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Table of Contents
The challenges.................................................................................................................................3

Pessimistic perspective....................................................................................................................3

Optimistic Perspective.....................................................................................................................3


Reference List..................................................................................................................................5

The challenges

Amy, a young woman who was worried about the direction her life was taking, came to visit me
for advice. Even at 29, she remained living in her relatives' basement, waiting tables at a pub,
and accruing debt at a rapid clip. Because her 50 % chance of inheriting, Zoey, was living an
entirely different existence from her own, the issue only became worse. Zoey, a communications
professional at a multinational automotive company, just got married and is expecting her first
child. The most important thing in psychology would be not to address a disorder's
manifestations alone. To properly grasp the problem, one must delve underneath the surface. I
urged Amy to bring her identical twin sister along to our next session so that I could hear both
sides of the tale firsthand. For the entire world, Amy and Zoey were identical twins reared by
middle-class, working-class parents (Booker, 2019). They both attended college, where they
were both varsity athletes and honors scholars. However, deeper investigation revealed that the
twins had quite distinct personalities and outlooks on life.

Pessimistic perspective

Amy's tendency to dwell on the unpleasant was one of several things I remember about her. No
matter how she delivers a tale, she always concludes on a depressing note (Schinke et al, 2020).
However, her twin sister, Zoey, talked heroically about the difficulties she faced. She saw
obstacles as starting points as well as experiential learning rather than hurdles. After a while,
Amy had developed narcissism in how she saw her problems, behaving as if she were the only
one in the world who had them. Because of this, I tasked her with keeping a journal of
everything her identical twin sister goes through in the span of a week (Damsgaard et al, 2021).
Every day, when she checked in with Zoey, she had to urge her to be open and honest about
everything that was going on in her life, including her struggles. The primary difference between
them, Amy recognized at the end of this week and, was how they tackled their trials. Because of
this, she resolved to speak up less and observe better going forward.

Optimistic Perspective

Amy feared that no matter how brief a setback was, the debt she had accrued would never be
erased. Zoey, on the other hand, saw difficulties at work as a chance to strengthen her strength;
she saw them as both brief and essential. A sense of powerlessness had set in as a result of Amy's
conviction that all issues were permanent and would never be solved (Stoffel and Cain, 2018).
As far as she was concerned, nothing positive would come out of it, no matter how hard she
tried. Most of her life seemed 'out of control,' particularly when it came to her money. To learn
more about student loans and budgeting, Amy and Zoey scheduled a meeting with a loan
representative. In order for Amy to understand that most troubles are transient, she needed to
hear the same "it can be done" tale from an outside source (Hasan-Aslih et al, 2020). Amy left
the meeting with a financial strategy in place. Having her twin admit to needing assistance
limiting her vacation expenditures solidified this strategy even more. As a group, they took
responsibility for one another, forging a sisterly tie that had been strained over time.


It was Amy's last session that dealt with her propensity to focus on the negative aspects of her
life and ignore the positive aspects. Amy's younger sister also provided an account of her
struggles. Zoey, on the other hand, saw her problems as contained and constrained rather than
overwhelming. She was content with the way things were, even if they were cloudy. The last
assignment's purpose was to help Amy see the advantages in her life, even in the midst of
hardship. For a week, she set her phone to randomly beep throughout the day, prompting her to
jot down three positive things happening in her life, no matter how little they may seem. Amy's
findings were encouraging: as time has gone on, she began to share more of her joys and sorrows
with her loved ones. Optimism is more than just a happy-go-lucky attitude; it's a proactive
approach to life that gets individuals where they want to go. It helps individuals concentrate on
whatever they can control, making it much easier to see beyond disappointments and then on to
the most important thing in life: living it.

Reference List

Booker, J. A. (2019). Patterns in autobiographical reminiscing among early adults: Implications
for forgiveness and self‐compassion. Social Development, 28(4), 802-819. [Retrieved
from: ;Retrieved On:
Damsgaard, J. B., & Angel, S. (2021). Living a meaningful life while struggling with mental
health: Challenging aspects regarding personal recovery encountered in the mental health
system. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5),
2708. [Retrieved from: ;Retrieved On:
Hasan-Aslih, S., Shuman, E., Goldenberg, A., Pliskin, R., van Zomeren, M., & Halperin, E.
(2020). The quest for hope: Disadvantaged group members can fulfill their desire to feel
hope, but only when they believe in their power. Social Psychological and Personality
Science, 11(7), 879-888. [Retrieved from:
Power.pdf ;Retrieved On: 22/01/2022].
Schinke, R., Papaioannou, A., Maher, C., Parham, W. D., Larsen, C. H., Gordin, R., & Cotterill,
S. (2020). Sport psychology services to professional athletes: working through COVID-
19. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(4), 409-413. [Retrieved
from: ;Retrieved
On: 22/01/2022].
Stoffel, J. M., & Cain, J. (2018). Review of grit and resilience literature within health professions
education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82(2). [Retrieved from: ;Retrieved On: 22/01/2022].

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