The Road Not Taken

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The Road Not Taken

Question 1.

What do the words ‘Long I stood’ mean in the poem?

(a) poet’s dilemma

(b) the poet was in a relaxing mood

(c) poet was enjoying the nature

(d) poet was thinking


Question 2.

Why did the poet choose the second road?

(a) because it was well built

(b) because it was beautiful

(c) because it was not used by many people and was appealing to the poet

(d) all


Question 3.

What shows that the road has not been used by many people?

(a) the green and untrampelled grass on it

(b) the mud on it

(c) the broken stones on it

(d) All

Question 4.

What does grassy mean in the poem?

(a) the road which is not used by anyone

(b) the comfortable road

(c) te road with all the luxuries

(d) well-built road


Question 5.

Why was the poet looking at the path ?

(a) to decide whether it was suitable for him

(b) to see how long it was

(c) to check the road

(d) none


Question 6.

What does Yellow woods mean?

(a) falling leaves

(b) forest with yellow leaves in the autumn season

(c) wood yellow in color

(d) none


Question 7.
What does diverge mean?

(a) to be separated and taking a different turn

(b) to be torn

(c) to break

(d) all


Question 8.

What is the message of this poem?

(a) be wise while choosing and making decisions

(b) two roads are confusing

(c) road is nothing but a pathway

(d) all


Question 9.

What does the road signify in the poem?

(a) the path or choice that was left or was not chosen to tread

(b) The pathway

(c) pathway on the roadside

(d) a road with two turns


Question 10.

Who is the poet of this poem?

(a) James

(b) William James

(c) William Wordsworth

(d) Robert Frost

1. What is the dilemma of the poet?

whether he will be able to come back to the second road or not

whether he will get time for himself

whether he will be successful

2. What does the poet’s decision of taking a less traveled road signify?

poet’s risk-taking habit

the arrogance of the poet

poet was confused

poet’s negligence

3. What does the choice of road signify?

too many things

two paths

the toughness of a choice and decision in life


4. Where does the poet find himself?

on the road

on a bus

on a muddy road

on a fork

5. What does Poet’s long stare at the path signify?

the time is taken by people to decide and make a choice

poet loves nature

idling away of time

relaxation hours

k6. What do yellow woods represent?


older people



7. Why was the poet able to travel one road only?

because he had to walk alone

because he had no vehicle

because he was one person


8. Why is the poet asking to be wise while choosing a pathway?

because there is no Going Back option

Because it is the only road

because it is one-sided road


9. Which thing decides a person’s future according to this poem?

the path one chooses to walk

the path one leaves behind

the regrets

the success

10. What does the poem speak about?

about the plight of roads

about the people

about two roads

about the choices made by people

MCQ Questions - Poem 2 Wind

Question 1.

What is the central idea of this poem?

(a) We should make friends with the wind god.

(b) If we are strong, even gods will be on our side.

(c) God helps the weak and the needy.

(d) We should love all creatures of God.


Question 2.

The wind god winnows—

(a) Anything that is big and strong.

(b) Anything that is weak and crumbling.

(c) Anything that is in this world.

(d) Anything that is not natural.


Question 3.

What does the wind do?

(a) It throws down all the books on the shelf

(b) It tears the pages of the books.

(c) It brings the rain again.

(d) All the above.


Question 4.

What is the effect of the wind on strong fires?

(a)makes them roar and flourish

(b) blows them out as usual

(c) let them burn

(d) all the options are correct


Question 5.

The wind does not listen to us. What should we do?

(a)afraid of him

(b) make ourselves strong to face him

(c) request him not to make us harm

(d) none of these options


Question 6.

’You brought rain again’. Who does ‘you’ refer to?

(a)the wind

(b) the poet

(c) the cloud

(d) the children


Question 7.

What does ‘crumbling hearts’ refer to?

(a)old persons

(b) weak persons

(c) rich and strong persons

(d) despondent persons


Question 8.

How does the poet want the wind to come?

(a) fastly

(b) slowly

(c) dimly

(d) in a tempestuous way


Question 9.

Find a synonym for loyal from the poem.

(a) firm

(b) strong

(c) steadfast

(d) none

Question 10.

What does the poet suggest to be friends with the wind?

(a) build strong homes

(b) close the doors firmly

(c) have strong bodies and mind

(d) all


Question 11.

Suggest a word that stands for to fix.

(a) settle

(b) make correct

(c) Join

(d) All


Question 12.

Tell a word in the poem which is the antonym of foolish?

(a) clever

(b) wise

(c) cunning

(d) all

Question 13.

Whom does the poet make a request to and address?

(a) the people

(b) his children

(c) wind

(d) all


Question 14.

Who is blown out by the wind?

(a) weak fire

(b) strong fire

(c) papers

(d) all


Question 15.

Whom does wind God like?

(a) weak people

(b) who talks to it

(c) strong people

(d) none

Question 16.

Why do people winnow the grain?

(a) to clean the dust

(b) to remove straws

(c) to take out chauff

(d) All


Question 17.

Name the things the wind had done.

(a) brought rain

(b) torn the pages

(c) broke the doors of the window

(d) all


Question 18.

Who is the poet of the poem?

(a) Subramania Bharti

(b) Robert Frost

(c) Ruskin Bond

(d) William Wordsworth

Question 1.

Name the poet of this poem.

(a) Robert Frost.

(b) Subramania Bharati.

(c) W.B. Yeats.

(d) Phoebe Cary.


Question 2.

