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The objective of this study is to analyze whether there is a correlation between the
two variables, namely students' anxiety and speaking ability in the second-semester
student of English Language Education at State Islamic University of Mataram. This
research was classified into the correlation research and uses one class to be the
sample, namely class A, which consist of 30 students. In terms of data collection, the
researcher uses 2 types of instruments, the first is the FLCAS questionnaire which
aims to measure the level of anxiety of the sample that had been used, and the second
is the speaking score which aims to measure the level of students' speaking ability.
Based on the data calculation used the SPSS application, the level of correlation
between the two variables is -058 which based on the coefficient table of the
correlation value limit, the number -058 indicates that there is a weak correlation
between the two variables or it can be concluded there is no correlation between the
two variables, for the significant value of 2 tailed is in the number 0.662, which
means it is above of 0.05 which indirectly explains that the correlation is not
significant, thus Null hypothesis must be retained. Based on these results it can be
concluded that there is no correlation between students anxiety and speaking ability.


A. Background of Research

English is one of the languages used by many people to communicate

with each other, in around the world. Likewise in Indonesia, English language

has a significant position as a foreign language. In the other hand, English

language becomes an International language and hence, people try to master

it, because of some reason such as to get a better job or to fulfill English

lessons at their school.

Nowdays, English language is widely known has four skills such as

speaking, reading, writing, and the last one is listening. Khemis states four

skills originally were born concurrently in any English class, even in context

of learning English as foreign language as well1. Those skills are one way to

master English, not only for students but also for everyone who learns English


Generally, among four skill in English, speaking become the most

significant skill to be mastered, as Rahayu states that speaking is the most

significant skill because it frequently used as a parameter to measure the level

Khemis as cited in Rustini, Thesis: ”The Correlation Between Foreign Language Anxiety
And Speaking Achievement Of The Eight Grade Students Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Paradigma
Palemmbang” (Palembang : UIN Raden Fatah Palembang,2017), paper.3.
proficiency of someone who learns English2. In addition to, Nunan as cited in

Putri & Marlina states speaking become a significant aspect in learning

second or foreign language because through mastering speaking, the students

proving that they can conquering of English language3. Moreover, Richads, as

cited in Rahayu states improving speaking skills is still the most dominant

reason why people want to learn English 4. Therefore speaking become a

significant skill, because usually other people used speaking as a parameter to

measure the proficiency someone who learns English, furthermore in fact it

becomes the most frequently skill that used in our real life such as in daily


Besides speaking is a significant skill, it becomes a difficult skill also.

According to Scrivener as cited in Susanto, Palupi, & Mustikawati, speaking

might be become complicated skill for students, because to be good speaker

requires the students to mastering all of components speaking such as

grammar, vocabullary, fluency, and pronouncition firstly5. In addition to,

Chen as cited in Azizah states the difficulties of students in terms of speak

English are such as not confident, limited vocabulary, and the last lack of

Natalia Rahayu, Thesis:”An Analysis of Students’ Problems in Speaking English Daily Language
Program at Husnul Khotimah Islamic Boarding School”( Cirebon : IAIN Syekh Nurjati, 2015), paper. 1.

Nunan as cited in Nur Maulina Putri & Leni Marlina “ An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety
Faced by the EFL Freshman sSudents at English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang” Jounal of English
Language Teaching, Volume 8 No.4, 2019, paper.460.
Richads as Cited in Natalia Rahayu, Thesis:”An Analysis of Students’ Problems in Speaking English

Daily Language Program at Husnul Khotimah Islamic Boarding School”( Cirebon : IAIN Syekh Nurjati, 2015),
paper. 2.
ibid, hal. 81
fluency6. Related to Chen arguments Juhana as cited in Handayani &

Ngadiman found that factors which often hinder students’ speak English is

something that related to psychology aspect such as lack of motivation, fear of

making mistakes, and anxiety7. Additionally, Maulidiyah states for English

Foreign Language Learners speaking is one ways they show their proficiency

in using English, but to start speak English for some students who do not have

high confidence is not easy, feel afraid to make mistakes, nervous and stutter

become problems and ultimately speak using English is something they


Speaking is a skill that demands practice and knowledge to produce a

good performance. However, to start active in speaking class the student’s

should be able to overcome any problems they might face such as, how to

proficiency speaking components, feeling anxiety, and mental distraction.

Hence to makes a good performance, mastering speaking knowledge is not

enough, students must be prepared their confidence, and skill public speaking

also. In the line with this idea, Maulidiyah states EFL learners who often felt

mousy, speak foreign language such English is not easy however, feeling

Chens as cited in Ismi Azizah” An Analysis of Students’ Dfficulties in Speaking English: A Case
Study At Eeventj Grade Students of MA Al-Muslimun NW tegal academic year 2015/ 2016” Journal
Juhana as cited in Yeni Rina Handayani & Agustius Ngadiman “Efl Learners’ Speaking Anxiety And
English Speaking Ability” Journal of English Teaching Adi Buana,volume 3 No.1, 2018, paper 56.
Yuliana Maulidiyah, Thesis: “ The Corelation Between Students’ Anxiety And Their Ability
In Speaking Class” (Tulungagung :IAIN Tulungagung, 2014), paper.16.
nervous and anxious can influence their performance in speaking or make

them get a bad scores9.

One of the factors with contributing to the process learning speaking is

anxiety. Generally, according to Mah, Szabuniewicz, & Fioco defined anxiety

as a normal feeling when it occurs sometimes and temporarily, but vice versa

it becomes unnatural when it continuously occurs and starting to interfere our

activities10. Furthermore, in the context of learning process, Maclntyre defined

anxiety as feeling fear and emotion which has an immediately negative impact

to learning process11. Related to MacIntyre arguments, for further details

Sharifi & Laskarian states some foreign learners often protest about feeling

annoying called anxiety which is believed to be a factor that often attenuates

the speaking performance of students who learn English as Foreign

language12. In other hand, commonly there are three factors such as lack of

vocabulary, the use of grammar improperly, and afraid of making mistake

caused student anxious during speaking class.

EFL learners who can’t control their feeling anxiety can be a problem

for them in speaking. This are several studies which climed anxiety has an

impact on speaking ability. According to Ozturk & Gubuz discovered EFL

Ibid, paper.2
Mah, Szabuniewicz, & Fioco as Cited Adnan Oflaz “ The Effects of Anxiety, Shyness and Language
Learning Strategies on Speaking Skills and Academic Achievement” European Journal of Educational Research,
Volume 8 No.4 , 2019, Paper 1000.
Maclntyre as cited in Mukhlas Abrar, “ An Investigation Into Indonesian EFL University
Students’ Speaking Anxiety” JEELS, Volume 4 No.2, 2017, paper 222.
Fateme Sharifi dan Anita Laskhaian “Realitionship Between Anxiety And Speaking Ability
Of EFL Learners”, Journal of Applied Linguistick Dubai, Volume 1 No.3, 2015, paper, 31.
learners often feel anxious and nervous can make something wrong in their

pronunciation and make their friends laughed when they speak in front of

them13. Furthermore Basic states students who have speech anxiety have

characteristics such as calm and passive in speaking, make the teacher give

less attention to them in comparison with noisy and active students14 .

All of the problems described above are also experienced by students in

the university, especially those who majored in English Language Education.

Particularly the students at State Islamic University of Mataram. Those who

choose English as their major, having a good speaking ability is necessary in

that they learn all about English and it required for them to communicate in

English every day. Furthermore speaking becomes one of the lessons in

academic field and those can show good performance in speaking are consider

as good English speakers.

