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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is known today as one of the most advanced physicist of the 20th century. He was born in Germany, March 14, 1879; died April 18, 1955, in Princeton, NJ. As a child Einstein was interested in his dads gift of a compass, which led him to enlightened thinking which eventually brought him to enjoy mathematics. By the age of 12 he was already studying calculus at a more advanced level than could be taught by teachers at his school. One of his greatest achievements include the formula e=mc. This formula explains that mass and energy can be interchangeable by dividing energy by the speed of light squared you get the mass. Einstein also discovered that the speed of light is consistent. Einstein was rumored to not believe in god, and never states what religion he practiced. Hypothetically, according to Einstein, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you could hypothetically go back in time; this is purely mathematical reasoning. He lived a very modest, fulfilling life and would probably work everyday, if he was still alive today

J. J. Thompson
Joseph John Thomson of 1856-1940 was the first to successfully measure the weight of the gas inside the cathode tube. Because of his experiments he was able to state a couple postulates. His first experiments taught him that negative charges are impossible to manipulate with a magnet. Secondly he learned that electric fields couldnt change the path of the cathode ray. Finally he learned of the charge-mass ratio, which led to his winning of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906. He is credited with the discovery of electrons and of the isotopes.

Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867. She grew up in Poland but later moved to France to study radioactive elements. Her parents both being teachers in Poland taught her to be very studious and her discoveries reflect that. After meeting Pierre Curie and working together, they eventually fell in love and got married. They eventually switched their studies to work together in learning about radioactive elements. Such as radium and Plutonium, which Marie Curie discovered and put on the periodic table with the help of Pierre. Their breakthroughs led them to winning the Nobel Prize for physics. Which gave Marie the funding needed to receive her doctorate, an unheard of thing for women in the time. Radon, developed from radium, was used my Curie during WW1 to help treat damaged tissue, and is now used today for cancer treatments. In addition to the radon tubes, Marie set up 20 mobile x-ray stations to aid doctors in treating bullet wounds. Eventually Curies excessive exposure to radiation led to leukemia (blood cancer), and her death in 1934.

Niels Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr was born Oct 7, 1885. He was born in Copenhagen, Denmark where he studied atomic structure and quantum mechanics. One of the points of his Bohrs model concluded that electrons travel in circles around the atoms nucleus and the electron can switch to a different energy circle that would release energy. He was a good friend of Albert Einsteins and worked beside him. In 1975 he won the Nobel peace prize for his studies of the structure of

atoms, and the radiation emanating from them. He died Nov 18, 1962 of a stroke and was buried in his hometown of Copenhagen, Denmark.

James Chadwick
James Chadwick of Cambridge England was born October 20th, 1891; and died July 24th, 1974. He studies physics and frequently worked with Ernest Rutherford. In 1932 he discovered the neutron, a neutrally charged subatomic particle of an atom. This discovery also helped lead to the creation of the atomic bomb. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935 for his discovery of the neutron.

Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford lived between 1871-1937. His advanced education helped him win a scholarship for a prestige school, which eventually led him to winning a Nobel Prize for his studies of radioactive materials. By 1911 he joined a small group of scientists to investigate the contents of atoms. By surprise the alpha rays, for the most part, went right through the element, thus showing that most of an atom is just empty space. He also said that most of the mass, comes from a tiny dense region in the middle of an element, called a nucleus. He was surprised to learn how dense the nucleus was due to the empty space that surrounds the nucleus. The opposite force between the alpha particles cause the deflections when nearing to positive nucleus. Rutherfords well-known plum pudding model was proved wrong by himself who led to his conclusion of the nucleus and that protons, in the nucleus have a positive charge.

Famous Scientists
c.450 B.C. 1596-1650 Leucippus - proposed an atomic concept of matter. Rene Descartes - French mathematician and philosopher; developed atomic theory through explanations of properties of matter. Franz De le Boe (Latin name, Franciscus Sylvius; also, Francois Du Bois) German physician, anatomist and chemist; based diagnoses and treatment of patients on blood acids, alkali and salts. Jean Picard - French scientist; observed the luminous glow in the Torricellian vacuum of a barometer produced by motion of the mercury wen the untstrument was carried from place to place. Blaise Pascal - French mathematician and scientist for whom the SI unit of pressure (Pascal) was named. Robert Boyle - English physicist and chemist; experimented in pneumatics; through research, he rejected the accepted definition of





