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Part A Critical Reflection

Part B Operations & Marketing Strategy






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Operationalizing & Communicating Value – A2 Assignment – Final Individual Assignment

Part A: Critical Reflection of Assignment 1 (1200 words) without references

Introduction (120 words)

Our workshop was MATCH ENERGY; an energy drink. These Energy drinks containing

stimulant compounds, usually caffeine, which is marketed as providing mental and physical

stimulation; may or may not be carbonated and may also contain sugar, other sweeteners, herbal

extracts, taurine, and amino acids. They are a subset of the larger group of energy products,

which includes bars and gels, and are distinct from sports drinks, which are advertised to

enhance sports performance".


I teamed up with other collaborators during our 3-day workshop to decide on the product,

brand, and target market. We have a reasonable objective of focusing on wellbeing and health

patterns, perhaps with manageable bundling, and we should incorporate an online business part.

We could visit different purviews, yet we chose to focus on nations where English is the

essential language so we could lead research more effectively online. Since there was so much

data to audit, our group was somewhat bewildered right away. We picked the key ingredients of

a drink as the main objective of our workshop. Frankly, concluding which category we needed to

go with was difficult because the team members were of different background and had different


However, by leading more inside and out research, we had the option to acquire a

superior comprehension of the overall consumption of organic matcha powder. The worldwide

serving of energy drink was esteemed at USD 17.6 billion of every 2020, and is supposed to

develop at a CAGR of 6.1 percent to USD 23.8 billion by 2025 (Hayes, 2021). We found that the
worldwide distribution of energy in commercial centers all over the world We realized that the

market potential is colossal, and we eventually picked Match energy for the US market since it

has an incredible potential for enormous development. My proposal for Match energy was

acknowledged, and I was excited that my group concurred (Kotler & Keller, n.d.).

The theory we covered in this critical reflection is improving the role and practice of

marketing. The core marketing concepts used for the critical analysis is market

segmentation, positioning, target market, and marketing channels.

The reason for using this theory was because we wanted to know about what works with

our target audience, and how to tackle them. We analyzed this by practicing the market

segmentation and identifying right marketing channels.

We analyzed the product idea, target market and segment, product positioning, product

features, and differentiation after settling on Match energy as the brand and item with the United

States as the go-to advertise. We acquired a piece of superior information on the item idea and

directed a worldwide and miniature investigation of the serving of different key ingredient used

in markets to create energy drink. We had the option to break down the political/legitimate,

monetary, society, specialized, and natural potential for wellbeing and health bundled food in the

US market subsequent to get-together the entirety of the essential data.

Challenges, difficulties & improvement

In the 3-day workshop, we had to make some significant decisions, including operation

strategy, product and market, branding, marketing and the supply chain, future development of

the business, and lastly, the hazards (Instagantt, 2020). We were given time to work as a group,

but it was limited, making it challenging for us to make quick decisions and move on to the next
task. For overcome this challenge we brainstormed some possible solutions, identify the

resources available and select the most appropriate solution.

Our work included market research, stakeholder mapping, value proposition

understanding, competition analysis, differentiation, concept evaluation, and competitor analysis.

The key to success was team management.

Using Match energy e as a starting point, I'd like to look at the five types of needs:

1. Specifications: the buyer wants a low-cost drink

2. Genuine requirements: the buyer is looking for a great drink at a reasonable price.

3. Unspoken needs: the customer expects good service from the supermarket.

4. Customer satisfaction: customers prefer drink e that has health benefits.

5. Secret desires: the customer wants their acquaintances to think of him as a health-

conscious buyer.

Numerous energy drink organizations right now intensely promote their items as sound

and scrumptious, guaranteeing that clients are all around informed and know the exact thing they

need. We explored and acquired a profound comprehension of the item idea before settling on

showcasing channels. To focus on the objective market, we found two kinds of marketing

channels (Philips, 2020).

Communication channels- We've decided to promote the brand using social media channels

like Facebook, Twitter, and websites.

Distribution channels – We would assist in streamlining the supply chain and ensuring that

products are delivered to all distributors, whole-sellers, and retailers. These retailers include

nestle and red bull.

As a digital marketer, we would encourage prominent internet influencers and

professional chefs to illustrate how to use Match energy for healthy lifestyle.

We recognized the benefits of controlling the whole supply chain, and our goal was to

create a one-stop-shop that could manage everything, including manufacturing to transportation

to retail.

