Synthetic Fibers

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Plastics: Plastic is also a polymer, lik el lymer, like synthetic fibre. stics arrangement of monomer units. a ene a le > Some polymers have linear arran, a arrangement of units, is prapersencc * , whereas in others, there is cross- I J Funits ia) Unit (a Te units {b) Fig. 3.1 (a) Linear (b) Cross-linked arrangement. Plastics can be easily moulded, recycled, reused, coloured, melted, rolled into sheets and made into wires. Polythene (poly + ethene) is a plastic which is used for making commonly used polythene bags. > Thermoplastics: Plastics which get deformed easily on heating and can be bent easily are known as thermoplastics. Polythene and PVC are some examples of thermoplastics. These are used for manufacturing toys, combs and various types of containers. > Thermosetting Plastics: Plastics which when moulded once, cannot be softened by heating are called thermosetting plastics. Bakelite and melamine are the examples of thermosetting plastics. Bakelite is a poor conductor of heat and light. Melamine is resistant to fire and can tolerate heat better than other plastics. * Plastics as Materials of Choice Due to various qualities, plastics are used in our everyday life. > Plastics are non-reactive. They do not react with air, water and do not corrode easily. So, they are used to store various materials, including many chemicals. > Plastics are light, strong and durable. They are cheaper than metal. Moreover, higher strength and light weight makes plastic, a better choice for industries and household articles. > Plastics are poor conductors of heat and electricity: — handles of screw drivers and handles of frying pans. — special plastic cookware is used in microwave ovens for cooking food. — Teflon is a special plastic on which water and oil do not stick. Tt is used for non- sticking coating on cookwares. — Melamine plastic coating on uniforms of firemen make them flame resistant. * Plastics and the environment: > Biodegradable: The materials which gets decomposed through natural processes, such ae action by bacteria and other microbes like fungi are known as biodegradable materials. oo — Srntienc Freres ano Prastics: 43 ‘ly decomposed by > Non-biodegradable: The materials which are not ¢ processes are known as non-biodegradable materials. 5 '* Plastics take several years to decompose, thus cause environmental pollution, Burning of synthetic materials release lots of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere caus air pollution. So, plastics and synthetic fibres are not environmental-fr' * How can we reduce use of plastics? > Avoid the use of plastics as far as possible. ; 7. > Recycle plastic waste, especially ‘thermoplastics which can be recycttys > Segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Carsley thrown polyth wrappers of food and bags may cause clogging of drains and choking respiratory sy Ofanimals like cows resulting in their death. d > The best way is to follow 5R principle, namely, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, R and Refuse. © The clothes are made up of fabrics. © A synthetic fibre is also a chain of sma chemical substance. « PET (Poly ethylene terephthalate) : It is a familiar fo making various family items. « Polywook: It is a mixture of polyester and wool. + Synthetic fibres are more durable and affordable than the natural fibres. + petrochemicals: The raw material used to prepare synthetic fibres are origin of petroleu called petrochemicals. jiodegradable: Material jiodegradable. lon-biodegradable: Materials which do not decompose by the action of bacteria are calle n-biodegradable. R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Refuse. NCERT TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED QL. Explain why some fibres are called | (©) Like synthetic fibres, plastic is synthetic. ‘Ans. Some fibres are called synthetic fibres | An: c a because they do not occur in the nature. s. (0) maa 2. Tick (\) the correct answer. (©) Retrochese Rayon is different from synthetic fibres iendly. 