matter; proposed Boyle's Law (1662). 1642-1727 Issac Newton - English mathematician and scientist; developed theory of matter; first to demonstrate the color components of white light with a prism and the reconstruction of these colors into white light with a second prism; researched the optical characteristics of chemical substances; studied gravitation and motion; developed the law of gravitation. Daniel Bernoulli - Switzerland; was the first to devise a quantitative kinetic theory of gases. Benjamin Franklin - American statesman and philosopher; experimented with electricity; introduced the terms "positive" and "negative", instrumental in establishing the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, the first U.S. science society; showed that electricity could magnetize and demagnetize iron needles. Joseph Black - Scottish chemist; laid the foundations for thermodynamics; worked with gases and showed that a gas could combine with a solid; recognized the importance of accurate weighing in chemical research. Henry Cavendish - English physicist and chemist; discovered hydrogen (1766); discovered nitric acid. Joseph Priestley - English clergyman and chemist; researched the relation among plants, animals and air; discovered hydrochloric and sulfuric acid (1775); isolated oxygen (1774); obtained water by igniting hydrogen and oxygen; made seltzer water by dissolving carbon dioxide in water. Karl Wilhelm Scheele - Scheele was a pharmacist-chemist famous for discovering chlorine. He also prepared oxygen but didn't receive credit because he hadn't published his work in a timely manner. Instead an English scientist named Joseph Priestly is credited with the discovery of oxygen..







Scheele is also famous for finding many different acids, all organic. His discoveries include the following acids: tartaric, gallic, oxalic, citric, malic, lactic, and prussic. He was very tedious in his investigation. He also discovered copper arsenate, hydrogen sulfide gas, hydrofluoric acid, and hydrocyanic.
1743-1794 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier - French chemist; stated the first version of the law of conservation of matter; recognized and named oxygen (1778); disproved phlogiston theory; helped to reform chemical nomenclature.

Often referred to as the father of modern chemistry. He was the first to grasp the true explanation of combustion. Lavoisier contended that fire was the result of rapid union of the burned material with oxygen. Nothing, however, he maintained, was lost through this action. His theory directly opposed the phlogistic notion that combustible bodies lost something when burned. Founded on Lavoisier's oxygen theory, a new system of nomenclature was evolved; one which held that oxygen was an essential constituent of all acids. This we know today to be erroneous. His theories were the basis for great advances in chemistry. As a young man of many interests, he studied astronomy, botany, and mathematics, as well as chemistry at the College Mazarin near his Paris home. Of key significance in his later life was his study of law and his admission to the bar. This led to an interest in French politics, whereupon he obtained a position as tax collector at the age of 26. While in government work he helped develop the metric system to secure uniformity of weights and measures throughout France. His governmental interests, however, eventually proved his undoing. As one of 28 French tax collectors Lavoisier was branded a traitor by revolutionists in 1794 and guillotined at the age of 51. Ironically, Lavoisier was one of the few liberals in his position and had striven for many years to alleviate the hardships of the peasants. 1746-1823 Jacques-Alexandre-Cesar Charles - French chemist, physicist, and inventer; invented the hydrogen balloon (1783); developed Charle's Law which states the relationship between temperature and the volume of a gas (1787). Marie-Anne Lavoisier - French linguist; translated the work of English chemists, drew Antoine's sketches and illustrations, kept his notes and published his final manuscript after his death. William Hyde Wollaston - English physician and chemist; discovered palladium and rhodium through his work with platinum metals (1803); invented the reflecting goniometer which measured the angles between crystal faces (1809). John Dalton - English chemist and physicist; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy (1793); developed atomic theory; his theory (1805) accounts for the law of conservation of mass, law of definite proportions and law of multiple proportions; produced the first table of atomic weights; colorblind and mostly self-taught. William Henry - English chemist; formulated Henry's Law which states: 1757




the amount of a gas that will be absorbed by water increases as the gas pressure increases. 1776-1856 Amedeo Avogadro - His hypothesis stated that equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain an equal number of molecules (1811). Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac - French chemist and physicist; developed the law of volumes concerning the combination of gases; discovered boron. Jons Jakobs Berzelius - Swedish physician and chemist; discovered cerium, selenium, lithium, silicon, titanium and thorium; coined the terms "isomer" and "isomerism"; published a revised version of the periodic table with atom weights very close to today's table (1828); proposed system of elemental symbols and chemical notation. Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner - German chemist; recognized the catalytic property of platinum; recognized the relationship between the elements and their atomic weight; made the earliest known attempt to organize the elements by their properties. Michael Eugene Chevreul - French chemist; studied the composition of fats which led to the investigation of new compounds. Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre - French artist and inventor; developed the daguerreotype photochemical process. Michael Faraday - English chemist and physicist; developed a process for liquefying chlorine; discovered benzene; introduced the laws of electrolysis (1833); developed a primitive electric motor; developed the voltmeter and the coulometer; devised terminology used in electrochemistry in collaboration with William Whewell. Charles Goodyear - American inventor; developed a process for vulcanization of rubber. Friedrich Wohler (Woehler) - German chemist; professor of chemistry (1836-1882); synthesized the first organic compound (urea). Jean-Baptist-Andre Dumas - French chemist; studied periodicity; developed method for determining vapor densities; isolated methanol; developed method for determining he nitrogen content of organic compounds. Jean-Baptist Boussingault - French agricultural chemist; studied the











