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Gehman Mennonite Church

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501

717-484-4548 Ministry Team Phil Horning Lead Pastor (church: 717-484-4548) (home: 717-484-0998) Glen Martin Associate Pastor 717-484-2162 Steve McCosby Deacon 717-336-8275 June 12, 2011 Prayer Sunday School Worship Service 8:15 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M.

Prelude Call to Worship Margaret Gockley Hymn of Praise James Martin Offering Marlene Martin Worship in Song Worship Team Prayer for Youth Message :Acts 2:1-21 "Responding to the Miracle of Pentecost" Phil Horning Hymn of Response James Martin Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Phil Horning Benediction Today: Greeters Matt & Shelby Kanagy Sunday School Nursery Marlene & Margaret Church Nursery Lamar & Michelle Next Week: There will be no Sunday School due to the Spruce Lake Camping Weekend. The Worship Service will begin at 10 a.m. Offerings: The offering for June is for Gehman Missionary Support and budgeted items. Offering last week was $4,178.25. Attendance last week was 107.

July 4-9-Digital Delegate Network is providing a way for persons involved in an MCUSA affiliated church to watch, listen, and contribute to the conversations happening in the delegate sessions of Pittsburgh 2011-the Mennonite Church USA convention - by creating an online virtual form of a delegate table. For more info, go to July 10, Sun.- Child Dedication for Micah Sauder. July 17, Sun.-Freedom Gate Bike ride, for more info see David Mohler. July 17, Sun.- 6:30 p.m.-The annual outdoor historical and inspirational meeting will be held at the 1855 Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse. Kenneth L. Sensenig, speaker and historian from Akron, PA will speak on The Rise and Decline of the Alleghany Mennonite Congregation". Congregational singing will include hymns in German led by a group of local men from the Groffdale and Weaverland Conferences, and hymns in English led by Greg Gehman. Please bring your lawn chair and a 1969 Mennonite Hymnal to this service. In the event of rain, the service will be held in the meetinghouse. For more information, call 610-777-3003 or 717336-0009. July 23, Sat.-Friendship Community welcomes bicyclists to raise funds for Friendship Ministries in the Dream Ride for Lancaster. Contact Betty Hess at (717) 656-2466, ext. 165 for more details. -Details for Spruce Lake campers- As is our tradition, on Sat. evening (June 18th) we will enjoy a fellowship meal/hot dog roast together. Meal time is 5:30 p.m. Paper products, condiments and drinks will be provided. Please bring a large hot or cold dish to share. Games for the children are planned for after the meal. -Mennonite Sports Organization (MSO), which provides sports opportunities for elementary age children, will offer boys soccer for pre-kindergarten through grade 6 and girls field hockey for grades 1-6 beginning in August. To register by the early discount deadline date of June 17, go to or e-mail Volunteer coaches are needed for both sports. -Movie Night Dates: are June 24, Aug. 5 (after VBS in the Grove) and Aug. 19. There will be no movie night in July. -Plans are in the works for individuals interested in a new members/baptism class in the near future. Contact Pastor Phil if you have interest in baptism and/or becoming a member of our church or have questions about this. -Pray for Muslims: Are you interested in receiving the Muslim Prayer Focus this year? If you are, write you name on the sheet in the foyer. Happy Birthday! Luke Martin today, Carolyn Sauder on Tues., Dorothy Shirk and Mary Lynn Miller on Fri., and Zachary Sauder on Sat.

June 12-16-Vacation Bible School at Bowmansville Mennonite. June 15, Wed.-Sewing Circle at Bowmansville Mennonite, 8:30 a.m. June 13-17-Looking for volunteers to assist 1 or 2 Individuals with disabilities with activities and outings during Friends Together Week Camp, from 9 am-2 pm. For information, call Betty Hess at (717) 656-2466, ext. 165. June 25, Sat.- Freedom Gate golf outing, for more info see David Mohler.

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