One of the significant issues we confronted was choosing which data to remember for the

show since there is so much data on this subject. Fortunately, we had the option to limit

ourselves to various significant parts and remain fixed on the theme, thanks to the teacher's five-

step decision-making process (International, 2020).

Professor remarked on our presentation that we might have gone further because of the

expressed tasks plan. There is space for improvement as far as a conviction for a portion of the

recommendations introduced, for example, the SWOT analysis, which I totally concur with. I

trust that going over a rundown of organized questions focused on the activities system, and

SWOT analysis will be helpful later on (Hayes, 2021).

From the workshop before we began our study so that we could discuss and respond to the

questions internally.


Because we only had three days to conduct the study and make all five options, I found it

challenging to gain a thorough understanding of Match energy’s current capabilities and

restrictions. To assess the company's strengths and shortcomings, I believe you must first get to

know the company. Fortunately, with our professor's explicit instruction, we were able to stay
focused on the essential points and finish the presentation. Overall, I enjoyed the workshop and

was pleased with the outcome. In the coming future, I hope to host many more practical seminars

(International, 2020).

References ( Harvard citation + should be alphabetic

book, P., 2012. Kewpie General Information. [Online]

Available at:

Hayes, A., 2021. Operations Management. [Online]

Available at:

Instagantt, 2020. marketing management. [Online]

Available at:

International, E., 2020. World Market for Packaged Food. [Online]

Available at:

Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L., n.d. Chapter 1, Marketing Management, Global Edition 15th Edition. In:

Philips, 2020. Basic Concepts of Marketing Management. [Online]

Available at:

Part B: Combined Marketing/Operations question: 1800 words


Operations and marketing strategy of an organization are the basis of business growth

and increasing financial profits in the long run and short run (Slack, 2005). The association I

have picked is Sodexo Limited, as I used to work there for a very long time before. Sodexo

(previously Sodexho Alliance) is a French food administrations and offices the executive’s

organization settled in Paris, France. Starting around 2019, it has more than 470,000 workers

across 80 nations worldwide. From food administration to offices the board, the organization

advances a business style that puts clients first (Sodexo annual report (, 2019). We can focus on

our principal business and pass on the rest to Sodexo. We are in excess of an assortment of re-

appropriated administrations; we are a financially savvy key accomplice who conveys the most

proficient strategies and invigorating thoughts. They like improving life for individuals they

serve, whether it's through nutritious food, sustainable power, or all around planned conditions.

Sodexo serves 100 million individuals consistently in 55 nations with cooking, offices the board,

worker advantages, and individual home administrations. We trust in the force of a solitary day.

The regions where Sodexo operates in the Middle East include:

 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

 Qatar


 Kuwait

 Oman

Sodexo in Saudi Arabia

Sodexo's 10,500 laborers work across 800 areas in the Middle East, giving Quality of

Life administrations to 100,000 clients consistently. For our clients in working environments,

schools, emergency clinics, and on army installations and in far-off regions, our groups have

developed to offer administrations from gathering, cleaning, and food administrations to

development of the executives, resource upkeep security, and grounds support (Sodexo annual

report, 2019).

Sodexo offers assistance to various ventures, including business organizations,

government organizations, schools from kindergarten to college, medical clinics, centers, senior

foundations, army installations, and prisons. Consistently, more than 100 million individuals are

provided. As per their yearly report, Sodexo is positioned first in quite a while of advancement

and social obligation. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the 2018 SAM Sustainability

Yearbook rank them first in their industry area. In Fortune magazine's 2019 rundown of the

World's Most Admired Companies, they are positioned second in their industry. (Sodexo annual

report, 2019).

From 2009 through 2017, I worked s operation manager for Sodexo and was positioned

at JPMorgan's base camp in Hong Kong. JPMorgan and Sodexo had administration arrangements

to manage the entire eating office. My obligations included administering the whole client and

inner offices, including gatherings and representative cafeterias (Executive and Partners Dining,

Conference Center administration and activity, 3 Employee Cafeterias, 28 Pantries, 5 Reception)

spread across 4 Hong Kong city areas with a client base of the north of 6000 clients, as well as

directing an enormous group of more than 80 individuals, including impermanent staffing.