nutritive value of foods fed to domestic animals. 1805-1869 Thomas Graham - Scottish chemist; studied diffusion of gases which led to the formulation of Graham's Law; developed a process to separate crystalloids from colloids, which he named "dialysis"; did research using phosphoric acid; studied diffusion of liquids. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen - German chemist; helped to develop the spectroscope; introduced the Bunsen burner that was developed by his laboratory assistant, Peter Desaga (1855); discovered the elements cesium (1860) and rubidium (1861). Claude Bernard - French physiologist; studied biochemical phenomena. Julius Robert von Mayer - Mayer was born in the town of Heilbronn, Germany. He was a German physician and physicist. He and James Joule shared the credit for the discovery of the universal law of conservation of energy, or the first law of thermodynamics. This principle says that energy cannot be destroyed, energy in other forms tends to be converted to heat energy, and that a pure crystal at absolute zero would have a completely ordered arrangement of atoms. There are three other ways to express this law: 1. Energy may change its form, but it cannot be created nor destroyed. 2. When work is transformed into heat, or heat into work, the quantity of work is mechanically equivalent to the quantity of heat. 3. The heat entering a system is equal to the increase in energy of the system plus the external work done by the system during the entry.


1813-1878 1814-1878

Mayer published an article on heat and energy in 1842. Joule, an English physicist, made the same discovery while working independently. There is another law of Thermodynamics that goes along with the universal law of conservation of energy. It is the Law of Degradation of Energy which states that it is impossible to completely convert a given amount of heat energy into an exact amount of another form.
1815-1848 Horace Wells - American dentist; first to experiment with nitrous oxide as an anesthetic (1844). Rudolph Julius Emmanuel Clausius - German mathematical physicist;


restated the second law of thermodynamics; coined the term "entropy". 1822-1895 Louis Pasteur - French chemist and microbiologist; developed the process of pasteurization. William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) - English mathematician and physicist; derived the second law of thermodynamics; recognized the existence of absolute zero; proposed the Kelvin temperature scale (1851). Marcelin Berthelot - French chemist; synthesized organic compounds. Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz - German chemist; demonstrated that carbon formed four bonds and that this could account for the formation of isomers (1858) Francois Marie Raoult - formulated Raoult's Law which states that colligative properties are determined by the number of particles in solution rather than by the type of particle in solution. The properties so affected are vapor pressure, freezing point, boiling point, and the rate of diffusion through a membrane. James Clerk Maxwell - Scottish physicist; developed the field theory of electricity and magnetism; developed electromagnetic wave theory of light; developed a theory on viscosity of gases based on the statistical behavior of gas molecules. William Crookes - English chemist and physicist; His investigations of the photographic process in the 1850s motivated his work in the new science of spectroscopy. Using its techniques, Crooks discovered (1861) the element thallium, which won him election to the Royal Society. His efforts in determining the weight of thalium in an evacuated chamber led to his research in vacuum physics.


1827-1907 1829-1886




Crooks invented the radiometer in 1875 and, beginning in 1878, investigated electrical discharges through highly evaculated "Crookes tubes." These studies laid the foundation for J. J. Thomson's research in the late 1890's concerning discharge-tube phenomena. At the age of 68, Crookes began investigating the phenomenon of radioactivity, which had been discovered in 1896, and invented a device that detected alpha particles emitted from radioactive material. Crookes maintained an interest in agriculture and warned in 1898 that the world's population would face starvation unless new fertilizer sources were discovered. He was also interested in psychic phenomena. He was knighted in 1897.


