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4/6/22, 1:33 PM Aplia: Student Question

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4. Adding Value to Professional Teams

Teams are a vital force in today’s workplace. Although a few companies avoid team-based models, most companies consider teamwork fundamental to

their success.

Organizations form teams because effective teams usually respond more quickly    .

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

Teams respond more quickly to problems and opportunities because they are more nimble than traditional organizational structures and have

authority to make decisions quickly.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Build trust. Forming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Select members.

2. Become acquainted.

3. Build trust.

4. Form collaborative culture.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Form collaborative culture. Forming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.… 1/5
4/6/22, 1:33 PM Aplia: Student Question


1. Select members.

2. Become acquainted.

3. Build trust.

4. Form collaborative culture.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Collect and share information. Storming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Identify problems.

2. Collect and share information.

3. Establish decision criteria.

4. Prioritize goals.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Establish decision criteria. Storming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Identify problems.

2. Collect and share information.

3. Establish decision criteria.

4. Prioritize goals.… 2/5
4/6/22, 1:33 PM Aplia: Student Question

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Discuss alternatives. Norming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Discuss alternatives.

2. Evaluate outcomes.

3. Apply criteria.

4. Prioritize alternatives.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Prioritize alternatives. Norming    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Discuss alternatives.

2. Evaluate outcomes.

3. Apply criteria.

4. Prioritize alternatives.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Analyze effects. Performing    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.… 3/5
4/6/22, 1:33 PM Aplia: Student Question


1. Select alternative.

2. Analyze effects.

3. Implement plan.

4. Manage project.

Associate each activity with the corresponding phase of team development.

Activity Phase

Manage project. Performing    

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

The following activities are associated with the four phases of team development in decision making.


1. Select alternative.

2. Analyze effects.

3. Implement plan.

4. Manage project.

Consider the team described in the following situation, and answer the question.

You work for Kolb Aircraft Company. Kolb builds ultralight and experimental airplanes for flying enthusiasts. As a quality assurance
manager, you’ve been invited to join a team that studies Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety regulations and applies them to

the experimental airplanes Kolb sells. At the team’s first meeting, you are asked to prepare a summary report of FAA safety standards.
Now, at your second team meeting, you deliver your report to the group. After the presentation, several group members begin
discussing the company barbecue they attended last Friday.

Which team behavior does this situation describe?

Wasting the group’s time

Encouraging members to participate

Contributing information and ideas

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation… 4/5
4/6/22, 1:33 PM Aplia: Student Question

In this situation, the team members are exhibiting negative team behaviors by wasting the group’s time. Rather than discussing the barbecue,

they should be asking questions about the report.

Successful teams share several characteristics. For example, successful teams collaborate rather than compete    .

Points: 1/1

Explanation: Close Explanation

Team members who work together accomplish more than team members who compete for personal gain.

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