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Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Test-R for donor KEEGAN

Emotional Intelligence Test-R assesses the ability
to perceive, understand and manage one’s own emotions
and those of others.
For more information about the EQ Test-R, please visit

KEEGAN’s score distribution

Quotient: 115

Level: KEEGAN has above average emotion-

al intelligence.

KEEGAN’s personality graph

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark

Website: | Email: | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
KEEGAN’s strengths KEEGAN’s main weak points

KEEGAN is an extremely driven person. When he starts a It is hard for KEEGAN to get back on his feet after a big disap-
new project or activity, his determination takes him through to pointment. He tends to let regret and past events take over.
its completion, no matter what challenges have arisen.

Knowing how to take a step back during stressful or unusual Advice for KEEGAN:
situations, KEEGAN is able to manage negative emotions and
stay on track. KEEGAN should try to take a step back and be objective
when difficult events occur. He should not feel regret about his
choices. Instead he should learn from his mistakes and move
Being someone who likes sharing opinions and ideas, forward. What he has gone through will make him a stronger
KEEGAN appreciates being with others. In general he main- person!
tains good relationships with people.

Read much more about KEEGAN’s personality traits on the

following page...

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark

Website: | Email: | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
An interpretation of KEEGAN’s score

Self-knowledge Resilience
KEEGAN’s introspection skills are good and this helps him Failing badly at something can be discouraging for KEEGAN.
analyse his reactions and behaviour. Generally speaking he To get back on his feet he will need some time. Also he may
knows what he wants and what he needs. feel regret and dwell on the past.

Self-control Self-confidence
Clearly KEEGAN has a high level of self-control. In stressful or Sometimes KEEGAN has confidence in himself and some-
unusual situations he knows how to take a step back and he times he does not. While he is comfortable in certain situa-
can easily master negative emotions such as anger or frustra- tions, he can be anxious in other, more delicate situations.
tion. However, being able to control these feelings does not Very often a few words of encouragement are enough to take
mean that KEEGAN should never express himself. away his doubts.

Self-motivation Interpersonal skills

KEEGAN’s motivation appears unshakable. When he starts His communicative behaviour and ability to express himself
a new activity or project, his determination is enough to lead perfectly clearly show that KEEGAN is a “people-person.” His
him through the entire process. However KEEGAN can some- enjoyment in talking to others can be seen all day long. As he
times persist in doing impossible assignments—not realising is open to all subjects of conversation, his easygoing attitude
this until the later stages. makes him well-liked and people seek his company.

Adaptability Assertiveness
It is sometimes hard for KEEGAN to stray from habit or change KEEGAN insists on sincerely expressing his point of view,
his points of view if he feels particularly strong about them. He even when others do not agree. He is ready to deal with con-
does however possess an ability to adapt and he is ready to frontation and he never runs from heated debate or lengthy
accept change. discussion. He is open to exchanging ideas and finding con-
structive compromise, even when this takes much time.

Being aware of his good qualities and his shortcomings, Empathy and lucidity
KEEGAN has a mostly accurate image of himself. In gener- By paying attention to his environment KEEGAN can correctly
al he knows what he is worth. By raising his self-esteem he interpret other people’s emotions. Being able to decipher un-
could better showcase his strengths. spoken messages, he does not often make mistakes about
people or their intentions. To sum up, KEEGAN possesses the
ability to empathise with others.
KEEGAN is very happy with life. Full of optimism, he always
looks on the bright side of things. KEEGAN can appreciate Mediation and influence
what life has to offer and he believes that the best is yet to Being good at managing conflict and motivating teams,
come. However sometimes his rose-coloured glasses cause KEEGAN can find the right words to sound convincing, to
him to minimise certain problems and he does not take the show encouragement and to reconcile diverging points of
time to solve them. view. He knows how to ease tension and get people interested
and he also has a talent for persuasion.

Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark

Website: | Email: | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685

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