Because I was in charge of producing and delivering services and products for the entire

company, my position was critical (Kotler, Keller 2017). Throughout my tenure at JPMorgan, I
was able to keep the service contract and worked with them for the whole of the eight years that

Sodexo employed me.

Sodexo Competitive advantage:

Sodexo is committed on conducting good, successful business in a responsible way as a

purpose-driven organization, and with a workforce of over 420,000 employees, the firm is well

positioned to make a large and positive impact on the communities it serves. The company

adjusted its social approach to establish ties with its C-suite audience in order to gain business.

Sodexo's employee advocacy programme has shifted the company's culture by putting multiple

stakeholders from across the organization at the center of its social media strategy. With a social

strategy aimed to magnify both CEO thought leadership and staff involvement, Sodexo continues

to break down internal and external boundaries to reach the necessary audiences and achieve

business impact.

Sodexo’s diversity another competitive advantage. To market itself, the company utilized

its diversity. Promoting diversity through HR policies and partnership with NGOs gives

businesses a competitive advantage while also helping to solve some of today's most serious

issues, both inside and outside the workplace. Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services is excited

to be a part of this transformative initiative.

Characteristics of Competitive advantage:

The company is more employee oriented. It is more diversified in terms of its products

and services. The company works with different NGOs which helps it to create its competitive

One of the tasks I needed to do was renaming the ongoing three representative cafeterias

as "Aspretto" bistros. Espresso coffee is a good beginning to end, a fair-exchange hot

refreshment. JPMorgan concurred for Sodexo to change the brand to Aspretto to exhibit their

obligation to supportability and corporate social responsibility (Kotler, Keller 2017).

Throughout my tenure at Sodexo, I genuinely believe I was an excellent operations

manager. Since the operations include numerous locales, I was expected to go to better places

and meet with my groups consistently. There were always responsibilities to finish, and I savored

finishing them individually (Kotler, Keller 2017). I like conversing with clients since I frequently

spent my mornings helping cafeterias, which permitted me to have eye-to-eye experiences with

my clients, which genuinely supported me in better figuring out their viewpoints. I needed to

deal with a group of more than 80 individuals, so I figured out how to effectively convey and

empower them. I was approached to give a market concentrate consistently to dissect available

deals and distinguish regions for improvement. Being the activities supervisor was difficult.

However, one pivotal illustration I learned was to try to avoid panicking in unpleasant

circumstances, which happened every now and again.

Holding the organization back and Stage 1: Correct the worst problems.

It is critical to resolve any existing problems so their impact is mitigated as much as

possible (Szpitter, 2011). Every one of the three cafeteria the most seasoned conventional clerk

gear to take cash exclusively from clients when at first began working there in 2010. It was old,

outdated, and lumbering for clients because the credit-only installment framework (Octopus

cards) had been entirely evolved by 2010, and most of clients were acclimated with paying with

their Octopus cards or MasterCard. I likewise saw a ton of sketchy action, such as clerks not

ringing checks and keeping cash in clerk machines. My most memorable undertaking was to
supplant all retail location systems and lay out a credit-only installment framework. We got a ton

of positive input from clients once we sent off the new installment system (Slack, Jones 2015).

More importantly, once we transitioned to the new Point of Sale system, we saw a

significant rise in revenue, demonstrating that we had effectively corrected the problem.

As good as competitors and Stage 2: Adopt best practice

Comparing and contrasting with the competitors to improve the organization is a good

practice (Archer, 2006). I used to go to nearby coffeehouses and lead marketing and operation

examinations for everyone to decide each opponent's prescribed procedures and qualities. It

covered food and drink choices, client care, areas, evaluation, and other things. All the more

significantly, I endeavored to duplicate their effective strategies in the employee cafeterias.

Clearly the best in the industry and Stage 3: Link strategy with operations

This is where I believe Sodexo has missed the mark, as the Aspretto brand is new in

Hong Kong, and JPMorgan was the primary client to consent to change their current staff

cafeterias to the Espresso brand. In Hong Kong, there was no Aspretto restaurant to think about.

Individuals were uninterested in attempting this brand since they were new to it (Slack, Jones

2015). There were likewise other different impediments we needed to survive. Sodexo used to

have a focal kitchen that served newly pre-arranged in and out food to all JPMorgan cafeterias.

Still, the focal kitchen had to close because of its powerlessness to take care of the base working

expenses (Slack, Jones 2015). Every firm is unique and the business environment and operations

strategy should be in sync to achieve the organizational goals (Yu & Ramanathan, 2011).

