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Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos, Jessa M. Gerona

An undergraduate thesis to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management

Bicol University College of Business, Economics and Management



Prof. Joy C. Lawenko

Panel of Evaluators:

Dr. Eddie See, Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA (Chairperson)

Dr. Clea Bongat (Member)

Prof. Edgar S. Barremeda (Member)



Prior to pandemic households were sustained their daily needs through their

incomes derived from various fields of work and the amount of income in family should

be managed as closely as possible, it is important that needs in the family can be met

according to their respective abilities. Every family member is needed in making a

budget. During pandemic households were observed to have the changes in terms of their

finances. Households reassess their priorities due to this pandemic. The Bucket Theory of

Financial Management is anchored to this research. The theory deals with the common

sense approach to planning a family’s financial future. Each bucket represents a basic

financial priority. This is relevant to the present study since it entailed in building a sound

financial base for a family. Both studies tackled family financial management and

adaptive strategies. The population that will be considered in the study is the College of

Business, Economics and Management students of Bicol University and the study will

utilize online survey questionnaires to get responses from the target population. The

results show that the adaptive changes made by respondents’ family in the managing of

familial finances are reducing their budget allocation to their transportation and

increasing the budget allocation for communication. Hence, it suggests that Business

industry must consider the potential consequences of their management decisions on

profits, cash flow and on the financial condition especially on their employees. Moreover,

Planning and budgeting for these financial needs is crucial.



In these trying times that the world is experiencing a global pandemic, the

researchers are still lucky to pursue their studies, but this would not be possible without

the people who have helped and supported them in any possible way that they can. To the

Heavenly Father, for giving the researchers’ wisdom and strength to finish this study, for

the protection that He bestowed while they were traveling to places and for all the

blessings that they keep on receiving. To the researchers’ respective parents and families,

who allowed them to spend nights at each other’s houses, and for the accommodation.

Thank you for their unending love, and consistent moral and financial support. They are

the main reasons why the researchers keep doing their best. To their thesis adviser, Prof.

Joy Lawenko, thank you for the knowledge shared and for the guidance throughout the

conduct of this study, and for helping the researchers improve the content of their paper.

To Prof. Mary Ann Tonga, their thesis professor, for guiding the researchers with all the

technicalities needed to complete the research paper. Thank you for always being

available whenever they have queries and concerns. To the chairman and members of the

defense panel, Dr. Eddie S. See, Prof. Clea Bongat, and Prof. Edgar Barrameda, for the

efforts, suggestions, and contributions that helped the study. Thank you for the critical

assessment and review of this paper. To their friends and relatives, Khaira, Ares, Grace,

Pebs, Jai who allowed them to relax even for a short period of time and gave their best to

help out in any way for the study. To Burdeos and Ariscon family for keeping them

awake, To UNOM that became their break every after chapter, and for keeping them sane

in the middle of their college crisis. To their gadgets who never gave up throughout the

exhausting year of online classes, Thank you. Above all, To God be all the Glory!





Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgment 3

Table of Contents 4-6

List of Figures 7

List of Tables 7-8

Results of Thesis Proposal Defense 9

Results of Thesis Proposal Defense 10

Results of Thesis Proposal Defense 11

Summarized Results of Thesis Proposal Defense 12

Certification of Compliance to the Suggestions of the Panel 13

Certification of Non-commission of Plagiarism 14

Approval Sheet 15


Rationale 16-17

Statement of the Problem 18-19

Background 20-21

Related Research/Non-research Works 22-25

Synthesis 26


Gap to Be Bridged by the Study 26

Theoretical Framework 27

Conceptual Framework 29

Definition of Terms 31-32


Research Design 33

Sampling Design 33

Population 34

Identity 34

Size 34

Sample 34

Size Computation 34

Elements Selection 34

Research Strategy 35

Instrumentation 35

Data Collection Procedure 35

Data Analysis Tools 35


Profile of the Household 36

Finances before COVID 19 Pandemic 40

Finances during COVID 19 Pandemic 44

Causes of change in the budget allocations for household items 48- 49

Adaptive Changes in the Familial Finances Management 49




Summary of Findings 50

Conclusions 51-52

Recommendations 52-53





Number Title Page

1 Bucket Theory of Financial Management 28

2 Conceptual Framework 30


Table Title Page

1 Head of Household 36

2 Total Number of Household Members 37

3 Number of Children below 18 years old in the family 38

4 Annual Income 39

5.0 Food 40

5.1 Transportation 41

5.2 ` Utilities 41

5.3 Leisure 42

5.4 Communication 42

5.5 Shopping 43

5.6 Others 43

6.0 Food 44

6.1 Transportation 45

6.2 ` Utilities 45


6.3 Leisure 46

6.4 Communication 46

6.5 Shopping 47

6.6 Others 47

7 Causes of change in the budget allocations for 48

Household items.


