Objectives of Physical Education That Justify Its Existence

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION – is "education through the 5.

It builds self-esteem – students who are active in

physical". It aims to develop students’ physical physical activities like basketball, volleyball, martial
competence and knowledge of movement and safety, arts, and running just to name a few are more
and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range confident with themselves according to most social
of activities associated with the development of an active school studies. It is probably because of the self-
and healthy lifestyle. It also develops students’ discipline and dedication to excel in a sport that
confidence and generic skills, especially those of brings out the best in students.
collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking 6. It develops cooperation, teamwork, and
and aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the sportsmanship skill – most physical education
nurturing of positive values and attitudes in PE, provide programs are holistic. The program allows students
a good foundation for students’ lifelong and life-wide to interact together to a common goal and that is to
learning. win and excel physically. It brings out the
competitive sides of students working bot body and
Objectives of Physical Education that Justify Its mind but also promotes sportsmanship.
Existence 7. It promotes a physically active lifestyle – the
To develop the individual: purpose of physical education is to instill in students,
1. Physically – participate in activities that develop at an early age, the value of self-preservation and
and maintain good health and high levels of physical choosing a lifestyle that is good for both the mind
fitness. and the body.
2. Socially – cooperation, friendliness, good
leadership, followership, good sportsmanship, Five (5) Aspects of Individual
honesty in group competition and respect for the
rights of others 1. Physical – the basic knowledge of anatomy and
3. Mentally – idea, technique, strategies, intellectual to physiology would help individuals to appreciate
memorize and to understand physical activities and engage therein. It will also
4. Emotionally – pleasant attitude, values, help individuals to develop their skeletomuscular and
appreciation, discipline, courage, determination, self- cardiovascular endurance and strength to sustain
confidence and desirable habits their daily life activities without having fatigue.
2. Mental – our nervous system is divided into two:
7 Reasons Why Physical Education is Important (1) the central nervous system and (2) the peripheral
in School (Mr. Wood’s ~ Mohawk 6) nervous system. These systems play a very
important role in our movements as well as in
1. Good Health – the value of physical fitness can making right decisions. Physical activities help us
never be overstated. It is only in physical educational condition and develop our mind to become more
classrooms that students learn the value of taking active and alert.
care of themselves through proper grooming, 3. Social – to have a lot of friends and
healthy eating, and regular exercise. acquaintances is something that you can be proud
2. It is a preventive measure against disease – of. One way of gaining a lot of friends is to know
many doctors today agree that obesity is a serious their temper and how to deal with it. There are four
health risk. Without any form of diet management temperaments: (1) Sanguine, (2) Choleric, (3)
and control with the numerous processed food Melancholic, and (4) Phlegmatic. Physical Education
students intake every day compounded by a helps us expose ourselves to different kinds of
sedentary lifestyle people. Knowing and applying these things in our
3. It is a program for muscle strength and fitness – lives would broaden the horizons of our social life.
physical education develops the students’ motor We can say that we possess a good self-esteem
skills and hand-eye coordination. It also develops within us.
the upper body muscles through activities like doing 4. Emotional – the heart is the most sensitive part
pushups as well as the lower body muscles through of our body. The Bible mentioned in Jeremiah 17:9,
stationary jumping jacks, 3-minute running, and “The heart is deceitful above all things, and
jumping exercises. Programs usually have core desperately wicked: Who can know it?” Our emotion
training exercises as well, like doing abdominal makes us feel happy and sad, good and bad. It
crunches. depends on our choices. Physical Education helps
4. It promotes academic learning – physical health us to become more mature individuals through
allows students to function even better in various physical activities by mingling and playing
classrooms. A good cardiovascular system with other people.
developed from regular exercise promotes excellent 5. Spiritual – the spiritual aspect of an individual is
blood and oxygen circulation. This means more the most important part to develop. The Bible
nutrients circulate throughout the body which mentioned in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the
includes the brain. This circulation produces longer kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these
attention span during classes, allowing longer things shall be added unto you,” and in Proverbs
concentration and absorption. 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom…” Physical education through sports
activities develop spirituality by asking and seeking The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your
help from God before competitions. Players humbly height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.
seek the help of God to perform well and to win the The BMI calculation divides an adult's weight in
game. They even ask the help of others to pray for kilograms by their height in meters squared.
their success. But the ultimate secret of success,
whether you win or lose, it to accept every situation BMI is an indicator of the amount of body fat for most
and to consider the will of God in your life. people. It is used as a screening tool to identify whether
an adult is at a healthy weight. Find your BMI and what it
Benefits of being knowledgeable in Physical Education means with our handy BMI Calculator. A separate BMI
Percentile Calculator should be used for children and
Being knowledgeable with proper understanding of teens that take a child’s age and gender into
Physical Education activities will help you to become a consideration.
more flexible and versatile individual. You will
experience a healthier and happier life—a life that is free Excess weight increases the heart's work. It also raises
from stress, burnout, insecurities, and boredom. You will blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride
look young, feel young, and feel good at all times. levels and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It can
make diabetes more likely to develop, too. Lifestyle
TYPES OF STRETCHING changes that help you maintain a 3-5% weight loss are
  likely to result in clinically meaningful improvements in
Dynamic stretching - is typically done before you start blood glucose, triglycerides, and risk of developing type
your workout, and involves active movements that help 2 diabetes. Greater weight loss can even help reduce
you get your muscles warmed up and ready for exercise. BP and improve blood cholesterol.