Based on my observation, some students who majored English

Language Eduaction at State Islamic University of Mataram felt that speaking

is the most difficult subject because it requires their active participation during

the class. Some factors causing their failures during speaking class are they

feel nervous, restless, afraid and anxious. Basically, they revealed that had

been prepared what they will say for performance in speaking but no matter

Ozturk & Gubuz as cited in Heri Susanto, Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi, Dyah Atiek
Mustikawati., “ The Correlation Between Student Anxiety And Student Speaking Skill At English
Departement Students Of Muhammadiyah University Of Ponorogo”, Jurnal Mahasiswa
Muhamadiyah Diponogoro volume 1 No 1, 2017, paper, 81.
Ibid, hal,82
how much they practiced, it was disorganized when they get nervous and


Therefore, on the basis of the problem which have been stated above,

the writer is interested to study the corelation between students anxiety and

speaking ability.

B. The Statement of Problem and Research Limitation

1. The statement of problem

In relation to the problems that had been elaborated before, then the

problem of study can be identified as follows:

“Is there any correlation between student’s anxiety and speaking

ability of students at English language education study program of

State Islamic University of Mataram”?

2. Research limitation

This study focus on to find out the correlation between students anxiety

and their speaking ability at students of English Language Education

State Islamic University of Mataram .

C. Objective and Significance of Research

1. Objective

The objective of this study is to find out whether there is a correlation

between students anxiety and their speaking ability .

2. Significance of Research
In the final result of this study, the researcher hoped that this study can be

utilized theoretically and practically for students, teachers, and the future


a. Theoretically

The researcher hopes that the theories and knowledge insight in this

study will be a reference for the development of related knowledge

such as the topic about student’s anxiety and speaking ability.

b. Practically

1. Teacher

This study practically will help speaking lecturers at major

English Language Education at State Islamic University of

Mataram, in terms of as a reference to identify what aspect makes

their students feel anxiety. Moreover, the outcome of this

research can be guidance for speaking lectures to design the

method of learning which can alleviate feeling anxiety of students

2. Students

The researcher hopes that the theories insight in this study will

help the students to control and care for their feeling anxiety

especially when they speak.

3. Future Research

The researcher hopes that this research is useful for other

researches in terms of data and theories related to feeling

anxiety, especially the relationship between the impacts of feeling

anxiety on 'speaking abilities of students. Moreover, hopefully,

this research becomes guidance and encouragement for other

researchers who want to conduct research about the correlation

between anxiety and speaking ability..

D. Definition of Key Terms

1. Anxiety

Anxiety is often believed as a feeling nervous, worry, strain, and panic

when someone tries to do something rarely. In the line, Horwitz as cited in

Rustini, defines anxiety as one of the particular issues in the process of

learning English as a Foreign language since it giving a specific impact on

students in their psychology aspect.15. In addition to, the impact of anxiety

on psychology aspect during speaking class such as raising feeling

nervous, doubt, and eventually it will bring negative impact such as

bothering mental of students called mental distraction. Based on the

definition of anxiety the researcher conclude that anxiety is one of

problem in speaking in terms of making the performance speaking of

students imperfectly.

Horwitz as cited in Rustini, Thesis:”The Corelation Between Foreign Language Anxiety
and Speaking Achiviement of The Eight Grade Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Tsanawiyah Paradigma
Palembang” (Palembang: UIN Raden Patah Palembang, 2017)
2. Speaking Ability

Speaking ability is the ability to produce oral communication that we

call it speaking. Moreover Maulidiyah states speaking ability is the ability

of students share their ideas through oral communication 16. Hence, it can

be concluded the keywords when someone mentioning speaking ability is

the skill which related to the speaking activities used all of components of

speaking perfectly.

Yuliana Maulidiyah, Thesis: “The Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety And Their Ability In
Speaking Class” ” (Tulungagung :IAIN Tulungagung, 2014).


A. Review of Previous Research

Here the researcher will present some previous research that is similar to this

research. Some of which are:

The first research conducted by Yuliana Maulidiyah entitled The

Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety And Their Ability In Speaking

Class17. The objective is to analyze the correlation between student’ anxiety

and their speaking ability, while for the method the researcher uses a

quantitative correlation. Moreover, for the result, the writer showed that there

is a negative correlation between students’ anxiety and their speaking ability.

Furthermore, the use of Quantitative correlation for the method becomes the

similarities between this study and previous study, while for the difference

just in the context the sample that had been used, such as in this study used

sample from second-semester students from major English Langauge

Education, while in previous research used a sample from fourth-semester

student’s at English Departement.

The second research conducted by Savira Putri Mayasari entitled

Correlation Between Students’ Language Learning Anxiety And their

Yuliana Maulidiyah, Thesis: “The Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety And Their Ability In
Speaking Class” ” (Tulungagung :IAIN Tulungagung, 2014).
Speaking Score18. The objective of this research is to find out the correlation

between students' anxiety in learning and their speaking score. The method of

this study is Quantitative correlation and for the result, this study found that

there was no correlation between the two variables. The similarities between

this study with the previous study were in terms of two points, such as the

method that used Quantitative correlation and the instrument for measure the

anxiety that used FLCAS(Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale), while

for the differences this study used one class from second-semester students at

major English Language Education become the sample and for the previous

study used all of the students those who majoring English Departement in the

academic year 2011, those were 70 students’.

The third research conducted by Dyah Ari Cendani entitled Students’

Anxiety Level in Speaking on General English Class a Case Study at English

Teacher Education Department Uin Sunan Ampel Surabaya 19. The objective is

to analyze the level of anxiety of students in general English classes. The

writer used a qualitative method in this study and for the result, the writer

found the level of anxiety in general English class defined into three-level

such as medium level those were 76 respondents, low level 5 respondents, and

the last high those were 10 respondents. The similarities this study with the

Savira Putri Mayasari, Thesis: “Correlation Between Student’ Language Learnimg Anxiety And Their
Speaking Score” (Salatiga : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, 2013).
Dyah Ari Cendani, Thesis.” Students’ Anxiety Level in Speaking on General English Class a Case
Study at English Teacher Education Department Uin Sunan Ampel Surabaya” (Surabaya : Universitas Islam
Negeri Surabaya, 2018).
previous study in terms of has the same purpose such as to analyze feeling

anxiety appearing on students even though the writer in the previous study

focuses on the level of anxiety of students. Furthermore, for the differences

between this study with the previous study in terms of method, the previous

study used the Qualitative method while this study used Quantitative.

B. Theoretical Bases

In this part the writer providing some underlying theories that will

explain the correlation between student’s anxiety and speaking ability. Some

of which are:

1. Anxiety

a. Definition of Anxiety

Anxiety is one of psychology phenomenon which often

associated with feelings of fear and discomfort with the situation. In

simple terms, anxiety according to Hilgard, & Antkinson as cited in

Abrar defined as something that closely related to psychology and

commonly described as feelings of worry and fear that are usually

associated with an object20. In the line with this idea, Chinston as

cited in Abrar states anxiety is usually appearing because of feeling

afraid of an object that is considered as something threatening21.

Therefore, in the end, we can conclude that anxiety is a

Hilgard, & Antkinson as Cited in Mukhlas Abrar, “ An Investigation Into Indonesian EFL University
Students’ Speaking Anxiety” JEELS volume 4 No 2, 2017, paper, 225.
psychological reaction from feelings of fear, worry, and anxiety

occurred because an object that considering as something

threatening, and eventually makes people uncomfortable with the


Nowadays, anxiety is not only popular in terms of something

that only related to psychology, but in the context of the process of

learning language also. As Susanto, Palupi, & Mustikawati states

anxiety in the process of learning a foreign language defines as

something related to the unconscious feeling which contributes to

the process of learning such as becoming problematic and stressful

situation when students can’t handle it 22. In the line with this idea,

Indri as cited in Melouah states among all lot of factors that

contribute to the process of learning English, anxiety becomes the

leading factor23. It often called students’ anxiety.

