Batman - Research Paper 1

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(Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism using

Arduino Nano)

An Investigatory Project
Presented to

The Science Review Committee

2019 Regional Science and Technology Fair

Keith Cloyd S. Rubis

Mrs. Rachelan L. Buenaventura

Research Advisers

Polangui General Comprehensive High School

Polangui, Albay
October, 2019

B.A.T.M.A.N. or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism

using Arduino Nano
By Rubis, Keith Cloyd S.
Adviser: Rachelan L. Buenaventura

The aim of this study is to construct and develop an anti-theft

device for baggage to prevent “salisi”, a modus that continued to rise
in the Philippines by notifying the user through SMS Notification
with GPS.
B.A.T.M.A.N. or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism
using Arduino Nano is an ultrasonic sensor which detects the
abnormal change in distance once a bag is being lifted or taken; it also
features a tracking mechanism which uses a GPS Module that
determines the location of the bag and a GSM Module that notifies
the user if the bag was stolen or taken. The notification shows the
exact location of the bag. The device also has a Buzzer installed in an
attempt to discourage theft on taking the belongings by emitting a
loud sound.
Thirty random panelist were asked to evaluate the device
features in terms of acceptability, functionality, efficiency, alarm
system and global positioning system using a 5-point Hedonic scale.
Results shows acceptability received a 4.7 rating; for functionality
4.8, efficiency 4.7, alarm system 4.9 and for the tracking system it
gets a weighted mean of 4.6. All the ratings are interpreted as highly
With the results gathered, the researcher concluded that the
B.A.T.M.A.N. can detect sudden motion, intrusion alarm that gave
warning and locate belongings making the device effective,
acceptable and efficient as anti-theft device.


Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………….ii
Statement of the Problem…………………………….………………………….………...4
Significance of the Study…………………………….………………...………….………5
Scope and Delimitation…………………………….………………………….……..……5
Definition of Terms…………………………….………………………….………………7
Preparation and Collection of Materials…………………………….…………………….8
Construction of the Device…………………………….………………………….………9
Connections of the Device…………………………….………………………….………9
Experimental and Treatment Application………………………………………………..11
Technical Flowchart…………………………….………………………….…………….12
Wiring Schematic…………………………….………………………….…………….…15
System Flowchart…………………………….………………………….……….………17
Data Gathering…………………………….………………………….………………….22
Experimental Methods.…………………………….………………………….………...24
Results and Discussion…………………………………………………………………...26

The Device………………………………………………………………………………...37
Data Gathering…………………………………………………………………………….38

Materials used to construct the device……….……………………………...…………….8

Connection of the Ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino….………………………………...…9

Connection of the GPRS to the Arduino….……………………………………..…….…10

Connection of the GPS Module to the Arduino….…………………………….………10

Connection of the Buzzer to the Arduino….……………………………………..…...…11

Connection of the Button to the Arduino….…………………………………………..…11

Questionnaire for the panelist……….……………………………………...……………23

Ratings on Acceptability……………………………..…………………………………..26

Ratings on Functionality……………..……………………..……………………………27

Ratings on Efficiency……………………………..……………..……………………….28

Ratings on Alarm System……………………………………..……….…….…………..28

Ratings on Global Positioning System………………………………………………….30


Block Diagram of the Device……………………………………………………………12

Technical flowchart for anti-theft device……………………………………………...…12

Block Diagram of the recipient module in the system….……………………………….13

Block Diagram of Security System….…………………………………………………...14

Voltage increase of the Power Source of the B.A.T.M.A.N……………………………..14

Components of the mainboard………………………………………………………..….15

Structure of the unit of anti-theft system……………………………………………...…16

The process of the device from inputs, processes, decision, and output...........................17

Casing of The Device.........................................................................................................21

Components of the Device................................................................................................21

Device connected to the bag..............................................................................................27

Alarm System of the Device..............................................................................................29

The Output and Notification sent to the user.....................................................................30


Baggages are often the target of thieves because of its valuable things that can be resold

(M. Villanueva, 2015). According to the Social Weather Station (SWS) survey 5.6% of Filipinos

or around 1.3 million families fell victim to bag theft. Based on the survey, bag theft was identified

as the most common cases. It increases from 4.6% or 1.1 million to 5.2% or 1.2 million from the

period April-September 2018 to the second half of the year (Mateo, 2018).

