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& READING TEST (1 Hour 30 minutes) PART Question 15 PEI AGH alto ater gzamaly Combine sain aaowec ee 5 Lut hs ing cold pace 4 orbit fo get Set rts show. Shape recat al naw: (@) o— Paster dal agate dat uciode PART2 Question 6-10 + Read the sentences (8-10) going to the zoo = Choofe the best word (A, B or C) for each space, ie answer sheet. * For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C oi Example: On Sunday, Tim A: 81000 -j.0n80 do He Answer 8 '"Psiado scores A: meat 7 —He look a bus to the Zoo and got of outside th”. roa! Achigh A enjoyed The wore seeping nds re becaute Kwa ey hot secre “S daha 41—These nadie buy severaboh hen, Ce) ~ 2=You can't gat iy ere (qeaphere CC) Up early because he was going tothe 200. He put some (ai) and an apple ina bag for e don “ ee 8—He ibs ate onkeys eating some bananas wa MAGDALENA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER PROFICIENCY ENGLISH TEST 200841 fon the answer sheet ett ane es A) keer neRBSS se “B) Door locked ath eBict ‘sk oe going out 6) SOU AND HOT(PIES ONLY AD) Tickets For Oasis Concert On Sale Here: from 8 p.m. SE) All This Week Buy 5 Get 1 €resi>¢.s!'S XE)NOANMALS IN RESTAURANT 7G) All tekets Sold. 7) Use By 19 y eX.C2) Savecalo Muchos Cheaper > mat bale wraal » conan Fridge > Never KEP? tanfavrer woke ounce Cewent aoe Gvoudar Jecenscre perpeste oad Saat» silla -par Al > tedo-toda, cdien Ca eed 8: important ~~ Sallseldg, yayser Seeds OQprain®iccipal Onss fas" date r toda B watched Fakta < cartaraly scxibaneate io B tied C:fut . Tim ..:20%... some photos of the elephants, »— roves dg A: put — took > face Lenses)» Crmade toca Parts ‘Question 11-18 + Complete te fve conversations ‘For qustone 1116, mark A 8 or Con the ansnets5G)>cocea tos (ipo here do you come trom? ‘New York 8: Schoo C: Home Answer A4-—ho's that man withthe green sweater? @yesmumna. its uonns I dont know 2 — Wheres Amanda gona? 7 antes the station. — Qsesaitase ~ (hate sfopping 0, 2 Nambsen, G4 — How ong giz the journey take? avout agen fometers S46~ thes conte £5 at ot @iaontiaket Question 16.20 + Complete the conversation in a garage. + Wha does David say o the mechanic? + For questions 16-20, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet L 8: Shel ave tomoxrow. ©: She's ave tonight. B: Certainly ©: Thats all ght. Warmest hours 8: Give me two, please C: Last week onyioaxr v mucho Toco Jed va acenpoae! dal of a ded of Example: Mechanic: Good morning, How can I help you? Answer E Mechanic: Certainly. What's the problem? 46 -David Mechanic: How long have you had the car? 47 - Davie! ‘A: Oh, dear. Can you repair it now? PARTS Question 21-27 + Read the arco about a wer. + Ate sentences 24.27 "Right (A) or Wrong" (8)? + there noenoug) infomation to ansuer ight (A) rong (chose "Dosen say () + For question 2-27) atk A, B, or C on the answer sheet Ge \ Bill Price-Smith Bil Prince-Smith was a fermer and @ teacher and a dentist before he became a writer of children’s books atthe age of 60. Now, thiteen years ol later, he has writen more than @0 books. Every day, he goes into his office and writes. In the evening, ne gives the work to Fiswite fo read. “She tells me when she doesn' like something,” says Bill "My ten grandchildren don ve near here but they also read ‘my stories and say (they are good or bad.” And so Bill has learned wat young children want to read. Bill writes about the lf in his vilage and on the farms near i. His fifth book is his favorite: The sheepdog is about a farmer and the dog that helps him. "have always liked animals,” says Bil, “and dogs are so clever, they lear very quickly” Last year, the book was made into afm with real animals and actors. The film-makers used the latest computer technology to make people thnk thatthe animals are speaking. Bil was very pleased wah the fim, "Sometimes flm-makere change books, but