Results of Thesis Proposal Defense

Title of Thesis Proposal: Adaptive Changes in Familial Finances Management during

the Pandemic Among Bicol University CBEM Students
Name of Researcher/s: Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos,Jessa
M. Gerona
Name of Adviser: Prof.Joy C. Lawenko
Date of defense: May 15, 2021
Time of defense: 6:00 -7:00 pm
Venue of defense: Asynchronous Final Defence

Criterion Maximum possible score Score given

Defense 40 39
(To include researcher’s bearing, clear and
authoritative presentation of the summary of the study,
and clear, correct and authoritative answers to the
questions raised by the panel of evaluators)

(To include clear and substantive presentation of 40 39
the Introduction with the rationale or significance; the
statement of the problem/s; and background, the
methodology, and the other parts of the report.

Format and style 20 20

(To include following the 4-chapter (APA) format, the
author-year parenthetical citation and works cited/
reference listing, use of header in pagination, and
appropriate editing)

Total 100 98


Panelist (Signature over printed name)


Results of Thesis Proposal Defense

Title of Thesis Proposal: Adaptive Changes in Familial Finances Management during

the Pandemic Among Bicol University CBEM Students
Name of Researcher/s: Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos,Jessa
M. Gerona
Name of Adviser: Prof. Joy C. Lawenko
Date of defense: May 15, 2021
Time of defense: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Venue of defense: Asynchronous Final Defense

Criterion Maximum possible score Score given

Defense 40 39
(To include researcher’s bearing, clear and
authoritative presentation of the summary of the study,
and clear, correct and authoritative answers to the
questions raised by the panel of evaluators)

(To include clear and substantive presentation of 40 40
the Introduction with the rationale or significance; the
statement of the problem/s; and background, the
methodology, and the other parts of the report.

Format and style 20 20

(To include following the 4-chapter (APA) format, the

author-year parenthetical citation and works cited/
reference listing, use of header in pagination, and
appropriate editing)

Total 100 99

______DR. CLEA BONGAT______

Panelist (Signature over printed name)


Results of Thesis Proposal Defense

Title of Thesis Proposal: Adaptive Changes in Familial Finances Management during

the Pandemic Among Bicol University CBEM Students
Name of Researcher/s: Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos,Jessa
M. Gerona
Name of Adviser: Prof. Joy C. Lawenko
Date of defense: May 15, 2021
Time of defense: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Venue of defense: Asynchronous Final Defense

Criterion Maximum possible score Score given

Defense 40 39
(To include researcher’s bearing, clear and
authoritative presentation of the summary of the study,
and clear, correct and authoritative answers to the
questions raised by the panel of evaluators)

(To include clear and substantive presentation of 40 39
the Introduction with the rationale or significance; the
statement of the problem/s; and background, the
methodology, and the other parts of the report.

Format and style 20 20

(To include following the 4-chapter (APA) format, the
author-year parenthetical citation and works cited/
reference listing, use of header in pagination, and
appropriate editing)

Total 100 98


Panelist (Signature over printed name)


Summarized Results of Thesis Proposal Defense

Title of Thesis Proposal: Adaptive Changes in Familial Finances Management during

the Pandemic Among Bicol University CBEM Students
Name of Researcher/s: Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos,Jessa
M. Gerona
Name of Adviser: Prof. Joy C. Lawenko
Date of defense: May 15, 2021
Time of defense: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Venue of defense: Asynchronous Final Defense


Name of Panelist Score given

Dr. Eddie See, Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA 98

Dr. Clea Bongat 99

Prof. Edgar S. Barremeda 98

Total 295

Average 98


(Signature over printed name)



Bicol University
Daraga, Albay


This is to certify that the following suggestions/recommendations forwarded by

the panel of evaluators have been complied with as indicated in the corresponding page/s
of the researchers’/researcher’s manuscript.

Title of Thesis Proposal: Adaptive Changes in Familial Finances Management during

the Pandemic Among Bicol University CBEM Students
Name of Researcher/s: Princess Joy T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos,Jessa
M. Gerona
Name of Adviser: Prof.Joy C. Lawenko

Suggestion/ recommendation Panelist who made the Page number in

suggestion/ recommendation the manuscript
where compliance
has been made

Removed the words “input, output Dr. Eddie See, Page 30

and process” in the conceptual Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA
framework. (Chairperson)
Used the 20% of population to Dr. Eddie See, Page 34
identify the sample size. Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA
Dr. Clea Bongat (Member)
Prof. Edgar S. Barremeda
The % sign of the values inside the Dr. Eddie See, Page 36-48
table. It is redundant since the Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA
column has already a label of (Chairperson)
The frequency-based ranking Dr. Eddie See, Page 40-48
indicating the items must be Ed.D.,R.P.A.E.MBA
summarized and not repeated to as (Chairperson)
summary without frequency and
there must be a logically sequenced
one-to-one equivalence from the
problem to the finding to the
conclusion to the recommendation.

___________PROF.JOY C. LAWENKO____________



Bicol University
Daraga, Albay


This is to certify that the contents of this paper, in whole or in part are not works
that have been plagiarized from other or previous papers.




Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
College of Business, Economics and Management


Upon successfully passing the Thesis Defense as rated by the Panel of

Evaluators, this study entitled “Adaptive Changes In Familial Finances
Management During The Pandemic Among Bicol University College Of Business,
Economics And Management Students” prepared and submitted by Princess Joy
T. Ariscon, Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos, Jessa M. Gerona, is hereby
approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management.












Prior to pandemic households were sustained their daily needs through their

incomes derived from various fields of work. According to the study of Umar, N. (2018),

the amount of income in family should be managed as closely as possible and as well as

possible to the expenditure in accordance with the income received, so that all important

needs in the family can be met according to their respective abilities. Family finance

management requires skills to manage and manage it carefully and well. In the recent

study of World Health Organization (2020) stated that every family member is needed in

making a budget perhaps it will help children understand that we all need to make hard

decisions in difficult times. It is useful also to families to have enough at the end of the

month and borrow less. Christensen,T. (2020) stated that having a plan, prioritizing

spending, and using resources efficiently will be key to financial stability. During

pandemic households were observed to have the changes in terms of their finances.

Households reassess their priorities due to this pandemic. Due to the challenges brought

by the CoVID-19 pandemic, families have been forced to deal rapidly to the dynamics of

situations, come up with difficult choices and face distractions—home, work and

community (US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2020). Wackernagel,M.(2020) stated in

his study that Due to this pandemic, World vision immediately started providing

information, prevention and control messages to communities, in coordination with local

government units. World vision conducted a rapid assessment aimed at providing broader

picture of the impact of covid-19 to children, their families and communities in the


country and to identify needs and gaps that would require humanitarian support. Alde,

C.2020 on the article “Covid-19 and the poverty pandemic” Poor people inordinately

suffered economic shocks brought by this pandemic. While it may be true that health

crisis is not the proximate cause of these underlying problems, what is true is that it

threatens the already fragile social safety nets of the people.

In a recent study of Karpman, M. et al (2020) stated that Parents are coping with the

pandemic’s economic impacts by cutting back spending on food, reducing savings, and

going into debt. But even with these coping mechanisms, many parents were struggling

to meet their families’ basic needs: more than one-third of parents reported problems

paying for housing, utility, food, or medical costs in the past month, including roughly

half of low-income parents. Households suffered financial lockdown because of this

pandemic, household should always consider, and even reconsider, their priorities. In

times of crisis, what is most important is to have a clearer focus. Christensen,T. (2020).

Schramm, S. (2020) indicated that this pandemic resulted greater spending in areas such

as groceries and lessened spending on common things such as gas and dining out. For her

now is a smart time to build a new budget, or adjust an existing one, to identify savings


The present study will focus on determining the changes in the family finances

management among Bicol University College of Business, Economics and Management

students. This further aims to provide significant contribution by providing results that

will help in understanding the adaptive changes in family along their finances and be able

to relate and consider the impact in businesses.


Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study sought to describe the adaptive changes in the family finances

management and associate results to implications in businesses. Specifically, it attempted

to find answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the household?

a. Head of the family

b. Total Number of household members

c. No. of children living inside the house

2. What is the most expensive item in the household budget before CoVID-

19 Pandemic?

a. Food

b. Transportation

c. Utilities

d. Leisure (travel, entertainment, hobbies, etc.)

e. Communication

f. Shopping (clothes, shoes, appliance, gadgets etc.)

g. Others, please specify____________________


3. What is the most expensive item in the household budget during CoVID-

19 Pandemic?

a. Food

b. Transportation

c. Utilities

d. Leisure (travel, entertainment, hobbies, etc.)

e. Communication

f. Shopping (clothes, shoes, appliance, gadgets etc.)

g. Others, please specify_______________________

4. What causes change in the budget allocation for household items except

for quarantine policies implemented?

a. Change in Income

b. Change in work arrangement

c. Change in family members’ activities

d. Change in family members’ needs

e. Others, please specify_________________________

5. What are the adaptive changes in the familial finances management?



Researches have been conducted with regards to adaptive changes of individuals

during COVID 19. These researches will focus on family finances and its impact on

households in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic. Forced to adapt to rapidly changing

circumstances, make difficult choices, and deal with disruptions at home, at work, and in

the community.

According to Pärson, G. and Vancic, A. (2020), the global crisis struck the world

in the shape of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020. As a result,

supermarkets have experienced panic buying behaviors, empty store shelves, out of

stocks, and a large increase in online sales. Supermarkets, producers, marketers, and

businesses have had to adapt to consumers' changed buying behavior in food

consumption. Another study by Puttaiah, M. (2020) stated that the pandemic has

impacted virtually all aspects of our lives. Some developments have been sudden and

involuntary, such as social distancing, wearing masks, stopping public transport,

restrictions on travel, etc. For others, it has merely accelerated the adoption of behaviors

already gaining traction, such as the digitalization of shopping, banking and more. As

mentioned by Kholia, T. (2020), COVID-19 pandemic has flare-up frenzy, nervousness,

and sorrow level in both youth and adult individuals and changed food consumption

preferences. The financial effect of COVID-19 on individuals’ households created an

immediate effect on family income, savings, consumption, and expenses. As studied by

