Subject: Reply of Charge Sheet and Statement of Allegation

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NADRA Registration Van

MRV-39 Khanewal.
Ph: 0300-0667255
01 Dec, 2021

Subject: Reply of Charge Sheet and Statement of Allegation

Reference Letter No 1/HR/Disp/Mu-42/MRV-52RHO-(HR) Date: 19/11/2021, Received On

22/11/2021. With reference to the above mentioned letter, I have been charged that 6x applicants
vide IDs:506881035269,506881035271,506881035143,506881035587,506881036174,
506881035144 were processed at MRV-52, where I was serving as office incharge. I have been
alleged through your letter that as OIC I had not checked the family information of applicants,
and had not interviewed/ interacted with the above mentioned applicants.

Sir! The allegations alleged on me in charge sheet and statement of allegation are wrong and
false which I supplemental denied all these charges. I working in National Database and
registration authority (NADRA) since 2003 with full of dedication and loyalty. These applicant
processed according to SOP (which is implemented at that time 5.0.1), I also take interview with
applicants and parents and after that processed according to SOP and utilized all tools which
provided by NADRA.

The team of MRV-52 consisted of 5x staff members including a driver and a security guard. It
was routine of MRV that token operator firstly is bound to collect basic information from
applicant and relatives which along the applicant after that when applicant come for the further
processing the complete interview was taken during the data entery . The MRV has small cabin
with short/less space and there was a partially disabled person working on the mentioned MRV. I
usually stand over there with the staff while interview/investigation during data entry process.
Meanwhile it is significant to mention that one of DEO can understand Pushto Lnaguage to some
extent. Which is why the MRV team collectively question/answer/ interview at the time of data
entry in such cases. The specified tools provided by NADRA were mostly used at the time of
Data Entry Process whereas I was present at the time of interview and had investigated the
applicants personally based on the guidelines given by NADRA. In this context, it is humbly
stated that I have worked with honesty in light of trainings/guidelines/ instructions regarding
processing without denial of service, and any sort of biasedness of area/language/ province.
There are several letters issued by the respected headquarters/RHO in this regard, available
letters are attached with this reply.

These applicants were processed according to the registration policy issued by NADRA which
states that if blood relative of the applicant is available then he/she will biometrically verify the
particulars (Family information etc.) as done in these cases. The verifier is completely
responsible for what he/she is verifying by putting his her thumb impressions on biometric
verification machine, and if any intruder is registered then it is malafied intention of verifier but
not the staff of NADRA. Furthermore there is chart of multiple questions before approval of
forms in NIS for OIC, and is answered by OIC in light of his interview of applicants.

Sir, I have neither told a lie nor concealed anything in my above statement, and
whatever I had done in the processing of subject TIDs was strictly done on the
provided guidlenes of NADRA, without denial of service out of any cogent reason.
So it is requested to please file the charge sheet and scorning charges which written
in the charge sheet.

It is also requested to provide me opportunity of personal hearing in which I prove

myself innocent.

Muhammad Qamar
Deputy Superintendent

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