11 units joined together. ‘The small unit is acti rm of the polyester. It is used| 1s which decompose by the action of bacteria are called (©) polymer. because: Q4. Give exam ich indi cual s ;ples which indicate th ie t has a silk-like appearance, fibres are very strong. Qa obtained from wood pulp. Ans. Nylon fibres are strong, so they s fibres can also be woven like those of. for making paracht te ad 48 ce ses rock Se Oo Ss. is obtained fr ? @. Pin AOL he ae Q5. Ea why plastic contain Sec e favoured for storing food. (@) Synthetic fibres are also called Ans. Advantages of plastogay () syathos fren (@) Plastica donacrese ant Aad oan synthesised from | (6) Plastics are strong and light. ed (© They are easy to handle and 44° © Science-Vil Q6. Explain the differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. Ans. Qi. () Qs. Differences: ‘Thermoplastics ‘Thermosetting plastics (® These are the plastics which get deformed easily on heating and can be bent easily. Examples: Polythene and PVC. These are used for manufacturing toys, combs, car grills and various types of containers. @ L (These are the plastics which when moulded. once, cannot be softened by heating. Examples: Bakelite and Melamine. (ii) (@) Bakelite is used for making electrical switches, handles of various utensils ete. (®) Melamines are used for making floor tiles, kitchenware and fabrics, which resist fire. Explain why the following are made of thermosetting plastics. Saucepan handles Electric plugs/switches/plug boards . (a) The saucepan handles are made of thermosetting plastics, because it is a bad conductor of heat and do not get heated up while cooking. Electric plugs/switches/plug boards are made up of thermosetting plastics, because itis a bad conductor of electricity. Electric current does not pass through such plastics. Categorise the materials of the following products into ‘can be recycled’ and ‘cannot be recycled’. Telephone instruments, plastic toys, cooker handles, carry bags, ball point pens, plastic bowls, plastic covering on electrical wires, plastic chairs, electrical switches. . Can be recycled: Toys, carry bags, plastic bowls, ball point pen, plastic chairs, electric wire covering. Cannot be recycled: cooker h conductor of heat. It does not allow the transmission of heat from or to the body, thus protects body from heat. It also has more capacity to hold moisture than the synthetic clothes. So, it retains the sweat of the body and keep it cool. Q10. Give examples to show that plastics are noncorrosive in nature. Ans. Plastics are noncorrosive in nature: ( They do not react with any substance. (ii) Plastics do not react with air and water, which are essential for corrosion, (iii) They do not show any chemical reaction. Q11. Should the handle and bristles of a toothbrush be made of the same materials? Explain your answer. . No, handle and toothbrush t should not be made of same ‘Thisis because, handle: while bristle’s need t with the phrases given in Column B. Column A Column B ( Polyester | (a) Prepared by using wood pulp (i Teflon | (b) Used for making parachutes and stockings (iii) Rayon _| (©) Used to make non- stick cookwares (iv) Nylon i do not Column B @Fabrics do not wrinkle easily Column A (i Polyester Ans. (i) Tefton | () Used to make non- stick cookwares (iii) Rayon —_| (a) Prepared by using wood pulp (iv) Nylon | (6) Used for making parachutes and stockings ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS SOLVED |, Multiple Choice Questions Choose the correct option: 1. Fabric is made of (@) steel (b) fibre (c) paper (d) none of these. . The small units used for making synthetic fibres are: (@ molecules (6) polymers (© cells (@) none of these. 3. The strongest fibre among the following fibre is: (@ rayon (6) nylon (© acrylic (@) none of these. 4, The first man-made fibre is (@) nylon (6) polyester : OF rayon (d) cotton. ). Plastics which do not i cheapo remould again on (a) trermosetting plasti ) ermeaache ie (©) both of these (d) at Paver Staies, Pe of these. (a) Nylon (b) Ray yon ORs @ Cotton. ‘Manufacturing synthe actually helping conservati Comment. Natural fibres required materials from plants and So they required cutting of t killing of animals. Syntheti are made up of chemicals chemicals are synthesised in lak So manufacturing synthetic fib in actually conservation of forests Describe an activity to thermoplastic is a poor co electricity. Observe some electrical wires. have a plastic covering over ther do not conduct electricity. Also of screw drivers are made up of. These observations show that are poor conductor of electricity. qs. Ans. Qs. Ans. 7. Nylon was prepared first in (a) 1921 (b) 1931 (© 1941 @ 1951. 8. The fibre made by the chemical of wood pulp is (@) Rayon (©) Polyester . Synthetic fibre which works like @ Nylon 1 © Aerylic (@ PVC. The raw materials used for nylon: ‘ (@ Wood pulp (6) Celh (©) Coal, water, air @ Allof these Ans. 1. (6) 2. (@) 5. @ 6. ©) 9 © 10. © Il. Very short Answer Type Que: Ql. What are clothes made up of Ans. The clothes we wear are m: Q2. What are fabrics made up 10. 