Bourquin, P. et al (2020), the crisis has so far impacted the earnings of the poorest

households the most. Households in the poorest fifth – as measured by their pre-crisis

income – have been hit hardest in terms of earnings, with a fall in their median household


earnings of around 15% (or around £160 per month). However, in the recent study of

Jassenns, W. et al (2020) on the ‘The short-term economic effects of COVID-19 on low-

income households in rural Kenya: An analysis using weekly financial household data”

shows that there is no evidence that households coped with reduced income through

increased borrowing, selling assets or withdrawing savings. Instead, they gave out less

gifts and remittances themselves, lent less money to others and postponed loan

repayments. Moreover, they significantly reduced expenditures on schooling and

transportation, in line with the school closures and travel restrictions. Thus, despite their

affected livelihoods, households managed to keep food expenditures at par, but this came

at the cost of reduced informal risk-sharing and social support between households.


Related Research and Non-research Works

Millions of family suffered because of this pandemic especially financially, many

lost their works and it took time to cope with, family budgeting is essential during this

tough time. We must identify first our priorities because money is hard to get especially

during this pandemic. This crisis leaves a trace to everyone struggling and hope is one

way to cope with it. Being able to adjust, adapt and still keep going is a must.

According to Kaddatz, J. (2020), the financial downturn has been felt by virtually

all families, many indicating that the financial stress is having an impact on their mood,

mental health and sleep and families with children and youth at home are among those

most likely to say that they have been challenged financially as a result of the pandemic.

Euart, J. (2020) stated that, the pandemic has taken root in nearly every country on the

globe, upending personal and economic lives. Some countries have managed to control

new cases, while in others the spread remains rampant. While many countries have

reopened their economies, allowing a cautious return to work, play, and economic life,

the pandemic seems likely to remain a fact of life for the foreseeable future. As studied

by Kharas, H. (2020) about ‘The Impact of Covid-19 to Global Extreme Poverty, the

experience of living with poverty for short periods of time is harsh, but some families

have coping mechanisms—assets they can sell, assistance from governments, relatives,

and neighbors. But over longer periods of time, poverty leaves permanent scars—

malnutrition, susceptibility to disease, missed schooling. For this reason, it is useful to

look at the longer-term impact of COVID-19 on poverty, despite all the caveats

associated with any decade long economic forecasts.


Guzman, W. (2020) indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken an

economic toll on many Americans, college students in particular have found it difficult to

maintain employment and a steady income to pay for their tuition, rent and other

expenses. In response to the pandemic, the university created new opportunities for

students to receive some financial relief. According to Nicholls, AC (2020), Parents

worry about extra expense. For some parents, the distance learning seems impractical at it

could mean spending more time and money on their children’s education. They worry

about online requirements, having to pay for internet regularly. Colleges and university

are also shifting to distance learning, affecting over three million higher education

students. This pandemic caused grocery shelves to become empty as more people

clamored for basic necessities like food and medications. As a result, shortages and

delays in deliveries also occurred. It’s important to stock up on supplies and prepare an

emergency fund to help you tide over periods of crisis like this as stated by Dela Buena,

K. (2020). In a study conducted in Canadian children along with the impact of CoVID-19

pandemic revealed lesser physical activity among children and youth, lesser time spent

outside and higher sedentary behaviors and more sleep (Moore, et al. 2020). Families that

receive cash transfers are better able to access food and regular health care, and to send

their children to school. They’re also less likely to suffer from debilitating stress, which

can lead to violence and poor mental health. As stated by Altangerel, E. (2020). World

Bank Organization (2020) in their article ‘Monitoring COVID-19 Impacts on Families

and Firms in the Philippines’ revealed that the real impacts on the economy can be seen

at the level of families or households. Impacts on businesses are felt in the households as

job losses, dramatic declines in incomes, restrictions in movements, which lead to


reduced consumption of basic goods and services such as food and health care. As

contended by the Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (2020), the

Philippines have been in a vulnerable position since the beginning of the Covid-19

pandemic. This vulnerability can be explained by social, economic, health and financial

factors. As a result of these pre-existing conditions, the crisis has been acutely felt by the

population of the country. Being financially prepared allows you to keep up-to-date on

your household bills and readily provide the needs of your family. A similar study of

Alde C. (2020) evaluated that many jobs have no paid sick leaves. Irregular workers,

including those who are paid on a per output, takay, or pakyaw basis, are particularly

vulnerable. Working from home is not an option for all workers, as in the case of jeepney

drivers and service workers. Crowding cannot be avoided in mass transport systems. In

crisis situations, poor women and girls are affected the most because many of them form

part of this workforce, but are still expected to do unpaid care and domestic work, which

only tends to increase when caring for sick members of the family. Poor people

inordinately bear the brunt of economic shocks brought by this pandemic. Stocking up on

food and medicines is impossible for those without regular incomes, savings, the

unbanked, or those without access to financial services.