“Salisi gang” is one of the crimes that continued to rise in the Philippines. The members of

the gang lurk anywhere where there are crowded people – malls, restaurants and fast-food joints.

Thief usually targets the laptop, wallet or the bag. Once executed, they leave immediately as if

nothing happens (NCRPO, 2015).

One factor that causes this to happen is the lack of security. Lack of security tempts the

thieves to steal because the bags are easy to access. To prevent bag theft using anti-theft system

was more secure method to protect valuable things.

Over the last 20 years, alarm sound has become even more widespread because of a greater

interest in and attention to safety, and also to the litigation which may follow when adverse

incidents occur. Alarms can be too loud and shrill which suits best for anti-theft security systems

(Edworthy, 2016).

In the study conducted by Shweta (2016) in their study entitled Multipurpose Smart Bag,

they also used RFID, a device that prevents misplacement important things and tracking the theft

by using a Bluetooth module that detect the connectivity between the mobile phone and bag.

However, the user must press the button first before tracing the location using GPS of mobile, and

a SMS will be sent to victim’s contacts. (Shweta, 2016)

In the study conducted by Kunal Maurya, Mandeep Singh and Neelu Jain (2012) entitled

Real time vehicle tracking system using GSM and GPS technology, an Anti-Theft tracking system.

This study works using a GPS and GSM technology wherein the stolen vehicle will be tracked by

the GPS Device and the GSM device will send the location ( latitude and longitude ) of the vehicle.

( Maurya, K., M. Singh, N. Jain, 2012)

Despite of various technologies invented and introduced to prevent theft, there are still

technologies that don’t allow the user to recover and know the status of the object (M. Ramadan,

2012). One of this was the Bluetooth anti-theft alarm, it is used to find phones, keys, wallet, and

bags but this technology has no provision to track and view the location of the object; 125dB loud

Portable Round Shape Security Alarm System is a keychain that detects thief. When a thief was

detected, it causes the device to produce a loud sound. Moreover, the sound only last about 20-30

minutes and the device don’t allow the user to view and track the location of the object.

Luggage tracking system using IOT, it was designed to track the luggage and bags when

get lost or stolen in public or private area. However, this technology can only track the object but

the location of the object can’t view the exact location and it has no alarm system to notify the

owner if the bag was stolen (M. Jain, 2017).

There are several technologies that help the researchers to get ideas to prevent bag theft.

One of this was the ultrasonic sensor, it is a sensor that sends ultrasonic sound waves and waits for

the reflected sound waves. When the reflected sound wave is detected, the distance of an object

will be measured by the sensor (D. K. Thankacham, 2013)

GPS Module receives data such as location coordinates, speed and time continuously from

the satellite and delivers correspondingly to the microcontroller. The antenna receives the input

from the GPS Module and information concerning the position, velocity, and time (I. Asianoba,


GSM Modem is a compact and reliable wireless modules, it has a very powerful single-

chip processor. This modem requires a Sim card to function (R. Okeke, 2018)

With these ideas, the researcher decided to construct a cheaper anti-theft device which is

B.A.T.M.A.N or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism Using Arduino Nano wherein it aims

to notify the user via SMS notification with its specific location and alarm if his/her luggage was


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to create a lightweight and user friendly B.A.T.M.A.N or Baggage Alarm

with Tracking Mechanism Using Arduino Nano with SMS Notification to notify the owner if

his/her luggage was stolen.