they didnt ‘change mine and I ove the fim” Example: Bill Prnce-Smith has had many jobs. A-Right B: Wrong ©: Doesn't say ‘Answer: A 21 = Bu(bocaiilawiterthiteen years ago Righty Volver 8: ¥rong ©: Doesnt say 22 ~ Bill writes his books inthe evenings, Oran @iosd ©: Dowst say 24 = Bil shows his wing ths wie . Ginn 8:¥irong ©: Doesnt say 24 ~ Bil writes books aboubhs grandchitéren — ae eg araren Owe c:Deesr sey 25 ~The Sheep was Bil st book - Rag vor) 6: Deer ny 26 -Bprefer wing sbou animal fo wing about pope - —~ A: Right B: Wrong Odvesntt say ae 21 ~The mothe Sheepegis ferent fom the Bg —_ Raat GO viare €: Decent ay paar . Question 25-5 Best» al major + Read the arice about i ave worl s al peor * Cheose the best word (A or C) fr each space 20-3) i or {For questions 28-28, mark A, 8 or Gon the answer sheet. nalta rs maspor, ~ wos em EOC Good 2 Wan? ¢ Peics Bad > malo In 1783, two French brothers Gul (0) Pre. fesbaloao take nepl into he air, Onespundred and twenty years later, in 1903, the uight brothers bul the fet plane wrth an engin€ ard (26) Sint. This was (29) 4 f).. the United States. Then, in 1918, the US Post Office began the, first airmail service, sReroptanes. changed a :30) & o the next thirty years. Then, in the 1950s, aeroplanes: became much (31)... because they hatte ene Nyon? pel AHISTORY OF AIR TRAVEL Fe In the 1976, Concorde was built in the UK and France. It is tha ‘astest passenger plane in the world and it (32) ©. ty at 2600 fametee ar eu athe yurey 9 33) toncon ts New toe only four hon kilometr so is VY iay & 3) ‘Today mons of people travel (4) ©. aeroplane anti eto thick ofa wot without 25) Example: ard Ba sone Answer ® Among > Sake 28-Atly B: town ew bahueen > nba 3h COSES Oe many © tow not fo allado 4 scam fee Sita ahied'a aches 33 -A; between from of ON 2 sBlexar 34-Acwith ‘Bon Ory Be Ath Beir C: they MAGDALENA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER PROFICIENCY ENGLISH TEST READING TEST (1 Hour 30 minutes) PART 1 ‘Question 1-5 + Which notice (A-¥) says this (15)? + Fer quastians 1-5, mark the corect eter AH on the answer sheet Exampie: You can't comme here Answer D 41 = You can’ leave your bicyle here” 2— Aduls shouldn’ let children play with tie 1A) Schoo! Uniform Department — This Floor 3 You can buy children's clothes here 1B) DANGER ~ No hard hat? No boots? — NO 42 Go not game mityou ere not weanng the “ENTRANCE nertcones 6) NO BICYCLES AGAINST THIS WINDOW ise the dr ogo outdo 1) Keep Out. | BICYCLES ONLY F) Exito Shoemaker Road G) DANGER! KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN, H)BICYGLES TO RENT pant 2 Question 6-10 Example: twas the moming ot Says fat... athe ne eho moment Oty hour foawer 8 6 satynteater A. neath tow nod Seen per © sino 7 “rheteacner ©. say tothe das 3 Saty sat next coa git win Bonde. caied Amy. - meee een har 9 “Aituneitine, amy gave Saty an apple and... her a bout the schoo! how Sood ake 40~ By the end ofthe afternoon, Amy was Salis B..tnancs Biol Boat ©: event Panta Question 1-18 -Conplet the fre converts “For fesions 1-1; martA Bor on th answer sheet Example: How are you? aims e:ti say corinne fowues © 11-1500 to expansive A Not many B: Why not? Oieaee 12 1ve go an appttment th ny troy. N iiowbes te tee? ats the tr wth What do you vant? Woul you the anything ese? irate a han yo, Yo. the everthing : Two pease a= wnen your mothers bthdy? A Shotsthtyane Gres ias week fs tong tine. en toot ~ Shall we go to the shops now? 1B They're vary good Hot at all Assan Youre going tty to Seouana? 1; Won suppose can gt something eet 4 stepnen jpose | can get someting ‘eres the testeran? Asstt In Sry bute a stor dey Bt Her’ my passport ecause of ge Yes thats iit Im goog vist ny am tresteghes MF 0: Bythemindow please YY f: Yes, bul not this bag lea htto take on te plane’? Fr thats ad new. Hou long fr? Yor, here you re He Con smoke fs tere? Assistant: Aboutan hour It won't be any mare 418 -Stepnen Assistant: I's on tha fis floor, Cant take your suitcases now, please? 