Addis Ababa Medical and Business College Department of MPHN FINAL EXAM For MSC in Nutrition 1 Year Students. Time Allowed: 1:30 Min

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Department of MPHN
FINAL EXAM for MSC in Nutrition 1st year students. Time allowed: 1:30 min

Name I.D.
Part 1: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if the statement is
incorrect on the given space write reason
1. In one way communication there is no mechanism to obtain feedback
2. Reinforcing factors are those antecedents to behavior that facilitate a
motivation to be realized
3. Decoding involves the selection of specific signs or symbols (codes) to
transmit the message
4. Process evaluation is concerned with how effective the controlling factors of
implementation are or will be

Part 2: Multiple choice items, choose the correct answer

1. Which of the following teaching method is most important to transfer a skill

A. Workshop C. Role-play
B. Demonstration D. Lecture
2. Which research type is commonly used in health education
A. Qualitative C. Descriptive type
B. Quantitative Research D. None
3. One of the following is not the strength of qualitative research method
A. Validity C. Less Expensive
B. Effectiveness D. Less reliable
4. Which of the following is a sampling method used in Qualitative research
A. Homogenous sampling C. Critical case sampling
B. Typical case sampling D. All
5. A qualitative data collection method used to explore topics in greater depth
and find out about sensitive information
A. Focused group discussion C. Participant observation
B. In-depth interview D. All
6. False about qualitative research method
A. Uses statements in analysis
B. Less numerically measurable
C. Produce more depth and detailed information
D. Broader and more generalizable findings
7. The most commonly used settings of health education is
A. Health Care settings E. NONE
B. School settings
C. Community settings
D. All
8. A panel of 4 – 8 experts who sit and discuss a given topic in front of a
large group or audience
A. Work shop C. Symposium
B. Conference D. Panel discussion
9. Any instructional device that can be heard but not seen
A. Audio-vidual aid C. Audio aid
B. Visual aid D. None
10 It is an Audio-visual aid
A. Radio program C. Blackboard
B. Television D. None
11 It is an instructional material in which there is only one idea
A. Poster C. Booklet
B. Flip chart D. None
12 It consists of a series of pictures that are bound together and can be turned
over by the educator
A. Poster D. Leaflet
B. Flip chart
C. Booklet
13 According to Tuckman’s theory, in which stage group members reaching
consensus and show team cohesion
A. Norming C. Storming
B. Performing D. Adjourning
14 At this stage, the project is coming to an end and the team members are
moving off in different directions
A. Norming C. Storming
B. Performing D. Adjourning
15 A research which is done to solve specific practical questions for policy
formulations is
A. Pure research C. Applied research
B. Basic research D. None
16. A visual learning material which uses three dimensional objects which
look like the real object
A. Black board
B. Real object
C. Model
D. None
17. Which one of the following is not true about Health Education?
A. It uses multiple learning experiences or educational intervention
B. It is systematically planned and organized activity
C. It uses coercion and manipulative approaches
D. It affects behaviors of individuals, groups or community

18 In PRECEDE-PROCEED model, process evaluation means:

A. The competence of educators
B. The appropriateness of the program content
C. Changes brought in attitude and behavior
D. Educational methods and materials
19.Educational objectives of health education includes
A. To provide appropriate Knowledge
B. To help develop positive Attitude
C. To help exercise health Practice/behavior
D. All of the above
20.The type of communication which occurs between individuals or with in
groups is
A. Intrapersonal communication
B. Interpersonal communication
C. Group communication
D. Mass communication
21.One of the following is not the advantage of mass media communication
A. They reach many people quickly
B. They don’t differentiate the target audience
C. They are believable especially when the media use a highly respected
D. They can provide continuing remainders and reinforcement

22.Which one of the following is false about a Linear type of communication

A. Information flows from the source to the receiver
B. The communication is unidirectional
C. It considers feedback and interaction of the receiver with the source
D. The communication is dominated by the sender’s knowledge

23.Which one of the following is an Enabling factor in a behavior

A. Affordability B. Knowledge C. Peer pressure D. All
24.One of the following criteria is not used in problem prioritization
A. Magnitude of the problem B. Community concern
C. Feasibility D. Severity E. All
25.The person who initiates the conversation and has conceptualized the idea
that he/she intends to convey it to others
A. Encoder B. Decoder C. Medium D. Reaction
26.One is not an example for utilization behavior
A. ANC service B. Immunization services C. Physical exercise D. FP
27.Which one of the following is not a barrier for communication
A. Reasonably inappropriate physical facilities
B. In ability of the facilitator or educator or instructor
C. Consistent verbal and non-verbal messages
D. Difference in language, vocabulary and use.
28.One is the component of PROCEED part of PRECEDE-PROCEED model
A. Social Assessment B. Epidemiological
C.Administrative and policy Assessment D. Impact evaluation
29.Which predisposing factor for a behavior is the most difficult to change
A. Knowledge B. Belief C. Attitude D. Value
Part 3: writing part
1. Explain and discuses about rational of health promotion and health
education?(5 point)
2. Explain and discuses about priciples of health education and health
promotion?(3 point)

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