Lesson Plan 3

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Course Name: English language Arts (ELA) Unit Plan Day: Friday
Week 2, day 5

Level Designed for 7th Grade Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

(Grade/Honors/AP): How many minutes
Average – Above will this lesson last?
Average (Lesson should last at
least 45 minutes)

Lesson Objective:

• Students will be able to create brochures for their cause that effectively utilize ethos, pathos,
and logos.

Standard Alignment (state and national):

Only list one or two

• Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
information and examples.


Include a description of the lesson activities, clarifying: 1) what the student will be doing, 2) what the teacher will be
doing. and 3) how long the specific activity should take.

Estimated Time: Teacher Does: Students Do:

[i.e. 5 minutes, 7 This section should describe what the What are the students doing during this time?
minutes] teacher is doing or saying to guide student What activities are they engaged with? Are they
understanding. Include at least three working independently or in groups?
quotes of what a teacher would say to
guide the mini-lesson or lesson plan.

5 During the first five minutes of During the first five minutes of class,
class, I will welcome students into students will complete a warm-up
the room and instruct them to grab activity that asks them to reflect on
their research folders and to get their prior research in class as well as
started on the warm-up activity. the unit-centered vocab words (ethos,
While they are working, I will also pathos, and logos). This will be
check in on students who may completed individually, but as this is a
need additional help (based on warm-up, some talking is to be
information from the previous expected.
class) and assist students with the
warm-up as needed. Notably, if a
student was absent for all prior
days of research, I would pull
them aside and instruct them how
to complete the work they missed.
3 Time dedicated to bringing Students would share what they wrote
students in from the warm-up as a response for the warm-up. During
activity. At the end of the warm-up this time, students would listen to their
timer, I would say “Alrighty! classmates and or finish their warm-up
That’s the timer, so let’s get if they arrived to class late.
talking about the warm-up. Real
quick could I get someone to
reread what the question was
really quick (pause for student
response). Awesome possum;
we’ve got time for 2 people to
share what they said (pause for
student response). Those were
some great answers and I loved
how ya’ll are making the
connection between
ethos/pathos/logos and your
causes, which is really great
because that’s exactly what we are
talking about today, could
someone read today’s objective?”
15 After a student reads the objective, Initially, students will be asked to
I would briefly review ethos, reiterate the definitions of ethos,
pathos, and logos with them, pathos, and logos. Then, students will
asking “OK, super quick in case listen to the description of the activity
anyone forgo, but still raising our and will have the opportunity to ask
hands, what is ethos? What about clarifying questions. At least one
pathos? Logos? Alright it seems student will be called on to repeat
like we have the definitions down, directions in their own words. Then,
but before we get to applying students will work individually or
them, we’re going to do some collaboratively to identify examples of
additional practice. I would then ethos, pathos, and logos and explain
pass out the paper for the activity how they know as the presentation
and explain what it is and what progresses.
will be expected of students. I
might say “The paper that’s
coming around is for you to use as
we look at different examples of
ethos, pathos, and logos. I’m going
to flash an ad up on the screen, and
you’ll have to identify which of
the three it is and briefly explain
how you know. We’ll share the
right answers at the end.”
35-40 After completing the review Students will have a generous amount
activity, I might say “Seems like of time to create brochures that follow
all of ya’ll are experts on ethos, the listed requirements (has an
pathos, and logos. Well, let’s put appropriate cover, uses 3 or more
that expertise to good use pieces of evidence from their research,
advocating for your causes by and uses ethos, pathos, and logos to
making, drumroll please… advocate for their cause). During this
brochures!” I would then ask time, students will be able to use
students to read out the assignment colored pencils and any other arts &
description as well as the listed crafts materials they may have (glitter
requirements for the assignment. pens, glue sticks, etc.) to create their
After giving students a space to brochures. Students would complete
ask questions, I might say “OK, this to the best of their abilities during
last check, your goal is to make a the remaining class time to submit it at
brochure, and follow the the end of the period.
requirements on screen. If you
have any questions, comments, or
concerns, ask me or your
classmates. Construction paper and
other supplies are by the desk on
the wall. You got the rest of class,
good luck and have fun!” I’d then
spend the rest of the class period
checking on students as they are
working and providing guidance
wherever possible (also would
refocus off task students, field
questions, and so forth).
What materials or equipment is needed to support this lesson?

• Devices/computers
• Projector/smartboard
• Google Slides / PPT presentation
• Worksheet
• Construction paper
• Colored pencils
In this section, specifically describe how you integrated contemporary instructional methods that we’ve discussed in
this class to support diverse groups of student learners. Please visit our course syllabus to ensure that you address
methods and concepts from each area of our class study. Cite your resources and include them in the “References”
section below.
This section should be no longer than 1/2-page, single-spaced.
In “Maker-centered learning”, there is a continuous stress on the importance of maker-centered
learning promoting various positive qualities in students such as “inspiration, collaboration, a
growth mind-set, motivation, and the development of a failure-positive outlook on the world”
(Clapp et al., 29). Essentially, there is considerable cause for bringing in maker activities
(where students are responsible for creating and experimenting through tactile interaction with
content), and subsequently, although simplistic, the creation of brochures will allow students a
precursory chance to interact with a pseudo-maker-space in the classroom. The final project for
this unit will be a written piece, but it will be accompanied by a physical item of the student’s
choice (poster, brochure, presentation, video, etc.), and therefore this activity functions as a
mid-unit practice for the later assessment.

Please include the correct APA citations for each of the resources cited above.

Clapp, E. P., Ross, J., Ryan, J. O., & Tishman, S. (2016). Maker-centered learning:
Empowering young people to shape their worlds. John Wiley & Sons.

Please list any handouts that will be used as part of this lesson plan and before the next day’s lesson plan.
Include copies of handouts after the lesson plan.
PowerPoint Slides:
Handout 1: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Identification Activity

EPL In Photos & Ads

Directions: Either individually or with your table group, look at each
photo/ad and identify if it is using Ethos, Pathos, or Logos (circle one).
Then, explain how you know (check your notes if you need to!).

Example 1: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

Example 2: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

Example 3: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

Example 4: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

Example 5: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

Example 6: Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Explanation: _______________________________________________

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