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DELHI JUDICIAL SERVICE eee 1, The President of India is elected by np (A) ®) © ©) The elected members of Legislative Assemblies of the states The elected members of both the houses of parliament as well as elected members of the Legislative assemblies of states The members of the Lok Sabha The elected members of both the houses of parliament . The president has the power to commute sentence ofany person convicted of any offence (A) ®) © ©) In all cases where the punishment or sentence is for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of union extends Inall cases where the sentence is a capital punishment In all cases where punishment or sentence is by a court martial Allof the above . Article 368 enables an amendment of the basic structure of Constitution of India by A) ®) © ©) A) © 2/3 majority of both house of parliament in a joint sitting 2/3 majority of both house of parliament ina joint sitting and ratification by the legislature of 2/3 of states Simple majority of both house of parliament in a joint sitting None of these . D.P.S.P. have been inspired by the constitution of Canada (B) Ireland USA. (©) None ofabove 48 Delhi Judicial Service 5. Which right is a constitutional right but not a Fundaments l Right ; (A) Right tomove freely throughout the territory of ing, (8) Right to form an association © Right tohold property (D) Right tolife & liberty 6. Where a judgment debtor dies before a decree is fully satisfied ecree is consigned to the record as not executable (A) Thed ea (8) The decree is deemed to be fully satisfied The decree may be executed against the Je al be Representatives of the deceased 8 (D) Thedecree lapses 7. Where it appears to the court that there exists elements of a settlement (A) Decree the suit itself on such terms as appear to be reasonable (8) Dismiss the suit with liberty to pt to pursue an alternative remedy (© It may refer the terms of a possible settlement to arbitration, conciliation or mediation (D) Nonecfthe above 8. Acourt may at any stage of the proceedings order to be struck out or amended any matter in any pleading (A) Which may tend to prejudice embarrass or delay fair trial of the suit : (B) Which is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court (© Which may be unnecessary, scandalous, frivolous and vexatious (D) All the above 9. Ina suit for recovery of possession of immovable property @ suit may be instituted only prove (A) Where plaintiff resides (8) Inthe High Court of the state (Q) Where immovable property is located (D) Where defendant resides Delhi Judicial Servic 9 40. Acourt shall hold the following proceedings in camera if a party so desires (A) A suit or a proceeding relating to wills and intestate succession (8) Asuit ora proceeding for matrimonial relief (© Asuit ora proceeding for maintenance (D) Allofthe above Acivil court shall have jurisdiction to try (A) a suit for recovery of income tax under Income Tax Act, @) a industrial disputes under the Industrial Dispute Act (© Aservice matter under Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 (D) None ofthe above 12. The jurisdiction of c court is determined by (A) Pecuniary value of the relief claimed (B) Local limits of jurisdiction of the civil court (© The subject matter in dispute (D) Allofthe above 13. Every allegation of fact in a plaint (except against a person under a disability) if not denied specifically or by necessary implication, shall be taken to be : (A) Denied by non-traversal (B) Irrelevant (© Admitted (D) None of tie above 44, Two parties enters into a contract. They later realized that there was a mistake In their understanding of the law. This makes thelr contract (A) Void (B) Voidable © Negotiable (D) | None of the above Astands surety for Z for payment of a sum of Rs 1 lakh to B.Z detaulis in payment. A Is liable to make the payment to B (A) A isnot liable tomake any payment to B (8) Zis liable to pay to A to enable him to pay toB (Q) Ofasum of Rs 1,00,000/- (©) Nore of the above 11 15. 