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Introduction Keep the leftover bot in a spot near your play area. This spot
is designated as your bot reserve and is where you will keep bots
In Rescue Mode, Earth’s most powerful corporations have that you have rescued but are not currently being played.
launched a world-wide offensive on the 404th, capturing many Place the rest of the bot cards in another designated area.
of the group’s most important members and holding them in These are captured bots that will join your bot reserve as you
the state-of-the-art security rooms found in the corporations’ rescue them.
headquarters. Your team is a cell of the last free bots in the
organization. You must work together to free your compatriots Look at the floorplan to see if the security room is present on
from their imprisonment, sabotage the corporations, and steal the current floor (which should already be set up). If so:
back some of the advanced programming that was stolen from Randomly select a captured bot and place its bot chip on
your mind during the Code Wipe. the space in the security room with its shut down side
Rescue Mode allows you to chain multiple burncycle
missions together for a high-stakes challenge across multiple
corporations. As your team progresses through the missions, Changing Floors During Gameplay
you will gain more team-building options and unlock powerful
new burncycle chips, but you will also face new hardships that Each time you change floors, if the security room exists on
will only grow more challenging as more missions unfold. the floor, add a captured bot to the security room as described
We do not recommend Rescue Mode for players who are brand
new to the game.
First Mission Setup Prior to starting each game, fill out the “Before” section of the
Rescue Mode Tracker.
Print the Rescue Mode Tracker, available as a PDF at An example of this tracker can Your team will play the mission as normal, with the exception
also be found later in this document. that on any floor containing a captured bot, your team has the
option to rescue it.
Set up Rescue Mode as a normal game, with the following
alterations: To rescue a bot, the security room must be surveilled and then
cleared of all security units and terminals.

Choosing Your Mission As soon as the security room has been surveilled and has no
terminals or security units in it, the bot is rescued, even if you
Before the first mission in Rescue Mode, randomly select a later lose the mission. Remove its chip from the security room
1-floor, 2-floor and 3-floor mission from each of the corporations and place it in your bot reserve immediately.
you own.
This means you will have 9 missions in total with the
End of the Mission
base game and 3 additional missions for each corporation
expansion you own. Win or lose, use the Rescue Mode Tracker to record your game
As a team, decide which corporation you will go up against and determine how many points you earned for the mission.
first. Its 3-floor mission will be your first mission. You can openly If you won the mission:
look at all of the mission cards when deciding which corporation
to start with. Gain 2 points, plus 1 point for each bot rescued.
Points will be used later for reducing threat between
Choosing Your Bots and Placing Captives Record your current threat as your ending threat.
Randomly deal out bot cards equal to player count +2, in view Decide if your command module will be resting –
of all players. meaning it will not be participating in the next mission.
If it does rest, choose one of the following resting tasks
As a team, decide which of these bots will be your command
for your command module to complete, and record
module for the first mission.
this on the Tracker. The next time this bot is played,
Each player will then select one of the remaining bots as their whether as a command module or as an agent, the
agent for this mission. team will gain the corresponding benefit.
Archive – Immediately: Choose any equipment Each player will then select one of the remaining bots as their
or mod currently on any bot, and record its name agent for this mission. Players can choose the same agent as
on the Tracker. When next played: At the end of previously played or select a different one. As more bots are
setup, any bot on the team may start with the rescued, players will have more command module and agent
recorded equipment or mod (uninstalled). options to choose from!
Recon – When next played: At the end of setup, Again, the previously played command module cannot
any bot on the team may surveil up to 2 rooms. be selected if the team decided to rest it.
Scavenge – When next played: At the end Check your Tracker to see if any bot on this mission has a
of setup, any bot on the team may draw three resting benefit that has not been used yet. If so, carry it out during
equipment cards and choose one to keep. the appropriate time during setup. Cross out the benefit on your
tracker so you know it was used. It is possible to have multiple
Assign – When next played: During initial guard
bots with benefits on the same mission. The team determines
setup, for one hallway guard of the team’s choice,
the order of any benefits that would resolve at the same time.
the team may choose a guard of the appropriate
level from supply instead of randomly drawing it. Remember to add a captured bot to the space of the
security room if it is present on the floorplan.
Charge – When next played: At the end of
setup, any bot on the team may gain up to 2 power. If you have managed to rescue all captured bots, skip this
If you lost the mission:
Set your points to 0 (even if bots were rescued).
Creating the Burncycle
Record your ending threat as 0.
Place your command module in the captured bots Create the burncycle as normal, also adding any CEO chips
area. It is no longer part of your team. If your team no that you have collected to the draw bag. Remove a general action
longer has bots equal to player count +1, you have chip for each CEO chip added so that the number of chips in the
failed Rescue Mode, as your team no longer has enough draw bag still equals the number of burncycle slots you have.
members to embark on another rescue mission. If you have more CEO chips than can be included to fill the
Place all remaining played and rescued bots in the bot reserve. burncycle, choose which CEO chips to include. Remember
that you must always still include the captain action chip in
If you finished the third and final mission of a corporation and
the burncycle.
won at least 2 of the 3 missions for that corporation, you have
gained valuable intel to help you with the rest of your campaign! Example: If your burncycle has 2 active slots and you
Take the CEO chip for the corporation you just completed, flip have collected 2 base game CEO chips, your draw bag will
it over, and add it to the chip tray with the rest of your action consist of the captain action chip and 1 CEO chip of your
chips. This is now an action chip that you have access to for the choice, with the remaining CEO chip and all general action
remainder of the campaign. chips remaining in the supply.
Do the same each time the burncycle is rebooted.
Setup for Subsequent Missions
Setting Threat
Each mission played in Rescue Mode is treated as a new game.
You start from scratch, with the following modifications made. By default, if you won the previous mission, your threat will
start where it finished for the previous mission. However, you do
have a way to reduce your starting threat – by spending points.
Choosing Your Mission
For every 1 point spent, your starting threat can be
After playing through the 3-floor mission of a corporation, you reduced by 5.
will then play its 2-floor mission, followed by its 1-floor mission. After spending points, record your starting threat on the
After completing a corporation by playing through all 3 of its Tracker as well as your new point total. If the mission you
missions, decide as a team which corporation to take on next, are playing sets threat to any particular number, ignore that
and work through its missions starting with its 3-floor mission. part of the mission’s setup.
Do not carry out any threat events that are already past
Choosing Your Bots and Placing Captives your starting threat. Any escalations that are passed are
active as normal, however.
As a team, decide which bot from the reserve will be your If you lost the previous mission, your threat should already be
command module. set to 0, and you should have no points to spend. Again, ignore
You cannot select the previously played command any part of the mission’s setup that sets threat above 0.
module if it is resting.