Static stretching - is done at the end of your workout, Your body is made up of water, fat, protein,
and involves stretches that you hold in place for a period carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals. If you
of time, without movement. This allows your muscles to have too much fat — especially if a lot of it is at your
loosen up, while increasing flexibility and range of waist — you're at higher risk for such health problems as
motion. high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and
diabetes. That increases your risk for heart diseases and
LESSON 2: Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness stroke. Obesity is now recognized as a major,
Testing Activities independent risk factor for heart disease. If you're
overweight or obese, you can reduce your risk for heart
Fitness is a condition in which an individual has disease by successfully losing weight and keeping it off.
sufficient energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life. Physical
fitness is divided into four health and six skill-related HEALTH RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS
components. Skill- or performance-related fitness
involves skills that will enhance one’s performance in There are 5 components of health related physical
athletic or sports events. Health-related fitness involves fitness, these are:
skills that enable one to become and stay physically
1. Cardiovascular Endurance – is the ability to
exercise the entire body for long periods of time. It
requires a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear
Physical Fitness Test – a standardized test prepared blood vessels to supply the body with oxygen
by the former Bureau of Physical Education and School Activities to improve fitness in this area include
Sports (BPESS). It gives you information about the running, swimming and aerobic dance. A person
status of your overall physical fitness. must do the activity continuously for a minimum of
20 minutes within their target heart rate zone.
Two types of Physical Fitness test Endurance/cardiovascular activity should be a
1. Pre-Test – this test is done at the beginning of the minimum of 3 days per week. Every other day is
school year which includes fitness tests to determine preferable. The mile or the pacer will measure
your fitness status. fitness testing in this area.
2. Post-Test – this test is done during the last month of 2. Muscular Strength – is the amount of force you can
put forth with your muscles. It is often measured by
the school year.
how much weight you can lift. People with strength
The results of both tests serve as the bass for providing
continuous activities or trainings in order to maintain DOs DON’Ts
one’s fitness. 1) Start off moderately. 1) Over-exercise.
2) Warm up and cool 2) Push (too hard) on an
BODY MASS INDEX down. injury.
3) Consult with a trainer. 3) Lose concentration.
4) Find a workout 4) Dehydrate yourself.
5) Watch what you eat.
6) Have fun!
have fewer problems with backaches and can carry 2. Intensity – how hard you work during exercise. How
out their daily tasks efficiently. you can change the intensity depends on the type of
3. Muscular Endurance – is the ability to use the workout you're doing
muscles, which are attached to the bones, many Ways to determine Intensity:
times without getting tired. People with good Target Heart Rate Monitoring
muscular endurance are likely to have better Talk Test
posture, have fewer back problems, and be better .
able to resist fatigue than people who lack muscular 3. Time – how long you exercise during each session.
endurance. There isn't one set rule for how long you should
4. Flexibility – is the ability to use your joints fully. You exercise, and it will typically depend on your fitness
are flexible when the muscles are long enough and level and the type of workout you're doing.
the joints are free enough to allow movement. A workout that is too brief may result in limited
People with good flexibility have fewer sore and progress.
injured muscles. A workout that is too long will increase your risk of
5. Body Composition – is the percentage of body injuries.
weight that is fat compared to other body tissue,
such as bone and muscle. People who have a high 4. Type – the last part of the F.I.T.T. principle and an
percentage of fat are more likely to be ill and have a easy one to manipulate to avoid overuse injuries or
higher death rate than lean people. Exercise and weight loss plateaus.
eating the right foods in the proper amounts can What you enjoy doing
improve body composition. How much time you have
Can you afford the activity?
Workout Plan Components
There are six components skill related physical fitness A repetition, or rep, is the most basic component of a
such as: resistance-training program.
If you do ten push-ups, one right after the other, you
1. Agility – is the ability to change and control the have done one set of ten reps.
direction and position of the body while maintaining
a constant, rapid motion. To determine your training load, you must first
2. Balance – is the ability to control or stabilize the determine your one-rep maximum (1RM).
body when a person is standing still or moving.
3. Coordination – is the ability to use the senses Reasons for testing 1RM:
together with body parts during movement. Determining training load
4. Speed – is the ability to move your body or parts of Identify strengths/weaknesses
your body swiftly. Many sports rely on speed to gain Helps keep track of your progress
advantage over your opponents.
5. Power – is the ability to move the body parts swiftly Skeletal muscles work together to produce two
while applying the maximum force of the muscles. complementary, or opposing, actions: contraction
Power is a combination of both speed and muscular and extension.
6. Reaction Time – is the ability to reach or respond LESSON 3: Aerobic Exercise
quickly to what you hear, see, or feel.
Q: How much Aerobic Exercise should you do?
When considering the guidelines for aerobic exercise,
Understanding the F.I.T.T. principle helps you create a keep the FITT principles in mind (Frequency, Intensity,
workout plan that will be more effective in reaching your Time and Type).
fitness goals. F.I.T.T. stands
for frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. Frequency: Number of aerobic exercise sessions per
1. Frequency – how often you will exercise. Your Aim for a minimum of three days per week with no
frequency often depends on a variety of factors more than two days off between sessions. Gradually
including the type of workout you're doing, how hard work your way up to five or six days per week.
you're working, your fitness level, and your exercise Frequency is especially important when it comes to
goals. weight loss since more cardio sessions will help you
Factors to consider with Frequency: burn more calories. Give yourself at least one to two
Cardiovascular Conditioning days off from aerobic exercise each week.
Your current fitness level
Intensity: How hard you should exercise during each
