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Have you ever wondered, we often

make wrong choices in haste and
regret facing its consequences!
Through the means of my film
project, I present you a similar story
of a common man who made wrong
choices all throughout his life. As a
result of this, he had to pay his life
and the lives of the future
generations as the penalty!
Exactly, what did he do to face such
terrible consequences?
Let’s see…
So, as they say, YOU REAP WHAT YOU
This might be just a story, but won’t take long
to become our reality! 😨
Our MOTHER EARTH🌎 has done so much
for us but we are the worst children who are
continuously hurting our mother for our
selfish needs! It’s high time we STOP
otherwise, there will be a FULL STOP to our
human species in the near future!
If you don’t want to end up like the
protagonist, then be wise and learn from his
mistakes, from his wrong choices! 🧠
Let’s walk on the right path and save our
mother in whichever way we can!
Always remember, small steps can
together bring a big change but the very
first step should be taken by you!
Mission SOS is the name that I
have given to my survey.
SOS is a short form of "Save Our
Ship"! Our ship here, is our mother
earth on whom we are sailing but at
present, our ship is drowning
because of our carelessness!  We
need to take a quick action else we
will drown too! Hence, I ran this
survey to understand the
seriousness of this problem and I
am happy to say that about 360
people actively participated in my
mission! 😊
In the beginning I assumed that the report
would turn out bad but this survey has
actually surprised me! Wet and dry
segregation is happening in many places and
the average plastic consumption per house is
actually less!
The situation is still bad but there is
awareness among people and they are trying
to save the planet…I am very happy about
It would be better if the government
cooperates with the people and sets up
recycling plants or bans plastic on whole as
requested by the majority! 😊

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