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Samarth Samaj’s



Decide any product and analyse its good and bad features.







This is certifinied that SHUBHAM BANE(1839), AADESH BAKARE(1846),NAYAN

GORALE(1851),MOHANISH SIGALWAR(1852),SAHIL BOYLE(1861)of sixth Semester
of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of Institute S.H. JOHDHALE POLYTECHNIC
(CODE: 0044) has completed the micro project satisfactorily in subject
ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (22032) for the academic year 2021-2022
as prescribed in.



(Mr.CHANDAN PRAJAPATI.) (Mr. Jagdish Pathare.)

We express esteemed gratitude and sincere thanks to our

worthy lecture guide MR. CHANDAN PRAJAPATI our vocabulary
does not have suitable words benefiting to high standard at
knowledge and extreme sincerity , deviation and affection with
they have regularly encouraged us to put heart and soul in this
We are also thankful to our HOD . JAGDISH PATHARE whose
advices and kind co-operation wrought out through discussion
provide for completion of this project and also thanks to our
workshop superintendent and all the assistants, who helped a
lot , for completion of this project. We also convey great thanks
to our Honorable Principle Mrs.NIKAM MAM who helped a lot
for completion of this project.
Our parents and relatives who always bear with us in very
critical situation have contributed a great deal in making this for
us. As we give expression to our love and appreciation for them
our heart infill.

Inspection is a fundamental means of achieving software usability.

Past research showed that during usability inspection the success
rate (percentage of problems detected) of each individual inspector
was rather low. We developed perspective-based usability
inspection, which divides the large variety of usability issues along
divergent perspectives and focuses each inspection session on one
perspective. We conducted a controlled experiment to study its
electiveness, using a post-test only control group experimental
design, with 24 professionals as subjects. The control group used
heuristic evaluation, which is the most popular technique for
usability inspection. The experimental results are that
1) for usability problems covered by each perspective, the
inspectors using that perspective had higher success rate than
2) for all usability problems, perspective inspectors had higher
average success rate than heuristic inspectors.
3) for all usability problems, the union of three perspective
inspectors (with one from each perspective) had higher average
success rate than the union of three heuristic inspectors.
Analysis Good and Bad features of Electric Vehicles


An electric vehicle (EV) is an automotive vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for
propulsion. It can be powered by a collector system, with electricity from extravehicular sources,
or it can be powered autonomously by a battery (sometimes charged by solar panels, or by
converting fuel to electricity using fuel cells or a generator). EVs include, but are not limited to,
road and rail vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electric aircraft and electric
spacecraft.EVs first came into existence in the mid-19th century, when electricity was among the
preferred methods for motor vehicle propulsion, providing a level of comfort and ease of
operation that could not be achieved by the gasoline cars of the time. Internal combustion
engines were the dominant propulsion method for cars and trucks for about 100 years, but
electric power remained commonplace in other vehicle types, such as trains and smaller vehicles
of all types.In the 21st century, EVs have seen a resurgence due to technological developments,
and an increased focus on renewable energy and the potential reduction of transportation's
impact on climate change, air pollution, and other environmental issues. Project Drawdown
describes electric vehicles as one of the 100 best contemporary solutions for addressing climate
1.To analysis the good and bad features of Electric Vehicles
2.To study All information about good features in electric vehicles
3.To study bad features and hazardous effect of Electric Vehicles.
In present scenario, air pollution has become a serious concern for the India. According to
recent global report, many cities in the India are most polluted cities. Major sectors
contributing to the air pollution are industrial sector and transport sector. Among this 51% of
air pollution is caused by the industrial sector and 27% by the transport sector. Air pollution
contributes to the premature deaths of 2 million Indians every year. In order to minimize the air
pollution, Electric Vehicle (EV) can act as blessing in lowering the GHG emission. Electric
Vehicles offer numerous advantages such as decreasing the pollution level and reduction in oil
import bills etc. Although there is considerable amount of threats in establishing the Electric
Vehicles in India. This paper provides the brief literature review on the Electric Vehicles and
compiles the advantages and threats in promoting EVs in India.

1. No fuel, no emissions-This is the key point that attracts many people to electric cars. If you
want to decrease your personal impact on the environment through transport, then an EV is the
way forward. The electric engine within an EV operates on a closed circuit, so an electric car does
not emit any of the gases often associated with global warming. No petrol or diesel is needed in a
fully electric vehicle, which is great for your carbon footprint.Even better – if you charge your
electric car at home, and your home runs on renewable energy from Good Energy, then your
carbon footprint shrinks dramatically.

2. Running costs-Because you’re not paying for petrol or diesel to keep your car running, you can
save a lot of money on fuel. At the time of writing, it costs around £63.80 to fill the average
unleaded petrol tank for drivers of medium-sized cars in the UK. By comparison, depending upon
the electric vehicle you own and the tariff you are on, a full charge of your electric vehicle could
cost as little as 96p. With Good Energy’s Electric Vehicle Tariff, you could even save £60 a year
versus the Big Six’s Standard Variable Tariffs, with the additional bonus of the electricity going
into your EV being 100% renewable.

