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Saint George

Antiochian Orthodox Church

Cicero, Illinois
‫جيوس‬ ‫جاور‬ ِ
‫يس‬ ‫د‬ ِ ‫الق‬
ِ ‫َكنيس ُة‬
َ ْ َ
‫طاكَّي ُة األ ُْرثوُذ ْك ِسَّية‬
ِ ‫األن‬
Orthros (Matins) Service for
Forth Sunday of Pascha
Sunday of the (Paralytic)
‫الس َحر‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫خدمة َصالة‬
)‫الم َخَلع‬ ‫َحد ال ار ِبع َبعد عيد‬ ِ
ُ ‫(أحد‬
َ ‫القيامة‬
َ َ ‫لأل‬

Orthros on Sunday, May 15, 2022; Tone 3 / Eothinon 5
Fourth Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Paralytic
Venerable Pachomios the Great of Egypt; Achilles, bishop of Larisa;
Martyr Barbaros the myrrh-streaming of Corfu
Arabic (slow, chant) // English (slow, chant) // English-Arabic-Greek (quick, chant)
English-Greek (slow, choral) // Arabic (slow, choral)
Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and َ َ ِ ‫هلننااا حا َّاِ اااي‬
َِّ ‫الَّ َوُح ا‬ ُ ُ َ ‫اار‬ َ ‫ تَبا‬:‫الكااا‬
ever, and unto the ages of ages.
. ‫اهري‬ ِ ‫الد‬
َّ ‫اَّ وإلى َد ْه ِر‬ ٍ ‫أَو‬
Choir: Amen. . ‫الجوقة آمي‬
ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ايُ ااا َ ما ْ َْا ْي ِ األ ْماواََ َوَو ا‬ُ ‫المس‬ :‫الكا‬
Priest: Christ is risen from the dead,
.‫ياة َّللذي َ في الُقبور‬
trampling down death by death; and upon
those in the tombs, bestowing life! َ ‫الح‬ َ ‫بالم ْوََ َوَو َه َب‬ َ ََ ‫الم ْو‬ َ
ِ ِ ِ
Choir: Christ is risen from the dead,
َ ‫ايُ ااا َ ما ْ َْا ْي ِ األ ْماواََ َوَو ا‬ُ ‫المس‬َ ‫الجوقة‬
.‫ياة َّللذي َ في الُقبور‬َ ‫الح‬ َ ‫بالم ْوََ َوَو َه َب‬ َ ََ ‫الم ْو‬
trampling down death by death; and upon
those in the tombs, bestowing life! (Twice) َ
) ‫(مرتي‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
َ َ‫وا وا ْ ا ِ والاارو ُِ الُق ا ُدس‬
َِّ ‫الَّ َوُح ا‬ ِ ‫المجا ُاد لِ ا‬
the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto
. ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫هر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ َوإلى َد‬ ٍ ‫أَو‬
ages of ages. Amen.
All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, ‫وس ْار َامن ا اااَ يا ااا َر ُّا ا ْ ُ ا ا ْر‬ ُ ‫الوو الُق ا اد‬
ُ ‫أَُّينا ااا الو ا ا‬
ُ ‫جاوْز َع ْ َساِيئاتناَ ياا ُاا ُّد‬ ِ
cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our
iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our ‫وس‬ َ َ‫َخطاياناَ يا َسي ُد ت‬
.‫اس ِم َك‬ ِ ِ ِ ْ ‫ا َّ لِع و‬
ْ ِ‫اضناَ م ْ أَج‬ َ ‫اشف أ َْمر‬
infirmities for Thy Name’s sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) )‫ (ثالثا‬.‫يا َر ُّا ْار َا ْم‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
َ َ‫وا وا ْ ا ِ والاارو ُِ الُق ا ُدس‬
َِّ ‫الَّ َوُح ا‬ ِ ‫المجا ُاد لِ ا‬
the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto
. ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫هر الداهري‬ ِ ِ ‫اَّ َوإلى َد‬ ٍ ‫أَو‬
ages of ages. Amen.
ِ ‫س اسامكَ لِيات‬ ِ
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be َْ َ َ ُ ْ ِ ‫السماواََ لَيتََق َّد‬ َّ ‫أَبانا الذي في‬
‫ايئتُ َك َحمااا فااي ال َّس اما ِ َح ا َذلِ َك‬ َ ‫َمَلكوتُا َكَ لِ اتَ ُك ْ َمتا‬
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
ِ ‫علا ااى األَرَُ خب نا ااا الجا اوه ِر َّي أ‬
َ ‫َعطنا ااا الَي ا او‬
day our daily bread; and forgive us our َ َ َْ ُ ْ َ
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass ِ
‫وا ْتا ا ُر ْ َلن ااا م ااا َعَلين ااا َحم ااا َن ْتا ا ُر ُ َن ْحا ا ُ ل َما ا َلن ااا‬
against us, and lead us not into temptation,
ِ ِ ِ َّ‫َعَلي ااوَ َو تُ ا ْد ِخْلنا ف ااي الت‬
but deliver us from the evil one. َ ‫جرَ اةَ َلك ا ْ َن ِجن ااا م ا‬
.‫الترير‬ ِ
Priest: For Thine is the kingdom, and the ‫الم ْجا ا َدَ أَُّين ااا‬
َ ‫المْلا ا َك والُقا ا ْد َرَة و‬ َّ ‫ أل‬:‫الكاااا‬
ُ ‫ََّ َلا ا َك‬
power, and the glory: of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; now and ٍ ‫الَّ َوُح ا ا َِّ أَو‬
َّ‫ا‬ َ َ‫الا وا ْ ا ا ُ وال ا اارو ُُ الُق ا ا ُدس‬ ُ
ever, and unto ages of ages. ِ
. ‫هر الداهري‬ ِ ‫َوإلى َد‬
ِ ‫ا يا ااا َر ُّا َشا ا َِْب َك َو ا ا‬
ْ ‫اار‬ ِ
ْ ‫ َخلا ا‬. ‫القااااا آما ااي‬
Reader: Amen. O Lord, save Thy people

َ َ ‫ِمي ارثَا اكَ َوا ْما اَن ُْ َعِبي ا َاد َ ال ُما اا ِمِني‬
‫العَلَبا ا َة عل ااى‬
and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy
people victory over all their enemies, and by
ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫ْ ِبُقا َّوِة‬ ِ
the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy َ ‫الم ْصتَناي‬ ُ ‫لاليب َك َجمي َاع‬ َ ْ ‫ااَ ا‬ ْ ‫الت ِريرَ َو‬
commonwealth. .‫ِبك‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to .‫لوا وا ْ ِ والرو ُِ القُدُس‬ ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
ِ ِ‫نا ال‬
the Holy Spirit.
Do Thou, Who of Thine own good will was ‫يب ُم ْصتا ااا ارَ أَُّينا ااا‬ َّ ‫يا ااا َما ا ِ ْارتََ ْ ا ا َِ علا ااى ال‬
lifted up upon the Cross, O Christ our God, ‫الج ِدي ا ا ِاد‬
َ ‫يُ ا ِ ل ا ااوَ ا ْما ا اَن ُْ َ ْأرَفتَا ا ا َك لِ َتا ا ا ِْ ِب َك‬ُ ‫الم ِسا ا ا‬
bestow Thy bounties upon the new Nation
َ ‫امن ااا ال ُما اا ِمني‬ ِ ِ ِ
which is called by Thy Name; make glad in َ ‫الم َس امى با اكَ َوَفا ا ِرُْ بُقَّوت ا َك ُاك‬ ُ
‫ ِل اتَ ُك ْ َل ُن ا ْم‬.‫اارِي ِنم‬ ِ ‫العَلَب ا َة علااى ُمحا‬ َ ‫اه ُم‬ ِ
ُ ‫مانحااا هي ا‬
Thy might those who lawfully govern, that

َّ ِ‫ونتُ َك ِسالاا ل‬
with them we may be led to victory over our
adversaries, having in Thine aid a weapon .‫ظَ ار َ َير َمْق ُنور‬ َ ‫لسال َ َو‬ َ ُ ‫َم‬
of peace and a trophy invincible.
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. ‫دهر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ وإلى‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬ َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ
Amen. ِ
‫الم ْص ُذولااةَ يااا والِ ا َد َة‬ ِ َّ ُ‫أَيَّتُنااا ال َّتا َِي ة‬
O fearsome champion, who cannot be put to َ ‫الرهيَب اةُ َ يا ُار‬ َ
confusion, despise not our petitions, O ِ
‫الكلَِّيا ا َة التَّ ْسا اِبيَُ تُ ْ ِرضا اي ي ااا ل ااال َح ُة‬
ِ ُ ‫ا ِ ل ا ِاو‬
Good and All-praised Theotokos; establish
‫يمي‬ ِ ِ َ‫التناَ ْ ا اِ و ِ ا ا ِدي ِس ا ايرة المس ا ات‬ ِ ‫ع ا ا تَو ُّس ا ا‬
ْ ُ ََ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ
ِ ِ
the way of the Orthodox; save those who
َ‫ََّ َيتَ َمَّل ُك ا ا اوا‬ َّ ِ
have been called upon to govern us, leading ْ ‫الا ا ا َّارأيَ َو َخلِن ا ا اي ال ا ا اذي َ أَ َم ا ا ا ْرَ أ‬
us to that victory which is from heaven, for َِ ‫العَلَبا ا َة ِما ا َ ال َّسا اما َ ِبم ااا أََّنا ا ِك َوَلا ا ْد‬ َ ‫امَن ِحا اي ِن ِم‬ ْ ‫َو‬
. ِ ‫بارَكةُ َو ْا َد‬
thou art she who gavest birth to God, and
alone art blessed. َ ‫الم‬
ُ ‫لوَ أَيَّتُنا‬ َ ِ‫ا‬
Priest: Have mercy on us, O God, ‫طُل ا ُب‬ ْ ‫ ِه ْر َا ْمنااا يااا ُ ِب َ ِِ اي ِم َر ْا َمِت ا َكَ َن‬:‫الكااا‬
according to Thy great mercy, we pray
.‫استَ ِج ْب َو ْار َا ْم‬ ْ ‫يك َف‬ َ ‫ِهَل‬
Thee, hearken and have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) )‫ (ثالثا‬.‫الجوقة يا َر ُّا ْار َام‬
(Use this response until noted below) )‫(ت اد ب د ح ِِ ِ لبة‬ ْ ُ َ ُ ُ
ِ ِ ِِ ‫طُلا اب ِما ا ْ أَجا ا‬
Priest: Again we pray for all pious and َ ‫المسا ايحِيي‬
َ ْ ُ ْ ‫ َوأَيض ااا َن‬:‫الكاااا‬
Orthodox Christians.
. ‫كسِيي‬ ِ ‫الِباد ِة األُرثوُذ‬
ِ ‫الحسِني‬
َ ََ
ِ ‫طُلاب ِما أَجا ِِ أَِْينااا و ِم ْترو‬
Priest: Again we pray for our father and ْ ْ ُ ْ ‫ َوأَيضا َن‬:‫الكا‬
metropolitan, N., (our bishop, N.,) and all ‫ايس َح َنَنِتن ااا ( ُفا االَّ)َ َوُحا ا ِِ ِه ْخ َوِتن ااا ف ااي‬
ِ ‫ورئ ا‬
َ )َّ‫( ُفا اال‬
.ُ‫الم ِسي‬
our brotherhood in Christ.
Priest: For thou art a merciful God and ُِ ‫يم َو ُم ِح ٌّب لِْلَب َترَ َوَلا َك ُن ْرِسا‬ ِ ‫ ألََّنك ِهلو ر‬:‫الكا‬
ٌ ٌَ َ
lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe َِّ ‫الَّ َوُحا‬
َ َ‫لا َوا ْْ ُ َوالا ُّارو ُُ الُقا ُدس‬ ُ ‫الم ْج َد أَيُّنا ا‬
glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of . ‫اَّ َوإلى َد ْه ِر الداه ِري‬ ٍ ‫أَو‬
Choir: Amen. Bless, Father, in the Name of .‫بار ْ يا أا‬ ِ ‫الر ِا‬َّ ‫اس ِم‬ ِ
ْ ‫ ب‬. ‫الجوقة آمي‬
the Lord.
ِ ِ ِ ُ ‫ الم‬:‫الكا‬
Priest: Glory to the holy, consubstantial, ‫المتَسااوي فاي‬ ُ َ‫جد للوااُلوو الُقا ُّدوس‬ َ
ِ ِ
ُ ‫الم ْحيا اايَ َ يا ا ِار‬
َ ‫الم ْنَقسا امَ ُحا ا َِّ اا اي‬ ُ َ‫ال َجا ا ْو َهر‬
life-giving and undivided Trinity, always,
ِ ‫اَّ وإِلى ده ِر الد‬
now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
. ‫اه ِري‬ ْ َ َ ٍ ‫الَّ َوُح َِّ أَو‬ َ
Choir: Amen. . ‫الجوقة آمي‬
َ ُ ‫السال‬
َّ ُ ِ ‫الم ْج ُد هللِ في ال ُ لىَ و َعلى األ َْر‬
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
َ َ
)‫ (ثالثا‬.‫الم َسرة‬ ِ
َ ‫َوفي الناس‬
peace, and good will toward men. (Thrice)
O Lord, open Thou my lips, and my mouth
shall show forth Thy praise. (Twice)
.‫يا َر ُّا ا ْفتَ ُْ َشَ تَ َّي َفُي ْصِب َر َف ِمي ِْتَ ْس ِب َحِتك‬
) ْ‫(مََّرتَي‬
ََّ ‫ونِني؟ َحويرو‬ ِ َّ
َ ‫يا َر ُّا لِماذا َحوَُر الذي َ ُي ْح ِ ُن‬
O Lord, why are they multiplied that afflict
me? Many rise up against me. Many say
unto my soul: There is no salvation for him ‫الص‬ َ ‫َخ‬ ‫ َحويرو ََّ َيقولو ََّ لَِنْ سي‬.‫ااموا َعَلي‬
‫نال ِري َو َم ْج ِدي َورِاف ُع‬ ِ َ‫ وأ َْنِ يا ر ُّا‬.‫َلو ِبِإل ِنو‬
in his God. But Thou, O Lord, art my
helper, my glory, and the lifter up of my َ َ ُ
head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, ‫َجاِْني‬َ ‫ل َر ْخ َُِ َفت‬ َ ‫الرا‬
ِ َّ ‫ ِبنوِتي هلى‬.‫رأسي‬
and He heard me out of His holy mountain.
I laid me down and slept; I awoke, for the َّ ‫ أنا َرَا ْد َُ وِن ْم ُِ ثُ َّم ُا ْم َُِ أل‬.‫ِم ْ َجَب ِِ ُا ْد ِسو‬
Lord will help me. I will not be afraid of ten
‫الت ِب‬ َّ َ‫ا‬ ِ ‫ َفال أَخاف ِم ِر و‬.‫الر َّا يننرِني‬
thousands of people that set themselves ْ ُ ُ ُ َ َّ
against me round about. Arise, O Lord, save َ‫ ُا ْم يا َر ُّا‬.‫المتو ِازِري َ علي‬ ُ َ‫المحيطي َ ْي‬ ُ
me, O my God, for Thou hast smitten all
ِ ِ‫خل‬
who without cause are mine enemies; the ْ ‫ض َرْ َِ ُح َِّ َم‬ َ ‫نني يا هلنيَ َفِإَّن َك‬ ْ َ
‫ لِ َّلر ِا‬.‫طتة‬ َ ‫الص‬ ِ
َ َّ‫نا‬ َ ‫َس‬ ْ ‫ُي اديني با الَ َو َس َحْق َِ أ‬
teeth of sinners hast Thou broken. Salvation
is of the Lord, and Thy blessing is upon Thy
people. .‫الص وعلى َشِِبك َْ َرَكتُك‬ ُ ‫الص‬ َ
.‫ن ُرني‬ ُ ‫الر َّا َي ْن‬
َّ ََّ َّ ‫أَنا َرَا ْد َُ َوِن ْم ُِ ثُ َّم ُا ْم َُِ أل‬
I laid me down and slept; I awoke, for the
Lord will help me.