Specifically, the research question to be addressed are the following:

1. Can the device determine if the baggage was lifted?

2. Can the device give an SMS notification in time?

3. Can the device give an accurate global positioning data?

4. Determine the consumer’s perceptions towards B.A.T.M.A.N. in terms of: consumer’s

satisfaction levels, personal interest, relative advantages and designs functionality.


Null Hypothesis (H0)

H0- The B.A.T.M.A.N or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism Using Arduino Nano is

not effective, acceptable and efficient as anti-theft device and a tracking system.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

H1-The B.A.T.M.A.N or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism Using Arduino Nano is

effective, acceptable and efficient as anti-theft device and a tracking system.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study would be beneficial to groups of persons, especially the


STUDENTS - This study could grow their interest in the field of programming and robotics.

TEACHERS – This study could help teachers for they could relay their knowledge about the usage

of robotics in real life application.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS- This study would be beneficial to the future researchers because this

will serve as part of their starting point as they innovate devices related in security system and as

well creating new ideas.

PEOPLE OF THE SOCIETY- This could help them reduce the loss of their property inside their


Scope and Limitations

The study only focuses in creating anti-theft device for baggage to prevent “salisi gang”.

Specifically, it sought to determine the effectiveness, acceptability and efficiency as an anti-theft

device and a tracking system. The features were as follows: (1) Ultrasonic sensor will sense the

abnormal change of the height of the bag when the bag is being taken through lifting; (2) GPS

Module, wherein it determine the location of the bag; (3) GSM, it notifies the user if the bag was

stolen and it sends the exact location of the bag through SMS Notification, though the time delay

of receiving the SMS notification is dependent to the signal strength; (4) Buzzer, it makes noise if

the bag was lifted. This device can also be attached to motorcycle or anything that is prone to thief.

The buzzer can be turned on or off but it needs to be programmed since it is a prototype. However,

the owner should have data to view the location of the bag in Google maps.


Arduino – Open-source electronic prototyping platform.

Arduino Nano- a compact board similar to the UNO. It is a small, complete, and breadboard-

friendly board.

HC-SR04 –also called as an Ultrasonic Sensor wherein it measures length by transmitting sound

waves and receiving it back.

GSM – a hardware that enables the device to send sms.

SMS - (short message service) is a text messaging service component used by the device.

GPS- (global positioning system) is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground

position of an object.

SIM800L Module – a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS solution in a LGA.

Buzzer - an audio signaling device which may be mechanical, electromechanical or piezoelectric.


The researcher used experimental methods design in determining the acceptability and

functionality of the B.A.T.M.A.N. or Baggage Alarm with Tracking Mechanism using Arduino

Nano. Questionnaires we’re provided to rate the efficiency, functionality, acceptability and

effectivity of the device using the Hedonic scale.

Preparation and Collection of Data and Materials

The researcher gathered the following materials for the construction of the device. These

are: Arduino Nano, Ultrasonic Sensor, GPRS Module ,GPS Module ,Buzzer, Switch, 5V Battery,

Female Jumper Wire and a Micro Sim Card that was used to send text messages.

Table 1: Materials used by the researcher to construct the device.

Materials Quantity

Arduino Nano 1

Ultrasonic Sensor 1

GPRS Module 1

Switch 1

Buzzer 1

GPS Module 1

Female Jumper Wire 4


The Ultrasonic Sensor as well as the GPS Module, GPRS Modem, Female Jumper Wires

and the Buzzer were bought in ArduGeek Electronics in Iriga City. The Ultrasonic sensor and the

GPS Module is connected to Arduino Nano Board, wherein the input of the sensor is then

processed in the board. Then the Buzzer and the GPRS Modem was connected to the board and

activated when Ultrasonic sensor detected abnormal change in height of the object. And as the

power source of the device, the device used the 5V Battery.


To measure the space between the device and the ground, the researcher used Ultrasonic

Sensor that works by emitting sound waves at a frequency too high for humans to hear then wait

for the sound waves to be reflected back.

Table 2: Shows the connection of the ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino Nano.

Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Nano

TrigPin (Trigger) D5

EchoPin(Echo) D6

Positve (+) 5V

Negative (-) GND

To inform the recipient if the luggage was stolen, the researcher used GPRS Module that is capable

of sending and receiving text messages.

Table 3: Shows the connection of the (SIM800L v2) GPRS Module to the Arduino Nano.

GPRS Module Arduino Nano




Positive(+) 5V

Negative(-) GND

To track the baggage, the researcher used GPS Module that is capable of receiving Global

Positioning Data from an available satellite.

Table 4: Shows the connection of the GPS Module to the Arduino Nano.

GPS Module Arduino Nano

TX Pin D10

RX Pin D11

Positive (+) 5V

Negative (-) GND

To inform the recipient, the researcher will use a buzzer that emits sound waves.

Table 5: Shows the connection of the Buzzer to the Arduino Nano.

Buzzer Arduino Nano

Signal D8

Negative(-) GND

To disable and enable the device for the owner’s use, the researcher will use a switch.

Table 6: Shows the connection of the button to the Arduino Nano.

Switch Arduino Nano

Negative(-) GND

Positive(+) Vin


During the process of creating the device, the researcher followed the sequence: softwares,

main board, and program. Softwares is where the programmed codes were made, then the main

board is where the processing of the data occured, and the program will let the device work.

When it functions, the order is Sensors (Input), Main Board, SMS notification (output),

and buzzer (output). Sensor, the Ultrasonic Sensor that senses if the luggage was taken, Main

Board, where the interpreting of the data happens, and the SMS notification and the buzzer as an

output as the warning system.




Figure 1: Block Diagram

The Security system, as shown in Figure 1, consist of two main input; the first input is the GPS

output. The second input is analog signal from the use of ultrasonic sensor.




Figure 2: Technical flowchart for anti-theft device

Figure 2 shows the technical flowchart of an anti-theft device. First for the Ultrasonic, it

senses if the baggage is lifted from the ground then turns on the security features. The Ultrasonic

sensor sense the height of the bag which turns on the security features that the bag should not be


For the security features of the device, when the ultrasonic sensor sense abnormal change

in height of the baggage, GPS Module triggers to sends the location of the bag in a form of latitude

and longitude. Global system for mobile (GSM) module was used to send a text message to the

owner. The buzzer turns on when the sensors detect something.



Figure 3: The Block Diagram of the recipient module in the system.

In the tracking system, GPS Module was used for tracking the object. The GSM Modem

will transmit the information to the mobile phone via messages. The recipient which is the

messages will receive the coordinates and the status information of the object. Using the location

received from the device, the location of the bag can be viewed using the Google Maps.


Google Maps


Figure 4: Block Diagram of Security System

Fig 4 shows the proposed system which consists of GPS Module and GSM Module. As

shown in Fig. 4, when the baggage is lifted, the B.A.T.M.A.N will send an SMS Notification and

the GPS will search a satellite that will give the baggage’s GPS coordinates and send the location

in a URL Format that leads to Google maps displaying the location.

+ S
3.7 5V

Figure 5: Shows the Voltage increase of the Power Source of the B.A.T.M.A.N.

The researcher used a 2000 mAh Li-Polymer Battery with a 3.7V output and increased it into 5V

to sustain the needed Voltage Input of the B.A.T.M.A.N.





Figure 6 :Shows the components of the mainboard.

The Anti-Theft device is composed of Ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, GPS Module and a GSM

module.The sensor identifies if the luggage is stolen and the buzzer provides a sound as a Warning

System while a notification and Global Positioning Data would be sent to the recipient. If the

luggage was lifted, an SMS notification would be sent to the user/administrator




Figure 7: The Structure of the unit of anti-theft system.

The system has two main units: the first is security unit. This unit consists of; a GSM

module, GPS module, Ultrasonic Sensor, as shown in Figure 7. The ultrasonic sensor will send an

analog signal to the board when the baggage was lifted. The GPS module retrieves the location

from satellites in the form of latitude and longitude reading in real time.

