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Invoice Processing User Manual

Invoice Processing User Manual

© 2015 AXtension bv
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No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by photocopy, microfilm or any other means, except with
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Please note: AXtension® is a registered trademark owned by More Dynamics Licensing bv.

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Contents 1

Table of Contents

Part I General information 5

1 Abbreviations
................................................................................................................................... 5

Part II Introduction 6

Part III Setting up company independent

parameters 8
1 Setting...................................................................................................................................
up number sequences 9
2 Setting
up OCR for Invoice Processing 10
3 Setting
up Invoice processing limits 12
4 Setting
up external approval options 13

Part IV Setting up Invoice processing parameters 14

1 Setting
up invoice storage locations 16
Storing digital..........................................................................................................................................................
docum ents in ECM 17
ECM docum ent ..........................................................................................................................................................
categories 20
2 Setting
up invoice import options 21
3 Setting
up journal names 25
4 Setting
up vendor defaults 26
5 Setting
up workflow options for Invoice Processing 28
6 Setting
up the Accounts payable parameters 29

Part V Setting up invoice types 30

Part VI Setting up external sales tax codes 32

Part VII Linking a prepayment 33

Part VIII Setting up service center groups 34

Part IX Importing field mapping definitions 38

Part X Importing mapping definition relations 40

Part XI Adding the invoice Orderer to the purchase

order 42

Part XII Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters 43

© 2015 AXtension bv

2 Invoice Processing User Manual

1 Setting
up Connection parameters 44
2 Setting
up document types 46
3 Setting
up buyers 48

Part XIII Setting up the external approval of invoices 51

1 Setting
up users for external approval 51
2 Setting
up user groups for external approval 53
3 Setting
up proxy users for external approval 54
4 Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration
wizard................................................................................................................................... 55

Part XIV Setting up the email approval of invoices 58

1 Setting
up the standard AX configuration 58
2 Setting
up the AXtension® Invoice Processing Configuration 58
3 E-mail...................................................................................................................................
template supported placeholders 60

Part XV Setting up Vendor parameters 63

Part XVI Looking up Vendor accounts 65

Part XVII Searching for Vendor accounts 67

Part XVIII Setting up the Invoice totals tolerances 68

Part XIX Setting up Invoice round-off tolerances 70

Part XX Assigning user roles 73

Part XXI Customizing your workflow 74

1 Authorizing
and automating invoice posting 77
Authorizing invoice
posting using a subw orkflow 79
2 Authorizing
payment 81
3 Specifying
external approvers 83
4 Viewing
the workflow history of an invoice 86

Part XXII Using the Invoice processing form 88

1 Creating
or editing an invoice 94
2 Maintaining
invoices 99
Associated journals
.......................................................................................................................................................... 102
Matching invoice
details 103
Invoice m atching
in the Purchase invoice form 108
Using the read-only
Vendor invoice form 109
Updating an invoice
to SharePoint 111
3 Validating
an invoice 111

© 2015 AXtension bv
Contents 3

4 Identifying
an invoice 112
5 Registering
an invoice 113
6 Posting
an invoice 114
7 Cancelling
an invoice 117
8 Filtering
your workflow 118
9 Viewing
a scanned invoice 119
10 Adding
comments to an invoice 120
11 Viewing
an invoice log 121
12 Using
the Actions tab 124
Changing a posting
date 125
Resetting the..........................................................................................................................................................
status of an invoice 126
Clearing the ..........................................................................................................................................................
ow ner of an invoice 126
Cancelling and
reprocessing an invoice 127
Designating invoice
approvers 128
Resetting a w..........................................................................................................................................................
orkflow 129
13 Using
the Open invoice tab 129
14 Importing
invoices and xml files 130
View ing your..........................................................................................................................................................
im port history 136
View ing your..........................................................................................................................................................
im port source 137

Part XXIII Accessing Invoice Processing from the

Vendor payment proposal form 140

Part XXIV Using the Invoice processing service center 141

1 Creating
or editing a service center invoice 141
Unassigned invoices
.......................................................................................................................................................... 144
2 Changing
the legal entity of an invoice 145

Part XXV Running a workflow error report 147

Part XXVI Performing periodic tasks 149

1 Creating
an expected costs journal 149
2 Correcting
the status of Invoice Processing invoices 151
3 Cleaning
up a workflow 152
4 Exporting
vendor and bank account information for OCR 155
5 Using
ReadSoft® Online 158

Part XXVII Using the Enterprise Portal 162

1 The ...................................................................................................................................
View invoice icon 164
2 The ...................................................................................................................................
Document icon 166
3 The ...................................................................................................................................
Matching details icon 168
4 The ...................................................................................................................................
Lines icon 169
5 The ...................................................................................................................................
Sales tax icon 172

© 2015 AXtension bv

4 Invoice Processing User Manual

6 The ...................................................................................................................................
Log icon 173
7 The ...................................................................................................................................
Scanned Invoice icon 174
8 The ...................................................................................................................................
Notes icon 175
9 The ...................................................................................................................................
Attachments icon 176

Part XXVIII Appendix A - ReadSoft® Offline Invoices 178

Part XXIX Appendix B - ReadSoft® Online header fields 180

Part XXX Appendix C - ReadSoft® Online line fields 181

Part XXXI Appendix D - ReadSoft® Online Multiple tax

entry 183

Part XXXII Appendix E - Example XML file 184

© 2015 AXtension bv
General information 5

1 General information

1.1 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AXtension bv partner module for Microsoft Dynamics AX
AXtension ®
AOS Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server
ISV layer Layer which contains ISV solutions, extending functionality on Dynamics
AX. (ISV = Indepenent Software Vendor.)
VAR / VAP Layer that contains customizations built for a specific customer by a
layer Microsoft Dynamics AX partner (VAP = patch layer for the VAR layer)
CUS / CUP Layer that contains customizations for the company built by employees
layer of the company itself. (CUP = patch layer for CUS layer)
USR layer Layer in which some company employees create their own reports and
make changes to forms.

Table 1: Abbreviations

© 2015 AXtension bv
6 Invoice Processing User Manual

2 Introduction
AXtension® Invoice Processing handles the entire processing cycle of an invoice from a
single point. It is an exceptional expansion to the standard Microsoft Dynamics AX
workflow framework that you can easily tailor to fit any number of different workflows.
You can view a digital copy of your invoice throughout the entire process and AXtension®
Enterprise Content Management enables you to see the invoices in different portal views.
The approval process is made even more efficient by providing an e-mail notification when
an invoice order requires attention. The Shared Service Center capabilities allow the
centralized Accounts Payable functionality to service multiple companies.

The improved Retrieve purchase order screen means that you can not only select
purchase orders with purchase lines, but also breakdown to packing slips and quantities.
This is a major advantage for the accounts payable department and a huge efficiently

The AXtension® Invoice Approval App allows non Microsoft Dynamics AX users to easily
review, approve and-or reject their invoices assignments. The app provides the flexibility
to approve invoices anytime, anywhere, using devices such as cell phones and tablets.

Packing slip matching is also an extremely user friendly process that allows you to post
specific invoice items to general ledger accounts in one operation. Integration with
standard OCR products like ReadSoft ® means that invoice recognition is a breeze to set
up. Invoice entry can be automated, resulting in fewer manual errors. Finally, you can use
parameter settings to define both price and invoice variances, allowing you to manage by

Whatever your discipline and wherever your location, AXtension® Invoice Processing
provides functionality vital to your daily business:
Powerfully enriched Microsoft Dynamics AX workflows giving real-time insight into the
process with clearly defined steps and actions.
An integration with AXtension® Enterprise Content Management, which means that
important financial formation is immediately available at all times. It also provides easy
access to scanned invoices that can no longer be mislaid.
Faster invoice handling and processing time. User-friendly invoice entry also reduces
internal paperwork.
An efficient invoice approval cycle that means non Microsoft Dynamics AX users can use
the Enterprise portal and the AXtension® Invoice Approval App.
An Outlook integration that makes it easy to manage by exception.

The following example shows an AXtension® Invoice Processing Invoice journal/Vendor

invoice process flow.

Example 1: Invoice journal / Vendor invoice

© 2015 AXtension bv
Introduction 7

© 2015 AXtension bv
8 Invoice Processing User Manual

3 Setting up company independent parameters

Working with Invoice Processing requires that you must set up the following Company
independent parameters:
Number sequences
Invoice list settings
External invoice approval options.

You can define all of these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice
processing > Company independent parameters menu.

The setup form opens on the Number sequences tab.

See Also
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up Invoice processing limits
Setting up external approval options

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up company independent parameters 9

3.1 Setting up number sequences

The Number sequences tab lets you set up the number sequence code to be used for
referencing imported purchase invoices.

Field Description
Number sequence for batch Use the drop down menu to select the batch
numbering number sequence to be used when the batch
process is used to read in invoices.
Number sequence for Use the drop down menu to select the number
scanned document sequence to be used for the pdf documents
numbering stored in the folders given on the Import tab.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up Invoice processing limits
Setting up external approval options

© 2015 AXtension bv
10 Invoice Processing User Manual

3.2 Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing

The Set up OCR for Invoice Processing tab lets you set up the location to which you
want to export the vendor's information and the format you want the exported files to
take. These settings are used if an OCR system requires vendor and system
information. The parameters that you set up in this form are used when you perform
the export operation using the following option: Accounts payable > Periodic >
Invoice processing > Export vendors and bank accounts for OCR. The settings for
company dependent parameters are described in the section titled Setting up Invoice
processing parameters.

Field Description
Use export vendor This checkbox activates this entire parameter
information for OCR form, therefore, you must select it for these fields
to be enabled. If you do not check this box none
of the fields in this form will be editable.
Export handler Use the drop down list to select the Class
reference type, which will define the format to
use during export of the OCR invoices. Once you
select the class containing the checks you want
to apply, the Class name and its Title are
automatically entered into the two fields. Note
that the title of the class is not editable.
Path to save exported vendor Use the folder icon to help you specify the path

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up company independent parameters 11

Field Description
information to the location of the exported vendor files.
Use separate export files per Check this box if you want to create separate
company export files for each company.
Filename for exporting Enter the base of the filename for the export file
vendor accounts containing the vendor's information.
Add date to vendor accounts Check this box to automatically add the date to
filename the exported filename for the vendor's
information. The date will be in the format:
Add time to vendor accounts Check this box to automatically add the time to
filename the exported filename for the vendor's
information. The time will be in the format:
Filename for exporting Enter the base of the filename for the export file
vendor bank accounts containing the vendor's banking information.
Add date to vendor bank Check this box to automatically add the date to
accounts filename the exported filename for the vendor's banking
information. The date will be in the format:
Add time to vendor bank Check this box to automatically add the time to
accounts filename the exported filename for the vendor's banking
information. The time will be in the format:

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up Invoice processing limits
Setting up external approval options
Setting up number sequences

© 2015 AXtension bv
12 Invoice Processing User Manual

3.3 Setting up Invoice processing limits

This tab lets you set up the specific list settings for the invoice list page.

Field Description
Recall position limit Limit for retaining cursor position after the list has
been refreshed. In the example for the user
Admin, the value zero (0) indicates no limit, so
the solution would scroll the entire list. which
could be a time-consuming task. If a value of, for
example, 1000 were entered, the cursor position
would be retained if it lies within the 1000 line
User ID ID of the user who has set the position limit.
Recall position limit Value of the position limit.
Hide 'Assigned' column If you check this box the column indicating the
workflow assignment for the current user will be
Hide 'Lines' column If you check this box the column indicating if the
purchase order has breakdown lines will be hidden.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up company independent parameters 13

See Also
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up external approval options

3.4 Setting up external approval options

This tab lets you specify the external database you want to use.

Field Description
Server name Machine name of the server.
Database name Name of the database containing the data
required for external approval of invoices.

The Validate approval database button displays an infolog that confirms the
database connection or highlights any database issues. This button is not available
until you have entered both the server name and database name in the respective
field. Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

This external invoice approval area is only available if you have also purchased the
Ext e rna l Approv a l lic e nc e .

See Also
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up Invoice processing limits

© 2015 AXtension bv
14 Invoice Processing User Manual

4 Setting up Invoice processing parameters

To enable Invoice Processing to work most efficiently and effectively in your
environment, you must first set up its working parameters and then define both the
workflow settings and user authorizations for your organization.

You can define all of these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice
processing > Invoice processing parameters menu.

The parameters setup form opens on the General tab, which lets you set up the four
general parameters for working with AXtension Invoice Processing.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 15

Field Description

Add invoice number If you select this checkbox Invoice Processing will
to the payment id automatically add the respective invoice number to the
Payment ID field. Whenever the vendor is changed on an
IP invoice, IP automatically populates the Payment ID field
on the invoice using the pre-defined value from the vendor.

Invoice number This checkbox lets you specify that invoice numbers must
mandatory always be added.

Enable quick entry This checkbox lets you set whether quick entry fields are
fields added to an extra tab when you are entering or adding a
new invoice. The quick entry fields are a way of entering
data faster when you are manually entering an invoice..

Assign invoice owner This checkbox specifies if the user ID of the invoice owner
is automatically added to the Invoice processing list page.
The owner of the invoice is automatically set to the person
who is the first user to edit the invoice. Activating this
checkbox ensures that this field is updated with the
invoice owner's ID.

Reprocessed invoice This suffix will be appended to invoices that you cancel and
id reprocess.

Automatic update of This checkbox specifies when the posting date should be
posting date automatically updated if the posting date falls when the
posting period is already closed. The options available are:
Never or When posting invoice.

Allow direct posting This checkbox specifies if direct posting should be allowed
when matching for invoices that match. When you select this option the
Identify and Register steps are performed automatically
and approval via the workflow is not needed before posting
the invoice.

Allow direct posting This checkbox specifies if the user should be allowed to
by user perform direct posting for invoices that match.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
16 Invoice Processing User Manual

4.1 Setting up invoice storage locations

This tab lets you specify if digital invoices should be stored in ECM and the paths to
the specific working locations.

Field Description

Store digital invoices If checked, invoices will be stored in and accessible via the
in ECM ECM SharePoint integration. The ECM document categories
are displayed so you can store Invoice Processing digital
documents. See the section titled Storing digital documents
in ECM for a screenshot showing the document categories
that are available when you check this box.

Note that this option is only available when Enterprise

Content Manager has also been installed and is operational.

Document level When this box is checked the permissions on document

permission level in SharePoint are used.

Path to working Use the folder icon to help you browse to the working folder
folder where the already read-in invoices are waiting to be

Path to archive Use the folder icon to help you browse to the folder where
the scanned purchase invoices that have been posted in
Dynamics AX will be archived.

Path to deleted Use the folder icon to help you browse to the folder where
invoices the deleted purchase invoices will be stored.

The AOS service user will process the moving of documents from the Work in Progress folder
to the Archive and Deleted Invoices folders. You must ensure that this user has sufficient
permissions on these folders to perform this operation.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 17

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

4.1.1 Storing digital documents in ECM

Standard SharePoint security sets user permissions on document library level. Users
that have permissions for a specific document library will have those permissions on all
documents within the library. This is not always the desired situation because a
document library can contain invoice documents from multiple vendors.

If you have selected to store digital documents in ECM, the Document level permission
check box is enabled and Invoice Processing will do the following:
When a digital invoice is added to a document library, all permissions from the library
will be inherited and the document permission will be set to Not inherit permissions
from parent.
When a purchase invoice is put in the workflow, all users that are part of the
workflow, but who are not members of the financial administration, will be given Read
permission on the associated digital document. Note that all permissions that are
assigned to SharePoint groups will not be affected.

Using the Document level permission option also requires the following configuration on
the associated SharePoint site and document libraries:
Create SharePoint group(s)for your Invoice Processing users that are part of the
financial administration department and add the correct users to each group.

For all document libraries that are going to be used to store Invoice Processing digital
Set the document library permissions to Not inherit permissions from parent.
Assign permissions to the SharePoint group(s)for the Invoice Processing users that
are part of the financial administration department.
The AOS service user will process the moving of documents from the Work in
Progress document library to the Archive and Deleted Invoices document libraries.
You must ensure that this user has sufficient permissions on these document libraries
to perform this operation.

After you check the Store digital invoices in ECM check box, the relevant fields of
the form are automatically updated.

© 2015 AXtension bv
18 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description

Store digital invoices If checked, invoices will be stored in and accessible via the
in ECM ECM SharePoint integration. The ECM document categories
allow you to store Invoice Processing digital documents.

See below for more information on using this option.

Document level If checked, Invoice Processing will use the permissions that
permissions have been set up on document level in SharePoint.

Work in progress Use the drop down menu to select the Category ID for the
read-in invoices that are waiting to be processed.

Archive Use the drop down menu to select the Category ID for the
scanned purchase invoices that have been posted in
Dynamics AX.