Additionally, in learning process, anxiety commonly appeared

in listening and speaking class. It based on statements from Horwitz

as cited in Indriaty state anxiety mostly found in listening and

Heri Susanto, Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi, Dyah Atiek Mustikawati., “ The
Correlation Between Student Anxiety And Student Speaking Skill At English Departement Students
Of Muhammadiyah University Of Ponorogo”, Jurnal Mahasiswa Muhamadiyah Diponogoro volume 1
No 1, 2017, paper, 79.
Idri as cited in Asma Meluoah , “Foreign Language Anxiety in EFL Speaking Classrooms: A
Case Study of First-year LMD Students of English at Saad Dahlab University of Blida, Algeria” Arab World
English Journal volume 4 No 1, 2013, paper, 65.
spontaneous speaking activities24. Related to Horwitz statement,

Young as cited in Putri & Marlina states students consider speaking

English as the most dominant factor causing anxiety 25. Moreover,

the position of speaking as a productive skill, which can be implied

that most of the activities involved by interacting through direct

conversations or presentations are the main reason why most cases

of anxiety found mostly in speaking class. As described by Kondo

as cited in Indriaty, the effect of anxiety on speaking of students

such as make them less interested in being active26. In the same line,

Hasubuan and irzanawati state students who experience anxiety in

speaking class tend to be quiet and reluctant to speak actively as

well, fear of making mistakes becomes the reason, and in the end, it

will have an impact on their speaking ability27.

Generally, student’s anxiety in learning English mostly will

affect the process of acquisition of the language. As Gardner &

MacIntrye as cited in Ammarudin & Suparti states anxiety become

one of the active variables that affect the process acquisition of

Horwitz as Cited in Septy Indriati “ Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English (A Case Study In One
Hotel And Tourism College In Bandung)”, ELTIN Journal volume 4 No 1, 2016, paper, 29.
Young as cited in Nur Maulina Putri & Leni Marlina, “An Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety Faced By
The EFL Freshman Students At English Department Of Universitas Negeri Padang” Joural of English Langauge
Teaching volume 8 No.4, 2019, paper, 460.
Anastaia Rounali Hasibuan & Ira Irzawati, Students’ Speaking Anxiety on their Speaking
Performance: A Study of EFL Learners”, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
volume 394, 2019, paper 102.
English language28. Hence, it the end, because the process

acquisition of English during the learning process is nonoptimal, so

the worst thing that will happen to the students is when anxiety

bring effects to their achievement as well, for instance, it will make

their learning achievement or their grades in learning English

becomes unsatisfactory. Related to that statement, Dordinejad and

Ahmadabad state the level of students anxiety is often used to

measure the proficiency of students during the process of learning

English, such as when they have a high level of anxiety, people

assumed that there is little chance that they will be proficient in

English and vice versa29.

From the explained above, it can be concluded that anxiety

experienced by the students is a psychological reaction of feeling

uncomfortable and threatened, it becomes one of the important

topics in learning English, especially which has a negative effect on

the process learning speaking.

b. The effect of Anxiety on Students.

Generally, those are two kinds the effect of anxiety on

students, such as in their psychology and gesture. As Cubukcu

Gardner & MacIntrye as cited in Ammarudin & Suparti “ Madurese Millennial Students’ Anxiety in
Learning English”, Journal of Intensive Studies on Language, Literature, Art, and Culture volume 2 No 2,
2018 ,paper, 34.
states as cited in Kurniwati those are two important components of

anxiety, namely cognitive and somatic, for cognitive anxiety related

to mental or psychological of students, usually characterized by

feeling anxiety about bad experiences such as fear of negative

expectations from others, while somatic is usually related to anxiety

in terms of the gestures of the body such as nervousness, sweating,

and tension30. Further, an explanation regarding the effects of

anxiety on students will be explained in detail in below :

1. Psychology

Since anxiety becomes a highlighted issue in foreign language

learners, such as it is widely known to bring impact on the the

psychology of students. Furthermore specifically, the effect of

anxiety on psychology of students defined into two terms which

called positive and negative perspectives. As Scovel argumets as

cited in Kathreen, Aguila, & Harjanto states, if the feeling

anxiety makes the students more struggle in the process learning

such as increasing their enthusiasm to learn it is called positive

perspective, but vice versa, when anxiety resulting such as

Cubukcu as cited in St Kurniawati B, Thesis, “ A Study Of Speaking Class Anxiety Of The Second
Semester Students In English Education Department At UIN Alauddin Makassar”(Makassar : UIN Alauddin
Makassar, 2017) paper. 20.
feeling excessive of fear and hence makes students feeling

depressed, it will call negative perspective31.

Furthermore, Samuelsson as cited in Kurniwati, states the

initial impact of anxiety on the psychology of students, who were

in speaking class, such as when they start to feeling fear of

interact or being the center of attention 32. Eventually, feeling less

enjoyable to interact or become the attention of the audience will

impact to their body as well, such as start to showing their

feeling anxiety through their gestures of bodies.

2. Gesture.

When talking about the effect of anxiety on the gestures of

students, it is closely related to the student’s performance.

Feeling unpleasant, worry, fear, emotionally and unease are the

characteristic of students who experience anxiety, and it can only

be seen or viewed mostly from students' performances. In

addition to, Basic states as cited in Kurniawati, the impact of

anxiety on the gestures of students such as, an irregular

Scovel as cited in Kathreen B, Aguila, & Igntius Harjanto,” Foreign Language Anxiety
and Its Impacts on Students’ Speaking Competency”, Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal
volume 32 No 1, 2016, paper, 30.
St Kurniawati B, Thesis, “ A Study Of Speaking Class Anxiety Of The Second Semester Students In

English Education Department At UIN Alauddin Makassar”(Makassar : UIN Alauddin Makassar, 2017) paper.
heartbeat, sweating and tense, and immediately disrupts their

performance through make them unfocused33

Generally, the impact of anxiety on gestures of students'

naturally starts from feelings of anxiety and fear, then

spontaneously affects their expression makes them unfocused,

and in the end, their body produces cold sweat as a gesture of

feelings of anxiety and discomfort

In the same line, Raja states when the students in the

condition that being the center of attention and have to interact

with the audience, then the gesture of anxiety begins to appear

slowly, it starting with their expressions such as fear and anxiety

in their face, and in the end, their bodies produce sweat and

nausea34. Furthermore, Mayo as cited in Adams explained the

types of effect anxiety on students in college are such as feeling

threatened, restless, nervous, unfocused, and afraid35. Moreover,

Aronen dkk, as cited in Hashempour & Mehrad states that

Farhan Raja, “Anxiety Level in Students of Public Speaking : Causes and Remedies”
Journal of Education and EducationalDevelopment volume 4 No.1, 2017, paper.95.

Mayo as cited in Adam Drive, “Anxiety in College Students: Causes, Statistics & How Universities Can
Help” (, accesed 16

unfocused, and problems with the system working of the brain

are the characteristics of feeling anxiety which giving a negative

influence to the process learning and academic performance of


c. Factors contributing to Anxiety

In the process of learning English, those are several factors that

caused feeling anxiety to appear in students. According to Abrar,

those are two points that caused anxiety during process learning

namely factor internal and external37. In internal factors, it is related

to the personality of each student’s such as their beliefs, their

perception, and their attitudes during process learning. On the other

hand, external factors related to the situation of learning such as the

interaction between teacher and students, technique learning from

the teacher, and procedure of class.

