Indah Ramahati BR Bangun - 2192421004 - DIK19A - UAS - Enterpreneurship

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Name : Indah Ramahati Br Bangun

Nim : 2192421004
Class : English Education 19A
Subject : Enterpreneurship

Entrepreneur Final test 2022


1. Explain the differences of Worker and the entrepreneur Persons?

2. Mention 5 reason why somebody do not want to be an Entrepreneur Persons, Explain
of each.
3. Business idea comes from the inspiration, how come, Explain detail.
4. Explain of History, Background and Concept of Marketing Management, than
Answer :
1. The difference between Worker and Entrepreneur is that Worker is any person who
works by receiving wages or other forms of remuneration, while an entrepreneur is a
person who runs a business such as buying and selling activities, including the
production of goods and so on. In which, the entrepreneur's goal is to make a profit
from buying and selling business activities and to bear the risks of the business being
carried out such as production failures and decreased sales. usually workers work in
businesses built by entrepreneurs.
2. 5 reasons why someone doesn't want to be an entrepreneur
 Don't Have Talent In Business
Everyone has their own abilities, so don't be too 'insist' to be an entrepreneur.
It could be that it is not a talent that is in you because usually if it is not a
talent from us then the risk of failure will be higher.
 High risk
Since the crisis in 2008 the government has increased its function to be more
active and determine policies not for the financial sector but also for industries
abroad. But regulations can also put your business at risk.
 Inexperienced
someone who feels inexperienced in trying will be afraid and even reluctant to
start a business because he feels scared, especially for the first time trying.
 Afraid Of Not Being Able To Divide The Time
Many people start a business for the first time while still having a regular job.
It's a good thing to do so at least you can still have an income in case your
business fails. However, it can also create doubts because you are afraid that
you will not be able to divide your time between a permanent job and a
 lack of motivation
Someone who is less motivated to do business usually occurs because there
are doubts or fears in him such as doubting his own abilities or fearing his own
risk. so his motivation to become an entrepreneur never appeared.
3. Business ideas come from inspiration, meaning that usually someone in making or
starting a business idea comes from inspiration either from the environment, events or
even circumstances and situations. For example, those who see a lot of people
spending time and money visiting stores just to select products and compare prices.
Then, they came and launched a product comparison website or e-commerce site,
where consumers can easily compare various products, both in terms of quality, price
and specifications and open a business with low prices and good quality by taking a
little profit on e-commerce.
4. History, Background and Concept of Marketing Management
 The history of marketing management was born as a science, it actually
started from the science of advertising (advertising). marketing was first
taught in class by ED. Jones in 1906 at the University of Michigan and then by
Simon Litman at the University of California that same year. Marketing is
then seen more as a science of distribution (mass distribution), and its teaching
is increasingly widespread at leading universities in the United States.
Meanwhile, from the point of view of advertising, marketing has developed
first in the last half of the 19th century, through the publication of books
related to advertising. In later times, marketing was taught with three main
elements, namely advertising, selling and distribution. And then slowly but
surely, other elements began to be included in marketing thoughts.
 The background to the existence of marketing management is the existence
of several marketing factors such as technology, market needs and wants, cost
quality, world economic development, peace, and recognizing opportunities to
be able to increase their capacity internationally.
 Concept of Marketing Management

1. Production (Production)

This concept is used by companies that believe that consumers want products
that are affordable and easy to obtain, so that they are easy to market.
Companies that adhere to this concept produce in large quantities to reduce
production costs. Thus, they can reduce capital by mass production. This
concept can be successfully applied if market demand is higher than the
product offered.

2. Product (Product)

The product concept is based on the assumption that consumers prefer quality
products. So price and product availability have little effect on purchasing
decisions. Companies that use this marketing management concept will
produce goods with the best quality and are priced at a higher price. According
to Basics, this concept has its drawbacks because companies that only focus
on quality will usually ignore other important factors.

3. Sales (Selling)
In contrast to the two previous marketing management concepts that focused
on products, the sales concept focuses on product marketing. This concept
believes that any product, regardless of quality, price, or market demand can
be marketed if the company sells aggressively. This concept is not concerned
with the relationship with consumers and tends to only prioritize sales targets
and the profits they get.

4. Marketing (Marketing)

This marketing management concept makes consumers the center of attention.

Companies will focus more on consumer needs and try to understand what the
market wants. Not infrequently, companies will do research first before
starting to produce and market products. Companies that use this concept can
have more value than their competitors and make consumers more loyal to one

5. Social Marketing

The concept of marketing management is relatively new compared to some of

the previous concepts. In addition to emphasizing a focus on consumers, the
concept of social marketing also emphasizes the interests of consumers and
society in general.

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