0 Dethi Judicial Service 5 146, Zis.a pat becomes same (A) No (B) Yes (© Cannot be send (D) None of test fact when a contract is bei f a material fact whet is being ent, 17. a Se a lasoe silent about It despite his duty to reveal, correct facts. Is the contract voldable because of . (A) Fraud (B) Misrepresentation (© Undueinfluence (D) Coercion 48. Ais an exporter of garments. He enters into a contract with * tosell garments to him. The contract does not specify the king of garment to be sold. Is the contract between the Parties (A) Only for export quality garments (8) Void (© Forthe sale of all kinds of garments () Noneof the above 19. Acontract is not frustrated (A) By impossibility of govt. restriction or orders (8) By destruction of subject matter of the contract (© Bycommercial impossibility (D) Allofthe above 7 20. Inacontract of sale by sample it is implied that (A) The buyer will have an opportunity to compare the bulk with the sample (B) The goods are free from any defect which is not apparent na reasonable examination of the sample © The bulk will correspond to the sample in quality (D) Allofthe above 21. ie serene Possession of mortgaged property is not liable (A) For temporary damage to the Property - ®) Forminor destruction of property © Fornormal deterioration of property @) Alltheabove t in a lunatic asylum for some period of tim, fien' & enters into a contract. Is the Contract vais Delhi Judicial Service 51 * vieae, a Adee to tere or non agricultural 's notice given by him toB mal 10 terminate the lease. The (A) Besigned by him oron his behalt () Terminate the lease with at least 15 days notice © Beinwriting (D) Allthe above 23. A suit for recovery of Money is filed 4 years aft action arises. The delay can be 2 er the cause of (A) Condoned after: Notice to defendant (8) The delay can’t be condoned (© Condoned ex parte (D) Allthe above 24. Awill bequeathing immovable Property (A) Must be compulsorily registered in the Place where the testator resides (8) Mustbe compulsorily registered by executor of will © Mustbe Tegistered at option of testator () Must be compulsorily registered in place where the immovable property is situated 25. in computing the Period of limitation for filing an appeal, time taken for obtaining a certified Copy of the judgment & decree is tobe (A) Not excluded even if an application has been made for obtaining a certified copy of judgment and decree (B) Time taken for obtaining a certified copy of judgment and decree is irrelevant (© Excluded if an application has been made for obtaining acertified copy of judgment & decree (©) None of the above 28. Under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children, Act 2000 a juvenile is a Person under age of (A) 18 years (8) 21 years © l6years ©) None of these Delhi Judicial Service tement Is incorrect the allo indus may be solemnj. a7. Which of the” petween two, Hin i ay be ; mig : (ay Amarr de @brideare Bef Bye ri bre ae i dus may be sole: ‘ n two Hin yb tila @ A marriage berwith in degree prohibited relations aa tom or usage governing each of thee ess amar e b/w the two peraus between two Hindus may be solemnizeg : OA marriage are not within the degree of prohibites the par fl unless the custom or usage governing eag, relation eri ofamarriage b/w the two fa martiage between two Hindus may be eae nized neither party has a spouse living, at time oO! marriage livers & judgment. The next day a newspape, 28, The Kronpediaion but fair comments on the judgment in an editorial. Would it be correc! t to say that (A) The editor has not committed contempt of court (8) The editor has not defamed the court (© Thepublisher of the newspaper has committed contempt of court (D) Theeditor has committed contempt of court 29. A court may grant interim measures during pendency of arbitration proceedings. Such interim measures may include (A) Appointment of a receiver ®) an amount in dispute in the arbitration © Appoin : . att tation pr of ag . for a minor for purpose of (D) Allofthe above Directions: : : ee (Questions 30 - 88): There is a statement ae ne ‘tid rave rine Read the statement and confirm or False’. Mark the answer as Ste Statements ‘True’ ) ifthestatement is ‘Ratce’ Delhi Judicial Service 2 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36 37. A foreigner can be a jointed as an arbitrator in a dispute between two Indian parties 7 ° There is no differenc ces @ between arbitration & mediation The provisions of t| he Limitation Act 1963 apply to arbitration Proceeding as they apply to Criminal proceedings If an arbitral ay Het ward Is not Challenged, it Is enforceable as a Aconciliator (A) May conduct the conciliation Proceed ings in such a manner as he considers appropriate (8) Maymake Proposals for a © Shall assist Parties in an manner in their attempt to of their dispute () Allofthese Conciliation Proceedings terminate (A) By a written declaration of the conciliator to effect that further efforts at conciliation are no longer justified (8) By a written declaration of the parties addressed to the conciliator that the conciliation Proceedings are terminated (© Byawritten declaration of a party to the other party and the conciliator that the conciliation proceedings are terminated () By the signing of settlement agreement by parties The maxim ‘Injuria Sine damno’ has explained in (A) Winter bottom v. Wright (8) Ashby v. White © Umleyv.Gye )) Donoghue v. Stevenson i scope a availability of the defence of volenti non -fit injurta (A) Has been restricted by Unfair Contract Term Act 1977 in England . reer (8) Cannotbe restricted except in cases of consent without free will © Has been restricted in rescue cases (D) Both(A) & (C) settlement of dispute independent and impartial Teach an amicable settlement 41. 