On the other hand, Horwiz et al as cited in Sutarsyah defined

three parts of anxiety in terms of foreign language class are feeling

fear of communication, fear of negative views, and the last fear of

evaluation38. The first is anxiety in terms of feeling fear of

Aroen dkk as cited in Sara Hashempour & Aida Mehrad,”The Effect of Anxiety and Imotional
Intellegence on Students Learning Process” Journal of Education and Sosial Policy volume 1 No. 2, 2014, paper.
Mukhlas Abrar, “ An Investigation Into Indonesian EFL University Students’ Speaking Anxiety”
JEELS volume 4 No 2, 2017,paper, 225.
Rebecca as cited in Dwi Nur Rohimah, Thesis “The Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety
Level And Their Speaking Ability At The Second Semester Of The Tenth Grade Of MA Al-Fatah Natar
In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020” (Lampung: UIN Raden Intan Lampung, 2019) paper, 123.
communication caused when the students cannot elaborate their

ideas or thoughts perfectly, the second is the fear of negative views

which is caused by the ambition of students who want to look

positive in front of others, and the last thing is anxiety in terms of

the evaluation, this is closely related to the process evaluation in


Based on the definition from the expert in above, the researcher

deduces that anxiety is one of factor which giving negative impact

to the process learning speaking caused by either factor internal

from students’ or external from the lecture.

2. Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking Ability.

Speaking is one of the skills in English language that should be

mastered. According to Rebecca as cited in Rohimah states that

speaking is an ability that includes the ability to interact, express, or

convey our ideas or expression through oral communication

fluently39. Related to arguments from Rebecca, furthermore, Trigan

as cited in Wamnebo dkk states speaking is one way to express or

explain our idea, expression, feeling, and the last our arguments in

Juni Bayu Saputra “An Anlysis Students Speaking Anxiety Toward Their Speaking Skill”, Journal Of
English Aplication And Applied Lingistics, Volume 7 No.1, 2018, paper, 113.
social life40. Generally, humans need speaking ability either to share

their ideas or to communicate with each other in daily activities.

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

speaking is one of the most important skills in the context of social

life, or even in the context of human life independently, because

like the explanations above that conveyed by several figures it can

be concluded that speaking is a skill or a tool in the context the

ability to use oral communication which is often used to interact

explain, or even refute an idea.

b. Components of Speaking

There are many theories and opinions regarding the components

of speaking, such as the theory from Syakur as cited in Abrar, that

said those are five components of speaking such as pronunciation,

grammar, vocabulary, fluency and the last word choice41.

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way students produce the sound of the

alphabet in English language. In speaking pronoun becomes part

significant because the audience just could be understood when

someone speaks clearly. Generally pronounciation including

some aspect such as the sound, intonation, rhytm, and

Wiwin Wanebo dkk, “Students’ Speaking Skill in Oral Descriptive Text By Using Video At Tenth
Grade In Sma Negeri 1 Namlea”
Mukhlash Abrar “An Investigition Into Indonesian EFL University Students Speaking
Anxiety” JEELS, Volume 4 No.2, 2017, paper. 225
articulation, that will make they speak clearly. Moreover

according to Kline as cited in Bambang states pronouncition is

the way the students speak word clearly in their speaking


Based on the statememnt above the writer concluded

pronunciation is one of significant aspect of speaking because

without pronounciation clearly the audience cannot understand

what the speaker had been spoken.

2. Grammar

Grammar is the way students speak according to the rule.

Grammar is used when students compile the patterns of

sentences in accordance with the correct structure or formula. It

is including the structure guidelines of language and formulas to

be applied into sentences.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the list of English word which has meaning.

Vocabulary becomes an essential part of speaking because

without a list of vocabulary we cannot speak in terms the use

English language. Further explanation about vocabulary

Bambang Purnama, Thesis“The Use of Comunicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Approach to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at The Tenth Grade of MA Nurul Yaqin Praya in
Academic Year 2018/2019” (Mataram, UIN Mataram, 2019), paper. 27.
delivered by Hornby who defined vocabulary as the amount of

word that used by people in one language43.

4. Fluency is the ability of someone to speak English faster.

5. Word choice is the ability to use the appropriate word.

Those are some components of speaking which students must

mastery. Furthermore, in another argument, Heaton as cited in

Handayi and Ngadiman divined components of speaking into three

aspects namely accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility44.

Furthermore in terms of accuracy including the ability of used

grammar properly, and pronounce words correctly, while in fluency

and comprehensibility including the ability to speak fluently and the

ability to make the message conveyed by the speaker easy to

understand by listeners.

c. The Problem In Speaking class

Among the explanations about speaking which has been

explained above, the research concludes speaking is one of the

skills that require activeness not only in speaking activity but the

. Hornby as Cited in Dwi Nur Rohmah, Thesis “The Correlation Between Students’
Anxiety Level And Their Speaking Ability At The Second Semester Of The Tenth Grade Of MA AL-
FATAH NATAR In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020” (Lampung, UIN Lampung, 2019), paper. 33
Heaton as cited HeatYeni Rina Handayani & Agustius Ngadiman “Efl Learners’ Speaking Anxiety
And English Speaking Ability” Journal of English Teaching Adi Buana,volume 3 No.1, 2018, paper 57.
ability to translate ideas through speaking became one of the

aspects also that considered to measure the succesful of students.

When speaking skills required active participants, the teacher

who teaches speaking often found some problems that make the

effectiveness of learning speaking only just for a few students not

covering all of the students. According to Zur as cited in Rahayu

some of those problems are low participants, Inhibition, mother

tongue use, and the last anxiety45:

1. Low Participants

This is a case that teachers often encounter in class, simply

called the passivity of students or lack of feeling interested of

students during process learning. Certainly, it becomes a

problem for speaking class, because it is clear that speaking

requires enthusiasm from students to participate in terms of

practice their speaking or to conveying their ideas through oral


2. Inhibition

The position of English today in our country, which only

becomes a foreign language indirectly affected the process of

students' mastering four skills, particularly speaking.

Zur as cited in Natalia Rahayu, Skripsi “ An Anlysis Students’ Problems In Speaking
English Langauge Daily Program At Khusnul Khotimah Daily Program Islamic Boarding School”
(Cirebon, State Islamic Institute Cirebon,2015) paper. 17.
Additionally, the position of English just a foreign language in

Indonesia country is Inhibition for students, because foreign

language has meant students have no obligation to use English

outside the classroom, and in the end, because the process of

pronoun English words just only takes place in speaking class

then it makes the lip of students' become stiffness to pronoun

English word, hence it will bring an impact on the use of

grammar, and the way of students speak fluency in speaking, feel

more burdened when they have to convey their ideas with correct

grammar, and fluency accent, is one of the examples.

3. Mother tongue use

The positions of English anguage have an impact also on the

speaking skills of students, especially those who study English

intensively. Foreign language means that these people do not

speak English like native or people who come from countries

that make English their second language. It gives an indirect

impact on the process of mastering speaking because the most

effective way to mastering speaking is often to practice it.

Therefore, the frequency of using the first language has an effect

on speaking also, such as it starts from the accent and intonation

when they speak which is not like a native speaker because the

frequency uses English is so minimum. Another example is

when the teacher asked students to speak, they will make a

concept using Indonesian firstly and then translate it to English

language secondly.

4. Anxiety

This is the last problem of students in speaking, feeling

anxiety becomes the problem because the lack of practice of

students will make them learn passively in the class and they will

feel anxiety when they practice or speak in front of their friends.

In this case, students fear to make something wrong in terms of

using grammar, and pronunciation, furthermore anxiety related

to psychological aspects also such as mental of students to speak

in front of their friends.

d. The Characteristics Students Anxiety

Since anxiety giving a negative impact on the speaking ability

of students, it affected also on characteristics of students’ such as

their habits when making presentations. According to Wardhani

those are two characteristics of students who have anxiety in

speaking namely observable symptoms and non-observable

symptoms46. Observable symptoms are the characteristic of anxiey

Widia Kusuma Wardani “The Characteristics of Anxious Students in Speaking Classroom”
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3 No.2, 2018, paper.64
which can be identified from the gesture of students, while non-

observable is the characteristics of anxiety that we can’t identify

because it is just the anxious students can feel it.