An article written by Farrel, D. et al (2020) had mentioned that the novel

coronavirus is spreading at a pace that requires significant policy and personal

interventions to contain and treat it. The economic impacts on households, businesses,

and financial markets could be profound. As mentioned by Padill M. (2017) on his article

‘7 Tips That Will Lead to A Financially Successful School Year”, Personal finances


especially budgeting doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the fun from your life. It

simply means you need to be more selective on what you spend your money on, and look

for opportunities to save money in every instance of life. It is possible to be financially

successful as a student in the Philippines. It all starts with a little bit of planning, and a lot

of personal dedication. As indicated by Yuesti, A. et al (2020), financial literacy is

necessary to change people’s behavior and welfare levels. Therefore, financial learning

and understanding must be improved in schools, universities or in the environment of

rural or urban communities to help people gain knowledge about financial literacy in a

depressed condition. Financial literacy is also expected to increase public knowledge and

change people’s behavior leading to better management of finances and investment.

Financial literacy can prevent people from making huge unnecessary investment.

Marignani, D. (2020) elaborated that in adopting rapid remedial measures such as

reprogramming expenditures, earmarking additional funds, developing expedited

execution mechanisms, and planning for liquidity needs. In making these quick-fire

adjustments, agility is the order of the day. But they will need to balance the virtues of

flexibility against the demands of fiscal discipline—both to avoid misuse of funds and

preserve macroeconomic stability into the future.



Literatures relevant to the present study were focused on Covid-19 and how it

severely affects households in terms of financial aspect. It explains the arising issues

brought by the pandemic such as poverty, unemployment, and economic downfall. It was

also discussed in the literatures, on how every family member strive to continually foster

and cope up with different strategy through planning and financial literacy to lessen the

burden on these crises. The works of Alde (2020) have elaborated the impacts of Covid-

19 Pandemic to the lives of individuals from the different sectors in the community. The

literatures above have provided a brief but concise discussion about the adaptive changes

brought by the pandemic in the lives of every household’s members.

Gap to be Bridged by the Study

The reviews of literature and studies have shown that almost of the studies are

relevant to the present study. Some topics on the previous study were focused on

financial literacy, others on budgeting, and some on the negative impact of covid-19 in

different households especially in financial aspect. The present study fills the gap of the

previous study specifically on the adaptive changes on family finances management

during pandemic. This study will focus on the adaptability of the families of the

respondents in financial management during the pandemic in order for the researchers to

know how the respondents from Bicol University, College of Business, Economics and

Management students have adapted on familial finances management. The present study

bridges the gap on the details of research undertakings that are under investigation.


Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored on the Bucket Theory of Financial Management by

Scott E. Taylor a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, providing education on money

matters and energy efficiency. The theory deals with the common sense approach to

planning a family’s financial future. It provides a systematic way for families to set and

reach financial goals and it helps the family build a sound financial foundation. Each

bucket represents a basic financial priority. The first bucket represents basic needs; food,

shelter, clothing, and transportation. The second bucket represents an emergency fund

and savings plan. The third bucket represents a family’s insurance needs, including life,

health, and property protection. The fourth bucket represents quality of life. The fifth

bucket represents investing for the future. The water that flows from bucket to bucket

represents the resources a family has. This is relevant to the present study since it entailed

in building a sound financial base for a family. Both studies tackled family financial

management and adaptive strategies.


Figure 1: Bucket Theory of Financial Management


Conceptual Framework

This study conceptualized that the COVID-19 Pandemic has affected the Familial

Financial Management that resulted to numerous adaptive changes. The focus of this

study is the respondents of Bicol University, specifically students from the College of

Business, Economics and Management.

The study will primarily identify profile of the family of the respondent. The

profile will be focused on the on the household’s profile including the head of the family,

total number of household’s members, number of children living inside the house, and

the annual family income. The next step will be determining the family finances

management of the respondents before and during pandemic. This will be administered

through survey questionnaire. The reasons for the changes will also be investigated.

The researchers will construct following figure to represent the relationships

among the variables used in the study. Also, the researchers need to do more

comprehensive and enhanced research in order for us to determine adaptive changes on

familial finances management of the said target respondents. The input will be the

students of Bicol University College Business, Economics and Management, wherein the

researchers will conduct a process of online survey questionnaires and assessment to

gather the information needed. The output would be the determined adaptive changes on

familial finances management among the students of Bicol University College Business,

Economics and Management that will gain the needed data for sufficient results and



Bicol University
College of Business,
Economics and

Online Survey
Assessment for A

adaptive changes
on familial
during Pandemic
among the
students of Bicol
University College
Economics and Figure 2: Conceptual Framework


Definition of Terms

The following are the definition of the terms to be used in the study:

Adaptive changes - change that requires new learning for problem definition and

solution implementation that can affect an individual or a family in many aspects incudes

handling finances and consumption strategy.

Comprehensive - thoroughly understanding with one's mind; having an extensive

mental range or grasp about an idea that involves analyzing thoughts.

Covid-19- is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Its effect brought changes to people, their lifestyle and their way of managing to cope up

circumstances such as dealing with financial problems.

