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1.Occurrence of large deserts near 30ºN 30ºS are due to large Scale
a )*Subsidence b)Convection c)Advection 
2.Most of the water vapour in the atmosphere is confined upto a)stratosphere
b )*30,000ft c)mid troposphere d) lower troposphere 
3.Drizzle occurs from a)CS *b)ST c)NS d)CU
4.To avoid icing in cloudy conditions a pilot is advised to fly through a cloud which
shows an optical phenomena *a)Halo b)Corona c)With multi coloured clouds
5.Inversion in the atmosphere indicates a )*Stability b)Instability c)Neutrality
6.Thermal processes / temperature distribution which favours formation of fog is
a)Isothermal b )*Inversion c)Adiabatic d)SALR
7.200 hpa in ISA corresponds to the level a)20,000 ft b)30,000 ft c )*40,000 ft
8.A ‘mature’ thunderstorm has strong a)updraft only b)downdraft only c )*updraft and
9.Wind Shear in a TS is maximum a) below the anvil b) all sides of a CB c)* beneath
the cloud d) in SW sector
10.Sigmet is not given for : A)*Rain B) Fog
11.Low pressure is associated with a)Good weather b )*Bad weather c)None 
12.The total energy radiated by a black body is proportional to its temperature(T)
a)T² b)T³ c )*T⁴
13.The actual amount of water vapour contained in a given volume of air at a given
temperature is termed as ………..a)Relative Humidity b)Specific Humidity
c )*Absolute Humidity
14.Sudden change in wind speed from 10 kt to 30 kt and then to 15 kt is a )*Gust
b)Squall c)Gale
15.Fog is ………. Cloud on ground a)Stratocumulus b )*Stratus c)Nimbostratus
16.Advection fog occurs due to ----air moving over -----surface over ----- a) Dry, wet,
land only b) Moist & cold, warm, land only c)*Warm & moist air, cold, both land &
17.Showers occurs from a)CU *b)CB c)AS d)AC d)CI e)CS f)ST
18. Weather in cumulus stage is a)*updraughts b)heavy precipitation
19.CI, CS & CC clouds consist mostly ice crystals. Icing hazard is therefore
a)Maximum b)Medium c )*Negligible
20.The diameter of a Macroburst a)< 4 km b )*4 km or more c)> 8 km
21.At warm front a )*Warm air overtakes the cold air b)Cold air undercuts the warm
22.Fronts are associated with a)Tropical cyclone b)Monsoon Depression c )*Extra –
tropical Cyclones
23.Fog occurs in cold front a)Ahead b)During c )*After
24.For mountain waves to form the wind speed for large mountains should be
atleast a )*15 m/s b)10 m/s c)7 m/s
25.In a monsoon depression maxm weather occurs in a)SE sector b)NW sector
c )*SW sector
26.CS in Indian region are less intense because a )*They have a very short travel
over the sea b)Sea surface temp. are not high c)India is close to equator
27.Break in monsoon occurs when (a) Axis of monsoon trough is along Gangetic
plains (b )*Axis of monsoon trough is along foot hills of Himalayas (c) Depression
over Bay of Bengal
28.During break monsoon pressure all over the country a )*Rise b) Fall c) Do not
29. An aircraft is flying from west to east in northern hemisphere then a)it is gaining
altitude if winds are from the north b)*its is gaining altitude if winds from south c)it is
gaining altitude if it has head wind
30.Part of sinking air over subtropical highs flows towards equator, turning west (in
N hemisphere)due to coriolis force. This surface air is called a )*Trade winds
b)Roaring forties c)Doldrums
31. The temperature at FL 140 is -12°C. What will the temperature be at FL 110 if
the ICAO standard lapse rate is applied ? a)* -6°C b) -18°C c) -9°C d) -15°C.(FROM
JAR) e)-12°C f)-8°C
32.Atmosphere is heated by ……a)Solar Radiation b )*Heat from earth surface
c)From above
33.What is QNH a)*QFE reduced to MSL using the values of the standard
atmosphere b) pressure at MSL in the standard atmosphere c) pressure at MSL in
the actual atmosphere d) QFE reduced to MSL using the values of the actual
atmosphere e)pressure reduced to msl at actual atmosphere f)*pressure reduced to
msl at ISA values
34. Semi diurnal variation is more in a)polar b)middle latitudes c)*tropics
DGCA 28 NOV 2019
35.Height of Tropopause at equator is …a)10 – 12 km b )*16 – 18 km c)12 – 14 km
36.Noctilucent clouds occur in ……..a)Thermosphere b )*Mesosphere
38.In a high pressure area winds are a)Normal b) Strong c )*Weak
39.On either side, perpendicular to the ……pressure rise a )*Trough b)Ridge c)Low
40.700 hpa in ISA corresponds to the flight level a) 20,000 ft b )*10,000 ft c)18,000
41. Very heavy precipitation as showers over a short period is called a)Flash Floods
*b)Cloud Burst c) Orographic Rain
42.TAF are generally valid for (a)18h (b)12h (c )*9h
43.METAR VIDP 160230 30005KT 290V050 1500S 6000N R15/P1500U BR
FEW020 FEW025CB SCT120 BKN300 32/27 Q1003 REFG TEMPO FM0330
22015G25KT 3000 +TSRAFEW010SCT025CBBKN150BE CM GAT0415
27008KTCAVOK= Present weather is a.Fog b.Brown Dust c.*Mist(DGCA 24 SEP
DGCA 28 NOV 2019(contd)
44. When super cooled water drops and ice particles co – exist the ice crystals grow
at the expense of the water drops because a)Saturation vapour pressure over water
drops is less than over the ice crystals *b)Saturation vapour pressure over the ice
crystals is less than over water drops c)The ice crystals convert into water drops
45.A WD with two or more closed isobars, at 2 hPa interval, it is termed as
a)Troughs in westerlies b )*Western Depression c)Western Cyclone
46. The airmass which originates at sea in high Latitudes is called a )*Polar maritime
b)Tropical continental c)Tropical maritime
47.The wind sliding down a hill during night is called …….. Wind a)Fohn b)Anabatic
c )*Katabatic
48.Sea breeze sets in by ……… & dies off at ………a) Night / Day b )*Day / Night
c)Both Day and Night
49. Dry air is stable when a)ELR = DALR b)ELR >DALR c )*ELR < DALR
50. Radiation fog is essentially a ……phenomena a )*Nocturnal b)Dusk c)Day

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