419 - Stephen Assistant: Yes, You can take one piece of luggage with you Where would you ike fo sit? 20 - Stephen: Assistant: There YOU ate. Number 244. Enjoy your tp. PART 4 Question 21-27 Bill Price-Smith Bil Prince-Smith was a farmar and a teacher and a dentist before he became a writer of children's books atthe age of 150, Now, thvteen yeare old later, he hae writen more than 8D books, Every day, Ne goes inte his office and wes, In the evaning, he gives the work fo Fis wife to read. “She tells me when she doesn ike something,” $2y BM. "My tel grandchildren don’ live near here but they also read my stories and say if they are goad er bad" And $0 Bill has feared what young children want to read, Bil wites about the if in his vifage and on the farms near. His fith book fs hs favorite: The sheopdog is about a forme and the dog that helps him"! have always iked animals," says Bil, “and dogs are so cloves, they learn very quicsty Last year, the book was made 0 a film wah ra animals and acters. The fikmmakers used the fatest computer technology to make people think thatthe animals are speaking Bil was very pleased withthe im. “Sometimes. makers change books, but they didnt change ive ang I love the fin.” ‘Example: Bil Peinee-Smath has had many jobs A Right Wrong ©: Doesnt say Answer A 21-0 bani aw ten yes age Beant Br Wrong ©: Doesnt say a ~Bibwrtes W's books inte eveings & rage me Wong © ows say a= so is wag to wo Sent a wiong “sMiOoesnt say Ze Bi wales busks about hie grandchisren right @ Wioog €: Doesnt say 25 ~The Shovpdog was fils ist book A: Right © Wrong “ ©: Doesn't say 26 ~ prefers wring about animals 8 vtng about people Right Wong f © Docent say 27 mire fim: ol he Sheepdog is sterent ker tne book A right @weny ©: Doesnt say PARTS ' Questions 20-35 AS a ao are Otters w ou Peque Not any peep (0)... seen an ies, These aninale te (28) ‘B\evars ood make their homes frm smal Sey re sual some 29) atthe hanes at hgh Oe are voy are very aug nthe water ant Pom ewan a more fan 10 Homers (30) “Gh HOUE They nave tk brow a aed tis (31) A. thgm wen Geer ‘n'ter can cose (22) Co ears one nose Ths means lt cat stay under wate 39)... several YO manatee Twenty years ago, there were (24) A...... otters in Great Gritain. The water in the rivers was so dirty that many fish ses eld ied ane the ters cae nd ating fo ea aay thera fot of fod fo han (35). the thers eden egal Example: 454% ok 3)Lb 4 maa soot cones BIR bey ee ea soak eee oi BoA thee a oe 33 -A: sine 8: durin Sto MAGDALENA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER PROFICIENCY ENGLISH TEST 2009-1 READING TEST (1 Hour 30 minutes) PART 4 Question 1-5 = Which notice (AH) says this (1-5)? + For questions 1-5, mark Ihe comet lllor AH on the answer sheet Example: We work fast Answer. H Y 4.-Thisis not for adutteNY ‘45 YOUTH CLUB ~ Under 168 Only 2 You can't crive this way.-2 ¥ 1B) Half-Price drinks with 3-course meats! 3 —We can help you day and night ©) CITY CENTRE ~CLOSED TO TRAFFIC ALL 4 = You can have dinner hate, =” Day TODAY. 3 = Come here to book a holiday’ _y 1D) Tourism Information open 24 hours. . E}NO PETROL STATION ON MOTORWAY F) TUNER TRAVEL ~ Fly away to the sun this G) SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED FOR LUNGH #1) We repair shoes QUICKLY 6 arn, ~S pm, PART 2 Question 6-10 + Read tha sentances (6-10) about Sam's new computer * Chaose the Lest word (A, Bor 6) for each space + For questions 6-10, mark A, Bor C an the answer sheet Example: Sam fer... hin anew ape fr his itd. . About Spa €: sont ‘now A Oto. 81. samhuwto use t © are ° 8: stows c: stuseo 43am sayen ean... .tonis tena Bay to tt nim about is nes present Amessene © pregmmn fom iy clmeto Sars house and they er guoaraphy tsar, hae A ‘norma C:dass Sty were! cause hey found sem