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1. Combinations. 2 Classes

2. Permutations 2 Classes

3. Probabilities functions. 6 Classes

4. Hip. Test. 2 Classes

5. Inference based in normal distribution. 2 Classes

6. Two sample inferences. 2 Classes

7. Analysis of variance. 2 classes

8. Multivariable probability distribution. 2 Classes

9. Regression. 2 classes.

10. Analysis of categorical data. 2 classes.

11. Nonparametric Statistics. 2 classes.

12. Linear Algebra review. 2 classes.


1. Data basses. (2 classes) Some objectives : - How to import data. - How to check NA
data or outliers. - join and separate bases. - Transform to lists - Search for values in
the bases. - Selection of some variables or rows. - Filter handling.
2. Syllabus:
a. Data base and data exploration: i. Excel ii. CSV
b. Data frames and Tibbles
c. Data frames with dplyr
d. Tidy data bases (tidyr) and. Data Cleaning. i. Handling of missing entries. ii.
Scaling and standardization. d. Data Reduction and Transformation. d.1 Sampling.
d.2. Dimensionality reduction with axis rotation d.3. Dimensionality reduction with
Type Transformation. 2. Objets in R (1.5 classes) a. Vectors . b. Matrix. c.
Dataframes d. Lists e. Factors with Forcats f. Strings with StringR h. Lubridate. 3.
Descriptive Statistics (1 class) a. Population and sample b. Tipes of variables c.
scales 4. bucles in R (1.5 classes) a. simples conditions b. Bucles i. for ii. while 5.
Funtions in R (2 classes) a. function arguments b. others 6. Graph (2 classes) a.
Qualitative Variables (Nominal and Ordinal) i. Diagram of sectors ii. Diagram of
barras. b. qqplot. i. Trees Tallo and leaves ii. Box-plot iii. Histogram c. Two variables
i. Graph of dispertion ii. dispersión Matrix 7. Inference (2 classes) A. Intervals B.
hypothesis Test 9. Regression (3 classes) a. Lineal b. R^2 c. Multiple 11.
Association Pattern Mining. (3 classes) a. Frequent algorithms. b. Cluster Analysis.
12. Clustering (3 classes) 13. Dimension reduction (2 classes) 14. Ramdon Forest
(3 classes) 15. Neural Networks. (4 classes)

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