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Using OTT platforms in the Pandemic: A qualitative study

Statistical Methods and Psychological Research

BA. Programme (Psychology-Sociology), SEM 4


The current study was designed to understand the usage patterns, psychological and emotional
consequences of using OTT platforms like Netflix, Prime Video, Hotstar etc. by young adults in
India. For this study, we chose a participant between the age group of 18-25,
college-going/graduates, fluent in Hindi and English.
A semi-structured interview was used to study the experience of lockdown, patterns of watching
OTT platforms, reasons for choosing certain genres and shows and mental and emotional impact
of the same.
Thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) was used to analyze the interview and the
following themes were discussed, preferred genres and their reasons, emotional reasons for using
OTT platforms, Privacy and sharing dynamic.

The results indicated the genres preferred by the participant, emotional reasons for using OTT
platforms and their privacy and sharing dynamic for the same.
The objective of the study is to unravel the psychological impact of using OTT platforms on
young adults in India.

Review of Literature

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed TV consumption

A study conducted by Kim (2022) examined the change in viewers’ pattern of consumption of
TV genres due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was found that there was a lack of study
conducted on the nature of media content consumed by viewers, for instance, about the kind of
content consumed and the disparity between post and pre-pandemic consumption patterns. The
present study used data from a self-monitoring app- TV Time, where users can search for TV
shows and self-report about the consumption and other such metrics for the shows. The major
period of interest for the study was pre-pandemic, early pandemic and the new normal. The study
found that men and older individuals reported greater genre change than other demographics. It
was also found that the pandemic had a notable impact on the genres of TV shows consumed,
with the impact getting more pronounced as the pandemic progressed. It was found that the
consumption of genres of drama, adventure, horror and fantasy decreased by varying degrees
while action increased. It was also suggested that any studies examining the effects of stressful
events on media consumption in the future should include psychometric data, like stress and
anxiety as well.

The study aims to look into the competition, co existence, and competitive supremacy of OTT
and TV when it comes to customer satisfaction. The niche theory was used to empirically
quantify the degree of fulfillment provided by OTT and TV, as well as their similarity and
competitive supremacy across seven micro-dimensions of gratification. The study's data was
collected from 223 online users across India. The study's findings show that OTT gives a better
level of satisfaction across all seven aspects of gratification, with the most significant difference

being in the convenience factor. According to the niche overlap measurements, the most
resemblance between TV and OTT can be found in giving fulfillment in the relaxation
dimension, while the least similarity can be found in the convenience dimensions. The
competitive advantage of OTT overtook TV in all aspects, with the most notable difference being
in relaxation.

With the advancement of technology and the emergence of the digital age, digital on-demand
video streaming services have exploded in popularity in recent years. The use of OTT platforms
among Indian customers has increased as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and consequent
lockdown. The goal of the study was to see how customers are changing from traditional
television to OTT platforms, as well as to figure out what reasons are pushing consumers to
switch from traditional television to on-demand media platforms during the epidemic. The
findings revealed that ease, accessibility, and pricing are some of the primary factors driving
people to switch from traditional television to OTT services. During the epidemic, there was a
significant increase in the use of OTT platforms.
Even after the lockdown was removed, practically every company adopted a new trend of
work-from-home (WFH), which led to the expansion of OTT platforms in India because
employees were working from home.

The study focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic as a new development for cultural industries and
policy, as well as its consequences on global online platforms' actions. It sought to study if global
streaming platforms are the beneficiaries of the lockdown measures, as well as to highlight the
potential economic and policy consequences of the global pandemic for cultural industries. The
study focuses on the time span from the start of the pandemic in Asia-Pacific in January 2020
and the gradual relaxation of lockdown measures in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific in
July 2020. The study is based on data gathered from companies such as Netflix, Amazon, and
Disney, among others. It analyses the strategies implemented by these platforms in order to
improve their global influence. It also analyzes regulatory concerns and how new research
patterns resulting from lockdown measures are projected to alter the present audio-visual

development policy. Despite huge technical advances upsetting audio-visual sectors, the study
emphasizes a strong continuity in the global audio-visual politics and economy in terms of
power balance.

The research aims to find the rise of the popularity of previously unknown platforms like Disney
plus Hotstar, Amazon prime video, Netflix etc that have now become households. It aims to
draw a link- (if any) between the prior popular cinema culture and the now famous OTT
platform’s popularity curve. Questions in regards to are people still excited to go out and watch
movies in a theater or has a radical shift been made in enjoying “Netflix and chill” more? are
addressed. Apart from this, the future scope of the rise of OTT platforms and the extent of the
popularity is attempted at being understood.

A study conducted by Garima Gupta, Komal Singharia in 2021 investigated the influence of two
major antecedents, namely customer engagement (CE) and quality of service experience (QoSE),
on consumers' willingness to continue and subscribe (WCS) to streaming services in the future.
The paper also investigates the indirect role of satisfaction and habit in influencing the
previously mentioned linkages. The study found that First, there is increased competition in
streaming services. Second, the research tries to explore the function of satisfaction as a
moderator in the aforementioned relationship. Third, the study intends to investigate the potential
moderating influence of customers' increased usage and consumption of streaming services
(conceptualized as a 'habit') during the coronavirus lockdown period on the relationship between
consumers' satisfaction and their future behaviour.To collect primary responses for the study, an
online questionnaire was sent, with a total of 182 responses acquired over a one-week period
serving as the final data set. The study's findings offer an opportunity for OTT platform
providers to capitalize on the perceived change.
A study by Navsangeet Saini. (2020) studied about the availability of cross-cultural content a
subscription to virtually unlimited content, and the accessibility of informative content in the
form of documentary/ docu-series format all point to a paradigm shift in the way informational
content is created, distributed, and consumed. Factors such as increasing smartphone penetration

and the availability of internet data at competitive prices in India are also critical. Indulging in
various movies and ott shows provided an escape from what appeared to be a never-ending
pandemic. It gave us all a sense of normalcy about how things used to be and how we wanted
them to be. Everything we were missing in our real lives was being met in some way by these
shows.The findings indicate that the lockdown had a discernible impact on Indian audiences'
viewing patterns and habits. Binge-watching is a habit that has been aided by the lockdown
situation, and it may indicate a shift in the OTT market in the future.

With the growth of technology and the rise of the digital age, the digital on-demand video
streaming services are on a rapid rise in recent years. With the Covid-19 pandemic and the
subsequent lockdown, there has been an increase in the usage of OTT platforms among the
Indian consumers. The study aimed to examine how the consumers are shifting from traditional
television to OTT platforms and also to understand the various factors which are influencing the
consumers to shift traditional TV to on-demand media platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The results showed the convenience, accessibility, and price are some of the major causes of the
shift from traditional television to OTT platforms. There has been a sharp rise in the usage of
OTT platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even when the lockdown was lifted, a new trend
of work-from-home (WFH) was adopted by almost every company. As the employees were
working from home, this also contributed towards the rise of OTT platforms in India.