َ ِ ‫ض ِب َك تَُوِ ْصنيَ و ِْ ِر ْج‬ َ ‫ِب َع‬ َ‫يا َر ُّا‬

O Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger, nor
chasten me in Thy wrath. For Thine arrows
َِ ‫نام َك اد َن َتَب ِْ ِف َّيَ َو َم َّك ْن‬ ِ ِ
are fastened in me, and Thou hast laid Thy َ ‫ َفإ ََّّ س‬.‫تُ َاد ْْني‬
hand heavily upon me. There is no healing
in my flesh in the face of Thy wrath; and ‫ َل ْي َس لِ َج َس ِدي ِش ا ٌ ِم ْ َو ْج ِو‬. ‫علي َيد‬ َّ
there is no peace in my bones in the face of ‫الم ٌة في ِعِامي ِم ْ َو ْج ِو‬ َ ‫ض ِب َكَ َو َس‬ ََ
my sins. For mine iniquities are risen higher
than my head; as a heavy burden have they َ‫ََّ آثامي َا ْد تَ اَل ِْ َفو َق َأرْسي‬ َّ ‫ أل‬.‫َخطاياي‬
pressed heavily upon me. My bruises are ِْ ‫وااا‬ ِْ ‫ َا ْد أ َْنتََن‬.‫قيِ َا ْد ثَُقَل ِْ َعَل َّي‬ ٍ َ‫َك ِحم ٍِ ث‬
become noisome and corrupt in the face of َ ْ
ِ ِ ِ
my folly. I have been wretched and utterly ‫يِ َو ْان َحَن ْي ُِ هلى‬ ُ ‫ َشق‬.‫ِجراااتي م ْ اَب ِِ َجناَلتي‬
bowed down until the end; all the day long I َّ ‫ أل‬.‫نار ُحَّل ُو َم َت ْي ُِ عا ِبسا‬
‫ََّ َم ْتَن َّي‬ َّ ‫العاي ِةَ و‬
َ ‫الن‬ َ
ِ ِ
went with downcast face. For my loins are
ِ‫ي‬ ِ ِ ِ ‫ئ‬ ِ ‫امتَألَ َم‬
filled with mocking, and there is no healing ُ ‫ َشق‬. ‫وليس ل َج َسدي ش ا‬ َ َ ‫ناز‬ ْ ‫َاد‬
in my flesh. I am afflicted and humbled
exceedingly, I have roared from the ‫ يا‬.‫ض ْ ُِ ِج ًّداَ َوُح ْن ُِ أَِئ ُّ ِم ْ تََن ُّن ِد َاْلِبي‬ َ َّ‫َوات‬
ِ َّ ِ ِ
‫ف‬ َ ‫أمام َكَ وتََن ُّندي َل ْم َي ْص‬ َ ‫َر ُّاَ ه ََّّ ُب ْعَيتي ُحلنا‬
groaning of my heart. O Lord, before Thee
ِ ‫طرا َاْلِبي و‬ ِ
ُ ‫فارَا ْتني ُاَّوِتيَ َوُن‬
is all my desire, and my groaning is not hid
from Thee. My heart is troubled, my ‫ور‬ َ َ َ َ َ ‫اض‬ ْ ‫ َاد‬.‫عنك‬
strength hath failed me; and the light of ‫َل ِداائي وأَ ْا ِر ائي‬ ْ ‫ أ‬.‫َع ْيَن َّي أ َْيضا َل ْم َي ْب َق َم ي‬
mine eyes, even this is not with me. My
friends and my neighbors drew nigh over ‫ف ِمِني‬ ِ
َ ‫َدَن ْوا مني َوَوَاُ وا َل َد َّيَ َو ِج ْنسي َوَا‬
َ‫طلُ ُبو ََّ َنْ ِسي‬ ْ ‫َج َن َدِني َّال ِذي َ َي‬ ْ ‫ َوأ‬.‫َب يدا‬
against me and stood, and my nearest of kin
stood afar off. And they that sought after my
soul used violence; and they that sought ‫الت َّر تَ َكَّل ُموا ِباْلبا ِ َِ َو ُ ُتوشا‬ َّ ‫والمْلتَ ِمسو ََّ لِي‬
ُ ُ َ
evils for me spake vain things, and َ
craftinesses all the day long did they َ‫َل َّم َي ْس َم ُع‬ َ ‫ أما أنا َف َكت‬.‫نار َد َرُسوا‬ ِ ‫الن‬َّ ‫ول‬ َ ُ
meditate. But as for me, like a deaf man I ٍ ‫حإن‬
َّ‫سا‬ ْ َُ ‫ول ْر‬ ِ .‫يْ تَُ فاه‬ ‫َخ َر َس‬ْ ‫َوَحت‬
ُ َ
heard them not, and was as a speechless
man that openeth not his mouth. And I َ‫ ألَِني َعَل ْي َكَ يا َر ُّا‬.ِ‫ي‬ ٌ ‫َي ْس َم ُع و في َف ِمو تَْب ِك‬
‫ ألَِني‬.‫يب لي يا َرِي وإلني‬ ِ
ُ ‫لَِ أ َْن َِ تَستَج‬ ُ ‫تََوَّح‬
became as a man that heareth not, and that
hath in his mouth no reproofs. For in Thee
‫ماي‬ َّ ِ
َ ‫لِ َي ْت َم ِْ ْي أعدائيَ وع ْن َدما َزل ِْ َا َد‬ ُ ‫ُا‬
have I hoped, O Lord; Thou wilt hearken
َ‫لض ْر ِا ُم ْستَ ِ ٌّد‬ َّ ِ‫ ألَِني أَنا ل‬. ‫الكال‬ َّ ‫ع‬
unto me, O Lord my God. For I said: Let
never mine enemies rejoice over me; yea, َ ‫ِ ُموا َعَل َّي‬ َ
‫ُخِب ُر‬ْ ‫ ألَِني أَنا أ‬. ‫َوَو َج ِ ي َل َد َّي في ُح ِِ ِاي‬
when my feet were shaken, those men spake
boastful words against me. For I am ready
for scourges, and my sorrow is continually ‫ أَما أَعدائي‬.‫َج ِِ َخ ِطيئتي‬ ِ
ْ ‫ِبِإ ْثميَ َوأَهتَ ُّم م ْ أ‬
ِ َّ ِ ِ َ ‫َفتَايا َ وهم أ‬
َ ‫َش ُّد منيَ وَا ْد َحوَُر الذي‬
before me. For I will declare mine iniquity,
and I will take heed concerning my sin. But ُْ َ ُ
ِ َّ ُ ‫ضونِني‬ ِ
mine enemies live and are made stronger ‫ير‬ِ ‫الص‬َ ‫جازوِني َْ َد َل‬ َ َ ‫ظْلماَ الذي‬ َ ‫ُي ْبع‬
َّ ‫ألجِ ْاِْتعائي‬ ِ
than I, and they that hated me unjustly are
‫ َفال‬.ُ‫النال‬ ‫َش ًّراَ َم َحلُوا ِْي‬
multiplied. They that render me evil for ْ
ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫َسر‬ ْ ‫ أ‬.‫باع ْد َعني‬ َ َ‫تُ ْنمْلني يا َرِي َوإلني و تَت‬
good slandered me, because I pursued
goodness. Forsake me not, O Lord my God,
depart not from me. Be attentive unto my .‫ونتي يا َر َّا َخاللي‬ َ ُ ‫هلى َم‬
help, O Lord of my salvation.
Forsake me not, O Lord my God, depart not .‫باع ْد َعِني‬ َ َ‫َفال تُ ْنمْلني يا َرِي َوإلني و تَت‬
.‫ونتي يا َر َّا َخاللي‬ َ ُ ‫ع هلى َم‬ ْ ‫َس ِر‬ْ‫أ‬
from me. Be attentive unto my help, O Lord
of my salvation.
َ‫يك َنْ ِسي‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ َعط َت ِْ ِهَل‬.‫هليك أ َْْتَكر‬
َ ‫يا أَهللُ هلني‬
O God, my God, unto Thee I rise early at
dawn. My soul hath thirsted for Thee; how
‫ير‬ ٍ ‫َرُ ْ ِري‬
ِ َ ‫َّة َو‬ ٍ ‫يك َجسديَ في أ‬ ‫تاق هَل‬ ‫اش‬
ْ ‫َو‬
often hath my flesh longed after Thee in a
َ َ َ َ
َ ‫ هكذا‬. ‫عاد َم ِة الما‬ ِ ‫وح ٍة و‬
land barren and untrodden and unwatered.
So in the sanctuary have I appeared before ‫ظ َن ْر َُ َل َك في‬ َ َ ُ‫َمسل‬
Thee to see Thy power and Thy glory. For
Thy mercy is better than lives; my lips shall ‫ََّ َر ْا َمتَ َك‬َّ ‫ أل‬. ‫س ألُعاِي َ ُاَّوتَ َك َو َم ْج َد‬ ِ ‫الُق ْد‬
praise Thee. So shall I bless Thee in my life,
‫ هكذا‬.‫حانك‬ ِ ‫ياةَ و َشَ تَ َّي تُس ِب‬ ِ ‫أَ ْفضِ ِم الح‬
and in Thy name will I lift up my hands. As
َ َ َ َ ُ َ
َ َ‫اس ِم َك أ َْرَف ُع َي َديَ َفت‬
with marrow and fatness let my soul be
filled, and with lips rejoicing shall my ُ ‫متل‬ ْ ِ‫ُبارُح َك في َاياتي َو‬ ِ ‫أ‬
mouth praise Thee. If I remembered Thee
on my bed, at the dawn I meditated on Thee.
‫ود َسمَ َوِ ِت ِاه ا ِْْتنا ِج‬ ِ
َ ‫َنْ سي َحما م ْ َش ْح ٍم‬
For Thou art become my helper; in the َُ ‫ هذا َذ َك ْرتُ َك على ِفر ِاشيَ َه َذ ْذ‬.‫ُي َس ِب ُح َك َفمي‬
ِِ ِِ ِ‫ل ْر ََ لِي َعونا َو‬ ِ ‫ِبك في األَسحارَ ألََّنك‬
shelter of Thy wings will I rejoice. My soul
hath cleaved after Thee; Thy right hand hath َ ْ َ
‫اي‬ ِ ِ ِ ‫جناايك أ‬
َ ‫نَق ِْ َنْ سي ب َكَ َوإِي‬ َ َ‫ هْلت‬.‫َستَتر‬
been quick to help me. But as for these, in
vain have they sought after my soul; they ْ َ َ َ
‫ أَما َّالذي َ َيطلُ ُبو ََّ َن سي‬.‫ض َد َْ َي ِم ُينك‬ َ ‫َع‬
shall go into the nethermost parts of the
ِ ‫با ِ الَ َفسي ْد ُخلو ََّ في‬
earth, they shall be surrendered unto the
edge of the sword; portions for foxes shall ِ
ََّ ‫األرَُ َوُيدَف ُ و‬ ِِ ‫أساف‬ ََ
ِ َ‫نبة لِْلو‬ ِ ِ ُّ ‫َيدي‬ ِ ‫هلى أ‬
.‫الب‬ َ ‫ونو ََّ أ َْن‬
ُ ‫السيوفَ َوَي ُك‬
they be. But the king shall be glad in God,
everyone shall be praised that sweareth by
‫ف‬ ِ ِ ‫أَما‬
ُ ‫في َس ُّر باهللَ َوُيمتَ َد ُُ ُح ُِّ َم ْ َي ْحل‬ ُ ‫المل ُك‬
Him; for the mouth of them is stopped that
speak unjust things. َ
ُّ ِِ ِِ
At the dawn I meditated on Thee. For Thou .‫بالِْلم‬ ُ ُ‫بوَ ألََّن ُو َا ْد ُس َّد َْ أ ْفواه‬
َ ‫المتَ َكلمي‬
َ‫ل ْر ََ لِي َع ْونا‬ ِ ‫حار ألََّنك‬ ِ ‫َس‬ ِ
ْ ‫َه َذ ْذ َُ ب َك في األ‬
art become my helper; in the shelter of Thy
wings will I rejoice. My soul hath cleaved َ
َ‫نَق ِْ َنْ ِسي ِب َك‬ ِ ِِ
after Thee; Thy right hand hath been quick َ َ‫ هْلت‬.‫يك أَستَتر‬ َ ‫َوِِِ َج‬
َ ‫ناا‬
to help me.
.‫ض َد َْ َي ِم ُينك‬ َ ‫اي َع‬ َ ‫َوإِي‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to َِّ ‫الَّ َو ُح‬
َ .‫س‬ ُّ ‫وا َوا ِ ْْ ِ َو‬
ِ ُ‫الرو ُِ القُد‬ ِ ‫الم ْجدُ ِل‬
the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and
unto ages of ages. Amen.
. ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫الد ِاه ِري‬
َّ ‫اََّ َوإِلى َدهِْر‬
ٍ ‫أَو‬
. ‫الم ْج ُد َل َك يا‬ ِ ِ ِ
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, َ َ‫َهللويياَ َهللويياَ َهللوييا‬
O God. (Thrice) )‫(ثالثا‬
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)
)‫ (ثالثا‬.‫يا َر ُّا ْار َام‬
ِ ‫المجدُ ِل‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit. .‫وا وا ْ ِ والرو ُِ القُدُس‬ َ
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. ‫الداهري‬ َّ ‫اََّ وإلى َدهِْر‬ ِ ‫وحِ أو‬
َّ َّ‫ال‬
O Lord God of my salvation, by day have I ‫ل َر ْخ ُِ وفي‬ ِ ‫الن‬
َ ‫نار‬ َّ ‫يا َر ُّا هل َو خالليَ في‬
cried and by night before Thee. Let my ِ ‫يِ أمامكَ َفْلتَ ْد ُخِ ُادامك لالتيَ أ‬
ِْ ‫َم‬ َّ
ِ ‫الل‬
prayer come before Thee, bow down Thine َ ََ ْ َ
ُّ َ ‫ََ ِم‬
ِ ‫الت ُر‬ ِ ِِ
‫ور‬ ْ ‫أُ ُذَن َك هلى َ لَبتيَ َفَقد‬
ْ ‫امتَ َأل‬
ear unto my supplication, for filled with
evils is my soul, and my life unto Hades
hath drawn nigh. I am counted with them ‫ ُا ِس ْب ُِ َم َع‬.‫الجحي ِم َاياتي‬ َ َ ‫َن سيَ َوَدَن ِْ ِم‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
that go down into the pit; I am become as a
man without help, free among the dead, like ٍ ‫وِ ْهن‬
‫ساَّ َل ْي َس‬ َ ‫الجبَ ل ْر َُ م‬ ُ ‫الم ْن َحد ِري َ في‬ ُ
‫موِ الَقتلى‬ ِ ْ ‫َل ُو ُم ِ ي ٌ َ َم‬
َ َ‫األموا‬ َ ‫ط ُرواا َْي‬
the bodies of the slain that sleep in the
grave, whom Thou rememberest no more, ْ
َ‫تَ ْذ ُك ُرُه ْم أَيضا‬ ِ َّ ِ ‫اادي في الُقب‬ ِ
and they are cut off from Thy hand. They
َ ‫ورَ الذي‬ ُ َ ‫الر‬
ِ ِ
laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness and in
the shadow of death. Against me is Thine ِِ َ‫َس‬ ِ
ْ ‫ َج َ لُوني في ُجب أ‬.َّ‫نو‬ َ ‫َو ُه ْم م ْ َيد َ ُمْق‬
anger made strong, and all Thy billows hast
‫ َعَل َّي‬.‫اللو‬ ِ ‫ماَ المو َِ و ِظ‬ ِ ‫ظُل‬ ُ ‫الس ِافلِي َ في‬
Thou brought upon me. Thou hast removed َ َْ
.‫َج ْ تَنا َعَلي‬ ِ ‫استََق َّر َ ضبكَ وج ِميع أ‬
َ ‫َهوال َك أ‬
my friends afar from me; they have made
me an abomination unto themselves. I have ْ ُ ََ َُ َ ْ
ِ ِ ِ
‫ َا ْد‬.‫جاسة‬ َ ‫أ َْب َ ْد ََ َعني َم ِارفيَ َج َ لُوني َل ُن ْم َر‬
been delivered up, and have not come forth;
mine eyes are grown weak from poverty. I
ِ ِ
have cried unto Thee, O Lord, the whole َ ‫ض ُ َ تا م‬ َ ‫يناي‬ َ ‫أُسل ْم ُِ َوما َخ َر ْج َُِ َو َع‬
day long; I have stretched out my hands
‫نار ُحَّل ُو‬ َّ َ‫هليكَ يا َر ُّا‬ ِ َ ‫الم‬
unto Thee. Nay, for the dead wilt Thou َ ‫الن‬ َ ُِ ‫ل َر ْخ‬ َ .‫سكنة‬ َ
َ َ‫ أََل َ َّل َك لِألَمواَ ت‬.‫ط ُِ َي َدي‬
‫نن ُع‬ ْ ‫إليك َب َس‬َ ‫و‬
work wonders? Or shall physicians raise
them up that they may give thanks unto
‫ترُفو ََّ َلك؟‬ ِ ‫ون ُن ْمَ َفَي‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫يم‬ ُ ‫ال َ جائ َب؟ أَ ِ األَ با ُ ُي‬
Thee? Nay, shall any in the grave tell of
ِ ‫القبر ِْرامِتكَ وفي النال‬ ِ
Thy mercy, and of Thy truth in that
destruction? Nay, shall Thy wonders be َ َ َ ِ ‫َاٌد في‬ َ ‫َه ِْ ُي َحد ُو أ‬
known in that darkness, and Thy ِ ‫الِلم ِة ع‬
‫جائ ُب َكَ َو َعدُل َك‬ ُّ ‫بحقك؟ هِ تُ رف في‬ ِ
righteousness in that land that is forgotten? َ َ ُ َ َ
ُِ ‫ل َر ْخ‬ ِ ٍ ‫في أ‬
َ َ‫هلي َكَ يا َر ُّا‬ ْ ‫َرُ َم ْنسيَّة؟ وأنا‬
But as for me, unto Thee, O Lord, have I
cried; and in the morning shall my prayer
َ‫ لِماذاَ يا َر ُّا‬.‫لالتي‬ ِ
َ ‫العداة‬ َ ‫َفتَْبُل ُع َك في‬
come before Thee. Wherefore, O Lord, dost
Thou cast off my soul and turnest Thy face
ِ ِ
away from me? A poor man am I, and in َ‫ير أنا‬ ٌ ‫ف َو ْج َن َك َعني؟ َفق‬ ُ ‫ن ِر‬ْ َ‫تُْقني َنْ سي َوت‬
ُِ ْ ََ‫التقا ِ ُمن ُذ َشباْيَ واي َ ْارت‬ َّ ‫وفي‬
troubles from my youth; yea, having been
exalted, I was humbled and brought to
َ َ ُ ‫جاز ِر ْج‬ ‫ َعَل َّي‬.َ‫ض ْ ُِ َوتَ َحي َّْر‬ َ َّ‫ات‬
distress. Thy furies have passed upon me,
and Thy terrors have sorely troubled me. َ
They came round about me like water, all َ ِ ‫ أاا َ ِْ ْي حالما‬.‫َو ُمْ ِعاتُك أ َْزَع َج ْتِني‬
‫ أ َْب َ ْد ََ َعِني‬.‫نار ُحَّل ُو ا ْكتَنَ ْتِني َم ا‬
the day long they compassed me about
together. Thou hast removed afar from me َ ‫الن‬َّ ‫و‬
َّ َ ‫يب وم ِارِفي ِم‬ ِ َّ
َ َ َ ‫يق َوالَق ِر‬
friend and neighbor, and mine
acquaintances because of my misery. . ‫التقا‬ َ ‫الند‬
O Lord God of my salvation, by day have I ‫ل َر ْخ ُِ وفي‬ َ ‫نار‬ ِ ‫الن‬
َّ ‫يا َر ُّا هل َو َخالليَ في‬
ِ ‫يِ أمامكَ َفْلتَ ْد ُخِ ُادامك لالتيَ أ‬ َّ
cried and by night before Thee. Let my
ِْ ‫َم‬ ِ ‫الل‬
prayer come before Thee, bow down Thine َ ََ ْ َ
ear unto my supplication.
.‫أُ ُذَن َك هلى َ لَِبِتي‬
ِ ‫الر َّاَ ويا ج ِميع ما في‬
‫داخلي‬ ِ
َ َ َ َّ ‫بارحي يا َن سي‬
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is
within me bless His holy name. Bless the
Lord, O my soul, and forget not all that He ‫الر َّاَ و‬
َّ ‫بارحي يا َن سي‬ ِ .‫اس َم ُو الُق ُّدوس‬ْ
hath done for thee, Who is gracious unto all ِ
َ‫يع آثامك‬ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ
thine iniquities, Who healeth all thine َ ‫ الذي َيع ُر َجم‬.‫يع ُمكاَفآتو‬
َ ‫نس ْي َجم‬
َ َ‫ت‬
ِ َّ ِ ِ َّ
َ ‫ميع أ َْمراضكَ الذي ُيَن ِجي م‬ َ ‫الذي َي ْت ي َج‬
infirmities, Who redeemeth thy life from
corruption, Who crowneth thee with mercy
and compassion, Who fulfilleth thy desire َ‫الرْفة‬ ‫ام ِة َو َّأ‬ َّ ‫ساد اياتَ ِكَ َّالذي ُي َكلُِل ِك‬
َ ‫بالر‬
ِ َ‫ال‬
‫سر‬ ِ ‫الن‬ َّ ‫اَ َش َنو ِات ِكَ َفَيتَ َج َّد ُد َح‬ ِ ‫الذي ي ْت ِبع بالصير‬
with good things; thy youth shall be
renewed as the eagle’s. The Lord َْ ُ ُ
‫ماَ والَقضا ِ لِ َجمي ِع‬ ِ ‫الرا‬ ِ َّ .‫باب ِك‬
َ َّ ‫الر ُّا لان ُع‬ ُ ‫َش‬
performeth deeds of mercy, and executeth
judgment for all them that are wronged. He
hath made His ways known unto Moses, َ ‫ف ُموسى ُ ُرَا ُوَ َوَني ِه ْسر‬
ِ‫ائي‬ َ ‫ َع َّر‬. ‫ِلومي‬ ْ ‫الم‬
ِ ‫الر ُّا ر ِايم ورؤوفَ َ ِويِ األ‬
‫َناة‬ ِ ِ
ٌ ُ َ َ ٌ َ َّ .‫َمتيئاتو‬
unto the sons of Israel the things that He
hath willed. Compassionate and merciful is ُ
the Lord, long-suffering and plenteous in ‫طَ و‬ ُ ‫الر ْا َمةَ َل ْي َس هلى ا ْن ِقضا ِ َي ْس َص‬ َّ ‫َوَحِو ُير‬
mercy; not unto the end will He be angered;
‫لَن َع‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫الد‬ َّ ‫هلى‬
neither unto eternity will He be wroth. Not
َ ‫ على َا ْسب آثامَنا‬.‫هر َي ْحقد‬
‫ ألََّن ُو‬.‫َم َ ناَ و على َا ْس ِب َخطايانا َجازانا‬
according to our iniquities hath He dealt
with us, neither according to our sins hath
He rewarded us. For according to the height ‫الر ُّا‬َّ ‫السما ِ َع ِ األرَُ َاوى‬ َّ ‫دار ْارِت ا ِع‬ ِ ‫ِب ِمْق‬
ِ ‫دار ب ِد الم ْتر‬ ِ َّ
of heaven from the earth, the Lord hath
made His mercy to prevail over them that ‫ِق‬
َ ْ ُ ِ ‫ون ُوَ َوِمْق‬ َ ‫َر ْا َمتَ ُو على الذي َ َيتَُّق‬
fear Him. As far as the east is from the west,
‫َا‬ ‫أل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ر‬َّ‫ حما يت أ‬.‫ئاتنا‬ ِ ‫ِم الم ْع ِر ِا أَب د عنا سِي‬
so far hath He removed our iniquities from ُ ُ ََ َ َ َ َ ََ ْ َ َ
َّ ِ ‫ِب‬
‫ف‬ َ ‫الر ُّا ِبصائَيوَ ألََّن ُو َع َر‬ َّ ‫ف‬ ُ ‫البني َ َ َيتَ َأر‬
us. Like as a father hath compassion upon
his sons, so hath the Lord had compassion َ
upon them that fear Him; for He knoweth ‫ساَّ َحال ُ ْت ِب‬ ُ ‫ ا ْن‬. ُ ‫اا َن ْح‬ ٌ ‫َجْبَلتَنا َوَذ َك َر أََّننا تُر‬
ْ ‫حذلك ُي ْ ِهرَ ألََّن ُو هذا َهب‬ ِ ‫هر الح‬
َِّ ِ‫ق‬ َ ِ َ ‫ام ُو َوَح‬ ُ ‫أَي‬
whereof we are made, He hath remembered
that we are dust. As for man, his days are as َ
ِ ‫الريُ ليس يوبِ و ي رف أيضا م‬ ِ
.‫وض ُ و‬ ُ َ ُ ُ ُ َ َ ُ ِ ‫فيو‬
the grass; as a flower of the field, so shall he
blossom forth. For when the wind is passed َ
‫هر‬ِ ‫الد‬ َّ ‫الد ْه ِرَ وإلى‬ َّ ‫الر ِا َف ِني ُمن ُذ‬ َّ ُ‫امة‬ َ ‫أما َر‬
over it, then it shall be gone, and no longer
ِ ِ ‫على ال ِذي يتَُّقونوَ وع ْدلُو على أَْنا‬
َ ‫البني‬
will it know the place thereof. But the
mercy of the Lord is from eternity, even َ ْ ُ َ َ َُ َ َ
ِ ِ ِِ
.‫نَن ُ وها‬ ْ ‫الحافِي َ َع ْن َدهُ َوالذاك ِري َ َولاياهُ لَي‬
unto eternity, upon them that fear Him. And
ِ َّ ‫الر ُّا هَّيتَ عرَشو في‬
His righteousness is upon sons of sons,
upon them that keep His testament and ‫ود‬
ُ ‫السما َ َو َممَل َكتُ ُو تَ ُس‬ ُ َْ َ َّ
remember His commandments to do them.
The Lord in heaven hath prepared His
َ‫الئ َكِت ِو‬ِ ‫الر َّا يا ج ِميع م‬
َ َ َ َّ ‫بارُحوا‬ ِ .‫الجميع‬ َ ‫على‬
throne, and His kingdom ruleth over all. ‫املِي َ ِب َكلِ َمِت ِو ِع ْن َد َسما ِع‬ ِ ‫المقتَ ِد ِري ِبُق َّوٍةَ ال‬
َ ُ
Bless the Lord, all ye His angels, mighty in
‫يع ُاو ِاتوَ يا‬ ِ ِ .‫المو‬ ِ ِ ‫لو َِ َح‬
strength, that perform His word, to hear the َ ‫الر َّا يا َجم‬ َّ ‫بارحوا‬ َْ
‫يع‬ ِ ِ .‫املي َ هرَادتَ ُو‬ ِ ‫ُخدامو ال‬
َ ‫الر َّا يا َجم‬ َّ ‫بارُحوا‬
voice of His words. Bless the Lord, all ye
His hosts, His ministers that do His will. َُ
ِ .‫يادِتو‬ ِ ِ ِ
Bless the Lord, all ye His works, in every
place of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O
‫بارحي يا‬ َ ‫أَعمالِوَ في ُحِ َموض ِع س‬
my soul. .‫الر َّا‬
َّ ‫َنْ سي‬
In every place of His dominion, bless the .‫الرا‬ َّ ‫بارحي يا ن سي‬ ِ .‫يادِتو‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫في ُح ِِ َموض ِع س‬
Lord, O my soul.