Redefining industry expectations and Stage 4: Give an operation an advantage.

The critical advantages of the staff cafeterias are that they are helpful and reasonable for

JPMorgan representatives. Be that as it may, comfort isn't generally a genuine benefit, as certain

workers like to go for a stroll beyond the workplace to purchase an espresso while talking with

associates instead of going to the staff cafeteria. In this situation, comfort may not be a benefit

(Kotler, Keller 2017). Nonetheless, I might want to underline that my group was beneficial to the

group since they really thought often about their clients. Most normal clients had each of their

inclinations retained, including the kind of espresso or milk, espresso size, temperature, and

dinner inclinations. Etc. When I look back, I believe this is one of the best advantages for the

staff cafeterias. Providing good meals to the employees could also have a positive impact on the

employee satisfaction (Nanu et al., 2020).

Understanding existing capabilities and constraints is critical (Cox et al., 2018)

The ongoing staff cafeterias had a ton of critical characteristics. The area was ideal since

it was situated inside each JPMorgan building and required a couple of moments to stroll from

your work area to the container. Another benefit was that the supervisory crew deliberately fixed

the cost range 30% lower than the market rate as a feature of the worker benefits bundle. Staff

cafeterias would be the best option for individuals who regard their cash (Kotler, Keller 2017).

Since the cafeterias were coming up short on the appropriate kitchen to serve the newly

prepared food items, we needed to depend on our workers to aid in the planning of sandwiches

and mixed greens for clients. Every seller additionally set a help least, which made it hard for us

to arrange the conveyance while guaranteeing that the new food items didn't go to squander.

Based on SWOT analysis, I've come to the following conclusions:

Strength – ideal location at an affordable price.

Weakness restricted resources since there was no in-house cook to operate the employee

cafeterias, so we had to rely on outside suppliers.

Opportunities If JPMorgan would provide additional room for us to create a consolidated

kitchen, there would also be numerous potential. We would've been able to supply a lot of

different food variations to our consumers if we could have a centralized kitchen, which may

have enormous potential to be a profitable business (Kotler, Keller 2017).

Threats: Numerous competitors had the option to alter their culinary proposals consistently, and

Hong Kong inhabitants are known for their enthusiasm to test new things. It urged individuals to

buy food from our rivals instead of the worker cafeterias.


The marketing department did not like my entire experience as a Sodexo operations

manager. I was disappointed by the lack of resources from Sodexo's headquarters, which was

advertised as one of the world's most prominent corporate enterprises. Sodexo looks to have a

substantial presence in Europe and North America, but none in Asia. There are numerous ways

to improve marketing and corporate strategy. I no longer work for Sodexo, but I am hopeful that

the company will soon extend its presence in Asia.

References ( Harvard citation + should be alphabetic ) + a minimum of 6 different

academic sources in addition to the 2 core course textbooks (i.e. Kotler and Keller & Slack and


Archer, G. (2006). Six Good Reasons to Include Competitors as Stakeholders. SSRN Electronic


Cox, K., Jolly, S., Van Der Staaij, S., & Van Stolk, C. (2018). Understanding the drivers of

organisational capacity. RAND.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2017). Chapter 1, Marketing Management, Global Edition, 15th


Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2018). Marketing Management Global Edition, 15th Edition.

Nanu, L., Cobanoglu, C., & Yilmaz, I. H. (2020). Impact of Employee Meals on Employee

Satisfaction and Hotel Financial Performance: An Experimental Study. Journal of

Hospitality Financial Management, 28(2), 3.

Slack, N. (2005). Operations strategy: will it ever realize its potential?. Gestão & Produção, 12,


Slack, N., & Brandon-Jones, A. (2015). Chapter 1, Operations Management, 9th edition.

Slack, N., & Brandon-Jones, A. (2016). Chapter 3.2 (page 75), Operations Management, 9th

Sodexo annual report (. (2019). Retrieved from

Szpitter, A. (2011). Worst Practices as the Lessons Learned in Marketing. Organization And

Management, 2011(5 (148).

Yu, W., & Ramanathan, R. (2011). Effects of firm characteristics on the link between business

environment and operations strategy: evidence from China's retail sector. International

Journal Of Services And Operations Management, 9(3), 330.

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