Kattula et al. (2021) examined the OTT platform use among college students and its associations
with increased screen time, mental well-being, COVID-19 related anxiety and personality traits.
The study was conducted using a web based survey with 1039 participants who were connected
through Email and/or Whatsapp Messenger. The information on socio-demographic details and
screen time was gathered through the survey. The study indicated that a large proportion of
students used OTT platforms regularly, with three- fourth of the students reporting binge
watching during COVID-19 pandemic. The participants with problematic OTT use had a greater
number of paid subscriptions to OTT platforms. They also scored significantly lower on the scale
score representing the trait of conscientiousness. Further, those with problematic OTT platform
use had poorer mental well-being than others who didn't. Thus, the subscription to paid OTT

platforms and poor mental well-being were associated with problematic OTT use; whereas
personality traits of conscientiousness seemed to offer protection against problematic OTT use.
However, further studies with a more representative and larger study sample is needed to confirm
and better characterize the findings from the current study. 

Flipside of Using OTT Platforms

The goal of this study was to predict the psychological negative consequences of the
post-binge-watching phenomenon and the addiction-related stimuli that prompted adults to
binge-watch during the COVID-19 epidemic based on theory. The outcomes of this study
showed that binge-watching is associated with stress, loneliness, insomnia, sadness, and anxiety,
and that screen time spent binge-watching can amplify these negative impacts. Surprisingly, the
findings revealed that binge watching is linked to loneliness and sadness when it is personally
unsatisfying. One potential explanation is that binge-watchers' lifestyles resemble the lives
represented in the episodes, giving them the idea that other people around them are happier with
their lives, making them depressed due to social isolation.

Addictive behaviors among the binge-watchers isolate the individuals from their real-life
situations and align them more with the realities of binge-watching. It was also found that
binge-watchers' addictive behaviors isolate them from their real-life situations and align them
more with the realities of binge-watching. Therefore, when their real-life realities and mediated
realities are incompatible, the individuals experience loneliness. This study tested the moderating
influence of screen time on binge-watching in addition to the direct impact of screen time.
Screen time for web series via online streaming services had a significant moderating influence
on insomnia, depression, and anxiety. The moderating effect of screen time for web series via
online streaming services, on the other hand, did not find a significant association with stress and
loneliness. It was also discovered that older people are less likely to experience the negative
effects of binge-watching.The uses and gratification theory, which defines key motives that drive
media content viewing, is one potential explanation for this occurrence.
As a result, the study proposes that people's comprehension of how to use online streaming web
series be improved in order to avoid negative psychological and mental health effects.

Rahman et al. (2021) studied the binge watching habits of Netflix users amidst the pandemic by
investigating the motivational factors, amount of media consumption and negative attributes
associated with binge-watching on Netflix during the COVID-19 outbreak. The findings showed
that the majority of the respondents reported used smartphones to binge-watch on Netflix amidst
the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the study also indicated that a vast collection of
programming and relief from boredom are the key motivational factors when it comes to
binge-watching on Netflix which underlined the “One more episode” syndrome as the primary
problem of binge-watching on Netflix. It was indicated that binge-watching a TV series could be
problematic and divert attention from other tasks. The result from the study indicated that with
more free time during the COVID-19 lockdown, it is clear that there is a strong need among
people to escape from boredom and stress. Binge-watching a wide range of shows may be
relieving, but it is also ushering in higher levels of addiction and anxiety. Thus, evidently,
binge-watching on Netflix contributes to escaping reality and seeking relief from boredom
caused by the lockdown and such a digital companion is invaluable in combating the stress
caused by COVID-19.

The study was conducted to analyze the use of OTT Platforms among college students and its
association with increased screen time, mental well being, COVID-19 related anxiety and
personality traits. The study was a web based survey where over 1000 students were invited from
all over India to participate through Email and Whatsapp Messenger. Information on socio
demographic details and screen time was gathered through the survey. It was analyzed that a
large number of students in the study used OTT Platforms regularly and three fourth of the
students reported binge watching. There was a median increase of 240 minutes per day in the
consumption of OTT Platforms after the onset of pandemic. The participants with problematic
use had a greater number of subscriptions to OTT Platforms. The psychological impact of the
problematic use of OTT Platforms was also analyzed and it was concluded that it led to poor
mental being.

The times of COVID-19 have been the most difficult, resembling a war-like situation except this
time, everyone around us, including our loved ones have become our enemies in a way. People
fear for their health and those of their loved ones, their financial well‐being, their ability to
procure food and other supplies, their access to doctors and other “non‐essential” but important
service‐providers, and their overall prospects for a safe and happy future. Due to this, people
have turned to psychotherapists, not only new clients but also, people who have got their
treatment terminated, they returned as well. Naturally there was a fear and anxiety among
psychotherapists as well regarding caseloads, teletherapy, using technology and gadgets for the
first time especially with the older generation of psychotherapists.
Through this research, researchers attempted to find out what kind of shows does a large
population of psychotherapists prefer? Comedy over drama or are the patterns still the same?
Some of the top watched shows as reported were Parasite (2020), Unorthodox,, Tiger King
Ozark. All of these shows are “dark”, each depicting an escape from pressured situations.
In response to the prompt, “Please select your preferred kind of movies or television shows,” the
three most popular categories were comedy (57%), drama (43%), and news (35%). The three
least endorsed categories were sports (13%), reality TV shows (12%), and horror (3%). Notably,
though, during this time frame, it was impossible to watch live sports—virtually all sporting
events had been canceled. It was somewhat surprising that “news” pro- gramming came in a
distant third in our survey. Consistent with these results, respondents described the shows they
were watching as “distracting” (62%), “psychologically engaging” (57%), “thought‐provoking”
(50%), and “funny” (50%). We find it noteworthy that at this time “distracting” was the reason
selected most often for why a particular show was viewed.

Participant details
Name : Ananya Verma
Gender : Female
Age : 19
Qualification : Undergraduate student
Time of Conduction : 7:00pm
Place of Conduction : At home, over a video call

Tools used:
Interview : An interview is generally a qualitative research technique which involves asking
open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect elicit data about a research
topic.We used semi structured interviews to collect information about our research topic.
Semi structured interview - It is a qualitative method of data collection that combines a
formalized list of open questions to prompt discussion with the opportunity for the interviewer to
explore particular themes or responses further. It involves scripted questions, but the sequence of
questions asked and wording are typically adapted to maintain rapport and respond to each
interviewee’s constructed meanings.