Aerobic exercise should take place at a "moderate" most of their free on couches in front of the screen and
intensity level (not too easy, not too hard). This when video games were enjoying their first touch. With
intensity is ideal for the general health benefits that over relaxation, there was prevalent weight increase
come with exercise, and for weight loss. Exercise amongst the American community and many of them
intensity is most often measured using heart rate. were caught in unhealthy conditions The timely
The recommended heart rate range is 60 85 percent publication of Cooper’s book saw many people taking on
of your maximum heart rate. This range is called the daily aerobic exercises at home to regain their health.
target heart rate (THR) zone. Aerobics evolved as a commercial commodity.
Exercising programs were broadcast on television for the
Time: How long each exercise session should last convenience of homes. And professional trainers
Aim for a minimum of 20 minutes per session. emerged as early as 1978. The number of Americans
Gradually work up to about 60 minutes over time. alone practicing aerobics reached 2 million but shot to
The further you go over 20 minutes, the more 22million after a period of ten years.
calories you’ll burn and the more endurance you will
build. Of course, you might not start an exercise The following two decades saw the introduction of
program with a lot of endurance, but you'll slowly aerobic sports. In 1983, sport aerobics was introduced
build up. Time can be cumulative. You don't have to by Howard and Karen Schwartz. They came up with
do 60 minutes all at once. You can do several 10- Sport Fitness International (SFI). From local competition
minute mini-workouts each day and add them up for this later oversaw the first world championships at San
pretty much the same benefits. Diego in March 1990. 15 countries attended. The
content of Cooper’s book continued its effect beyond
Type: What counts as aerobic exercise? American boundaries.
Any activity can count as cardio/aerobic exercise as
long as it meets the three requirements above LESSON 8: Zumba
(frequency of three to five days a week, moderate
intensity, and lasts at least 20 minutes per session). ZUMBA
It’s important to not confuse "activity" with "exercise."
Not everything you do that’s activity is the same Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and
thing. Bowling, fishing, playing darts, and similar international music with dance moves. Zumba routines
"activities" aren’t necessarily cardio just because incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow
you’re up and moving. rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.
Zumba is an aerobic activity that can count toward the
amount of aerobic activity recommended for healthiest
HISTORY OF AEROBIC EXERCISE adults by the Department of Health and Human
In the 1960’s, Dr. Kenneth
Cooper, a physiologist The guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of
searched for an effective moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous
and easy way of keeping aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate
healthy. His hard work and vigorous activity. But even small amounts of
resulted in the various physical activity are helpful. Being active for short
ways of flexing muscles periods of time throughout the day can add up to provide
and burning calories to health benefits.
maintain body fitness. He
named his findings Aerobic exercise can reduce health risks, help maintain
AEROBICS. a healthy weight, strengthen your heart and boost your
mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you're also more likely to do
Since he was an employee of the Air Force, Dr. it regularly and experience its benefits as an aerobic
Cooper’s discovery was initially meant to keep the exercise.
astronauts in good shape. However, in 1968 Cooper
broke the secret when he wrote a book titled, ‘Aerobics’
detailing his simple methods of exercising. Some of the
aerobic exercises he mentioned in the book included HISTORY OF ZUMBA
cycling, swimming, walking, running and others. These
exercises increase the oxygen consumption in the body Although Zumba was first introduced in the United
that intensifies muscle activity and in the process burn States in Miami in 1999, the Latin-inspired dance class
calories producing sweat. After the book’s publication originated in Colombia more than a decade earlier.
Cooper put it out for sale and it was an instant non- Zumba, dubbed a "dance party" rather than a workout,
fiction best seller reaching a million sales. The release of grew from an improvised dance class in a Colombian
the book was during the technology revolution that had aerobics studio in the '80s to a widespread exercise
led to increased redundancy amongst Americans. It was phenomenon.
that time of cable technology when Americans spent
 Latin Influence with a good weight training program, you’ll get that
Although the fitness program of Zumba started chiseled physique for sure.
in the late 1980s, Zumba has roots in Latin dances 3. Meet new Friends – there are, what you call, Zumba
such as the merengue, salsa, cumbia and samba addicts. They are one reason why joining a Zumba
that date back in some cases to the 17th and 18th class is fun. Some even go as far as taking out-of-
centuries. Flamenco, for example, originated in town trips or having lunch or dinner together with the
Spain in the 18th century. Cumbia, which originated whole group. You gain a whole family, or another
in Colombia as an infusion of Latin and African circle of friends.
influence, established a presence in the early 19th 4. Always be in a good mood – we all know that
century. The interplay of these Latin rhythm and exercise releases the happy hormones called
dance styles come together to define Zumba. Endorphins. While you exercise, your brain and
nervous system release these mood-boosting
 The First Class hormones that can either free you from stress, or fill
Alberto "Beto" Perez initiated you with so much happy energy that even a stressful
the Latin dance class now known as day at work might not be enough to spoil your
Zumba in an aerobics class in Cali, cheery disposition.
Colombia in 1986. Perez arrived to 5. Better Coordination – Zumba is the way to go if you
teach class one day without his lack coordination. The steps are usually easy to
traditional aerobics music, so he substituted Latin follow and are taught repeatedly that you wouldn’t
music he had with him at the time. The improvised have a hard time keeping up. If you have to left feet,
class was a hit with his students. Perez, along with fret no more. Zumba Dance will be your guiding
Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion, trademarked force. Zumba does wonders to your body especially
the Zumba name in 2001, two years after Perez if you do it regularly. This energetic, fun, and calorie-
introduced his Latin-inspired fitness class in the burning workout, is your best bet if you’re not the
United States. type who would lift weights over and over again.