Deleted invoices Use the drop down menu to select the Category ID for the
relevant deleted purchase invoices.

Open invoice after This check box specifies that an invoice will immediately be
manual upload opened for viewing after it has been manually uploaded.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

The Store digital invoices in ECM option is not visible or available in the Invoice
Processing parameters Setup list until you have connected the AXtension IP Client
adapters for ECM to the correct AXtension ECM service adapters. You must
configure this connection using the AXtension Adapter Setup functionality that is
part of the AXtension® Framework.

Note: Invoice Processing contains an AXTip_ECMIntegration_Setup class. Executing

this class (currently only possible directly from within the AOT) will connect the Invoice
Processing client adapters to the corresponding ECM service adapters.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 19

Click Close to save your settings and leave the adapter setup form.

AXtension® Invoice Processing uses the functionality of AXtension® ECM through the
Adapter framework that is a part of the AXtension® Framework. AXtension® ECM
provides a set of (service) adapters that can be used by other AXtension solutions to
use ECM functionality. The client, AXtension (Invoice Processing in this scenario) must
implement a set of client adapters (one for each ECM service adapter).

Part of an adapter (both client and service) consists of both an input- and output-
parameter specification. The input-parameter definition for a client adapter must match
with the output-parameter definition of the targeted service adapter (and the same
applies for client output-parameter definitions => service input parameters).

Note that there are certain requirements for using AXtension® Invoice Processing
integrated with AXtension® ECM. To successfully integrate these solutions:
1. The AOS service account must be a member of the site collection administrators on
the site that is hosting the AXtension® ECM document libraries.
2. The AXTecm.AXLibrary.dll must be deployed on the AOS. You can find the steps
on how to do this in the AXtension® ECM Installation Manual.

© 2015 AXtension bv
20 Invoice Processing User Manual

4.1.2 ECM document categories

Every ECM document category can (optionally) contain the following site columns:
Invoice Id
Journal Id
Purchase order number
Receipt number
Vendor Id
Voucher number
SSC group
Project ID
Asset ID

The site column setup should look like this:

Site column Table name Link field Multiple


Invoice Id AXTip_Metadata_Invoi InvoiceId No


Journal Id LedgerJournalTable JournalNum Yes

Purchase order PurchTable PurchId Yes


Receipt number VendPackingslipJour PackingslipId Yes

Vendor Id VendTable AccountNum No

Voucher number AXTip_Metadata_Vouc Voucher No


SSC group AXTio_ServiceCenterGr ServiceCenterGrou No

oup pId

Project ID ProjTable ProjId Yes

Asset ID AssetTable AssetId Yes

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 21

4.2 Setting up invoice import options

This tab lets you set up the options required for importing purchase invoices. You can
also access this setup form from the main Setup > Invoice processing menu, using
the Import mapping definition relation option.

Field Description
Use import scanned invoices Check this box to activate the importing of
scanned invoices.
Path to scanned invoices Use the folder icon to help you specify the path
to the scanned purchase invoices that are ready
to be imported.
Filename format of purchase File format of the files to be imported.
invoices (i.e. *.PDF)
Use import from OCR Check this box to activate the importing of
invoices from OCR.
Import type OCR Enter the file format of the OCR messages. Use

© 2015 AXtension bv
22 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
the drop down menu to select the format you
want to use. Depending on the format you select,
the next five fields can be either unavailable or
you must enter the required path(s) or data.

Note that the Import type OCR will also be

completed if the type is not set to XML. The
mapping is only applicable when this field is set
to XML.
Import handler When you set the import type field to User
defined you can then select a class from this
drop down list.
Path to importfiles (OCR) Use the folder icon to help you specify the path
to where the import files can be found.
Path to processed importfiles Use the folder icon to help you specify the path
(OCR) to where the import files are archived.
XSL transformation for XML This option translates one format of XSL file into
import another that is then recognized by AXtension®
Invoice Processing. The output file is then
imported. Use the folder icon to help you specify
the path where the XSL file will be stored.

If you leave this field empty, the XML file will be

imported in its original format.
Export vendor accounts Check this box to activate the exporting of
vendor account information for OCR systems.
Export vendor bank acounts Check this box to activate the exporting of
vendor banking information for OCR systems.
OCR Export company ID This unique ID is included in the vendor's
information export files as a means of additional
Submit to workflow after If you check this box scanned invoices that are
import scanned invoices ready to be used will automatically be submitted
to the workflow.
Submit to workflow after You can also choose to automatically submit
import from OCR invoices to the workflow after importing them from
the OCR. The following options are available:
Never - invoices are never submitted.
Always - invoices are always submitted.
Success - invoices are submitted after a
successful import.
Date formatting Use this field to specify the formatting of the
dates in the OCR file:
123 = Day Month Year.
213 = Month Day Year.
321 = Year Month Day.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 23

Field Description
Submit to direct posting When you check this box fully matched invoices
sequence will be submitted to the direct posting sequence
after they are imported.
Import checker Use the drop down list to select an opt iona l Class
reference type, which will provide additional
checks during import of the invoices. Once you
select the class containing the checks you want
to apply, the Class name and its Title are
automatically entered into the two fields. Note
that the title of the class is not editable.

When defining the parameters of the folders, remember to take the path authorizations
into account to ensure that you can reach the desired folders. When defining paths we
recommend that you use the UNC format for defining your path, as shown in the
graphic above.

The Import mapping definition button at the top of the form displays the Import
mapping definition screen, where you can specify the definition set to be assigned to
specific (or all) companies and service center groups by selecting the Table, Group or
All option from the drop down menu.

The Update import handlers button at the top of this form will usually be used by
users that have implemented customized import handlers and if the import type is set
to Xml. When this button is activated any new customizations will be added to the list
of import definitions displayed when you use the Import mapping definition button.

© 2015 AXtension bv
24 Invoice Processing User Manual

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 25

4.3 Setting up journal names

This tab lets you set up the names of the journals to be used for referencing imported
purchase invoices.

Field Description
Name of invoice journal Name or ID for the invoice journal.
Name of invoice register Name of the invoice register journal.
Name of invoice approval Name of the journal used to authorize the
registered purchase invoices for administration
Journalname accrual costs Name of the journal used to apply the specific
accrual costs.
Admit date in journal If checked, the date must be included in the
description journal description.
Postfix of journal description Delimiter used between the journal name and

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
26 Invoice Processing User Manual

4.4 Setting up vendor defaults

This tab lets you set up the default parameter values for vendors.

The following screen shows the default parameter values that will be used for a new
invoice if the parameters are not changed to specify a specific vendor

Field Description
Invoice type Use the drop down menu to select which type of
purchase invoices you want to set up. The
options listed will have been previously set up
using the Invoice types setup form, which you
can find by following the path: Accounts
payable > Setup > Invoice processing >
Invoice types. For more information on setting
up the invoice types that will be listed in this
field, see the section titled Setting up invoice
Invoice amount including When this box is checked the amounts on the
sales tax vendor invoices will include sales tax. For non
vendor invoices the journal name value is taken
from the standard AX setting.
Submit to workflow after Use the drop down menu to specify when the

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 27

Field Description
import from OCR invoices will be automatically submitted to the
workflow after import from the OCR. The options
Never - invoices are never submitted.
Always - invoices are always submitted.
Success - invoices are submitted after a
successful import.
Use item numbers Use the drop down menu to specify the types of
item numbers to be used when importing lines
from the OCR. The options are:
Internal item number
External item number
Automatically select product During the importing of invoice lines, specify when
receipts the system should try to automatically select
product receipts for matching if there is no
product receipt specified on the import line. Note
that this function is only used during line level

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

To ensure that vendor item numbers can be recognized during an XML import, you must
ensure that the correct settings are defined in the Parameters for vendors screen.

You can set up this option by following this path: Account payable > Common >
Vendors > All vendors and then clicking the Invoice tab. After these parameters
have been set up, if an invoice line has an Item, but no item dimensions (Configuration,
Size, etc.) are specified, the import will try to find either an external or internal item
description (depending on your setting) using the ItemId and the Vendor account

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options

© 2015 AXtension bv
28 Invoice Processing User Manual

Setting up invoice storage locations

Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

4.5 Setting up workflow options for Invoice Processing

This tab lets you set up the default workflow and payment options for handling
approved invoices. For example, when you select the Allow cancelling or deletion of
approved invoices check box you will be allowed to cancel or delete approved

The Allow cancelling of registered invoices check box allows you to cancel
registered invoices.

The Open Invoice Processing listpage from worklist check box allows you to open
the Invoice Processing list page from your work list. In Dynamics AX you can open a
workflow item shown in the work list to display the root document. For example, if you
open a work list item from a workflow set up on the invoice register, the invoice
register journal will open. The same is true if you open a work list item for a workflow
set up on the invoice approval journal. If you select this option, when you open a
vendor invoice workflow item the Invoice Processing list page will be displayed.

The Use designated invoice approvers check box specifies that the authorized
approver list that is linked to each invoice should be activated and in operation. The
accounts payable clerk defines the list of authorized approvers for each invoice.

The Use payment workflow check box allows you to use a workflow to approve an
invoice for payment. If this option is checked the Approved check box on the Vendor
transactions form will not be automatically selected when a new invoice is created.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice processing parameters 29

The Submit to payment workflow after posting invoice check box allows you to
automatically submit invoices to the payment workflow when they have been posted.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

4.6 Setting up the Accounts payable parameters

In the Accounts payable main window, select Setup > Accounts payable
Parameters to display the Accounts payable parameters form.

For information on how to set up this standard AX functionality see the appropriate AX

See Also
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up external approval options

© 2015 AXtension bv
30 Invoice Processing User Manual

5 Setting up invoice types

The Invoice types setup form lets you specify the invoice types that will be listed in
the Invoice type drop down box when you are creating a new invoice. The invoice
type you select will specify whether the invoice will be posted to a journal and which
journal will be used, in one single selection. You can predefine all of the invoice types
you might require in the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > Invoice
types form as shown below.

Field Description
Name Name of the invoice type.
Posting type Name of the journal or register to be
Post invoice using journal If this box is checked, the invoice will be
posted using the specified journal.

To add a new invoice type, simply click the New button and enter the name of the
new invoice type. The Posting type field will then allow you to select the posting type
from a drop down menu. The available posting types are:
Invoice register
Invoice journal
Vendor invoice

After making this selection, you can then check the Post invoice using journal box to
activate the direct posting step if it is required.

When you have defined all of the required invoice types you can click Close to leave
the form.

When creating a new invoice all of the options listed will have been predefined in this
setup form.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up invoice types 31

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up general Invoice processing options

© 2015 AXtension bv
32 Invoice Processing User Manual

6 Setting up external sales tax codes

The External sales tax code setup form lets you manage .

You can define all of these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice
processing > External sales tax code setup menu.

Field Description
Account code Specify the account for which the tax
code is valid.
Account relation The account number or account group
Sales tax group Use the drop down menu to select the
appropriate code for calculating tax on
the sale or purchase.
Item sales tax group Use the drop down menu to select the
appropriate code for calculating the sales
tax on a specific item.
External sales tax code External sales tax code used for the XML

Click Close to leave the form.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up general Invoice processing options

© 2015 AXtension bv
Linking a prepayment 33

7 Linking a prepayment
When you are creating a new invoice you can use the Prepayments option in the
header of the Create purchase invoice form to link a previously specified prepayment
to a purchase.

When prepayment options have been specified, clicking on this button will display a list
of the available prepayment options and you can select the line you want to link to the
selected purchase. You can filter the lines in this list on the invoice account of the
purchase order. Therefore, the vendor account of the purchase invoice and the invoice
account of the purchase order must match.

Once you have linked the prepayment to the purchase order you can create a new
invoice as a prepayment invoice. The complete vendor invoice is then generated and
opened, as shown the the following example.

To see an overview of all of your prepayment invoices, select Invoice type in the filter
of the invoice overview form, then enter Prepayment in the field and click the arrow
button. The overview area is then updated to list only the prepayment invoices.

Prepayment invoices are posted in the usual way.

© 2015 AXtension bv
34 Invoice Processing User Manual

8 Setting up service center groups

Global or multi-region organizations with offices in multiple countries will often use a
centralized shared service center to manage vendor invoices. These service centers
process the vendor invoices by entering the invoice and starting the approval workflow
centrally. For these types of organization AXtension® Invoice Processing has a general
purchase invoice handling form that you can use to enter the vendor invoices for all (or
only the selected) legal entities.

The Shared service center groups form lets you create and specify the parameters
of new service center groups and/or modify the parameters of existing groups.

You can define all of these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice
processing > Shared service center groups menu.

The Shared service center groups form looks like this.

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Setting up service center groups 35

At the top of the form there are two buttons:

The Reset colors button clears all of the currently set up colors for the group. You
can then redefine the colors.
The Import mapping definition button displays the Import mapping definition
screen. Because it is possible to use different tag-names in xml files for different
companies and/or service center groups, you must therefore assign a pre-defined
mapping definition to each entity. This screen allows you to use the Table, Group or
All option from the drop down menu to specify the definition set to be assigned to
the specific company and/or service center group. This simple list format allows you
to create multiple sets of field mappings and displays them in a clear overview.

Note that the Import type OCR will also be completed if the type is not set to XML.
The mapping is only applicable when this field is set to XML.

© 2015 AXtension bv
36 Invoice Processing User Manual

You can also access this form from the main Setup > Invoice processing menu
using the Import mapping definition relation option.

The Shared service center group and Name fields show the group for which data is
currently displayed in the main body of the form. The group field cannot be manually
changed and is defined by the group you have selected from the list on the left side of
the form. However, you can edit the Name field. When you press Enter your change
will be reflected in the list.

The main body of the form contains five tabbed areas.

Digital invoices

The General tab lets you specify if the user will be prompted for the legal entity when
they are creating a new invoice. If this option is disabled, the new invoice will be
created for the currently selected company.

The Colors tab lets you set up the color that defines the stage that each invoice is at
in the workflow. The stages you can define are:
In review - invoices that are currently in the workflow.
Approved - invoices that are approved in the workflow.
Rejected - invoices that are rejected in the workflow.
Due date passed - invoices that have passed their due date and have still not been
posted or approved.

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Setting up service center groups 37

Due date warning - the due date for these invoices is getting very close. You can
set the actual number of days from the due date.
Days until due date - the number of days that the due date warning color will be
Payment discount date warning - The color of invoices that approaching their
payment discount date.
Days until payment discount date - The number of days that the payment
discount date warning color will be displayed.

When you click on the related color field a color palette is displayed, where you can
either specify a basic color or create a custom color. Clicking the Add to Custom
Colors button adds your newly defined color to the Custom colors palette, where it is
saved for future use.

If there are no colors currently defined for the service center group, when the first
company is added to the group the color setup for that company will be applied to the
group. If you would like this to be the case, then you must use the Reset colors
button at the top of the form to clear any current settings before adding the first

The Digital invoices tab lets you specify how to process unassigned digital invoices.
You can either select the check box to store the digital invoices in ECM or enter the
path to the folder where the invoices should be stored.

The Import tab lets you specify how invoices are imported on the service center level,
e.g. when the invoice is imported using the Shared service center list. The import
behavior is also controlled by the company settings on the Companies tab. This tab is
also where you can specify the date format to be used. Use the Date formatting field
to specify the formatting of the date. The available options are:
123 = Day Month Year.
213 = Month Day Year.
321 = Year Month Day.

The Companies tab lets you specify the companies that are members of the selected
service center group. You can both add companies and remove companies from the list
using this tab. For each company you must also use the check boxes to specify if the
company specific import should be executed as part of the import into the service
center group.

All of your settings will be saved when you click Close to leave the form.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
38 Invoice Processing User Manual

9 Importing field mapping definitions

The Import field mapping table option displays the Import field mapping definition
screen, which lists all of the available mapping definitions and their contents.

Because it is possible to use different tag-names in xml files for different companies
and/or service center groups, you must therefore assign a pre-defined mapping
definition to each entity. This screen allows you to see the contents of the mapping
table for each definition, and manage the creation and deletion of definition tables. You
can select the pre-defined mapping definition to import from the Accounts payable >
Setup > Invoice processing > Import field mapping table menu.

The left side of the form lists the names and descriptions of the available mapping
definitions. On the right side of the form you can see a list of the mapping definitions
associated with the selected list name.

The Import button at the top of the form allows you to define your own field mapping
lists to use in the import process. When you click this button the Import new
mapping definition dialog box is displayed.

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Importing field mapping definitions 39

Enter the path and name of the xml file you want to import or browse to its location,
then click OK. For information on setting up ReadSoft ® Online document types, see the
section titled, Setting up document types.

The Update tag list button lets you make sure that all of the supported tags are listed
in the currently selected Import field mapping definition table. When you click the
button the form is automatically updated and refreshed.

