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According to Sheldon, 1988 textbook analysis can be defined as a thorough

investigation of textbooks using some kind of consistent evaluation procedure to
identify the particular strength and shortcomings in the textbook already in use.
The information obtained from the textbook is of utmost importance not only
for understanding the merits and appropriateness of the current textbook but
also for the effectiveness of language teaching in general, further textbook
analysis is the systematic analysis of text materials including the structure, the
focus, and special learning assists. Textbook is important in the educational
system as teachers depends heavily on the content given in them so it is equally
important to analyse them by looking for the following aspects
1. It should achieve curricular objectives
2. It should have age and cognitive appropriateness
3. It should evaluate features of the textbook
4. It should provide feedback
5. It should ensure the achievement of national goals
There are two major characteristics of Textbook which are:
1. External Aspects
 Size of the textbook
 Printing and get-up of the textbook
 Font size and spacing
 Paper quality
 Binding of the textbook
2. Internal Aspects
 Serve the purpose of the subject-matter as well as objectives
 Well-structured index
 Language should be simple and suitable for students
 Clear and explanatory examples from daily life
 Accurate and up-to-date
 Logical sequence of chapters and complimentary stages
 Contains charts, pictures and diagrams, etc
 Should suggests practical activities for students
 Summary and exercise questions
Textbook Evaluation
It is important to evaluate a textbook as well to know:
 Discriminate between all of the available textbooks in the market and
selecting the best amongst them
 Provide a sense of familiarity with a book’s content
 Optimum use of a book’s strong points and recognizing the
shortcomings of certain exercise, tasks, and entire texts.
 It can be very useful in teacher’s development and professional growth
Criteria of textbook evaluation
There are 5 major criteria under which we can evaluate a textbook:
1. Physical features
 Quality of paper
 Quality of printing
 Attractive cover page
 Good binding
 Colourful book
2. Content
 Should be written according to prescribed syllabus
 Based on aims and objectives of the subject
 Content should be direct, practical, up-to-date, accurate
 Should satisfy the demand of examination
3. Organization and presentation
 Should provide for individual difference
 Sufficient profession for revision and review
 Content should be organised in the increasing order of difficulty
 Should stimulate the initiative and originality of the students.
4. Language
 Should be simple and easily understandable
 All the terms, concepts and principles used in the textbook should
be clearly and accurately stated and defined
 The style and vocabulary used should be suitable to the age group
of students for whom the book is written
 Use of grammatically correct language should be here
5. Exercise and illustration
 Exercise should be in accordance with all types of learners
 Illustration should be related with real life situations
 Should contain well graded exercise for revision
 Hints for difficult problem be provided
 The presentation of the subject should be attractive and interesting
with appropriate illustration, in terms of pictures, diagrams and
 It should make provision for recapitulation of the subject taught in
previous classes through exercises.

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