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§ UCSsT’ University FACULTY OF ENGINEERING FINAL EXAMINATION Student ID (in Figures) Student ID (in Words) Course Code & Name +: ED209 Control and Instrumentation Systems Semester + January ~ April 2018 Instructor/Examiner/Lecturer : Ms, Wan Inna Idayu Restu Binti Wan Mohd Nasir Duration +3 hours. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Five (5) questions set. Attempt ALL questions. (Total = 100 marks) ‘This question paper consists of 6 pages, excluding the cover page. Answers to the questions are to be written in the answer booklet. Candidates are not allowed to bring into the Examination Hall textbooks, lecture notes, files or any unauthorized materials except writing equipment and scientific calculator. Electronic dictionaries are strictly prohibited. _ ‘This question paper must be submitted along with all used and/or unused rough papers and/or ‘graph papers (if any). Candidates are NOT allowed fo take any examination materials out of the examination hall. Warning: ‘The University Examination Board of UCSI University regards cheating as a most serious offence and will not hesitate to mete out the appropriate punitive actions according to the severity of the offence committed, and in accordance with the clauses stipulated in the Students’ Handbook, up to and including expulsion from UCSI University. enwary — April 2018 Final Examination ED209 Control and Insirmentation System QI(@) Determine four primary reasons why we build control systems. (8 marks) (b) There are two categories of control system which are open loop and closed loop. (Differentiate the open loop control system and closed loop control system by using a block diagram. (10 marks) (i) Compare the advantage of an open loop system and closed loop system. (2 marks) Q2(a) Apply state variable method to obtain thé state-space representation for the circuit in Figure Q2a, (12 marks) Figure Qa (b) Illustrate a signal flow graph based on the block diagram shown in Figure Q2b. (8 marks) + 6) wal £220 [e 50) » Cs) Figure Qb Page 1 of 6 Lanuary— April 2018 Final Examination ED209 Control and Instrumentation System @ @ () © Q4fa) () © A unity feedback system having a forward transfer function G(s) as shown in Figure Q. RE) +. K ce 00" ea5GeD ic Figure Q3 Find the closed-loop transfer function at C(s) based on the system above. (1 mark) Determine the general Routh table based on the answer in Q3(2). (4 marks) Determine the range of gain, K for the system that will be operating in stable, marginally stable, and unstable condition, Assume K > 0. (15 marks) Classify sensor and transducer by its definition, (2 marks) Choose four criteria to select suitable transducer for temperature controller system ina refrigerator. (8 marks) Produce a temperature controller system by using a block diagram of instrumentation system with brief explanation of each block. (10 marks) Page 2 of 6 Laaenry = April 2018 Final Examination ED209 Control and instrumentation System 36 Q5(@)_ Given a transfer function of 19) = EG + (i) Hlustrate the location of poles and zeros on s-plane. (ii) Determine the damping ratio and natural frequency. (Gi) [dentify the nature of the response. (b) A system has a transfer function, G(s) = oy (® Determine the value of a if the settling time is 1.6 s. (2 marks) (6 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (ii) Determine the time constant and rise time by using the value of a, (4 marks) (iii) By using inspection method, determine the general expression of Inverse Laplace transform of the output, c(t) if the input, r(t) is a unit step. END OF QUESTION PAPER Page 3 of 6 (4 marks) arnwary ~ April 2018 Final Examination ED209 Control and Instrumentation System. APPENDIX ‘Table 1: Voltage — current, voltage - charge, and impedance relationships for capacitors, resistors and inductors Impedance Admittance 46 ow ir i= Pa é G Capciue AMW- w= =! = 1 wry wha y= Rt R lig Resistor Rg a R TT - ay 1 ean 1 w= petted oer os ~ Inductor a if Note: The following set of symbols and units is wed theughoet tis book: x) = V Gls) AQ) = A (amps), gO = Q(coulomibs), C = F (farads), R = 91 (ohms), G = 0 (bos), L = H (heres). Table 2: Completed Routh Table Os % a 0 ay = bi ay | ba e by Fg Page 4 of 6 January — April 2018 tal Examination APPENDIX: ‘Table 3: Laplace Transform Pairs LO F()- 5(t) 1 ud) 7 5 eat 1 sta 1 ; F 2 nl _ sa 1 nat ae Grae nt nerat fe Grant i @ sinw =a s cos wt saat s sind + w cos@ sin(ot+ @) | 2S8E% @ cos? ( ) Stor cos(wt + 6) scos@— wsind Page 5 of 6 £D209 Control and Instrumentation System. Ys) Vi) G(s) = 2,(s) ¥(9) _ Ee Tee cj a oh 8? + 2ays + oF " ony1-F 4 FWn OS = G&) x 100% G(s) = Tp Ts Jaamuary— April 2018 ED209 Control and Instrumentation System APPENDIX _ Table 4: Block diagram algebra No| Condition [~~ Original block diagram. Equivalent Block Diagram 1 Moving a CG) (+) block tothe | "°—@—Laa FS | Meer eft past a f summing XG) junetion 2 | Movinga ma ecu RAD) Sw EM block tothe | “st J Toa rah pst ai summing | junetion aa | Xt) 3 | Movinga ai) fs AGE) block to the See left past a as) As) 86) le pickoff point is) {oir 4 | Movinga alt) SIGs) block to the eee 28 | right past a Ri) RICE) Ris) AlsIGte} | pickoft point TH ay) Jo | Ris}ots) eK) eer pe 5 | Paraliel form : + Ris) CG) a we “Oy eiareia-ci |S Rh | aim} 5 (3) GAs) + GAs) - GAs) KH aay] 6 | Feedback form | qua)t. ce cE SL 6) }— > i) 6) EE, HG) Page 6 of 6

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