3. Low maintenance-We all know cars need a bit of TLC from time to time. Petrol and diesel
engines can require expensive engine maintenance over their lifetimes – electric vehicles
don’t.Why is this? In a traditional combustion engine there are hundreds of moving parts which
can potentially go wrong, whereas an electric motor has fewer than 20. This means that your EV
is likely to have lower long-term maintenance costs than other vehicles

4. Performance-Most of the fun of owning a car comes from getting out on the roads and putting it
to work. In the past, electric vehicles haven’t had the sleekest image; many have had low
expectations as to how well an electric car can do versus traditional engines.As more
manufacturers have piled into the market with their own take on the electric vehicle, the
performance levels of EVs has rocketed. Electric cars are lighter, and – as all of their power is
generated from a standing start – their acceleration capability can surprise. Certain brands, such as
Tesla, have done a lot to improve people’s perceptions of electric vehicles – the Tesla Model S is
one of the fastest-accelerating cars on the market, doing 0 – 60mph in just 2.5 seconds.Of course,
this isn’t the only measure of performance for a car. If you’re looking for something more family-
friendly, then you’ll be pleased to know that many EVs are more spacious than conventional cars
due to the lack of a large engine; they also offer a smoother drive with lower levels of noise.
5.Popularity-If you like to stand out in the crowd than perhaps knowing that electric cars are
becoming increasingly more popular might be a negative for you, but for many it’s a huge
positive. As more EVs find their way onto our roads, we will see the supporting infrastructure
expand. There are already over 4800 charging locations in the UK, offering nearly 7500
individual charging points – and these numbers are growing at an ever-increasing rate.To
compare, in 2016, there were 8,459 petrol stations and this number has been declining since
2000. With the increase in electric vehicles on the road, we are likely to see this number
continue to fall while the number of charging locations will increase further.In addition to
more charging points, the increased popularity of EVs also means more options to choose
from for the car itself.

1) Driving range-The term ‘range anxiety’ is familiar to those who’ve done their research on
electric cars. The current cohort of EVs are not able to do the sort of long distances that you’d
get out of a fossil-fuelled car, but the distance you can travel on a single charge has improved a
lot recently and continues to do so. Many of the more common electric cars can now travel 70
– 100 miles, and even more, with only one trip to the charging point. Hybrid electric vehicles
can do a lot to reduce range anxiety as the electric motor works in tandem with a combustion
engine.However, most trips made in a car are less than 30 miles, which most EVs are able to do
without issue. Similarly, the way that you fuel the car requires a different mentality to a fossil
fuelled engine. Rather than filling up infrequently, you simply charge the car regularly – similar
to your mobile phone!

2) Recharge time-Pulling into the motorway service station because your petrol gauge is
flashing at you, refilling, and getting on your way again takes all of five minutes. It’s a
convenient process that we’re all familiar with.Charging electric vehicles does take longer.
Estimates show that 80% of EV charges take place on a slow charge at home over night, which
is sufficient for most purposes. Also, many businesses now have electric vehicle charging points
in their company car parks, as we do here at Good Energy. But what about the situation I’ve
outlined above, where you want to be able to recharge and get back on the
road?Unfortunately, there is no five minute recharge for electric cars just yet. However, rapid
charging is becoming more common, you’ll just need to plan it into longer journeys as even a
rapid charge takes 20 – 30 minutes.

3) Battery life-A battery is vital to an electric car, you certainly won’t be driving anywhere
without one! The batteries currently in use in EVs in the UK do have a limited life expectancy,
however, and will need to be replaced every 3 – 10 years depending on the make and model.
There’s quite a discrepancy in those figures, – 10 years is a lot more than three, so you can
already see how the technology has been improving. Battery replacement is a longer-term cost
calculation that needs to be remembered when you’re considering purchasing an electric

The progress that the electric vehicle industry has seen in recent years is not only extremely
welcomed, but highly necessary in light of the increasing global greenhouse gas levels. As
demonstrated within the economic, social, and environmental analysis sections of this
webpage, the benefits of electric vehicles far surpass the costs. The biggest obstacle to the
widespread adoption of electric-powered transportation is cost related, as gasoline and the
vehicles that run on it are readily available, convenient, and less costly. As is demonstrated in
our timeline, we hope that over the course of the next decade technological advancements and
policy changes will help ease the transition from traditional fuel-powered vehicles. Additionally,
the realization and success of this industry relies heavily on the global population, and it is our
hope that through mass marketing and environmental education programs people will feel
incentivized and empowered to drive an electric-powered vehicle. Each person can make a
difference, so go electric and help make a difference!


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