Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Basic Words Is The Ability of A Computer

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 Good afternoon everyone, I am Snigdha and today I am going to speak for
the motion: Artificial intelligence will end human intelligence.
Now before I directly jump into my argument I would like to speak a little
about what exactly is this artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in basic words is the ability of a computer
program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field of study which
tries to make computers "smart".
It’s the same AI that is used in making robots such as SOFIA. Now,
although these robots can do a lot of good to our lives at the same time they
can cause an equal amount of damage when used in the wrong way!
Seeing human's track record till date the chances of them misusing
technology has always been more…
The cybercrime rate increased drastically over time. Over the years,
malware has evolved from simply shutting down a computer to destroying
an enemy nation-state’s nuclear power plant.
It’s an irony to say that CCTV cameras have been installed for our security
and now similar cameras are capturing our personal information and posing
threat to our security.
The invention of the nuclear bomb has already destroyed many countries.
Now imagine big destructive robots in the military zone! The damage they
would offer to the world is beyond our imagination.
In the present world, machines have already begun to replace humans in
many fields! This is a major cause of concern because India has almost 18
million people who are trapped in the issue of unemployment mainly
because their works have been taken over by machines.
The mills have almost replaced handlooms and cottage industries. The
talent of artisans and craftsmen is withering over time!
Let’s go a little back in time, so earlier there were telephones and numbers
had to be dialed to make a call. As a result, they had all their family and
friend's numbers at their fingertips, but now hardly a few of us remember
the numbers of all our close ones! Now you would ask why should we
remember things when we have it all on our phones! That’s the thing, we are
dependent on our phones for almost everything! We have put our whole lives
into our devices, but if one day the same device goes haywire? Our whole
lives would turn upside down!
Not just that! Studies have proven that Individuals who rely heavily on
technology may suffer deterioration in cerebral performance such as short
term memory dysfunction

Recent research consistently points to technology as a principal cause of

memory loss at an increasingly younger age and diseases like Alzheimer's
and Aphasia!
This is just the present scenario, imagine the future when all the works will
be performed by robots! There would be no need for us to use our brains to
remember, calculate or analyze anything, and, slowly due to lack of exercise
for our brains, it would stop functioning resulting in death!
Growing AI has also been an issue of concern to various scientists such as
Stephan hawkings, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel! According to them once the
robots learn to self optimize themselves they will attain superior intelligence
and As shown in the movies like terminator they might also take over the
world and end the human race and this day is not too far….

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