End of Rescue Mode
If all of the selected missions for each corporation completed
without failing by losing too many bots, you have successfully
finished Rescue Mode! Congratulations!

CEO Chips in Your Burncycle and Ignacia Torres – Salida

Reserve Action Step: Gain 1 power when taking any action on this chip
in the burncycle.
Each CEO chip has a different function when you take an action
on it in the burncycle. Certain bot abilities and missions could Network Step: Gain 1 power and move 1 node on the network.
result in having these chips in reserves as well.
In Your Reserve: Use to alter the burncycle, or discard as a free
action to gain 1 power.

Bo Zeffries – NeedChain

Action Step: Both physical and utility actions are optimized Latipah Loong – BioDefend (Expansion)
when taken on this chip. Moving to this chip in the burncycle
during a keypad action will fulfill all physical and utility inputs Action Step: Gain 1 additional AP (for a total of +3 AP) when
on the keypad. taking an optimized physical action on this chip. Moving to
this chip in the burncycle during a keypad action will fulfill all
Network Step: Choose whether to use this as a physical or utility physical inputs on the keypad.
chip when using this chip to move on the network.
Network Step: Use as a physical chip when moving on the
In Your Reserve: Use to alter the burncycle, or discard to resolve network on this chip in the burncycle, and optionally move 1
all physical and utility inputs on a keypad. additional node if you would land on a physical node.

In Your Reserve: Use to alter the burncycle, or discard to resolve

all physical inputs on a keypad.

Abeo – Ocularity

Action Step: Both tech and utility actions are optimized when
taken on this chip. Moving to this chip in the burncycle during a
keypad action will fulfill all tech and utility inputs on the keypad.

Network Step: Choose whether to use this as a tech or utility

chip when moving on the network on this chip in the burncycle.

In Your Reserve: Use to alter the burncycle, or discard to resolve

all tech and utility inputs on a keypad.

Rescue Mode Tracker Example
Mission 1 – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

NC 3 Transmitter 0 0 0 0 0

Mission 1 – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

Mod –
Won 1 3 19 3 Yes Archive

This team has just successfully finished the NeedChain mission Operation: Megamarket Sweep. They rescued one bot and won,
giving them 3 points total. They finished with 19 threat. They decide to rest Transmitter, choosing the Archive option. This means
that the team cannot play Transmitter in the next mission, but the next time Transmitter is played, a bot on the team will start the
game with the Safehack Mod.

Mission 2 – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

NC 2 Access 19 3 4 1 9

Going into their next mission, Operation: Ruxpin Rampage, the team decides to spend 2 points to reduce the threat to 9 for the
start of that mission. This also means that the threat events Activity Tracking and Remote Spindown will not happen, since they are
already passed (though the escalation Monitor Protocol is immediately in effect).

Mission 2 – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

Lost 1 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A

The team was unsuccessful on their second mission, losing to threat reaching 26. They did, however, successfully rescue a bot, which
they still get to keep in their bot reserve. Their command module, Access, is captured, so she is placed with the other captured bots.

Mission 3 – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

NC 1 Interface 0 0 0 0 0

Going into their third mission, the team has 0 threat and 0 points. Transmitter is all charged up and ready to rejoin the team. This
time, Transmitter is being used as an agent instead of the command module, but this still gives the team its resting benefit, so any
agent will start the game with the Safehack mod uninstalled in their inventory. Make sure to cross out the Archive task recorded in
Mission 1 to show this benefit is now used.

Mission 3 – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

Won 1 3 21 3 Yes Charge N/A

The team succeeded at their final NeedChain mission, Operation: Terminal Viscosity! They will go into the next corporation with 3
points, 21 threat, and 3 bots rescued (though a command module was captured in the process). Since they won 2 out of 3 of the
NeedChain missions, they earned Bo Zeffries’s CEO chip and will place it with their action chips to be used for the remainder of the
campaign! The team can now choose which corporation they will take on next!

Mission – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

Mission – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

Mission – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

Mission – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

Mission – Before

Mission Command Threat Points New Point Starting

Corporation # of Floors (Before (Before Points Spent
Name Module Adjusted) Adjusted) Total Threat

Mission – After

# Bots Points Earned Ending Threat Ending Points CM’s Task Equip/Mod
Won or Lost? CM Rested? (if task is Archive)
Rescued (if rested)

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