Individual themes for semi-structured interview :

Usage of OTT platforms
- Bonding with others using platforms such as Netflix Party
- Genre preferences
- Hours spent watching

Privacy Model
- Shared or private subscriptions
- Shared or private device usage

Effects of Increased Subscriptions

- Convenience
- Change in Viewing patterns
- Effect on traditional Television viewing
Role of Boredom
- Sense of gratification
- Impact on viewer’s Self control abilities

Adverse Psychological Effects of Binge watching & Screen time

- Stress
- Depression & Anxiety
- Sense of social and emotional loneliness

After effects of OTT platform viewing

- Sedentary & unhealthy lifestyle
- Negligence of other tasks
- Social Relationship reduction

OTT platform viewing and its Impact on Sleep Schedule

- Low Quality Sleep
- Insomnia
- Amplified Day Time fatigue

Analytic strategy:
We used thematic analysis to analyse our qualitative data. It is used to identify, analyse and
report patterns (called themes) within the data. It is used to organise and describe the data set in
rich detail. Along with this, it interprets various aspects of the research topic.One of the benefits
of thematic analysis is its flexibility.A straightforward step-by-step guide to conducting thematic
Some of the phases of thematic analysis are similar to the phases of other qualitative research, so
these stages are not necessarily all unique to thematic analysis. The process starts when the
analyst begins to notice, and look for, patterns of meaning and issues of potential interest in the
data this may be during data collection -
Phase 1: familiarising yourself with your data,this can be done by Transcription of verbal data
Phase 2: generating initial codes, it begins when you have familiarized yourself with the data,
and have generated an initial list of ideas about what is in the data.
Phase 3: searching for themes, it begins when all data have been initially coded & collated, and
you have a long list of the different codes you have identified across your data set.
Phase 4: reviewing themes, It begins when you have devised a set of candidate themes, and it
involves the refinement of those themes.
Phase 5: defining and naming themes, It involves when you have a satisfactory thematic map of
your data for the final refinements .At this point, you then define and further refine the themes
that you will present for your analysis.
Phase 6: producing the report , Involves when you have a set of fully worked-out themes, and
involves the final analysis and write-up of the report.

Reflective essay:
At the beginning of the pandemic, during the first lockdown I discovered Netflix party which
allows one to watch shows and movies together online. It was a time of uncertainty, our boards
had been postponed and watching movies and shows together at night really helped us pass time
and bond together. Initially, we watched shows and movies we had already seen. My friends also
made me watch Harry Potter for the first time and I really liked it. Mostly I saw things I had
already seen before since it provided a sense of comfort or popular shows and movies. From the
content we had already seen, we watched the mission impossible series, the fast and furious
series and Friends. We also discussed what we watched together and had discussions together.
Personally, I watched a lot of mystery thrillers, true crime shows along with sitcoms. Mystery
thrillers and true crime documentaries always help divert my mind and sitcoms are great for a
good laugh when needed. I think I really liked watching true crimes and mystery thrillers since
often, the plots are quite complicated and you’ve to pay your entire attention to them. It helps
keep other thoughts away and they’re also quite entertaining. I think it was like an escape from
daily life for me. A lot of my viewing was also shared with either my little sister or grandmother.
We also kept movie nights with our parents. My usage has varied throughout the pandemic, from
binge-watching occasionally to take months to finish the series. Broadly, I would describe myself
as someone who takes time to watch shows since I usually watch multiple shows at a time. I
usually watch content on television so the privacy model is a shared one. I’m very open with my
parents about what I watch. In fact, often they suggest what I should watch next and I do the
same for them. My platform viewing has definitely increased since the pandemic started. Prior to
the pandemic, I barely had 2 subscriptions, now we have subscribed to almost all platforms and
discontinued our cable tv subscription. Before, I used to download shows which were a little
inconvenient. Now, with the click of a button, I can watch anything anytime, which had
definitely led to more viewing. When it comes to movies, I’ve watched all kinds of movies,
from thrillers to romcoms and old Bollywood classics. For me, it has really helped me to bond
with others around me along with keeping boredom at bay. I’ve also consciously or
subconsciously gotten to learn about a lot of new things. Mind Hunter, some documentaries, the
last colour, have been really eye-opening for me. Along with that, watching old Bollywood
movies made me appreciate how cinema has evolved over time.

Themes Codes

OTT Platforms as a form of escape in times form of escape

of uncertainty
get into a fictional world


Cutting yourself completely out

Emotional and Mental Impact Thrillers, drama, action, war films (heavy
films) - metally exhausted

Sitcoms, lighter stuff - emotionally happier

place at the end of it, disconnected to what
was keeping me upset

Impact of Binge-Watching -extremely lazy,

feel guilty, enjoyed while it lasted

Overall larger Impact of OTT platform Part of everyday conversations


bond with family and friends

Informational Increase as a consequence of
OTT platform viewing - think while watching
the show (money heist), learnt perseverance
and not giving up, having a clear goal

Exploring New Shows during the Pandemic watching psychological thrillers - life was
and its aftermath pretty stagnant

Get that rush (adrenaline rush) while watching

make you sit at the edge of your seat

excitement in everyday life

Analysis and Discussion

OTT Platforms as a form of escape in times of uncertainty

“So all of us used to have video calls at night and just talk, and uh my form of escape has always
been uh, youtube, netflix, uh all of these”

“So, it helped, it really helped me not listen to covid things all day and like get into a fictional

“Cutting yourself completely out, and for those half an hour forty-five minutes just being
somewhere else was how I coped with it.”

The participant discussed how OTT Platforms served as a type of escape for her during moments
of uncertainty. The participant remarked that it helped her forget about the outside world when
she was watching a series or a movie. The pandemic, particularly the second pandemic, was
especially difficult for her, and OTT platforms served as a coping strategy during these trying
and uncertain times.
A study by Navsangeet Saini. (2020) studied about the availability of cross-cultural content a
subscription to virtually unlimited content, and the accessibility of informative content in the
form of documentary/ docu-series format all point to a paradigm shift in the way informational
content is created, distributed, and consumed. Factors such as increasing smartphone penetration

and the availability of internet data at competitive prices in India are also critical. Indulging in
various movies and ott shows provided an escape from what appeared to be a never-ending
pandemic. It gave us all a sense of normalcy about how things used to be and how we wanted
them to be. Everything we were missing in our real lives was being met in some way by these
shows. The findings indicate that the lockdown had a discernible impact on Indian audiences'
viewing patterns and habits.

Emotional and Mental Impact

“When I, if I ever found myself watching something thrilling or something uh just a heavy film, a
dramatic or like a heavy, not like, just a heavy, there's like a lot of action, lots of, it's a good
thriller, or its a good drama, I found myself getting exhausted, like mentally getting exhausted
watching it, I’m talking about the second wave, the pandemic here because there was already so
much in your mind’’

“But, when I found myself watching sitcoms, and uh just like lighter, breezier stuff, I found
myself, you know, in an emotionally happier place at the end of it, that if I was in a bad mood, I
just switched on like, I put on any episode of friends. At the end of the 22 minutes, I will feel
better, I will feel like a little disconnected to what was keeping me uh (pause) upset.’’

“I just, I bec, I, I just think I became extremely lazy, uh (laughs) while binge-watching these
shows and, also uhh, it made me (pause) feel somehow guilty at the end of the day.”

