Latihan Exot Grade 4 Reg

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1. What do you like doing? Why do you like it?

2. With whom do you usually do that?

3. What do you do as a good son?

4. What do you do as a good student?

5. What do you do as a good friend?

6. What is your favorite animal? What do they eat?

7. What is your favorite season? Why do you like it?

8. What activities do you probably do in the spring season?

9. What activities do you probably do in the summer season?

10. What activities do you probably do in the fall season?

11. What activities do you probably do in the winter season?

12. As a good friend, What do you want to do for your friends?

13. As a good friend, What don’t you want to do for your friends?

14. What do you want to be? Why do you want to be (his/her dream)?

15. What are the things you must do to make your dream come true?

16. What makes you feel nervous?

17. What makes you feel proud?

18. What makes you feel relaxed?

19. What makes you feel embarrassed?

20. What makes you feel worried?

21. What is your favorite animal? What do they eat?

22. Look at the picture! What do they do to protect wildlife?
Answer Key: They plant some trees
Here is Maryam’s schedule at her school
Answer the following questions!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday

23. What does she study on Monday?

Answer key: She studies Math / She studies about counting / Math

24. What does she study on Tuesday?

Answer key: She studies art / She studies about painting / Art / Painting

25. What does she study on Wednesday?

Answer key: She studies Alquran / She studies how to read Alquran / Alquran
26. What does he do on Friday?

Answer key: He does karate / he does taekwondo / karate / taekwondo

Answer the questions based on the picture here!

27. What is he doing?
Answer key: He is frowning / He is looking at me angrily

28. What does he feel?

Answer key: He feels angry / He is angry / He feels sad / He is sad / He feels
disappointed /
He is disappointed (optional, students can answer with their own versions)

29. What is he doing?

Answer key: He is smiling

30. What does he feel?

Answer key: He feels happy / He is happy / He feels proud / He is proud
students can answer with their own versions)
31. What is she doing?
Answer key: She is crying / Crying

32. How does she feel?

Answer key: She feels sad / She is sad / sad

Read the passage and answer the following questions!

Special houses
This is Will. This is his house. It’s a lighthouse! There are a lot of stairs.
Will likes living in the lighthouse but he doesn’t like climbing the stairs.
He likes playing computer games and watching TV. He likes cooking,
too. His favorite food is fish.

33. What does Will like doing?

Answer key: Will likes playing computer games, watching TV and cooking
34. What does Will like eating?
Answer key: Will like eating fish

35. Where does Will live?

Answer key: Will lives in the lighthouse

Read the passage and answer the following questions by saying True or False!

A hurricane is a big storm. There is a lot of wind and a lot of rain. The
hurricane goes round in a big circle. It can knock down trees and
houses. There are big waves on the sea too.

36. During A hurricane, it’s windy and rainy (.........)

Answer key: True

37. A hurricane is a small storm (.........)

Answer key: False

Read the passage and answer the following questions!

I want to be an athlete because I want to be famous. I want to be a

champion at the Olympic Games. I train very hard and listen to my coach. I
eat good food. And I go to bed early every night.

38. What does he want to be?

Answer key: He wants to be an athlete

39. Why does he want to be an athlete?

Answer key: He wants to be famous / He wants to be a champion

40. What does he usually do to make his dream come true?

Answer key: He trains very hard, listens to the coach, eats good food and
goes to
bed early

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