O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear unto my ‫نا ا ِْ ِب َح ِقا ا َك هلا ااى‬ ِ ‫يا ااا ر ُّا اسا ااتَ ِمع لا االتيَ وأ َْن‬
supplication in Thy truth; hearken unto me َ َ ْ َ
ِ ِ
in Thy righteousness. And enter not into ‫دخ ِْ ف ا ااي‬ ُ ‫ هس ا ااتَ ِج ْب ل ا ااي ِب َ ا ادلِ َكَ و تَ ا ا‬.‫َلبت ا اي‬
ِ ِ ِ َ ‫الم‬
ُّ ‫َمام َك‬ َ ‫حاك َمة َم َع َعبد َ فإَّنو َل ْ َيتَ َ كى أ‬
judgment with Thy servant, for in Thy sight
shall no man living be justified. For the ُ
‫ط َن َد ن ساايَ َوأَ َذ َّل هلااى‬ َ ‫ضا‬ ِ َّ ‫ أل‬.‫َااي‬
enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath ْ ‫ََّ ال َ ا ُدَّو َااد ا‬
humbled my life down to the earth. He hath
َِ ‫ااَ ِم ْوا ا‬ِ ‫ِلُما ا‬ ُ ‫رُ َايا اااتيَ َوأَجَل َسا اِني فا ااي ال‬ ِ ‫األ‬
sat me in darkness as those that have been
‫طر َا‬ َ ‫ضا‬ ْ ‫ض ِج َر َْ ُروااي وا‬ َ ‫الد ْهرَ َف‬ َّ ‫الم ْوتى ُم ْن ُذ‬
long dead, and my spirit within me is
َُ ‫ َها َذ ْذ‬.‫رَ األيا َ الَق ِديماة‬ ِ ‫َاْلِبي في‬
become despondent; within me my heart is
troubled. I remembered days of old, I ُ ‫ تَ َذ َّك‬.‫داخلي‬
meditated on all Thy works, I pondered on ِ ‫َمْلا اِ ف ااي لا ا‬
.‫نائ ِع َيا ا َد ْيك‬ َّ ‫ف ااي ُحا ا ِِ أَعمالِا ا َكَ َوتَت‬
the creations of Thy hands. I stretched forth َ ُ
.‫طر‬ َ ‫ُ تُم‬ ٍ ‫لك َحت َْر‬ ِ
my hands unto Thee; my soul thirsteth after َ ‫هليك َوَنْ سي‬ َ ‫ط ُِ َي َد َّي‬ ْ ‫َب َس‬
.‫استَ ِج ْب لِي يا َر ُّاَ َفَق ْد َفِنَي ِْ ُرواي‬ ْ ‫ع َف‬ْ ‫َس ِر‬ْ‫أ‬
Thee like a waterless land. Quickly hear me,
O Lord; my spirit hath fainted away. Turn
not Thy face away from me, lest I be like ‫ف َو ْج َنا ا َك َعِنا ايَ َفتُشا ااا ِب َو النا ااا ِب ِطي َ فا ااي‬ ْ ‫نا ا ِر‬ ْ َ‫ت‬
unto them that go down into the pit. Cause
َ‫داة ُم ْسا اتَ ِم ا َر ْا َمتَا ا َك‬ِ ‫ ِهج لنا ااي فا ااي العا ا‬.‫الجا اب‬
me to hear Thy mercy in the morning; for in َ َْ ُ
‫اق‬ ‫الطريا ا‬َّ ‫ ع ِرْفنا ااي يا ااا ر ُّا‬.ِ‫اإني عَليا ااك تَوَّحْل ا ا‬ ِ ‫فا ا‬
َ ُ َ َ
Thee have I put my hope. Cause me to
َ َ َ
ِ ِ َّ
know, O Lord, the way wherein I should
walk; for unto Thee have I lifted up my .‫اك َرَف ْ ا ا ُِ َن سا ااي‬ َ ‫ال ا اذي أَس ا اُل ُك في ا اوَ َف ا اِإني هليا ا‬
ِ ِ
َُْ ‫أ َْنقا ا ْذني ما ا أعا اادائي يا ااا َر ُّاَ َفا اِإني اا ااد َل َجا ات‬
soul. Rescue me from mine enemies, O
Lord; unto Thee have I fled for refuge.
Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my ِ‫ا‬َ ‫ََّ أَع َم ا َِ َم ْرض اااتَ َكَ ألََّن ا َك أن ا‬ ْ ‫ َعلِ ْمن ااي أ‬.‫هَل ْي اك‬
God. Thy good Spirit shall lead me in the
land of uprightness; for Thy name’s sake, O
ٍ ‫ ُرو ُا ا ا ا َك الن ا ا االِ ُُ َي ْن ا ا ا ِديني ف ا ا ااي أ‬.‫هلن ا ا ااي‬
Lord, shalt Thou quicken me. In Thy .‫ ِم ا ْ أَ ْج ا ِِ ا ْس ا ِم َكَ ي ااا َر ُّاَ تُ ْحِيين ااي‬.‫ُم ْس اتَ ِ يمة‬
‫امِتا ا ا َك‬ َِّ ِ ِ ِ
righteousness shalt Thou bring my soul out
of affliction, and in Thy mercy shalt Thou َ ‫ب َ ا ادل َك تُص ا ا ِارُج م ا ا َ ال ُح ا ا َن س ا اايَ َوِ َر‬
utterly destroy mine enemies. And Thou ََّ ‫لا ُِ أَعاادائيَ َوتُنلِا ُك َج ِميا َاع اَّلا ِذي َ ُيح ِ ُناو‬ ِ ‫تَستَ ْت‬
shalt cut off all them that afflict my soul, for
I am Thy servant. . ‫عبد‬ ُ ‫ن سي ألََّني أنا‬
O Lord, give ear unto my supplication and ‫حاك َم ِة َم َع‬
َ ‫الم‬
ُ ‫تدخِ في‬
ْ ‫هستجب لي ِب َ ْدلِ َكَ و‬
enter not into judgment with Thy servant.
(Twice) ) ‫ (مرتَي‬. َ ‫عبد‬
ٍ ‫ُ مست‬
Thy good Spirit shall lead me in the land of .‫يمة‬ َ ْ ُ ٍ ‫روا َك النالِ ُُ َي ْنديني في ْأر‬

َ .‫وا وا ْ ِ والرو ُِ القُدُس‬
َِّ ‫الَّ َو ُح‬ ِ ‫المجدُ ِل‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and ِ
. ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫هر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ َوإلى َد‬
ٍ ‫أَو‬
ِ ِ ِ
unto ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, . ‫جد َل َك يا‬
ُ ‫الم‬
َ َ‫َهللويياَ َهللويياَ َهللوييا‬
O God. (Thrice) )‫(ثالثا‬
O our God and our Hope, glory to Thee! .‫جد َلك‬
ُ ‫الم‬
َ ‫يا هَل َننا َوَرجا َ نا‬
Priest: In peace, let us pray to the Lord. ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
.‫طُلب‬ َّ ‫ ِب َسال ٍ هلى‬:‫الكا‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (Use this )‫ (تُ ادُ ب َد ُح ِِ ِ ْلبة‬.‫الجوقة يا َر ُّا ْار َام‬
response until noted below)
Priest: For the peace from above and the ‫ ِم ا ا ْ أَ ْج ا ا ِِ ال َّس ا اال ِ اَّل ا ا ِذي ِم ا ا َ ال ُ لا ااى‬:‫الكااااا‬
.‫طُلب‬ ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬َّ ‫وسناَ ِهلى‬ ِ ُ‫الص ُن‬ ِ ‫و َخ‬
salvation of our souls, let us pray to the
Lord. َ
Priest: For the peace of the whole world, ِ ‫ ِما ا ْ أَ ْجا ا ِِ َسا اال ِ ُحا ا ِِ ال اااَلمَ َو ُا ْسا ا‬:‫الكاااا‬
‫الج ِمياعَ ِهلاى‬ ِ ِ ِ ‫س‬ ِ ‫نائ‬ِ ‫باَ َح‬
ِ َ‫ث‬
َ ‫المَق َّدساةَ َواتحااد‬
the good estate of the holy churches of God
ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
and the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.
.‫طلُب‬ َّ
ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ
Priest: For this holy house and those who َ ‫المَقا َّدسَ َوال اذي‬ ُ ِ‫البياا‬ َ ‫ م ا ْ أَ ْجاِ هااذا‬:‫الكااا‬
‫ف َ ِهل ا ااى‬ ِ ‫ااَّ وورٍع و َخا ا او‬ ِِ ِ ِ
ْ َ َ َ َ ٍ ‫َيا ا ا ْد ُخُلو ََّ هَلي ا ااو بإ ْيم ا ا‬
with faith, reverence and fear of God enter

ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
therein, let us pray to the Lord.
.‫طلُب‬ َّ
Priest: For our father and metropolitan, N., )َّ‫ ِما ا ا ْ أَ ْجا ا ا ِِ أْين ا ااا و ِم ْترو وليتن ا ااا (فا ا ااال‬:‫الكاااااا‬
(our bishop, N.,) the honorable presbytery, َ َ ‫الك َنَن ا ا ا ا ِة اْل ُم َك ا ا ا ا َّرمي‬
َ ‫ايس َح َنَنِتنا ا ا ااا ( ُف ا ا ا االَّ)َ و‬
ِ ‫ورئا ا ا ا‬
ِ ‫وجمي ا ا ِع ا ْكلي ا ا‬
‫اروس‬ ِ
َ َُِ ‫المس ا ااي‬
َ ِ ‫التمامس ا ااةَ ُخ ا ادا‬ َ ‫و‬
the diaconate in Christ, all the clergy and
the people, let us pray to the Lord.
.‫طُلب‬ ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬ َّ ‫الت ْ ِبَ هلى‬ َّ ‫و‬
ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ مااااا أمااااا ِاو المورسَوليااااا ااااااوُل‬:‫الكااااااا‬
Priest: For Metropolitan PAUL,
‫سعوَ ِ ِ ماااااا‬ ِ َ ‫او نوحأفااااا‬
َ ‫ما‬:ِ‫سِاااا َع أَاااا ِر‬ َ ُ ِ ‫سالمطاااار‬
Archbishop JOHN, and for their quick
release from captivity and safe return, let
us pray to the Lord. .‫الر َِب َنطُلب‬ ‫ إلى أ‬، ِ ‫َالِ َمي‬
Priest: For our country, its president (or ‫البَل ا ِد َو ُم ا َا َازَرِت ِن ْم‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ م ا ْ أَ ْج اِ ُاك اا ِ هااذا‬:‫الكاااا‬
.‫طُلب‬ َّ ‫ِفي ُح ِِ َع َم ٍِ لالِ ٍَُ ِهلى‬
ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
appropriate head of state), civil authorities
and armed forces, let us pray to the Lord.
Priest: For this city and every city and َِّ ‫الم ِديَناةَ َو َج ِميا ِع ال ُما ُد‬ ِِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ ما ْ أَ ْجاِ هااذه‬:‫الكااا‬
countryside and the faithful who dwell ‫اكِني َ ِفين اااَ ِهل ااى ال ا َّار ِا‬ ِ ‫والُقا ارىَ والما اا ِمِني السا ا‬
َ ُْ َ َ
.‫طلُب‬ ْ ‫َن‬
therein, let us pray to the Lord.
ِ ِ ‫دال األ‬ ِ ِِ ‫ ِما ا أَجا ا‬:‫الكاااا‬
Priest: For healthful seasons, abundance of ‫نا ا ِب‬ ْ ‫َه ِوَيا اةَ َوخ‬ ْ ِ ‫اعتا ا‬ ْ ْ ْ
the fruits of the earth and peaceful times, let ٍ ِ ٍ
‫ُ َوأ َْواا ا اااَ َس ا ا االميَّةَ ِهلا ا ااى الا ا ا َّار ِا‬ ِ ‫ِثما ا ا‬
ِ ‫اار األ َْر‬
.‫طلُب‬ ْ ‫َن‬
us pray to the Lord.

‫الب ْح ا ِر َوالَب ا ِر‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
Priest: For travelers by sea, by land and by َ ‫المساااف ِري َ ف اي‬ ُ ِ‫ م ا ْ أَ ْج ا‬:‫الكااا‬
air, the sick, the suffering, the captive, and َ‫المتا ا ا ا ااتلِ ِمي َواألَ ْسا ا ا ا ارى‬ ُ ‫الم ْرضا ا ا ا ااى و‬
َ ‫َوال َجا ا ا ا اوَ َو‬
for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
.‫طُلب‬ ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬ َّ ‫الل ِن ْمَ ِهلى‬ ِ ‫و َخ‬
Priest: For our deliverance from all ‫يق‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ٍ ‫ ما ا ا ْ أَ ْجا ا اِ َنجاتن ا ااا ما ا ا ْ ُحا ا اِ ضا ا ا‬:‫الكاااااا‬ ِ
.‫طُلب‬ ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬ َّ ‫ط ٍر َوِش َّد ٍة ِهلى‬ َ ‫ض ٍب َو َخ‬ َ َ ‫َو‬
tribulation, wrath, danger and necessity, let
us pray to the Lord.
Priest: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; ُ ‫ا و ْارَاا ا ْم وااَ ِْن ااا ي ااا‬ ْ ‫ضا ا ْد َو َخلا ا‬ُ ‫ُع‬ ْ ‫ أ‬:‫الكاااا‬
and keep us, O God, by Thy grace. .‫ِِْن ْ َمِت َك‬
‫اه َرَة‬ ِ ‫الكلَِّي ا ا َة الَقداس ا ا ِة الط ا ا‬ُ ‫ َب ْ ا ا َد ِذ ْح ِرنا ااا‬:‫الكااااا‬
Priest: Calling to remembrance our all-
holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious
‫الم ِجيا اادةَ َسا اِي َدتَنا والِا ا َد َة ا ِ لا ا ِاو‬ ِ
َ َ‫الب َركا ااا‬
َ ‫ال ائَقا ا َة‬
َ ‫الق ِدي ِس ا اي‬ ِ ‫الد ِائم ا ا َة البتُولَِّي ا ا ِة م ا اريمَ م ا اع ج ِمي ا ا ِع‬
Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary,
with all the saints, let us commend َ َ َ ََ ْ َ َ َ
ourselves and each other and all our life ‫ضا ا انا َب ْ ضا ا ااا َوُحا ا ا َِّ َاياتنا ا ااا‬ ُ ْ َ‫ع أ َْنُ َسا ا انا َو‬ ْ ‫لِ ُنا ا ا ْوِد‬
.‫لِْل َم ِسي ُِ ا ِ لو‬
unto Christ our God.

Choir: To Thee, O Lord. .‫الجوقة َل َك يا َرا‬

Priest: For unto thee are due all glory, ٍ ‫ ألََّنا ا ُو َي ْنَب ِعا اي َلا ا َك ُحا ا ُِّ تَ ْم ِجيا ا ٍاد َوإِ ْكا ا ار‬:‫الكااااا‬
َّ‫ال‬ ِ
َ َ‫الا َوا ْْ ُ َوال ُّارو ُُ الُقا ُدس‬ ُ ‫َو ُس ُجودَ أَيُّنا‬
honor and worship, to the Father and to the
ِ ‫اَّ وإِلى ده ِر الد‬
Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. . ‫اه ِري‬ ْ َ َ ٍ ‫َوُح َِّ أَو‬
Choir: Amen. . ‫الجوقة آمي‬
Chanter: God is the Lord and hath ‫باس ِم‬
ْ ‫بار ٌ التي‬ َ ‫ظ َن َر لناَ ُم‬ َ ‫الر ُّا‬ َّ ُ :‫المَرَِو‬ ُ
.‫الرا‬ َّ
appeared unto us. Blessed is He that cometh
in the Name of the Lord.
(Repeat after verses) )َ‫(ت اد ب د ا ستيصونا‬
1. O give thanks unto the Lord, and call .‫باس ِم ِو الُقدوس‬ ْ ‫هعتَ ِرفوا لِْل َّر ِا و ْادعوا‬ ْ -1
upon His holy Name.
2. All nations compassed me about, but in .‫الر ِا َا َن ْرتُ ُنم‬
َّ ‫اس ِم‬ْ ‫حِ األ َُم ِم أاا وا ْي و‬ ُّ -2
the Name of the Lord will I destroy them.
3. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous ‫ ِما ا ْ ِاَبا ا ِِ ال ا َّار ِا َحاَنا ا ِْ َها ا َذه َوه ااي َع ِجيبا ا ٌة ِفا اي‬-3
ِ .‫َع ُينَنا‬
in our eyes.
‫الر َّا‬ َّ ََ‫ضيا‬
َّ َّ‫أل‬ ِ ‫السماويَّاَ وتَبتَ ِن ِج األر‬ َّ ُِ‫لِتَْ ر‬
ْ ْ ُ
Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be
glad, for the Lord hath done a mighty act
ََِ ‫االم ْو‬ ِ َ‫ااع ِدِه‬ ِ ‫لا انع ِعا ا ًّا ِبسا ا‬
with His own arm. He hath trampled down َ ‫وو ا ا َ ال َما ا ْو ََ با ا‬ َ ََ َ
ِ‫اََ و ْأنَق ا ا ا َذنا ِم ا ا ا ج ا ا اوف‬ِ ‫ولا ا ااار ِب ْك ا ا ار األم ا ا او‬
ْ َ ْ ْ َ َ
death by death, and become the first-born
.‫ِمى‬ ْ ُ ‫الر ْا َم َة ال‬ َّ ‫ومَن َُ ال اَل َم‬ َ َِ‫الجحيم‬
from the dead. He hath delivered us from
the depths of Hades, granting the world the َ
Great Mercy.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to .‫س‬ ِ ُ‫لوا وا ْ ِ والرو ُِ القُد‬ ِ ُ‫المجد‬
the Holy Spirit. َ
‫الر َّا‬ َّ ََ‫ضيا‬
َّ َّ‫أل‬ ِ ‫السماويَّاَ وتَبتَ ِن ِج األر‬ َّ ُِ‫لِتَْ ر‬
Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be ْ ْ ُ
glad, for the Lord hath done a mighty act
ََِ ‫االم ْو‬ ِ َ‫ااع ِدِه‬ ِ ‫لا انع ِعا ا ًّا ِبسا ا‬
with His own arm. He hath trampled down َ ‫وو ا ا َ ال َما ا ْو ََ با ا‬ َ ََ َ
death by death, and become the first-born
‫ف‬ ِ ‫اََ و ْأنَق ا ا ا َذنا ِم ا ا ا ج ا ا او‬ ِ ‫ولا ا ااار ِب ْك ا ا ار األم ا ا او‬
from the dead. He hath delivered us from ْ َ ْ ْ َ َ
the depths of Hades, granting the world the .‫ِمى‬ ْ ُ ‫الر ْا َم َة ال‬َّ ‫ومَن َُ ال اَل َم‬ َ َِ‫الجحيم‬ َ
Great Mercy.
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫الد ِاهري‬ َّ ‫اَّ َوإلى َدهِْر‬ ٍ ‫الَّ َو ُح َِّ أَو‬َ
Thee, who art the mediatrix for the salvation ‫الص ِج ْن ِسانا ُنسا ِاب ُُ يااا‬ ِ ‫ط ُة لِ َصا‬ َ ‫المتََوِسا‬
ُ ‫هياَّا ِ أيتُّنااا‬
َّ . َ ‫ادة ا ل ا ِاو ال ا ااذ ار‬
of our race, we praise, O Virgin Theotokos;
for in the flesh assumed from thee, after that ‫بالج َسا ا ِد‬ ِ
َ ‫ألَّ ْاَْنا اك وإَل َنن ااا‬ َ ‫وال ا‬
ِ ‫الاذي اتَّ َصا َذه ِم ْنا ِك َاِباِ ال بالنا‬
He had suffered the passion of the Cross,
thy Son and our God delivered us from ‫أعتََقنااا‬
ْ ‫اليبَ و‬ َ َ ُ
corruption, because He is the Lover of .‫سادَ ِبما َّأن ُو ُم ِح ٌّب لِْلَبتر‬ ِ َ‫ِم ال‬
mankind. َ
Priest: Again and again, in peace, let us .‫طُلب‬ ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
َّ ‫ ْأيضا و ْأيضا ِب َسال ٍ هلى‬: :‫الكا‬
pray to the Lord.
.‫را ْار َا ْم‬ ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; ُ ‫ِنا يا‬ ْ َ‫اا‬ ْ ‫ا و ْار َا ْم و‬ْ ‫ض ْد َو َخل‬ ُ ‫ُع‬ ْ ‫ أ‬: :‫الكا‬
and keep us, O God, by Thy grace. .‫ِِْن ْ َمِت َك‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy. .‫را ْار َا ْم‬ ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
Priest: Calling to remembrance our all- ِ
َ‫الطاه َرَة‬ ِ ‫الكلَِّي َة الَق‬
َ‫داسة‬ ُ ‫ ب َد ِذ ْح ِرنا‬: :‫الكا‬
holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious ِ ‫كاَ المجيدةَ سِيدتنا والِدة ا‬
‫لو‬ ِ ‫ال ِائَق َة البر‬
Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, َ ََ َ َ ََ
ِ ِ
َ ‫البتوليَّة َم ْرَي َم َم َع َجمي ِع القديسي‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫الدائ َم َة‬
with all the saints, let us commend
ourselves and each other and all our life ِ ‫لِنوِدع ْأنُ سنا و ضنا ب ضا وُح َِّ ا‬
unto Christ our God. َ َ َْ ُ َْ َ ْ
Choir: To Thee, O Lord. .‫لِْل َمسي ُِ ا لو‬
Priest: For Thine is the majesty, and Thine .‫لك يا َرا‬ َ :‫الجوق‬
‫الم ْج َد‬
َ ‫المْل َك والُق َّوَة و‬
ُ ‫ولك‬ َ ‫لك ال َّ َة‬ َ َّ‫أل‬ َّ :‫الكا‬
is the kingdom, and the power and the
glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages ِ‫وح‬
َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ َ‫الا وا ْ ُ والرو ُُ الُق ُد ُس‬ ُ ‫أيُّنا‬
of ages. . ‫دهر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ وإلى‬ ٍ ‫أو‬
Choir: Amen. . ‫ آمي‬:‫الجوق‬
First Kathisma
‫باكورة‬ ََ‫ا‬ ِ ‫َلَقد اا المسيُ ِم ْي ِ األَمو‬
ُ َ ُ َ َ
Christ is risen from the dead, He Who is the
first-fruits of those that slept: the First-born
ََ‫ا‬ ِ
ِ ‫الرِاادي َ وِ ْكر الصليَقةَ وخالِق ُح ِِ المبرو‬
of creation and the Creator of all things َْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ َّ
created! He hath renewed by Himself the َِ ‫ َفَل ْس‬.‫َو َج َّد َد في َن ِس ِو َ بي َ َة ِج ْن ِسنا البالَِية‬
َِّ ‫الك ِِ َا ْد َا‬
ُ ‫ََّ َسِي َد‬ َّ ‫ُمتَ َسلِطا َب ُد يا َم ْو ََُ أل‬
nature of our corrupt race. Wherefore, Thou
shalt reign no more, O Death; for the Lord
of all hath nullified thy power and dissolved .‫ِع َّ تَك‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to .‫س‬ِ ُ‫لواَ وا ْ ِ َ والرو ُِ القُد‬ ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
the Holy Spirit. َ
When Thou didst taste death in the flesh, O ‫ااتَل َِ َمرَارَة‬َ ‫الج َس ِدَ يا َر ُّاَ َف‬
َ ‫وَ ِب‬ َ ‫الم‬
َ َِ ‫َلَق ْد ُذ ْا‬
Lord, Thou didst check bitter Death by Thy
َ‫ساَّ َعَليو‬ ِ ِ ‫المو َِ ِب‬
Resurrection, and didst make man to prevail َ ‫يامت َكَ َوَاَّوْي َِ ا ْن‬ َ َْ
‫عاض َد‬ ‫ َفيا‬.‫ديمة‬ ِ َّ ِ ُّ ِ َّ
َ ‫نتَ ُو م ْ تَ َعلب الل ْ َنة الَق‬ ْ ‫َو َخل‬
over it, restoring victory over the old curse.
Wherefore, O Supporter and Champion of
.‫ياتناَ يا ر ُّاَ المجد َلك‬ ِ ‫ا‬
ُ َ
our life, glory to Thee.
َ َ
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫الد ِاهري‬
َّ ‫اَّ وإلى َدهِْر‬
ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬
َّ َّ‫ال‬
َ‫هول ِم ْ َْنا ِ ُع ْذريَِّت ِك‬ ُّ ِ ِ َّ
ُ ‫اعتَراهُ الذ‬ ْ ‫ائيِ هذ‬
َ ‫هَّ ج ْبر‬
Awed by the beauty of thy virginity and
the exceeding radiance of thy purity,
‫ يا‬:‫ف َن ْح َو ِ اائال‬ ِ َ َّ‫ا‬ ِ
Gabriel stood amazed and cried to thee, O َ َ‫نارِتكَ َهت‬ َ ِ ‫وفائ ِق َل َم‬
Mother of God: What praise may I offer
‫لك؟ أو ِبماذا‬ ِ ‫ُاد‬ ِ ٍِ
thee, that is worthy of thy beauty? By what ُ ‫أي َمدي ٍُ واجب أ‬ ُّ َ‫الدة ا لو‬ َ ‫و‬
َُ ‫لكَّنني َحما أُ ِم ْر‬
ِ .‫ذهِ وأتَحيَّر‬ ِ ِ ‫أ‬
َ ُ ‫ُسميك؟ َّهنني ْأن‬
name shall I call thee? I am lost and
bewildered. But I shall greet thee, as I was َ
commanded: Hail! Thou that art full of .‫ ه ْف َراي يا ُم ْمَتلَِئة ِن ْ َمة‬:‫هليك‬
ِ ‫أهِتف‬
ُ ْ
Second Kathisma
Thou didst accept all things that are by ِ ‫أيُّنا المسيَُ َا ْد تََقَّبْلِ ُح َِّ الب َت ِري‬
ََ ‫اََ واتَّ َص ْذ‬
nature man’s; Thou didst make Thine all َ َ ُ َ
things that are man’s attributes; and Thou ‫أَّ تُ َس َّم َر َعلى‬
ْ ‫وس ِرْر ََ يا خالِقي‬ ُ َ‫ُك َِّ ما َلنا‬
wast well-pleased to be nailed unto the
ٍ ‫حإن‬
ََّ‫سا‬ ْ ََ ‫الم ْو‬ ِ ِ ‫الن‬
Cross, O my Savior, choosing to submit to َ َِ ‫أَّ تَ ْحتَم‬ ْ ‫ليب َ ْوعاَ و‬ َّ
.‫الم ْو َِ حِإَلو‬ ِ
َ َ ‫الب َت ِر َّي م‬
ِ ِ ِ
death as a man, O my fashioner, that Thou
mightest rescue man from death’s bonds, O َ ‫ل َك ْي تُنق َذ الج ْن َس‬
‫الم ْج ُد‬ ِ ِ
َ َ‫ يا ُم ْ طي الحياة‬:‫هليك‬ َ ‫ف‬ ُ ‫َفلنذا َن ْنت‬
my Lord and God. For this cause, O Life-
giver, we cry out: Glory to Thy compassion,
O Christ God. .‫لِتَحُّنِنك‬ َ َ