The Name and Description fields show the group for which data is currently listed in
the main body of the form. The group can be manually changed using the fields above
the list. When you press Enter your change will be reflected in the list on the left side
of the form.

The mapping table lists each entry by Import tag id, Xml tag name and Description.

Click Close to leave the form.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Importing mapping definition relations
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters

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40 Invoice Processing User Manual

10 Importing mapping definition relations

Because it is possible to use different tag-names in xml files for different companies
and/or service center groups, you must therefore assign a pre-defined mapping
definition to each entity. The Import mapping definition relation table lists all of the
current mapping relationships and allows you to manage the creation and deletion of
new and existing relationships. You can see the current relationships list when you
select the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > Import mapping
definition relation menu.

This screen is also available from the Shared service center groups screen, which
lets you set up the import data for the xml tags.

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Importing mapping definition relations 41

Field Description
Valid for The Table, Group or All options specify
whether the relationship is valid for a
service center group, a specific company
or both.
Relation The company or group the relationship is
Import field mapping definition The field mapping definition applied to
the relationship. You can see the
contents of the selected definition in
the Import field mapping definition

Click Close to leave the form.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Importing field mapping definitions
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
42 Invoice Processing User Manual

11 Adding the invoice Orderer to the purchase order

Invoice Processing lets you add the invoice orderer (or owner) of any specific purchase
order to the standard Purchase order form. The orderer is the person who issued the
purchase order.

You can set up a Participant provider as part of the workflow setup. If you open your
workflow, in any approval step you can define who can approve the purchase order by
going to the Properties step > Assignment type and adding a participant. Select the
purchase order participant and then the Orderer. The Participant provider function is
available in both the Invoice processing workflow and the Vendor invoice workflow. If
multiple orders exist as part of a vendor invoice, an orderer (or owner) can be specified
for each order.

In the purchase order's Administration group you can then select the Orderer from
the drop down menu.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up number sequences
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters 43

12 Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters

This chapter is only applicable of the AX t e nsion ® Inv oic e Proc e ssing - Ext e rna l Approv a l
license has been activated.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of

scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/
computer-readable text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of
original paper data source, whether passport documents, invoices, bank statement,
receipts, business card, mail, or any number of printed records. It is a common method
of digitizing printed texts so that they can be electronically edited, searched, stored
more compactly, displayed on-line, and used in machine processes such as machine
translation, text-to-speech, key data extraction and text mining. OCR is a field of
research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision.

The AXtension® Invoice processing solution's ReadSoft ® integration automates invoice

entry, which results in a reduction in manpower and errors resulting from manual input.

You can define all of the ReadSoft ® settings from the Accounts payable > Setup >
Invoice processing > ReadSoft® Online parameters menu.

The parameters setup form opens on the Connection tab. For more information on
setting up the ReadSoft ® Online parameters, see the following sections:
Setting up Connection parameters
Setting up document types
Setting up buyers.

See Also
Setting up company independent parameters
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up number sequences

© 2015 AXtension bv
44 Invoice Processing User Manual

Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing

Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults
Importing field mapping definitions

12.1 Setting up Connection parameters

The Connection tab lets you set up your connection options for ReadSoft ® Online.
You can choose to establish a connection either to an API or a website.

The Test connection button verifies your connection to ReadSoft ® online and displays
an Infolog where you can see the current connection status.

The Retrieve customer button lets you retrieve the specified customer from ReadSoft
online and automatically enter that customer ID in the Customer field.

Field Description
Internet address Web address to the ReadSoft ® online API
service. Make sure that you use
the correct url.

Please use the following url for more

information: http://docs.readsoftonline.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters 45

Field Description
API key Enter the API key to be used to access
ReadSoft ® Online. This key is provided by
ReadSoft ® Online and can be found when
you are using the admin account.
User name Enter the username of the current user.
This is provided by ReadSoft ® Online
Password Enter the password of the current user.
This is provided by ReadSoft ® Online.
Customer After retrieval, the specified customer ID
from ReadSoft ® online is automatically
entered into this Customer field. You
can also use the drop down menu to
select the customer and associated
Internet address Enter the internet address used to
access the ReadSoft ® Online homepage.

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46 Invoice Processing User Manual

12.2 Setting up document types

The Document types tab lets you select an alternative field mapping definition for
each ReadSoft ® Online document type. If you do not select a mapping definition, the
document type will be processed using the fixed default names.

Field Description
Document type ID of the mapping definition to be used.
Description Short description of the mapping
definition. As you can see in the example
screenshot above, where several
mapping descriptions are available for
different languages etc., it is advised to
make your description text as clear as
Import field mapping definition Field definition taken from imported file.

For information on how to import a field mapping definitions document and mapping
definition relations, see the sections titled Importing field mapping definitions and
Importing mapping definition relations. An example imported field mapping definition is
shown below.

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Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters 47

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48 Invoice Processing User Manual

12.3 Setting up buyers

The Buyers tab lets you set up the ReadSoft ® Online suppliers. Your buyers are the
different companies that will work with ReadSoft ® Online. These are equivalent to the
companies in AX.

The Update suppliers button updates the ReadSoft ® Online suppliers. Suppliers can
be uploaded either singly or in a batch operation using either the Single document per
file or Multiple documents per file option. When suppliers are uploaded one at a time
you must then link the AX company to each supplier in succession. Therefore, if
multiple suppliers exist, you must ensure that all of the required suppliers are added to

Furthermore, you must set up your document types per company. In ReadSoft ® Online
multiple document types can be defined. Before uploading the document types
ReadSoft ® Online needs to know what document will be uploaded. This means that
multiple document types can be de defined for each company (one standard), and this
is done using the Additional document types button. This button opens a list of
Additional buyer document types, showing the Subfolder, Document type and
Upload method for each document. Here, you can define a sub folder from where you
will upload files to ReadSoft ® Online and the upload method.

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Setting up ReadSoft® online parameters 49

When specifying the Upload method you have two choices:

Single document per file - specifying one invoice per pdf
Multiple documents per file - specifying multiple invoices per pdf.

Please note that AXtension strongly recommends that you use the single document per
file option as this is the most secure.

Click Close to end the operation.

The Document types tab lets you set up the invoice types that are supported by
ReadSoft ® Online. You can import the invoice types using the Update document
types button, when the connection setup has been done.

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50 Invoice Processing User Manual

Simply select the invoice types from the list and the click Close.

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Setting up the external approval of invoices 51

13 Setting up the external approval of invoices

This chapter is only applicable of the AX t e nsion ® Inv oic e Proc e ssing - Ext e rna l Approv a l
license has been activated.

Working with the Invoice Processing App requires that you must first set up the
following external approval parameters for users who are allowed to approve invoices
outside of Dynamics AX.

You can define all of these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > External
approval of invoices menu.

See Also
Setting up external approval options
Setting up users for external approval
Setting up user groups for external approval
Setting up proxy users for external approval
Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

13.1 Setting up users for external approval

The Invoice Processing App requires that you import or create the list of users and/or
user groups who are allowed to approve invoices outside of Dynamix AX.

You can create this user list from the Accounts payable > Setup > External
approval of invoices > Users for external approval menu. After clicking the menu
option the following form is displayed and you can see how many users actually have
active licenses.

© 2015 AXtension bv
52 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
External user id External ID of the user.
NetworkAlias User's alias in the active directory.
NetworkDomain Domain in use.
Display name Username to be displayed.
User ID General ID of the user.
Worker Employee associated with the external
Worker status Specifies if the user has status required
to use the external approval feature.
Enable Specify if the user is currently enabled to
externally approve invoices.

The Import button at the top of form initiates the Active Directory Import Wizard,
which allows you to search for users and/or user groups to be imported into the
approval list.

At the very least you must specify the domain to be searched. If you provide
insufficient criteria Dynamics AX will search the entire domain specified, which could
take a long time. You must ok or stop the search by clicking Yes or No.

The search will deliver a list of all possible users or groups from which you can select
the one(s) you want to import.

The Licensed external approval users field shows the total number of licensed
external approval users.

The Active external approval users field gives the total number of licenses for
external approval users that are currently in use.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up the external approval of invoices 53

See Also
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the external approval of invoices
Setting up user groups for external approval
Setting up proxy users for external approval
Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

13.2 Setting up user groups for external approval

The Invoice Processing App can be set up to recognize both individual users and user
groups. This form lists the users and groups that are currently defined and lets you add
and/or remove users from specific user groups.

You can update this user group list from the Accounts payable > Setup > External
approval of invoices > User groups for external approval menu. After clicking the
menu option the following form is displayed.

The form opens on the Groups tab and lists the imported user groups by their
recognized User group name and a short description of the types of users in the

The Users tab lists the users in the group you have currently selected on the Groups
tab. For each group you are shown the list of users currently in that group and the
remaining users that you can add to the group. You can either use the chevrons (< >)
or simply double-click on a user to either add or remove them from the selected user

© 2015 AXtension bv
54 Invoice Processing User Manual

Use the Close button to accept your changes and close the form.

See Also
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the external approval of invoices
Setting up users for external approval
Setting up proxy users for external approval
Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

13.3 Setting up proxy users for external approval

As well as being set up to recognize both individual users and user groups, you can also
set up the Invoice Processing App to recognize proxy users. These proxy users can be
assigned internally to all work items that are to be approved by external users who are
not valid AX users.

You can update this proxy user list from the Accounts payable > Setup > External
approval of invoices > Proxy user for external approvers menu. After clicking the
menu option the following form is displayed.

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Setting up the external approval of invoices 55

Use the New and Delete buttons respectively to update the list of proxy users.

A New user will automatically be assigned the Company code of Table, which you
can then change to All if necessary. You can then enter the applicable Company
accounts ID and use the drop down menu to select a User ID. If you select an invalid
user ID an infolog will be displayed when you try to close the form. The infolog will
inform you of the invalid selection and will not be removed from the screen until a valid
selection has been made.

See Also
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the external approval of invoices
Setting up users for external approval
Setting up user groups for external approval
Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

13.4 Setting up the external workflow infrastructure configuration

Working with the Invoice Processing App requires that you use the Invoice processing
external workflow infrastructure configuration wizard to will ensure that the required
batch job for the external workflow works correctly.

You can define the batch job from the Accounts payable > Setup > External
approval of invoices > External workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

The wizard opens on the following welcome screen.

© 2015 AXtension bv
56 Invoice Processing User Manual

Move to the next screen to set up the Batch group and recurrence of the batch job.
As stated in the screen, a batch group is not required and is therefore the field entry
of Workflow is read only. However, this setting can be used to execute the external
workflow synchronization batch job on a specific Application object server.

The final screen shows the job that you have set up and clicking the Finish button
implements the batch job and closes the wizard.

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Setting up the external approval of invoices 57

See Also
Setting up external approval options
Setting up the external approval of invoices
Setting up users for external approval
Setting up user groups for external approval
Setting up proxy users for external approval

© 2015 AXtension bv
58 Invoice Processing User Manual

14 Setting up the email approval of invoices

14.1 Setting up the standard AX configuration

E-mail parameters
E-mails are sent using the standard AX e-mail system. This requires a valid configuration
of the standard AX e-mail parameters:
System administration > Setup > System > E-mail parameters

E-mail distribution batch job

E-mails are sent using the standard AX e-mail system. This requires starting the 'E-mail
distributor batch' batch job.
System administration > Periodic > E-mail processing > Batch

Line item notification (options per user)

The invoice approval and invoice line approval e-mails contain a link to open the AX
In order for this link to work in invoice line approval e-mails, the user must set the 'Line-
item notification type' to Individual in his or her user options.

14.2 Setting up the AXtension® Invoice Processing Configuration

Company independent parameters

The parameters for e-mail approval must be set on the 'E-mail approval' tab
Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > Company independent

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up the email approval of invoices 59

The -emails that are sent by the system are generated using the standard AX e-mail
templates system.
E-mail approval uses three different templates:

a. Invoice approval e-mail

b. Invoice line approval e-mail
c. E-mail with error message

A new default template can be created using the 'Create e-mail template' function in
case no template is assigned yet in the ip parameters. The default templates will be
created only for the standard language 'en-us'.
The e-mail templates can be modified using the standard AX functionality:
Organization administration > Setup > E-mail templates
Note: A set of place holders is supported in the e-mail templates. See below for more

Users for e-mail approval

Maintain the users who can use the invoice approval using e-mail
Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > External approval of invoices
> Users for e-mail approval

External approval batch job

E-mails from the e-mail approval inbox are processed through a batch job. This batch
job must be running in order for the e-mail approval functionality to work. The batch job
must be started using:

© 2015 AXtension bv
60 Invoice Processing User Manual

Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > External approval of invoices
> External workflow infrastructure configuration wizard
Note: This is the same batch job that handles the invoice approval using the App

14.3 E-mail template supported placeholders

A placeholder is formatted as: %<placeholder>%

Pla c e holde rs for inv oic e (line ) a pprov a l t e m pla t e :

Placeholder Source Data field Remark

occured AX Notification AlertCreatedDateTim
event e
for AX Notification AlertedFor
LinkToBusinessData IP invoice Drill down to the
invoice in AX client
Must be placed
within a <A
%> tag. The tag is
part of the
template to allow
LinkToAlert IP invoice Drill down to alert
list in AX client
Note: Must be
placed within a <A
tag. The tag is part
of the template to
allow styling.
subject IP invoice Subject
instruction IP invoice Description
company IP invoice CompanyId
vendoraccount IP invoice vendAccount
vendorname IP invoice Vendor name
invoiceid IP invoice Invoice
invoicetype IP invoice Invoice type name
description IP invoice Txt
voucher IP invoice Voucher

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up the email approval of invoices 61

Placeholder Source Data field Remark

currency IP invoice CurrencyCode
invoicedate IP invoice documentDate()
duedate IP invoice DueDate
amount IP invoice amount()
salestaxtotal IP invoice taxAmountCur()
invoiceheader IP invoice This will add a pre-
defined section
with invoice header
formatted as a
table with two
Note: This can be
used in stead of all
the individual 'IP
placeholders listed
matching_details This will add a
section with
matching details
information. It
consists of general
information and all
of the matching
* only for inv oic e s
w it h a pplic a ble
inv oic e t y pe
line_to_approve This will show the
(single) matching
line that needs
*Line a pprov a l only
salestax_details This will add a
section containing
all sales tax lines
journal_lines This will add a
section containing
all the journal lines
* only for inv oic e s
w it h a pplic a ble
inv oic e t y pe

© 2015 AXtension bv
62 Invoice Processing User Manual

Pla c e holde rs for e rror m e ssa ge t e m pla t e :

Note: If a placeholder value could not be determined, the value will be set to 'n/a'
Placeholder Source Data field Remark
subject Fixed "Action Failed" (language
error_message System Message for the error(s) that
sender_address Sender e-mail The sender e-mail address of the
e-mail being processed
sender_subject Sender e-mail The subject of the e-mail being
invoiceid IP Invoice Invoice Set if the target invoice could be
email_action Sender e-mail Name of the action to execute as
found in the e-mail subject
action_id Sender e-mail Id of the work item as found in
the e-mail subject
action_code Sender e-mail The action key as found in the e-
mail subject

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Setting up Vendor parameters 63

15 Setting up Vendor parameters

The Vendor details form contains a number of additional settings so invoices can be
processed according to the set procedure.

You can access this form via the menu option: Accounts payable > Common >
Vendors > All vendors

When the All vendors form is displayed, select the Invoice tab as shown and then the
Parameters for vendors ribbon icon.

Field Description
Invoice type Select the invoice type from the drop
down menu. The options are:
Invoice register.
Invoice journal.
Vendor invoice
Post invoice using journal If checked, non PO invoices are posted
directly to accounts using the journal.

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64 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
Invoice amount including sales tax When this box is checked the amounts
on the vendor invoices will include sales
tax. For non vendor invoices the journal
name value is taken from the standard
AX setting.
Submit to workflow after import from You can choose to automatically submit
OCR invoices to the workflow after importing
them from the OCR. The available options
Never - invoices are never submitted.
Always - invoices are always
Success - invoices are submitted after
a successful import.
Use item numbers Use this field to specify the types of item
numbers to be used when importing files
from the OCR. The numbers can be
Internal item numbers


External item numbers

Click OK to close the form.

See Also
Defining user authorizations
Defining workflow settings
Automatic difference posting

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Looking up Vendor accounts 65

16 Looking up Vendor accounts

The Vendor details form lists all of the vendor accounts that you have registered.

You can access this form via the menu option: Accounts payable > Common >
Vendors > All vendors

The All vendors form is displayed as a list showing the Vendor account, Name of the
vendor, whether the vendor is on hold, Their Phone number and, if applicable, the
internal Extension number of your contact.

