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Axe 5 Fictions and reality Dystopias How close to reality can dystopia be?

Women with no rights CORRIGE

1/ On the picture, women are dressed in white bonnets and red dresses. They are all kneeling and are surrounded by
armed men in uniforms (the army? a militia?) who are turning their backs to them as if protecting them or keeping
them prisoners.

2/ In a company, a boss announces the employees, who are women, that they can’t work there anymore, and they
must leave immediately.

Part 1

3/ an unbelievable decision / announcement …

4/ “It’s the law” → repeated 3 times (l.1, l.3, l.9) + “I have to”(3x) + “you can’t work here anymore” (l.8)
“the law” is the only explanation that is given. It gives an impression of helplessness: he cannot do anything about it,
he is powerless. He must obey this law.
5/ - l.4 “gently (…) as if he were being humane” → he is kind and calm at first
- L.9 “ran his hands through his hair” → starts being nervous
- L.16 “his voice was rising” → starts losing control
- L.18 “he looked over his shoulder” → feeling of fear, paranoia
- L.21 “sounded crazier than ever” / l.22 “he’s loopy” → sounds mad / crazy

6/ “let go” is an understatement, a euphemism: as if it were a favour done to them. “let go”: sounds like being set
free whereas in fact they are getting unemployed / out of work.

7/ The sentence refers to “two men, in uniforms, with machine guns” (l.25). It is so unbelievable for these women
that they have the impression they are in a film (“theatrical”). It is as if it wasn’t the reality but a dream or a movie
(“dreamlike quality”). First the situation: they are fired, right now, then they find two armed men, which is a violent,
shocking sight that they cannot take in. (assimiler)

Part 2

8/ Moira works for a “women’s collective, the publishing division”. She seems to be a friend of June. She seems to be
kind and helpful as she immediately comes when June calls her. She sounds quiet and smart. She analyses the
situation, what is happening.

9/ The event seems to be very difficult to understand for June. The situation is so puzzling (déconcertante) that it is
hard to realize what happened earlier. They were given no warnings before and no explanation.

10/ F = female / M = male → deduction from l.52 “women can’t hold property anymore” →Women are now
forbidden to own a bank account and even worse, the money they had at the bank is taken away from them. Unlike
women’s, men’s situation has not changed. Thus / as a result, men become powerful whereas women are
completely powerless and helpless.

1/ Exprimez la possibilité, l’impossibilité, ou l’obligation venant de celui qui parle : can, can’t ou must.

a.You can read any dystopian novel this term, but you must write an in-depth analysis of one novel.

 any = n’importe lequel, tu peux choisir

b. All the citizens must obey Big Brother, otherwise they are sent to jail.

c. You can’t take this copy of Fahrenheit 451. Its’s mine!

2/ Exprimez la possibilité ou l’impossibilité émanant des circonstances : can ou can’t.

a. You can vote in a democracy but you can’t in a dictatorship.

b. She can’t keep this meeting secret because there are CCTV cameras all over the place.

c. Eligible voters can vote in democracies when they come of age. (= à leur majorité)

3/ Exprimez la nécessité ou l’absence de nécessité.

a. You don’t have to stay / don’t need to stay if you don’t want to. It’s an informal meeting!

b. Everyone has to vote / needs to vote to decide which type of government they want. This is a democracy.

c. But you have to / need to be registered on the election lists to be allowed to vote, as you should know.

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