Furthermore, Sulaeiminova as cited in Wardhani states

observable symptoms has characteristics such as “squirming,
playing with hair or clothing, nervously touching objects, stuttering
or stammering, moreover for non-observable symptoms has
characteristics such as “fidgeting, headache, experiencing tight
muscle, and feeling unexplained pain or tension in any part of the
Moreover, acording to Wardani when students feel afraid or

fear to speak using English, it would be indicated as they underwent

anxiety in speaking48. Furthermore Thornburry as cited in Indriati

states feeling anxiety and failure during students speaking

performance is caused by their lack ness in terms of mastering

grammar and vocabulary49. In other words, it can be concluded that

the cases of anxiety which often became a problem for some students

are mostly experienced by students who lack the aspects mastering

of speaking.

Furthermore According to Young as cited in Tanveer those are

three characteristics of feeling anxiety during speaking class such as

Widia Kusuma Wardani “The Characteristics of Anxious Students in Speaking Classroom”
Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3 No.2, 2018, paper.61.

Thornburry as cited in Septy Indrianty “ Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English (a Case Study in One
Hotel and Tourism College in Bandung)” ELTIN Journal, Volume .4 No.1, 2016, paper.30.
feeling uptight, worried, and the last one is nervous50. Generally,

feeling anxiety of students starting because their lack ness mastering

speaking aspects such as grammar, fluency, and pronouncition, hence

it ultimately leads them to feeling such as uptight, nervous, and worry.

The carachteristics of anxiety, furtermore will bring negative impact to

speaking performance of students, and moreover to their perspective

during speaking class.

e. Factors Students Anxiety

Since anxiety become one problem often faced by students

during speaking class, therefore some several factors acording to

Young as cited in Abrar, he argues three factors which will inflict

anxiety in speaking class, such as teacher learning method, learner

beliefs and instructional practice51.

The method of learning which teacher used such as process of

interaction, types of test and the way of teacher manage the process

learning during speaking class will significantly impact to the

perspective of students and moreover become one factor will inflict

anxiety during speaking class. Basicly, when students feel

Young as cited in Muhammad Tanveer, Skripsi “Investigation of the Factors that Cause Language
Anxiety for ESL/EFL Learners in Learning Speaking Skills and the Influence it Casts on
Communication in the Target Language”.(Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 2007),paper.4.
Young as cited in Mukhlash Abrar “An Investigition Into Indonesian EFL University Students
Speaking Anxiety” JEELS, Volume 4 No.2, 2017, paper. 225
uncomfortable with method which tecaher used or they feel afraid

to make interaction, and feel burden with the types of test that

teacher create, it will alleviate their interesting or their perspective

about speaking, hence they will become pasive students and finally

anxious to speak.

Specifically Tsui as cited in Maulidiyah states those are three

aspect which could inflict anxiety during speaking class such as

feeling fear to make any mistakes, feeling afraid with judgment of

teacher, and the last feeling shy because of their level in proficiency

English language is low52.From the explanition in above the writer

conclude that those are three particular aspects which would raise

feeling anxiety at speaking class. Firstly, because students

discomfort with learning method which had been used by the their

teacher. The second aspects is students perspective, for instance

when the students have low level in proficiency speaking English

what actions do they take such as if their shortcomings in speaking

make them become shame, it called negative perspective or if their

lacknes in terms of mastery speaking becomes their reference to be

more struggling in learning, it can be said that is positive

perspective. The last aspects is feeling fear with types of test, in this

Tsui as cited Yuliana Maulidiyah, Thesis: “ The Corelation Between Students’ Anxiety And
Their Ability In Speaking Class” (Tulungagung :IAIN Tulungagung, 2014), paper.39.
aspect those are three kinds of feeling fear which often felt by

students such as feeling fear of tecaher judgment, making any

mistakes, and whether or not they passed the test with satisfactory


C. Conceptual Framework

As students who majored in English Language Education, which must

be mastered four skills is not easy, particularly in speaking class.

Additionally, speaking is commonly known as a productive skill. In this case,

to be a good speaker the students need to prove their speaking ability through

performances. However, for some students being active in speaking class is

really hard, feeling anxiety, fear of being scolded, afraid of being laughed at,

and lack in terms of speaking proficiency are factors that prevent them to say


Talking about anxiety which is widely known has a close relationship in

the process of learning English as a Foreign Language. It becomes one

problem which commonly faced in process learning speaking. In the line with

this idea, Krashen states as cited in Isnaini, during process learning in

speaking class, anxiety gives an impact on the minds of students firstly, which
called a mental distraction, and in the end, it can alleviate the effectiveness in

the process learn and producing language acquisition53.

Students' anxiety during speaking class giving impacts not only to the

mental of students but also their perspective and performances. In the contexts

of students performance, Yusuf as cited in Isnaini states in students

performances it will disturb their focus until they appearing they're nervous54.

In the end, it will make students performance become dissatisfactory, and

hence it will bring impact to their perspective also such as negative


Meanwhile, feeling anxiety becomes one of the factors why the students

being passive during the process of learning to speak. Based on the arguments

above, therefore the researcher thinks to analyze the correlation between

students anxiety and speaking ability to carry out deeply what makes the

anxiety becomes a big problem for students in terms of speaking and what the

teacher gonna should do to anticipate it. Furthermore, to measure the level of

correlation between students' anxiety and speaking abilities, the researcher

uses a questionnaire adopted from Horwizt's theory which contains 33

numbers that have 3 sub topics, namely feeling fear of communication, fear of

Krashen as cited in Nur Isnaini, Thesis “An Anlysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety Students Of English
Foreign Language (EFL) At Fifth Semeter English Departement Of UIN Raden Intan Lampung Acaddemic Year
Of 2018/2019” (Lampung: UIN Raden Intan Lampung, 2018), paper.3.

Ibid , Hal.2.
negative views, and the last fear. of evaluation, while for the assessment

system it used a Likert scale ranging from 1-5.

D. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theory, the researcher concludes the hypothesis such as:

a. Null hypothesis (Ho)

There is no correlation between students anxiety and speaking ability at

study program English Language Education State Islamic University of


b. Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant correlation between students anxiety and speaking

at study program English Language Education State Islamic University of




A. Research Design

This research is a quantitative research using correlational study because

the purpose of this research is to know the correlation between students’

anxiety and their speaking ability. According to Moore quantitative study is

typical studies use the statistic for analyzing data, and provide the result
through numerical data55. Moreover, a correlational study according to

Mccomess is a study that has purpose to find out the correlation between two


In this research, the writer used two variables, namely the level of

students anxiety which the results can be measured through FLCAS, and their

speaking ability which could measure just through their score in speaking.

B. Population, and Sample

According to Kothari states in his book under the title “Research

Methodology Methods and Techniques” population is all items that has

function as the object for the research57. The population for this research is

second semesters students from majority English language education at State

Islamic University of Mataram which consist four classes namely A, B, C,

and D, for A class consist of 30 students, B class consist 30 students, C class

consist of 30 students and the last class D consist of 28 students. Totaly there

was 118 student.

In deciding the sample the researcher will use the purposive sampling

technique. Purposive sampling technique according to Pandey & Mishra states

in their book entitled “Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques” is

techniques of collecting the data, which not choose the sample randomly, but
Fahmeena Odetta Moore, “Qualitative vs Quantitative Study”
((, acessed 8 Agustus 2020,22020)
Shona McCombes, “Correlational Research”
(, accesed 8 Agustus 2020, 22020) .
C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, (India : New Age International (P)
Limited, Publishers, 2004), paper,55.
based on arbitrary, and the writer has ensured that the samples which will be

used have reached the characteristics accordance with the objectives of the


Generally, purposive techique sampling just focus on a spesific purpose

from the researcher, which means it will probably use in a correlation study

because the spesific purpose from correlational study is to know is there any

correlation between two of variables. Furthermore, the writer chooses only

one class for sampling, namely A class which consists of 30 students .

