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Presented by: Group 3
Learning Objectives:
Definition of Globalization
and communication
Why communication is
important to globalization
Why Global communication is
important in globalization
What is

The process of integration and

interaction between individuals,
ethnicities, races, institutions,
governments and various nations
su orted by technology and trade.

The process of exchanging

information, ideas and
knowledge from one person to

Global Communication
It describes the way countries and
people of the world interact and
integrate. Many things have
become globalized as people come
into contact.


 The word “Multi” means more than

one and “Culture” is where people
belong to, what they believe in, and etc.

 Multicultural societies are

characterized by people of different
races, ethnicities, and nationalities
living together in the same community.

In multicultural communities, people retain,
pass down, celebrate, and share their unique
cultural ways of life, languages, art, traditions,
and behaviors.

Multiculturalism is the way in which a society

deals with cultural diversity, both at the
national and at the community level.

It refers to cultural diversity where two or

more groups with distinctive beliefs/cultures
exist in a society.

As an example, people in a workplace or the

employees are expected to have different
cultures thus, having different interpretations
of languages, signs, and other forms of

Why do we need multiculturalism?

It implies a positive endorsement
of cultural diversity.
Better understanding of our
4 Types of Multiculturalism
1. Intercultural
Effective communication between people,
workers, and clients among different cultures
Embraces interactions among different races.
4 Types of Multiculturalism
3. Interethnic
Among different ethnic groups
4. International
The communication practice that occurs
across international borders or among different
What is culture?
Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from
colere, meaning "to cultivate") generally refers to
patterns of human activity and the symbolic
structures that give such activities significance and
importance. Cultures can be "understood as
systems of symbols and meanings that even their
creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that
are constantly in flux, and that interact and
compete with one another."
Culture Entails
An understanding of culture
requires an understanding not only
of language differences, but also
differences in knowledge,
perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and
Dimension of culture in action
Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualism Collectivism
- have a strong "I" - have a strong "We"
orientation orientation
- self-focused and self- - seek and value group
directed identity and attachment
- self-interest over interest - interest of the group
of the group over self-interest
Dimension of culture in action
High context vs. Low context
High context Low context
- most of the information - most of the
is either in the physical information vested in the
context or is internalized in explicit code
the person - very little is in the
- very little is in the coded, physical context or is
explicit, transmitted part internalized in the
of the message person
Dimension of culture in action
High power distance vs. Low power distance
High power distancelism Low power distance
- egalitarianism - heirarchical
- all people are equal and have - there is an acceptance and
equal rights and expectation that different
responsibilities people have different levels of
- there is an expectation of power and deserve different
equal treatment under the law treatment
and for equal opportunities to - leads to preferential
participate treatment for certain people
Dimension of culture in action
Monochromatic and polychromatic
Monochromatic Polychromatic
- time is precise, fixed, - time is estimated, fluid,
and scarce and abundant
- work in a linear and - time and tasks may flow
sequential fashion in multiple directions
Dimension of culture in action
Masculinity vs. Feminity
Masculinity Feminity
- strive for maximal distinction - permit more overlapping
between what women and men social roles for the sexes
are expected to do - stresses quality of life,
- stresses assertiveness, interpersonal relationships,
competition, and material and concern for the weak
success - both women and men learn
- both women and men learn to to be modest
be ambitious and competitive
Culture Identity
Your cultural identity evolves as you absorb,
interpret, and adopt the ideas, values, actions,
and customs of the communities in your life.
People or groups in culture or subcultural
categories and social groups have distinct cultural
1. Race/ Ethnicity

. Ethnicity usually refers to the national

background with which a person identifies.
2. Gender

Expectations about attributes and behaviors

appropriate to women or men and about the
relations between women and men in other
3. Age
Age is also one aspect of our identity. Culture’s view and treat
people of different ages in different ways.
4. Class
Our social class identity influences how we behave and
communicate towards other people.

5. Religion
In every country there are regions with which people identify
themselves. In some countries regional identities are stronger
than the national identity.
6. Language

Language is a fundamental aspect of cultural

identity. It is the means by which we convey our
innermost self from generation to generation.
7. Sexual Orientation

is influenced by biological, genetic, or hormonal

factors during critical stages of development.
Impact of Globalization on
Virtual Interactions
Globalization has introduced virtual
communication and collaboration as a major
part of workplace dynamics.
Cultural Awareness in Speech
Modern entrepreneurs and employees need the
ability to catch subtle nuances of people's manner
of speech when communicating across cultures.
Impact of Globalization on
Cultural Awareness
in Body Language awareness of cultural differences
in body language can be just as important as the
nuances of speech.
Time Differences
The advent of global collaboration introduces
another new dynamic to communication skills --
the need to communicate and share information
with people across several time zones.
Impacts of Globalization on
Global Communication
Globalization executed The availability of data
new business conduct has prompted expanded
among laborers at social awareness with
international companies. individuals around the
The availability of data is
much more accessible.
Indicates the need for a
broader utilization of
Makes the feeling of a communication
worldwide society. advancements.
Impacts of Globalization on
Global Communication
Increased Business
Fewer Cultural Barriers
Creation of a Global Village
Impact of globalization on
Globalization has improved the
quality of education. Due to
globalization, countries got the
opportunity to witness the best
education systems worldwide and
thus could replicate them.
Impact of globalization on
New methods of learning such as e-
learning, blended learning was quickly
adopted by many countries due to
Knowledge sharing among the world
countries resulted in teaching updated
technologies to students across the
Impact of globalization on
Due to globalization, many
realised the importance of
education and hence literacy
rates have improved worldwide.
Thank You for
Leader: Devilla, Kim
De Jesa, Rico
Dollente, Czar
Florido, Bea Denise
Geronimo, Maureen
Hernandez, Patricia
Libunao, Rica Joy
Llames, Apple

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