42. AHindu undivided family is entitled to enter into ana Delhi Judicial Service . The doctrine of vicarious liability applies when there is (A) Relationship of partners (B) Relationship of master & servant (© Relationship of principal & agent (D) Allofthe above Seem of partnership with : (A) Another partnership firm (B) An Individual i (© Another joint Hindu family (D) Neither (A)nor (C) The max. no. of partners in a partnership has been Providey under (A) Indian Companies Act, 1956 (B) Indian Contract Act, 1872 (© Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (@) Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Which of the following is a strong evidence for test of the partnership (A) Sharingofprofit (B) Sharing of losses (© Both(A) &(B) @) None ofthe above As per Section 14 of Partnership Act, the Property of a firm does not include (A) Secret profits made by a partner or Property acquired by a partner in breach of his duty of good faith (8) Property belonging to any partner by use of same for Partnership business © Good Will of business () Allproperty & Tights & interests in Property . Mark the incorrect statement in relation to implied authority of @ partner under Section 19 (A) A partner can acquire immovable property on firm's behalf or transfer immovable property (e.g, sale, mortgage, lease or gift) belonging to the firm (B) A partner can admit any liability in a suit or proceeding against the firm Delhi Judicial Service 55 44. 45. 46. 47, © ebatner can always enter into partnership on behalf of (D) Allare correct In which of the following cases the specific performance of a contract Is not possible? (A) Anagreement by an eminent professor of constitutional Jaw to deliver a course of lectures at Delhi University (8) A contract to supply B with all the goods of a certain class which B may require in future (©) Acontract to give in marriage (D) Allofthe above Which of the following is not correct? (A) The jurisdiction to decree specific performance is discretionary & the court is not bound to grant such relief merely because it is lawful todo so (B) The ordinary rule is that specific performance should be granted (© Relief of specific performance is not equitable (D) Thecourt shall not refer to any party specific performance of a contract merely on the ground that the contract is not enforceable at the instance at other party A Partnership firm consist of 3 partners A, B, C and owe ‘R’ sum of Rs 15000/- A wants to retire. It is agreed amongst all the three partners & R that after retirement of A, B & C as continuing partners shall be liable for the dues of R. After retirement of A, R sues ‘A’ for recovery of Rs 15,000/- (A) Rhasa right to sue ‘A’ to the extent of Rs 5000/- being portion attributable to’A’ (B) Rhasno right to sue ‘A’ as after retirement of ‘A’anew agreement came into being b/w R and the firm & ‘A’ stood discharged of his liability towards ‘R’ (© ‘R’can sue firm consisting of B & C along with ‘A’ as liability of all the partners is joint & several () Rhasanoption to sue firm consisting of B & C or retired partner A X agreed to supply 1000 ton of Iron at Rs 100/- per ton to Y to be delivered not later than 31/1/05; ‘X’ also entered into a contract with ‘A’ for purchase of 1000 ton of iron at Rs 30/- per ton telling 56 Dethi Judicial Service ,d before 31/1/05 for Supply to q eede’ Aclearly that the iron is n fails to supply iron to X who i to fulfill the contract with Y. A turn failed to supply t! (A) @) © ©) he same to Y. Inan sewron byX against q ages for the loss of profit he wo, ei be ian supply to Y & also the dama, ld which Y might have paid to Y on account of breach of contract Xcan recover damages which X might have paid toy re account of breach of contract X can recover damages in the form of penalty X can recover damage for the loss of profit at the rate of Rs20/-per tonic. the loss of profit 48. A partnership for which no period of duration is fixed under Partnership Act 1932 Is known as (A) Partnership at will (B) Particular Partnership oO Co-ownership (D) General Partnership 49. Where a partner is authorised to recover dues of the partnership & spend the same for the business of the partnership & if he does not deposit the money so collected in the bank, the partner Is (A) ®) © @) Accountable civilly to other partner Guilty of CBT Both (A) & (B) Either (A) or (B) 50. When an outsider dealing with a partner, does not know or does oe believe that he is contracting with a partner, but an individual y (A) @) © ©) The firm incurs no liability even if benefits of the contract has gone to the firm The firm incurs liability even if the benefits of the contract has not gone to the firm meee a ate liability if the benefits of contract has Either (A) or (C) 51. What are the obligation of a Person making an arrest (A) Pa “mn the arrested person of his right ; anentry ina book kept in the poli ion that ‘ : police station information as Tequired by (1) above has been given Delhi Judicial Service 57 52. 