Familial Management - also refers to Family management which is defined as

the family's role while actively responding to different situations of disease and health

care. In this study, it will refer to administration of family activities, budgeting,

consumption, financial literacy and different ways to lessen their burden during


Finances- the management of money and includes activities such as investing,

borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting. This guide provides an overview

of how public finances are managed, consumed within households, tackle about financial

literacy and how essential it is during this tough time.


Income – the money that is earned from doing work or received from

investments. It is one source of households to provide the needs of the family but it is

also one aspect that is greatly affected during pandemic because of job loss due to

economic crisis.

Pandemic- is a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents

affecting individuals and brought changes to their lives causing them to adapt and come

up with solutions to cope up especially in their financial needs.



Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive type of research which focuses on describing

the characteristics of a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer who, what,

and how questions that is relevant to the study. Descriptive research is suitable to this

research topic since it focuses on determining the adaptive changes on familial finances

management during pandemic among the students of Bicol University College Business,

Economics and Management.

Sampling Design

The study will employ convenience sampling which is referring to a specific type

of non-probability sampling method that depends on data collection from population who

are conveniently available to participate in the conduct of research study. This sampling

method does not have inclusion criteria, the researchers can get the participants both in

their most convenient. Using convenience sampling method, the researchers can send the

online questionnaires to BUCBEM students. This would be the easiest and most

convenient way of gathering primary data for the research.


Population Identity

The population that will be considered in the study is the College of

Business, Economics and Management students of Bicol University.

Population Size

The population of students in the college of Business, Economics and

Management is 2293; those 2293 are the total number of officially enrolled

student in the academic year 2020-2021 whereas, the population size to Bicol

University CBEM students will be used to identify the same size.

Sample Size

The sample size will be 20% of the population which is 459 students out

of 2293. For the sample size determination, the following formula was used.

n= N x 20%

Applying the formula, we have:

n = N x 20%

= 2293 x 20%

= 459 respondents

Sample Elements Selection

The samples involved in the study are individuals who are students in

Bicol University. They are assumed to be a member of a family.


Research Strategy

The study will implement quantitative survey to capture sufficient and correct

data from the respondents. This will actually have looked into the specific details on the

adaptive changes of familial finances management.


The study will utilize online survey questionnaires to get responses from the

target population. Primarily the instrument has the following parts, the standardized

questionnaire and adoptive questionnaire to gather the data needed.

Data Collection Procedure

The data gathering will be conducted purely online. Formulated Google forms

will be sent to target respondents of Bicol University, College of Business, Economics

and Management students. The gathering of information will be also made online through

the help of Google features for summarizing data from survey that will be conducted and

data gathered will be analyze by the researchers to be able to come up with the results

and discussions.

Data Analysis Tools

The study will employ basic descriptive analytical tools like frequency count,

percentages and ranking. Other tools that will be used for analysis are numerical,

graphical and tabular.



This chapter presents the results of the implemented research which focused on

the adaptive changes on familial finances management among Bicol University College

of Business, Economics and Management. The result of the conducted survey was

answered by the respondent through Google Form.

Profile of the Household

Table1: Head of Household

Head of the Family Frequency Percentage

Father 260 70.46

Mother 86 23.30

Other 23 6.24

Total 369 100

Based from the survey results Table 1 provided the percentage of the suggested

set up of leadership in the household. The respondents were asked to provide the person

who is primarily responsible in family management. The result of the survey conducted

revealed that 70.46% of the household is headed by Father. This suggests that family

management is led by the Father. Based on the survey of the Philippines National

Demographic and Health Survey (2008), it has shown that more than 80% of households

are headed by men.


Table 2. Total Number of Household Members

Total Number of Frequency Percentage

Household Members

1-3 42 11.4

4-6 242 65.6

7-9 79 21.4

10 and above 6 1.6

Total 369 100

As to the result of the survey, the household consisting 4 – 6 members gained

65.6%. Which ranked the highest based on the number of frequency. According to the

Philippine Statistic Authority (2021), the country’s average household size (AHS) is 4.4



Table 3. Number of Children below 18 years old in the family

Number of Children Frequency Percentage

below 18 years old in the


None 117 31.7

1-3 234 63.4

4-7 17 4.6

8-10 1 0.3

More than 10 0 0

Total 369 100

The table indicates that 63.4% out of the total population had 1-3 numbers of

children below 18 years old in the family. Statista Research Department (2021) stated

that about 40 percent of all family households have children under age 18 living in the

household so about 60% is below 18 years old.


Table 4. Annual Income

Annual Income Frequency Percentage

P100,000 and below 189 51.2

P100,000-P250,000 96 26

P251,000-P500,000 66 17.9

Above P500,000 18 4.9

Total 369 100

The data above shows the highest percentage votes is 51.2% which falls under the

total annual income of Php 100,000 and below. However, in the survey of Philippine

Statistics Authority (2016) showed that the average annual family income of Filipino

families was approximately P 267 000.


Finances before COVID 19 Pandemic

The survey results Table 5.0 indicate that Food had been ranked as the highest

finances before Covid-19 Pandemic. The World Bank Organization (2019) revealed that

Food makes up the largest share of total household expenditure in low-income countries

and, accordingly, constitutes a sizeable share of the economy.