The board processes the GPS information and transmits it to the user using GSM modem

by SMS. The owner receives SMS text that includes GPS coordinates, and SMS Notification about

the status of the bag, the owner then have to transfer the coordinates to Google Maps. Google Maps

reads the coordinates and shows the location on the map.

System Flowchart

Power the Device

Input Devices
Ultrasonic Sensor, GPS Module

Runs the program in the board

 Too high from the



Buzzer emits sound and GSM Module Buzzer will not emit sound nor the GSM
sends SMS Notification and Global Module will send SMS Notification and
Positionioning Data Global Positioning Data


Figure 8: Shows the process of the device from inputs, processes, decision, and output.

The researchers used the Arduino IDE to program and compile the codes and to enable

them to upload it to the microcontroller.

Code used:

#include <Ultrasonic.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#include <TinyGPS++.h>

long duration;

const int buzzer = 12;

int distance;

int safetyDistance;

float gpslat, gpslon;

Ultrasonic ultrasonic(7, 6);

SoftwareSerial sgps(8, 9);

TinyGPSPlus gps;

SoftwareSerial sgsm(2, 3);

void setup() {




pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

distance =;



if ((distance >= 50)) {

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);


}/* while (sgps.available())

int c =;

if (gps.encode(c))

gpslat = (;

gpslon = (gps.location.lng());









//The text of the message to be sent.

sgsm.println("Bag is opened at:");


sgsm.print(gpslat, 6);


sgsm.print(gpslon, 6);




Figure 9: Casing of the device



Arduino Nano

GSM Module
Female Jumper

GPS Module

Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 10: Components of the device


The researcher provided questionnaires for each of the panelist to determine if the device

functions well, efficient and could be accepted by the general public, 30 random individuals were

provided with questionnaires to rate using the hedonic scale the acceptability, functionality, and

efficiency of the device.

Heddonic Scale : 5 – Highly Acceptable

4 – Very Acceptable

3 – Acceptable

2 – Fair Acceptable

1 – Not Acceptable

Legend (Data Interpretation)

Scale Interpretation

4.44 – 5.00 Highly acceptable

3.43 – 4.43 Very acceptable

2.62-3.42 Acceptable

1.81-2.61 Fair acceptable

1.00-1.80 Not acceptable

Table 7: Shows the questionnaire that will be given for the panelist. For determining

Acceptability, Functionality and Efficiency.

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1

A. Acceptability

1. The device is user friendly.

2. The device is effective as an Anti-Theft Warning System.

3. I will use this device if it is already available in the market.

B. Functionality

1. The programmed device can function well.

2. The device can send SMS Notification in time.

3. The device can detect change in distance.

C. Efficiency

1. It turns on when the baggage is being lifted without the

permission of the owner.

2. The buzzer is audible.

D. Alarm System

1. The Alarm is quick to detect.

2. The message /alarm are accurate.

E. Tracking System

1. The Global Positioning System is accurate.

2. The GPS Module receives data quickly.

The researcher used the weighted mean of the ratings of the panellist to the device to

determine its acceptability, functionality, and efficiency.

The researcher used the formula:

𝑥̅ = 𝑁


𝑋̅ – The weighted mean

X – Ratings of the panelist

ΣX – Summation of X

N – Number of samples

The researcher used the 5-point hedonic scale in determining the acceptability, functionality, and

efficiency of the device.

Scale Interpretation

5 Highly acceptable

4 Very acceptable

3 Acceptable

2 Fair acceptable

1 Not acceptable

Results and Discussion

The researcher determines the acceptability, efficiency, and functionality of the device. The

researcher provides questionnaires for each of the panelist to determine if the device functions

well, efficient and acceptable by the general public. 30 random individuals were provided with

questionnaires and have given rating using a 5-point hedonic scale. The tables below show the

result of the survey.