Alfred B. Nobel - Swedish engineer, chemist and industrialist; commercially manufactured chemical explosives throughout the world and did other chemical research; manufactured glyceryl nitrate nitroglycerine (1862); the difficulty and danger of handling liquid nitroglycerine led him to experiment with ways of making it safer; he mixed nitroglycerine with powder, kieselguhr, and called it "dynamite" (1866); received a patent for dynamite (1867); establish a fund in his ill for the annual Nobel Prizes, awarded in the areas of chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature and international peace. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev - Russian chemist; developed the periodic table by placing the elements in order of increasing atomic weight (1869); predicted the existence and properties of elements that would fill the gaps left in his chart (1871); these elements were discovered between 1875 and 1885. Johannes Diderik Van der Waals William Henry Perkin- English chemist; produced first synthetic dye, mauve (1856). Josiah Willard Gibbs - American physicist; research let to basic theories for physical chemistry; stated the Phase Rule of thermodynamics. Louis-Marie-Hilaire Bernigaud, Count of Chardonnet - developed a process for making silk like fiber, later called rayon (1878). Wilhelm Roentgen - German physicist; studied the transmission and photographic capabilities of rays he called "x rays" (1895); received the first Nobel Prize (1901). Ira Remsen - American chemist and educator; carried out investigations in both organic and inorganic chemistry. Otto Wallach - German chemist; research on chemical composition of camphors, perfumes and essential oils. Henri Louis Le Chatelier - French industrial chemist; in 1888 made the observation: "Any change in one of the variables that determines the state of a system in equilibrium causes a shift in the position of equilibrium in a direction that tends to counteract the change in the variable under consideration." Antoine-Henri Becquerel - French physicist; discovered natural radioactivity (1896); shared the Nobel Prize for physics for this discovery


1837-1923 1838-1907








(1903). 1852-1916 William Ramsay - English chemist; president of the Society of Chemical Industry; shared discovery of argon (1894), Krypton (1898), and xenon (1898); independently discovered helium on earth (1895); received Nobel Prize for chemistry for discoveries of these rare, or "noble" elements (1904). Emil Hermann Fischer - German organic chemist; analyzed structures of carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes and amino acids. Paul Ehrlich - German chemist and bacteriologist; proposed a chemical explanation of immunity. Joseph John Thomson - English physicist; researched atomic structure; discovered that atoms contained particles which he called "electrons"; developed the "plum pudding" or "raisin muffin," model of the atom which consisted of electrons embedded in a positive sphere of matter (1904); received Nobel Prize for physics (1907); developed the mass spectrograph with Francis William Aston (1919). Pierre Curie - French physicist; researched radioactivity, he and wife, Marie, discovered radium and polonium (1898); they shared the Nobel Prize for physics (1903) with Antoine-Henri Becquerel. Svante August Arrhenius - Swedish physicist and chemist; originated the modern theory of ionization of electrolytes; received the Nobel Prize for chemistry (1903). Charles Martin Hall - American chemist and manufacturer; first to invent a practical electrolytic process to extract aluminum from ores; formed the Pittsburgh Reduction Company (1888) which eventually became the Aluminum Company of America, ALCOA. George Washington Carver - American agricultural chemist. Marie Curie - French physicist; researched radioactivity; she and husband, Pierre, discovered radium and polonium (1898); they shared the Nobel Prize for physics (1903) with Becquerel; Marie received the Nobel Prize for chemistry (1911). Theodore William Richards - American chemist - recognized during his lifetime as the leading authority in atomic-weight determinations. A Harvard University graduate, he served as full professor at Harvard from 1901 to 1928. Using superior gravimetric methods and applying







1864-1943 1867-1934


physicochemical principles, he determined the atomic weights of a large number of elements with an accuracy never surpassed. His detection of the varying atomic weight of lead in 1913 coincided with the discovery of isotopes by Frederick Soddy. Richards was awarded the 1914 Nobel Prize for chemistry. (January 31, 1868 - April 2, 1928) 1871-1937 Ernest Rutherford (Baron Rutherford of Nelson) (Lord Ruthorford) British physicist from New Zealand; discovered several radioactive isotopes with colleagues (1899-1905); classified forms of radiation as alpha, beta, and gamma; received Nobel Prize for chemistry (1908); worked on submarine detection during WWII; developed atomic theory (1911); researched transmutational effects of alpha particles on gases (ca. 1919) and other elements. Chaim Weizmann - Russian-born chemist who worked in Great Britain. Gilbert Newton Lewis - American physical chemist; developed atomic theory; proposed the octet rule and the electron dot method of showing valence electrons; important contributor to acid-base theory and thermodynamics. Francis William Aston - English physicist and chemist - discovered in 1919 that stable elements of low atomic weight are mixtures of isotopes. Using a mass spectrograph, which he developed while working with Sir Joseph John Thomson in Cambridge, and for which he received the 1922 Nobel Prize for chemistry. Aston also found that the masses of most atoms could be expressed as whole numbers when compared with oxygen (mass 16). With a more accurate spectrograph, however, Aston detected in 1927 a slight deviation from this whole-number rule. By graphing an index of the deviation (called the packing fraction) against the closest whole-number mass of an element, Aston derived important information concerning its structure and stability. (September 1, 1877 - November 20, 1945) Frederick Soddy - British physicist received (1921) the Nobel Prize for chemistry for the conception of isotopes and the displacement law of radioactive change. With Ernest Rutherford he developed the disintegration theory of radioactivity, which explained radioactivity as the decay of atoms to form other elements. Soddy proposed the isotope concept--that atoms could have the same chemical identity but different atomic weights. His displacement law of radioactive change suggests that an element emitting an alpha particle becomes a new element with a lower atomic number, whereas emission of a beta particle raises the