53. 55. (©) To inform any friend, relative or nominee of arrested person of the arrest & place of detention (D) None ofthe above If a court has reason to believe that a Person against whom a warrant has been issued & that person is elther absconding or concealing himself so that the warrant can’t be executed, then a court may Issue a proclamation against him. That person should be (A) Asurety (B) A witness (© Anaccused person (D) Allofthe above A search warrant may be issued (A) Where the court does not know if a document is in possession of a person (8) Where the court consider that purpose of any inquiry or trial will be served by a general search (© Where a court has reason to believe thata person would not produce a requisitioned document (D) Allofthe above If any person having sufficient means neglects or refuse to maintain his father or mother, a magistrate may (A) Cause him to be arrested @) Forfeit his source of income (© Punish him for contempt of court (D) Direct that person to pay a monthly allowance to his father or mother While recording a confessional statement, a magistrate shal! ensure (A) That a police officer is present near by so that person making the confession does not run away (8) Thatif the person does not make a full & true confession he is kept in the custody of police until he makes a proper confession © Thata video camera is recording the confession (D) Thathe explain to the person making the confession that he is not bourd to make a confession Delhi Judicial Service 3 completed within 56. Hin mation ce ote a= the alain 2 order apersonto remain in custody for (A) 60 days () 90days © 15days (D) Allthe ne 57. Amagistrate may nce (A) Upona police (8) Upon information police officer or upon. has been committed (Q. Uponreceivinga complaint of offence (D) Alloftheabove 58. Ifapublic servant acting indi a complaint toa magistrate, (A) Neednotexamine him (8) May dismiss his complaint if there isno witness on his behalf runt (© Must examine him é& his witnesses on oath before issui process a (D) Must examine him on oath about the content of his complaint 59. Classification of offence into com compoundable is provided in eure & Som (A) Schedule II of Cr.P.C. (B) Section 2(a) Cr.P.C (© Schedule! of Cr.P.C. (D) None ofabove 60. An salagmes for plea bargaining can’t be made by an accused (A) Where A Secs committed against women Where nce! ; : the age of 4 years committed against child before (© Where the offence is puni ith impri atermexceeding7y ‘ponichable with imprisonment for (D) Alloftheabove take cognizance ofan report of such facts received from any person other than . his own knowledge that such offencg facts which constitute such ischarge of his public duties Makes then the magistrate Delhi Judicial Service (Pre.) Exam., 2007 59 j Judicial Service (Pre. : Delhi ee participantina ire Bea, 2 2007 tude 62. 63. 65. 66. (A) The accused person (B) The victim of the offence (© ThelI.O. who investigate the case (D) Allofthe above In a case triable by a court of session, If an accused does not have sufficient means to engage a pleader the court shall (A) Proceed with the case ex-parte (B) Assigna pleader for his defence at expense of state (© Refer the case to state legal service Authority (D) Adjourn the case until the accused can arrange a pleader for himself No court shall take cognizance of an offence after the period of limitation, which Is (A) One year, if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year (B) 3 years if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year but not exceeding 3 years (© Six months, if the offence is punishable with fine only (@) Allofthe above An offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding two years is triable as a (A) Warrant case (B) Summons case © Both(A) & (B) @) None ofthe above A Metropolitan Magistrate may pass a sentence not exceeding (A) 5years (B) 7years © 3years () None ofthe above Where a person is convicted of an offence which provides for imprisonment & fine then In default of payment of fine the max. further imprisonment that can be awarded by a court is (A) 1/4 the max. sentence for the offence (B) 1/2max. sentence for offence (© 3months (@) None ofthe above 67. 