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66 Invoice Processing User Manual

You can use the icons at the top of the form to perform tasks that include the following
Create new vendor account lines
Maintain the vendor account information
Get an overview of the invoices applicable to the vendor
Add the vendor to another legal entity
Update your contacts set up specific vendor information
List all vendor transactions and any open balances
View their tax, and any other related, information

When you select a vendor a summary of their account information is displayed at the
bottom of the form.

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Searching for Vendor accounts 67

17 Searching for Vendor accounts

The Vendor details form allows you to search for specific vendors that you have

You can access this form via the menu option: Accounts payable > Common >
Vendors > All vendors

The All vendors form is displayed as a list showing the Vendor account, Name of the
vendor, whether the vendor is on hold, Their Phone number and, if applicable, the
internal Extension number of your contact.

In the top, right corner of the overview is the filter where you can tailor the vendors that
are listed. Simply enter some sample text to help you narrow your results, select Vendor
account from the drop down menu and then click the arrow button to perform the
search. The overview is immediately tailored to your search criteria and the arrow icon
changes to a cross. Clicking the cross will negate your current list and all of your
registered vendors will again be displayed.

When you select a vendor a summary of their account information is displayed at the
bottom of the form.

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68 Invoice Processing User Manual

18 Setting up the Invoice totals tolerances

You can now post differences between a purchase order and vendor invoice automaically,
based on a percentage, with the limits of an absolute amount.

Note that the total amount limits the percentage. In order for this functionality to work
correctly, you must set both the percentage and the amount.

You can define these settings from the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice matching
> Invoice totals tolerances menu.

Click Invoice totals tolerances to display the following form.

The File menu contains all of the standard creation, deletion and maintenance options.
The New and Delete buttons let you perform these two tasks without accessing the File

Field Description
Invoice totals tolerance percentage This is the acceptable percentage of
variance between the purchase order
totals and the actual vendor invoice
totals. This value is read only and its use
is activated on the Invoice validation
tab of the Accounts payable
parameters setup form.
Valid for Vendor account code. Options available
are: Table, Group or All.
Account relation Vendor account or vendor price tolerance

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Setting up the Invoice totals tolerances 69

Name Name of the vendor account or name of
the vendor price tolerance group.
Invoice totals percentage This is the acceptable percentage of
variance between the expected invoice
totals and the actual totals.
Invoice total tolerance amount The amount by which the invoice total
amount can exceed a matched total
purchase price.
Use total tolerance amount If checked the tolerance amount will be
used on the invoice total.

Click Close to leave the form.

See Also
Setting up Invoice round-off tolerances
Defining workflow settings
Vendor details

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70 Invoice Processing User Manual

19 Setting up Invoice round-off tolerances

The IP clerk must be able to allow for a certain variance between the IP invoice amount
and the AX vendor invoice amount when the invoice is posted. This saves the clerk the
task of having to make adjustments for every monetary difference in the Vendor invoice.
Instead, a variance limit below which the difference must lie is automatically posted using
the Invoice round-off tolerances feature and the difference is set in the form's Invoice
total round-off amount field.

You can define the variance values to be used in the Accounts payable > Setup >
Invoice processing > Invoice round-off tolerances menu.

Click Invoice round-off tolerances to display the form.

The Invoice round-off tolerances form lets you specify the round-off variances allowed
for each account, meaning that you can now post differences between an the IP invoice
and the Vendor invoice automatically, based on the specified variance.

The File menu contains all of the standard creation, deletion and maintenance options.
The New and Delete buttons let you perform these two tasks without accessing the File

Field Description
Valid for Vendor account code. Options available
are: Table, Group or All.
Account relation Vendor account or vendor price tolerance
Name Name of the vendor account or name of
the vendor price tolerance group.
Invoice totals percentage This is the acceptable percentage of

© 2015 AXtension bv
Setting up Invoice round-off tolerances 71

variance between the expected invoice

totals and the actual invoice totals. If
the Use total round-off amount box is
checked, both the percentage and the
round off total values will be considered
and the lower value will be applied. If no
percentage value is given, the total
round-off amount amount will be applied.
Invoice total round-off amount The amount by which the invoice total
amount can exceed a matched total
purchase invoice price.
Use total round-off amount If checked, the round-off amount you
have set in the Invoice total round-off
amount field will be considered and, if it
is lower than the percentage amount,
this total round-off value will be applied.
In either case, the lower amount will
always be applied.

When matching is done, the matching difference between the IP invoice amount and the
AX vendor invoice amount is automatically calculated. As stated above, if the variance is
within the given parameters, the difference amount is automatically placed in the Invoice
totals round-off amount field. This means that the variance posting is handled in
standard AX.

You can also manually add an equivalent Round-off amount in the Totals form of the
vendor invoice as shown. Note that the value that you add to this form overrides the
tolerance that you may have specified in the setup form, as this could potentially
compromise the validity of the AX invoice.

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72 Invoice Processing User Manual

The matching validation performs a number of different checks that must all be passed for
the matching validation to be confirmed as OK. This includes the following checks:
1. Total invoice amounts including sales tax.
2. Total invoice amounts excluding sales tax.
3. VAT amounts for each individual sales tax code present on the invoice.

The allowed variance tolerance will be taken into account during check 1 (total invoice
amounts including sales tax).

The checks per sales tax code (check 3) will ONLY ALLOW a tolerance to be applied if the
total invoice amounts including VAT (done in check 1) ARE NOT an exact match (e.g. it
was validated due to a tolerance).

Although the gross amounts can be the same, the sales tax amounts can be different. On
posting, if the invoice passes all of the tolerance checks the actual sales tax value on the
Invoice Processing invoice will be pushed to the vendor invoice and any NET difference
will be added to the round-off field. In this scenario, both the gross and net amounts will
match and the invoice can be posted.

See Also
Setting up the Invoice totals tolerances
Defining workflow settings
Vendor details

© 2015 AXtension bv
Assigning user roles 73

20 Assigning user roles

Invoice Processing has four security roles:
IP clerk - responsible for importing, registering, coding, posting and matching of the
invoice. This user can also edit the invoice settings for each vendor.
Manager - responsible for maintaining the invoice.
IP agent - responsible for coding, approving and maintaining the invoice.
Administrator - responsible for changing the general IP parameters and define external

You can assign users to specific roles using the standard Dynamics AX system
management tools, which you can find by following this path: System administration >
Setup > Security > Assign users to roles.

For more information on setting up users, see the standard Dynamics AX user

See Also
Defining workflow settings
Automatic difference posting
Vendor details

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74 Invoice Processing User Manual

21 Customizing your workflow

You can define the settings for the authorization workflow to be followed using the
Workflow option on the Setup menu: Accounts payable > Setup > Accounts payable
workflows. From this screen you can determine the sequence and the authorization of
the workflow you will use to authorize purchase invoices by either creating a new
workflow or editing an existing one.

The form contains icons that let you perform the following Invoice Processing actions:

Icons Description

New Opens a form where you can select a template on which to

base a new workflow.

Edit Lets you modify the elements in the currently selected


Delete Lets you delete the currently selected workflow.

Versions Provides an overview of the versions of the selected workflow.

Set as default Sets the currently selected workflow as the default.

Associate Lets you set up any associates for the workflow.

Import Lets you import a template to use as the basis for a new
workflow. You can choose to create a new configuration if
there is a version conflict.

Workflow View the active workflow.

Refresh Refreshes the current overview.

Export to Microsoft Lets you export the currently selected workflow to an Excel
Excel spreadsheet.

Attachments Lets you open and/or view any documents attached to the

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Customizing your workflow 75

The overview area lists the currently available workflow configurations. You can choose
which workflows are active.

You can use the filter just above the workflow overview to ensure you are only viewing
the workflows that are of interest to you and then choose to either create a New
workflow or Edit an existing one.

Field Description

Status Shows if the workflow contains any errors.

Default If checked, denoted that this is the default workflow for this

Workflow ID ID identifying a workflow configuration.

Name Name of the workflow.

Association The association for the workflow.

Type Name of a workflow type in the AOT.

Instances The number of workflow instances currently running.

Active version The currently active version of the workflow.

When you choose to create a new invoice, the Create workclow list box is displayed for
you to select the type of workflow you want to create.

Select the name of the workflow and then hit the Create workflow button. A basic
workflow layout containing only Start and End elements is then displayed.

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76 Invoice Processing User Manual

The Workflow elements that you can use in your customization are listed on the left
side of the workflow design area and you can drag and drop them onto the canvas as
required. To connect the elements, hold the cursor over an element until the connection
points appear, then click a connection point and drag it to another element to create a
link. Continue in this manner to build your workflow.

Below the design area is a field that lists any potential Errors and warnings. If you are
at any moment unsure of your steps, this area will contain helpful information as to how
you can proceed.

For more details on using this screen to create specific workflows, see the sections listed

See Also
Authorizing and automating invoice posting
Authorizing invoice posting using a subworkflow
Authorizing payment
Specifying external approvers
Viewing the workflow history of an invoice

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Customizing your workflow 77

21.1 Authorizing and automating invoice posting

After you have created an invoice (and it is listed in the Invoice Processing overview),
you can activate the workflow using the Submit button.

You can tailor the currently available workflows that are listed in the Accounts payable
workflows overview to meet the needs and/or specifications of your organization. The
following example shows a typical workflow that you can create. The workflows covered
in this section deals specifically with posting invoices. In this example, the workflow
includes a series of decision steps that allow the invoice to travel through the approval
sequence smoothly and efficiently.

This screen contains icons that let you:

Navigate one Level up or Level down from your current location.
Copy, Cut, Paste or Delete a workflow element.
Use the Toolbox to display the elements that can be used in the workflow.
Display the Properties of any task in the workflow.
Display the Error pane, which will be appended to the bottom of the screen.
Configure the Basic Settings of a workflow element.

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78 Invoice Processing User Manual

Specify the Activation schedule of the workflow.

Specify when Notifications about a workflow element should be sent. You can send a
notification when an automated task is either executed or canceled.
Add any relevant Notes. When you add a note to a workflow it is also automatically
added to the notes area for the specific invoice. An icon is also automatically displayed
in the overview list to show that a comment has been added. The user ID of the person
who added the note is also added.

The main Invoice Processing elements that you can use to customize your workflow are:

> Approve vendor invoice - approves the vendor invoice. When this step is added to
the workflow, the invoice remains editable so that it can be edited and/or updated as
allowed by the workflow status.
> Approve vendor invoice (external) - this step specifies that the invoice can also
be approved by an external user. An active standard AX user who is also an external IP
user can also approve invoices via an external device.

Automated tasks
> Evaluate policy rules for invoices - automatically evaluates the policies for vendor
> Post vendor invoices - automatically posts the vendor invoice. For more
information, see the section titled Posting an invoice.

Flow controls
> Conditional decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the system will
decide which branch to use based on specified conditions.
> Manual decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the user must decide
which branch to use.
> Parallel activity - this element allows two or more activities to be run at the same
> Subworkflow - a subworkflow runs within the context of another workflow. For more
information on using subworkflows see the sections titled Authorizing invoice posting
using a subworkflow and Authorizing payment.

> Review document - adds a document review step.

This element list will vary slightly depending on the type of workflow or subworkflow you
are building and the subset applicable to each workflow type is listed in each of the
relevant sections of this user manual.

To modify the currently open workflow you can simply drag and drop the workflow
elements onto the workflow and position them as required. A newly added element will be
outlined in yellow and when you position your cursor over it four linking points will appear,
one on each side of the element. When you click on one of these link points and drag your
mouse over your screen a connection will be initiated and you can then link your new
element to the existing elements. Adding and linking elements in this way will help you to
easily and efficiently create your customized workflow.

Once a invoice has been submitted to a workflow you can work with it using either
Dynamics AX or the Invoice Processing Enterprise portal. For details on using the portal

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Customizing your workflow 79

see the section titled, Using the Enterprise Portal.

The following Invoice processing workflows are standard workflows and can also be used
as sub-workflows:
Invoice Processing workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice approval journal workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice journal workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice register journal workflow.
Vendor invoice workflow.

This means that you can incorporate standard workflow functionality in your Invoice
processing workflow and use the appropriate vendor tables as required. For example,
when adding a Conditional decision to your workflow, you can use the Properties
option in the pop up menu attached to that control to apply data from vendor tables for
each of the invoice types listed above.

If you use one of the standard journal workflows it is a prerequisite to define the selected
workflow in the journal name setup.

When the invoice is ready for payment to be authorized, you can initiate the payment
workflow as described in the section titled Authorizing payment.

See Also
Authorizing invoice posting using a subworkflow

21.1.1 Authorizing invoice posting using a subworkflow

When all of the manual updates are complete in your subworkflow, you can then either
post the invoice manually or add the payment authorization step to your subworkflow.
You can then activate the step using the Submit button in your main workflow.

The following Invoice processing workflows are standard workflows and can also be used
as sub-workflows:
Invoice Processing workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice approval journal workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice journal workflow.
[IP] Vendor invoice register journal workflow.
Vendor invoice workflow.

The Invoice Processing elements that you can use to customize your subworkflow are
very similar to those available for your main workflow, however the Vendor invoice
workflow is the only subworkflow that contains the full compliment of workflow elements,
including icons for Line-item workflows and Tasks.

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80 Invoice Processing User Manual

The other subworkflows will allow you to use a subset of the following elements.

> Approve vendor invoice - approves the vendor invoice. When this step is added to
the workflow, the invoice remains editable so that it can be edited and/or updated as
allowed by the workflow status.
> Approve vendor invoice (external) - this step specifies that the invoice can also
be approved by an external user. An active standard AX user who is also an external IP
user can also approve invoices via an external device.

Automated tasks
> Identify - identifies the invoice. For more information, see the section titled
Identifying an invoice.
> Post - posts the vendor invoice. For more information, see the section titled Posting
an invoice.
> Register - registers the invoice. For more information, see the section titled
Registering an invoice.

Flow controls
> Conditional decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the system will
decide which branch to use based on specified conditions.
> Manual decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the user must decide

© 2015 AXtension bv
Customizing your workflow 81

which branch to use.

> Parallel activity - this element allows two or more activities to be run at the same
> Subworkflow - a subworkflow runs within the context of another workflow.

Line-item workflows
> Vendor invoice line - sets up a workflow for a vendor invoice.

> Review vendor invoice - adds a document review step to review the vendor invoice
> Review vendor invoice matching - adds a document review step to review the
vendor invoice matching.

As when you are customizing your main workflow, to modify the currently open
subworkflow you can simply drag and drop the workflow elements onto the subworkflow,
position them and connect then as required.

21.2 Authorizing payment

The Invoice payment workflow is a simple approval workflow that you can use to add the
payment authorization step to your subworkflow. You can then activate the step using
the Submit button in your main workflow.

The basic payment workflow will have a single approval step, as shown in the example

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82 Invoice Processing User Manual

The payment subworkflow contains the following workflow elements.

> Approve payment for vendor invoice - approves the vendor invoice. When this
step is added to the workflow, the invoice remains editable so that it can be edited
and/or updated as allowed by the workflow status.
> Approve payment for vendor invoice (external) - this step specifies that the
invoice can also be approved by an external user. An active standard AX user who is
also an external IP user can also approve invoices via an external device.

Flow controls
> Conditional decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the system will
decide which branch to use based on specified conditions.
> Manual decision - the workflow is split into two branches and the user must decide
which branch to use.
> Parallel activity - this element allows two or more activities to be run at the same
> Subworkflow - a subworkflow runs within the context of another workflow. For more
information, see the section titled Authorizing invoice posting using a subworkflow.

As when customizing your main workflow, to modify the payment subworkflow you can
simply drag and drop the workflow elements onto the canvas and position them as

© 2015 AXtension bv
Customizing your workflow 83

required, then click a connection point and drag it to another element to create a link.

21.3 Specifying external approvers

Usually, when an administrative assistant scans invoices they are saved as PDF files and
digitally imported into Dynamics AX, where they automatically enter the workflow. At the
right moment approvers are notified that the invoices are ready for approval and they can
then be digitally reviewed and signed. External approvers can view and sign invoices
anytime and everywhere.

External approvers may or may not have a working knowledge of Dynamics AX, but may
simply need the ability to deal with invoices as and when necessary, which can mean via
a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet. An active standard AX user who is also
an external IP user can also approve invoices via an external device.

You can specify external approvers from the workflow screen by selecting the external
approval step you want to specify and using the following menu ribbon icons:
The Toolbox icon opens a sidebar to the left of the main display area that shows the
steps available for use in the currently displayed workflow. This sidebar will be removed
when the Toolbox icon is de-selected.
The Properties icon opens a screen where you can specify the properties of the
selected workflow step. The Properties screen will be immediately closed Properties
icon is de-selected. If this happens all of your settings will be retained until you re-open
the screen.
The Error pane icon appends a tab to the bottom of the screen, which displays all
errors and warnings associated with the workflow. This appended tab will be removed
when the Error pane icon is de-selected.