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to ِ
.‫القدس‬ ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
ُِ ‫لواَ وا ْ ِ َ والرو‬ َ
ِ ُّ
the Holy Spirit.
Let us believers speak of divine things, of ‫ف‬ ُ ‫الما ِمني َ هوِتياًّاَ َن تَا ِر‬ ُ ُ ‫َّهننا َلدى تَ َكلمنا َنح‬
‫يامتَ ا ا ا ا َك َ ْي ا ا ا ا َر‬ ِ ِ َّ ‫أ‬
َ ‫ل ا ا ا اْلَب َك َ ْي ا ا ا ا َر ال ُم ا ا ا ا ْد َر َ َو‬
َ ََّ
the secret of Thine inscrutable Crucifixion,

َّ ‫ َف ا‬.‫المَ َّس ا َرِةَ ُهم ااا ِس اٌّر ُي َ َّب ا ُر َعن ا ُاو‬

of Thine ineffable Resurrection; for today
have Death and Hades been led captive, and ََ ‫إَّ ال َم ا ْو‬ ُ
ِ ِ َ ‫الجحاايم س اِبيا الَي او َ و ِج ا ْن ُس‬
َ ‫الب َت ار َل اب َس َع ا َد‬ ُ َ َ ‫و‬
the race of man hath been invested with
incorruption. Therefore, do we cry in َ َ
ِ ِ ِ ِ
gratitude, Glory to Thy Resurrection, O ‫الم ْجا ُد‬ َ : َ ‫نا ُرُع َعا ْ ُشا ْك ٍر ااائلي‬ ْ ‫ َفلا َذل َكَ َن‬.‫البلاى‬
.ُ‫المسي‬ ِ ِ ِ‫ل‬
َ ‫يامت َك أَيُّنا‬
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫دهر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ وإلى‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬ َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ
ِ ‫ماوياَ ِب َتا ا او ٍق اْتَنجا ا اَِ واألرض ا ااي‬
َ‫َّا‬ ِ ‫هَّ ال َّسا ا ا‬َّ
The Heavens all rejoiced, moved with ْ ْ ََ ْ
َ‫و‬ ُ ‫نا ا ا‬ َّ ‫ِْ ِر ْعا ا ا َد ٍة تَ َحَّيا ا ا َرَ ِع ْنا ا ا َد ما ا ااا َوَرَد هل ْيا ا ا ِك ال‬
exceeding love; and the earth was amazed,
overcome with great fear when that angelic
‫ ألَّن ا ُو اا ْاد أ ْش ا َر َق لِ ِكَل ْي ِنمااا‬.‫ادة ا لااو‬ ‫ااه ُر يااا والا‬ ِ ‫الطا‬
and pure voice addressed thee, O

.َ‫ون َّجا اى َّأو َل ال ِجْبَلا ا ِة ِما ا َ ال َما ا ْو‬

Theotokos. For one feast is now revealed
for both those here and those on high; for َ َ‫َم ْوِسا ا ٌم وا ِاا اٌد‬
Christ hath redeemed and saved from
ُّ ‫ ه ْف َرااي أيَّتُناا األ‬:‫هليك‬ ِ ‫َفلِنذا مع المال ِ ننِتف‬
death’s bonds the first-fashioned man. For ُ َْ َ ََ
this, we cry to thee with the Angel, saying: .‫الن ِ يَّة‬
َّ ‫ال َ ْذ ار‬
Rejoice, pure Virgin Mother.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord; teach me Thy .‫را عَِلمْني اُقواَك‬ ُّ ‫أنِ يا‬ َ ٌ ‫بار‬ َ ُ‫م‬
‫تاه َدِت ِن ْم‬ ِ ِ
The company of the Angels was amazed َ ‫المالئكة ْان َذ َه َاِ ُمتَ َحِي ارَ ع ْن َد ُم‬ َ ‫جم ُع‬ ْ
َ‫الم َصلا‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫هيا َ َم ْحسو ا ْي َ األمواَ أيُّنا‬
when they beheld Thee numbered among
ِ ِ
the dead. Yet Thyself, O Savior, destroyed
the power of death, with Thee raising up َ‫وم ْن ِنضا َآد َ َم َ َك‬ ُ ََ‫المو‬ َ ‫ودااضا ُا َّوَة‬
Adam and releasing all men from Hell. .‫وم ِتقا هيانا ِم الجحي ِم حافة‬ َ َ ُْ
Blessed art Thou, O Lord; teach me Thy
.‫را عَِلمْني اُقواَك‬
ُّ ‫أنِ يا‬
َ ٌ ‫بار‬
َ ُ‫م‬
ِ ‫اام‬
َ‫ال‬ ِ ‫تََ َّوه نحو‬ ‫الالم ُع ِع ْن َد الَق ْب ِر‬
Wherefore, O Women Disciples, do ye
َْ َ َ ُ ‫المال‬
ُّ ‫يوا‬
َ‫بالدموِع‬ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ‫الط‬
َ ‫الط‬ َ ‫ ل َم تَ ْم ُ ْج‬:‫يب اائال‬
mingle sweet-smelling spices with your
tears of pity? The radiant Angel within the
sepulcher cried unto the Myrrh-bearing َّ َ َ ‫ال َّال ْح َد وا ْف َر ْا‬
َّ‫أل‬ ََّ‫ِ ْر‬ ُ ‫ِْتَ َر ٍو يا ِتْلميذاَ؟ أُن‬
.‫ا َا ْد اا َ ِم َ الَق ْب ِر‬ ِ
Women: Behold the grave, and understand,
for the Savior is risen from the tomb. َ ‫الم َصل‬

Blessed art Thou, O Lord; teach me Thy .‫را عَِلمْني اُقواَك‬
ُّ ‫أنِ يا‬
َ ٌ ‫بار‬
َ ُ‫م‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
‫سار ْع َ هلى‬ ِ َّ
Very early in the morning, did the Myrrh- َ َ‫هَّ اامالَ الطيب َس َح ار جدا‬
َّ َّ ‫ ه‬.َ‫حا‬ ٍ ‫نائ‬ِ ‫َاب ِر‬
َ َ َّ ‫ف ِْ ِن‬
‫واال‬ َ ‫المال َ وَا‬َ َّ‫أ‬ َ ْ
bearing Women run lamenting unto Thy
tomb. But an Angel came toward them,
saying: The time for lamentation is passed; ِْ
ْ َ َ ‫ط َِ َفال تَ ْبكي‬َ َ‫ف و‬ َّ َّ‫زما‬
َّ ‫الن ْو ُِ َا ْد َح‬ ُ : َّ ‫َل ُن‬
weep not, but announce unto the Apostles .‫يامة‬ ِ
َ ‫الرُس َِ بال‬ ُّ ََّ‫َب ِت ْر‬
the Resurrection.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord; teach me Thy .‫را عَِلمْني اُقواَك‬
ُّ ‫أنِ يا‬
َ ٌ ‫بار‬
َ ُ‫م‬
ِ ‫يبَ واَفي بالح‬ ِ َ‫ال‬
ِ ‫اام‬ ِ ‫النسوة‬ ِ َّ
‫نوط هلى‬ ِ ‫الط‬ َ َ ْ َّ‫ه‬
The Myrrh-bearing Women mourned, as َ َْ
bearing spices they drew near Thy tomb, O ‫ َف َس ِما ْ َ َمالكا ُمتََن ِعاما‬.‫الم َصلِا‬
ُ ‫َا ْب ِر َ أيُّنا‬
ِ ِ
Savior. But the Angel spake unto them,
saying: Why number ye the living among ‫الم ْوتى؟‬ َ َ ‫ ل َم تَ ْحس ْب‬:‫َن ْح َوهاُ َّ اائال‬
َ ‫الح َّي َم َع‬
the dead? In that He is God He is risen ِ ‫َفِبما َّأنو هلاوَ َاد اا ِم الَقب ِر‬
from the grave. ْ َ َ ْ ٌ ُ
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to .‫س‬ ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
ِ ُ‫لواَ وا ْ ِ َ والرو ُِ القُد‬ َ
ُّ ‫واَ و ِْْن ِوَ ولِرو ُِ ُا ْد ِس ِوَ ثالوثا‬
the Holy Spirit.
‫ادوسا‬ ِ ِ‫َنسج ُد ل‬
We adore the Father, as also His Son, and ُ ْ
َ‫وس‬ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ‫في َج ْو‬
ٌ ‫ ُاد‬:‫هر واادَ هات ي َ َم َع السارافيم‬
the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity in one
Essence, crying with the Seraphim: Holy,
holy, holy art Thou, O Lord. .‫أنِ يا َرا‬ َ ‫وس‬ ٌ ‫وسَ ُاد‬ ٌ ‫ُاد‬
ِ ‫اَّ وإلى ده ِر‬
. ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫الداهري‬ ٍ ‫وح َِّ أو‬
ُ َّ‫ال‬
َْ َ
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

َِ ‫الحياةَ و ْأنَقا ْذ‬ ِ ِ

In that thou didst bear the Giver of Life, O َ ‫أيَّتُنا ال َ ْذ ار ُ َ َلاَق ْد َوَل ْدَ ُم ْ ط َي‬
ِ ِ
ُ َ ‫ومَن ْحِ َاوا َ الَ َرَُ ع َو‬ َ َ‫الصطيئة‬ َ َ ‫َآد َ ِما‬
Virgin, thou didst redeem Adam from sin,

َ‫المتَ َج ِس َد ِم ْن ِك‬ ِ
and didst give to Eve joy in place of
sadness; and He who was incarnate of thee, ُ َّ‫سا‬ َ ‫الح ْ ََّ َلك َّ ا‬
َ ‫لو وا ْن‬ ُ
.‫الحياة التي َا ْد تَ َنَّو ار ِم ْننا‬
َ ‫ْأرَش َد ُهما هلى‬
both God and man, hath restored to life
those who had fallen therefrom.
. ‫الم ْج ُد َل َك يا‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫َهللويياَ َهللويياَ َهللوييا‬
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee,
O God. (Thrice) )‫(ثالثا‬
.‫الم ْجد‬ ‫لك‬
َ ‫هلننا ورجا َ نا‬ َ ‫يا‬
O our God and our Hope, glory to Thee.
Priest: Again and again, in peace, let us ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
.‫طلُب‬ َّ ‫ ْأيضا و ْأيضا ِب َسال ٍ هلى‬: :‫الكا‬
pray to the Lord.
ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
.‫را ْار َا ْم‬
ُ ‫ِنا يا‬ ْ َ‫اا‬
ْ ‫ا و ْار َا ْم و‬ ْ ‫ض ْد َو َخل‬ ُ ‫ُع‬
ْ ‫ أ‬: :‫الكا‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy.

.‫ِِْن ْ َمِت َك‬

Priest: Help us; save us; have mercy on us;
and keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
.‫را ْار َا ْم‬

Priest: Calling to remembrance our all- ِ
َ‫الطاه َرَة‬ ِ ‫الكلَِّي َة الَق‬
َ‫داسة‬ ُ ‫ ب َد ِذ ْح ِرنا‬: :‫الكا‬
ِ ‫كاَ المجيدةَ سِيدتنا والِدة ا‬
‫لو‬ ِ ‫ال ِائَق َة البر‬
holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious َ ََ َ َ ََ
Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, َ ‫الق ِديسي‬ ِ ‫َّة مريم مع جمي ِع‬ ِ ‫الدائم َة البتولي‬ ِ
َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ
with all the saints, let us commend ِ ‫لِنوِدع أ ْنُ سنا و ضنا ب ضا وُح َِّ ا‬
‫ياتنا‬ َ َ َْ ُ َْ َ ْ
.‫لِْل َمسي ُِ ا لو‬
ourselves and each other and all our life
unto Christ our God.
Choir: To Thee, O Lord. .‫لك يا َرا‬ َ :‫الجوق‬
Priest: For blessed is Thy Name, and ‫ومْل َك َك ُم َم َّجٌد أيُّنا‬
ُ ٌ ‫بار‬َ ‫اس َم َك ُم‬ ْ َّ‫أل‬َّ :‫الكا‬
glorified is Thy kingdom: of the Father, and ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬
َّ‫ا‬ َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ َ‫القد ُس‬ ُ ُُ ‫الا وا ْ ُ والرو‬ ُ
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; now and . ‫وإلى دهر الداهري‬ ِ
. ‫ آمي‬:‫الجوق‬
ever, and unto ages of ages.
Choir: Amen.
ُ ‫المال‬ ِ َ ‫ِ ِر ال َ ِج ِب و‬
َ َ‫الكال ِ ال َ ْذا‬ َ ‫الم ْن‬
َ ‫ذو‬
To the ointment-bearing women the brilliant
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
angel of sweet words, startling them, did
say: Why seek ye the living One in the ‫الح َّي‬
َ َ ‫ ل َم تَطُل ْب‬:‫اال لحامالَ الطيب‬ َ ‫الالم ُع‬
َّ َ ‫فاعَل ْم‬
َّ‫أ‬ ْ .‫بور‬ َ ‫غ الُق‬ َ ‫في الَق ْب ِر؟ َا ْد اا َ وأ ْف َر‬
grave? He is verily risen, and hath emptied
the tombs. Know ye, therefore, that the
changeless One hath changed corruption to ‫المتَ َعِي ِر َا ْد َّْد َل الِبلىَ وُاْل َ هللِ ما ْأرَه َب‬ ُ ‫َير‬
.‫الب َتر‬ ِ َّ َّ َ‫أعماَلك‬
َ ‫ن َِ ج ْن َس‬ ْ ‫ألن َك َخل‬
incorruption. And say to God: How dreadful
are Thy works; for Thou hast saved َ ْ
First Antiphony
ِ ِ ‫الكلِ َم ا ُة‬
+ Thou didst verily deliver the captivity of ْ ‫أ ْن ا َِ ْأنَق ا ْذ ََ َس ا ْب َي ل انيو ََّ م ا‬ َ ‫ ُّأينااا‬+
Zion from Babylon, O Word. Likewise, ‫اجتَ ا َذ ْْتَني أيضااا ِم ا َ ال ِ هلااى‬ ْ ‫ هكااذا‬.ِ‫باِْ ا‬
draw thou me out of suffering into life.
َ‫هَّ الااذي َ َي ْ َرعااو ََّ فااي التَ ا ْي َم ِ ِْ ا ُدموٍع هل ِنَّي ا ٍة‬
+ They who sow in Timan with divine
tears, shall reap with rejoicing the َّ +
.‫الحياة األْدية‬ِ َِ ‫ندو ََّ بَ َرٍُ ُس ْنُب‬ ُ ‫يح‬
ْ ‫َس‬
sheaves of eternal life.
+ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and َّ‫ال‬
َ َ‫س‬ ِ ُ‫اواَ وا ْ ا ِ َ وال اارو ُِ القُ اد‬ ِ ‫ المج اادُ ل ا‬+
to the Holy Spirit: both now and ever, َ
and unto ages of ages. Amen. ِ ‫اَّ وإلى‬
. ‫دهر الداهري َ َ آمي‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬
+ With the Holy Spirit every gift is good; َ‫َّة لاالِ َح ٍة‬ ٍ ‫حِ ع ِطي‬ ِ
َ ُّ ‫س تَ ْن َحد ُر‬ ُّ َ ‫ ِم‬+
ِ ‫الرو ُِ الُق ُد‬
for He doth shine forth together with the
Father and the Son; and in Him doth all
ِ‫الا وا ْا ا ِ َ وِا ا ِو حا ا ُّا‬
ِ ‫ِق ما اع‬
َ َ ُ ‫بم ااا أَّنا ا ُو ُيتا اار‬
creation live and move. . ‫البرايا تَ ْحيا وتَتَ َح َّر‬
Second Antiphony
+ If the Lord buildeth not the house of ‫اائ َِِ َفب ا ااا ِ ال‬
ِ ‫الا ا َّار ُّا ْي ا اِ الَ ضا ا‬
َ َْ ِ ‫هَّ َل ا ا ْم َي ا ا ْب‬
ْ +
virtues, then vainly do we labor; but if He
defend and protect our lives, none shall ‫َوَاا اى ُن و َسا انا و َسا اتَ َرها َفا اال أ َاا ا َد‬ ‫َن ْت َ ا ا ُبَ وإذا‬
ِ .‫دينتنا‬ ُ ‫َيتَ َسَّل‬
َ ‫ط على َم‬
prevail against our city.