Table 5.0 Food

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 275 74.53

2 43 11.65

3 17 4.61

4 12 3.25

5 11 2.97

6 6 1.63

7 5 1.36

Total 369 100


Table 5.1 Transportation

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 21 5.69

2 90 24.39

3 103 27.91

4 61 16.53

5 44 11.93

6 36 9.76

7 14 3.79

Total 369 100

Table 5.2 Utilities

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 42 11.38

2 160 43.36

3 101 27.37

4 26 7.04

5 20 5.42

6 18 4.88

7 2 0.54

Total 369 100


Table 5.3 Leisure

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 19 5.15

2 32 8.67

3 62 16.80

4 45 12.20

5 78 21.14

6 96 26.02

7 37 10.02

Total 369 100

Table 5.4 Communication

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 32 8.67

2 77 20.86

3 91 24.66

4 103 27.91

5 40 10.85

6 21 5.69

7 5 1.36

Total 369 100


Table 5.5 Shopping

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 23 6.23

2 46 12.47

3 59 15.99

4 59 15.99

5 82 22.22

6 78 21.14

7 22 5.96

Total 369 100

Table 5.6 Others

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 20 5.42

2 21 5.69

3 51 13.82

4 28 7.59

5 20 5.42

6 31 8.40

7 198 53.66

Total 368 100


Finances during COVID 19 Pandemic

Based on survey Table 6.0 resulted to rank food as the highest Finances during

COVID 19 Pandemic. Economic Research Service (2020) stated that the average annual

food-at-home prices were 3.5 percent higher in 2020 than in 2019. Food price increases

in 2020 were primarily a result of shifts in consumption patterns and supply chain

disruptions related to the coronavirus pandemic. Proper measurement of food

consumption is, therefore, central to the assessment and monitoring of various

dimensions of well-being – food security, nutrition, health, and poverty – of any


Table 6.0 Food

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 299 81.03

2 29 7.86

3 17 4.61

4 5 1.36

5 4 1.08

6 4 1.08

7 11 2.98

Total 369 100


Table 6.1 Transportation

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 21 5.69

2 69 18.70

3 80 21.69

4 93 25.20

5 40 10.84

6 45 12.19

7 21 5.69

Total 369 100

Table 6.2 Utilities

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 48 13.01

2 137 37.13

3 113 30.63

4 36 9.76

5 17 4.61

6 16 4.33

7 2 0.54

Total 369 100


Table 6.3 Leisure

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 19 5.15

2 15 4.06

3 47 12.74

4 46 12.47

5 78 21.14

6 113 30.63

7 51 13.81

Total 369 100

Table 6.4 Communication

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 74 20.05

2 106 28.73

3 114 30.89

4 43 11.65

5 16 4.34

6 12 3.25

7 4 1.08

Total 369 100


Table 6.5 Shopping

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 17 4.61

2 30 8.13

3 59 15.99

4 68 18.43

5 95 25.75

6 66 17.88

7 34 9.21

Total 369 100

Table 6.6 Other

Rank Frequency Percentage

1 15 4.07

2 25 6.78

3 45 12.20

4 26 7.05

5 32 8.67

6 37 10.02

7 189 51.21

Total 369 100


Causes of change in the budget allocations for household items

Table 7. Causes of change in the budget allocations for household items

Causes of changes in the Frequency Percentage

budget allocation for

household items.

Change in income 128 34.7

Change in work 35 9.5


Change in family member's 67 18.2


Change in family member's 129 35


Others 10 2.6

Total 369 100

Based on the survey results Table 7 revealed that the Change in family member's

needs causes the shift of budget allocation for household items with an average of 35%

out of the total population followed by the change in income, change in family member’s

activity and change in work arrangement. Expenditure will be done according to the

needs and objectives of the family. For example, a family where young children are there,

more will be spent for nutritious foods. Old people require health and medical expenses


this is according to Shuani (2020) on his article Top 10 Factors Affecting Family


Adaptive Changes in the Familial Finances Management

The adaptive changes in the budget allocation for household items prior to and

during Covid-19 Pandemic indicated in the statement of the problem are as follows:

food, leisure, utilities, shopping, transportation, communication and others. The survey

resulted to changes in the ranking of transportation and communication before and during

pandemic. The food remains to be the most essential among the options followed by

utilities. The researchers therefore concluded that finances had changed during pandemic

especially that it had a huge impact as it changes the family member’s needs that enables

them to adapt in the situation that they are in. The changes it brought to the lives of

individual can help them slowly realize how familial finances management is important

to every household.




Summary of Findings

The following are data presented for the findings of the research:

1. Based on the results of the survey questionnaire the head of the family is the

father with the total of 70.46%, household with 4-6 members ranked the

highest with 65.6% and the household with 1-3 number of children living

below 18 years old led the ranked with the total of 63.4%.

2. The most expensive item in the household budget before the Covid-19

Pandemic is food followed by utilities, transportation, communication,

shopping, leisure and last the others items based on the result of the survey

given to the respondents.