The participant stated that she felt mentally exhausted after watching 'heavy' films (action,
thrillers, dramas, and war films). Watching sitcoms on the other hand made her feel happy and
detached from whatever was bothering her. When asked about binge-watching, she stated she
enjoyed it while it lasted. She did recall, however, that after a binge-watching session, she would
feel extremely lazy and feelings of guilt would creep in.

Through this research, researchers attempted to find out what kind of shows does a large
population of psychotherapists prefer. Some of the top watched shows as reported were Parasite
(2020), Unorthodox,, Tiger King Ozark. All of these shows are “dark”, each depicting an escape
from pressured situations. In response to the prompt, “Please select your preferred kind of
movies or television shows,” the three most popular categories were comedy (57%), drama
(43%), and news (35%). The three least endorsed categories were sports (13%), reality TV
shows (12%), and horror (3%). Consistent with these results, respondents described the shows
they were watching as “distracting” (62%), “psychologically engaging” (57%),
“thought‐provoking” (50%), and “funny” (50%). We find it noteworthy that at this time
“distracting” was the reason selected most often for why a particular show was viewed.

Overall larger Impact of OTT platform viewing

“But, yes in the pandemic, I did a lot of like these Netflix parties and teleparties with my friends.
Because that was just a way for us to, talk because we didn't, nobody had a lot going on in their
life, apart from just online education.

“So it comes into, you know, like everyday conversations. Uh, so like, for example right now the
bridg, the second season of Bridgerton has come out and, I remember me and my, uh mom
watched the first season together. So, sometimes, you'll find us just discussing, Uh probably
things in like, everyday life which happened in that particular show, or just like discussing these
shows, which di, which so it's just like a new topic of conversation uh which comes up.’’
“Uh, yeah I would say I learnt uh (pause) probably because they were, you know they did
encounter the worst of issues and things that you would just, like to you know out your hands up
and say I surrender or something. But, probably their perseverance and no giving up.”

During the pandemic, the participant highlighted how services like Netflix party helped her stay
in touch with her friends. She described how they would watch shows and movies together and
then discuss them. They would also keep up with the cast on social media and talk about them.
She discussed watching shows with her mother and enjoying movie nights with her family. She
also noted that series and movies watched on OTT platforms have become a new topic of
discussion in regular conversation. She mentioned how, as a result of OTT platform viewing,
'Money heist' specifically, she learned about perseverance and the significance of having a clear

A study conducted by S. Prasad (2021) proposed to investigate the impact of OTT media on
society, family and individuals and its effect on individuals' career or education and one's health.
Path analysis was used to investigate the patterns of the effect of OTT on the family and society.
Responses were collected through an online questionnaire. The paper provided empirical insights
into the impact of OTT media. It was found that OTT is also enabling the family to watch shows
together thereby increasing the family bonding. It was also found that OTT has both positive and
negative effects on the family life of individuals.

Exploring New Shows during the Pandemic and its aftermath

“But, yes I did find myself uh, watching thrillers because, uh life was pretty stagnant for a while,
like you were just sitting, like you were just doing nothing, it was just the same routine, day in
and day out.”

“Because they make me sit at the edge of the seat, they make you wanna know what happen,
what's happening next, so just like that little bit of excitement in your everyday life, that's it.”
When asked if the participant explored any new shows during the pandemic, she replied that she
watched psychological thrillers because her own life had become monotonous and every day felt
the same. Psychological thrillers increased her excitement, had her sit on the edge of her seat,
and she experienced an adrenaline rush.

A study conducted by Kim (2022) examined the change in viewers’ pattern of consumption of
TV genres due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The major period of interest for the study was

pre-pandemic, early pandemic and the new normal. It was found that the pandemic had a notable
impact on the genres of TV shows consumed, with the impact getting more pronounced as the
pandemic progressed. It was found that the consumption of genres of drama, adventure, horror
and fantasy decreased by varying degrees while action increased. It was also suggested that any
studies examining the effects of stressful events on media consumption in the future should
include psychometric data, like stress and anxiety as well.


We encountered a few barriers during our research. Seeing as our sample size was limited, the
data we gathered may not be applicable to the general population at large. Our sample was
restricted and unrepresentative of other population categories because it was made up of mostly
university-going students of a similar age. Since the interview process is so intimate and
interactive, subjects are more likely to give socially acceptable answers, which may have
influenced the overall findings of our report. Finally, the entire process of conducting interviews
and subsequent data analysis was a time-consuming data collection process.
The goal of our study was to learn more about the psychological impact of using OTT platforms
on young adults in India. A semi-structured interview with a college student was conducted to
learn more about their experience with OTT platforms. Thematic analysis was used to further
examine this interview. During the pandemic's uncertain times, ott platforms were found to be
used as a form of escape by the participant. During the pandemic, my participant mostly
explored two genres, each with its unique mental and emotional impact. Thrillers and
action-packed content left her psychologically exhausted, whereas sitcoms made her feel better
and detached from the world's unpleasant stimuli.Binge-watching had a detrimental effect on the
participant, who felt sluggish and guilty afterwards. As a result of watching on the OTT
platform, my participant noticed an increase in knowledge. It also aided her in her relationships
with her family and friends. During the epidemic, my participant explored psychological thrillers
since they offered some excitement in her otherwise mundane life.

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COVID-19 pandemic", South Asian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 97-112.
Raza SH, Yousaf M, Sohail F, Munawar R, Ogadimma EC, Siang JMLD. Investigating
Binge-Watching Adverse Mental Health Outcomes During Covid-19 Pandemic: Moderating
Role of Screen Time for Web Series Using Online Streaming. Psychol Res Behav Manag.

Vlassis, A. (2021). Global online platforms, COVID-19, and culture: The global pandemic, an
accelerator towards which direction? Media, Culture & Society, 43(5), 957–969.
1. The advent of Pandemic
- First lockdown
- Changes in Routine
- Coping with Classes/Job Routine
- Hobbies and other activities

2. Coming to OTT platforms

- Introduction to OTT
- Reasons for using the platform
- Preferred shows and genre
- Reasons for choosing the genre (Probe emotional needs)
3. Collective sharing and usage of ott platform
- Sharing dynamics of the platform with friends and family
- Management of Privacy
- Time spent on OTT
- Addiction and other habits
4. Consequence of OTT platforms
- Time management
- Mental and emotional impact
- Informational increase
- Role of pandemic in the consequence
5. Reflections on OTT usage
- The larger impact of OTT platforms
- Exposure ti new genres
- The right balance in usage

We had decided to meet at 6:30pm and conduct the interview over a video call. My participant joined 5 mins early
and was comfortably sitting at her study table, in her room. She was wearing a light blue top and her hair was open.
Before beginning with the interview, we exchanged pleasantries and had a general conversation for about 5 mins. I
asked for permission to record the interview and then we started with the process.

I: Hi, How are you doing?