71. . An Unlawful assembly m in offence if he has not judge the nature ion & if he is is not an ¢ derstanding to. n that occas! I ct committed by 4 child etained sufficient maturity of un’ & consequences of his conduct 0 fage (A) Below 7 years O! (B) Betweenage of 7 years & 14 years (© Between age of 7 years & 12 years e of the above amir ust consist of at least SONS (B) 7 persons 6S ; naan (D) None of the above Section 320 of I.P.C. explains what is Grevious hurt. Which of the following is grevious hurt? (A) Hurting religious sentiment (®) Emasculation (© Hitting some one with hockey stick (D) None of the above A child of ten years of age does not have any parents or any lawful guardian. He is whisked away by some body. That person is sald to have committed an offence of (A) Abduction (B) Trafficking of children (© Kidnapping () None ofthe above If a man has voluntary sexual intercourse with a married woman, he is guilty of adultery. The married woman is liable to be tried as an (A) Adulteress (B) Co-accused “a Aber (D) None of the above en a Criminal act is committed b' furtherance of a Common Intention then. pee al (A) Each person is li if ‘ oy sr yPerson is liable for that act as if it were committed - (B) Each personis li i ‘ Ee ae nis liable for, to his role in commission of the (© Each person is liable for that act () None of the above . Under sec 498A of the IPC Cruelty includes (A) Any wilful conduct that is Ii t ee danger to limb ofa Womekely to cause grave injury or Delhi Judicial Service 74. 75. 76. 78. 61 (B) Harassing a wom: Aan demand for Property” her inability tomeet an unlawful © Any wilful cond aie ‘uct that is likely to drive a woman to (@) None of the above The maxim “Ignorantia juris non excusat” (A) Ignorance of law is not an excuse (8) Ignorance of law is an excuse © Ignorance of law is Not an excuse () Ignorance of law is an excuse If five persons attack a Person and take away his wallet it point. They are guilty of : ahaa (A) Dacoity (B) Robbery (© Theft ©) Allthe above Culpable homicide is not murder if itis committed under (A) Astate of intoxication (8) Anirresistible impulse (© Grave &sudden provocation (D) Allthe above means . An expert witness is one who (A) Has written books (B) Has donea doctorate ©) Is specially skilled in the subject in respect of which he has been called upon to testify (D) Canspeak very fluent English Judicial notice can be taken of (A) M.F. Hussain being a great artist (B) Amitabh Bachchan being a great actor (© Jeremy Benthem being a great jurist (©) None of the above . Secondary evidence includes (A) Copy made from or compared with original ie Gales ‘c of a document from a person who has himself seen that document © Certified copy ofa court order (©) None of the above 62 Dethi Judicial Servic document 80. Which of the following document are public (A) Document forming the acts or records of the act of public officer (8) Document forming the acts or records of the acts of judicial officer (© Document forming the acts or records of the acts of tribunals (D) Allofthe above 81. Aninscription on a metal plate is (A) A fact (8) Anopinion (© Amotive (D) Adocument 82. Als accused of committing the murder of B which of these isa relevant fact? (A) A told his friend that he would avenge his father’s death (8) Awasseenrunning away just before the arrival of police (©) Awasseen going toa field with a weapon of offence () Allofthe above 83. To be admissible a D.D. may be made to (A) Must be made before a magistrate (®) Must be made before the Investigating officer (C) Must be made before the doctor treating him (D) Any person 84. The burden of proving a crime is on (A) The prosecution (B) Boththe Parties ©) Itis forthe court to decide (D) The accused who must show his innocence 85. T.LP. should be conducted by (A) Apolice officer not below rank of Sub Inspector (B) Any person © Anmagistrate (@) Alloftheabove 86. Xis found in possession of some curren from a bank. Is It correct to Presume eynotes recently atolen (A) That Xhas received the currency ing it te knowing it to be stolen (B) That X has stolen the money ° Delhi Judicial Service 63 (©) _Both(A) and (B) (@) None of the above (Questions 87 - 95 True & false) 87. Under the rules of the Delhi High Court, the cause list Is kept in an electronic form. There is a presumption of its genuineness 88. The I.P.C. applies to an Indian citizen who commits an offence outside India 89. Whosoever, being under a sentence of imprisonment for life, commits a murder, shall be punished with death 90. Making So for committing dacolty Is an offence under the LP. 91. Solitary confinement Is permissible in India 92. Ina Criminal case, the fact that a person has a good character is relevant 93. The Indian Evidence Act. 1972 provides for the admissibility of the electronic records 94. Anonsecure digital signature of a subscriber is required to be proved 95. Documentary evidence includes electronic records produced for the inspection of the court 96. On what date was the Constitution of India adopted (A) 15" Aug (B) 26% Nov © 2" Oct (D) . 