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Passing of our Dear Friend Doris Wilson..

I was asked to write something about her ministry in the Disciples Women. From the time I came to this church in the 1980s Doris has been a mentor, an advisor and a friend to many of us as we became involved with the women of the church. Her history and her heart for mission were invaluable to us. She encouraged us to study, both about scriptures and about the women of our time and the history of CWF/Disciples Women. She was a big supporter of younger women coming on board and taking over the work she was no longer able to do. She was forward thinking in a lot of ways even though Traditions were very important to her. She was a very proud and private woman with a grace that one might envy. She took very seriously the ministries that she supported and chose new ones with her Faith group if she wanted to do more than the bigger body was doing. She was very generous with her financial support, both with the Women and the whole church. We all know her most recent gifts of the choir robes and the pew Bibles. She was not a crafty one (neither am I) but always supported the holiday boutique with her monetary gifts. She was instrumental along with others in starting the FCC Endowment fund and was very proud of being a part of it. Doris had an infectious smile; though you could be intimidated by her discerning look, once you stop and say hello, there would be that special smile. I will always miss that and also the ability to pick up the phone and chat. She was my friend, my mentor and she called me her California daughter. Her legacy will live on in this church and the community in the ministries and work in which she took part. We will miss you Doris and hope to live up to such a woman as you. Chery Carew

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June 9, 2011

Disciples Womens Ministry

The next DWF luncheon will be held on June 26th. The meeting will be the installation of the new officers. The installation will be performed by Pat Messenger. The new officers are as follows: Coordinator of Publicity: Chery Carew Study: Susan Babcock Secretary: Misty Levi Director of Service: Diana Sencerbox Many thanks to our outgoing officers: Secretary: Elba Woods Director of Service: Lilian Asomugha Co-coordinators of Publicity - Emily Denis and Maureen Estolas. It's time to start planning for our annual Disciple Women's Boutique. This is held the second week of November and is our primary source of funds for the year so it plays an important role in our stewardship. We are looking for women to chair or cochair the boutique as well as head up the different areas of sales. This includes bake sale, candy shop, Grandma's Attic, kitchen (taco boats and sweet rolls), workshops and raffle. Please talk to Jill ( if you are interested in helping out in this or any other capacity. Most importantly, it's not too early to start working on your own crafts to sell at the boutique because it will be here before you know it!

Feed The Hungry Sunday

Our next Feed The Hungry Sunday is June 26. This ministry of our church has been a huge success. Your faithful donations of canned tuna, soups, canned fruits and vegetables, boxed pasta have made it possible to help feed needy families around the South Bay.

Bye Bye Sparrows

The time has come for the three little sparrows to fly away. They have left their nest and have been seen around our home. They may have left their nest but they are not far from us. I was happy that our home was a safe haven for them to be born and grow and begin their new little lives. Camelia
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Family Promise
Below is an enthusiastic testimonial on the Family Promise meeting our church hosted on May 18. For more information on Family Promise, go to Last month I attended the meeting on Family Promise at our church. Family Promise is a wonderful hands-on opportunity for us to make a difference in the lives of children in families that have become homeless. Often these families were living paycheck to paycheck and became homeless when their car broke down, they lost a job, or became ill. The great majority of these families are singlefemale-parent with kids. A Family Promise Network is formed by 10-13 churches/synagogues/mosques banding together to support four families for a week at a time, about 4 times a year. Each family is pre-screened for drug abuse, alcoholism and mental illness before being accepted into Family Promise. This is to ensure the safety of the families as well as the safety of the volunteers who are working with them at the church. Some churches may not have the space to host the families, but have the volunteers willing to help out at the host church. If our church were to be a host congregation, the families would arrive on a Sunday evening. We would set up each family in a different classroom, make/deliver/serve them dinner each night in Sippel Hall, talk with them, play with or read to the children, help them with homework, stay overnight and put out a simple breakfast in the morning. For instance, two volunteers could handle dinner, maybe from 5-7pm, then two volunteers from 7-9pm to fellowship/play, and two volunteers to spend the night. The families go to a Day Center for the day to shower, learn about jobs, money, resumes, housing, etc. The kids go to school. They return to the host church in the early evening for dinner. This would continue for one week. The families would leave Sunday morning. The Family Promise program is intended to help these families find affordable housing and jobs, not just shelter them. (Often at shelters, family members are separated.) Its original name was IHN - Interfaith Hospitality Network. There's a lot of work to be done for us to form a Family Promise Network, but many clergy have talked about how it affected their congregations - they were moved, inspired, and felt rewarded. Let's do this! Hugs, Lynne
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Religious Leaders Urge U.S. to Renew Mideast Peace Talks