P: I’m doing well, how are you?
I: I’m good too. So how was your day today?
P: Ah my day was fine, I went out with my friends after a while so, it was good.
I: Oh, that’s good! So considering it’s Sunday tomorrow, it’s the weekend, do you have any plans?
P: Yes, I’m going for an on ground drive. Uh with an NGO I work with. So uh, hopefully that goes well.
I: Yeah! I hope it goes well for you. How was your week you know, was it a busy week, was it (pause) a good week?
P: Uh, my, uh I had my exams this week
I: Oh
P: So, it was a busy week, it was like, at least the first four days were very busy and then it became better, so like
when they (inaudible)
I: Oh good good. So, are you liking this offline college, this transition from online to offline?
P: Uh, so it's been very very hectic uh the transition, and I really haven't had a, I really didn't get to experience it
alot since im a first year student and my exams were online so we went on prep leave for a major part of the month
I: Oh okay
P: But its exciting, im looking forward to my second year
I: Oh good, I hope it goes well for you . What what are you looking forward to the most?
P: I’m looking forward to uh, like quite literally not joining google meets everyday uh (laughs)
I: (laughs) yeah
P: That's what I’m looking forward to
I: Hmm
P: Uh, since I didn't really have a lot of experience of like offline class per say since our syllabus was over by the
time college opened
I: Okay
P: So, umm I’m looking forward to getting to spend some like, time with my friends in real life instead of the online
I: Yeah of course
P: Yeah, thats what im looking forward to
I: Awesome! Okay, so uh umm before we move forward i'll just tell you a little bit about what today's interview is
going to be about, so we want to understand the role of OTT platforms and its psychological impact. Whether it’s
affected our coping in any manner. Theeke, so before we begin, I would need you to sign a consent form for me. Uh,
I just want to let you know that your participation is voluntary. So, at any point if you get uncomfortable, or if you
want to leave just let me know. And if the questions get a little uncomfortable for you, let me know. I just need you
to be comfortable throughout it. Are you comfortable right now?
P: Yeah, yeah! I’m perfectly comfortable
I: Okay, awesome. So, uh right your participation is voluntary and all your information, whatever is being recorded,
it will remain confidential. Only I will analyse it and only I will use it for research purposes further. So, umm, yeah
i'll just share my screen and then you can have a look (pause) okay, is it visible?
P: Yes
I: Okay, so you can just. Do you want me to zoom in a little bit or?
P: Uh, umm one second. Yeah, I can read it uh probably you can share a particular tab
I: Oh okay can you just see the
P: But now its fine its fine
I: It’s fine? Okay
P: Yeah, this sounds good!
I: Yeah? You can just take a minute and go through it once.
P: Sure. Looks good, i've gone through it
I: Okay, awesome. So, I'll just share the copy with you. And, you can sign it and get it back to me
P: Sounds good
I: Okay. Just let me know once you've signed.
P: Alright, Uh, I've signed the document.
I: Okay, so let's move forward with the interview. Are you clear with, you know, what the interview is about? Or
would you like me to explain more
P: I'm clear
I: Okay, so now that we've transitioned from offline to online, but covid has, you know, been a big part of our lives.
So, I just want to understand, how was the lockdown experience for you? The first, the second lockdown, what was
that like?
P: Uh, so the first (pause) lockdown was pretty alright, because uh, touchwood my family was okay and like the
world uh, I mean emotionally and mentally I was doing uh well. And it was in my, I was in my 12th grade so uh
actually did get to use a lot of that time to dedicate to my uh studies, and actually like really study hard,
I: Yeah
P: but it also took a lot away fr uh from me because it was my 12th (inaudible), I had like this whole year planned
out for me, all the things I’d do and all of that came to like a halt because the world really hadn't figured out the
online mode uh by then
I: Yeah
P: So, that was what the first lockdown was about. The second lockdown was uh, well the second wave was tougher
because obviously because of all uh that was going uh around in India
I: Yeah
P: And in Delhi and combined with that, I had my boards in about a month
I: oh oh
P: and it kept getting delayed so, uh, we didn't know whether to study whether to and I was also working (Phone
rings) um Sorry,
I: It”s okay
P: I’m sorry, yes
I: It's okay. Yeah yeah
P: So, boards kept getting delayed uh, there was a lot of, uh like emotionally everybody and mentally everybody
wasn't doing very well
I: Yeah
P: And I was also working on covid resources
I: Okay
P: So, with all of that and studies and, like there was a lot of uncertainty uh
I: Okay okay, yeah so I relate to you cause even I, the second lockdown was a little hard on me. And even I, uh,
volunteered for covid resources. So, I can understand that must've been a lot. So, did you, you know, cope with all
this in any way, any hobbies that you (pause) started doing, or anything that you went back to?
P: Uh, so one thing which really helped was, uh like, during the second wave, uh is that the group of people I was
working with
I: Oh awesome
P: Uh so for covid resources, we were working with covid fighters India
I: Yeah
P: So all of us used to have video calls at night and just talk, and uh my form of escape has always been uh, youtube,
netflix, uh all of these
I:Awesome, okay, yeah
P: things. So, it helped, it really helped me not listen to covid things all day and like get into a fictional world.
I: Uh
P: Uh where I could bring myself out of the situation
I: Mm hmm
P: Yeah, so these two things, like talking to the people who were going through the same thing and (pause) cutting
yourself completely out, and for those half an hour forty five minutes just being somewhere else was how I coped
with it.
I: Yeah, yeah makes sense. So, like you said, it's like a form of escape for you. Can you delve a little bit deeper into
that for me?
P: Uh yeah of cou , yeah sure. Uh, so for me when like I am some kind of, im a kind of person when something is
going around, i get myself really involved in it
I: Okay
P: So like some people (pause) are good at putting themselves away from a situation
I: Yeah
P: And dealing with it that way, But, when i was working with covid resources and, just uh SOS calls
I: Yeah yeah
P: Staying up all night with calls coming in, uh I got myself very very involved, uh so, and everywhere I would turn
uh there would just be, you know people talking about covid
P: And either something from it, and going through it. So, I needed a place for myself to like get out of the situation
for a bit, to (pause) not think about it at all, I’m not talking about like having a clear mind because (pause),
everybody’s emotions were a lot on shut down, if you're working with covid resources, because after a point it keeps
affecting you, you can't work for it. Uh, so yeah, yeah so that's what I mean by escaping from the situation a bit, by
either, talking to my friends and we used to talk about anything but covid in that whatever one hour, or uh obviously
other (pause) places where I can uh just put my mind to. Because if I don't do anything, then I'll keep thinking about
the same things which are happening around, so uh, just distraction is what I meant.
I: So, like you said, netflix and youtube was a way to escape. Were there any other platforms you used or was it only
netflix and youtube?
P: uh, so I primarily, like when I talk about, uh you know, things I do during my leisure time, it is either watching a
show or a movie. So, uh, I wont limit it to netflix and youtube, possi- probably all uh all uh platforms out there