tornation shout ves on the ea nappy see een ’ poasat 10 eRe, ny apap ane emt gone gether. a antea Srtnancoe o:enyot PART 3 ‘Question 11-15 ~‘Complete the Wve conversations {Farquetons 1-18 ak A, 8 or on he answer shes, Example: Where do you come fom? nn ronk ®: Schoo © Home fowwer A | 11,= Who's tnatman th he green sweater? A ateimp tetas Bis Jo's © dont now c Zs 13 Where's Amanda gone? (ssreeatthe sation 8: Shel ave tomorow, C: Shs ging to leave 7 tent 8: Cetin ©: Thats aah “4 How tong id the journey take? plot oo mst © Kiros 8 hours © Last ae i 18 the oom costs £55 at ight. (A) Flo tne B Give me vo, lease © Thats et ‘Question 16-20 eeeeeeee thu camuseweatiean jaa heweees 48 -Davis {echanic: How ong have you had the car? AT -Dave Machen: Hin, ere gy be something wrong vei the engine a 8 Daed ‘Mechanic: fm ataid we have alot of work at the moment. can do url Friday. 48 Dawd Mechanic: Well suppose | ean do ton Wednesday, 20- Dawid Mechanic: Bagg tin st 820 in the morning, PART 4 Question 21-27, + Read the article about Howard Bor: + Ave sentences 21-27 "Right (A) or‘Wrong” (8)? + ifthore is not enough information to answer “Right (4). ‘A: Oh, dear. Can you repair now? Bi That vil be fina : Thanks, How mach wil cost? sits only Monday today. ie 1a another farage E: Would you have look at my car, please? F | bought it new abo fur years ago G:Itgoes at eighty kilometers an hour, Hi tsvon' slat in the morn, “Wrong” (8), choose ‘Doasnt say’ (C) F question 21-27, mark A,B, of C on the answer sheet. /OWARD BONNIER ‘ray is 8 beauliul viloge abou fity Klometers west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier ‘opened a restaurant cased The Palace there about thrae and a half months ago. Not many pagpla in Brain know Nir Bonnier name yet, but he's already quite famous in France, Ths Is because he has writen in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that county, He's only 29 yeas oi, When Howard was 2 teenas Sa why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he lo he often yant to cestaurants with his mother and father He liked doing this s0 much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and COs, instead, English cookbooks — he says he has more than two hundred and ty) used his money to vist France and cooking. Has it baon a ssy thing to 40? He says i's expeneive to stan your own restaurant and i's much more dificul to cook fo fy people than Dowsrt say Docent say Doesnt say Doesnt say to cock jor your family, but he’s sure he's done the nytt ing Examale: Howard ie Freneh Fight B Wrong Auswor. 8 24 tie Palace as been open for lat than & nigh BuWices 22 ists ot people in France knove abut Hewat Bight , Wreilg 23 rloward's parents took him out to restaurants, 1 Faght B: Wreng 24 Howard has alnays spent alot of money on clothes, A Right Wrong 25 ~ Howavd has writen bgoks Franch packing Right Wrong 26 ~ it costs lot of money to eatin Howards rastaurant A Right B Wrong 27 ~Howara says cooking for alot of people is ey A Right Sieg PARTS Questions 28-35 + Read the atide about Line dancing + Choose the best Word (4B af C) fr each space (28-25) ee 8 Doesnt say Docent say Doessit say ° Doesnt say For questions 28-35, mark A, 8 or C on the answer sheet. Line DAcING “Thousands of people in Brain (0) Clubs and classes for this new acti. Lins Sen ca A ew tnd, ay lass, ‘of noise with thet fest (33... The dances!” Wher (34) [American county music becaire famous in Britain Example: O-Avnave B had newer A 28-4 ail 8 some 29-4 say B says line daneing begin? Most of people think it started about fiteen years (35) 4 new hobby ~ line dancing. in almost (20) C.. town, you wl fr |g easy (0 laarn you have two feet and can walk, Shen you can do it” Fiona Lever, a teacher, “You Gon’ need 9 partner because you dance (30) Troupe, ite the (38). way fo make Ave yeing and old people. Tha boys ike because they can make a lot when having