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Grammar: Possessive adjectives * possessive ‘s Vocabulary: Family 1 Complete the table with the names of family members in the box. What other names of family members do you remember? (brother cousin daughter father grandfather wife uncle g c ‘notherimum her feed eter aun * srandmother 2 Read the text and complete Lara's family tree with the correct Hi, 'm Lara and this is my family tree. My sister's name is Suzanne. She's twenty years old. My brother's name is Damien, he's fourteen. Our parents’ names are Elaine and Paul. My grandfather’s name is Michael and my grandmother is Sarah. My mum’s sister is Louise and her husband is Alex. Their children are my cousins, Fiona and Charles. We're a great 3 Complete REMEMBER THIS with the pronouns in blue in the text. Then complete the sentences in the cartoon, Geese «myname Marc Bee A Seer Se ut 4 Complete the sentences. Then listen and check. 1 Dave is good at music. That's his guitar. 2 Isthis, pen? Or is it Kate's pen? 3 Welove football favourite team is Arsenal 4 This skateboard is Marta’. Its a present from. parents 5 Brothers’ names are Simon and Rob, They are fourteen and eighteen years old, but, birthday is on the same day! 6 favourite pop group is Tandon Grammar. What's favourite group? 5 Read REMEMBER THIS. Find more examples of the possessive ‘sin the text in Exercise 2. Panes mls Possessive ‘s singular My mum's sister is Louise. My dad's sisters aren't in the photo, Charles's dog is Rover. Possessive ‘s plural (Our parents’ names are Elaine and Paul My grandparents’ car is blue. Note: My mother's English. My mother's car is old. ain oe 6 Choose the corect option. 1 This is Pocko /BedroDhouse. Pocko/ Pedros rom Spain. Pedro Pedro’ mum is English and he his dads Spanish, HeS/ His tom Madi 2 My ends / fend’ fends names are Lucy and Kevin, They! Theirfavourte sports are fotbal and tennis. Kevin / Kevin's favourite spor is football and Lucy/ Lucy faveurte sporti terns, She Her favourite terns star's Roger Federer My fends fonds fends are cray about spore, 4 Leys / Lucys' fathers om heland. Her His mathersBrailan. She's/ She from Curtiba,His/ Her name's Adriana ‘Adkianas/ Adana fory years ol. She's / She my Maths teacher ‘5 = possessive 7 SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1. What is your mum’s name? 2 What colour is your dad's car? 3 What is your best friend's favourite band? 4 What are your friends’ favourite sports? 5 Who are your cousins’ favourite singers? 6 What are your grandparents’ names? What are their favourite colours? (i ces Peron prmcuns Peseta suche: \ my you your he his she her it ite you your they their How ald are your sisters? Thies their schoo! Possessive 's We use the possessive ‘sto say that something belongs to 2 parson or animal Mark's photos students’ headphones We ad © sto singular nouns My mum's favourite pop group is A-ha. + "toregular plural nouns: This is my grandparents! now house + ‘510 rrogular plural nouns: The children’s room is over there, Note: scan mean ‘is‘or show that something belongs to My brother's a student. (= is) ‘My brother's cari really old. (5 = possessive) 1 Complete the definitions with the words in the box. aunt (x2) father grandparents | mother parents uncle 41 Your mum is your ' daughter 2 Your cousin is your, and _'s daughter 3 Your sister is your 4 Your grandmother is your 's mother, daughter, ‘'s mother ot your 5 Your uncle is your We use can/can‘tto express ability: Ella ean sing, but she ean’t dance. Can you paint? Aemative Negative Woul He/She! age Mou! HeShel can't og hwWe/They WWe/They (cannot) Yes/No questions Shor anewere Uyouthes Yes, /youthe/sheitwe/they can Can she” cook? —_No, joulhe/she/iv’weithey welthey can't Wh quesine What ean Wyourhe/she/tiwe/they cock? 1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1A: you cook? B: Yes t 1 2 A: Let’ go rollerblading! Br Sorry, 1 roller‘olade. 3A: Mysister sing and she, dance to: Yes, Iknow, sha sings and dancas very well 4 My dad run vary fast, uthe 0 We naver go to the swimming pool 5A: Suzy draw comics? B: No,she 6 My sister paint but she takes very niahotographe Caio We use these prepositions to say where things are behind, between, i, in front of, next to, en, opposite, over, under ‘The sink is between the cooker and the fridge. ‘The chaits are next to the bed, there is/there are We use there is/there are to say where things are: Is there 2 picture inthe kitchen? There are three books on the table, eave There is/There's asof inthe ving room. There are ‘two posters. on the wall Shor answers sofa inthe ling. Yos, thors i. room? No, there isnt rp Yes, there ae. posters onthe wall? te iere ae. Wh. questions Howmany pasters are here onthe wal? 1 Complete the text with the correct prepositions. My bedeoom is very small. There aten't many things iit There’s awindow @__ the door My deskis u__ the window. My bed is n__ tothe desk My favourte posters are o__ the bed fn the wall. B___ my bed and the opposite wal there's a green carpet 2 Choose the correct option. 1 There is / There are a TV in my bedroom. 2 There is / There are two sofas in the living room. 3 Is there / Are there a shower in the bathroom? 4 Is there /Are there books on the shelf? 5 How many bedrooms is there / are there? 6 le there /Are there a table in the dining room? 125

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