To specify the properties of a specific external approval step, first select the step and
then click the Properties menu icon. This displays the Properties screen for that
specific workflow step only. The most important settings you must specify are the user or
group that will perform the approval task and their role.

First, select the Participant option on the Assignment type tab as shown.

Note that the settings you specify on the Role based, Time limit and Completion
policy tabs will all apply to the type of user you select on this tab. Therefore, the setup
options on these tabs will now all apply to the Participant you are setting up, be that an
individual or a group.

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84 Invoice Processing User Manual

Then, move to the Role based tab to specify the Type of participant role to be
performed and how the approver will access the invoice. Use the drop down menus to
specify whether the participant is an individual external user or an external user group and
if they are general approvers, external approvers or both.

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Customizing your workflow 85

The Time limit tab lets you specify the deadline for the approval task to be completed.

Finally, you can specify how many approvers can perform the task.

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86 Invoice Processing User Manual

Click Close to apply your settings and close the screen.

21.4 Viewing the workflow history of an invoice

The View history menu option can be accessed from the Invoice processing over screen.

Just above the invoice overview is a yellow bar that reflects the status of the currently
selected invoice. After you have submitted an invoice to a workflow the menu button on
the far right side of this bar automatically switches to read Actions. You can now use
this button to access the View history of the invoice you have just submitted or any
other invoice that is in a workflow.

Clicking the View history option will display the history for the the currently selected
invoice. This is a standard screen and you can get details on it from the standard
Dynamics AX documentation. However, AXtension® Invoice processing has extended the
functionality to show the log history of the complete workflow, including and expanding
any sub-workflows. This expansion also allows you to see all of the relevant invoice
approvers at all levels.

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Customizing your workflow 87

This expanded view is also available from the Workflow log form.

As you can see, if there is a case where the workflow has a sub-workflow on the Vendor
invoice and a line workflow on the Vendor invoice lines, the total view is displayed.

Note that this expanded view is only displayed if the top level workflow is an AXtension®
Invoice Processing workflow.

If an invoice has the status Submit. the yellow bar will NOT be displayed in any of the
sub flow documents. When the sub workflow is active, the yellow bar is reactivated.

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88 Invoice Processing User Manual

22 Using the Invoice processing form

The Invoice processing form can be reached using the following path: Accounts payable
> Common > Vendor invoices > Invoice processing.

You can also open this form from the vendor transaction, where you can use the Inquiry
> Invoice Processing option to track the steps an invoice has taken. When you open
the form using this option, the overview will be filtered to view the information of the
invoice you had selected.

The form contains four tabs and three main areas:

The Vendor invoice tab
The Actions tab
The Open invoice tab
The Import tab
The icon ribbon
The overview area
The details area.

The contents of this overview is listed sorted on the Recid. This means that new invoices
will always be shown at the top of the list. Of course, you are free to reset the list
criteria to suit your preferred way of working. The filter lets you customize the invoices
you see listed in the overview.

Just above the overview is a yellow bar that reflects the status of the currently selected
invoice. If the selected invoice is currently in a workflow an icon will be displayed in this
bar. On the far right side of this bar is a menu button that will either let you submit the

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 89

currently selected invoice to the workflow or view the workflow history of the invoice. If
an invoice has the status Submit. the yellow bar will NOT be displayed in any of the sub
flow documents. When the sub workflow is active, the yellow bar is reactivated. For more
details on viewing the workflow history see the section titled Viewing the workflow history
of an invoice.

When submitting an invoice to a workflow a comment box will be displayed so that you
can add any data or descriptive information. When you click Submit the comment box is
closed and the menu button automatically switches to read Actions. You can now use
this button to either Cancel the submission or access the View history of the invoice
you have just submitted.

The Show invoices filter allows you to filter the status of the invoices that will be listed.
For example, you can use this filter to either filter out or view all settled invoices. Bear in
mind that if you have opened this form from the vendor transaction, via the Inquiry >
Invoice Processing option, an already settled invoice may not be shown, depending on
the filter you have set.

The overview area contains many fields, some of which contain icons denoting status or
attachment information.

Field Description
Legal entity Company in which you are working.
On hold This box is checked if the invoice is
currently on hold.
Review process status Shows the status of the review process
for the vendor invoice. This icon will be
displayed when an invoice has been
submitted to a workflow.
Workflow assignment Shows the workflow assignment for the
current user. There are two icons that
can be displayed in this field. The two
icons specify when you must perform an
action in the current workflow step or
when you are in a workflow queue that
has not yet been claimed.

© 2015 AXtension bv
90 Invoice Processing User Manual

Notes Shows that there are notes attached to

the invoice.
Breakdown lines Shows that this invoice contains
breakdown lines. If an invoice has
breakdown lines, they are listed in the
information area below the overview list.
Owner User ID of the owner of the invoice. The
owner of the invoice is automatically set
to the person who is t he first use r to
edit the invoice. To ensure that this field
is updated with the invoice owner's ID,
you must first activate the Assign
invoice owner checkbox on the Invoice
processing parameters > General tab.
The Owner field cannot be manually

Note that if the invoice is subsequently

opened by another user, this field will not
be updated. However, if the invoice is
returned to the New status, the field will
be emptied and then repopulated with
the ID of the first user to edit the new
Voucher Voucher number given in the ledger.
Invoice Invoice ID.
Description Short description of the transaction.
Vendor account Vendor's account number.
Vendor name Name of the vendor.
Invoice type The invoice type will not be editable as it
will have been previously selected from a
list of invoice types specified in the
Invoice types setup form, which you
can find by following the path: Accounts
payable > Setup > Invoice processing
> Invoice types. For more information
on setting up the invoice types that will
be listed in this field, see the section
titled Setting up invoice types.
Process step Currently active step in the invoice
Invoice status Current status of the IP invoice. An IP
invoice can have one of the following

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 91

In review

Note that once the IP invoice moves to

the status of Identified it is no longer
editable and certain actions such as
changing the posting date must be
performed in standard AX.
Payment workflow state This field allows the IP clerk to see if an
invoice has been approved or rejected
for payment in the workflow. When the
status of the invoice changes in the
workflow, the status shown in this
column is automatically updated. The IP
clerk can then either start the payment
process or evaluate the next actions for
the rejected invoice. The payment status
will be one of the following:
Not submitted
In review

If the status is Approved, then the Pay

column is checked accordingly.

Note that these labels can also be used

as filters to tailor the invoices that are
listed in the invoice overview.
Pay This checkbox indicates that the
workflow used has the step Pay.
Active journal Currently active invoice journal type.
This can be either the invoice register or
the invoice approval journal.
Debit Debit amount in currency stated.
Credit Credit amount in currency stated.
Currency Currency code.
Invoice date Date of invoice.
Due date Expiration date of the suppliers invoice.
Method of payment Payment method selected by the vendor.
Amount not settled Outstanding amount given in the
transaction currency.
Payment hold The type of hold that exists on the

© 2015 AXtension bv
92 Invoice Processing User Manual

account. This can be a hold on all

payments for a vendor, a hold on an
invoice, or both.
Purchase pool The purchase order pool in which the
vendor's purchase orders will be placed.
Site ID of vendor's site for the import session.

The information area at the bottom of the form contains a subset of the following fields
depending on the invoice selected in the overview area.

Field Description
Vendor account Vendor's account number.
Currency Currency code.
Invoice amount Amount outstanding on the invoice in
transaction currency.
Posting date Date when the invoice will be posted in
the General ledger, Accounts payable
or Inventory management.
Invoice date Date of invoice.
Due date Expiration date of the suppliers invoice.
Date Posting date.
Voucher Voucher number.
Description Short description of the transaction.
Account type Offset account type.
Account Account ID of the transaction.
Debit Debit amount in currency stated.
Credit Credit amount in currency stated.
Offset account type The account type of the selected
account. For instance, ledger, customer
or vendor account.
Offset account Offset account ID of the transaction.
Sales tax group This is supplied by the vendor.
Item sales tax group Given by the parameter in the general
Item number ID number of the item.
Item name Descriptive name of the item.
Procurement category Type of item.
Quantity Number of units purchased.
Unit price Purchase price per item.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 93

Net amount Net amount for the item after discounts

have been subtracted.

This section contains details on the following areas and the icons represented in the . You
can go directly to these sections using the following links:
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log
Using the Actions tab

© 2015 AXtension bv
94 Invoice Processing User Manual

22.1 Creating or editing an invoice

The forms used to create and edit invoices are very similar.

To create a new invoice you must click the Create an invoice icon on the Vendor
invoice tab. To edit an existing invoice, you can either select the invoice you want to
open from the invoice overview and click the Edit icon or double click the invoice line
itself. The first time that an invoice is opened for editing the user who performed the
operation is automatically set as its owner.

To perform either task you will open the Purchase invoice form. When creating a new
invoice the form looks like this.

When you are editing an invoice, this version of the form contains two extra fields in the
Amounts from ledger journal group and also gives you access to the main Invoice
processing Vendor invoice tab icon ribbon. If you are editing an invoice of type Vendor
invoice, the Amounts from ledger journal group will be labeled Amounts from Vendor

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 95

You will also notice that both of these purchase invoice forms contain a header tab titled
Quick entry, which you can use to either enter the basic information related to the new
invoice or, in the case of editing an existing invoice, viewing this basic information. When
creating a new invoice, where possible, the Vendor account you select will automatically
enter specific relevant data into various form fields. For example, predefined information,
such as the appropriate Company, Name, Item sales tax group and Payment details
will be automatically entered into the form. This will significantly reduce the time needed
to create the invoice. Note that some of the predefined data will be grayed out and
therefore not editable.

All of the fields from both versions of the form are described in the following table.

Field Description
Company Company related to the Vendor account
selected in the Quick entry tab.
Vendor account Vendor's account number.
Name Name of the vendor.
Invoice type Depending on the invoice type you select
in this drop down menu, the invoice may
or may not be automatically posted using
either the Invoice approval journal or
Vendor invoice matching.

© 2015 AXtension bv
96 Invoice Processing User Manual

The options available in the menu will

have been previously configured by your
system administrator in the Field
Mapping Definitions table. For more
details on importing field mapping
definitions, see the related sections
titled Importing field mapping definitions
and Importing mapping definition relation.
Invoice Vendor's invoice number.
Process step Invoice ID.
Invoice status The current status of the IP invoice is
automatically filled in. An IP invoice can
have one of the following states:
In review

Note that once the IP invoice moves to

the status of Identified it is no longer
editable and certain actions such as
changing the posting date must be
performed in standard AX.
Payment ID ID of the payment.
Sales tax group This is supplied by the vendor.
Item sales tax group Given by the parameter in the general
Tax exempt number Select the applicable Tax exempt
number from the drop down list.
Debit Debit amount in currency stated.
Credit Credit amount in currency stated.
Currency Currency code.
Forced rate If checked the forced exchange rate will
be used.
Exchange rate Cost in the currency stated.
Secondary exchange rate Exchange rate used for the secondary
part of the currency calculation, when
triangulation is used.
Invoice amount include sales tax If checked the total invoice amount
given will include sales tax.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 97

The vendor invoice is linked to the

standard AX vendor invoice, however,
the sales tax amount that you enter is
not linked to the standard AX document.
You can select or deselect this check
box depending on if you want the vendor
invoice amounts to include the sales tax
amounts from the AXtension® Invoice
processing form.

If the invoice type is set to Vendor

invoice this value is defaulted from the
vendor parameters. Otherwise, the value
is set from the journal name parameters.
It cannot then be changed.
Amount including sales tax Total invoice amount including sales tax.
Amount excluding sales tax Total invoice amount excluding sales tax.
Calculated sales tax amount Total sales tax calculated for the invoice.
Actual sales tax amount Actual amount of sales tax applied to the
Amount in transaction currency - Edit Total invoice amount in currency used for
invoice form only the transaction.
Total actual sales tax amount- Edit Total actual sales tax amount taken from
invoice form only the journal.
Posting date Date when the invoice will be posted in
General ledger
Accounts payable or
Inventory management.
Invoice date Date of invoice.
Due date Expiration date of the suppliers invoice.
Offset account type The account type of the selected
account. For instance, ledger, customer
or vendor account.
Offset account Offset account ID the the transaction.
Expected number of lines in matching Specify the number of lines that are
expected to be in the matching details
(vendor invoice). This field only contains
a value during an OCR import and
contains the quantity of line nodes from
the invoice. If there are no lines in the
XML file, the value is 0.
Purchase pool Select the vendor's applicable Purchase
pool. The purchase pool is where
purchase orders for the selected vendor

© 2015 AXtension bv
98 Invoice Processing User Manual

are placed and the value in this field is

taken from the vendor's setup data. You
can use purchase pools to group
purchase orders or for filtering and
selection. For example, if a workflow
must be changed for a single invoice.

The Purchase pool and Site fields can

no longer be changed once you have
submitted the invoice and it is in the
workflow or if the invoice has been
Site Site ID.
Adjust workflow process This check box is available when an
invoice is not in the workflow and/or not

This option allows you to skip certain

workflow steps that may already be
complete. For example, if you have an
approved invoice that must have its date
changed you can choose the Reset
workflow icon, select the checkbox,
change the date as required and then
resubmit the invoice to the workflow.
Description Brief description of the invoice.
Use payment workflow Check this box to use a workflow to
approve the invoice for payment.
Terms of payment Code specifying the payment terms.
Method of payment Select the payment method from the
drop down list.
Payment specification Select the payment specification from
the drop down list.
Cash discount Cash discount code.
Cash discount date Date when the cash discount should be
Cash discount amount Discount amount in the transaction
Discount percentage Percentage discount.
Bank account Vendor's bank account into which the
invoice should be paid.
Bank account number Account number assigned by the bank to
the account.
SWIFT code SWIFT code, also known as the BIC
(Bank Identifier Code).

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Using the Invoice processing form 99

IBAN International Bank Account Number. This

can be a maximum of 34 alphanumeric

There are also seven buttons at the top of this form:

Create lets you create the new invoice and keeps the form open so you can
immediately create another new invoice. This saves a lot of time when you have to
create several invoices as you can do them all in the same operation rather than having
to open the form for each new invoice.

Lines lets you immediately update the lines attached to your new invoice.

Matching details lets you already match purchase orders and receipts to the invoice.

Financial dimensions displays a form where you can enter the account information for
the applicable company.

Sales tax lets you enter the sales tax information for the company.

Prepayments lets you enter the prepayment information for the company.

Scanned invoice lets you view a scanned invoice if one is available.

Note that when you select to create a new invoice using the Quick entry feature one or
more of these buttons will be disabled as the relevant information will be automatically
entered into the form.

See Also
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

22.2 Maintaining invoices

The icons in the Maintain group let you perform the following tasks:
Edit an existing invoice.
Open the journal associated with the selected invoice. This icon is disabled when the
invoice type is either a Vendor invoice or a Prepayment invoice.
Perform all invoice matching tasks, such as updating, printing, editing and performing
View and/or delete invoices.
Create or edit breakdown lines into accounts for journals or sales tax specifications.

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100 Invoice Processing User Manual

Change the posting date for an invoice or for all invoices.

Update an invoice to SharePoint.

Much of the information given on the respective maintenance and invoice matching
screens is standard Microsoft Dynamics functionality and you can get precise details of
how they work from their documentation. However, the Invoice Processing information
field group is specific to AXtension® Invoice Processing.

Field Description
Invoice type The invoice type will not be editable as it
will have been previously selected from a
list of invoice types specified in the
Invoice types setup form, which you
can find by following the path: Accounts
payable > Setup > Invoice processing
> Invoice types. For more information
on setting up the invoice types that will
be listed in this field, see the section
titled Setting up invoice types.
Invoice status This field is automatically filled in and
shows the current status of the IP
invoice. An IP invoice can have one of
the following states:
In review

Note that once the IP invoice moves to

the status of Identified it is no longer

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Using the Invoice processing form 101

editable and certain actions such as

changing the posting date must be
performed in standard AX.
Invoice amount including sales tax If checked the purchase invoices will be
handled via the invoice journal. If
unchecked the invoice will be handled via
the registration and approval journals.
Debit Debit amount in currency stated.
Credit Credit amount in currency stated.
Amount including sales tax Total invoice amount including sales tax.
Calculated sales tax amount Total sales tax calculated for this
Actual sales tax amount Actual amount of sales tax applied to the
Expected number of lines in matching Specify the number of lines that you
expect to be in the matching details
(vendor invoice). This field only contains
a value during an OCR import and
contains the quantity of line nodes from
the invoice. If there are no lines in the
XML file, the value is 0.