The National Interreligious Leadership Initiative (NILI), a group of leaders of Jewish, Muslim and Christian religious organizations, in a May 20 letter, has urged the Obama administration to make a renewed push for a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians based "on a twostate peace agreement before it is too late." Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Minister and President Sharon Watkins was among nearly 30 religious leaders signing the letter. "We believe the United States should continue to respond carefully to the new Palestinian unity agreement and not act precipitously to cut off aid that is essential for humanitarian purposes and for building the capacity of a future Palestinian state," the letter states. "The Palestinian government must commit itself to rejecting violence and to negotiating a two-state peace agreement with Israel. We believe the United States should insist on these commitments." To read the full letter and learn more, go to:

Great Way To Get Torrance Information

Wonder why Sepulveda Blvd was flooded recently? Want to be able to avoid accidents on your drive through the city? The Torrance Police Department uses the Nixle notification system to send emails and text messages about important information for the Torrance area. Information includes lane/road closures, police activity in the area, emergency information and planned street repairs. Stay up-to-date by signing up for this free service at

Dear FCC Friends, Thank you to each and every one who has prayed, said a kind word, prepared food and shown other acts of kindness towards us and our mother, Doris Hull Wilson. The church family was very important to our mother and you all supported her in many ways. God Bless You, Dee Reeves & John Hull
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In & out of the hospital: Chery Carew is home and resting after successful gall-bladder surgery Millie Raper is recovering from successful knee surgeryErnest Wheatley has been moved to a convalescent facility closer to home in the Whittier areaEilleen Powell is home and gradually improving from her stroke Debbie Galyardt (Grants sister) is also home, where she continues to improveAnnette Carew (Stans stepmother) is no longer able to walk; prayers for both her and Stans father, Jim. Continuing Treatment: Hilda Coleman is thankful for prayers for her son-in-laws niece, Desiree, who delivered a healthy daughter after concerns for birth complications June Perkins asks prayers for great-nephew, Dave Buzon, who has a staph infection on his spine. Battling cancer: Former FCC member Jim Chambers has been diagnosed with lung cancer Nora Pagdilaos brother, Apolinar Reyes, Jr, has begun chemotherapy Shawn Knutsen (Kelly Rogerss sister)Keith Emmen (Moggys brother-in-law)Vi Fietz (Steves stepmother) Pat Patterson (Doreen Jacksons friend) Virgina Fenton (Ed Shroyers aunt) Distant from loved ones: Dani Woods, traveling and studying in EuropeSarah Iannuccis mother in the Philippines Ron Kirbys nephew Travis McKenna in Afghanistan with the MarinesBryce Matson in Iraq with the Army.

With Sympathy
Doris Wilson died May 25 after a long battle with cancer: her life was celebrated on March 31. Her family and many friends remain in our prayers. Marlen Sanchezs father Guillermo Diaz, died May 26 of complications from a stroke. A celebration of his life was held here on June 1; we are praying for the Diaz-Sanchez family. Themis Degroff passed away on June 4 in Minnesota. She was 101 years old.

Do you need daily devotional material?