Table 8: Shows the tabulated data of the ratings on acceptability

Question 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Remarks
The device is user Highly
friendly 26 4 0 0 0 4.9 Acceptable

The device is effective Highly
as an Anti-Theft 24 6 0 0 0 4.8 Acceptable
Warning System

I will use this device if Highly

it is already available 14 16 0 0 0 4.4 Acceptable
in the market
Acceptability 4.7 = Highly Acceptable

The tables shows the result of the panelist rates in terms of acceptability having a weighted

mean of 4.7 . It proves that the B.A.T.M.A.N. satisfies the personal interest of the consumers, it

can be easily operated and an effective way to prevent bag theft the panelist also agree that if the

device is available in the market they will purchase it giving the highly acceptable rating.

Table 9.Shows the tabulated data of the ratings on functionality

Question 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Remarks
The programmed Highly
device can function 21 9 0 0 0 4.7 Acceptable
The device can send Highly
SMS Notification in 26 4 0 0 0 4.9 Acceptable

The device can detect Highly

change in distance 14 16 0 0 0 4.7 Acceptable
Functionality 4.8 = Highly Acceptable

The results show that the weighted mean of the device in terms of functionality is 4.8 when

interpreted, it is highly acceptable. The panelist rated the functionality of the device with highest

point of 4.9 which means that the device can send SMS notification once there is intrusion in the

belongings. The panelist was also convinced that the program of the device is effective and can

easily detect a change in distance alerting the owner

Table 10: Shows the tabulated data of the ratings on efficiency

Figure 11: Shows the device connected to the bag
Question 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Remarks
It turns on when
the baggage is 22 8 0 0 0 4.7 Highly
being lifted without Acceptable
the permission of
the owner.

The Buzzer is 21 9 0 0 0 4.7 Highly

audible. Acceptable

Efficiency 4.7 = Highly Acceptable

The result show that the weighted mean in terms of efficiency is 4.7. The device was

efficient as anti- theft device since majority of the panelist heard the sound of the buzzer alerting

the owner and can make the thief feel an extreme fear that he will not be able to steal or take the


Table 11: Shows the tabulated data of the ratings on alarm system

Question 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Remark
The alarm is quick to
detect. 26 4 0 0 0 4.9 Highly acceptable

The message alarm is

accurate 23 7 0 0 0 4.8 Highly acceptable

Alarm System 4.9 Highly Acceptable

The result show that the weighted mean of the device in terms of alarm system is 4.9 when

interpreted it is highly acceptable. According to the panelist the SMS Notification sends in time

and the alarm is quick to detect with a highest point of 4.9 which means it is highly acceptable.


Figure 12: Alarm System of the device.

Table 12: Shows the tabulated data of the ratings on Tracking System
Question 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Remarks
The Global
Positioning System is 17 13 0 0 0 4.6 Highly Acceptable
The GPS Module
receives data quickly 18 12 0 0 0 4.6 Highly Acceptable

Global Positioning System 4.6 = Highly Acceptable

The result show that the weighted mean of the device in terms of Global Positioning System

is 4.6 when interpreted it is highly acceptable and it also shows that Global Positioning System

function well. The B.A.T.M.A.N. can also be used as a tracking device. The buzzer can be turned

off and when the valuable item was lifted or taken, the device can track its location.

Figure 13: Shows the output and notification sent to the user


This study tested the acceptability, functionality, efficiency and the alarm system of

Arduino-based Anti-theft Alarm with SMS Notification.

The researcher analyzed the data gathered. The result shows the rating of 4.7 for the

acceptability which means that the device has the characteristics needed by the public as anti-theft

alarm, 4.8 for the functionality which means that the device performs the function properly, 4.7

for the efficiency which means that the device is easy to use and doesn’t need much effort to work

and 4.9 for the alarm system which means that the device alarms the user quickly and works

properly. 4.6 for the Global Positioning Data.

The result shows that the device is effective, acceptable and efficient as anti-theft device

and a tracking system. It also shows that the B.A.T.M.A.N. satisfies the consumer’s perception in

terms of consumer satisfaction and personal interest.


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The device

Data Gathering


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