ِ َّ +
+ The saints are verily the hire of the fruit
‫ط ِ َ ول ْام َي الاوا‬ َ ‫ُج َرةُ ثَ َم َرِة‬
ْ ‫الب‬ ْ ‫هَّ القديسي َ ُه ْم أ‬
of the womb. And they have not ceased ‫اِ َل ُنا ا ْم‬
َ ‫ايَُ وأنا ا‬
ُ ‫المسا ا‬
َ ‫اك ُّأينا ااا‬ َ ‫با ااالرو ُِ َْنا ااي َ لا ا‬
to be Thy sons, in the Spirit, O Christ, ٍ
and Thou art like a father.
َ َ‫س‬ ِ ُ‫اواَ وا ْ ا ِ َ وال اارو ُِ القُ اد‬ ِ ‫ الم ْج ادُ ل ا‬+
+ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Spirit: both now and ever, ِ ‫اَّ وإلى ده ِر‬
. ‫الداهري َ آمي‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬
and unto ages of ages. Amen. َْ
+ By the Holy Spirit hath all holiness and َ‫وا ْك َم ا ٍة‬
ِ ‫س شااو ِه َد َْ ُح ا ُِّ َاداس ا ٍة‬
ِ ‫ بااالرو ُِ الُق ا ُد‬+
‫الصليقا ا ا ِاةَ وِلا ا اذلِ َك‬ ِ ‫ألَّنا ا ا ُو خا ا ااالِ ُق ُحا ا ا ِِ َجا ا او‬
wisdom been observed; for He is the
Creator of all the essence of creation. َ ‫اهر‬
ِ ‫الك‬
.‫لمة‬ ِ
َ ‫حالا و‬ ‫هلو‬ َّ ُ‫َفْلَن ُب ْده‬
ٌ ‫ألن ُو‬
Therefore, let us worship Him; for He is
God, as is the Father and the Word.
Third Antiphony
+ Happy are they who fear the Lord; for ََّ ‫ألننا ْام َي ْس اُلكو‬ ِ ‫هَّ خا‬
َّ َََّ ‫اائ ي الا َّار ِا َل َم ْعبو ااو‬ َّ +
they walk in the way of His
ِ ‫ْكلوَّ ِثما ااار الحيا ا‬
‫ااة‬ ِ ‫فا ااي س ا ا‬
commandments, and eat of the fruits of َ َ َ ُ ‫بيِ َولا اااياهَُ وَي ا ات‬ َ
universal life. .‫األْديَّة‬
ََ ‫ااه ْد‬ ِ ُّ ‫ ه ْفا ارُ مسا ارو ار ي ااا رئ اايس‬+
َ ‫الرع اااة هذا ش ا‬
+ Rejoice with gladness, O chief Shepherd,
as thou beholdest thy children’s children َ َ َْ َْ
َّ‫اا‬ ِ ِ ِ
around thy table, offering branches of َ ‫اك َاا ا ْو َل مائا ا َدت َكَ ُمق اادمي َ أ ْ ن ا‬
َ ‫َْن ااي َْني ا‬
good deeds. .ُ‫النال‬ َّ ‫ال‬ ِ ‫أ ْف‬
+ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and َّ‫ال‬
َ َ‫س‬ ِ ُ‫اواَ وا ْ ا ِ َ وال اارو ُِ القُ اد‬ ِ ‫ الم ْج ادُ ل ا‬+
ِ ‫اَّ وإلى ده ِر‬
to the Holy Spirit: both now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen. . ‫الداهري َ َ آمي‬ َْ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬
+ Verily, all the riches of honor are of the َ‫س‬ ِ ‫ف ُحِل ا ا ِو ِم ا ا َ الا ا ُّارو ُِ الُق ا ا ُد‬ِ ‫هَّ ِ نا ااى ال َّت ا ار‬
َ َّ +
‫الصليَق ا اةَ ل ا ااذلِ َك‬ ِ
َ ِِ ‫الحي ا اااةُ لِ ُك ا ا‬ َ ‫وم ْن ا ا ُو الن ْ َم ا ا ُة و‬
Holy Spirit. And of Him too is grace and
life for all creation. Wherefore, He is to
ِ ‫الك‬
.‫لمة‬ َ ‫الا و‬ِ ‫يسبَُّ مع‬
be praised with the Father and the Word. َ َ ُ َُ
Say among the heathen that the Lord َِّ َّ َ‫الر َّا َا ْد َمَل َك‬
َ ‫ألن ُو ثَب‬ َّ ‫األم ِم‬
َّ َّ‫ه‬ َ ‫اولوا في‬
reigneth. The world also shall be so
established that it shall not be moved. ) ‫ (مرتي‬.‫فَل ْ تَتَ َ ْع َ ْع‬ ‫الم ْسكون َة‬
Stichos: Praise the Lord with a new praise.
.‫الر َّا ُس ْبحا جديدا‬ َّ ‫َويخ َس ِبحوا‬
Say among the heathen that the Lord َِ ‫هَّ ال ا َّار َّا َا ا ْد َمَل ا َكَ ألَّن ا ُو ثََّب ا‬
َّ ‫اول اوا ف ااي األ َم ا ِم‬
reigneth. The world also shall be so .‫ع‬ْ َ ‫الم ْسكون َة فَل ْ تَتَ َ ْع‬
established that it shall not be moved.
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
.‫طلُب‬ َّ ‫الشماس هلى‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy. .‫را ْار َام‬
ُّ ‫المر و يا‬
‫هلنن ا اااَ وف ا ااي‬ ٌ ‫ ألَّن ا ا َك ُا ا اد‬:‫الكاااااا‬
َ ‫وس أ ْن ا ا َِ ي ا ااا‬
Priest: For Holy art Thou, O our God, Who
‫الم ْجا ا َد‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ُِ ‫يَُ وَلا ا َك ُنرس ا‬ ُ ‫القديس ااي َ تَ ْسا اتَق ُّر وتَ ْس اتَر‬
restest in the Holy Place, and unto Thee do
we ascribe glory: to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, َِّ ‫الَّ وُح ا‬
َ َ‫الاَ وا ْْ ا ُ َ وال اارو ُُ الُق ا ُدس‬ ُ ‫ُّأينااا‬
and unto ages of ages. ِ ‫اَّ وإلى ده ِر‬
. ‫الداهري‬ ٍ ‫أو‬
Chanter: Amen. . ‫المر و آمي‬
Let everything that hath breath praise the
Lord. (Twice) َّ ُِ ‫ُكا ا ُّاِ َن َس َم ٍةَ َفْلتُ َس ِب‬
) ‫ (مرتي‬.‫الر َّا‬
Praise ye God in His saints; praise Him in ِ ‫َِبحوا هللا ِي ِقَِد‬
.‫ ََِبَحوهُ ِي َِلَ ِع قُ أوِ ه‬،‫يسيه‬
the firm foundation of His power. َ ََ
Let everything that hath breath praise the َّ ُِ ‫َفْلتُ َس ِب‬
.‫الر َّاَ ُحا ا ُّاِ َن َس َمة‬
Deacon: And that we may be accounted ‫أَّ َنكو ََّ ُم ْستَ ِحقي َ لِ َسما ِع‬
ْ ِِ ‫أج‬
ْ ْ ‫ ِم‬:‫الشماس‬
worthy to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray
.‫طلُب‬ْ ‫الر ِا هل ِننا َن‬
َّ ‫سَ هلى‬ ِ ‫ا ْن‬
ِ ‫جيِ المَق َّد‬
to the Lord our God. ُ
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) )‫ (ثالثا‬.‫را ْار َا ْم‬
ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫المر و‬
Deacon: Wisdom! Stand upright! Let us ِ‫نجي‬
َ ‫الح ْك َم ُةَ َفْلَنستَ ِق ْم وْلَن ْس َم ِع ا‬ِ :‫الشماس‬
hear the Holy Gospel. .‫المَق َّدس‬
Priest: Peace be to all. ِ ِ
.‫السال ُ ل َجمي ُكم‬ َّ : :‫الكا‬
Choir: And to thy spirit. .‫اك‬ َ ‫ ولِروا ا ا‬:‫المر و‬
Priest: The Reading from the Holy Gospel ‫يس لوقااا‬ ِ ‫يف ِما ْ ِبتاارِة ال ِقاد‬ ٌ ‫نا ٌِ َشار‬ ْ ‫ َف‬: :‫الكااا‬
.‫اهر‬ ِ ‫الط‬
َّ ‫ميذ‬ ِ ‫التْل‬
ِ ‫تير و‬ ِ ‫الب‬ َ ‫جيلي‬ ِ ‫ا ْن‬
according to Saint Luke. (24:12-35)

.‫الم ْج ُد َلك‬َ َ‫الم ْج ُد َل َك يا َر ُّا‬ َ ‫المر و‬

Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to
!‫ن ِغ‬ ِ
Deacon: Let us attend! ْ ‫الشماس ل ُن‬
Priest: At that time, Peter rose and ran to ‫ع‬
َ ‫َس َر‬
ْ ‫ط ُر ُس وأ‬ ْ ‫ماََّ اا َ ُب‬ ِ ‫ذلك ال‬ َ ‫ في‬:‫الكا‬
‫ضوعة‬ َّ َ َ‫هلى الَقب ِرَ وت‬
َ ‫اَّ َم ْو‬ َ ‫طل َعَ َف َرأى األك‬
the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw
the linen cloths by themselves; and he ْ
َّ‫حا‬ ِ ِِ ‫ف هلى َم‬
departed, wondering at what had happened.
َ ‫قره ُمتَ َ جبا مما‬ َ ‫ن َر‬ َ ‫َو ْا َدهاَ َف ْان‬
‫سائرْي ِ في ذلك اليو ِ هلى‬ ِ
َ ‫إَّ ا ْثَن ْي ِ م ْن ُن ْم حانا‬ َّ ‫و‬
That very day, two of them were going to a
village named Emmaus, about seven miles
‫اس ُمنا‬ ِ ٍ
ْ ‫شليم‬
َ ‫أور‬ َ ْ ‫َا ْرية تَ ْب ُ ُد ستي َ ْلَوة َع‬
from Jerusalem, and talking with each other
about all these things that had happened.
While they were talking and discussing ْ ‫الخ ِر َع‬َ ‫َا ُد ُهما َم َع‬ ِ ‫ِع ْمواس وحانا َيتَ َكَّل‬
َ ‫ماَّ أ‬
together, Jesus Himself drew near and went ِ ‫الحو ِاد ِو ُحلِنا وفيما ُهما َيتَ َكَّل‬
َّ‫ما‬ َ ‫ِتْل َك‬
ِ ِ ِ ‫حاور‬
ْ ‫وسار َم َ ُنما ولك‬ َ ُ‫اََّ َدنا م ْن ُنما َيسوع‬ َ َ‫ويت‬
with them. But their eyes were kept from
recognizing Him. And He said to them,
‫ "ما‬:‫فقال َل ُنما‬ ِ ِ
“What is this conversation which you are
َ ‫َع ُي ُن ُنما َع ْ َم ْ رَفتو‬ ْ ‫أ ُْمس َك ِْ أ‬
holding with each other as you walk and are
sad?” Then one of them, named Cleopas,
ِ ‫اَّ ِب ِو وأ َْنتُما سائر‬
َّ‫ا‬ ِ ‫حاور‬
َ َ‫الكال ُ الذي تَت‬ َ ‫هذا‬
َ‫حالو ا‬ ‫اس ُم ُو‬ ِ
ْ ‫أا ُد ُهماَ و‬ َ ‫تجاا‬ َ ‫ُم ْكتَئَب ْي ؟" َف‬
answered Him, “Are you only a stranger in
‫شليمَ وَل ْم‬ َ ‫أور‬ َ ‫يب في‬ ٌ ‫ "أَأ َْن َِ َو ْا َد َ َ ر‬:‫واال َل ُو‬
Jerusalem and do not know the things that
have happened there in these days?” And َ
:‫قال َل ُنما‬ ِ
َ ‫تَ ْ َل ْم ما َا َد َو فينا في َهذه األيا ؟" َف‬
He said to them, “What things?” And they
said to Him, “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth,
who was a prophet mighty in deed and word َ ‫ا َِْيسو‬
‫ع‬ ُّ َ‫ "ما َي ْصت‬:‫"وما ُه َو؟" اا َل ُو‬
before God and all the people, and how our ‫حاَّ َر ُجال َنِبياَ ُمْقتَ ِد ار في‬ َ ‫النال ِرِي الذي‬
‫ف‬ َ ‫الت ْ ِب‬ َّ ‫وجمي ِع‬ ِ ‫ال م ِِ والَقو ِل أما‬
َ ‫وح ْي‬
chief priests and rulers delivered Him up to
be condemned to death, and crucified Him. َ َ ْ َ
َِ ‫الم ْو‬ ِ ‫كامنا لَِقضا‬ ‫وا‬ ‫ة‬ِ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫الك‬ ‫رؤسا‬ ‫و‬
But we had hoped that He was the one to
َ ُّ ُ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ ‫أ َْسَل‬
ْ ‫الم ْ ِم ُع‬
َّ‫أ‬ ُ ‫ون ْح ُ ُحنا َن ْر ُجو َّأن ُو ُه َو‬ َ ‫ولَلبوه‬
redeem Israel; and besides all this, it is now
ِ ِ ‫ولك مع هذا جمي‬
the third day since this happened. Moreover,
‫و‬ ‫فالي‬ َ ‫و‬ ِ .ِ‫يْ دي هسرائي‬
some women of our company amazed us.
ُ َْ َ َ ََ ْ ْ َ َ
They were at the tomb early in the morning ِ ِ َّ
‫ُه َو ثالِ ُث َي ْو ٍ ل ُحدوو ذلك ه أَّ نسا منا‬
َّ ِ ِ
ََّ ‫أ َْد َه َتَنناَ ِألَن ُن َّ َب َّك ْرََّ هلى الَق ْب ِرَ َفَل ْم َي ِج ْد‬
and did not find His body; and they came
back saying that they had even seen a vision
‫مالئكة‬ ‫ِ َن َر‬ ْ ‫فتتي َ وُاْل َ َهن ُن َّ رْأي َ َم‬ ْ َُ‫َج َس َده‬
of angels, who said that He was alive. Some

‫ضى َا ْوٌ ِم َ الذي َ َم َ نا هلى‬

of those who were with us went to the tomb,
and found it just as the women had said, but َ ‫االوا َّهن ُو َا ٌّي‬
َ ‫وم‬
Him they did not see.” And Jesus said to ‫أما ُه َو‬ َّ ‫النسا ُ َ و‬ ِ ‫الَقب ِرَ َفوجدوا َحما ااَلِ أيضا‬
them, “O foolish men, and slow of heart to ْ َ ََ ْ
‫طيئي‬ ِ
‫ "يا اليلي ال ن ِم و‬:‫قال َل ُنما‬
believe all that the prophets have spoken!
ْ َ َ ِ َْ ْ َ َ َ ‫ َف‬.ُ‫َفَل ْم َي َرْوه‬
Was it not necessary that the Christ should ِ ْ ‫طَق ِْ ِبو‬
ُ ‫األنبيا‬ َ ‫بك ِِ ما َن‬ ُ َِّ ‫لب في ا يما‬ ِ ‫الَق‬
ِ ِ َّ
ْ ‫حاَّ َي ْنَبعي لِْل َمسي ُِ أ‬
suffer these things and enter into His
glory?” And beginning with Moses and all َ ‫ََّ َيتَتل َم َهذه ال‬ َ ‫أما‬ َّ
ِ ِِ
ْ ‫َفَي ْد ُخ َِ هلى َم ْجده؟ و ْاْتَدأَ م ْ موسى و ِم‬
the prophets, He interpreted to them in all
the Scriptures the things concerning
ِِ ‫بو في ُح‬ ِ ‫ا‬ ُّ َ‫األنبيا ِ ُيَ ِس ُر َل ُنما ما َي ْصت‬
Himself. So they drew near to the village to ْ ‫َجمي ِع‬
which they were going. Jesus appeared to be ِ ‫طلَِق ْي‬َ ‫َس ار ثُ َّم ا ْاتَ َر وا ِم َ الَق ْرَي ِة التي حانا ُمن‬ ْ ‫األ‬
ٍ ‫طلِ ٌق هلى َم‬ َ ‫ِاه َر ُه َو ِبتََّن ُو ُم ْن‬
going further but they constrained Him,
saying, “Stay with us, for it is toward ‫كاَّ أ َْب َ د‬ َ َ‫هليناَ َفت‬ ْ
ٌِ ‫المسا َ ُمْقب‬ َّ َ‫"ام ُك ْث م َ نا‬ ِ
َ َّ‫فإ‬ ْ : ‫َفتَْل َ ماهُ اائَل ْي‬
evening and the day is now far spent.” So
‫" َف َد َخ َِ لَِي ْم ُك َث َم َ ُنما وَلما‬.‫الننار‬ َ ‫مال‬َ ‫وَا ْد‬
He went in to stay with them. When He was
at table with them, He took the bread and
blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them. َ‫وح َس َر‬ َ َ َ ‫الص ْب َ و َار‬ ُ ‫َخ َذ‬ َ ‫اتَّ َكتَ َم َ ُنماَ أ‬
‫اختَ ى ُه َو‬ ْ ‫وع َرفاهَُ َف‬ َ ‫أع ُيُن ُنما‬ ْ ِْ ‫وناوَل ُنما فانَ تَ َح‬
And their eyes were opened and they
recognized Him; and He vanished out of َ
‫حان ِْ ُالوُنا‬ ‫"أما‬ : ِ
‫وخر‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫َا‬‫أ‬ ‫فقال‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ن‬
their sight. They said to each other, “Did not َ ُ َُ َ ُ ‫َع ْن‬
our hearts burn within us while He talked to
us on the road, while He opened to us the ِ ‫حاَّ ُيصا ِ ُبنا في الطر‬
‫يق‬ َ َ ‫ط ِرَمة فينا اي‬ َ‫ض‬ ْ ‫ُم‬
‫ور َج ا‬ ِ ِ
Scriptures?” And they rose that same hour
َ ‫الكتُ َب؟ َفقاما في تْل َك الساعة‬ ُ ‫وي ْت َرُُ َلنا‬ َ
and returned to Jerusalem; and they found
the eleven gathered together and those who ‫عت َر والذي َ َم َ ُن ْم‬ َ ‫اد‬ َ ‫فو َجدا األ‬ َ .‫أورشليم‬ َ ‫هلى‬
‫الر ُّا في‬ َّ َ ‫ "َلَق ْد اا‬:ََّ ‫وه ْم َيقولو‬ ِ
were with them, saying, “The Lord is risen ُ َ ‫ُم ْجتَم ي‬
ِ ‫َخذا ُهما ُي ْصِبر‬
َّ‫ا‬ ِِ ِ
َ ‫" َفت‬.َّ‫ا‬ َ ‫الح يقة وتَ ار ى لس ْم‬
indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” Then
they told what had happened on the road,
and how He was known to them in the . ‫الص ْب‬ُ ‫يف َع َرفاهُ ع ْن َد َح ْس ِر‬ َ ‫وح‬َ َ‫ِبما َا َد َو‬
breaking of the bread.

Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to .‫الم ْج ُد َلك‬
َ ‫الم ْج ُد َل َك يا َر ُّا‬
َ ‫المر و‬
‫المسي َُِ َفْلَن ْس ُج ْد‬ ِ ‫ى‬
َ ‫يام َة‬ َ ‫القا ء ه ْذ َا ْد رأينا‬
Reader: In that we have beheld the
‫طت‬ َ َ ‫الم ْ نو ِ ِم‬
َ ‫الص‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ ‫وسَ َيسو‬ ِ ‫الر ِا الاُق ُّد‬ َّ ِ‫ل‬
resurrection of Christ, let us worship the

‫يامِت َك‬
holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. Thy
ِِ ِ ِ‫ ل‬.ُ‫واده‬
cross do we adore, O Christ, and Thy holy َ ‫سيُ َن ْس ُج ُد ولا‬ُ ‫الم‬ َ ‫نلاياب َك أيُّنا‬ َ َ
َّ َ‫ون َم ِج ُد‬ ِ
‫هلننا‬ُ ‫أنِ هو‬ َ ‫ألن َك‬ ُ ُُ ‫المَق َّد َسة ُن َس ِب‬
resurrection we praise and glorify; for Thou
‫ َهلُ َّم يا‬.‫اسم َك ُن َسمي‬ِ ِ
ْ ‫فو‬ ُ ‫وآخ َر سوا َ َن ْ ر‬
art our God, and we know none other beside
Thee; we call upon Thy name. O come, all َ
َ‫المَق َّدسة‬ ِ ِ
ye faithful, let us adore Christ’s holy
ُ ُِ ‫المسي‬َ ‫يامة‬ َ ‫َم ْ َت َر المامني َ َن ْس ُج ْد ل‬
resurrection. For lo, through the cross is joy .‫بالنليب َا ْد أتى الَ َرُُ لِ ُك ِِ ال اَلام‬
ِ ‫ألَّ هوذا‬ َّ
come into all the world. Ever blessing the
َّ َ‫يامتَ ُو‬
‫ألن ُو‬ ِ ِ ُ ٍ ‫حِ اي‬ ِ ‫الر َّا في‬ َّ ِ ‫بار‬
ِ ‫لِ ُن‬
Lord, let us sing His resurrection, for in that َ ُْ ‫ون َسب‬
َِ ‫بالم ْو‬ ِ ْ ‫النْلب ِم‬ ِ
َ ََ ‫الم ْو‬ َ َ‫أجلنا‬ ْ َ َّ َِ ‫ااتَ َم‬ ْ ‫هذ‬
He endured the cross for us, He hath
destroyed death by death. َّ ‫ا‬
.‫ط ْم‬ َ
Have mercy on me, O God, according to ‫وح ِم ْوا ا ِِ َح ْو ا ا َرِة‬
َ َ‫ْار َا ْمنا ااي يا ااا ُ ِب َ ِا ااي ِم َر ْا َمِتا ا َك‬
.‫ام ُُ َم ِآثمي‬ ِ
Thy Great Mercy; and according to the
multitude of Thy compassions blot out my ْ ‫رأفت َك‬
Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, ‫طيئت ا ا ااي‬ َ ‫ا ْ ِس ا ا اْلني َحوي ا ا ا ار ِم ا ا ا ْ ه ْثم ا ا اايَ و ِم ا ا ا ْ َخ‬
.‫َ ِن ْرني‬
and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know mine iniquity, and my sin is ever ‫طيئتااي أمااامي فااي‬ َ ‫وخ‬ َ َ‫ف بااإ ْثمي‬ ٌ ‫اار‬ِ ‫ألن اي أنااا عا‬
before me.
. ٍ ‫كِ اي‬
Against Thee only have I sinned and done َُِ ْ ‫ل اَن‬ َ ‫ام َك‬َ ‫اتََ والت ا َّار ُا اد‬ ُ ‫اك وا ا َاد َ أخط ا‬ َ ‫هلي ا‬
this evil before Thee, that Thou mightest be
justified in Thy words, and prevail when ‫لكي‬ َ
Thou art judged. .‫حاك َمِتك‬
َ ‫ن ُد َق في أاوالِ َك وتَ ْعلِ َب في ُم‬ ْ َ‫ت‬
َ ‫ها نااذا بالثااا ِ ُا بِا َِ ْاايَ و‬
‫الص طايااا َولَا َد تْ ني‬
For behold, I was conceived in iniquities,
and in sins did my mother bear me.
.‫أُم ي‬
For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the ‫اق َ و ْأوضَا ا ا ْح َِ لا ا ااي‬ َّ ‫أا َب با اْا َِ الحا ا ا‬
ْ ‫ألنا ا ا َك اا اَا ْد‬
.‫وم ْس تور ِات نا‬ ِ ِ ِ
hidden and secret things of Thy wisdom
hast Thou made manifest unto me. َ ‫ض ا ْك َم ت َك‬ َ ‫َ وام‬
‫ض‬ ُّ ‫اتْ َي‬ ِ
ْ ‫ض ُح ني باال وفى فات ْ ُن ُر َ تَ ْع سالُني ف‬ َ ‫تَ ْن‬
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I
. ‫أكوَ َر ِم َ الوَّ ْل ِج‬
shall be made clean; Thou shalt wash me,
and I shall be made whiter than snow.
Thou shalt make me to hear joy and ‫تُسْا ا ِم ُ ني َْ ْن ج اَاة وسا اارو ارَ َف تَب اْاتَ ِن ُج ِع ِا ااامي‬
gladness; the bones that be humbled, they
shall rejoice.
.‫الذ ليلَ ة‬
Turn Thy face away from my sins, and blot َِّ ‫ااي َ وام اْا ُُ ح اُا‬ َ ‫وج ن اَا َك ع اَا ْ َخ طايا ا‬ ْ ‫ف‬ ْ ‫ل ا ا ِر‬ ْ ‫ا‬
out all mine iniquities.
.‫مآث مي‬ ِ
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and ‫اق فِا َّي يااا َُ ورواااا ُم ْس اتَ يما‬ ْ ‫َا ْل بااا َن ِ ي اا‬
ْ ُ‫اخ لا‬
.‫أا تائي‬ ِ
ْ ‫َج د ْد في‬
renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Thy presence, and ‫ط َر ْا ن ا ا ااي م ا اِا ْ أم ا ا ااا ِ َو ْج ن ا اِا َك َ وروا ا اُا َك‬ ْ َ‫ت‬
.‫وس تَ ْن ِ ْع وُ من ي‬ ُ ‫ال ُق ُّد‬
take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, ‫ام َن ْح ن ا ااي َْ ْن جا اَا َة خاللِا ا ا َك َ و ا ااِرو ٍُ رئاساِ ا ا ٍي‬ ْ
.‫ض ْد ني‬ ُ ‫اع‬
and with Thy governing Spirit establish me.
I shall teach transgressors Thy ways, and the .َّ‫هلي َك َي ْر ِج و‬ َ ‫ُع لِ َم األَثَ َم ةَ ُ ُرَا َك َ و‬
ْ ُ‫الك َ َرة‬ َ ‫فت‬
ungodly shall turn back unto Thee.
Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, َ‫ْأن ق اِا ْذ ني م اِا َ ال ا ا ِاد ما ِ ي ا ااا ُ هل ا ا َاو َخ الل ا ااي‬
. ‫في ْب تَ ِن َج لِساني بِ َ ْد لاِ َك‬
Thou God of my salvation; my tongue shall
rejoice in Thy righteousness. َ
O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and my . ‫را ا ْف تَ ُْ َش َ تَ َّي َ َف يُ ْص ِب َر َف مي ِْ تَ ْس بِ َح ِت َك‬ ُّ ‫يا‬
mouth shall declare Thy praise.
َ‫ُع طاي‬ َّ
For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had
ْ ‫الَّ أ‬
َ ُِ ‫حا َة َ لَ ُك نْا‬ َ ‫ألنك ْلو آثَ ْر ََ الذ ْي‬ َ
.َ‫بالم ْح َراا‬ ُ ‫لك نَّ َك تُ َس ُّر‬
given it; with whole-burnt offerings Thou
shalt not be pleased.
‫الم تَصتِا ا ُع‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫ق َ الَق لاْا ُب‬ ٌ ‫روُ ُم ْن سَا اح‬ ٌ ‫الذْيحاَاةُ هلل‬
A sacrifice unto God is a broken spirit; a
heart that is broken and humbled God will
.ُ ُ‫اض ُع َي ْرُذ لُو‬ ِ ‫والم تَو‬
not despise. ُ
ِ ُّ ‫ألْا ا الِ ُْ يا ا ااا‬
Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto
َ ‫را بِ َم ساَا ا َّرِت َك لا ا ا ْن َي و ََّ ولا اْااتُ ْب‬
.‫أورش ليم‬
َ ‫ار‬ ُ ‫أس و‬
Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built
up. ْ
.َ‫وم ْح َراا‬ ِ ِ ‫اينئذ تس ُّر ِْ َذ‬ ٍ
ُ ‫ْيحة ال َ ْدل ُا ْر انا‬ َ َُ
Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice
of righteousness, with oblation and whole-
burnt offerings.
Then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine .‫اينئذ يُ َق ِر و ََّ على َم ْذ َب ِح َك ال ُ جول‬ ٍ
ِ ُ‫لواَ وا ْ ِ َ والرو ُِ القُد‬
.‫س‬ ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
َّ ‫الرُسا ِِ و َ لِبااات ِنمَ أُّينااا ا لا ُاو‬ ِ
َ ‫ِب َتا‬
the Holy Spirit.
Through the intercessions of the Apostles, O َ ‫الراااو‬ ُّ َ‫اعا‬
Thou Who art merciful, blot out the .‫ام ُُ َح ْو َرَة َخطايانا وز ِتنا‬ ْ
multitude of our transgressions.
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫دهر الداهري‬ ِ ‫اَّ وإلى‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬ َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ
‫باتن ا اااَ ُّأين ا ااا ا ل ا ا ُاو‬ ِ
ِ ِ‫اَ واِلا ا اد ِة ا ل ا ااو و َ ل‬ ِ ‫ِب َتا ا ا اع‬
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, َ َ
O Thou Who art merciful, blot out the .‫وز ِتنا‬ َ ‫ام ُُ َح ْو َرَة َخطايانا‬ ْ َ ‫الراو‬ َّ
multitude of our transgressions.