Then check out The Upper Room in the wall rack in the Narthex. Large print copies are also available; also Alive Now that gives us daily reflections that are prayerful, practical and powerful.
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June 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 am


Pentecost Offering Russell Brammer Preaching


Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00 Disciple Womens 7:00
Prayer Shawl 2:00 Love INC Fundraiser Hofs Hut 4:00-10:00 Board-7:00


Fathers Day Graduation Sunday Pentecost Offering Congregation Meeting


Love Group 11:30 (Potluck) Faith Group 1:30 Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00
Prayer Shawl 2:00 Elders 7:00



Feed The Hungry Sunday Disciple Womens Lunch 12:00


Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00


Family Promise 7:00

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Prayer Shawl 2:00



June Birthdays




Trevor Baer (1) Lisa Schwartz (2) 4 Mary Jo Kohlmiller (4) Anne Colby (4) David Stoodley (5) Kelly Carmona (7) Betty Donley (7) Hillary Gonzalez (9) Shirley Woodman (10) 11 Eileen Powell (10) Amel Abdou (10) Peter Galyardt (15) Kathy Shroyer (15) Sarah Smotherman (15) Gerri Stoodley (15) Burt ONeal (17) Elba Woods (17) Mike Henderson (17) 18 Kay Siler (23) Jim Whobrey (24) Mens Breakfast David Eldik (26) Michele Wood (27) 8:30 a.m. Verda Myers (29)





Pat & Shirley Woodman (8) Doug & Connie Hedde (9) Ryan & Kelly Rogers (30) Steve & Janie Fietz (29)

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Education Notes & News

Bible Explorers will finish with our regular year stories on 6/26. Our last story is Jacobs Ladder. Our summer curriculum will consist of 9 object lessons studying some of the parables. Our new year will begin September 4th. We welcome two new students to our program Lisa and Corne.


Summer plans are in the works, but no tentative dates as yet.

Our high school graduates will be recognized in service on Sunday, 6/19 and a pizza party is being planned for them to celebrate together as a group.

Is scheduled for the week of July 11th and will be directed by Jill Foster. The program will have a beach theme this year. Please let Jill know if you are able to help in the kitchen, teach a class, be a prayer warrior, be a helper, etc. We also need help with food donations for snacks.

Please join us in supporting..

Love INC. Love In the Name of ChristSouth Bay Wednesday, June 15th 4:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Hofs Hut Restaurant Bakery 23635 Crenshaw Blvd.

Fundraising has never been so delicious! 15% generated will be donated back to Love INC.

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Preschool Proposal Summary

Our Trustees have been in dialogue with a preschool about whether or not we might be able to share space with them. Below is a summary of their needs, and some of our discussion thus far. Our Education Department has considered the matter, and the Cabinet reviewed the information in May, recommending continuing the dialogue, but with some concerns about certain spaces. The Board will look at the issue on June 15, and it may then come before the congregation on June 19. Copies of a more detailed question & answer exchange between the preschool and our trustees are available for those who would like to examine this part of the process. Name: Students: Space Needs: Torrance Cooperative School (TCP) Up to 24 children; aged 2 to 5 Two classrooms (currently discussing rooms 2 & 4) Nursery (for occasional use by students younger siblings) Enclosed play space Bathroom(s) Possible access to kitchen for snack preparation Desk space with separate phone line for school director Cabinet space for school supplies Shed for outdoor toys & equipment (TCP to provide) Staff: 8:30 am 2:30 pm, Monday-Friday Students: 9:00 am 12:30 pm, Monday-Friday Monthly school board meetings & parent meetings School year of September 1 through July 1 Financials: Most recent arrangement: $1,300 / month for 10 months Negotiations include higher figures for FCC space TCP is willing to pay for facility adjustments & upgrades (e.g., art room linoleum floor; install outdoor play area) Negotiating: Type, permanence, security and location of play area Kitchen space needs and access Separate storage needs, outdoor and indoor Financial arrangements
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Upcoming Sunday Messages

