiation pattern and better gain
of 6dB. The radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna is 98%, which is normally
difficult for small size antennas.


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