26% Jan 97. The D.P.S.P. are (A) NotJustifiable (8) Negotiable © Justifiable @) None of the above 98. Ajudge of High court is appointed by the (A) Chief Justice of India (8) Governor of astate © Chief Justice of High Court @) President of India 99. When the S.C. exercise its power of Judicial review (A) Reviews the functioning of the judiciary in India (8) Examines the correctness of an adm action or the validity of a statute © Appoints a committee to review the working of constitution (D) Reviews its own judgment Delhi Judicial Service . ustody shall (excluding magistrate 64 100. Every person arrested & detained in ¢ time for journey) be produced before & (A) Within 14daysofthearrest = : (8) Only when his bail application is listed for hearing © Within 24 hrs of the arrest (@) None of the above ii i i E ch of the followi Directions: (Questions 101 -126): Inea ing sentences, there is a missing word or phrase. From the four quired to select the word or phrase selections given, you are re that best completes the sentence. 101. lam glad that you want to bea lawyer. [hope you know that you must ___ very hard for years, (A) Be studying (B) Study (© Tostudy (D) Have tostudy 102. The first day of Dushehra is (A) The fourteen of October (8) The fourteenth of October (© OnOctober fourteenth (@) Fourteen October 103. I don’t know how long she will be away from home. She ___living in London since March (A) Has been @) Is (© Was (D) Had been 104. Don’t make remarks that are not the topic (A) Relating to (B) Relevant to (© Relevant for (@) Relevant with 105. Sorry, | won't be here when Mr. Raman visits this weekend when he please convey my regards to him (A) Iscoming (B) Would come (© Comes @) Willcome sioninica tees field In which amateurs can make (A) Like most other science () Unlike most other sciences © Like in most other sciences () As in other sciences 106. Delhi Judicial Service 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114, 65 lam afrald we'll have to take al . (A) Leftanhour ago ae 7 a —__ (8) Had left an hour ago (© Hasanhourago left (D) Has just left an hour ago Last year he told his wife that___ bad manners (A) Ihave been hating you for your (B) Hehated her for her (©) He was hating her (D) hate you for your You must put off this work any longer; let it (A) Should be done now (B) Should have been done by now © Should do now (D) Bedonenow Govind did not abide (A) By the rules (8) Withhis grandfather (© Fortherace (D) Around the field He will win the race if he running regularly (A) Would practice (8) Will Practice (© Willbepractised (D) Practices He killed the tiger arifle (A) through ®) by © from ©) with l can’t remember where my coat (A) DidIleave (8) left (© WasImade to leave @) Iwould have left was shocked to learn that he __ with his brother (A) Had broken relations (B) Hasbroken relations © Have broken relations () Brokerelations 66 Delhi Judicial Service 115. Ido not know. be (A) What the reason (B) What the reason can (© What will the reason (@) Whatcan the reason 116. It has been raining for five days. | wish it___ (A) Would stop raining (8) Has stopped raining © Were tostop raining Z (D) Stopped raining 117. Had Gita come into the room, she__ (A) Would see the child eating paper (B) Has seen the child eating paper (© Would have seen child eating paper (D) Saw the child eating paper 118. He has worked in Madras (A) Since 5 years (B) Till5 years © From5 years (@) For5 years 119. If more teams withdraw, the tournament __ (A) Will have been cancelled (B) Will have cancelled (© Would cancel (@) May have tobe cancelled 120. | am definitely not the exams (A) Expecting (B) Looking forward to © Anticipation (@) Awaiting 121. The chief wanted to know —— done the job (A) HowhadI (B) That how had I (© HowwouldIhave (D) HowIhad 122. He could not cut the grass today, because the handle of the machine____ (A) Breaken (B) Hasbroken © Had broken (@) Broken 123. Our country needs a no. of social workers (A). Uninterested (B) Disinterested (©) Interesting (@) Interested Delhi Judicial Service 67 124. The chief minister has been guilty of a abuse of power (A) Flagrant (@) Bad (© Open @) Fragrant 125. She has been living in Paris 1979 (A) Since @) After © For (@) None of above 126. He seemed to be to losing the election and he did not campaign extensively (A) Resigned (B) Accepted (© Compromised () Content Directions: (Questions 127-136): There is a sentence with underlined parts against each question. Mark the answer as (A) if the first underlined part is wrong (B) if the second underlined part is wrong. (©) ifthe third underlined part is wrong. @) None of the underlined part is wrong. 