prime video, hotstar, netflix, yeah, all of that
I: Okay, so, uh are you subscribed to all (giggle) the platforms?
P: Uh yes, im subscribed to all (laughs) of them, uh 99% of the times I use netflix.
I: Oh okay
P: Here and there is when I use the others
I: So netflix is your favourite, is there any reason for that or?
P: I think it's just the kind of shows and movies they have. Uh, are the ones that usually, uh are the ones that are
generally popular, and uh to uh, I like what netflix produces and what netflix brings on board. Probably, more than
the others.
I: Okay, can you tell me a little bit about what kind of shows you like to watch?
P: I watch a whole variety of shows. It really depends on my mood. It can be something, like my comfort show is
friends, so uh it can just be me binge watching like half a season of friends
I: Oh okay
P: If I feel like it or, more or less, I I’m not really into, I can’t really watch a lot of horror and dark and gothic stuff
because then again I get involved in all of those things so it’s not the best thing for me. Uhh, I like watching uh
family dram, I watch drama, thriller sometimes,
I: Oh okay
P: Uh my guilty pleasure sometimes can be watching the most stupid uh teenage rom coms
I: Okay okay.
P: Uh (laughs) so, I think all of the above, I don’t really have a particular type
I: Okay
P: Uh
I: Yeah. Makes sense. So, uh but more on the lighter side, if I’m not wrong?
P: Yes, more on the lighter side, because like I said its its like an escape for me,
I: Yeah
P: When I’m either, there's a lot of studying, so I’m, so I don't really want to put my mind into something really
heavy, and something that requires me to think a lot, so I'd rather watch something light and breezy, uh (pause) if
there is something which is really famous, which comes out,
I: Yeah
P: so like, stranger things or things like that. Then I'll probably start watching it but, if given an option to just pick
something out of netflix, then I'll just pick something light and breezy and just happy.
I: Okay, yeah. Makes sense. So, like you mentioned, Friends is something that you go back to a lot and it's like a
comfort show. So is there anything about Friends in particular that makes you go back to it again and again?
P: It's just, uh, like the humour.
I: Yeah
P: It makes me laugh so, uh, there are a lot of shows which come out, which are the comedy category but,
I: yeah
P: I don't really find all of them funny, or I actually don't laugh at any of them but, probably friends makes me laugh
and it's also uh, a very relatable, no i wont say relatable but, uh more or less the similar age group, like early 20s
I: Yeah
P: is when they’re set in. They're, even though friends got over before I was born
I: Hmm
P: Uh, it still, I think it's evergreen.
I: Yeah. So, it helps you relate, it’s relatable for you?
P: It’s relatable also uh, I wont say relatable per say because they're, they can have, because I’m still like a school,
I: Yeah
P: college student so, uh it's not exactly relatable, since all of them are working and into life, but its its so well put,
its its not some, when i say relatable it's not I relate to it, but like real life situations that happen, so its not, it's not
fantasy, or its not (pause), its like fictional, but it's things that actually do happen,
I: Mhm
P: like, your (pause), I like seeing, and i like each of the characters, the six friends uh
I: Hmm
P: very much so, their interpersonal equations, their relationships, their ups and downs in life and how they go
through it, it’s, it’s a, like a compact show all together.
I: Okay, yeah I agree to that. Is there any character in particular that you really like and relate with?
P: Uh, I think Monica, uh she's probably a character I resonate with, uh probably because of her thing to get
everything perfect and she's a little sticky here and there uh and I also really do enjoy uh watching uh the friendship
between Chandler and Joey.
I: Hmm
P: Because that's something, something very pure and they're really, like these two people are the ones that make me
laugh usually
I: Oh okay
P: Yeah
I: So, are there any other shows that come to your mind which, you know you really liked, watched during the
P: Uh, so I watched uh, Money Heist during the pandemic, uh because I think, season four came out when, during
the first lockdown, and I came to know of Money Heist then, so I pretty much in the first month, I finished the first
four seasons, because there really wasn't much to do,
I; Okay
P: uh because classes didn’t start and all of that.
I: Yeah
P: So I think, Money Heist is one show, I uh enjoyed watching during the pandemic
I: Okay, so was it something that you watched like in, really quickly, or did you spend time watching?
P: So I watched, I think in 2020 is when i watched Money Heist
I: Yeah
P: I (pause), like I said so when the pandemic, so like the second wave, uh the first wave started, my 11th grade had
just got over and I just got into 12th grade.
I: Yeah
P: And uh, we had like the first one, one and a half months, it’s, there's not a lot of, like studies going on, it's not
very hectic, and also people really hadn't figured out the online system. We all thought that we'd be going back to
school in another month.
I: Yeah
P: So, might as well enjoy the vacation uh, while you can. Uh, so I think I watched the first four seasons pretty
quickly, and then the fifth season came later.
I: Yeah yeah
P: So I watched it.
I: So, you know, after spending a long time watching continuously, did you feel a certain way? Did it make you feel
any different ?
P: Uh, I (pause), I wont say any different,
I: Hmm
P: uh, but, it did make me really, start like, so, I don’t know if you watched Money Heist, but every step of the way,
uh, they have a backup plan in place, there's always a plan B, plan C, plan D.
I: Yeah
P: If something fails, and somehow the professor, at every point predicted that you know, if this goes wrong, we can
do this.
I: Yeah
P: So, like in like probably after the first one, one and a half season, I started really like, maybe think while watching
the show. That, what could go wrong, what is their plan B, what is their plan C. Uh, (pause), I wont say that you
know, that I implemented it in my real life, I started like overthinking or, uh or started analysing situations. But, uh,
this is something I don't usually do, like I don't really like put my mind into when I'm watching netflix because it's
my relaxation time. But, that is something I did during Money Heist.
I: So, somehow, maybe learnt something from it?
P: Uh, yeah I would say i learnt uh (pause) probably because they were, you know they did encounter the worst of
issues and things that you would just, like to you know out your hands up and say I surrender or something
I: Yeah
P: But, probably their perseverance and no giving up.
I: Hmm
P: And having that goal so clear in their mind, that no matter what comes, uh in the middle of it, they will, like find a
way to get through it.
I: Yeah, yeah. So, uh you did mention that you know you did binge watch, here and there. Did you notice any impact
binge watching had in particular ?
P: I just, I bec, I, I just think I became extremely lazy, uh (laughs) while binge watching
I: Mhm
P: these shows and, also uhh, it made me (pause) feel somehow guilty at the end of the day.
I: Hmm
P: Uh, because you would really spend the, like, you spend like four hours of your day in like, four five hours just
watching netflix and doing nothing. Uh, I would feel that you know, I’ve wasted my day or
I: Hmm
P: it, so I enjoyed binge watching while it lasted.
I: Yeah
P: But after that I probably, I wont say I regretted, but I probably felt guilty about not being productive or just like
not whiling my time away.
I: Yeah, so now, so after that, you know, did you make any changes, (pause) after you felt guilty?