June 12 Freedom from Fear (Psalm 23) Russell Brammer will bring the message while Steve is on vacation. June 19 Your Passion and Your Purpose (Mark 1:16-20) We have been taught that all Christians are called to fish for peoplebut what if youre not a fisher? What if you like to garden, or read, or cook? What if fisherman are called to fish, but the rest of us are called to live out our Christian purpose in our particular, Godgiven passion? June 26 Getting from A to B (Numbers 9:15-23) If A is where we are, and B is where we want to be, how do we get there? Is it by studying how we got to A? Is it by analyzing how to change A? Or is it by getting a clearer picture of what B looks likein the light of our understanding of what God wantsand working from there?

Annual Congregation MeetingJune 19

On June 19, we will be having our yearly Congregational Meeting to vote on a 2011-2012 budget, and a new slate of officers and servants for our church and our board. The board may also bring an item concerning a possible relationship with a preschool (see info on page 9). In order to better review these important decisions as one community, we will have one blended worship service that morning, at 10:30 am, with the congregational meeting immediately following.

Say Cheese!
The Membership Committee is looking for folks who would be willing to act as church photographers; recording our church life throughout the yearactivities, programs, special events, etc. With several volunteers, on a rotating/when available basis, no one would be asked to do it all. We would then identify and keep on file the history of the life of our Church Family. If you can be part of this, contact Susan Babcock at (310) 326-9003.
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As you read this, Janie and I are in the Dominican Republic visiting with daughter Lauren, her husband Mosbeh, and everyones darling baby David. I will return in time for our June 15 Board Meeting; Janie will stay on here for an extra week. So Im offering a few quick thoughts during the week before we leave. In mid-May, at the invitation of our region, I was privileged to attend a Coaching Academy in Indianapolis. It was a great experience, with lots of sermon fodder that will begin showing up in late June. The goal of the event was to equip pastors to coach other pastors, but it also stressed for me the importance of clarifying Gods mission for our churches. So well be talking about that more, too! Our trustees, cabinet, and board members, have been working on a request from a small preschoolthe Torrance Cooperative Preschool (TCP)to possibly be their host starting this September. This would mean sharing some classrooms and other spaceplease check the details on page 9. Anyone with questions is invited to the June 15 Board Meeting, which is an open meeting (though only board members can vote.) It is quite possible that something about this issue will also come before the congregation on June 19. Please keep this in your prayers. Finally (but perhaps related to all of the above) our most recent Sunday Adult Class hosted a discussion with a friend of Larry Campbells named Andy, whom Larry describes as a friendly atheist. Though no minds were changed (or perhaps because no minds were changed?) we had a fascinating discussion on things too many of us leave un-discussed. In the end, Andy characterized our congregation (over-against churches that motivate out of fear) as a church of hope. I like that. I especially like that a friendly atheist saw it, and pointed it out. Shalom, Steve Home phone: 310-212-5950 email:

Adult Studies to Take Summer Break

Both our Adult Sunday Class and our Wednesday morning Bible Study are taking a break for the summer. Thanks to all those who participated and led in our discussionswell look forward to reconvening in September!

Next Newsletter articles need to be at the church office by June 20, 2011
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FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929 E-mail - Web address - Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal 9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages 10:30 a.m. - Worship - Traditional Childrens Worship - Ages Pre-school through 2nd Grade (During the Traditional Worship Service)


Or Current Resident

Nursery Provided For birth through age 3 during Sunday School and Contemporary & Traditional Service Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Staff Steven Fietz, Senior Pastor Ted Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship Administrative Assistant Camelia Olloque Choir Director - Ken Potter Nursery Attendant - Amanda Ruhs Dorie Hernandez

The Christian Messenger

First Christian Church 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503

Officers Chair - Chery Carew Vice Chair - Jerry Jonas Treasurer Jimmy Koontz Financial Secretary - Charlotte Sandberg Clerk Angie Ahumada

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