127. To bake a good caka, you need flour ir, eggs margarine baking powder & the small quantity of sortie essence 128. He read the question paper real slowly & carefully 129. After hearing our side of story, the judge ruled that my brother me Id be released. 130. He is the new principle of that institution 131. For all of us to succeed in this work, everybody must do their level best, 132. When two aunt meet, they will gossip with one another fora long time 133. This time, the school team consists of Raman, Suresh &l. 134, Many a mariner jumped Into the sea when they saw that the I wed no sign of ment. 135, The end was come, as the end of such matter generally comes, by gradual decay ° ! 136. Mr. Ram works In the personnel Dept of that company i Direction (187-145):- Each Questions has a sentence iw an idiom used therein. Identify the idom used. + There was a virtual sea of humanity at cine awards functions (A) Heavy rains (8) Lackof order © Totalconfusion (D) Too many people 138. The news of his death came to me as a rude shock (A) Causing illness (B) Causing Waves © Breakdown @) Sudden grief 139. It was a master stroke (A) Putting a stop (8) Causing hurt (C Leadingnowhere (D) Deft handling 140. He performed a hat trick (A) Clevermove (B) Winning three times in Tow © Hidinginthehat (D) Sleight of hand 141. Revocation of President's rule Is a set back (A) Restoration (B) Putting the clock back (© Walking backwards (@) Loss of face 142. This election proved to be his Waterloo (A) Causing flood @) Causing famine © Game of water @) End of the career 143. Hawala case ended ina fiasco (A) Change of Govt. ®) Nothing come out of it © Waste of time & money @) Controversy 144. JMM Bribery case became (A) Ridiculous (B) Nuisance (© Mogical ©) Injustice 145. Indian agriculture isa gamble with monsoon (A) Matter of betting (8) Matter of certainty © Willof god (©) Matter of change (Questions 146 -150) a word/group of words underlined. Choose the option which can substitute the underline word 146. Had I realized how Close | was to the edge of the valley I would not have earned the bags there (A) WhenI realized (B) IfIhad realized 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153, 154, (© IfIwould have realized (D) Nocorrection required By such time you finish that chapter, | will write a letter (A) By the time (8) Bythattime (© Thetimewhen (D) Nocorrection Tequired Any one interested In the use of computers can learn much if you have success to a personal computer (A) They have access (B) One of them have access © Heorshe has access () Nocorrection required She cooks, washes, dishes, does her homework & then is relaxing (A) Then relaxing (B) Relaxing then (© Then relaxes @) Nocorrection required The chemist hadn't hardly any of those kind of medicine (A) Had hardly not any of those kind (B) Had scarcely any of those kind (© Had hardly any of those kinds () Nocorrection requires With which jurist is the expression grund norm usually associated? (A) HLL.A. Hart (B) Jeremy Bentham (© Ronald Dworkin (D) Hans Kelsen With which jurist is expression sociological jurisprudence associated (A) HLL.A. Hart (B) Julius Stone (© Ronald Dworkin (D) Roscoe Pound Who among the following was the proponent of the theory of Separation of powers? (A) Voltaire (B) Rousseau © Washington (@) Montesquieu Who wrote “My Own Bosewell” (A) J.Chagla (B) Mr.SoliS.Sorabjee (© Mr. FaliS. Nariman (D) J.M. Hidayatullah aq 15) 158. 159. 160. 161. = 162. ‘Maurice G : ‘aisasti ©) So ted “Jurisprudence”, patanjali $25 abook cé C) I: athor wrote prof.N-R. Madhara Menon nich famous © : Wi Upendra Bax oO RWM. Dias ceo ae fl fr ton of Discrimination arin @) a for glimination of Discrimination against . a for Elimination of Discrimination against ation of all forms of Discrimination women 2 ©) Convention on Elinun against wome The attorney Genel pleasure ofthe i (A) Chief Justice of India @) Prime Minister © Parliament (D) President The International Criminal Court is located at (A) Geneva (8) New York (© Strasbourg (D) Hague Which court is associated with Rome statute? (A) International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (8) International Criminal of Justice | (© International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | (D) International Criminal Court | Who Is present chairma Hs ee n of National Human Righ (A) J.A.S. Anand (8) JJS.Verma ©) JShivrajV.Patil (D) J.S. Rajendra Babu mn : . ral for India shall hold office during the 163. 