1874-1952 1875-1946



element's atomic number. (September 2, 1877 - September 22, 1956) 1878-1968 Lise Meitner - Austrian physicist; together with her nephew Otto R. Frisch, published a theoretical interpretation of nuclear fission in 1939; collaborated with Otto Hahn of Germany to discover protactinium (1917) the element from which actinium is formed; became head (1917-1938) of the physics department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin; also collaborated with Hahn and Fritz Strassmann to accomplish the fission of uranium (1938); Fleeing Nazi persecution, she resumed her work at Sweden's Nobel Institute; her theoretical work helped clarify the relationships between beta and gamma rays and stimulated Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in their discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei.. Johannes Nicolaus Bronsted - Danish chemist, best known for his theory of acids and bases (1923), according to which an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor. While professor (1908-1947) of physical and inorganic chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, he produced outstanding papers in thermodynamics (heat and its relationship to other forms of energy) and kinetics (the effect of forces upon the motion of material bodies. Albert Einstein - American physicist born in Germany; explained Brownian movement; published a paper that explained the photoelectric effect (1905) which provided the foundation for quantum theory and resulted in the invention of the photoelectric cell; published his general theory of relativity (1915) which contained a new description of gravity; received the Nobel Prize for physics for his work in quantum physics (1921). Max Theodor Felix von Laue Otto Hahn - German chemist-physicist; shared the 1944 Nobel Prize with Fritz Strassmann in chemistry for their discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei (first to recognize nucleur fission). He began his research work in radiochemistry in Sir William Ramsay's laboratory at University College, London, 1904. There, in the process of extracting radium from a sample of barium salt, Hahn discovered radiothorium. He obtained a research position at McGill University with Sir Ernest Rutherford, and in 1905 he again exhibited his talent for discovery by finding radioactinium.



1879-1960 1879-1968

Returning to Germany in 1906, Hahn was appointed professor at the University of Berlin in 1910. After he was named (1912) head of the radioactivity department at the Kaiser Wilhelm (later Max Planck) Institute, Hahn and Lise Meitner, his collaborator of 30

years who joined him in 1907, discovered more radioelements. In 1917 they discovered the most stable isotope of element 91 (protactinium), the substance that helped resolve the complex actinium series. Hahn then became involved in the identification of artifical radioactive materials and their decay patterns. In collaboration with Fritz Strassmann, Hahn discovered (1938) that the transformation of uranium (element 91) artificially induced by neutron bombardment produced barium (element 56). Because barium is far removed from the original parent element, this discovery was considered at the time contrary to all theoretical expectations. This phenomenon, known as fission, led directly to the development of the atomic bomb.
1881-1955 Alexander Fleming - Scottish bacteriologist; isolated lysozyme from tears (1922); observed a mold, he named penicillin, that prevented bacterial growth. Irving Langmuir - American chemist; improved incandescent lamp (1913); received Nobel Prize for chemistry (1932) for his study of monomolecular films; experimented with cloud-seeding (1950); helped refine theory of chemical bonding. Johannes Hans Wilhelm Geiger - German physicist; occasionally collaborated with Ernest Rutherford; helped to develop first successful counter of alpha particles (1908); improved design of this instrument became known as the Geiger counter (1928). Max Born - German physicist; received the Nobel Prize for physics for his work in quantum mechanics (1954). Theodor Svedberg - Swedish colloid chemist. Niels Henrik David Bohr - Danish physicist; his model of atomic structure proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed orbits that are discrete energy states; received the Nobel Prize for physics for his work in atomic structure and radiation (1922). Clarence Birdseye - American inventor and businessman; developed method for preserving foods by quick-freezing (1916-1928); formed General Foods Company (1924). Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley - English physicist; discovered Moseley's law of characteristic x-ray spectra of elements (1913); demonstrated that the number of electrons in an element is the same as the atomic number, establishing the significance of the atomic number.