We can make friends with the wind god if we are—

(a) true.

(b) honest.

(c) strong.

(d) respectful.


Question 3.

What does the wind poke fun at?

(a) Weak houses and weak doors.

(b) Weak rafters and weak wood.

(c) Weak hearts and weak bodies.

(d) Any living or non-living thing that is weak and crumbling.


Question 4.
Select the name of the poet of the poem ‘Wind’.

(a) Robert Frost

(b) Subrarnania Bharati

(c) Coates Kinney

(d) William Wordsworth


Question 5.

What is the effect of the wind on weak fires?

(a) makes them stronger

(b) blow them out

(c) let them burn as before

(d) all the options are correct


Question 6.

What sort of houses does the poet ask us to make?

(a) luxury houses

(b) huts

(c) strong houses

(d) weak houses


Question 7.

Who does the wind make fun of?

(a) the rich

(b) the strong

(c) the weak

(d) none of these


Question 8.

What does the poet want the wind to do?

(a) don’t break the shutters of windows

(b) don’t scatter the papers

(c) don’t throw down the books

(d) all the above


Question 9.

Find a word from the poem for “thrown in different directions”

(a) scatter

(b) thrown

(c) blown

(d) none


Question 10.

“He won’t do what you tell him”Who is he in this line?

(a) God
(b) Wind God

(c) wind

(d) all


Question 11.

What should the people do to save their homes?

(a) use good cement

(b) build strong homes and close the doors firmly

(c) consult a good architect

(d) none


Question 12.

How can we be friends with the wind?

(a) by building strong homes

(b) having strong body

(c) having a strong heart

(d) all


Question 13.

Which figure of speech has been used in the poem?

(a) alliteration

(b) anaphora and metaphoric

(c) personification

(d) all


Question 14.

What is the moral of this poem?

(a) be firm and strong and never be defeated by any obstacle

(b) pray to the wind

(c) don’t be weak

(d) request the wind


Question 15.

What does the word prosper mean in the poem?

(a) keep going

(b) flourish

(c) keep moving

(d) proper


Question 16.

Who is affected by the wind?

(a) weak

(b) strong

(c) people
(d) things


Question 17.

What is winnowing called?

(a) cleaning process

(b) sorting process

(c) Barsana?

(d) None


Rain on the Roof with Answers

Question 1.

Select the name of the poet of the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’.

(a) Robert Frost

(b) Subramanian

(c) Coates Kinney

(d) W.B. Yeats


Question 2.

What does the poet listen?

(a) the sweet music of insects

(b) the sweet music of piano

(c) the sweet music of raindrops

(d) all the options are incorrect


Question 3.

Where does the poet’s mother live?

(a) in another town

(b) in a village

(c) with the poet

(d) she has died


Question 4.

Where is the rain making a noise?

(a) in the room

(b) on the roofyh

(c) in the garden

(d) in the lanes


Question 5.

What tinkles on the shingles?

(a) raindrops

(b) hailstones

(c) brass-bells
(d) silver bangles


Question 6.

What is bliss for the poet?

(a) bathing in the rain

(b) getting a lot of money

(c) going to an office in rain

(d) lying on the bed in a joyful mood


Question 7.

What are the humid shadows doing in the sphere?

(a) steeping

(b) resting

(c) floating in the air

(d) doing nothing


Question 8.

What haunts the poet in the poem?

(a) his friends

(b) sounds of rainfall

(c) his mother’s memory

(d) none

Question 9.

What is the memory that comes to the poet’s mind repeatedly?

(a) his mother

(b) his friends

(c) his siblings

(d) none


Question 10.

What is the favourite activity of the poet during the rainy season?

(a) listening to the music

(b) eating snacks

(c) roaming on the roof

(d) lie on the bed and listen to the pitter-patter sound of the rain


Question 11.

Which memories of the poet are revived with the pitter patter sound of rainfall?

(a) college days

(b) young age

(c) office days

(d) childhood memories


Rain on the Roof

Question 1.

Select the correct meaning of ‘refrain’.

(a) stop making noise

(b) sound of piano music

(c) making refined efforts

(d) the noise of the rain


Question 2.

Who are the darling dreamers?

(a) the poet and his brothers

(b) the street children

(c) the school children

(d) none of these


Question 3.

Who comes in the poet’s memory?

(A) the rain

(b) his father

(c) his mother

(d) his friends


Question 4.

What makes an echo in the poet’s mind?

(a) his poverty

(b) his successes

(c) the music of pattering rain

(d) all these things


Question 5.

What does the poet enjoy listening to?

(a) the classical music of piano

(b) film music

(c) pattering sound of raindrops

(d) old songs


Question 6.

What does the poet attach the darkness with?

(A) joyful mood

(b) sadness

(c) pleasant

(d) soothing

Question 7.

What is bliss in the poem for the poet?

(a) his memories

(b) his mother

(c) listening to the sound of rainfall

(d) All


Question 8.

Who are darling dreamers in the poem?

(a) children who miss their mothers

(b) mothers

(c) hard-working mothers

(d) poet’s memories


Question 9.

What do starry spheres mean?

(a) places where stars are born

(b) the sky filled with stars

(c) star groups in the sky

(d) all

Question 10.

Which literary device has been used in this poem?

(a) alliteration & personification

(b) metaphorical

(c) anaphora

(d) none


Question 11.

What does this poem talk about?

(a) about rain

(b) rain falling

(c) rainfall and disturbance

(d) healing powers of the rain


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