 Zumba's Growth
Zumba established a foothold in the U.S. fitness
industry after the considerable success of
infomercials launched in 2002. By 2007, Zumba had
spread to six continents and established credibility
with such fitness organizations as the American
Council on Exercise, the Aerobics Fitness
Association of America and the IDEA Health and
Fitness Association. The original Zumba class
included the stylings of El Gran Combo and Las
Chicas del Can, and the sound and feel of Zumba
remains grounded in Latin music and dance.


Zumba is probably the most popular dance workout to

date. You’d find group sessions morning and afternoon
at the CCP complex, Quezon Memorial Circle, or
anywhere else in the NCR (or even the whole Country).
Companies even hire Zumba Dance teachers to teach
their employees at the end of a work day.

1. Weight Loss – the number of calories you burn in

one session can make you stop asking why you
should join a Zumba Dance class. An hour’s session
of dancing can burn up to 500 calories depending on
your weight. An intense Zumba session, for one,
burns around 500 – 550 calories per hour.
2. Toned Physique – you move so much during a
session. So much that you sweat buckets, and that’s
what makes you can burn so much calories. Your
body fat percentage drops so your cuts show up.
Zumba Strong adds some resistance training in one
session. This will eventually lead to a more toned
body and, of course, if you pair your dance workouts

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