Furthermore, the researcher uses sample only 30 students, it is based on the

opinion of Gay and Diehl as cited in Alhaji, that state the respondent or

sample in a research study depends on what type of research is being carried

out, for example in descriptive study the sample must be at least 10% of the

population, other examples are correlation research in this study the minimum

sample that can be used is 30 students 59. Generally based on my observation in

A class they often felt anxious because of feeling fear of make something

wrong in front of their lecture.

C. Setting and Time of Research

This research will conducted in the second semesters at English

Language Education Study Program Of State Islamic University Of Mataram

Dr. Prabhat Pandey and Dr. Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research Methodology: Tools and
Techniques, (Romania : Bridge Center , 2015), paper. 54.
Gay and Diehl as cited in Hashim Yusuf Alhaji “Determining Sufficiency Of Sample Size In
management Survey Research Activities” International Journal Of Organisational Management &
Entrepreneurship Development, Volume 6 No.1, 2010, paper 16.
which located in Gajah Mada Number 100, Pagesangan, Mataram, Jempong

Baru, District. Sekarbela, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara. 83116. This

study will be conduct in March 2021.

D. Variable of Research

1. Independent Variable

Independent Variable is the variable that giving some effect to other

variables. In this research, Anxiety become an independent variable.

2. Dependent Variable

Dependent Variable is the variable which probably affected by an

independent variable. In this research, speaking ability become the

dependent variable.

E. Research Design

This research used Quanti-correlation where the researcher has a

purpose of measuring whether students anxiety has given impacts on their

speaking ability of students or vice versa. The researcher chooses one class for

sampling. Additionally, the writer giving the instruments to students firstly to

measure their level anxiety of students’ through Google form while to

measure their speaking ability the writer used their speaking score from the

previous semester.

F. Instruments of Research
To know the correlation between students’ anxiety and their speaking

ability the researcher need an instruments to collecting the data or to get the

result. In this study the writer used two instruments such as anxiety

questionnaire and speaking test.

1. Anxiety Questionnaire

Generally, questionnaire includes the question or statements which

can be answered based on what types of questionnaire, moreover

questionnaire is a list of question that will give to respondents whether

directly or indirectly. Those are two kinds of questionnaire such as:

a. The open questionnaire is the list of questions that give to

respondents but giving the opportunity to respondents to write

their opinion while they answer the question

b. closed questionnaire, in this type of questionnaire which giving

the alternative answer such yes or no for the respondents.

In this study the type questionnaire will used by the the researcher is

closed questionnaire and addapted teori from Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope

which called Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)

which consist 33 items, including 14 questions for test anxiety, 7

questions for feeling fear of negative evaluation, and the last 11 questions

for communication apprehension. The research did not make

questionnaire for measure students anxiety but used theory from Horwitz (1986). Certainly, the types of questionnaire that used by the

researcher had been guaranteed in terms of validity and reability to

meausure feeling anxiety of students. The researcher will get the score

anxiety of students from score in each number. Additionally, in the

process assessment uses likert scale rated on number 1 for a strong agree

until 5 for a strongly disagree answer, hence the highest score that

students will get is 165, and for the lowest is 33 score.

2. Speaking Test.

In this study to know the scores of students in terms of speaking,

the researcher did not design a test but collaborated with a speaking

lecturer namely Miss Sri Hastuti Novila Anggerini. S.,M. TESOL.

Furthermore, she is one of the best and senior lecturers of speaking at

major English Language Education, who teach speaking in first, second,

and third semesters. In the context of the assessment for the final score,

miss Tutiq as a speaking lecturer still follows the assessment rules in the

academic book. The final score assessment model that he uses as 55

percent for daily test scores, 20 percent for mid-semester, and 25 percent

for final test scores, then after all three scores have been collected, they

are divided with 10.

55 %+20+25%
Tabel 3.1

The Scoring system of Final score

Score Converted

91-100 A+

86-90 A

81-85 A-

76-80 B+

71-75 B

66-70 B-

61-65 C+

56-60 C

<55 D

G. Procedure of Data Collection.

This study used questionnaires (FLCAS) and got score from lecture in

speaking for process collecting data. The questionnaire give to students to

measure their level of anxiety firstly, and then after the researcher knows the

level of anxiety from the students, the writer will get score speaking of

students from their lecturer. The last step the writer will analyze it uses SPSS

to know whether there is a correlation between their level in anxiety and their
speaking score. Finally, the result will find through analyze the result from the

questionnaire and the result from test speaking.

H. Technique of Data Anlysis

Technique of data anlysis the research will use inferential statistic

technique correlation. Inferential Statistic technique is technical analysis data

that just focus in process analysis sample of data, and the result the research

can deduce the conclusion data from population. The type of inferential

statistic that researcher will use is correlation person product moment which

found by Karl Pearson.

n ∑ XY −∑ X ∑ Y
√ n ∑ X −( ∑ X ) √ n ∑ Y − ( ∑ Y )
2 2 2 2

For further explanation as follows:

r = Pearson’s correlation coefficient

n = number of paired scores

X = score of the first variable

Y = score of the second variable

XY = the product of the two paired scores

∑X = Sum score in X distribution

ΣY = Sum of a score in Y distribution

ΣXY = Sum of multiplication of X and Y

Additionally, in the process of interpreting the data in product

correlation moment has a limit of numbers that indicate whether the level of

correlation is high or low, such as when the results between 0.20–0.40, it is

indicated that the correlation between Variable X and Variable Y is a weak or

low correlation, 0.40–0.70 indicate the level of correlation between Variable

X and Variable Y is a moderate or adequate, range 0.70 - 0.90 showed that

Variable X and Variable Y is a strong or high correlation, and the last 0.90-

1.00 showed that between Variable X and Variable Y there is a very strong

correlation between the two variables

Furthermore, the research will use SPPS application for measuring the

data. This application widely used to analyze educational researchers, market

researchers, survey companies, and others.

I. Validity and Reliability

a. Validity

Validity is one way to measure the level of validity of an instruments

that use to measure the data. In this study, instrument that needed to be

tested the level of validity is an anxiety instrument, namely FLCAS which

was adopted by from Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope theory. However, the

researcher did not test the validity directly because this questionnaire has
guaranteed in term of the validity.,as explained by Maulidiyah according to

a literature review that the anxiety instrument or FLCAS has been proven

to be a valid instrument even if it is given to students in the context of

different cultures and countries.

b. Reliability

After doing the test validity of instruments the researcher going to the

next step called reliability. Reliability is one way to measures the level of

consistency of the instrument for measuring the data . Furthermore to measure

the level of reliability the researcher uses the SPSS application and the

result is the reliability level of the instrument is on the numbers 0,453.

Table the result of reliability

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 30 100,0
Excluded a
0 ,0
Total 30 100,0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
,453 33


A. Research Finding

1. Data Description

There was one class that used to be a sample that included 30 students.

Additionally, to find out the level of anxiety of students the researcher used

the FLCAS questionnaire which adapted from Horwitz's theory, while to

measure the proficiency of the students in speaking, the researcher uses the
final score was given from the speaking lecturer who has been completed

with an assessment rubric). Hence, after the researcher obtaining the anxiety

score from the FLCAS questionnaire that has been filled by the students, and

the speaking score from the speaking lecturer and the next step is grouping

the scores that have been obtained into 2 categories, namely level of anxiety

and speaking ability, further explanation like

a. The level of anxiety

1. Anxiety Questionnaire

This questionnaire was given to 30 students from A class via

Google Form. Basically, the purposed of this questionnaire was given

to the students is to measure their level of feeling anxiety. Based on

the scores shown in the table, it can be concluded that the highest

score is 123, and 1 student is obtained, while the lowest score is 99,

and 1 student is obtained also. On the other hand for the mean score

is 108,8 .