3. During the Pandemic, the most expensive item in the household budget is still

the food followed by utilities but there is an exchange of ranking as the

communication came first before transportation and to be followed by the

shopping, leisure and others items.

4. The major cause of change in the budget allocation for household items except

for quarantine policies implemented is the change in family member’s needs

as the demand of the family member’s changes.

5. The researchers found out that the adaptive changes in the management of the

familial finances of the respondents made are reducing their budget allocation

to their transportation and increasing the budget allocation for communication.



Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions were derived:

1. The family profile among the students of Bicol University College of

Business, Economics and Management entailed that the Father is the head of

family composed of 4-6 family members with 1-3 children below 18 years

old and the annual total income is Php 100,000 and below. This is based on

the results of the survey conducted and analyzed by the proponents.

2. Before Covid-19 pandemic, the family allocated budget based on the needs of

family. Food is the most essential followed by the expenses on utilities then

transportation as the family members used to travel to go to work and school.

Shopping, leisure and other activities are the less priorities of the family in

allocating budgets.

3. During Covid-19 the family allocation budget changes, there is alteration

between transportation and communication upon the demand of family

member’s need. Communication expenses increases and transportation

expense decreases as the family need to stay and work at home and adapt to

the new flexible distant learning. Due to this situation each family members

need to have strong internet connection by purchasing to the internet

communication providers.

4. The causes of change in the budget allocations for household items includes

the change in family income, change in work arrangement, change in family

activities but what causes the most impact is the change in family member’s


needs for the reason that every household member has its own demand to cope

up with current situation brought by the Pandemic.

5. The adaptive changes in familial finances management enables households to

adapt in the new normal, making and adjusting the budget allocation and

coping with the changes as the family continue to strive amidst the pandemic.


The researchers come up with following recommendations based on the result of

the research conducted:

1. Every household should assess themselves with the family expenditures

through proper budget allocation and financial planning especially in these

times of Pandemic.

2. Family members must think of the way on how to maximizes efforts and

deliberate solutions like starting up a business for additional family income.

3. The parents should help influence and guide their children in purchasing,

budgeting, managing of finances and to be a good consumer in the future.

4. Business industry must consider the potential consequences of their

management decisions on profits, cash flow and on the financial condition

especially on their employees and how the family members adapt to the

changes brought by the COVID 19 Pandemic. Planning and budgeting for

these financial needs is crucial. Financial management is an important skill of

every small business owner or manager. Every decision that an owner makes


has a financial impact on the company, and he has to make these decisions

within the total context of the company's operations.

5. The future researchers that has a similar or related study may use or revise this

research for a useful reference in the study.



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Princess Joy T. Ariscon

Barangay Poblacion East Milagros,Masbate
Mobile No. 09291740434
Student No. 2018-CBEM-100285


Age: 21
Date of Birth: February 12, 2000
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Languages: Bicol, Minasbate, Filipino, English


TERTIARY Bicol University

BSBA Human Resource Management
2018 - Present

SECONDARY Masbate National Comprehensive High School

Quezon St. Masbate City

ELEMENTARY Milagros West Central School

Brgy. Bacolod Milagros, Masbate
2006- 2012


 JPMAP BU Chapter Chairman for Membership A.Y. 2019-2021

 BU Lawod VP for Public Relations A.Y.2020-2021
 BU CBEM DEAN'S AWARD for Outstanding Student in Service
 2019 Civil Service Professional Level Passer


Jessica Regina Mae F. Burdeos

Barangay Bara, Milagros, Masbate
Mobile No. 09161088562
Student No. 2018-CBEM-100605


Age: 21
Date of Birth: October 23, 1999
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Languages: Bicol, Minasbate, Filipino, English


TERTIARY Bicol University

BSBA Human Resource Management
2018 - Present

SECONDARY Masbate National Comprehensive High School

Quezon St. Masbate City

ELEMENTARY Bara Elementary School

Brgy. Bara, Milagros, Masbate
2006- 2012


 JPMAP BU Chapter Co-Chairman for Ways and Means A.Y. 2018-2019

 JPMAP BU Chapter Interim Treasurer A.Y. 2019-2021


Jessa M. Gerona
Manggahan Nursery, Masbate City
Mobile No. 00491222616
Student No. 2018-CBEM-100304


Age: 22
Date of Birth: October 21, 1998
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Languages: Bicol, Minasbate, Filipino, English


TERTIARY Bicol University

BSBA Human Resource Management
2018 - Present

SECONDARY Masbate National Comprehensive High School

Quezon St. Masbate City

ELEMENTARY Jose Zurbito Sr.Elementary School Quezon

Street,Masbate City


 Sk Kagawad, Barangay Nursery, Masbate City

 JPMAP BU Chapter Co-Chairman for Membership
 JPMAP BU Chapter Interim Co-Chairman for Membership 2020-2021
 Bu Lawod VP for External Affairs and Alumni Relation
 Nursery Youth President, Barangay Nursery, Masbate City
 BU CBEM DEAN'S AWARD for Outstanding Student in Character


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