1884-1971 1885-1962




Erwin Schroedinger - Austrian physicist; developed atomic theory of wave mechanics (1926); shared Nobel Prize for physics with P.A.M.Dirac (1933). Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman - Indian physicist; developed a spectroscopic technique named after him (1928); the scattering effect of light that a compound causes during Raman spectroscopy gives information about its molecular structure; received Nobel Prize for physics (1930). Selman A Waksman - American; soil bacteriologist; Professor of microbiology. Thomas Midgley Jr. John Rock - American obstetrician-gynecologist; performed first successful in vitro fertilization of a human ovum (1944). Walther Wilhelm Bothe - German physicist, received the 1954 Nobel Prize for physics for developing and applying the coincidence method. Using this method, Bothe and Hans Geiger demonstrated (1924) that the conservation of momentum and energy is valid in certain elementary processes and discredited the hypothesis that these physical properties are conserved only statistically. In 1929, Bothe and Werner Kolhorster demonstrated the existence of high-energy particles in cosmic radiation, and the following year Bothe, with H. Becker, detected a new radiation, which James Chadwick identified as the neutron. Bothe taught physics in Berlin and Giessen and directed the Max Planck Institute at Heidelberg, Germany, from 1934 until his death. (January 8, 1891 - February 8, 1957) Sir James Chadwick - English physicist; discovered the neutron; received the Nobel Prize for physics for this discovery (1935). Louis-Victor de Broglie - French physicist; demonstrated mathematically that electrons and other subatomic particles exhibit wavelike properties (1927); this particle-wave duality was derived from the work of Albert Einstein and Max Planck; received Nobel Prize for physics (1929). Arthur Holly Compton - American physicist; discovered the Compton Effect, which showed that a proton has momentum. He was awarded the Nobel prize for physics jointly with C.T.R. Wilson (1927). Dmitri Vladimirovich Skobeltsyn - Russian physicist; obtained the first cloud-chamber photographs of cosmic rays. These showed that the rays



1889-1944 1890-1984






either were, or produced, many charged, high energy particles. 1893-1981 Harlold Clayton Urey - was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize for chemistry for the discovery and isolation of deuterium (heavy hydrogen). Because of this recognition as a Nobel laureate and his experience in isotope separation, Urey was brought into the wartime Manhattan Project as head of the gaseous-diffusion project for uranium separation. Soon after the war he began to speak out against the misuse of nuclear energy. His later research involved such diverse fields as geochemistry, astrophysics, and the origin of life. Marietta Blau - Austrian physicist; was the first to use nuclear track plates. William Francis Giauque - American physical chemisty; did significant work in chemical thermodynamics, particularly on the behavior of substances at very low temperatures, for which he was awared the 1949 Nobel Prize for chemistry.



Giauque determined accurately the entropy of a large number of substances near absolute zero, and he proved that the third law of thermodynamics, which states that at absolute zero a perfect crystal has a zero entropy, was a fundamental law of nature. He also discovered how a strong magnet could be used to produce temperature very close to absolute zero.
1896-1957 1897-1956 Gerty Cori - American biochemist born in Czechoslovakia. Irene Joliot-Curie - French physicist; daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie; discovered artificial radioactivity along with husband Frederic JolietCurie. Karl Ziegler - German chemist; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1963) for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers. Percy Lavon Julian - American chemist; researched the Calabar bean plant; successfully synthesized physostigmine, which was used to treat glaucoma (1935). Frederic Joliot-Curie - French nuclear physicist; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1935) in recognition of the synthesis of new radioactive elements. Wolfgang Pauli - Austrian theoretical physicist; one of the founders of modern physics. He is most famous for his "Pauli exclusion principle."





which states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers. For his work in this area he was awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize for physics.