Table 4.1

Score of Anxiety

No Respondents Score

1. NK 107

2. HA 123

3. ES 119
4. DP 116

5. AS 119

6. MMK 116

7. RA 121

8. AV 110

9. AGR 103

10. FA 117

11. RMHA 102

12. RF 116

13. RO 116

14. BJS 103

15. VQM 104

16. VPS 101

17. DI 102

18. GA 108

19. MF 114

20. MDS 101

21. AMJ 108

22. RA 114

23. NB 100

24. RE 99

25. MRA 103

26. AR 104

27. SH 100

28. EH 100

29. HSZ 114

30. BR 104

N = 108,8 ΣX = 3264

b. Speaking Test

This test was given to students aims to measure their speaking

abilities, at A class specifically. However, the researchers did not use the

test to measure the level of students' proficiency in speaking, but by using

their final scores in the previous semester, it based on the consideration of

the process learning currently, which is widely known through online

learning system, therefore it is not possible if the researcher gives a

speaking test directly to the sample. Furthermore based on considerations

of the online learning system today, so the researcher took the initiative to

use the final score in the previous semester, it is because, at the time when

the researcher collected data or take the data, it was not the period of the

Final Exam of students, hence, in the end, the researcher used their last

semester's scores. Additionally, the mean score in speaking data is 80,67,

while the highest score is 82 and there are seven students obtained, in
other hands for the lowest score is 79 and there are three students are


Tabel 4.2

Students’ Score in Speaking Test

No Respondents Speaking Final Score

1. NK 80

2. HA 79

3. ES 81

4. DP 82

5. AS 80

6. MMK 81

7. RA 82

8. AV 82

9. AGR 80

10. FA 80

11. RMHA 81

12. RF 81

13. RO 80

14. BJS 81

15. VQM 81

16. VPS 81
17. DI 81

18. GA 80

19. MF 82

20. MDS 82

21. AMJ 80

22. RA 80

23. NB 81

24. NNI 79

25. MRA 81

26. AR 79

27. SH 80

28. EH 82

29. HSZ 79

30. BR 82

N= 80,67 ΣX = 2420

2. Data Analysis

a. The correlation of Two Variables

This below is a table of the two variables, the first is students' anxiety

score and the second is their final score in speaking. Furthermore, for the

process of data analysis or calculating the correlation between the two

variables the researcher uses the SPSS application so that the results look

like the correlation table in below:

Table 4.4

Data of two variables

Respondents Students anxiety Speaking Final Score

NK 107 80

HA 123 79

ES 119 81

DP 116 82

AS 119 80

MMK 116 81

RA 121 82

AV 110 82

AGR 103 80

FA 117 80

RMHA 102 81

RF 116 81

RO 116 80

BJS 103 81

VQM 104 81

VPS 101 81

DI 102 81
GA 108 80

MF 114 82

MDS 101 82

AMJ 108 80

RA 114 80

NB 100 81

NNI 99 79

MRA 103 81

AR 104 79

SH 100 80

EH 100 82

HSZ 114 79

BR 104 82

students anxiety
score speaking score
students anxiety score Pearson Correlation 1 -,083
Sig. (2-tailed) ,662
N 30 30
speaking score Pearson Correlation -,083 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,662
N 30 30
From the results of the table correlation above which calculated using the

SPSS application, it can be seen that the significant correlation Pearson is -0,083, so

it can be concluded that there is no correlation between students' anxiety and

speaking ability, it based on correlation value that has been described on page 41.

Furthermore, related to the sig.2 tailed the score is 0.662, which means that the score

is more than 0.05, which means the Alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the

Null hypothesis (Ho) is retained. Additionally, to make sure of the results from SPSS

application, the researchers added a scatter plot table. Basically, the scatter plot is a

table that has a function to show how much the level correlation between two

variables and shows the kind of relationship between the two variables whether

positive or negative.

Table 4.5

Scatter Plot of correlation two variables

B. Discussion

As the researcher explained in the first chapter that the objective of

this study was to find out whether there is a correlation between students'

anxiety and speaking ability. Furthermore, in process of data collection, the

researcher only uses one class as a sample from the entire population of

students’ semester 2. There are two types of instruments used. The first

questionnaire is the FLCAS questionnaire which adopted from Horwitzt's

theory, which aims to measure the level of students' anxiety, and the second

is the speaking test which aims to measure the level of ability of each student

in the context of speaking. However, for the speaking test instrument, the
researcher did not make a test but used the final score in the previous

semester that obtained from their speaking lecturer directly, this was due to

the condition of the learning system today, which was done online, so it was

impossible for researcher to conduct offline tests, to measure the level ability

of students in terms of speaking.

After taking the data the next step is a process of calculating the data.

In this study, the researcher used SPSS application to calculate the correlation

between two variables. From the results of data calculations, it can be

concluded that there is no correlation between the two variables.

Furthermore, when the researcher compared the results of this study with the

2 previous studies conducted by Maulidiyah and Dyah ayu Cendana, it turned

out that the results were similar in the context of the final result, such as there

is a weak correlation between the two variables or there is no correlation

between the two variables.

Moreover when the final results of this study have been found that is

no correlation or the correlation is no significant between the two variables,

then when referring to the theory that has been described in the previous

chapters, it can be seen that the theory of experts described by the researcher

about anxiety has a significant impact to the speaking ability of students'

were not concerned with the results of this study. Furthermore, related to the

results of this study which show a weak correlation, then the writer tries to

find opinions or arguments that are related. Additionally, that is one argument
namely from Scovel which explains that basically, anxiety has 2 effects on

students, namely positive and negative, anxiety clustered into positive effect

if feeling Anxiety is able to make students more enthusiastic to practice

speaking to reduce their anxiety, and conversely anxiety called negative

effect when it makes students afraid to speak, nervous and in the end it has an

impact on their speaking ability.

Furthermore, according to Scovel's argument anxiety have 2 effects

called negative and positive depending on how the student reacts to it. In

relation to this study, the most probability from why the results of this study

are a negative correlation of two variables, it because according to what

Scovel said that anxiety has a positive impact also, it can be seen that in

general based to the test' anxiety of students, their average score of test

anxiety is above 100. It can be concluded that at least they also experience

feeling anxiety but they can handle it. It proving by their speaking score

results are also in the range of above 80 so it can be concluded that the

feeling of anxiety is able to make them practice more or learn more, or

simply they can handle their anxiety feeling or they got a positive impact

from anxiety


This chapter is the final chapter or the closing chapter of this research.

Furthermore, there are 2 things that will be discussed in this chapter, the first is
the final result and the second is the researcher's suggestions for future

researchers who want to conduct the same topic with this research.

A. Conclusion

After calculating the data, the calculation results are obtained, such as the

value of r is -0,083 which indicates there is no correlation between the two

variables. Furthermore, for the results of the significance analysis, it was found

that the significance level in this study was 0.662. when referring to the terms of

acceptance of the hypothesis Ha is N.Sig> 5%. However, when referring to the

significant value in this study, which is 0.662, it can be seen that the hypothesis

Ha is rejected, and the hypothesis Ho is retained, it directly also answers the final

result of this study such as there is no correlation .

B. Suggestion

As previously explained by the researcher, this study aims to measure the

level of correlation between the two variables. From these measurements, the

result is a weak correlation between the two variables. Regarding the results of

this study, the researchers wanted to provide suggestions, especially for speaking

lecturers, future researchers, and students

1. Speaking lecturer

When referring to the topic of this research which is about feeling anxiety

and its impact on speaking ability, then it will not be far apart from the

process of interaction between lecturers and students in the learning process.