All of these tasks are described in the following sections.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Associated journals
Matching invoice details
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Changing a posting date
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log
Using the Actions tab

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102 Invoice Processing User Manual

22.2.1 Associated journals

The Journal icon is only available in the icon ribbon when the journal icon is shown in the
first field of the invoice line, otherwise the icon is grayed out and cannot be selected.
This will open the standard AX journal associated with the invoice (only one). This will be
either the Invoice journal, Invoice register journal, Invoice approval journal or the
vendor Invoice matching form.

A typical journal will look like this.

The Journal icon is disabled when the invoice type is either a Vendor invoice or a
Prepayment invoice.

See Also
Defining workflow settings
Vendor details

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Using the Invoice processing form 103

22.2.2 Matching invoice details

The Vendor invoice form is used to match invoices to specific purchase orders. The
details for the selected invoice are automatically entered into the Vendor invoice
header tab.

The majority of the information given on the respective matching forms is standard
Microsoft Dynamics functionality and you can get precise details of how they work from
their documentation. However, there are several areas that are specific to AXtension®
Invoice Processing.
After you have modified an invoice journal you can validate it by clicking the Validate
icon. This icon works in the same way as the Validate icon on the main invoice
overview form, ensuring that the journal is up to date and that no errors have been
introduced. This action also checks if any linked purchase orders are unconfirmed or
items are stopped, as both of these situations will block the invoice from being posted.
After you click the icon Invoice Processing will assess the journal and then display an
infolog specifying its status. Click Clear to empty the contents of the infolog or click
Close to close the log. Note that the Validate icon in the Matching details form only
validates the current vendor invoice and NOT the next AX document to be posted.
The Invoice Processing information field group located on the right side of the
Vendor invoice header tab is described in the section titled Maintaining invoices.
The second column on the Lines tab (located between the Budget check results and
the Item number columns) will contain an approval icon when that line must be

approved by the currently logged in user. The approval icon looks like this: . When
viewing this form via the Enterprise portal, the Lines tab will have a text column
containing the same icon.

To list all purchase orders related to the current invoice, click the arrow to open the drop
down box attached to the Purchase order field. This will display a drop down box

© 2015 AXtension bv
104 Invoice Processing User Manual

containing all of the matched purchase orders. You can use the Add another purchase
order link beneath the Purchase order field to add another purchase order to this list.
This also applies to the Product receipt field and you can use the Add another product
receipt link to add another product receipt to that list.

Clicking the Add another purchase order link opens the standard AX form. Clicking the
Add another product receipt link will open the (Invoice Processing specific) form for
retrieving vendor receipts. Here, you can add all the purchase orders and product
receipts, and add single lines for an invoice line. On the left you can see all purchase
orders linked to the Vendor. On the right side the first section shows the invoice totals for
both the selected receipt and the overall total. Then the three tabs show:
Vendor product receipts - all open receipts applicable to this vendor.
Vendor – product receipt lines - all open receipt lines applicable to this vendor.
Line details - details of a selected product receipt line.

The Line details tab contains fields that give details of the Remaining quantity, the
Purchase order line and its Status.

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Using the Invoice processing form 105

When you check a purchase order on the left, the related product receipt (lines) will
automatically be checked. Of course you are able to check and uncheck receipts and lines
as needed. When you click OK the Vendor invoice form will be populated with the
appropriate data.

If you now click the Match product receipts ribbon icon, you will see that this form is
now also populated with the appropriate data.

Furthermore, you can also authorize part receipt of an order by editing the Quantity to
match field in the product receipt lines tab. When this field is populated, all related fields
will also be populated. These fields are:

Field Description
Include If checked the selected purchase order
will be included in the invoice.
Purchase order Purchase order ID.
Invoice account Account to be invoiced.
Amount including sales tax Total invoice amount including sales tax
in the transaction currency.
Amount excluding sales tax Total invoice amount excluding sales tax.
Actual sales tax amount (invoice Actual amount of sales tax applied to the
totals) invoice in the transaction currency.
Amount including sales tax (selected Total invoice amount including sales tax
receipts) for the selected receipts in the
transaction currency.
Subtotal amount Subtotal invoice amount for the selected
receipts in the transaction currency.
Discount amount Cash discount included in the vendor
transaction when they are invoiced.
Total charges The total cost of all incidentals
connected with product acquisition.
Actual sales tax amount (selected Actual sales tax applied to the selected
receipts) receipts in the transaction currency.
Total discount Total discount in the transaction
Purchase order Purchase order ID.
Invoice account Vendor's account number.
Vendor name Name if the vendor.
Balance The amount that has not yet been
invoiced for the selected purchase order.

The three tabs contain the following fields.

© 2015 AXtension bv
106 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
Include If checked the selected product receipt
will be included in the invoice.
Product receipt Product receipt ID.
Purchase order Purchase order ID.
Date Date on receipt.
Include If checked the selected product receipt
line will be included in the invoice.
Product receipt Product receipt ID.
Line number Line number associated with product
Purchase order Purchase order ID.
Item Item description.
Unmatched quantity Outstanding quantity in the part order.
Quantity to match Quantity of order that is approved to be
received as part receipt of the order.
Procurement category Category of the item, for example, this
might be a monitor, television or
Invoice remainder Number of units purchased.
Inventory invoice remainder Quantity of the item in the inventory
Line number Line number associated with purchase
Description Description of the item.
Text Description of the line.
External Vendor's item ID.
Line status Line status with regard to delivery and
Stopped If checked the delivery has been
Complete If checked the delivery is complete.
State The current workflow state.
Quality order status Status of the quality orders related to
the record.
Finalized If checked the delivery has been

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Using the Invoice processing form 107

All of the information in this form is also used and/or available when you use the Retrieve
purchase orders and Retrieve product receipts ribbon icons. Both of these forms
contain standard Microsoft Dynamics functionality and you can get precise details of how
they work from their documentation.

When you open the Review tab you will have access to the Matching details icon,
which opens the Invoice matching details form for the selected invoice.

The Invoice totals field group contains certain fields that are specific to AXtension®
Invoice Processing.

Field Description
Sales tax (vendor invoice) Actual calculated amount of sales tax
applied to the selected invoices, in the

© 2015 AXtension bv
108 Invoice Processing User Manual

transaction currency, based on the total

number of Vendor Invoice lines.
Registered sales tax ( Invoice Actual amount of sales tax shown in the
Processing) transaction currency, based on the
Invoice Processing total.

A comparison between the values shown

in the Sales tax (vendor invoice)
amount field and the Registered sales
tax ( Invoice Processing) field should
result in an OK (check) or Not OK (red
asterisk). You can click the ellipsis
button (...) to see a detailed overview.
Invoice amount (vendor invoice) Amount in the transaction currency,
based on the total number of Vendor
Invoice lines.
Registered invoice amount (Invoice Amount in the transaction currency,
Processing) taken from the Invoice Processing

A comparison between the values shown

in the Invoice amount (vendor
invoice) field and the Registered
invoice amount (Invoice Processing)
field should result in an OK (check) or
Not OK (red asterisk). You can click the
ellipsis button (...) to see a detailed

22.2.3 Invoice matching in the Purchase invoice form

The Purchase invoice screen gives detailed information about the specific invoice you
have selected from the purchase order overview on the Invoice processing main page.

Most of the information given on the Purchase invoice screen is standard Microsoft
Dynamics functionality and you can get precise details of how they work from their
documentation. However, the Invoice matching field group is specific to AXtension®
Invoice Processing.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Invoice processing form 109

Field Description
Expected number of lines in matching Specify the number of lines expected to
be in the matching details (vendor
Number of lines in matching The actual number of lines present in the
matching details (vendor invoice).
Match variance This standard check has been extended
in Invoice Processing to include a check
on the invoice and sales tax amounts.

The amounts given in the vendor invoice

should match the Invoice Processing
invoice. A warning icon is shown if the
invoice has either price or quantity
matching discrepancies. A check mark is
shown when there are no discrepancies.

It is also possible to steer the workflow

based on the variance amounts. For
example, you can take preventive action
by adding specific workflow steps or
even a sub-workflow to the Vendor
invoice workflow and the IP workflow, to
avoid an issue if the variance is too high.
Product receipt quantity match A warning icon is shown if the line
quantity differs from the quantity on the
product receipt. A check mark is shown
when the quantities match.
Price total match A warning icon is shown if the invoice line
contains an unmatched price total. A
check mark is shown when the totals

22.2.4 Using the read-only Vendor invoice form

The read-only Vendor invoice form lets you retrieve and view the matching details
associated with any posted invoice. To access this read-only version you can apply a
filter to the Invoice processing form overview and list only the posted invoices. After
highlighting the invoice you want to view, click the Matching details icon to open the
read-only overview.

This form contains all of the information related to the posted invoice, however, none of
the data can be changed. Any relevant workflow information for the selected invoice is
shown in the yellow workflow history bar, just as in the active Vendor invoice form for
an open invoice. If an invoice has the status Submit. the yellow bar will NOT be displayed
in any of the sub flow documents. When the sub workflow is active, the yellow bar is

This form opens on the Line view, but as with an active form, you can also choose to
see the Header view by clicking the icon in the Show group of the icon ribbon. Again,
the Header view contains all of the tabs and fields that are present in an active form,

© 2015 AXtension bv
110 Invoice Processing User Manual

except that the information is read-only.

Since the invoice has been posted, the fact boxes are shown empty in both views,
containing only the purchase order number, the product receipt number and the number of
units that were received.

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Using the Invoice processing form 111

For details on using the Vendor invoice form for an open invoice, see the section titled
Matching invoice details.

22.2.5 Updating an invoice to SharePoint

The Update to SharePoint icon offers you three options for updating metadata:

ECM: Update metadata lets you update invoice meta data only.
ECM: Update permission lets you update invoice permissions only.
ECM: Update metadata and permission lets you update both invoice meta data and
permissions in one operation.

This icon is only available when the selected invoice contains updates to be deposited.

22.3 Validating an invoice

After you have modified an invoice journal you can validate it by clicking the Validate
icon. This ensures that the journal is up to date and that no errors have been introduced.
This action also checks if any linked purchase orders are unconfirmed or items are stopped
as both of these situations will block the invoice from being posted. These validation
checks are also performed when an invoice is validated via the Matching details form.

After you click the icon Invoice Processing will assess the journal and then display an
infolog specifying its status. Click Clear to empty the contents of the infolog or click
Close to close the log.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Identifying an invoice

© 2015 AXtension bv
112 Invoice Processing User Manual

Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

22.4 Identifying an invoice

After the data has been entered, you can find the invoice using the Identify button. The
status of the invoice then changes to Identified. Note that once the IP invoice moves to
the status of Identified it is no longer editable and certain actions such as changing the
posting date must be performed in standard AX.

Sales tax will be calculated after identification. Click Clear to empty the contents of the
infolog and keep it open or click Close to close the log.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

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Using the Invoice processing form 113

22.5 Registering an invoice

You can register invoices using the Register icon.

This icon is greyed out under the following conditions:

If invoice type is not Invoice register.
If the invoice is in workflow.
If the status of the invoice is not Identified.

If the Register step is allowed, then the icon will become available.

After the action is performed the registration journal is then posted an infolog will be
displayed and an Approval journal will be created.

After registration, the invoice status is changed to Registered.

If you have a cost invoice on the approval journal that has newly been created, the
breakdown of the voucher is shown in the Approval journal.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

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114 Invoice Processing User Manual

22.6 Posting an invoice

You can Post an invoice by clicking the ribbon icon.

Invoices can be posted under the following conditions:

The Invoice journal and Vendor invoice must both have status of Identified.
Approval journal must have the status of Registered as described in the section
titled Registering an invoice.

The type of infolog that is displayed will depend on the type of invoice that you post. If
you post to the Invoice journal or Invoice approval journal, the infolog will look like

If you post to the Vendor invoice the infolog will look like this.

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Using the Invoice processing form 115

After selecting the settings that you want to apply, click Post to post the invoice to the
journal. No further infolog will be displayed.

You must bear in mind that if an invoice is linked to a purchase order, the Approval journal
will be deleted.

It is also possible to directly post an invoice that fully matches. The direct posting
functionality automatically performs the Identify and Register steps, and an approval via
the workflow is not needed. This feature makes Invoice Processing even more suitable for
handling very large quantities of invoices because the AX workflow is not needed to do
the automatic invoice handling. This functionality can either be triggered from the Invoice
Processing list page or on successful import from OCR.

To activate this function you must ensure that the Allow direct posting when matching
and/or the Allow direct posting by user check boxes are checked in the General tab of
the Invoice processing parameters setup screen. If required, you should also ensure
that the Submit to direct posting sequence check box on the Import tab is also

The invoice journals are standard Microsoft forms and you can access detailed information
about how to use them via the standard Microsoft documentation. The Invoice journal,
Invoice approval journal and Invoice register all have the same layout. The Approval
journal is shown below as an example of what you will see when you open a journal.

Besides the standard File, New and Delete buttons, the following buttons are also
available regardless of the tab you are working in. However, some buttons will me grayed
out depending on the line you select in the overview.

© 2015 AXtension bv
116 Invoice Processing User Manual

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Changing a posting date
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log
Using the Actions tab

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Using the Invoice processing form 117

22.7 Cancelling an invoice

If an invoice is disapproved it can also be permanently canceled and the outstanding post
will be offset.

To cancel an invoice, select the disapproved invoices then click the Cancel icon. The
invoice will then be posted.

You can also cancel invoices using the Approval journal.

Invoices with a status of Disapproved can be re-included in the workflow by selecting

the invoice, and then clicking the Put in workflow button .

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

© 2015 AXtension bv
118 Invoice Processing User Manual

22.8 Filtering your workflow

The Workflow filter icon group allows you to tailor the invoices listed in the display area.
Filtering can prove very useful when you are working with specific workflows or invoices.
When creating and/or maintaining invoices it can be very helpful to view only a tailored

By default All invoices are listed. Financial administrators are the user group who will find
it most useful to be able to view all invoices, regardless of their status or their current
workflow step. However, you can choose to see only the invoices that are:
In workflow
Assigned to me - approvers have the choice to see only those invoices related
specifically to them.
Assigned to my queues
Assigned to other queues
Assigned to other history

When you click on the appropriate icon the list is automatically updated.

Within the overview area you can also use the Show invoices field to list either All
invoices or Settled only invoices.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log
Using the Actions tab

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Using the Invoice processing form 119

22.9 Viewing a scanned invoice

Click the Scanned Invoice icon to display a digital copy of the invoice document.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

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22.10 Adding comments to an invoice

You can add any descriptive text to an invoice by selecting the invoice and clicking the
Notes icon.

The Comments field lists any existing notes that have been added to the invoice. You
can use the Add new note field to append any new information. When you have finished
adding your new note, click the Add note button and then Close the screen.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Viewing an invoice log

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22.11 Viewing an invoice log

You can log the following invoice reports:
Error reports in matching
Authorizing invoices
Canceling invoices
Approving invoices.

Select the invoice and click the Log icon to display the log for that particular invoice. The
log that is displayed depends on the workflow you have used for the selected invoice. The
example used here includes all of the screens possible. The log screen opens on the
Overview tab, which shows general information about the current status of the invoice
and includes any comments or notes to help you track the invoice. You can immediately
see to whom and/or what group the selected AX workflow is submitted.

When an invoice is automatically submitted to the workflow on OCR import or

automatically removed from the workflow on cancellation, an automatic log entry is added
in the Comment area.

The Tracking details tab displays all workflow activities including information about any
sub flows that may be included. In the following example you can see that a particular
activity is highlighted. This indicates that this activity is linked to a particular workflow
step. The applicable workflow step is also highlighted.

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AXtension® Invoice processing has extended this functionality to show the log history of
the complete workflow, including and expanding any sub-workflows. This expansion also
allows you to see all of the relevant invoice approvers at all levels. If there is a case
where the workflow has a sub-workflow on the Vendor invoice and a line workflow on the
Vendor invoice lines, the total view will look like this.

Clicking the View history button on the Overview tab displays another log showing the
actual transactions that have been carried out on the selected invoice.

The Work items tab lets you Reassign selected invoice tasks to a different user or View
workflow details. After a selected task has been reassigned, you can select the
Overview tab to see the current status of the task.

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When you click the View workflow details button the screen is expanded to view all
overview information. If you make any changes to the status of an invoice, you can use
the Refresh button to update the overview in the top half of the screen. The lower half
of the screen shows the Workflow details of the invoice line you have selected on three
tabs: Overview, Work items and Tracking details, as shown above.

Field Description
Status Status of the invoice in the workflow.
Instance The workflow instance currently running.
Workflow The workflow used for the selected
Document The actual invoice document.
Document type The invoice document type.
Workflow Title of the workflow.

