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Vivekananda Mission School, Haldia

Second Term Unit Test- 1 (2021-2022)

Class-IX Subject-Biology F.M-25 Dt-23.09.2021

Q1. The main respiratory substrate is _________.

a) Glucose b) Starch c) Glycogen d) None

Q2. In cytoplasm _______ occur.

a) Glycolysis b) Fermentation c) Both a and b d) None of the above

Q3. Pneumatophores are found in _______.

a) Rhizophora b) Neem c) Cycas d) Ficus

Q4. The reaction of TCA Cycle occurs in _____.

a) Ribosome b) Chloroplast c) Mitochondria d) Cytoplasm

Q5. The shape of Vibrio is

a) Comma b) Rod c) Spirillum d) None of the above

Q6. Retting of fibre is due to

a) Nitrobacter b) Rhizobium c) Baccilus d) Clostridium

Q7. Energy currency of the cell is

a) ATP b) GDP c) ADP d) NADP

Q8. These are the openings found on older stems

a) Lenticels b) Stomata c) Bark d) Cork

Q9. Yeast is used in the production of

a) Ethyl alcohol b) Curd c) Cheese d) Acetic acid

Q10. Deficiency disease caused due to lack of Niacin

a) Polio b) Night blindness c) Pellagra d) Rickets

Q11. Calorie requirement of an adult labour

a) 1600 kcal b) 2450 kcal c) 1800 kcal d) 3500 kcal

Q12. Which is not a polysaccharides ?

a) Glycogen b) Starch c) Cellulose d) Lactose

Q13.Antibiotic streptomycin is discovered by

a) Selman Walksman b) Fleming c) Robert Hooke d) Pasteur
Q14. Respiration is a ------------ process
a) Catabolic b) anabolic c) Amphibolic d) None of the above

Q15. The chemical name of Vitamin A

a) Thiamine b)Riboflavin c) Niacin d) Retinol

Q16. -------- are the smaller units proteins

a) Glucose b) Fructose c) Amino acid d) Nitrogen

Q17. Which is not a fat soluble vitamins ?

a) Retinol b) Calciferol c)Tocopherol d) Pyridoxine

Q18. Which is not a deficiency disease ?

a) Beri beri b) Rickets c) Goitre d) Cholera

Q19. Bread Mould is a

a) Rhizopus b) Aspergillous c) Antibiotic d) Bacteria

Q20. A good producer of citric acid

a) Pseudomonas b) Clostridium c) Aspergillus d) Saccharomyces

Q21. Vaccine that prevent Tuberculosis

a) BCG b) DPT c) MMR d) ATS

Q22. The mode of nutrition in fungi

a) Autotrophic b) Symbiotic c) Saprophytic d) Parasitic

Q23. The cell wall of fungi is composed of

a) Celulose b) Pectin c) Chitin d) Pectose

Q24. Carbohydrates and fats are ------- food

a) Protective b) Body building c) Energy giving d) Supportive

Q25. One of the rich source of Vitamin C is ____.

a) Fresh Fruits b) Citrus Fruits c) Milk d) Egg


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