3. ©) 7. 46% Scrence-Vil Ans. The fabrics are made of fibre |. How many types of sources pf fibre are there? ‘There are two types of sources of fibres: @ Natural sources (ii) Artificial sources. Q4. What are natural fibres? Ans. The fibres obtained from plants or animals are called natural fibres. _ Q5. Give two examples of natural fibres. “Ans. (i) Cotton (ii) Jute. © Q6. What are synthetic fibres? “Ans. The fibres made by human beings are called synthetic or man-made fibres. Q7. Name two man-made fibres. \ns. (i) Nylon (ii) Rayon. "Q8. What are polymers? ns. When a large number of small units combine to form a single large unit, then the large unit is called polymer. Q9. What is the meaning of the word polymer? Polymer consists of two words, poly and mer. Poly means many and mer means repeating units. . Name a natural polymer. ins. Cellulose. 11. What are the units of cellulose? ns. Glucose. Name the fibre having properties similar to that of silk. ns. Rayon. Q13. What is the common name of rayon? ns. Rayon is known as artificial silk. Q14. How is rayon obtained? ns. Rayon is obtained by chemical treatment of wood pulp. Q15. Name a man-made fibre Ans. Ans. Nylon is prepared from coal, water and air. Q18. Which is the first fully synthetic fibre? Ans. Nylon. Q19. Name two articles made by rayon. Ans. Socks and tents. Q20. Write the names of two articles made by nylon. Ans. Parachutes and ropes for rock climbing. Q21. Name a polyester which is commonly used. Ans. Terylene is a popular polyester. Q22. What is polyester? ‘Ans. The polymer made up of the repeating units of ester. Q23. Which is more stronger, steel wire or a nylon wire? ‘Ans. Nylon wire. Q24. Namea synthetic fibre which parkalieg wool. Ans. Acrylic. Q25. What are petrochemicals? ‘Ans. The synthetic materials formed by using petroleum as raw material, are called petrochemicals. j Q26, What are plastics? ‘Ans. A plastic is a polymer like synthe fibres, but it can be moulded. Q27. Name the types of arrangement of ui found in plastics? if Ans. There are two types of Ans. Plastics are non-biodegrable and take several years to decay, 80 they not eco” friendly. Q33. What is 5R principle? ‘Ans. 5Rs stand for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Recover and refuse. Q34. How many fibres are there? ‘Ans. There are two types of fibres: (i Synthetic fibres (Man made). (ji) Natural fibres. Q35. Which types of fibre are stronger and more durable? ‘Ans. Synthetic fibres are strong and more durable. What is the similarity in synthetic and natural fibres? ‘Ans, Both are made up of long chains of small units. Q37. What is Polywool? ‘Ans. Polywool is a mixture of polyester and wool. Ss Q36. Ill, Short Answer Type Questions Ql. Name five articles. Write the type of fibre used? (®) Coconut rope: Natural fibre (i) Cotton clothes: Natural fibre (iii) Polyester clothes: Synthetic fibres (iv) Basket: Synthetic fibre (v) Parachute: Synthetic fibre. Q2. What are synthetic fibres? Give two examples. ;. Asynthetic fibre is a chain of small units joined together like necklace beads. Each small unit is actually a chemical substance. Example: Rayon and Nylon. Q3. ee is rayon? Why is it called artificial silk? Ans. An: Ans. Rayon is synthetic fibre having properties similar to that of silk. So it imil 7 it is called artificial silk. It is obtained by chemical treatment of wood pulp. ee are the uses of rayon? - Rayon isa man made fibre. It rese1 : A mi -Itresembl silk, but it is cheaper than silk, Tt is Qs. Ans. 48 & Science-VIIl ‘Ans. () Nylon fibres are strong, Ans. Ans. Polyester is a synthetic fibre | Ans. mixed with cotton to make mixed with wool to make Fig. 3.2 Articles made of rayon, Q5. What are the properties of nylo (ii) They are elastic and light, (iii) They are easy to wash and lust Q6. What are the uses of nylon? Nylon fibres are used to make articles, such as socks, ropes, toothbrushes, car seat belt, sl bags, curtains, ete. It is also use make parachutes and ropes for ra climbing. ‘Socks # Ropes, s a — Tooth brush Curtains) dress materials? quite suitable to make dresses clothes due to its properties. It d wrinkle easily. It remains «1 to wash. It is light and di very little time to dry. Q8. What are the raw materials making polyester? Polyester is made up of. of chemicals