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124 Invoice Processing User Manual

Version Version number of the workflow.

Submitted by User who submitted the invoice to the
Date of submission Date the invoice was submitted to the
Elapsed time Amount of time that the invoice has been
in the workflow so far.

Click Close to leave the log.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice

22.12 Using the Actions tab

The icons on the Actions tab allow you to perform specific maintenance and workflow
operations on the selected invoice.

The available icons allow you to perform the following operations on the selected invoice:
Changing a posting date
Resetting the status of an invoice
Clearing the owner of an invoice
Cancelling and reprocessing an invoice
Designating invoice approvers
Resetting a workflow

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice

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Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

22.12.1 Changing a posting date

The Change posting date icon lets you change the posting date of the currently
selected invoice. After you select the icon the Change posting dates screen is
displayed. The General tab has three fields:

The Period closed until field shows the date before which the invoice cannot be
posted. This date is greyed out and cannot be changed.
The Current posting date shows the date when the selected invoice was posted. This
date is also greyed out and cannot be changed.
The New posting date field is available and you can use the calendar icon to select a
new posting date for the invoice.

Use the OK or Cancel button to leave the screen.

You will see that the Posting date information shown below the overview area has been
updated to the selected date.

When you select this option from the Accounts payable > Area page > Periodic menu
you will notice that the General tab now allows you to select multiple invoices by
specifying their currently set posting date.

This form also contains a Batch tab.

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You can use this tab to perform this action on all invoices covered by the posting date
you have specified on the General tab, that are not posted or settled.

22.12.2 Resetting the status of an invoice

The Reset invoice status icon allows you to reset the status of the selected invoice to
New. If the function is not applicable for the selected invoice, the icon will be greyed out
as shown in the graphic below.

Be aware that when you return an invoice to this status all created journals will also be

22.12.3 Clearing the owner of an invoice

The Clear owner icon allows you to clear the owner of the currently selected invoice.

After you select this icon a confirmation dialog box is displayed for you to confirm the
operation. This ensures that this operation is not done in error. Simply click the Yes or No
button to either complete or terminate the operation.

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On confirmation of this operations you will notice that the Owner field for the selected
invoice is cleared in the invoice overview.

22.12.4 Cancelling and reprocessing an invoice

The Cancel and reprocess invoice icon allows the accounts payable clerk to cancel an
incorrect registered invoice and create a new one containing all of the data from the
original invoice.

This operation can be especially useful if you need to change the invoice or VAT amounts
given in a registered invoice. These amounts cannot be changed because at this stage
ledger postings will have already been made. When you reprocess an invoice the current
invoice is automatically canceled and a new invoice is immediately created with a suffix
added to the invoice number. The invoice then has the status of New and you can make
any and all required modifications.

You can specify the suffix to be used for the new invoice in the General tab of the
Invoice processing parameters setup screen.

After you select this icon a confirmation dialog box is displayed for you to confirm the
operation. This ensures that this operation is not done in error. Simply click the Yes or No
button to either complete or terminate the operation.

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If you have correctly set up your filter, the new invoice will be listed in the overview.

22.12.5 Designating invoice approvers

The Designate approvers icon allows the accounts payable clerk to determine and add a
specific list of approvers to each Invoice Processing invoice.

This feature is most useful when the approval process is not fixed. The designated
approver list can be used in conjunction with all other existing workflow features to create
the best of both worlds: all of the AX workflow features such as Enterprise Portal
functionality, notifications and automation, plus the flexibility of the Designated approver

After selecting an invoice, click the Designate approvers icon to open the Purchase
invoice approvers list form where the accounts payable clerk can create the list of
authorized approvers for that specific invoice.

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Use the New and Delete buttons to define your approver list and then click Close to
apply the list to the selected invoice.

To activate this function you must ensure that the Use designated invoice approvers
check box is checked in the Workflow tab of the Invoice processing parameters setup

22.12.6 Resetting a workflow

You can reset an approved or completed workflow, however there are certain conditions
that must be satisfied.

The Invoice journal must be completed.

The Vendor invoice must be completed. In cases where there is an invoice register
entry, the register must have been posted.
If there is no invoice register entry, but the workflow is complete, a workflow reset will
be allowed.
Invoice approval must be complete.

You cannot reset a workflow that is not complete. If you must resubmit a workflow that is
still in process, you must either recall or cancel the workflow before it can be resubmitted.

22.13 Using the Open invoice tab

The icons on the Open invoice tab are only available when you select an invoice with
the Process step that contains the step Pay.

The information provided by the standard Microsoft Dynamics ribbon icons on this tab is all
available on the Invoice processing Vendor invoice forms. If you should choose to use
these standard ribbon icons directly, you can get precise details of how they work from
the Microsoft Dynamics AX product documentation.

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22.14 Importing invoices and xml files

All invoices must be scanned externally before they can be automatically processed in
Microsoft Dynamics AX. To process invoices, you must first start a process that renames
the scanned purchase invoices by giving them a document number issued by Microsoft
Dynamics AX. This process moves the scanned documents from the scanned documents
directory to the work directory.

To set up the parameters and start the process click the Import scanned invoices icon
on the Import tab.

The import form lets you retrieve purchase invoices from the scan folder. Use the General
tab to import a single invoice and the Batch tab to perform a batch operation.

Field Description
Batch processing Check this box to run this task as a
batch process.
Task description Enter a description of the task.
Batch group Select the group that the task is
attached to from the drop down menu.
Private If checked, task can only be run by the
user who ordered it.

The Recurrence button lets you set up a periodic and automatic loading of scanned
invoices to be processed.

The Alerts button lets you set up alerts for when the status of your batch job changes.
You can be alerted either via a pop-up being displayed on your screen or by Email.

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Click OK to start the import.

You can also include invoices created manually using New or <Ctrl-N>, but this is only
possible if it has been defined in the Invoice processing parameters form found under: Set
up > Invoice processing parameters > General tab.

As well as importing purchase invoices, you can also import the xml files related to each
invoice from OCR. Clicking the Import from OCR icon displays the identical screens where
you can supply the same information for the xml files you want to import.

When performing either operation, the Import session screen is displayed to give you an
immediate visual update on the import operation.

The left side of the screen lists the invoices that have been scanned.

Information is shown for:

The entire session
The import content
Imported files
Imported invoices
Error, warning and information messages.

Field Description
Processing date Date and time the selected file was

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User ID ID of the user who performed the scan.
Import type OCR Import type of the OCR files to be
imported. When you are importing an xml
file, this field is automatically completed
with the type: XML.
Files Number of files.
Handled files Number of files that were imported.
Result Import result for imported files. When an
OCR file is imported successfully, the
status will be set to Succeeded. If, for
example, the file contains a scanned
image, but the image is not imported, the
status will be changed to Warning to
alert you to the issue.
Relation Relation ID.
Position Line position.
Files Number of files imported.
Handled files Number of files handled.
Imported file name Path to the file and file name.
Invoices Number of invoices.
Handled invoices Number of invoices that were imported.
Result Import result for invoices.
Name Path to the invoice and file name.
Position Line number.
Invoice Invoice ID.
Lines Number of lines.
Handled lines Number of lines that were imported.
Result Import result for invoice lines.
Errors Toggle the button to show or hide
compilation errors. When you deselect
this button any errors listed in the area
below are removed from the list.
Activating the button displays any hidden
Warnings Toggle the button to show or hide
compilation warnings. When you deselect
this button any warnings listed in the
area below are removed from the list.
Activating the button displays any hidden

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Info Toggle the button to show or hide
information on deviations from the normal
process. When you deselect this button
any information messages listed in the
area below are removed from the list.
Activating the button displays any hidden
Source Source of the imported message. A form
is displayed showing all relevant source
information for the message. For more
information, see the section titled
Viewing your import source.
Element The element type of the import. This is
dependent on the job being performed
and can read: Run, File or Invoice.
Position Line number in the message list.
Message The logged message.

Click Close to leave the form.

You can also access this screen using the following path: Accounts payable > Inquiries
> History > Invoice processing import history.

When an OCR file is imported using the Import from OCR icon, the invoice header
information is imported first. Initially, the vendor is selected using the following priority:
1. Selection using the vendor account number.
2. If no vendor account is specified IP tries to identify the vendor from the purchase order
Id (if specified).
3. If no vendor account is found IP tries to identify the vendor from the vendor bank
account (if specified).
4. If no vendor account is found IP tries to identify the vendor from the vendor name and
city (if specified).

The vendor defaults are then copied to the IP invoice. This also determines the invoice
type. Then, the following fields are saved on the IP invoice, if specified:

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Invoice ID
Vendor bank account
Currency code
Invoice amount
Tax amount
Invoice date
Due date
Offset account. Only a Ledger offset account is supported, without financial dimensions.
Payment identification

The scanned invoice is also saved if present.

After this, the line information is processed. Per line, the following information is entered
on the Vendor invoice line:
Item Id
Item dimensions
Purchase order ID (if no purchase order is specified on the OCR line, the purchase order
from the OCR header is used).
Packing slip ID
Invoice quantity
Unit price
Price unit
Line amount.

Line matching
For each invoice line in the OCR file, a purchase order line is selected using the following
1. First, a purchase order line is selected using the purchase order Id and the line number.
2. If that fails, IP tries to select a purchase order line using the purchase order Id, packing
slip ID and the item ID. This item Id can be an internal item including item dimensions,
but also a Vendor external Item Id.
3. If that fails, IP tries to select a purchase order line using the purchase order Id and the
item Id/item dimensions and any open receipt.
4. If that fails, IP tries to select a purchase order line using the purchase order Id and the
item Id/item dimensions.

Three way matching is attempted using the above information and any result is saved on
the invoice.

If no lines are specified in the OCR file and a purchase order is specified on the OCR
header, IP will add all purchase order lines on the purchase order to the invoice.

Please note that only the Invoice Processing and ReadSoft Invoices XML files offer the
line import functionality described above. The ASCII and CSV formats are limited to
invoice header information only.

You can find an example XML file in the AXtension® Invoice Processing OCR format in
Appendix C - Example XML file.

You can use the ReadSoft® Online icons to open the Readsoftonline internet page. You

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can see more detailed information on using ReadSoft ® Online in the section titled Using
ReadSoft® Online.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log
Using the Actions tab

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22.14.1 Viewing your import history

Invoice Processing gives you the opportunity to view the import history of invoices
created using the XML import function.

Click the Import history icon on the Import tab to display the import log for the run
containing the selected invoice. The log is for information only and lists all of the imported
invoices and files.

As shown in this example, you can see all of the imported invoices for any specific entity
right down to the import context.

This form is described in full in the section titled Importing invoices and xml files.

You can also use this screen to import further invoices or files. Click either the Import
scanned invoices or Import from OCR ribbon icon to perform the required import. Then,
set up the single file or batch operation as described in the section titled Importing
invoices and xml files.

Click Close to leave the form.

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22.14.2 Viewing your import source

Aside from using the icons on the Import tab, double clicking on an imported document is
another way of opening the Import session details for a specific document, from which
you can access the Source information for that invoice.

After you click the Source button, the Source for import message screen is displayed
showing the data for the selected invoice.

Every invoice is identified by a Document element and every Document has one Invoice,
one System and optionally one or more ProcessLog elements.

The Invoice element contains a Supplier element, which contains the following sub-
elements that should be used:
Identifier: vendor's account number.
Name: vendor's name.
City: vendor's city.

Similar to the IP XML spec, the vendor can be located using this information.

Invoice header information is found in the Invoice and System elements. These elements
contain field elements with a Name and Type attribute. The Type attribute is used to
determine the field you are dealing with. The Name attribute is language specific and
cannot be used for a generic ReadSoft Invoices interface. The following table contains a
one to one mapping:

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Readsoft invoices XML IP XML

Invoice / invoicenumber PurchaseInvoice / InvoiceId
Invoice / invoicedate PurchaseInvoice / InvoiceDate
Invoice / invoiceduedate PurchaseInvoice / DueDate
Invoice / invoicetotalvatratepercent PurchaseInvoice / TaxCode
Invoice / invoicetotalvatamount PurchaseInvoice / TaxAmount
Invoice / PurchaseInvoice / AmountInclTax
Invoice / PurchaseInvoice / AmountExclTax
Invoice / invoicecurrency PurchaseInvoice / CurrencyCode
Invoice / invoiceordernumber PurchaseInvoice / PurchaseOrderNo
Invoice / paymentreferencenumber PurchaseInvoice / PaymentNote
System / Pages PurchaseInvoice / FileNameAndPathScannedFile
System / Description PurchaseInvoice / Description
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber1 , PurchaseInvoice / SupplierBankAccount
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber2, or
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber3, or
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber4, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN1, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN2, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN3, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN4
Invoice / deliverynote Add to PurchaseInvoice / Notes

The Invoice element contains several Table elements. The table with the type attribute
LineItem contains the invoice lines and every TableRow element contains a line. The
following table contains a one to one mapping:

Readsoft invoices XML IP XML

Readsoft invoices XML IP XML
TableRow / lit_ordernumber Line / PurchOrderId
TableRow / lit_rowidentifier Line / PurchaseOrderLineNumber
TableRow / lit_articleidentifier Line / Item
TableRow / lit_deliveredquantity Line / Quantity
TableRow / (not supported by IP)
TableRow / lit_unitpriceamount Line / UnitPrice
TableRow / lit_vatexcludedamount Line / LineAmount

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ReadSoft Invoices has no out of the box support for item dimensions or storage
dimensions. ReadSoft Invoices also has no out of the box support for matching packing
slip information.

Within the Invoice element there are several Table elements. The Table with Type
attribute “VATTable” contains the sales tax specification. Every TableRow element
contains a sales tax line. IP currently does not support this. The following table contains a
one to one mapping:

Readsoft invoices XML IP XML

TableRow / VAT_BaseAmount (no support)
TableRow / VAT_Code (no support)
TableRow / VAT_Currency (no support)
TableRow / VAT_RateAmount (no support)
TableRow / VAT_RatePercent (no support)
TableRow / VAT_TotalAmount (no support)

The ReadSoft Invoices XML contains a processing log. Every ProcessMessage is

imported into the IP log in the following format:

[Owner TimeStamp]
ReadSoft Invoices: Action

The Import session form is described in full in the section titled Importing invoices and
xml files. Click Close to leave the form.

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23 Accessing Invoice Processing from the Vendor payment

proposal form
The Vendor payment proposal form is a standard AX form and you can find detailed
information on how you can use it in the standard AX documentation.

This form also contains two buttons: Scanned invoice and Invoice processing, that
allow you to go directly to the AXtension® Invoice Processing form, which opens filtered
on the selected invoice.

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Using the Invoice processing service center 141

24 Using the Invoice processing service center

International organizations often manage their invoices via a centralized shared service
center that enters the invoice and starts the approval workflow. AXtension® Invoice
Processing has a general purchase invoice handling form that lets you create and edit the
vendor invoices for all (or only the selected) legal entities.

You can reach the shared service center overview form by following this path: CEU >
Accounts payable > Common > Vendor invoices > Invoice processing shared
service center.

The standard Invoice processing form is displayed with the addition of some specific
service center functionality.

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Posting an invoice
Canceling an invoice
Resetting a workflow
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

24.1 Creating or editing a service center invoice

Creating an invoice
When creating an invoice using the Service center form a dialog box will be displayed and
you will be prompted to specify the legal entity for the new invoice.

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All of the available legal entities are listed in the drop down menu and all of the invoices
specific to the currently selected group are listed in the main body of the form.

To be prompted for the legal entity when you create a new invoice, you MUST ensure
that the Prompt for legal entity checkbox is selected on the Shared service center
groups setup form as shown.

Once you have created the new invoice you also have the possibility to change or remove
the previously selected legal entity. To do this see the section titled Changing the legal
entity of an invoice.

Invoices that have been created for a service center group, but that are not yet assigned
to a legal entity are called unassigned invoices. To create a new unassigned invoice,
select the CEU > Accounts payable > Common > Vendor invoices > Invoice
processing unassigned invoices option. For more details on creating a new unassigned
invoice, see the section titled Unassigned invoices.

These forms also contain icons that let you:

Delete an invoice.
View the history log of the invoice.
Refresh the display area.
Display any digital documents associated with the invoice.
Add or display any notes associated with the invoice.

The Delete and Refresh icons let you delete an invoice and refresh the display area

The Export to Microsoft Excel icon lets you export the currently selected workflow to an
Excel spreadsheet, which is immediately opened and displayed. To return to your IP
overview, select FILE > Close from the main menu to first close the spreadsheet and
then click the close icon in the top right corner of the display to close Excel.

For information on using the other icons see the following sections:
Viewing an invoice log
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice

The three buttons at the bottom of the form let you Ok this invoice and immediately open
the Edit form, OK this invoice and close the form, and Cancel the task.