While an undergraduate student in physics at Munich, Pauli wrote a comprehensive article on the theory of relativity that became the classic treatment of the subject. In 1924 he proposed a new quantum number (related to spin) for electrons, and the following year he enunciated the exclusion principle. In 1928, Pauli was named professor of theoretical physics at the Zurich Technical University, where, in 1931, he predicted that conservation laws demanded the existence of the neutrino, a particle later found. After being at Princton University during World War II, Pauli became a U.S. citizen, but he spent his last years in Zurich.
1900-1965 Paul Muller - Swiss chemist; discovered that dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane or DDT, a known synthetic chemical substance, was useful as an insecticide (1939). Richard Kuhn - Swiss chemist; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1938) for his work on carotenoids and vitamins. (Caused by the authorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal.) Enrico Fermi - American physicist born in Rome; researched the transmutation of elements through neutron bombardment; his team produced the first controlled nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago; received the Nobel Prize for physics for the development of neutron-induced nuclear reactions (1938). Werner Karl Heisenberg - German physicist; published the first theory of quantum mechanics (1925); postulated the "uncertainty principle (1927); received Nobel Prize for physics (1932). Vincent du Vigneaud - American chemist; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1955) for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone. Linus Carl Pauling - American biochemist; applied X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and quantum mechanics to chemistry; developed theories of rare gas compounds; developed mechanistic theory of enzymes (1946); determined the physical structure of proteins as helical (1951); developed and applied some of the laws of structural chemistry in work with proteins; researched the structure of DNA; received Nobel






Prize for chemistry(1954) for research of the nature of chemical bonds; received Nobel Prize for peace (1962) for work in banning nuclear weapons testing; received National Medal of Honor (1975); shared in the quantum mechanical development of valence and resonance theory; introduced concept of electronegativity; founded the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine (1973); researched Vitamin C and nutrition. Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius - Swedish chemist; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1948) for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins. 1903-1979 Giulio Natta - Italian Chemist; investigated catalytic reactions like the synthesis of methanol, of formaldehyde from methanol and of butylaldehyde from propylene, which were used on an industrial scale. He also worked on synthetic rubber and on the polymerisation of olefins with organometallic catalysts developed by Karl Ziegler by which he obtained polypropylenes of highly regular molecular structure. Awarded the Nobel Prize (1963) in chemistry, jointly with Karl Ziegler. Sir Ernst Boris Chain - German, English biochemist; Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1945) for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases. Luis F. Leloir - Argentine biochemist, born in France; received the Nobel Prize for chemistry for the discovery of sugar nucleotides and the biosynthesis of carbohydrates (1970). Edwin Mattison McMillan - American nuclear chemist; known for his contributions to the discovery of the transuranium elements neptunium and plutonium in 1940, and for developing the synchrotron in 1945. McMillan taught at the University of California at Berkeley from 1932 until retiring as professor emeritus in 1973; shared Nobel Prize for chemistry (1951) with Glenn T. Seaborg for the discovery and isolation of neptunium (93) of plutonium (94). Willard Frank Libby - American chemist; won the 1960 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his radiometric age-dating technique (1947), which uses the isotope carbon-14 to date archaeological specimens. He described his work in his book Radiocarbon Dating (1952; 2d ed., 1955). He taught at the University of California at Berkeley (1933-1945) and worked on the Manhattan Project (1941-1945). He then joined the Institute for Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago (1945-1959) and finally the University





of California at Los Angeles (1959-1980), where he directed the Institute for Geophysics and Panetary Physics. Libby twice served on the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1910-1994 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - English chemist; used X-ray crystallography to determine the structure of organic substances, including penicillins. She was the first person to discover the crystalline structure present in insulin, penicillin and vitamin B-12. For this discovery she was awarded a Nobel Prize. Archer John Porter Martin - British biochemist; was awarded (with R.L.M. Synge) the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1952) for development of paper partition chromatography, a quick and economical analytical technique permitting extensive advances in chemical, medical, and biological research. Melvin Calvin - American chemist; awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his study of photosynthesis, a process by which green plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into sugar and oxygen. After early work on the structure of organic compounds, Calvin began using radioactive carbon-14 in the 1940's to trace the various steps of photosynthesis. By 1957 he and his associate, James A. Bassham, had made a detailed analysis of the many reactions that take place. Calvin then turned his attention to formulating theories on the chemical evolution of life. He also condicted solar energy research, including studies of the possibilities of artificial photosynthesis. With Bassham, Calvin wrote The Photosynthesis of Carbon Compounds (1962) and Chemical Evolution (1969). Glenn Theodore Seaborg - American chemist; shared the 1951 Nobel Prize for chemistry with Edwin McMillan for his participation in the discovery of most of the transuranium elements. Seabort received his Ph.D. in 1937 from the University of California at Berkeley, where he remained and did his early work on the isotopes of common elements. He later worked with McMillan, who isolated (1940) netpunium (atomic number 93), the first element beyond uranium. Seaborg and his associates later isolated the next transuranium element, plutonium. They also found a plutonium isotope, which promised to yield more fission energy than uranium.




