Organizational Level 1. Corporate Level

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 Organizational level

1. corporate level:-

Is also called grand strategy and it refers to the top

managements proposal for administering and directing the
entire concern

For example, building on the diversification example, the

functional level strategies that support that business level
strategy might be: R&D: Redesign product. Marketing: Implement
new advertising plan. Production: Make changes to existing
Name : Asma Farhan libaan
Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
2. Divisional level:-

These are corporate strategy – big-picture management

decisions that effect the entire organization; divisional
strategy – decisions limited to achieving the goals of
specific business units; and functional strategy –
decisions relating to marketing, finance and operational

An example of divisional level is McDonald’s one of the

leading fast-food chains in the world

3. Functional level

The next way of planning is functional or tactical


The functional level in an organization is where groups

of specialists from the marketing, finance,
manufacturing/operations, accounting, information
systems, research and development, and/or human
Name : Asma Farhan libaan
Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
resources departments focus on a specific strategic
direction to create value for the organization
 Focus
1. Focus Strategic :-

Focus strategy involves targeting your products

to a niche market or targeted audience.

An example of focus strategy is TOMS, Frog

Box, and Ten Tree Apparel. All three of these
companies uses the “Focus Strategy”

2. Focus operation:-

Name : Asma Farhan libaan

Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
An operations-focused company develops a
culture focused on systems, procedures,
and the bottom line

For example, a window washing company

can set the operational goal to create a
daily process for each employee that makes
them efficient

3. Tactical planning

A tactical plan is when you focus on the

specific steps you need to take in order to
achieve a goal

Name : Asma Farhan libaan

Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
An example of a tactical planning assume
that you have a company that sells
insurance products in a large modern area

 Time period

1. Long term:-

In along term period the goal is to solve the

problems permenantly, a long term peiod
often takes years to achieve.

Name : Asma Farhan libaan

Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
For example if a women sets a goal of
having a 1 million dollar asset this wont
happen in an overnight but she have to set
a series of short term goals.

2. Medium term:-

Are those who take a time between 18

months to three or even five years.

An example is that you may have failed

chemistery med-term exams but you set a
goal by trying to achieve maybe 80% in the
final exams

Name : Asma Farhan libaan

Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168
3. Short term:-

A short-term goal is something you want to

accomplish soon. A short term goal is a goal
you can achieve in 12 months or less

For example reading two books every

month or reciting quran daily.

Name : Asma Farhan libaan

Collage: Business administration
Class: 1B
ID: 2022168

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