P: So, one thing I used to do was that it really didn't make a lot of sense,
I: Yeah
P: but it somehow just made me feel happier about myself that if I’m like, if I’ve to sleep at twelve, and I've binged
watched till like eleven fifteen,
I: yeah
P: I would study for that half an hour, so just so that you know.
I: Oh okay
P: I feel that something I've done, like i've done something
I: Okay
P: Yeah
I: So, you tried to find, a balance of sorts?
P: Yes, I did. And like, I did binge watch for probably a few days
I: Mhm
P: But then I started, seeing that I can't just like neglect, I can't do so much of one thing and like neglect another part
because (pause), I didn't really feel like, once you get used to just sitting in bed and do and
I: Yeah
P: just watching netflix all day, you don't want to event do the simplest of things. Uh umm (pause) I felt lazy just to
uh, get out of bed and go for a meal to the dining table and things like that. So, I didn't really like myself in that
I: Hmm
P: So, slowly slowly, and also, for me if I watch so, too much of anything, I eventually get bored of it. Not bored but
it just, to say, you know, it just gets too much after a point of time so, just started reducing it then studies came up.
Life started to get a little balanced.
I: Yeah, yeah. So now, now would you say, you've found the right balance? (inaudible)
P: Yeah, pretty much. I, uh, since college started and for the past two months I've been into exam prep alot.
I: Yeah
P: So, I really haven't like, i've not found myself watching netflix for more than like forty five minutes a day because
that's the kind of time I get now. Forty five minutes to an hour is.
I: Yeah
P: If I watch two episodes, like full episodes, with like 50 minutes, I'm like wow, this is something.
I: Yeah
P: I've been really free today, because, uh with all, with, you know with all the clubs, societies and organisations.
And, uh you know my education, uh like my degree, I don't really find a lot of time in the day, and honestly now
because it was so online,
I: Mhm
P: I like to get off the screen when I can.
I: Yeah
P: So, I'd rather read a book, than watch netflix in my free time because, it, I mean I get a headache if I sit in front
of the screen for more than, like four-five hours on a stretch. So, I like to step away when I can.
I: Okay, so, umm, as you mentioned a lot of different kind of shows, uh, teenage rom com movies, and all of that, so
do you usually watch these alone or together with somebody else, with your friends or family?
P: Uh, so I usually watch netflix alone.
I: Mhm
P: Not because of any other reason, it's because I don't like, I don't like talking,
I: Okay
P: while Im watching something, or I don't like people talking when im watching something (giggles). So, uh I, I
usually watch them alone. But, yes in the pandemic, I did a lot of like these netflix parties and teleparties,
I: Yeah
P: with my friends. Because that was just a way for us to, talk because we didn't, nobody had a lot going on in their
life, apart from just online education.
I: Yeah
P: Um you weren't going out, you weren't doing a lot of other things so (pause) that was a way for, for me to talk to
my friends, just discuss the movie. Probably if we, it's just a com, a movie of a common interest, that's something,
we just, yeah I think, uh but on a daily basis if you ask me, is.
I: Mhm
P: I like to watch netflix alone, because I consider that to be my alone time, and to, for me to, be like my relaxation
time. It's time for myself.
I: Hmm
P: Uh, so I watch them alone.
I: Okay, so while you are watching you know these netflix parties and all of that, did they help you connect with
your friends?
P: Uh, yes, probably uh (pause) because we weren’t meeting each other.
I: Yeah
P: Umm, uh like I said there wasn't a lot of other things going on so, probably just, uh, because we got out of, so I
was, in school like, when like this transition happened. So, I was, we used to be with these people, uh and school is
very different from college, you, like you sit with the,
I: Yeah
P: you have a set group of friends, uh so I was used to being with these people six hours a day, five times a week.
I’m going from that to not meeting each other for months on end. Teleparty and netflix party became a way to just
spend time with your friends in the online mode so.
I: Yeah, okay. That happened with me as well. Yeah, so um, you mentioned that you have subscriptions to almost all
the platforms right, hoststar, amazon, netflix. So, are these subscriptions, your personal subscriptions or are they
shared with somebody else?
P: Uh, my family has subscriptions to them, so uh li uh, it's like stays within the family. It's not my personal
subscription because well I don't earn.
I: Yeah
P: Uh so its my dad and my mom who've taken these subscriptions but, yeah, it's just shared within like my family.
I: Okay
P: Uh, the four of us, my sister and my parents.
I: Yeah. So, the fact that it is shared, does that affect the kind of shows or genres you explore, at all?
P: Uh, so yes. When, when netflix didn’t have that option of having different profiles.
I: Mhm
P: Uh, then is when I couldnt watch things like , say sex education or
I: Yeah
P: even though the content is not explicit, but just like the name, the
I: The theme
P: Can, it can be a little awkward at times, uh but this was I think when I was fifteen - sixteen years old,
I: Yeah
P: Now, like i'm pretty comfortable, like i'm like, i'm the conversation and the communication is very open, it's all
very comfortable, uh so if i was, so if today netflix was to remove all profiles and just have like one profile or
account, i wont have had an issue. But, yes in my middle teens
I: Yeah
P: is when I probably would have had an issue with, watching some sort of content, on a similar profile with my
I: Yeah, makes sense. I mean, we were all in school at that time.
P: Mhm
I: So yeahh, do you, so now, I think we’ve talked a lot about netflix, the pandemic and all of that. Do you feel like,
overall, you know, there was an impact that the pandemic had on your viewing, the OTT platform viewing.
P: Yeah, it definitely did increase. Uh, I don't think that, uh ah I mean we did watch netflix and all of these things
but, when you go to school, from say eight to two and then you have tuitions till, then you know like from five to
eight pm.
I: Yeah
P: By the time you come back home, and you like finish your homework, and all of that, you really don’t have a lot
of time to do anything, because you again have to wake up at six o'clock in the morning, and start your day all over
again. So, it definitely did increase. And also, one thing, I don't know if it's just me, that netflix took out a lot of new
content during the pandemic.
I: Hmm yeah
P: A lot of engaging content, I don't remember seeing something, so uh, like I think I watched Gilmore Girls and the
Vampire Diaries and The Originals, and all of this in my school days, and
I: Yeah
P: these are like seven-eight seasons. It took me like five- six months to complete them.
I: Wow
P: Uh, because, that's the, because how much can you see of one thing,
I: Yeah
P: I think, the kind of content they were taking out ah, either I just grew into that content, or uh something happened.
But, definitely did increase in the pandemic. My watching, using these OTT platforms.
I: Hmm, and have you noticed you know, a larger impact on the people maybe around you, your friends and family,
that OTT viewing might have had on them?
P: Uh, so one thing uh , one thing I think which is there is we discuss these, so how
I: Yeah
P: So it comes into, you know, like everyday conversations. Uh, so like, for example right now the bridg, the second
season of Bridgerton has come out and, I remember me and my, uh mom watched the first season together.
I: Okay
P: So, sometimes, you'll find us just discussing,