covey saying MAGDALENA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER PROFICIENCY ENGLISH TEST 2008.1 READING TEST (1 Hour 30 minutos) PART1 ‘Question 1-5, + Which notice (AH) says this (1-5)? + For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet Example: We sell clothes. Answer F 41~This is ony foryoung people. ‘A) MOTORWAY AHEAD ~ NO BICYCLES OR 2.Go tathe next floor you want a dink B LEARNER DRIVERS 3 You cannot dnve here tocay 8) COFFEE MACHINE UPSTAIRS 4 We are open every day. ©) DANGER FOG! MOTORWAY CLOSED 5— Dont bring your lunch ere. D) COMPUTER ROOM = No food or dinks insloe Restaurant Closed - Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime F) Lades and Chiltrer’s cpa upstais 6) Kenyan Coffee Centre Gpening hours: 8 a.m, =6pm cei i) Under 128 swimming course Saturday 10 Part2 Question 6-10 + Road the sentences (-10) about a shoppin ti. + Choose the best word (A, 8 of C) for eacn space. {For questone 6-10, mark A,B or on the answer sheet Example: Jack... to buy @ new par of shoes for school enjoyed 8: got Ci needed Answer. S—He B: Yes, tis. 9~ How many people were in the café? Not much, BA tow 40~ We're from London, AcNotat al 8: Yes, please PART3 Question 11-15 + Read the sentences (11-15) going to the z00, + Choose the best word (A, 8 of C) for each space + For questions 11-18 mark A, 8 oF C on the answer sheet a\4 54 yet c:tmfine © it doesnt mater. (C:1!m sony tm ate Yes, that’s right cA ite © How interesting Example: On Sunday. Tm... Up ealy because he was going othe 200, isioos Br wows went Answer B {He put some biscuits end an epple na beg foc A: meat B lunch oe Ci dish 12" He tok 9 bust the Zoo and go of ouede te... Entrance high Biimpertat ©: main 4a He atthe monkeys eating some bananas 2 enoyed watched :toughes 14 — The lions were sleeping under a tree because ji was very. ° bio ee ee oan ou rh 23 4 | i 33 3 é 34 $e oe $ re Question 16-20 + Which notice (A-H) says this (16:20)? + For questions 16:20, mark ihe corect eter AH onthe answer sheet, his is broken. 16 ~ Chitdren pay less than adults here, ‘A) Summer Sale Low Prices in All Departments FF 17—Be careful because tis will urn. B) Fire Door Keep Closed E18 We don't want any money yet. — ©) Lit Not Working 8 49.~ Things are cheaper here. 1) Toy Shop Now Open © 20 You must pay with cash. ~~ 5) uy now pay next year! F) Keep ths righteress away from fie! G) We do not take cheques or credit cards. H) Under 12s half price PART 4 Question 21-28 ead the article about bieyces, + Choose the best word (A,B or ©) for each space (21-28), + For questions 21-28, mark A, 8 or C on the answer sheet BICYCLES The bicycle is (0)... cheap and clean way to travel. The fist bleyele (21) .A\... made about one hundred ‘and fy years ago, At fist, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (22)... buy one. These early bleycles looked very sifferent from the ones we have today. Later, (23) A. Bicycles became cheaper, many people (24) ..6 lone, People started riding bieycles to work and in (25) A. free time Today, people use ogrs more than bicycles; cars are much (26) .B.,. And you don't get wet when it rains! But some people (27) 7... prefer to cycle to work. They say that (28) .f. are too many care in town cantres ‘and you can't anywhere to park! Example: 0-A: some Bony ca Answer. lc 21 -Awas Bis C: were 2A: must Be enuid may 23- A: when Bit that 24-A; buy B: buys bought 25 A: theirs Bs his Cite 26 A: fast ‘Bi faster fastest 27a: yet stil C: already 28—A: they Blihere « Chere PARTS Question 29-95, + Read the article about some birds, Are sentences 29-35 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (8)? + If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right (A) or Wrong" (B), choose “Doesnt say + For question 29-36, mark A, 8, or C on the answer sheet © CANADA GEESE Canada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn arrives, they have to fl south where the weather Is warmer. The winters in Canada are so cold that the birds die f they stay there. Last spring, Bll Ushman found sixteen young Canadsr Gueese on his farm. They had lot their parents, Bill thought, “These young bids ‘won't know what to do in the autumn. ill had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him. Al through the summer, he went on shor tips in his plane and the young Geese flew after him. When the cold weather arrived in autumn, Bil flew fo Virginia in the United States, 600 miles of his home in Canada. The Geese followed him all the way. Bil left the geese in Virginia and celured to his home. This spring, Bll was alting forthe birds to come back, They cnt arive, so Bll few to Virgina to get them, He fooked for them but he couldnt find them. When he arrived back home, bil found the geese waiting for him. They had found their ‘way home without him! Example: Winters in Canada are so cold for Canada Geese. ARight B: Wrong ©: Doesn't say Answer A 29 Bil Lishman is a farmer, co @ Right 2: Wrong ©: Doesn't say 30 — Bil ves wth his parents, A: Right 5: Wrong ©: Doesn't say “ 31 — Bill carried the geese in his plane. Sng y bd MAGDALENA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER PROFICIENCY ENGLISH TEST 200941 READING TEST (1 Hour 30 minutes) PARTY a Question 125.80 AEE co + Which otio8 (ACH) says this (1-5)? + For questions 1-5, mark the correct later A-H on the answer sheet, Example: You can only got small pictures here Answer H. 41 You can use this for to days, « 2 Students do not have to pay to go here at weekends. ey E '3— Someone would lke to speak another language. = Ifyou study here, you wil pay lass for this 92> 5 — You can find things to listen to herein the college 3 'A) WANTED Spanish lessons, evenings of weekends ~-B) English Language Students Library books, magazines and cassettes. €) College Film Night “TITANIC College students £250 Others £300 AD) The Biggest Video Store in Town - OPEN 24 HOURS ) YORK MUSEUM Mon-Fri 5 Sat-Sun §2/ Students fre F) Weekend Travel Cara £10 ‘rain o Bs - Cental London Only 6) Lean o play the gutar infu months - Video Course £80 +H) Color Photos Passport Sze -Only 4 for £3 PART2 - ; On PEE? a Ios + Read the sentences (6-10) about Jan's hobby. 1 unule love Wee —~ Epsssehne aetna A beers eae, jo ee! {Forquestons 610, mare A Bor onthe answer sheet qj eve Example: Janes... Hobby aking photographs. honey B toverte excelent Answer Bo 6 ~ She hopes to... photographer fora newspaper one day. A work B become -VeNdavse cdo on ledom: 7-"She %G., a photography ob olearn more about using a camera became. « Amate Brent opel C:foined muniece ane say its. to tak pictures of chron or anals because they ae always moving. Keane. shajoa Bherdmt Sia a corido 9- bitete Crtcket > trquete 10 Jane ..°B..A.. The fist prize for one of her pictures. va.ctloo an sans Beatie Sey ©: caught Scoger o goat ep Jos verbo van con ta. e paRT3 despues de Apraposteiones fos Vo lov g g ‘Question 11-15 K + Complete the fie conversations . {For questions 11-1, mark B or Con the answer shest 14 Nowe be rove cant: Waa do yur ant ~) Now York «Pxefo ef B: Schoo! ©: Home A Arava eat Cisle UE Ree Lhd - when ill unct(Ge ready? WP Yuite 9000. 44.77 pinto B I's soup and toast 1 Rbp@ you're hungry byt k Meijer Cerpevante) 2 mits very hone . nee) heating icalegarcie. .et's go outside then raat © ‘A:Do you feel cold? 1 AB Havé you metytenry before? AB + Hav’ you mety Yes, | do Example: Assistant Hello, Can I help you? Answer: H ence owe Assistant: Do yougwaribthe university tennisGourior the oty 16 Student .C.7 SA: Thank you. IN go there now. Assistant Yee, af you a unversy student? They can use the BL suppose eo. university ones -€: On, Arete diferent ones? | didnt know 47- Student... SD: That fin, Is Park Steet ust after the High Street? ‘Assistant Se, you need the ot tennis courts. They rein Park ECan use them? ‘Street, ve sthat far fomhere? , a o 18- student CG: Well, 'm a student at'a language school not the univers Assistant: "Weil walk, is about 20 minutes. H: Yes, please, Where are the tennis courts} 19- Student: 2.” Assistant: Thats right Take the third road‘ the let, then t's onthe right 20 - Student we z Assistant Youre welcome. age Panta Question 21-27 co uocode i woxtetly ‘read the aie about asingarn®™ yg wore?