called ester. the chemicals which have The fabrics are sold by the polycot, polywool and 9. What are the qualities of synthetic fibres make them more popular than natural fibres? . The following properties make synthetic fibres more popular: ‘They are cheaper than natural fibres. They are available in variety of colours. They are more durable and affordable than natural fibres. . Why should we not wear synthetic clothes while working in kitchen? . Synthetic fibres melt very soon and y catch fire. If the clothes catch fire, it can be disastrous. The fabrics melt and stick to the body of the person. wearing it. So, we should avoid wearing them, while working in kitchen. |. What is plastic? Why is it used in a variety? ;. Plastic is a polymer. It can be moulded in any shape. Plastics can be recycled, reused, coloured, melted, rolled into sheets or made into wires. That is why it finds such a variety of uses. . Why is it convenient to store food in | Qs. Que. Ans. . Based on poor conductivities of heat and. used for stitching wounds, syringes, doctor's gloves and a number of medical instruments. Write some uses of plastics based on the poor conductivity of heat and electricity. electricity, plastics are used as covering for electrical wires and in manufacture of handles of screw drivers and frying pans. What are biodegradable and non- biodegradable materials? Explain with examples. Biodegradable materials: A material, which decompose through natural process, such as action by microorganisms, is called as biodegradable material. For paper, leaves, vegetable, Non:biedam=asaiaoy ‘no’ to polythene bags and say ‘yes’ to paper bi What is 6R principle? 5R stands for: Reduce: We should reduce using non- biodegradable things. Reuse: We should use things again and again. Recycle: We should use the things which can be recycled. Recover: Try to recover the usable things. Refuse: We should not use disposable plastics as they are the greatest source of plastic pollution. IV. Long Answer Type Questions Qi. Ans. @ @) (iii) (iv) @ observe that more weight break the nylon thread, other threads, So we ean is stronger than other th Clamp: Thread, Stand Fig. 3.4 An iron stand with a th Q1. Explain with the help of an activity that hanging from the clamp. nylon thread is stronger than cotton, | @_ Write the characteristics of wool, silk and nylon. fibres. Ans. Take an iron stand with a clamp. Take | ans, Characteristics of synthetic fibres: a cotton thread of about 60 em length. | ““(j) ‘they dry up quickly, ‘Tie it to the clamp, so that it hangs 7 fiecly fromiitilasiahowndn(Gguressi4 ||) nana At the free end, suspend a pan, so that | ‘#) They are cheap. weight can be placed on it. Add weight | (i) They are readily available. one by one till the thread breaks. Note | _ (0) They are easy to maintain. the total weight required to break the | (vi) They are strong and light. thread. Repeat the same activity with ‘They soak less water. threads of wool, silk and nylon. We | (viii) Theyarenotattackedby Q3. Make a table to show various types of wastes, time taken to degenerate and their Ans. ‘Types of Waste Approximate Time ‘Nature of M taken to Degenerate Peels of vegetable and 1 to 2 weeks fruits, leftover foodstuff ete. Paper 10 to 30 days Cotton cloth 2 to 5 months Wood 10 to 15 years Woollen clothes Tin, aluminium, and other metal cans Plastic bags 50 Science-\ Q4. Explain thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics with examples Ans. There are two type of plastics: (i) Thermoplastics, (ii) Thermosetting plastics. () Thermoplastics: The plastics which deform easily on heating and can be bent easily are known as thermoplastics. Polythene and PVC are some examples. (i) Thermosetting Plastics: The plastics which when once moulded, cannot be softened again by heating are called thermosetting plastics. Bakelite and Melamine are two common examples. Bakelite is used in making electrical switches, handles of various utensils. Melamine is used for making floor tiles, kitchenware and fabrics which resist fire. ew vy. @ Articles made of thermosetting plastics ds and electric plugs are made of ___. first prepared in the year fi ‘material used for making rayon is i on and jute are fibres. 9, Rayon is called artificial __. 10. Nylon was prepared from water, air and __. Ans. 1. plants . cellulose 3. polythene : ene bags, paper 5. bakelite 6. 1931 9. silk 10. coal ‘Sywmuenic Fieres Ano Pusrics 51 ae

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