َ‫ك‬ ِ
َ ‫يا َرايمَُ اراَمْني يا ُ َح َِي ِم َر ْامَت‬
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to
.‫ك امُُْ مَ ِآثمي‬ ِ
َ ‫وِحَ َس ِب َحوْ َِرة َأَرفات‬
Thy lovingkindness; according to the
multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my
‫ومَن َحناا‬
َ َ‫اال‬ ِ َ ‫َلَق ْد اا يسوعُ ِم‬
َ ‫القبر َحما َسَب َق َفق‬ َ
Jesus, having risen from the grave as He
foretold, hath given unto us life eternal and .‫ِمى‬ ْ ُ ‫الر ْا َم َة ال‬
َّ ‫األْدَّي َةَ و‬
َ ‫الحياة‬
Great Mercy.
َ‫ار ْ مي ارثَ َك‬ ِ ‫شِب َكَ و‬ ‫ا يا‬ ِ‫الشماس َخل‬
َ ْ
Deacon: O God, save thy people, and bless
ِ ِ َّ ‫افتقد عاَلمك‬
ِْ ‫و‬
thine inheritance. Visit thy world with
mercy and compassions. Exalt the horn of ََّْ ‫بالرامة وال أرفاََ و ْارَف ْع شت‬ ََ
‫اا َم َك‬ ِ ‫المسيحيي األرثوُذ ْكسيي َ وأَسِب ْغ علينا مر‬
Orthodox Christians, and send down upon ْ َ
‫نارِة‬ َّ ِ ِ ُ ‫لو‬ ِ ‫اعاَ سِيدِتنا والِاد ِة ا‬ ِ ‫العِنيَّةَ ِب َت‬
َ ‫الكليَّة الط‬
us thy rich mercies, through the
َ َ َ َ
ِ ِ ِ
intercessions of our all-immaculate Lady,
‫الكري ِم‬ َ ‫النليب‬ ِ ‫البتولِيَّة َم ْرَيم؛ وُِق َّوِة‬
the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary; by the َ ‫والدائ َمة‬
might of the precious and life-giving cross; ‫الم َك َّرَم ِة‬
ُ ‫ماوَّي ِة‬
ِ ‫الس‬ َّ َ‫ا‬ ِ ‫باَ الُقو‬ ِ ‫ِطْل‬ ِ ‫المحيي؛ و‬
by the protection of the honorable bodiless ِ‫الكري ِم الساِْ ِق المجيد‬ َ ‫بي‬ َّ
ِ ‫األجساد؛ والن‬ ِ ِ ِ
‫ال اد َمة‬
powers of heaven; at the supplication of the َ ْ
ِ ‫الرسوَل ْي‬ َّ ِ ‫الم َت َّرَف ْي‬ ِ
honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and ُ ِ ‫يس ْي‬ َ ‫الم ْ َمداَّ؛ والقد‬ َ ‫يوانا‬
ِ ُّ ‫وسائ ِر‬ ِ
َ ‫الجديري‬ َ َ ‫الم َت َّرفي‬ ُ ِ‫الرُس‬ َ‫ط ُر َس و ولُ َس‬ ْ ‫ُب‬
Baptist John; of the holy, glorious, all-

‫كون ِة‬ ِ
laudable and foremost of the apostles, Peter
َ ‫الم ْس‬ ِ ِ ِ
and Paul, and of all the holy apostles; of our َ ‫ب ُكِ َمديُ؛ وآبائنا القديسي َ ُم َ لمي‬
َ‫باسيليوس الكبير‬ ‫ِمي‬ َّ ‫الكنن ِة الم‬ ِ ‫رؤسا‬
fathers among the saints, great hierarchs and
َ َ َ ُ ََ َ
‫ويوانا ال َذ َهِب ِي الَ م؛‬
ecumenical teachers Basil the Great,
Gregory the Theologian and John َ َ‫يوس الالهوتي‬ َ ‫و ريعور‬
‫الراي ِم‬ َّ ‫ويوانا‬ ‫ناسيوس وحيرُّل َس‬ َ‫القديسي َ أَث‬ ِ ‫آبائنا‬ ِ ‫و‬
Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril and John the َ َ
Merciful, patriarchs of Alexandria; Nicholas ِ ‫وس َر‬
‫ئيس‬ ‫ديس نيقو‬ ِ ‫الق‬ ِ ‫طارَح ِة ا س َك ْند ِريَّةَ وأْينا‬ ِ ‫َب‬
َ َ ْ
ِ ‫أسااَ ِة مي ار‬
of Myra in Lycia, Spyridon of Trimythous
َ‫يميووس‬ ‫ف ْتر‬ ِ ‫الليكيَّةَ واسبيريدو ََّ أُسُق‬ ِ
and Nektarios of Pentapolis, the wonder- َ ْ ْ
َ ‫جائِبيي‬ ِ ‫س ال‬ ِ ‫الص ْم‬ ِ ‫وِن ْكتاريوس أُسُق‬
workers; of our fathers among the saints
َ َ َِّ ‫الم ُد‬ ُ ‫ف‬ ْ َ
Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow, and Raphael,
‫يس‬ِ ‫ط ِرَي ْر موسكوَ والقد‬ ِ ْ ‫يس تيصوَّ َب‬ ِ ‫وأْينا القد‬
bishop of Brooklyn; of the holy, glorious
ِ ِ ‫رافائيِ أ‬
great martyrs George the Trophy-bearer, َ ‫ُسُقف ْروحلي ؛ والقديسي َ المجيدي‬ ْ
Demetrios the Myrrh-streaming, Theodore َ‫س الِ ِر‬ ِ ‫جاورجيوس الالِب‬ ِ ‫ِما‬ َ ُ ‫الت َندا ِ ال‬ ُّ
the Soldier, Theodore the General and َ
َ َ‫الطيب‬
َ ِ ‫يوس الم‬
‫َيض‬ َ ‫وديميتر‬
Menas the Wonder-worker; of the ُ
hieromartyrs Ignatius the God-bearer of ‫وميناس‬
َ َ‫الج ْيش‬ َ ‫اائ ِد‬
ِ ‫التيرونيَ وثيودورس‬
Antioch, Charalampos and Eleutherios; of
‫يوس‬ ِ ِ ُّ َ ‫جائب؛ والقديسي‬ ِ ِ ‫النان ِع ال‬ ِ
the holy, glorious and great women martyrs َ ‫الت َندا ه ْ نا‬ َ
ِ ‫الت‬
َ‫نيدا‬ َّ ‫بوس وإلِْ ويريوس؛ و‬ ِ
Thekla, Barbara, Anastasia, Katherine, َ ‫المتََوش ُِ باهللَ َخ ارَل ْم‬ ُ
Kyriaki, Photini, Marina, Paraskeva and َ‫حاترينا‬ ْ ِ
َ‫ال َ ِيماَ تَْقالَ َْ ْر َارةَ َأن ْسطاسيا‬ ِ
Irene; of the holy glorious and right-
victorious martyrs; of our venerable and ‫كيرياكيَ فوتينيَ ماريناَ باراسكي اَ وآيري ؛‬
God-bearing fathers who shone in the ‫َِ ِر؛‬ َ ‫المتَتَلِقي َ بال‬ ِ ‫التندا‬ ُّ َ ‫القديسي َ المجيدي‬ ِ‫و‬
ُ َ َ
ascetic life, especially Paisios of Athos; of
ِ ‫القد‬
‫يس‬ ِ ‫وخالة‬ ِ ِ
Saint N., the patron and protector of this َ َ ‫المتََوشحي َ باهلل؛‬ ُ ‫وآبائنا األْر ِار‬
‫يس (فالَّ) َشَي ِع َه ِذِه‬ ِ
ِ ‫وسيَ والقد‬ ِ ُ‫يوس الث‬ َ ‫باِييس‬
holy community; of the holy and righteous
‫النديَقْي ِ َجَّدي‬ِ ِ ‫يسْي‬ ِِ ِ ‫الك‬
َ ‫المَق َّد َسة؛ والقد‬
ُ ‫نيسة‬
ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; of
our Venerable Father Pachomios the َ َ
Great of Egypt; Achilles, bishop of ِ ‫األب الأبا‬َِ ‫س‬ ‫واَّن َة؛‬
َ ‫اكيم‬
َ ‫المسيُ ا لو يو‬ ِ
ِ ‫َخيالس أَُ ُق‬ ِ ‫ سأ‬،‫ير‬
ِ ‫الك ِب‬
،‫يسا‬‫ف ال أ‬ َ ‫ب ُخو ِم‬
َ ‫يوس‬
Larisa; and Martyr Barbaros the myrrh-
streaming of Corfu, whose memory we َ
ِ ‫الط‬ِ ‫يض‬ ِ ‫سس الم ِف‬ ِ ‫س أ‬
celebrate today, and of all the saints: we َ ‫ الذي‬،‫يب‬ ُ َ ُ‫الش يد َبا َا‬
‫هليك‬ ِ ِ ‫ن يم تَ ْذكارهم اليو َ وج‬
َ ‫ع‬ ُ ‫ضَّر‬
َ ‫يسيكَ َنَت‬
َ ‫ميع اد‬
beseech Thee, O most merciful Lord,
hearken unto the petitions of us sinners who َ َ َْ ُُ َ ُ ُ
make our supplications unto Thee, and have ‫ط َتة‬ َ ُ ‫اسَت ِج ْب َلنا َن ْح‬
َ ‫الص‬ ْ ‫يِ ا َّلرْا َمةَ َف‬
ُ ‫الر ُّا الج‬
َّ ‫أيُّنا‬
.‫هليك و ْارَا ْمنا‬ ِ
َ َ ‫الطالبي‬
mercy upon us.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times) )‫ مرة‬12 ( . ‫را ْار َا ْم‬
ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫المر و‬
Priest: Through the mercies and ‫وم َح ب َِّت ِو‬
َ ‫َفاَ ْاْ ِن َك الواي ِد‬ ِ ‫ ِْ را م ِة ورأ‬:‫الكا‬
َ ََْ
compassions and love for mankind of Thine
‫وم َع روا َك‬ ِ ‫لاِْل َاب‬
Only-begotten Son, with Whom Thou art َ ُ‫بار ٌ َم َ و‬ َ ‫أنِ ُم‬ َ ‫تر َ الذي‬
َِّ ‫وح‬
ُ َّ‫ال‬ َ‫الم ْح يي‬ ِ ُِ
َ ُ ‫الك ل ِي ُا ْد ُس وُ النال ُِ و‬
blessed, together with Thine all-holy, and
. ‫اَّ وإلى َد ْه ِر الداهري‬ ٍ ‫أو‬
good, and life-giving Spirit: now and ever,
and unto ages of ages.
Choir: Amen. . ‫ آمي‬:‫المر و‬
ِ ‫الصطايا واأل‬
‫َعمال‬ َ ‫صل َ َة ِج ًّدا ِبت َْنوا ِع‬ َّ ‫لِنْ سي الم‬
ُ َ َ
As of old Thou didst raise up the paralytic,
ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫الَق‬
َ ‫ض يا َر ُّا ِب‬ ْ ‫بيحةَ أ َْن ِن‬
O Lord God, by Thy God-like care and
might, raise up my soul which is palsied by ‫نايت َك ا َلنيَّةَ َحما‬ َ
ِ َّ َّ
‫ن ُِ ناجيا‬ ْ ‫الم َصل َع َاديماَ َاتى هذا تَ َصل‬ ُ َِ ‫أََا ْم‬
diverse sins and transgressions and by
.‫الم ْج ُد لِ ِ َّ ِتك‬ ُ ‫المتَ َرِئ‬
unseemly deeds and acts, that, saved I may
also cry out: O Compassionate Redeemer, O َ َ‫ف‬ ُ ُ‫سي‬ ُ ‫الم‬ َ ‫ أَيُّنا‬:‫َل ُرُع‬ ْ‫أ‬
Christ God, glory to Thy dominion and
O Thou Who holdest the ends of the earth in َِّ ‫بض ِة َي ِد َ ُح‬ َ َ ‫يا َيسوعُ ا َل ُو الحاوي ِب‬
ِ ‫األ‬
the palm of Thy hand, O Jesus our God,
Who art co-beginningless with the Father, ‫البرايا‬ َ ‫سود َوتَ ْستَولي َعلى‬ ُ َ‫َاطارَ يا َم ْ ت‬
ِ‫َن‬ ِ ‫َْيك والرو ُِ الُق ُد‬ ِ
َ ‫سَ أ‬ َ ‫َجمي ناَ َم َع أ‬
and Who, together with the Holy Spirit dost
rule over all things: Thou didst appear in the
‫رَ ِبال ِج ْس ِم‬ ِ ‫المساوي َلنما في األَزلي‬
flesh, healing infirmities, driving away َ ‫ظ َن‬ َ ‫َّةَ َلَقد‬ َ ُ ُ
passions, and giving sight to the blind. And, َْ ‫ت‬
َ َ َ َ‫َض‬ ‫أ‬‫و‬ َ ‫ال‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ض‬ ِ
‫داا‬ ‫و‬ َُ‫ا‬ِ ‫ر‬ ‫َم‬ ‫أل‬ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ي‬‫ف‬ْ ‫شا‬
by a divine word, Thou didst raise up the
َِ ‫َّة أََا ْم‬ ِ ‫الم ْك وفي البن ِرَ وِ َكلِمِتك ا َلني‬
paralytic, commanding him to walk َ َ َ ََ َ
َِ ‫متي ِبإيضا ٍَُ َوَيحم‬ ِ ‫الم َصَّلعَ وأَمرتَو أََّ ي‬
َ َ ْ ُ َِ َ ِ َ ُ
straightway and to take up upon his
shoulders his bed, which had carried him.
ِ ِ
‫ ل َذل َك‬.‫حاَّ اامَل ُو‬ِ
Wherefore, together with him we all praise َ ‫السر َير الذي‬ َّ ‫َعلى َم ْنكَب ْيو‬
Thee and cry: O Compassionate Christ, ُ‫سي‬
ُ ‫الم‬ َ ‫ أَيُّنا‬: ‫لارخي‬ ِ ‫َم َ ُو ُن َس ِب ُح َك َجمي ُ نا‬
.‫الم ْج ُد لِ ِ َّ ِتك‬ ُ ‫المتَ َرِئ‬
glory to Thy dominion and might.
َ َ‫ف‬ ُ
THE SYNAXARION (Plain Reading)
On May 15 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we commemorate our Venerable Father
Pachomios the Great of Egypt; Achilles, bishop of Larisa; and Martyr Barbaros the myrrh-
streaming of Corfu.
On this day, the fourth Sunday of Pascha, we commemorate the Paralytic and, as is
right, we celebrate the miracle wrought for him.

The word of Christ was strength for the paralytic;
So that this word alone was the man’s full healing.

Jesus healed the Paralytic at the Sheep’s Pool, located near the Sheep’s Gate of Jerusalem,
where people sacrificed their beasts and washed their insides. The pool had five sides, with
a porch and arch on each. A number of people, afflicted with various diseases, passed
through them, waiting at the water for an angel to come down and stir it. Once it moved,
whoever stepped into the water first was instantly healed. One poor man, whose story is
recounted in today’s Gospel lection in the Divine Liturgy, waited 38 years for someone to
lower him into the water, because he was unable to move into the water himself. However,
the Savior merely commanded the man to get up and walk, and he was healed.
In Thine infinite mercy, O Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
ُّ ِ ِ
Ode 1. It is the day of Resurrection, let us َ‫وا‬ ُ ‫ ألَي ا ْوَ َي ا ْوُ ال يا َما اة فْلَن اتَألأل ُّأين ااا التا ا‬-1
َّ ‫نا ا ا ا ُُ ال ا ا ا َّاراَ وذلِا ا ا ا َك‬
َّ‫أل‬ ِ ِ َّ
ْ ‫ن ا ا ا َُ ه ا ا ا َاو ف‬ ْ ‫ألَّ ال‬
be radiant, O ye peoples; Pascha, the Lord’s
Pascha; for Christ God hath brought us from
َ‫الحيااة‬ ِ ِ َ ‫المسيُ هلننا َا ْد‬
death unto life, and from earth unto Heaven َ ‫أجازناا ما َ الم ْاوَ هلاى‬ َ َ َ
ِ ِ ‫األر‬
as we sing the triumphal hymn. ‫ايد‬
َ ‫الم ْنتادي َ َنت‬ ُ ُ ‫السما َ َنح‬ َّ ‫ُ هلى‬ ْ َ ‫و ِم‬
َّ ‫النن ِر و‬
.‫الَِ ر‬ ْ َّ
Ode 3. Come, let us drink a new drink, not ‫ َهُلموا ْنا َن ْت َر ُا َم ْترو ا جديداَ ليس‬-3
َّ ‫ل َّما َ َل‬
‫كن ُو‬ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ‫مستَ ْصرجا‬
َ ‫ل ْصرة‬ َ ْ ‫بآية باه َرة م‬
one marvelously brought forth from a
َ َ ُْ
barren rock, but the Source of incorruption,
َ‫المسي ُِ م َ الَق ْب ِر‬ ِ
ِ ‫َي ْنبوعُ َع َد ِ الَ سادَ ِب َََي‬
which springeth forth from the grave of َ َّ‫ضا‬
Christ, in Whom we are established. .‫الذي ِب ِو َنتَ َت َّدد‬
ِ ‫ف م َ نااا علااى الم ْح ا ِر‬ ِِ
Ode 4. Let the Prophet Habakkuk, the ‫س ا لنا ِاي َاَبقااو ُق‬ َ َ ْ ‫ لَيق ا‬-4
َُ ‫المتَّ ِت ا ا ا‬ ِ ِ ِ
ُ َ ‫المتََ ا ا اوهُ با لني ا ا ااََ وْل ُي ِرن ا ا ااا ال َم ا ا اال‬
proclaimer of divine things, keep the divine
ِ ِ ِ
ٌ ‫ الياوَ َخا‬:‫الضيا َ اائال ِجناا ار‬
watch with us, and show forth the radiant
Angel who with resounding voice hath َّ َِ‫الص لْل ااَلم‬
declared: Today doth bring salvation to the .‫سيُ َا ْد اا َ َ ِبما َّأن ُو َعلى ُح ِِ َش ْي ٍ َادير‬ َ ‫الم‬ َ
world, for Christ is risen as omnipotent.

