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Gabriela Rodriguez- My Perspective Project + Artist Statement

“No face”

The title of my work is “No Face” Because I never know how to feel so I always try to have a
smile so people don't know that I don't know what I'm doing in life. I try to stay positive even
though I have no face of the unknown. I tried to represent how I'm always trying to stay positive
with bright colors and different lines to show the roller coaster of unknown things in my life. I
also added flowers to show blooming brightness in my train of thought while I decide things. To
create my work I first started sketching and laying out colors and then decided to use
watercolors to fill in each sketch I drew. I think I met my goal in this art project because I
managed to fit in all the colors I wanted and bring the meaning I was going for to life. My idea in
this artwork was to try and show how i feel in life while trying to get through life and how I never
know what to do.

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