In 1942, Seaborg moved from Berkeley to the University of Chicago to find ways of producing plutonium for the atomic bomb project. His group discovered (1944) two new elements,

americium (95) and curium (96). These discoveries helped to confirm Seaborg's hypothesis that the transuranium elements resembled one another and so formed a transition series (the actinide series) similar to the lanthanide series of rare earths. In 1946 he returned to Berkeley, and during the next twelve years he and his collaborators discovered six more transuranium elements: berkelium (97) in 1949, californium (98) in 1950, einsteinium (99) in 1952, fermium (100) in 1953, menelevium (101) in 1955, and nobelium (102) in 1958. The discovery of these elements was made possible by new particle accelerators that allowed heavy ions to be used as projectiles. Seabory was named (1958) chancellor of the Berkeley campus; in 1961 he became the first scientist to be chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 1971, where he codiscovered (1974) element 106.
1913Philip Hague Abelson - colloborated in the discovery of neptunium (element 93)and devised a method for large-scale synthesis of enriched uranium for use as a power source in submarines. He served as director of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Geophysical Laboratory from 1953 to 1971. Martin D. Kamen - the discoverer of Carbon 14 and the originator of many of the techniques by which radioactive tracers are used to elucidate the chemistry of biological processes. He also carried out extensive research that underlies much of our understanding of the process of photosynthesis. For his discovery of Carbon 14 and work on tracers, Dr. Kamen received in 1996 the Enrico Fermi award, the highest physics honor of the United States. Richard Laurence Millington Synge - Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1952), jointly with Archer John Porter Martin, for their invention of partition chromatography. Max Ferdinand Perutz - Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1962), jointly with Sir John C. Kendrew, for their studies of the structures of globular proteins. James Alfred Van Allen - American physicist; showed from the data obtained from instruments carried by artificial satellites that the earth is encircled by two zones, called Van Allen radiation belts, of high-energy charged particles whic are trapped by the earth's magnetic field. Robert Burns Woodward - Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1965) for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis.







Kenichi Fukui - Japanese chemist; applied the laws of quantum mechanics to chemical reactions involved in the development of effective drugs; shared Nobel Prize for chemistry with Roald Hoffman of the United States (1981). Frederick Sanger - Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1958) for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin. Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1980) for contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids. Glenn T. Seaborg - American nuclear chemist; shared Nobel Prize for chemistry (1951) with Edwin Mattison McMillan for the discovery of plutonium (94).



Julian Banzon
Julian Banzon - Filipino Chemist: Filipino chemist, Julian Banzon researched methods of producing alternative fuels. Julian Banzon experimented with the production of ethyl esters fuels from sugarcane and coconut, and invented a means of extracting residual coconut oil by a chemical process rather than a physical process.

Francisco Santos
Filipino Chemist - Francisco Santos: Filipino agricultural chemist, Doctor Francisco Santos studied the nutritive values and chemical composition of local foods from the Philippines. His data was used to help detect and solve problems with Filipino diets

Alfredo Santos
Alfredo Santos - Filipino Chemist: Doctor Alfredo Santos is a noted researcher in the chemistry of natural products, in particular the isolation and elucidation of the phaeantharine and other alkaloids from Philippine medical plants.

Lourdes Jansuy Cruz, PhD

Lourdes Jansuy Cruz, PhD is a Filipina biochemist. She is best known for her research on the properties of toxins found inConus snails. She was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist in 2008

Amando Kapauan
Amando Kapauan (July 4, 1931 October 12, 1996 ) was a chemist and researcher. He graduated magna cum laude from University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1952, with a bachelors degree in chemistry. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Southern California in 1959. In the Ateneo de Manila University Department of Chemistry, he worked on inorganic and physical chemistry, particularly on radioactive bromine. With other colleagues, he initiated investigations in the 1970s on heavy metals analysis in our environment. He was among the first to look into the problem of mercury in the environment, and he designed the appropriate equipment for mercury analysis in water, fish and soil.

Kapauan linked with international groups, taught one of the first environmental chemistry courses in the country, and involved himself in policies on urban-rural planning. He later went into the field of electronics, specifically chemical instrumentation. Together with Fr. William Schmitt, S.J., they pioneered the maintenance, design and modification of instruments.

Pio Andrade
Andrade was born on November 3, 1941 from the gold town of Paracale, Camarines Norte, Philippines. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the Mapa Institute of Technology in 1962. In 1974, he took up advanced studies in food technology, earning a Master of Science degree from the University of Florida. In the same year, he was inducted as an associate member of Sigma XI, The Scientific Research Society of America for his work on pesticide biodegration. He made several researches on radiation chemistry, textile chemistry, food product development, pesticide chemistry, ethnobotany, and biomass energy.

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