“ “fre sentences 21-21 Rit or WonD) (8)? +i there is not(enougH information to Answer "Right (A) or"Wrong(B), choose ‘Doesr't say" (C) + For question 27-27 |mark A 8, or C on the answer sheet. John Plekering ina perk in a'sral toon in cenral England, John Pickering outs the grate and waters the towers. But alas week he was in Tokyo 8nd millon of dacanese poople watched the tiy.fve-year-old gardener on television because John isthe number one singe ‘Japan atthe moment John vised Japan eft Rorthe go to sing im dance cubs In Ozaka and Nogoya, A dsc jockey heard his tonge 'and played them on his radio show Hundreds of young people phoned the radio and asked the dee jokey to play the songs once ‘ore John, who uses the name Jon Ots whan he ingen lapan, ls not going to stop wrking inthe park a England. He does not now yet how much he vl ear om,his music. “Lxeep my job nthe park he says "Teli nave to pay my bil The ater gardeners {dont now that he fs famous nVopan They-ve never eveh heard him sing, John vie, Derive, a hosptal worker, says, "Ys wl nat Change the way hee. el know John Peng, ot on Otel Example: Join Pickering usualy wor n England Right 8: Wrong ©: Doesnt say Answer A = Aew days ago, John was in television n Japan Bint ‘Bwrona x ©: Doesnt say 22 John's frst show in Japan was in the radio . 1 Right Owongs © doesnt say % 23 = dhn hops to become famous in England one day A Right Fase Gapera tte, (@Wrong x G@oosnit say 24~ Jon Pickering and Jon Osa the same person VEBRIghte Wrong ©: Doesnt say 25 ~ John wil sll work nthe park because he needs the money. SPR too ie 8 Wrong : Doesnt say 26 ~ J's colaagues think his songs are very : Right wrong ©: Doesnt say 27 = John's wit would ke hit stop singing A Right @wrong Croesn say PARTS Questions 28-35 + Read the article about postcards, = Choose the best word (A, 8 oF C) for each space (28-95) + For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. posroaros Fe AS ike to send postcards 0) 48, tht hand and femiy. These postcards often (28) 0¥Epicures of beaches, mountains Teese en ayo 25) COD, wtea message onthe back, Many people send postcarcs (30) they ae on holday Secait pct are cheap ae te ifs on em aye oe Otfgabertan peopes own pots ‘Somebody sent the first postcards (32) a... the end of the nine Ithad @ picture of a town by the sea on i, Later on, Sere 2a treRonramsaahing inte nows tet week porn on aceiden (2) 0. an mpotar persons vst People Fedo (0) Sa: eryoecmite ay (8) ha hove pcrsftetfwopepee thn (chan > bacokas A corte Example Rees ovate Bey © from fnower: A 28 -A had Questions 1-5 Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on your answer sheet. Example: © Do not leave any suitcases on the floor. Answer: [0 AS, ‘now. when office is closed 2 This is cheaper because it B [FoR SALE } - isn'tnew. |] Boy's bike, only 2 months old }} Hatt usual price 3 All our prices are lower for a arrestee short time. © 4 You can pay for your journey: ina different way if necessary. PLEASE PUT ALL LUGGAGE twa {ABOVE YOUR SCAT rat fom —— 5 If you are 15 or younger, you E | SALE ENDS NEXT TUESDAY - may win some money 56 OFF EVERYTHING UNTIL THEN Sp ever riana wore Tray, F UNDER 16s GOLF COMPETITION bgjo FIRST PRIZE £30! G | SPEND £50 AND GETA FREE sports BAG J Po H_| POOL OPENING HOURS NOW LONGER: | 7ami— 30 pm (was 8.45 pm) Part 2 Questions 6-10 Read the sentences about visiting a farm. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 6~10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Rebecea and Tom nn i Awwant Beenjoy © agree Answer. 6 They —.-n-» their dad to take them there on Saturday. A asked __B said C talked 7 Thayer hea on Saturday morning. A well Beary | C ONC vetcsrene £8. They ann PSPS arm at 1o'clock. ») | Agot Became C amived J 9 Rebecca and Tom are always to help on the farm, : A good B happy © kind 40 The horses were hungry(SOBebecca and Tom gave them SOME mm A food B water}, C blankets >sabanas, eaten: oe Part 3 Questions 11-15 Complete the five conversations. x For questions 11=15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: sudina 0 AA I'm studying & ———— = 2 4 easpads enny: 19 fanke Seopa ‘Marco: That's @ good idea. When are you free? Sas cqueporiciones dex LON! 20 nee Daspuss & ine as a Marco: ‘That's great. See you then. Vadoos van con fay ‘nos Verne Part 4 Questions 21-27 Read the article about a visit to, Hearst Castle, a famous building in California. Are the sentences 21~27 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (8)? {there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). \A visit to Hearst Castle \by Theresa Martin . Last year, I had a great tip to least Castle at San Simeon in California. Hearst Casto was bul by Wiliam Randolph Hearst between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of ‘more than $30 million ~ about $277 million today. 1 spent all day looking aun, but it wasnt enough ‘There was go mu¢ th to see. Hearst Castle is really four houses. THES, Casa Grande i much bigger than the other three, which were used for guests, Many of thse ee foto fin star ar tn ate came to Hearst partes {ound the tour very helpful. The guide told me that At Hearst Castle, there are 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms Hearst, at the age of ten, toured Europe with his and 19 sitting rooms. There ap als beatiful gardens, other, looking at paintings and castle, He pete enrages for dole eo RG ASR R reac frat tur an derfeg hance Ree elqeanda larger one aside loved the one ouside, 0 lok ikea castle “fife Ngbtune Pool {7 “a pity we couldn't go Hearst died in 1951, and Hearst Castle was given by his swimming! Severe, family tothe people of Califoria. Its now a museum. | perqaggcs —— Glests Sayed'n ‘Casa Grande! 24 Hearst's Tahoe ; A Right” 'B°Wrong © Doesn't say 22 The swimming pools are the same size, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 23 Theresa thought the tour was very useful ‘A Right B Wrong © Doosn't say 24 Hearst enjoyed living at Hearst Castle. A Right BB Wrong Doesn't say 25 Hearst remembered his trip to Europe all his life. A Right BB Wrong Doesn't say 26 Hearst died in Hearst Castle. A Right B Wrong ‘Doesn't say 27 The Hearst family stil live at Hearst Castle. A Right B Wrong Doesn't say i Read the article about a girl and a dolphin. Choose the best word (A, B or G) for each space. For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet (One summer I went to Florida in the USA | (0) holiday. I said goodbye to my family at | the airport in London (28)........ I flew to Miami, | I stayed with my friend Maria. Her grandfather had a boat and we (29)... o go sailing ‘We had (80) — Iovely time sailing! One ‘morning I decided to st on the side of the boat | Suen. 1 of io he, Tako ow OA on Bat Cin 28 A but B or © and 29.A wanted —B wanting © want 30 A one Ba ¢ the 31 A very B such © enough 32. A before B after C since 33. something B anything © nothing 34. Him BI ct 35 A have B was cam | The helpful dolphin SS to swim (1) Then, (82) noun minvste [fel (89)... PUSH) ‘me fearét the boat. (84)....... was a dolphin and he was trying to help me! Maria heard me shout and her grandfather pulled me back on the boat. I (35) now learnt to swim and I will always love dolphins! ‘well and began to shout. Answer: [0 [mS

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