Therefore the researcher hopes that the speaking lecturers will be able to
design learning methods as fun as possible in terms of learning speaking so

that students do not need to be anxious or afraid to try to speak or show their

speaking skills.

2. For students

For students who major in English Language Education, the researcher

suggest that they had to improve their enthusiasm and mental in the learning

process especially in the speaking class, considering that in terms of

speaking, to make a good performance students not only needed speaking

skills but also had to be mentally prepared.

3. Further researchers

For further researchers, the results and theory in this study can be a guide

for those who want to conduct research on the same topic, or as motivation or

reference material for those who want to conduct several topics or problems

in terms of learning English.

Rustini. 2017. The Correlation Between Foreign Language Anxiety And Speaking
Achievement Of The Eight Grade Students Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Paradigma Palembang. Thesis. Palembang: UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
Ghita Calvina Izumi. The Study Between Students Anxiety And Speaking Ability At
The First Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tanggerang. Thesis.
Lampung: Universitas Lampung.
Susanto, H., Palupi, R.E.A., & Mustikawati, D.A. (2017). The Correlation Between
Student Anxiety And Student Speaking Skill At English Departement Students
Of Muhammadiyah University Of Ponorogo. Jurnal MahasiswaUniversitas
Muhamaddiyah Ponogoro, 1 (1). 80
Sharifi, F., & Laskharian, A. (2015). Realitionship Between Anxiety And Speaking
Ability Of EFL Learners. Journal of Applied Linguistick Dubai, 1(3). 31.
Savira Putri Mayasari. 2013. Correlation Between Student’ Language Learnimg
Anxiety And Their Speaking Score .Thesis. Salatiga : Universitas Kristen Satya
Dyah Ari Cendani. 2018. Students’ Anxiety Level in Speaking on General English
Class a Case Study at English Teacher Education Department Uin Sunan
Ampel Surabaya.Thesis. Surabaya : Universitas Islam Negeri Surabaya.
Wardani, W. K. (2018). The Characteristics of Anxious Students in Speaking
Classroom. Journal Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 3 (2) .64.

Muslem, A., Fata, I.A., & Innayatullah. (2019). Factors Affecting Intership Students
Speaking Anxiety. Al-Ta’lim Jurnal, 26(2). 205.

Sutarsyah, C. (2017) . An Anlysis Of Students Speaking Anxiety And It’s Effect on

Speaking Performance. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and
Applied Linguistics, 1 (2). 145.

Saputra, J. B., (2018). An Anlysis Students Speaking Anxiety Toward Their

Speaking Skill. Journal Of English Aplication And Applied Lingistics, 7 (1).
113. Students’ Speaking Skill in

Oral Descriptive Text By Using Video At Tenth Grade In Sma Negeri 1
Namlea, 11May 2008.,
acessed in 25 july 2020,2020)

Abrar, M. (2017). An Investigition Into Indonesian EFL University Students

Speaking Anxiety. JEELS, 4 (2). 225.

Bambang Purnama. 2019. The Use of Comunicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Approach to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at The Tenth Grade of MA
Nurul Yaqin Praya in Academic Year 2018/2019. Thesis. Mataram: UIN
Natalia Rahayu. 2015. An Anlysis Students’ Problems In Speaking English Langauge
Daily Program At Khusnul Khotimah Daily Program Islamic Boarding School.
Thesis. Cirebon: State Islamic Institute Cirebon.

Indriati, S. (2016). “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English (a Case Study in One

Hotel and Tourism College in Bandung)”. ELTIN Journal, 4 (1).30.

Muhammad Tanveer, “Investigation of the Factors that Cause Language Anxiety for
ESL/EFL Learners in Learning Speaking Skills and the Influence it Casts on
Communication in the Target Language. Thesis. Glasgow: University of

Nur Isnaini. 2018. “An Anlysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety Students Of English
Foreign Language (EFL) At Fifth Semeter English Departement Of UIN Raden
Intan Lampung Acaddemic Year Of 2018/2019. Thesis. Lampung: UIN Raden
Intan Lampung. Qualitative vs Quantitative

Study,, acessed 8 Agustus
2020. Research,
accesed 8 Agustus 2020.
Kothari, C, R. 2004. Methodology Methods and Techniques. India : New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers.
Pandey, Prabhat and Meenu ,M, P. 2015. Research Methodology: Tools and
Techniques. Romania : Bridge Center.
Raja, F.(2017). “Anxiety Level in Students of Public Speaking: Causes and
Remedies”. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 4(1).96.
can-help. Anxiety in College Students: Causes, Statistics & How Universities
Can Help, accesed 16 Januari,2021.
Hashempour, S., & Mehrad, A. “The Effect of Anxiety and Imotional Intellegence on
Students Learning Process”. Journal of Education and Sosial Policy, 1(2).2014.
Hasibuan, A, R., & Irzawati, I. “Students’ Speaking Anxiety on their Speaking
Performance: A Study of EFL Learners”. Advances in Social Science,
Education and Humanities Research, 394.102
Ammarudin, & Suparti. “Madurese Millennial Students’ Anxiety in Learning
English”. Journal of Intensive Studies on Language, Literature, Art, and
Culture, 2(2).2018.
Meluoah, A. “Foreign Language Anxiety in EFL Speaking Classrooms: A Case
Study of First-year LMD Students of English at Saad Dahlab University of
Blida, Algeria”. Arab World English Journal volume, 4 (1), 2013.
Indriati, S,. “Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English (A Case Study In One Hotel
And Tourism College In Bandung)”, ELTIN Journal , 4 (1), 2016.
Siti Kurniawati B. 2017. “A Study Of Speaking Class Anxiety Of The Second
Semester Students In English Education Department At UIN Alauddin
Makassar. Thesis. Makassar: UIN Alauddin Makassar.
Kathreen B, Aguila, & Harjanto I,. “Foreign Language Anxiety and Its Impacts on
Students’ Speaking Competency”, Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal,
32 (1), 2016


Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale(used Likert scale),

Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom

anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125‐132.

1. I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my foreign language


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

2. I don't worry about making mistakes in language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

3. I tremble when I know that I'm going to be called on in language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

4. It frightens me when I don't understand what the teacher is saying in the

foreign language.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

5. It wouldn't bother me at all to take more foreign language classes.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

6. During language class, I find myself thinking about things that have nothing

to do with the course.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

7. I keep thinking that the other students are better at languages than I am.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

8. I am usually at ease during tests in my language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

9. I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

10. I worry about the consequences of failing my foreign language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

11. I don't understand why some people get so upset over foreign language


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

12. In language class, I can get so nervous I forget things I know.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

13. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

14. I would not be nervous speaking the foreign language with native speakers.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

15. I get upset when I don't understand what the teacher is correcting.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

16. Even if I am well prepared for language class, I feel anxious about it.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

17. I often feel like not going to my language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

18. I feel confident when I speak in foreign language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

19. I am afraid that my language teacher is ready to correct every mistake I


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

20. I can feel my heart pounding when I'm going to be called on in language


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

21. The more I study for a language test, the more con‐ fused I get.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

22. I don't feel pressure to prepare very well for language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

23. I always feel that the other students speak the foreign language better than I


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

24. I feel very self‐conscious about speaking the foreign language in front of

other students.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

25. Language class moves so quickly I worry about getting left behind.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

26. I feel more tense and nervous in my language class than in my other classes.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

27. I get nervous and confused when I am speaking in my language class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

28. When I'm on my way to language class, I feel very sure and relaxed.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

29. I get nervous when I don't understand every word the language teacher says.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

30. I feel overwhelmed by the number of rules you have to learn to speak a

foreign language.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

31. I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me when I speak the foreign


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

32. I would probably feel comfortable around native speakers of the foreign


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

33. I get nervous when the language teacher asks questions which I haven't

prepared in advance.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neither agree/ nor disagree

d. Disagree Strongly e. disagree

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