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Group 7

Members : 1. Lina Nur Fatimah (2223200022)

2. Eva Suryati (2223200016)
3. Windi Puspitasari (2223200020)
4. Anjali Pritarida (2223200111)
5. Isma Syafitri (F1021201026)
Class : 4C
Course : Grammar in Written and Spoken Discourse
Lecturer : Dr. Dina Rachmawati, M. Pd.
Topic : Interpersonal metafunction and mood system: • Mood types • Polarity • Modality

1. Mark whether the mood of the following clauses is declarative, interrogative, or imperative.
Underline the subject and circle the finite and comment on the way they are ordered!

a. will you join the dance?

Mood : interrogative
Comment : The clause is started with an auxiliary “will,” which is also has a role as the finite of the
clause. It hints the clause is an interrogative. Then, the next word is “you,” which is the
subject of the clause, and “the dance” as an adjunct. The most important thing is that
there is a question mark at the end of the clause, which indicates that the mood of this
clause is interrogative.
b. This is a fine example of Goya’s early style
Mood : declarative
Comment : The clause uses “this” as the subject and is placed in the first order. Next, the word “is”
is finite of the clause since it has a subject “this” and shows tense (the present tense).

c. Why are you crying so?

Mood : interrogative
Comment : The clause started with “Why,” one of the 5W1H. Next is the word “are,” which is finite
since it has “you” as the subject and shows tense (the present tense). Then, the word
crying is a gerund. And lastly, it ended with a question mark.

d. stop that nonsense immediately!

Mood : imperative
Comment : The clause starts with finite “stop” and continues with “that nonsense” as the object. The
clause is ended with the adverb “immediately” and an exclamation mark. The subject of
the clause may not be written directly. However, it is usually implied that the subject of
an imperative clause is “you.”

e. everybody must leave the theatre at once.

Mood : imperative
Comment : The clause starts with “everybody,” which is the subject of the clause. The word “must” is
a modal verb with a role as finite. The word “leave” is a bare infinitive since it follows the
modal verb “must.” The clause ended with an adjunct “the theatre” and an adverb

2. What commodity is being exchanged in the text entitled Jokowi convinces and comforts a
weary nation?
Answer: The commodity being exchanged in the text is a budget of some RP 2.7 quadrillion for
COVID-19 management and health care. It was stated in the lines, “And the President
proposed a budget of some Rp2.7 quadrillion (US$ 188.3 billion) for the coming fiscal year.
For COVID-19 management and health care, the government will allocate about 9.4
percent of the total.”
3. Analyze the following sentence based on the properties of a clause in Interpersonal Meaning:
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo greets the audience before delivering his state of the union
address on Aug. 16.
President Joko greets the before delivering his state of on Aug. 16
"Jokowi" Widodo audience the union
Subject finite object preposition gerund complemen complemen
t t
Mood Residue

4. How do you think the author position himself and the president in the text?
The author positions himself as a neutral party. The author tells the reader objectively what
happened with no opinions to be seen. He stated the information without any bias against President
Joko Widodo.

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