Ode 5. Let us arise in the deep dawn and, َّ َ‫ لَِن ْبتَ ِك ا ا َرََّّ ُم ا ا َّدلِجي َ ِدْل َج ا اة َعميَق ا اةَ وْل ُنَق ا ا ِر‬-5
ِ ‫الطيا ا‬ِ ُ‫النقا ااي ِعا او‬ ِ ِ
َ‫اب ال َّ كا ااي‬ َّ ُ‫بي‬َ ‫لْل َسا اِيد التَّ ْسا ا‬
instead of myrrh, offer praise to the Master;
and we shall see Christ, the Sun of َ َ
Righteousness, Who causeth life to dawn ‫طلِ اا‬ ْ ‫هو َش ْم ُس ال َ ا ْد ِلَ ُم‬ َ ‫سيُ الذي‬ َ ‫الم‬ َ ِ ‫وْل ُن اي‬
.ِِ ‫ياة لِْل ُك‬
for all.
َ ‫الح‬َ
ِ ‫ااف ِِ درك‬ ِ
Ode 6. Thou didst descend into the deepest َ‫اا‬ َ َ ‫سيَُ َلَقا ْد َن َ ْلا َِ هلاى أس‬ ُ ‫الم‬ َ ‫ أيُّنا‬-6
ِ ‫األر‬
ُ ‫الد ْه ِرَّي ا ا ا َة‬
‫الموََّبتَ ا ا ا َة‬ َّ ‫اال‬
َ ‫األمصا ا ا‬
ْ َِ ‫َُ َف َس ا ا ا َحْق‬
parts of the earth, and didst shatter the
everlasting bars that held fast those that ْ
were fettered, O Christ. And on the third ََ ‫الم ْ تََقلااي َ َ وفااي الَي ا ْو ِ الوالِ ا ِث َْ ا َرْز‬ ُ ‫ط َة‬ َ ‫الضااا ِب‬
day, like Jonas from the sea monster, Thou
.َ‫الحو‬ ِ ‫ناهضا ِم َ الَق ْب ِر َحما َْ َرَز‬ ِ
didst arise from the grave. ُ َ ‫يوناَّ م‬ ُ
Ode 7. The only blest and most glorious ‫لار‬َ ‫هَّ الذي ْأنَق َذ ال ِ ْتَي َة ِم َ األتُو َِّ َلما‬ َّ -7
َِ ‫المائ‬ِ َِ َ‫مائ ٍَِ وِآ ِم ِو َس ْر‬ ِ ‫ْهنساناَ تَتََّلم َح‬
God of our Fathers, Who hath redeemed the
Children from the furnace, is become man, َ َ
ِ ِ ِ َ‫ساد‬ ِ َ‫جمال عد ِ ال‬
and as a mortal doth suffer, and through
suffering doth clothe mortality with the
َ ‫بار‬ َ ‫الم‬ ُ ‫هلو آبائَنا‬ َ ‫أعني ِبو‬ ْ ََ َ َ
grace of incorruption. .‫الم َم َّج َد َو ْا َده‬
ُ ‫و‬
We praise, we bless, and we worship the .‫بار ُ ونَ ْسجُدُ ِلْل َرا‬
ِ ُ‫نُ َسِبُُ ون‬
‫المَق َّد َسَ الذي ُه َو‬
ُ ‫الم ْد ُعَّو‬
َ َ‫الي ْو‬ َّ -8
َ ‫هَّ َهذا‬

ِ َ‫بو‬ ِ ‫الس‬
Ode 8. This chosen and holy day is the first
of the Sabbaths, the queen and lady, the ُ ‫وسِي ُدهاَ َّهنما ُه َو‬
‫عيد‬ َ ‫ومل ُكنا‬ َ ُّ ‫أََّو ُل‬
ِ ‫ياد وموِسم المو ِاسمَِ الذي‬
ِ ‫فيو ُن‬ ِ ‫األع‬
ُ ‫بار‬
feast of feasts, and the festival of festivals,
wherein we bless Christ unto the ages. َ ُ َْ ْ
ْ ‫سيُ هلى‬َ ‫الم‬َ
ِ ِ ِ ِ
Deacon: The Theotokos and Mother of the
ُ‫الدة ا لو وأ ِ النور بالتساْي ُِ نكر‬
َ ‫الشماس لو‬
. ‫ُم َ ِِمي‬
Light let us honor and magnify in song.


ِ َّ ِ
Magnify, O my soul, Him Who suffered َ ‫عَِمااي يااا نَْسااي الااذي تَاتلمَ َ ْوعااا واُبا َرَ واااا‬
willingly, and was buried, and arose from .‫ِم َ القَبِْر في اليَو ِ الواِلث‬
the grave on the third day.
َّ َ‫الجديا اادة‬
َّ‫أل‬ َ ‫اليم‬ َ ‫ه ْس ا اتَنيريَ ا ْس ا اتَنيري يا ااا‬
ُ ‫أورشا ا‬
Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory
of the Lord hath arisen upon thee; dance َ ‫ ه ْف َراا ا ااي‬.‫َم ْجا ا ا َد الا ا ا َّار ِا َاا ا ا ْد أ ْشا ا ا َر َق عليا ا ااك‬
now and be glad, O Zion, and do thou exult, َّ ‫ادة ا ل ِاو‬
َ‫الن ِ ياَّة‬ ِ
َ ‫وتَ َنللي يا ل ْنيوََّ وأنِ ياا وال‬
ِ َّ
. ‫يام ِة َوَل ِد‬ ِِ
َ ‫ه ْ َر ي ب‬
O pure Theotokos, in the arising of Him
Whom thou didst bear.

َ‫عَ ِِما ا ااي يا ا ااا نَْسا ا ااي المَسا ا اايَُ مُ ْ ِطا ا اي الحَيا ا اااة‬
Magnify, O my soul, Christ the Giver of life,
.‫ض ِم َ القَبِْر في اليو ِ الوالث‬ ِ
َ ‫الناه‬
Who arose from the grave on the third day.
Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory
َّ َ‫الجديا اادة‬
َّ‫أل‬ َ ‫اليم‬ َ ‫ه ْس ا اتَنيريَ ا ْس ا اتَنيري يا ااا‬
ُ ‫أورشا ا‬
of the Lord hath arisen upon thee; dance now
and be glad, O Zion, and do thou exult, O َ ‫ ه ْف َراا ا ااي‬.‫َم ْجا ا ا َد الا ا ا َّار ِا َاا ا ا ْد أ ْشا ا ا َر َق عليا ا ااك‬
pure Theotokos, in the arising of Him Whom َّ ‫ادة ا ل ِاو‬
َ‫الن ِ ياَّة‬ ِ
َ ‫وتَ َنللي يا ل ْنيوََّ وأنِ ياا وال‬
ِ َّ
. ‫يام ِة َوَل ِد‬ ِِ
thou didst bear.
َ ‫ه ْ َر ي ب‬
ِ ِ‫المس اايُ ِفن اُ جدي اادَ و َذْيح اةٌ ايَّ اةٌَ ام ا‬
Christ is the new Pascha, the living ُ ََ َ َ ٌ َ ٌ ْ ُ َ
sacrificial Victim, the Lamb of God that .‫الرِافعُ َخطيئَةَ ال الَم‬
taketh away the sin of the world.
‫أا َّبَ يا ما أََل َّذ َن ْع َمتَ َك أيُّنا‬ َ ‫فَ يا ما‬ َ ‫أش َر‬ ْ ‫يا ما‬
O Thy divine and beloved and most sweet
‫ااداا بتَّنا ا َك‬ ِ ‫المس اايَُ ألَّنا اك َاا اد وعا ادتَنا وعا ادا ل ا‬
voice; Thou hast truly promised that Thou َْ ََْ ْ َ َ
wouldst be with us unto the end of the ِ ‫تَك ا ااو َُّ َم َ ن ا ااا هل ا ااى ِنج ا ا‬
ُ ‫ااز ال ا ا َّاد ْه ِرَ ال ا ااذي َنحا ا ا‬
ٍ ‫ن ام ب ا ِو َح ِمرسا‬
‫ااة لِ َرجائناااَ َفَن ْب اتَ ِن ُج‬ ِ
world, O Christ; and we faithful rejoice,
having this as an anchor of hope. ْ َ ُ َ‫الما ِمنااو ََّ َن ْ ت‬
. ‫ُمتَ َنلِلي‬
Today the whole creation is glad and doth َّ َُُ‫أجمَاعُ تَبْاتَِنجُ وتَْ ا َر‬
َُ‫ألَّ المَسااي‬ ْ ُ‫الصليقاة‬
َ َ ‫الياَ ْو‬
rejoice, for Christ is risen, and Hades hath .‫اَ ْد اا َ والجَحيمَ اَ ْد ُسبي‬
been despoiled.
‫أا َّبَ يا ما أََل َّذ َن ْع َمتَ َك أيُّنا‬ َ ‫فَ يا ما‬ َ ‫أش َر‬ ْ ‫يا ما‬
O Thy divine and beloved and most sweet
‫ااداا بتَّنا ا َك‬ ِ ‫المس اايَُ ألَّنا اك َاا اد وعا ادتَنا وعا ادا ل ا‬
voice; Thou hast truly promised that Thou َْ ََْ ْ َ َ
wouldst be with us unto the end of the ِ ‫تَك ا ااو َُّ َم َ ن ا ااا هل ا ااى ِنج ا ا‬
ُ ‫ااز ال ا ا َّاد ْه ِرَ ال ا ااذي َنحا ا ا‬
ٍ ‫ن ام ب ا ِو َح ِمرسا‬
‫ااة لِ َرجائناااَ َفَن ْب اتَ ِن ُج‬ ِ
world, O Christ; and we faithful rejoice,
having this as an anchor of hope. ْ َ ُ َ‫الما ِمنااو ََّ َن ْ ت‬
. ‫ُمتَ َنلِلي‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to ‫ عَ ِِمااي يااا‬.‫س‬ ِ ‫الم ْجادُ ِلا‬
ِ ُ‫وا وا ْا ِ والا ُّارو ُِ القُاد‬ َ
the Holy Spirit. Magnify, O my soul, the ِ َّ ِ ِ
‫نَْس ا ااي عا ا اَّةَ الاله ا ااوَ المُوَلا ا اث األا ا اااني ِم ي ا ا ِار‬
dominion of the Undivided Godhead of
Three Hypostases.
‫األمَو اَِ يااا ِا ْك َم ا َة‬ ِ
O great and most sacred Pascha, Christ; O ْ ُِّ ‫ن ا ُُ األ َج ا‬ ْ ‫ايُ ال‬ ُ ‫المسا‬َ ‫ُّأينااا‬
‫ااه َم َك‬ِ ‫وحلِمتَا او وُاَّوتَا اوَ أن ِ ا ام عَلينا ااا ِبا اتََّ نسا ا‬ ِ
ُ ْ َْ ْ ْ ُ ُ َ َ
Wisdom and Word and Power of God!

‫اار ُمْل ِك ا َك الااذي َي ْع ا ُر ُا‬

Grant that we partake of Thee fully in the
unwaning day of Thy Kingdom. ِ ‫اتوَف ِر َا يقااةَ فااي َننا‬ ْ ‫با‬

Both now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫اَّ وإل ا ااى َدهْا ا ِر ال ا ااداهري َ َ آم ا ااي‬
ٍ ‫الَّ وح ا ا َّاِ أو‬
Amen. Rejoice, O Virgin, rejoice; rejoice, O َ‫باركَاة‬
َ ُ‫ه ْف َراي أيَّتُناا البَتاولُ ا ْف َراايَ ه ْف َرااي ياا م‬
‫ألَّ اْْنَ ِك اَ ْد اا َ ِم َ القَبِْر في‬
blessed one; rejoice, O most glorified one,
for thy Son hath arisen from the grave on َّ ‫ه ْف َراي يا مُمَ َّج َدة‬
the third day. .‫اليو ِ الوالث‬
‫األمَو اَِ يااا ِا ْك َم ا َة‬ ِ
ْ ُِّ ‫ن ا ُُ األ َج ا‬ ْ ‫ايُ ال‬ ُ ‫المسا‬ َ ‫ُّأينااا‬
O great and most sacred Pascha, Christ; O
Wisdom and Word and Power of God!
‫ااه َم َك‬ِ ‫وحلِمتَا او وُاَّوتَا اوَ أن ِ ا ام عَلينا ااا ِبا اتََّ نسا ا‬ ِ
Grant that we partake of Thee fully in the ُ ْ َْ ْ ْ ُ ُ َ َ
unwaning day of Thy Kingdom. ‫اار ُمْل ِك ا َك الااذي َي ْع ا ُر ُا‬ ِ ‫اتوَف ِر َا يقااةَ فااي َننا‬ ْ ‫با‬
Ode 9. The Angel cried unto her that is full َّ -9
‫ أيَّتُنااا‬:‫هَّ المَاال َ تََا َّوهَ نَ ْحا َو المُانْ َ ِم عَلَيْنااا‬
of grace: O pure Virgin, rejoice, and again َّ َ‫النِ يَّةُ ا ْف َرايَ وأاولُ أيْضا ا ْف َرِاي‬
َّ‫أل‬ َّ ُ ‫ال َ ْذ ار‬
.‫اْْنَ ِك اَ ْد اا َ ِم َ القَبِْر في اليَ ْو ِ الواِلث‬
I say, rejoice; for thy Son hath arisen from
the grave on the third day.
Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory َّ َ‫اليم الجدي اادة‬
َّ‫أل‬ ُ ‫أورش ا‬ َ ‫ه ْسا اتَنيريَ ا ْسا اتَنيريَ ي ااا‬
of the Lord hath arisen upon thee; dance َ ‫َم ْجا ا ا َد الا ا ا َّار ِا َاا ا ا ْد أ ْشا ا ا َر َق عليا ا ااكَ ه ْف َراا ا ااي‬
now and be glad, O Zion, and do thou exult, َّ ‫ل ْنيو ََُّ و ْأن ِِ ياا والِا َد َة ا ل ِاو‬
َ‫الن ِ ياَّة‬ ِ ‫وتَنَّللي يا‬
. ‫يام ِة َوَل ِد‬ ِ ‫ه ْ ر ي ِب‬
O pure Theotokos, in the arising of Him
Whom thou didst bear. َ َ
Deacon: Again and again, in peace, let us ْ ‫الر ِا َن‬
.‫طلُب‬ َّ ‫ ْأيضا و ْأيضا ِب َسال ٍ هلى‬:‫الشماس‬
ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
pray to the Lord.
.‫را ْار َا ْم‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: Help us; save us; have mercy on ُ ‫ِنا يا‬ ْ َ‫اا‬
ْ ‫ا و ْار َا ْم و‬ ْ ‫ض ْد َو َخل‬ ُ ‫ُع‬ْ ‫ أ‬:‫الشماس‬
us; and keep us, O God, by Thy grace. .‫ِِْن ْ َمِت َك‬
Choir: Lord, have mercy. .‫را ْار َا ْم‬ُّ ‫ يا‬:‫الجوق‬
Deacon: Calling to remembrance our all- ِ
ََ‫الطاه َرة‬ ِ ‫الكلَِّي َة الَق‬
َ‫داسة‬ ُ ‫ ب َد ِذ ْح ِرنا‬:‫الشماس‬
holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious
ِ ‫كاَ المجيدةَ سِيدتنا والِدة ا‬
‫لو‬ ِ ‫ال ِائَق َة البر‬
Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, َ ََ َ َ ََ
ِ ِ ‫َّة مريم مع ج‬ ِ ِ
ْ ‫ميع ال ِقديسي َ لِنوِد‬
‫ع‬ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ‫البتولي‬ َ ‫الدائ َم َة‬
with all the saints, let us commend
ِ ‫ْأنُ سنا و ضنا ب ضا وُح َِّ ا‬
ourselves and each other and all our life
unto Christ our God. .‫سيُ ا لو‬ِ ‫ياتنا لِْل َم‬ َ َ َْ ُ َْ َ
Choir: To Thee, O Lord. .‫لك يا َرا‬ َ :‫الجوق‬
Priest: For all the powers of Heaven praise ََ‫ا‬ ِ ‫السماو‬
َّ َ‫ا‬ ِ ‫ألنو هيا تُس ِبُ ُح ُِّ ُاو‬ َّ :‫الكا‬
Thee, and unto Thee do they ascribe glory: to ُ َ َ
the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy ُُ ‫الا وا ْ ُ والرو‬ ُ ‫الم ْج َد أيُّنا‬َ ََّ ‫وَل َك ُي ْرسلو‬
Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ده ِر الداهري‬ْ ‫اَّ وإلى‬ ٍ ‫وحِ أو‬ َّ َّ‫ال‬ َ َ‫الُق ُد ُس‬
Choir: Amen. . ‫ آمي‬:‫الجوق‬
Holy is the Lord our God. (Thrice) )‫ (ثالثا‬.‫هلننا‬
ُ ‫الر ُّا‬
َّ ‫وس ُه َو‬
ٌ ‫ُاد‬
ٍ ِ ِ
When Thou hadst fallen asleep in the flesh ْ ‫ط َج ْ َِ باْل َج َس اد نائم ااا َحمائ ااَِ ي ااا َم ا‬َ ‫ضا‬ ْ ‫لم ا ا ا‬
‫طْلا َِ ال َما ْو ََ ُم َ ِطاالَ وفاي‬َ ‫الملِا ُكَ ْأب‬
َ ‫الر ُّا و‬
َّ ‫ُه َو‬
as one mortal, O King and Lord, Thou didst
rise again on the third day, raising up Adam
from corruption, and abolishing death: O ‫الي ْو ِ الوالِ ِث ُا ْم َِ ُم ْنَب ِ واَ وأَا ْم َِ َآد َ ِما َ الِبلاى‬
.‫الص ال اَلم‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫وخ‬ َ ‫ن َُ َع َد ِ الَ ساد‬ ْ ‫ُم ْننضاَ يا ف‬
Pascha of incorruption! O salvation of the
(**Hearken, ye women**)
‫ف‬ ِ ‫الرَفا ِة‬ ‫الكلِا َّي َّأ‬ َّ
َ ‫الب َتارَ َاا ْد َوَاا‬ َ ‫المحا َّب‬ ُ ‫هَّ الا َّار َّا‬
The sovereign man-befriending Lord, * He
that is all-compassionate, * drew nigh and ُ
stood at the Sheep’s Pool * that He might ‫ َف َو َجا ا َد‬. َ ‫العَنمَّيا ا ِةَ َلي ْتا ا ِي األَ ْسا اقا‬ ِ
َ ‫َعلا ااى الِبرَحا اة‬
‫ف ِب ا ا ِو‬
heal men’s diseases; * and there He found a
man that lay * abed, enfeebled many َ ‫ َف َنتَ ا ا‬.‫ْهنس ا ااانا َ ريح ا اا ُمن ا ا ُذ س ا اني َ َحوي ا ارة‬
years, * to whom the Savior cried
aloud: * Take up thy bed now, and go
ِِ ‫اا ِم ا اِ َس ا ار َير َ َ وا ْذ َه ا ا ْب فا ااي ال ُّس ا اُب‬ ْ :‫اارخا‬ ِ ‫لا ا‬
forth; * walk in the upright and straight .‫يمة‬
َ َ‫الم ْست‬
Let everything that hath breath, praise the ِ َّ ‫ َس ِبحوا‬.‫الرا‬
َ ‫الر َّا م‬ َّ ُِ ‫ُك ُِّ َن َس َم ٍة فْلتُ َسِب‬
ُ ‫السماواََ َس ِبحوهُ في األعاليَ ألنو َل َك َي‬
‫ليق‬ َّ
Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights. To Thee, O God
is due our song. . ‫سبيُ يا‬ ُ َّ‫الت‬
ِ ‫مالئ َكِت ا ا ِوَ س ا ا ِبحوه يا ااا سا ا‬
‫اائ َر‬ ِ ‫س ا ا ِبحوه يا ااا جميا ااع‬
Praise ye Him, all His angels; praise ye
ُ َ َ َ ُ َ
ِ ِ
. ‫بيُ يا‬ ُ ‫ليق التَّ ْس‬ ُ ‫لك َي‬ َ ‫ُاواتوَ ألنو‬
Him, all His hosts. To Thee, O God, is due
our song.
For the Resurrection in Tone Three
ِِ‫ هذا الم ْجدُ يَكو َُّ ِلجمي ِع أْْر‬-1
.‫اره‬ َ
Verse 1. This glory shall be to all His saints.
‫اعَلما اوا ُاا ا َّوَة َها اذا‬
ْ ‫وا َجمي اااَ و‬ ُ ‫هلما اوا ُّأين ااا ال ُّتا ا‬
Come together, all ye people, and know the
power of the dreadful secret; for Christ our
Savior, the eternal Word, hath been ‫الكلِ َم ا ا َة‬
َ ‫ن ا انا‬ ِ
َ ‫ايُ ُمصل‬
َ ‫المسا ا‬ َ َّ‫أل‬ َّ َ‫الرهيا ااب‬ َّ ‫ال ِس ا ا ِر‬
crucified for our sake, and was buried
ِِ ‫باخِتيا‬
َ‫ااره‬ ْ َ ‫ود ِف ا‬ ِ
ُ َ‫أجلِن اا‬
ِ ِ ‫األزلَّي ا َةَ َا ا ْد‬
ْ ْ ‫ل ال َب م ا‬ َ
willingly, and hath risen from the dead to ُ
ِ ِ ِ ِ
save all. To Him let us bow down in ‫ا ال ُك ا ا ََِّ فَل ا ا ُو‬ َ ‫وا ا ااا َ م ا ا ْ ْ ا ااي ِ األم ا اواَ ل ا ا ُيصل‬
.‫َن ْس ُجد‬

