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Full Name _______________________________________________

Student’s ID _____________________________________________

1. (1 point) What is the difference between a Database and a Database Management


2. (1 point) What is the difference between Data and Information?

3. (4 points) Find the letter of the item which best matches the description given:
A. Binary Search F. Filter by Form K. Relationship
B. Datasheet View G. Filter by Selection L. Report
C. Design View H. Form M. Sort
D. Field I. Index N. Table
E. Field Property J. Query
___A tool that can be used in Datasheet View to display only records with a matching field to
the record/field currently selected.
___A question you ask about the data in your database.
___ A connection between two tables using a common field.
___ View that enables you to create and modify a table design.
___ A grid that enables you to add, edit, and delete the records of a table.
___Structures for written output of data.
___Use to organize a specific field alphabetically in the Datasheet View.
___A method to help Access find and sort records faster.

4. (1 point) Which field might be a good primary key (if any) in each of the following tables?

Names: Classes:

Name ID Address
Bob 123 8 Main St ID Number# Class
Dave 893 22 High St. 893 04675
Mindy 30 8 Main St. 123 04675
893 34412
5. (1 point) Is there a foreign key between these two tables? List the three necessary conditions
for a key to be a valid foreign key.
6. (1 point) What field type is most appropriate for the Class field and why?
7. (1 point) Suggest a database structure to keep track of student grades and the people who
assign grades, assuming there multiple exams, labs, etc. and multiple lab consultants, TAs,

Student Grade Assignment Instructor

Student ID Student ID Assignment ID Instructor ID

Student Name Assignment ID Assignment Instructor

Type Name
Student Class Grade
Instructor ID Instructor

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