I: Yeah
P: Uh probably things in like, everyday life which happened in that particular show, or just like discussing these
shows, which di, which so it's just like a new topic of conversation uh which comes up.
I: Yeah, yeah. Has, has this helped you, you know, bond maybe with your family, with your friends ?
P: Uh, yeah I think so, because uh in my friends, because when we watch a show, we follow everybody, like follow
all the stars and characters on Instagram, and we start taking a look into their lives. So, I find myself, more often
than not, discussing, uh probably a story they've put up or a post they've put up, or what new they're doing, uh and as
far as it goes with my family. Uh, (pause), yeah I think uh, I mean my parent don't follow these stars on uh
I: Yeah
P: oh (giggles) instagram, of course. And they don't really care about what's going on in their lives. Uh, but, yes, uh,
like sometimes I used to sit with my mom and my dad and just watch a netflix movie, so. Or, though, even though
we used to be silent through most of it because they know how I am while watching
I: Yeah
P: (laughs) movies. I don't like anybody talking, uh but still it was, it was a bonding experience of course.
I: Yeah, maybe, post that you talked about the movie?
P: Yeah
I: Yeah, so like you mentioned, that netflix did come out with a lot of, you know engaging, interesting content,
during the pandemic, so did you explore anything new, any new genre, during the pandemic?
P: Uh, so, I think, in the pandemic, like I said, that I
I: Money Heist?
P: Yeah, money heist, but like no, with like, uh school and college
I: Yeah yeah yeah
P: When I didn't have a lot of time, id usually go for, like the light and breezy stuff, sitcoms and all of that,
I: Mhm yeah
P: that genre. But, yes I did find myself uh, watching thrillers because, uh life was pretty stagnant for a while, like
you were just sitting, like you were just doing nothing, it was just the same routine, day in and day out.
I: Yeah
P: Getting up, staying at home all day, when I’m like talking about when the lockdown was really strict and nobody
really was going out.
I: Hmm
P: So. these thrillers, (pause) were thrilling
I: Okay
P: (laughs) uh
I: Yeah, makes sense
P: And, it was just uh
I: Are there any that you can name?
P: Uh, I think, I am, uh, nothing comes to the, I think I watched a lot of thrillers, there was a series YOU, which
came out, which was
I: Yeah
P: A little dark and uh, that was there. Then, stranger things is also something that I watched uh, there was a movie
called Shutter Island and Inception and uh.
I; Mhm yeah
P: So, a lot of them were like psychological thrillers.
I: Yeah
P: Uh, so, you just get that, rush while watching these films and they make you sit at the edge of your seat.
Something, uh thriller, like I prefer thrillers books as well because uh,
I: Oh okay
P: because they make me sit at the edge of the seat, they make you wanna know what happen, what's happening
next, so just like that little bit of excitement in your everyday life, that's it.
I: Yeah, yeah. So basically, you did explore the genre more, but you preferred it before the pandemic as well. If I'm
not wrong ?
P: Uh, not really. Uh, uh I think I, I watched some of it, but I didn't really explore a lot because I again uh, I am, I
like to play it very very safe when im watching a movie or a show so if im investing two hours into it, it better turn
out to be good.
I: oh (giggles) okay
P: I (laughs) usually find myself asking my friends for recommendations, watching the movies they watched, like
the tried and tested movies?
I: Yeah
P: Umm, so if i'm actually like spending two hours of my friday night, to watching a film, it should, like i shouldn't
regret watching it or starting it in the beginning, so that was how I watched before the pandemic but I had a lot, like
I had some, I had, I was free, more free, during the pandemic so, uh I did explore a few things, movies, I probably
won’t have watched I was on a time crunch and my day was busy,
I: Yeah
P: But, I had time to explore, find out about new stuff so,
I: Okay, yeah. So umm, I think I've asked a lot of questions to you and I have a lot of things that I can use, for my
research. So, thank you so much, for today and taking out your time. Umm, I'll just ask you one last question, I want
to umm, when you think about, emotionally, did viewing during the pandemic, viewing the OTT platforms, be it
binge watching or you know whatever time you got, did it emotionally impact you or mentally impact you in any
P: Uh, so right I'll talk about two genres here, so when I, if I ever found myself watching something thrilling or
something uh just a heavy film, a dramatic
I: hmm
P: or like a heavy, not like, just a heavy, there's like a lot of action,
I: Mhm
P: Lots of, it's a good thriller, or its a good drama,
I: Yeah
P: I found myself getting exhausted, like mentally getting exhausted watching it, I’m talking about the second wave,
the pandemic here because there was already so much in your mind that uh just, seeing either you know, uh a war
I: Yeah
P: or anything of that sort, I wanted to step away from it because as I said I already have too much on my mind, and
I, like its, the worlds really going through a lot and I’m going through a lot,
I: Yeah
P: I don't want to watch anymore unpleasantness on the screen basically. Like no war, no nothing, nothing of that
I: Yeah
P: But, when I found myself watching sitcoms, and uh just like lighter, breezier stuff
I: Yeah
P: I found myself, you know, in an emotionally happier place at the end of it, that if I was in a bad mood, I just
switched on like, I put on any episode of friends.
I: Yeah
P: At the end of the 22 minutes, I will feel better, I will feel like a little disconnected to what was keeping me uh
(pause) upset
I: Yeah
P: Before starting watching it. So, I think these are the two genres and what was the different impact they had on me.
I: Okay, thank you so much, yeah. So, umm what I can understand, it depend, depended on the situation you were in,
say during the first, during the initial bit, when you had a lot of time maybe you explore psychological thrillers.
P: Yeah
I: But later, when things got a little dark, in our world
P: Yeah
I: You chose to watch breezy, easy shows? Is that?
P: Yes
I: Okay, okay, awesome. So, umm I think yeah, I have enough from you today, thank you so much for taking out
P: You're welcome
I: And letting me interview you. Umm, are there any questions that you have?
P: Uh, none for now because we really just spoke about general stuff.
I: Yeah
P: But, definitely I would like, like to talk about friends anytime, because I think both of us really enjoy that show.
I: Yeah
P: Yeah so
I: Yeah, well talk about it, definitely.
P: (laughs)
I: Any feedback you have, anything you wanna say?
P: This was, uh, I think first time for me being a subject in a, interview of sorts.
I: Yeah
P: So, I did really enjoy how you picked on my answers and formed the next question. I mean, you are a psychology
student so,
I: (laughs)
P: I do expect it, since I'm not and I don't really have a lot of friends who are.
I: Mhm
P: Uh, it was fascinating to see that.
I: Thank you so much. Umm so, now I'll let you go on with your day. And I'll definitely share the results of our
research with you.
P: Sounds good
I: Okay thank you.
P: Alright thank you. All the best for your research.
I: Thank you so much.
The interview went smoothly. It went on for 33 minutes 26 seconds, and I was able to gain a lot of information from
the participants. The participant was very forthcoming and interested in the topic of the interview. She elaborated on
her experiences and felt comfortable enough to delve into certain personal details. Post the interview, we talked
about our lives and general happenings before bidding goodbye.

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