ِ ‫في ِاد‬
‫يسيوَ َسِبحوهُ في َفلَ ِك‬ ‫ َسِبحوا‬-2
Verse 2. Praise God in His sanctuary; َ
praise Him in the firmament of His power. .‫اَُّوِتِو‬
ِِ ‫اس َاا ْد أذاعاوا ُم ْصِباري َ ب ُكا‬
The guards have published it abroad, O
Lord, telling of all Thy wonders. But the َّ َ‫أيُّنا ال َّار ُّا‬
َ ‫هَّ ال ُحار‬
‫أَّ َم ْج َما ا َع البا ِ ا ا ِِ أ ْف َ ا ا َم يميا ا َان ُن ْم‬
َّ ‫ال َ جاِئا ا ِبَ ه‬
assembly of falsehood filled their right
hands with bribes, thinking that thereby they
might conceal Thy Resurrection which the ‫يامتَ ا َك التااي‬ ِ
َ ََّ ‫الرشااىَ ظاااني َ َّأن ُن ا ْم ُي ْص ااو‬ ُّ َ ‫ِم ا‬
world doth glorify. Wherefore, have mercy
upon us. ْ ‫ال اَل ُم ُي َم ِج ُدها‬
.‫فار َا ْمنا‬
‫ِير َحوْ ِرة‬ ِ
Verse 3. Praise Him for His mighty acts; َ َ‫ َسِبحوهُ على مَْق َد َرِتوَ َسِبحوهُ ن‬-3
praise Him according to His excellent .‫ِمَِتِو‬
َ َ‫ع‬
ِْ ‫ََ ُاب ااو ار لم اا َاِبَل ا‬ ِ
ْ ‫الب اري ااا بتَ ْس ا ِرها َا اد ا ْم اتَأل‬
َ َّ‫ه‬ َّ
‫الم ْج َدلَِّي ا َة واَف ا ِْ هل ااى‬ َّ َ‫يامِت ا َك‬
Verily, all creatures were filled with joy
when they received the glad tidings of Thy َ ‫يم‬ َ ‫ألَّ َم ار‬ َ ‫ُب ْت ارى‬
‫الح َج ا ِر‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ض اريح َكَ َف َو َج ا َد َْ َمالك ااا جالس ااا عل ااى‬ َ
Resurrection; for Mary Magdalene, coming
to Thy grave, met an angel in a brilliant
‫طُل ْب َ ال َحا َّي َما َع ال َما ْوتى؟‬ ِ ٍ
ْ َ‫ ل َم ت‬:‫ِب ُحلة َْ ِنيَّة واائال‬ٍ َّ
robe sitting on the stone, who said, Why
‫االَ هَّنا ا ُو‬ ِ
seekest thou the living among the dead? He
َ ‫َلا ا ْي َس ها ااو َه ُننا اااَ لكَّنا ا ُو َاا ا ْد اا ااا َ حما ااا اا ا‬
is not here, but is risen. As He said, He will ِ
.ِ‫الجلي‬ ‫َي ْس ِبُق ُكم هلى‬
go before you into Galilee.
ِ ‫ سِبحوه ِْلَح ِ البو ِقَ سِبحوه‬-4
ِ ْ ‫بالم‬
Verse 4. Praise Him with the sound of the ُ َ ْ ُ َ
trumpet; praise Him with the psaltery and .‫القيوارة‬
َ ‫و‬
ِ ‫ُّأين ااا ال َّسا اِيد الم ِحا ا ُّب البتا ا ِرَ َّهنن ااا ِْن ا‬
ُ ُ َ ‫اور ن اااي‬ ََ ُ ُ
ِ ‫اَ و‬ ِ ‫الُّن اورَ ألَّنا اك ننضا اِ ِم ا ْ ااي ِ األما او‬
O Master, Lover of mankind, with Thy light
do we behold light; for Thou art risen from ‫اهب ااا‬ ْ َ ْ ََ َ
the dead, granting salvation to the race of ‫الصليَق ا ُة‬ َ َ ‫الب َت ا ِرَ لِ َك اي تُ َم ِج ا َد‬ َ ‫س‬ ِ ‫الص لِ ِج ا ْن‬َ ‫ال َص ا‬
. َ ‫واد‬ ِ َ ‫ِبتس ِرهاَ أيُّنا المن َّه ع ِ الص‬
َ ‫طت‬
man, that the whole creation may glorify
Thee alone, Who art without sin. Have َ َ ُ َُ ْ
mercy upon us.
Verse 1. Let God arise and let His enemies ‫ا‬ْ ‫ ِلا ا ايَقُ ِم ُ ويَتَباَ ا اَّد ْد جَمي ا ااعُ أعدائا ا اِوَ ويَنْا ا ا ُر‬-1
.‫مُبِْعضوهُ ِم ْ أما ِ َو ْج ِنو‬
be scattered, and let them that hate Him flee
from before His face.
‫ضا َُ َلنااا الَيا ْو‬ َ َّ‫ايُ الم ْن ِقا ْذَ َاا ِد ات‬
َ ‫المسا‬ ‫نا َحنا‬ ‫هَّ ِف‬َّ
ُ َ ْ
A sacred Pascha hath been shown forth to
ِ ِ ِ
‫نا احا‬ ْ ‫نا احا َجديا اادا ُمَق َّدسا اااَ ف‬ ْ ‫نا احا َشا اري اَ ف‬ ْ‫ف‬
us today; a new and holy Pascha, a mystic
Pascha, an all venerable Pascha, a Pascha
ِ ِ ِ ِ
that is Christ the Redeemer; a spotless َ ‫ن احا َْريئ ااا م ا‬ ْ ‫الوا ااارَ ف‬ َ ِ‫ن احا َجلي ا َا‬ ْ ‫س ا ِرياَ ف‬
َ ‫نا ا احا لِْلما ا ااامني‬ ِ ِ
ْ ‫نا ا احا َعِيما ا اااَ ف‬ ْ ‫ال َ ْيا ا ابَ ف‬
Pascha, a great Pascha, a Pascha of the

‫نحا ُمَق ِدساا‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ

faithful, a Pascha that hath opened unto us
the gates of Paradise; a Pascha that doth ْ ‫اا ال ْرَد ْوسَ ف‬ َ ‫نحا فاتحا َلنا ْأْو‬ ْ‫ف‬
hallow all the faithful. . ‫جميع المامني‬ َ
Verse 2. As smoke vanisheth, so let them ‫ذوا‬ َ ََّ‫ادخاَّ يُب ا ااادو‬
ُ ‫وحما ااا يَا ا‬ ُ ‫ كَما ااا يُب ا ااادُ الا ا‬-2
vanish; as wax melteth before the fire. .‫التمْعُ ِم ْ أما ِ َو ْجِو النار‬ َّ
ِ ِ
Come from that scene, O women, bearers of ََ‫البت ا ا اايرا‬ َ ُ‫ِ ا ا ا ِر أيَّتُن ا ا ااا الن ْس ا ا ا َوة‬
َ ‫الم ْن‬
َ َ ‫َهُل ا ا ا َّم م ا ا ا‬
ِ ‫ ه ْابل ااي ِمنا اا بتا ا‬:َ‫ال‬ ٍ ‫اائ‬ ِ ‫لا انيوَّ ا ا‬ ِ
‫اائ َر‬ َ ْ َ ْ ِ َ ‫وخ ااا ْب‬
good tidings, and say to Sion; Receive from
َ َ
us the tidings of joy, of the Resurrection of
‫اور‬ٍ ‫ُورشليم ا ْ َر ي ِب ُحب‬ ِ ِ ‫الَ رُِ ِب‬
Christ. Exult, dance, and be glad, O ُ َ ‫المسيُ! يا أ‬ َ ‫يامة‬ َ َ
ِ ِ
‫ايُ َمل َكاك باار از‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ َّ
َ ‫المس‬ َ ‫تاه َدتك‬ َ ‫وتَ َنللي ب ُسرورَ ل ُم‬
Jerusalem, for thou hast seen Christ the
King as a bridegroom come forth from the
. َ‫ِم َ الَق ْب ِر َح َصت‬
Verse 3. So let sinners perish at the َ ِ ‫ط ا ا اتةُ ِما ا ا ْ أما ا ااا ِ َو ْج ا ا اِو‬ َ ‫الص‬
َ ُ‫ك تَنْلَا ا اك‬ َ ‫ كَا ا اذِل‬-3
presence of God, and let the righteous be ََّ ‫وال ِن اِديقو ََّ يَْ َراااو ََّ ويَتَنََّللااو ََّ أمااا َ ِ َ ويَتَنَ َّ مااو‬
glad. .‫بالسرور‬
‫ن ا ْب َ فااي‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ
َ َ‫هَّ الن ْسا َوَة الحااامالَ الطياابَ ل َّم اا ْانت‬
The myrrh-bearing women at deep dawn
َ‫الحيا اااة‬ ِ ٍ ٍ ِ
َ ‫الم ْ طا ااي‬ ُ ُِ ‫ض ا اري‬ َ ‫دْل َج ا اة َعميَق ا اة با ااإ از‬
drew nigh to the tomb of the Giver of life;
they found an Angel sitting upon the stone,
and he, addressing them, in this manner did ‫ط ِ ا ا َق‬ َ ‫الح َج ا ارَ َف‬ ِ
َ ‫ااد ْف َ َمالك ا ااا جالس ا ااا عل ا ااى‬ َ ‫لاا‬
ْ َ‫ م ااا ب اااُل ُك َّ ت‬:‫اائال َل ُنا ا َّ َه َكا اذا‬ ِ ‫يص ااا ِ بن َّ ا ا‬
َ ‫طُلا اب‬
say: Why seek ye the Living among the
ُُ ُ
َّ‫الح َّي م َع الم ْوتى؟ لِماذا تَن ُادْ َ فاي الِبلاى المَنا َه‬
dead? Why mourn ye the Incorruptible amid
corruption? Go, proclaim it unto His ُ َ َ َ
disciples. ِ
.‫َع ِ الِبلى؟ ه ْذ َه ْب َ وَترََّ تَالمي َذه‬
ُ ِ
Verse 4. This is the day which the Lord hath ْ ‫لا ا انَ َوُ ال ا ا َّار ُّاَ لنَْا ا ا َر‬
َ ‫ ه ا ااذا ه ا ا َاو الياَ ا ا ْو ُ ال ا ااذي‬-4
made; let us rejoice and be glad therein. .‫ونَتَنََّل ِْ ِبِو‬
A Pascha of delight, Pascha, the Lord's
‫نا ُُ ال َّاراَ َاا ْد أَ ْ َلا َع َلناا‬ ِ ِ َّ
Pascha, an all venerable Pascha hath ْ ‫ن َحنا الذي هو ف‬ ْ ‫هَّ ف‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
dawned for us, a Pascha whereon let us ‫ناحا‬ ْ ‫ناحا َجليا َاِ ا ْعتبااارَ ف‬ ْ ‫ط ِر اااَ ف‬ ْ ‫ناحا ُم‬ ْ‫ف‬
ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫ض انا َب ْ ض ااا ِبَ ا َرٍَُ في ااا َل ا ُو م ا‬ ُ ْ ‫ُنن اااف ُُ في ااو َب‬
embrace one another with joy. O Pascha,
ِ ٍِ ِ
َ ‫ن ا ٍُ ُم ْنق اذ م ا َ ال ُح ا ْ ََِّ وذلا‬
ransom from sorrow! Today, Christ hath
shone forth from the tomb as from a bridal ‫ايُ َا ا ْد‬َ ‫المسا‬ َ َّ‫أل‬ َّ ‫اك‬ ْ‫ف‬
ِ ِ ِ ‫غ اليوَ ِم َ الَق ْب ِر‬
chamber, and hath filled the women with ‫اب‬ َ ‫حالبازِغ م َ الصا ْد ِرَ و ْأوع‬ َ َ َْ
joy, saying: Proclaim it unto the Apostles.
.‫الرُس َِ ْذلك‬ ُّ ََّ‫ َب ِتر‬:‫الن ْس َوَة َف َراا ِبَق ْولِ ِو‬ ِ
ِ ُ‫الم ْجد‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit. .‫لوا وا ْْ ِ والرو ُِ القُدُس‬ َ
‫لك َّ َحلِ َمتَا َك‬ ِ
ِ َ‫صلع َلم تُ ْت ِو الِبرك ُة‬ َّ َّ َ‫يا َر ُّا‬
ْ َ ‫الم‬ ُ َّ‫ه‬
O Lord, the paralytic was not healed by the
َّ . ُ ‫َج َّد َد ْتا ا ا ُو وَلا ا ا ْم ُي ِ ْقا ا ا ُو ال ُّسا ا اْق ُم ال ُما ا ا ْ ِم‬
َِ ‫ألَّ ِف ْ ا ا ا‬
pool; but Thy word renewed him; nor was
he hindered by his infirmity of many years;
for the effect of Thy voice was seen to be َُ‫طا ا َر‬َ ‫ َف‬.ِ‫أمضا ااى َاا ادا ِما ا َ ال ُسا اْقم‬ ْ َّ‫اا‬َ ‫لا ا ْوِت َك حا ا‬ َ
ِ ِ
sharper than the infirmity. Wherefore, he
‫ير َشانادة‬ ِ ‫وا َم َِ ثَق َِ ال َّسار‬ ِ ِ
cast down his heavy burden and carried the َ َِ‫الح ْم‬ َ ‫الوْزَر ال َ س َر‬
weight of his bed, a testimony to the .‫الم ْج ُد َلك‬ َ َ‫فور َ ْأرَفِت َك‬ ِ ‫ِْ ُو‬
abundance of Thy compassion; glory to
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. . ‫ آمي‬. َ ‫الد ِاهري‬َّ ‫اَّ َوإلى َدهِْر‬ٍ ‫الَّ َو ُح َِّ أَو‬
َِ‫بالم ْوِسم‬
It is the day of Resurrection; let us be َ َ‫ألأل‬ ْ َ َ‫أَّ َنت‬
ْ ‫يامةَ َف َسبيُلنا‬
َ ‫أليوَ يوُ ال‬
َُ‫هخ َوة‬
ْ ‫ضنا َب ْ ضاَ وْلَنُق ِْ يا‬ ‫ناف َُ َب‬ ِ ‫ون‬ ُ
ُ ْ
radiant for the festival, and let us embrace
one another. Let us say, O brethren, even to ِ
َ‫يامة‬ ٍ ِ ِ ِ
those that hate us: Let us forgive all things َ ‫نَ ُْ ل ُم ْبعضينا َع ْ حِ َشي في ال‬ ْ ‫وْلَن‬
on the Resurrection. And thus let us cry: : ‫ف هكذا اائلي‬ ْ ‫وْلَن ْنِت‬
Christ is risen from the dead trampling
ََ ‫الم ْو‬ ِ ِ ِ ‫يُ اا ِم ْ ْي‬ ِ
down death by death, and upon those in the َ ‫األمواَ دائسا‬ ْ َ ُ ‫المس‬ َ
.‫بور وهبنم الحياة‬ ِ ‫ِبموِتوَ والذي في الُق‬ ِ
tombs, bestowing life!
ُ ُ ََ َ َ َْ
Glory to Thee, who has shown us the Light. ‫الم ْج ُد هللِ في‬ ِ
َ َ‫الم ْج ُد َل َك يا ُمِن َر النور‬ َ
ِ‫السال َ وفي الناس‬ ِ ِ
ُ َّ ُ‫األر‬ ْ ‫ال َ ال َ وعلى‬
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace, good will among men.
.‫الم َسرة‬
We praise thee, we bless Thee, we worship ِ ِ
ِ ‫ُن َسب ُح َك ُن‬
َ ‫بارُح َكَ َن ْس ُج ُد َل َك ُن َمج ُد َ َ َن ْت ُك ُر‬
. ‫الل َم ْج ِد‬
ِ ‫أجِ عِي ِم ج‬ ِ ْ ‫ِم‬
Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks unto
Thee for Thy great glory. َ
O Lord, heavenly King, God the Father ‫الا‬
ُ ُ ‫ماويَ ا‬
َ‫لو‬ َّ َ‫الملِ ُك‬
ُّ ‫الس‬ َ ‫الر ُّا‬
َّ ‫أيُّنا‬
‫ايدَ يا‬
ُ ‫الو‬
َ ُ ْْ ‫الر ُّا ا‬ َّ ‫ أيُّنا‬.ِ‫الك‬ ُ ‫ط‬ ُ ‫الضا ِب‬
Almighty; O Lord, the only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit.
.‫سيَُ ويا أيُّنا الرو ُُ الُق ُدس‬
ُ ‫الم‬
َ ُ‫َيسوع‬
‫الاَ يا‬ ِ ِ‫الر ُّا ا لوَ يا ام‬
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the َ ْ‫يا ا‬ َََ ُ َّ ‫أيُّنا‬
Father, that takest away the sin of the world, ِ
‫خطيئة ال اَل ِم ْار َا ْمناَ يا رِاف َع َخطايا‬ ‫رِاف َع‬
have mercy on us, thou that takest away the
sins of the world. .‫ال اَلم‬
Receive our prayer, Thou that sittest at the ِ
‫الا‬ ِ ‫ض ُّرَعنا أيُّنا الجالِ ُس َع ْ يمي‬ َ َ‫َِّ ت‬ ْ ‫تَقب‬
.‫و ْار َا ْمنا‬
right hand of the Father, and have mercy on
For Thou only art holy, Thou only art the ‫الر ُّا‬
َّ َ ‫وسَ ْأن َِ َو ْا َد‬ َّ
ٌ ‫ألن َك ْأن َِ َو ْا َد َ ُا ُّد‬
Lord, O Jesus Christ, to the Glory of God
. ‫الاَ آمي‬ ِ ِ ‫يسوعُ المسيَُ في مج ِد‬
the Father. Amen. َْ ُ َ َ
Every day will I bless Thee, and I will َ‫األْ ِد‬
َ ‫اس َم َك هلى‬ ْ ُُ ‫ُسب‬
َ ِ ‫في ُح ِِ َيو ٍ أ‬
ِ ‫ُبارُح َكَ وأ‬
.‫األْد‬ ِ
َ ‫وإلى َأْد‬
praise Thy Name forever; yea, forever and
‫اليو ِ ِبعِير‬ ِ
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day
َ ‫ْ في هذا‬
َ َ‫أَّ ُن ْح‬
ْ ‫أهْلنا يا َر ُّا‬
without sin. ٍ ‫خ‬
.‫طيئة‬ َ

‫وم َم َّجٌد‬ ِ
Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our
ُ ٌَُّ ‫هلو آبائناَ َو ُم َسب‬ َ ‫بار ٌ ْأن َِ يا َر ُّا‬ َ ‫ُم‬
Fathers, and praised and glorified be Thy ِ ‫اسمك هلى‬
. ‫األْدَ آمي‬
Name forever. Amen. َُْ
Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we .‫لِتَ ُك ْ يا َر ُّا َر ْا َمتُ َك عَل ْيناَ َح ِم ْو ِِ ِاتكالِنا َعليك‬
do put our hope in thee.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord: teach me Thy )‫ (ثالثا‬.‫بار ٌ ْأن َِ يا َر ُّا َعلِ ْمني ُاقوَاك‬ َ ‫ُم‬
statutes. (Thrice)
ُِ ‫وجيَِ أنا اْل‬ ٍ ٍ ‫يا ر ُّا مْلجت ُح ْن َِ لنا في‬
Lord, Thou hast been our refuge in all
َ َ
generations. I said: Be merciful unto me; ِ
ُِ ‫ألنني اد َخط ْئ‬ َّ ‫اشف َن سي‬ ِ ْ ‫يا َر ُّا ْار َا ْمني و‬
heal my soul, for I have sinned against
Thee. .‫هليك‬
Lord, I have fled unto Thee: teach me to do َ َ ‫أع َم َِ رضا‬ ْ َّ‫أ‬ ْ ‫لجتَ َف َ لِ ْمني‬ُ ‫هليك‬
َ ‫يا َر ُّا‬
Thy will, for Thou art my God.
.‫أنِ ُه َو هلني‬ َ ‫ألن َك‬َّ
ِ ِ‫الحياةَ و‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ
For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy ُ ‫نور َ ن اي‬ َ ‫عي‬
ْ ‫ألَّ م ْ اَبل َك‬
light shall we see light.

O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them َ ‫ط َر ْا َمتَ َك على الذي ي ِر‬

.‫فون َك‬ ْ ‫فاب ُس‬
‫وس الذي‬ ٌ ‫وس القويَ ُاد‬ ٌ ‫وس َُ ُاد‬ ٌ ‫ُاد‬
that know Thee.

)‫ (ثالثا‬.‫ارا ْمنا‬
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal:
have mercy on us. (Thrice) َ َ‫يمو‬ُ
.‫س‬ ِ ‫وا وا ْ ِ والرو ُِ الُق ُد‬ ِ ِ‫الم ْج ُد ل‬
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit.
ِ ‫اَّ وإلى ده ِر‬
. ‫الداهري َ َ آمي‬ ٍ ‫وح َِّ أو‬
ُ َّ‫ال‬
Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. َْ َ
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. .‫ارا ْمنا‬
َ َ‫مو‬
ُ ‫َي‬ ‫وس الذي‬
ٌ ‫ُاد‬
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: َ‫مو‬
ُ ‫َي‬ ٌ ‫وس الَقويَ ُاد‬
‫وس الذي‬ ٌ ‫َُ ُاد‬ ‫وس‬ٌ ‫ُاد‬
have mercy on us. .‫ْار َا ْمنا‬
Today is Salvation come into the world. Let ِ ُ
َ ‫فلن َسب ُِ الذي اا‬ ‫الص لِْل اَل ِم‬
ُ ‫الص‬
َ ‫لار‬ َ َ‫الي ْو‬
َّ ‫ألنو ه ْذ َا ْد ا‬ ِ ِ
‫ط َم‬ َ‫ن َر َاياتنا‬ ُ ‫م َ الَق ْب ِرَ ُع ْن‬
us sing praises to Him Who arose from the
grave, the Author of our life; for having by َ
Death destroyed death, He hath given us ‫الر ْا َم َة‬ َّ
َّ ‫الَِ َر و‬ ‫بالم ْو ََِ َمَن َحنا‬
َ ََ ‫الم ْو‬
victory and Great Mercy.
.‫ِمى‬ ْ ُ ‫ال‬
These texts have been prepared by Department of Liturgics of the Antiochian Archdiocese
Portions of the Archdiocesan Service Texts include texts from The Menaion, The Great Horologion, The
Pentecostarion, The Octoechos, The Triodion-Holy Week, and The Psalter of the Seventy, which are Copyright ©
Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, Massachusetts, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. These
works may not be further reproduced, beyond printing out a single copy for personal non-commercial use, without
the prior written authorization of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.


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