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Advanced Accounting Information System

Personal assignment
Prepared by: Lia Mohammed Ayalew
ID NO. GSE13008

Summited to: - Selomon (PhD.)

April 10, 2022


Article Review: Accounting Information Systems Tradition and Future Direction

Belfo F, Trigo A. (2013) ‘Accounting Information Systems : Tradition and Future Dir
rections’, Procedia Technology. Elsevier B.V., 9, pp. 536–546. doi:


This document will examine and survey the article composed by Fernando Belfo and
António Trigo. The author concentrate on the fast improvements in the space of
accountants, IT and data frameworks throughout the most recent multi decade's proffer
better approaches for checking out at the jobs of AIS. Bookkeeping Information System
(AIS) gives an instrument to fund office to upgrade authoritative viability particularly in
this period of worldwide innovative progression. Bookkeeping Information Systems (AIS)
are an instrument which, when fused into the field of Information and Technology
frameworks (IT), is intended to help in the administration and control of subjects
connected with firms' monetary region. In any case, the dazzling development in
innovation has opened up the chance of producing and utilizing accounting data from an
essential perspective. Since this is significant for all organizations, it is more significant in
any event, for medium-sized and little ones which need this data to manage a more serious
level of vulnerability in the cutthroat market. The goal of the article is to anticipate future
mechanical solutions to Accounting space difficulties, similar to outer and consistence
revealing. The accountant announcing difficulties like outer and consistence detailing, vital
examination, benchmarking, estimating and so forth can be tackled in various data
framework like web administration, cell phone, distributed computing, business insights
and so on. The diary introduced in this finding is fitting for leading the difficulties of the
announcing and noting the difficulties from innovation data framework. The article shows
the calculated film to show the issue confronting the announcing systems and to get proper
direction about the issues.


The trends, challenges and answer of the AIS domain in the accounting reporting systems.
The internal or external financial transactions which face the accountant like accounting
operations, external reporting, preparing and interpreting management accounting
information, flow management and developing, implementing and maintaining
Management Information Systems to prepare for, the one company are difficult in the old
version of preparation of the reports. So it tries to uncover the new challenges facing the
Accounting discipline and identifies some of the potential technological answers to those

Nowadays potential technology to cover the challenges which face the accountant or any
management system, like web services, mobile devices, cloud computing, environmental
scanning, business intelligence, enterprise architecture & enterprise application
integration, big data etc. are some technologies to tackle the problem. In the development
of technologies, amount of data brings new and specific unfamiliar challenges most
developers’ fac. The above technologies suggest tackling the challenges. New design
technologies are important to follow foot by foot for daily activities in the reporting and
management system of our financial transactions.

Cofidence in Result

The Belfo, F. (2013) article effectively addressed the key challenge which the accountant
faces in order to prepare a financial transaction report. These challenges are categorized in
the form of reporting for one company. The report may use internal auditing to get the
transaction made in and out of the company’s financial transactions. Transactions may be
used for external for external auditing system to know the company working regarding to
the rule and regulation. And also for management to prepare strategic polices, to support
decision making and to manage business risk.

IT important benefit for both business and technological advancement for reporting of
financial transactions. The technology that accountant is advance for easy recording of
financial transactions. The article classifies which advanced system related to using the

recording of financial reports. The documentation of financial transactions expects the
accountant and management to increase the performance by reducing adverse liquidity
risk. These technologies save time, reduce resources to prepare and answer adequately to
the challenges that faces.


Belfo, F. (2013) state that the participant in the accountant filed the reporting system for
one company uses a AIS. This innovation or system absolutely, enhances external data and
real time reporting, normally increasing information availability to a wider range of
stakeholders, with almost fulltime accessibility.


The authors fostered this work as the foundation for future research in the area of
Accounting Information Systems. The tremendous guidelines showed in the article, which
presents the main important relations between the difficulties and innovation reactions,
are pointing out the way for future research in order to improve the alignment between
technology and organization, in this particular case the support of management
information systems to accounting and management.


The target of the survey was to inspect the critical impact of the accountant data
framework on authoritative viability with exceptional reference. Based on the discoveries
of this examination paper, it very well may be presumed that accounting data frameworks
significantly affect hierarchical viability among organizations. The investigation discovered
study found that good accounting information upgrades managerial adequacy.

The article likewise observed that the accounting data framework prompts great monetary
reports and furthermore prompts better independent direction. Furthermore, the
approach ramification of the review is to embrace a decent accounting data framework and
make its application required in organizations.

A definitive objective of all business associations is to be a going concern. As of now, the

innovative transformation has turned into a test that associations should meet to acquire

an upper hand and dominate in their field. Associations today need effective AIS that assists
them with accomplishing key, cutthroat and business targets.

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