164. 165. 166. 767. 168. 169, 170. 171, 71 Who was the chairman of National Commission to review the working of the Constitution (A) J.ES.Venkataramiah (B) J.N. Venkatachaliah © R. Venkataraman (D) J.M.N. Venkatchaliah Who is recently suspended as Chief Justice of Pakistan? (A) J.Ramday (®) J. Bhagwan Dass (© J.Dogar (D) J. Iftikhar Chaudhary Who said “Justice delayed Is Justice denied” (A) Benjamin Disaeli (B) Abraham Lincon (© J.V.RKrishnalyer (D) William Gladstone Who is the present Solicitor General of India (A) GopalSubramanim(B) Vikas Singh (© AmrendraSaran (D) GoolamE. Vahanvati Which judgment of the S.C. is associated with basic structure doctrine? (A) S.P.Gupta (B) All India Judges Association (© Golak Nath (D) Kesavananda Bharti Which statute incorporates the Beijing Rules? (A) Domestic Violence Act (B) Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (© The Indecent Representation of Woman (Prohibition) Act (D) Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act When was the Universal Declaration of Human Right Act (A) 1950 (B) 1956 © 1958 @) 948 The Headquarter of World Intellectual Property organisation are situated in (A) London (B) New York (©) The Hague (D) Geneva Who wrote the book concept of law? (A) Prof. Upendra Baxi (®) Roscoe Pound © Lord Denning (D) HLA. Hart t of internation Court of en’ cleat ** oO Mippal wasn “wos presid Property te? 176. Whois the highest law officer of a stal (A) Solicitor a Advocate Gener . 0 Central Government standing Counsel ttorney General ' 177 rhe mee . following was & great Hindu Law giver (A) Kautilya (B) Chanakiya (© Vrjnanes Wara (D) Manu ' 178. Who among these was a famous jurist of medieval India (A) Jimutvahana (8) Hemadril (© Gherpure (D) Raj Sekhara 179, What are source of Int. law? (A) Custom (8) General principle of law (©) Treates (D) Allofabove 180. When Is the Int. Human Right Day celebrated? (A) 2ndDecember (8B) 31stDecember © 24stDecember (D) 10thDecember 181 182. 183. 184. BB . Which Is the Judicial organ of U.N.? (A) International Court of Justice (8) European court of Human Right (© International criminal Court Tribunal for Yugoslavia (D) International Criminal Court Who was the 1st woman CJ of H.C. (A) J.FathimaBeevi (8) J.Ruma pal (©) _J.SujataV.Manoha(D) J. Leila Seth International Day of Disabled persons is Celebrated on (A) 3%December (B) 10“December (© 31*December (D) 2™ December Lok Adalats are created under which statute (A) CPC. (B) Constituion of India (© Motor Vehicles Act (D) Legal Service Authority Act . The Malimath Committee is associated with reform In (A) Evidence act (B) Juvenile Justice (© Environmentallaw (D) Criminal Justice 186. Which famous lawyer recently completed his term as a 187. 188. nominated member of Rajya Sabha? (A) RamJethmalani (8) ArunJaitley (© FaliS.Nariman (D) SoliJ.Sorabjee Who wrote “The quality of mercy is not strained”? (A) J.Holmes (B) Lord Bingham (© William Shakespeare(D) Lord Denning Which of the following is not a constitutional body? (A) Election Commission (B) Finance Commission (© Law Commission @) UPSC. 189. Which of the following is an Indirect tax (A) Gifttax (B) Wealth tax (© Income tax (@) Excise tax 120. Who was the 1st Chief Justice of India (A) J.B.P.Sinha (8) JJ.CShah "© J.HarilalKania (D) J.S.R.Das if intndia t 7 versity ia University, Bangalore (A) Nation? tt National n University rsity @) Indira © Andhra Pradesh Open Unive! i Institute ee me Commander of Defence Forces? ter who Is the supre! ) F Finan minister (OEDest ©) Chief of Army Staffs (C) President ; te the book “we the people le”? eB Nani A. Palkhivala (A) FaliS. Nariman (D) SoliJ- Sorabjee © Jamshedji Kanga 494. Who wrote the book “Big Egos Small men” (A) Ram Jethmalani @) DrHR Bhardway © Dr. Subramaniam Swami (D) ArunJaitley Select the odd word out (A) Certiorari © Quid Pro Quo 196. The great exponent 0 (A) Vijnaneswara (B) Manu © Mita (D) KA.Nilakanta Shastri 197. The civil law system is based on (A) The Napoleon code (B) Anglo Saxon System of law (© Thehammurabi code(D) None of the above 198. The recently appointed Chief Justice of U.S.A. is (A) Burger (B) Rehnquist ; (© Roberts (D) Warren 99. Ina sense, the powers of thi i it e President are akin to th he oe President(B) French Bae *powre anne erman Chancellor(D) British M . Select the odd man out oe O SoliJ.Sorabjee (B) Ashok Desai KK. Veni : ugopal (D) Milon Banerji a 195. @) Quo Warranto (D) Mandamus f Mitakshara school of law is

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