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Editing an invoice
A full description of this form can be found in the section titled Creating or editing an

There is only one subtle difference you will notice when editing a shared service center
invoice. A yellow message bar, which is used on Invoice processing forms to show the
status of the selected invoice, now also confirms the alignment of the invoice with the
legal entity. In the example below, the status bar signals that the company account of
the current invoice does not match the company in which you are currently working.

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24.1.1 Unassigned invoices

Invoices that have been created for a service center group, but that are not yet assigned
to a legal entity are called unassigned invoices. To create a new unassigned invoice that
does not belong to any legal entity, select the CEU > Accounts payable > Common >
Vendor invoices > Invoice processing unassigned invoices option. When you either
click the Create an invoice or select an invoice from the list and click the Edit icon, a
form is displayed where you can enter or modify the data for the invoice.

Field Description
Company Select the legal entity. All of the
available entities are listed in the drop
down menu.
Invoice type The type of purchase invoice.
Post invoice using journal when checked, the non PO invoice will be
posted directly to the company account
using the journal.
Invoice Invoice ID.
Description Description of the transaction.
Debit Debit amount in given currency.
Credit Credit amount in given currency.
Currency Select the currency code from the drop
down menu.
Posting date Date when the invoice will be posted on

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the General ledger, Accounts payable or

Inventory management.
Invoice date Date the invoice was created.

Click OK when your updates are complete. When you Refresh the form the updated
invoice will no longer be listed.

24.2 Changing the legal entity of an invoice

Once an invoice has been created, you can change its legal entity using the Change
legal entity icon.

Just select the invoice you want to modify, then click the icon. When the dialog box is
displayed you can select another legal entity from the drop down menu and click OK to
apply the change and close the dialog box.

You can also clear the Company account ID field to move the invoice to the unassigned
invoices list.

You can also change the legal entity of an invoice from the Invoice processing shared
invoices form as shown. Select the invoice and click the Edit icon to display the form
where you can modify the data for the invoice.

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After you have selected the new entity a status bar will be added to the Edit invoice
form stating the entity to which the invoice will be moved.

You can then click the OK & Edit button to confirm the move and automatically open the
Edit invoice form so you can edit the details of the invoice for the new company.
Clicking OK will simply perform the move.

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Running a workflow error report 147

25 Running a workflow error report

The workflow administrator can periodically run a report that gives details of all invoices
that have the current workflow status of Stopped (error) and/or Unrecoverable.

You can run the report from the Reports menu found by following the path: Accounts
payable > Reports > Invoice processing > Workflow error report.

When you select the option a dialog box is displayed where you can select to print the
report either to a specified printer or to the screen. Use the General tab to generate a
single report and the Batch tab to perform a batch operation.

The Recurrence button lets you set up a periodic and automatic loading of reports to be

The Alerts button lets you set up alerts for your batch job when the status of the job
changes. You can be alerted either via a pop-up being displayed on your screen or by

Click OK to generate the report. In cases where many errors may exist, the initial
generation of the report can take a few minutes. Subsequent reports will run at a faster

This is an example error report.

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Field Description
Invoice Invoice ID.
Vendor account Vendor's account ID.
Vendor name Name of the vendor.
Voucher Voucher ID.
Invoice type The type of purchase invoice. The
invoice type will have been previously
selected from a list of invoice types
specified in the Invoice types setup
form, which you can find by following the
path: Accounts payable > Setup >
Invoice processing > Invoice types.
For more information on setting up the
invoice types that will be listed in this
field, see the section titled Setting up
invoice types.
User name Name of the user associated with the
Workflow tracking status Type of error. This can be either
Stopped (error) or Unrecoverable.

Note that this report is for information only and is therefore not editable.

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Performing periodic tasks 149

26 Performing periodic tasks

The Periodic Invoice Processing tasks can be reached by following this path: CEU >
Accounts payable > Periodic > Invoice processing and allow you to:
Create an expected costs journal
Correct the status of Invoice Processing invoices
Perform a Workflow cleanup

For more information on how you can perform these tasks, see the sections below.

See Also
Creating an expected costs journal
Correcting the status of Invoice Processing invoices
Cleaning up a workflow

26.1 Creating an expected costs journal

This function allows you to create an expected accrual costs journal for all of the open
invoice approval journals. After you click the Create expected costs journal option the
following dialog box is displayed and you must enter the Till date for the journal. Use the
General tab to generate a single journal and the Batch tab to perform a batch operation.

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The Recurrence button lets you set up a periodic and automatic generation of the
journal. The Alerts button lets you set up alerts for your batch job when the status of
the job changes. You can be alerted either via a pop-up being displayed on your screen or
by Email. When all of your options have been set up click OK to generate the journal. An
Infolog is then displayed to show the status of the task.

The journal is saved to the General journal, which you can access using the following
path: CEU > General ledger > Journals > General journal.

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Performing periodic tasks 151

This journal lists all of the journals that you have generated and you can then select the
journal you want to view. For detailed information on using the General journal, see your
standard AX documentation.

Note that the journal you have generated is for information only and much of the
information given is therefore not editable.

26.2 Correcting the status of Invoice Processing invoices

This function allows you to check and correct the status of all Invoice processing invoices
according to your selected criteria. After you click the Correct the status of Invoice
Processing invoices option the following dialog box is displayed for you to select the
options you want to perform. After selecting the relevant check boxes click OK to perform
the operation. When the task is complete an Infolog is displayed so you can review the
results of the operation. You will see that these information messages relate directly to
your selected criteria.

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152 Invoice Processing User Manual

You can now either Clear or Close the Infolog.

26.3 Cleaning up a workflow

In certain circumstances an invoice may become trapped within a workflow instance or
you may inadvertently create a workflow that does not perform smoothly or efficiently. If
this should occur you can run a report that provides detailed information about all of the
invoices currently being processed. The Workflow cleanup operation allows you to
remove the selected invoice from the workflow instance through which it is being
processed. You can then restart the process using another workflow instance.

After you select the Workflow cleanup option the following report is displayed. If a
Microsoft Dynamics information box is also displayed it will list the workflow jobs that are
currently being run and let you know if the cleanup operation is permitted for the selected
invoice, at that specific moment. This can also be seen by the status of the Cleanup
icon in the icon ribbon at the top of the report. In this case you can see that it is not
available for selection.

If the operation is valid, after selecting the Cleanup icon you are prompted to confirm
the removal of the selected workflow instance for the selected invoice.

© 2015 AXtension bv
Performing periodic tasks 153

You can use the View history icon to open the Workflow History of a specific invoice
and get an overview of other details including the status of a specific instance of the
workflow, its elapsed time and the user to whom it is assigned. For more information on
this form see your Microsoft Dynamics AX documentation.

The Workflow cleanup report is divided into three tabs and after you have selected the
Vendor account and Invoice from the drop down menus at the top of the report, it is
populated with the relevant data. Note that all of the data shown in this report is read
only and cannot be edited in any way. Any instances of the workflow are listed in the
Workflow history area. The Workflow details area shows the data related to the
specific workflow instance that you select from the history.

Field Description
Vendor account Vendor's account ID.
Name Name of the vendor.
Posting date The date when the invoice will be posted
to the General ledger, Accounts
payable or Inventory management.
Invoice date Date of the invoice.
Due date Expiration date of the supplier's invoice.
Invoice type States whether the invoice will be
handled by the Invoice journal or
registration + Approval journal.
Post invoice using journal When this box is checked the invoice will
be posted using the journal.
Invoice Invoice ID.
Process step The currently active step in the process.
Invoice status Status of the purchase invoice.
Payment ID Payment ID used when payment is made.
Debit Debit amount in the given currency.
Credit Credit amount in the given currency.
Currency Currency code used for amounts.
Forced rate If checked, the debit amount is in the
given currency.

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154 Invoice Processing User Manual

Exchange rate Specifies the exchange rate used to

specify the cost in the foreiugn currency.
Secondary exchange rate when triangulation is used, this exchange
rate is used for the second part of the
Amounts include sales tax When checked the amounts include any
applicable sales tax.
Amount including sales tax Total amount in the transaction
Amount excluding sales tax Total amount excluding sales tax in the
transaction currency.
Calculated sales tax amount Calculated sales tax amount in the
transaction currency.
Actual sales tax amount Actual sales tax amount in the
transaction currency.
Company accounts ID ID or name of the company.
Workflow tracking status Status of the invoice in the workflow.
Type Type of workflow that is being used to
process the invoice. This can be a normal
workflow or a dependent/independent
Instance ID Instance ID of the workflow in use.
Workflow ID ID of the root workflow.
Document Document related to the workflow.
Document type Type of document related to the invoice.
Workflow Workflow that is processing the invoice.
Version The version of the workflow configuration
that is processing the invoice.
Submitting user User who submitted the workflow.
Created date and time Date and time when the workflow was
created. This field correlates to the same
field in the Workflow details area.
Root correlation ID Correlation ID of the root workflow.
Correlation ID Correlation ID of the workflow instance.
Workflow tracking context Context of the workflow activity.
Workflow tracking type Workflow tracking event type.
Created date and time Date and time that the workflow was
created. This field correlates to the same
field in the Workflow history area.
User Microsoft Dynamics AX user name.

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Performing periodic tasks 155

Workflow tracking name Name of the configuration item

associated with the tracking record.

Reminder: This report is for information only and is therefore not editable! Click Close to
remove the report from the screen.

26.4 Exporting vendor and bank account information for OCR

The Export vendors and bank accounts for OCR option lets you export a vendor's
information to a predefined file. You can select a specific check box to choose to
export the vendor's account information, banking information or both. All of these
selections can be made on the General tab, but you can also use the Batch tab to
perform this task as a batch operation by setting up its Recurrence and Alerts.

This option uses the export's formatting parameters that you have set up on the OCR
tab of the Accounts payable > Setup > Invoice processing > Invoice processing
parameters form.

The two tabs look like this:

Field Description
Export vendor accounts Check this box to export the vendor's account

© 2015 AXtension bv
156 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
Filename for exporting The base of the filename for the export file
vendor accounts containing the vendor's information is
automatically taken from the parameter form and
entered in this field, however, you can override
that setting and enter a new base for the

If you have specified for the filename to be

appended with the date and/or time when the file
is created, the date will be appended in the
format: _yyyymmdd and the time will be
appended in the format: _HHMM.
Export vendor bank accounts Check this box to export the vendor's banking
Filename for exporting The base of the filename for the export file
vendor bank accounts containing the vendor's banking information is
automatically taken from the parameter form and
entered in this field, however, you can override
that setting and enter a new base for the

If you have specified for the filename to be

appended with the date and/or time when the file
is created, the date will be appended in the
format: _yyyymmdd and the time will be
appended in the format: _HHMM.

Once you have defined your output on the General tab, you can then move to the
Batch tab to specify specify the task ID, its recurrence and how you want your alerts
to be delivered.

Click Close to save your settings and leave the form.

An example export file containing vendor account information could look like this.

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Performing periodic tasks 157

See Also
Setting up OCR for Invoice Processing
Setting up Invoice processing limits
Setting up external approval options
Setting up general Invoice processing options
Setting up invoice storage locations
Setting up invoice import options
Setting up journal names
Setting up vendor defaults

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158 Invoice Processing User Manual

26.5 Using ReadSoft® Online

The AXtension® Invoice processing solution's ReadSoft ® integration automates invoice
entry, which results in a reduction in manpower and errors resulting from manual input.
You can define all of the ReadSoft ® settings from the Accounts payable > Setup >
Invoice processing > ReadSoft® Online parameters menu.

The Accounts payable > Area page > Periodic menu contains two options to help you
work with ReadSoft ® Online:
Upload invoices
Update suppliers

When uploading scanned invoices you can upload any number of invoices in a single
operation or set up a batch operation with the associated recurrences and alerts. The
General and Batch tabs look like this:

After setting up your options, click either the OK or Cancel button. If you click OK, the
progress screen is displayed so you can see the status of your uploads. The folder that
you have specified in the path to import files under OCR under the Invoice Processing
parameters, as well as any sub folders, is scanned for invoices. Note that the
information displayed in this screen is for information only and is therefore not editable.

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Performing periodic tasks 159

You can also open this screen directly by selecting the Batches in progress option under
the Accounts payable > Area page > Inquiries > ReadSoft® Online menu.

The Refresh icon updates the screen to show the latest information about your uploads.
To process any outstanding uploads, simply select the invoice from the list and click the
Process icon. To perform other actions, click the ReadSoft® Online Actions icon to
display the ReadSoft ® Online interface. You can also access this interface directly by
selecting the ReadSoft® Online option under the Accounts payable > Area page >
Inquiries > ReadSoft® Online menu

You can list the progress of uploads with a specific status by making your selection in
the Show batches with status area:
Ready to process - shows all invoice batches waiting to be imported into Invoice
In progress - shows batches that are in progress in ReadSoft ® Online (i.e. To be
Deleted - shows all ReadSoft ® Online deleted invoices
Successfully processed - shows all invoices that have been successfully processed
into Invoice processing
Export failed - shows all invoices that could not be processed into Invoice Processing

As shown in the example, you can select more than one status to list.

All other fields are described in the following table.

© 2015 AXtension bv
160 Invoice Processing User Manual

Field Description
Track Id Unique internal ReadSoft ® Online
operation id.
Status Status of the operation. The operation
can have any of the following statuses:
BatchPrePrcossinginProcess (after
upload of invoices, ReadSoft ® Online is
preprocessing the invoice)
BatchmanualVerififaction (in Readsoft
invoice needs to be verified)
BatchExportInProcess (batch ready to
import in Invoice Processing)
BatchexportFailed (Batches that could
not be imported
Batchdeleted (Invoicebatch is deleted)
BatchSuccessfullyProcessed (invoice is
successful processed into Invoice
IP Processed This box will be automatically checked if
the operation is being processed via
AXtension® IP.
Customer Name of the customer in ReadSoft ®
Buyer Name of the buyer or client. This is linked
to the company in AX.
Origin Origin of the document. This field states
whether the document is being
processed via AXtension® IP or directly
from ReadSoft ® Online.
GUID GUID string type.
ReadSoft Online Batch Id Unique ID of the selected job in ReadSoft
File (File name) Unique path and file name of the
selected file.
Created date and time Date and time when the job was run.

The Documents area on the right side of the screen shows basic overview information
for the job you have selected from the list on the left side of the screen.

When you are using the Update suppliers function, the suppliers will be updated in the
ReadSoft ® Online environment. This function is also automatically triggered when you
upload new invoices.

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Performing periodic tasks 161

You must enter the name of the company from which you want to upload the vendors to
ReadSoft® Online and then click OK. If you leave this field empty, no upload will be

See Also
Creating or editing an invoice
Maintaining invoices
Filtering your workflow
Importing invoices
Validating an invoice
Identifying an invoice
Registering an invoice
Posting an invoice
Changing a posting date
Canceling an invoice
Viewing a scanned invoice
Adding comments to an invoice
Viewing an invoice log

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162 Invoice Processing User Manual

27 Using the Enterprise Portal

The Enterprise Portal allows you to view the details of all invoices in the Invoice
Processing workflow.

When an invoice is at a stage in the workflow where action is required, it will be shown in
your personal work overview. Depending on your workflow setup, you may also receive an
email notification containing a link to the Enterprise Portal. To open a new web browser
and display select Procurement > Invoice processing. The screen opens on the
Invoice tab and the overview of open invoices is immediately displayed.

The icons at the top of the form allow you to:

View the selected invoice.
Access the actual document.
View matching details using the standard Vendor Invoice form.
Access the Lines form where you can edit the invoice lines.
View the sales tax of each invoice.
See the invoice log.
See the scanned invoices.
Add notes
Use the standard AX attachment functionality.

The form contains the following fields and all additional details are given in the fact boxes
on the right side of the screen.

Field Description
Workflow active The box is checked if the workflow for

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Enterprise Portal 163

the selected invoice is active.

Invoice Invoice ID code.
Voucher Voucher number given in the ledger.
Description Short descriptive text.
Vendor account Vendor's account number.
Vendor name Name of the vendor.
Invoice type The type of invoice being handled. The
invoice type will not be editable as it will
have been previously selected from a list
of invoice types specified in the Invoice
types setup form, which you can find by
following the path: Accounts payable >
Setup > Invoice processing > Invoice
types. For more information on setting
up the invoice types that will be listed in
this field, see the section titled Setting
up invoice types.
Process step The currently active process step.
Invoice status Status of the purchase invoice.
Debit Debit amount in the accounting currency.
Credit Credit amount in the accounting
Currency Currency code for the transaction.

All of the screens linked to the portal are read only and you can not change or edit any of
the data displayed there. However, you are able to add notes.

All current invoices are listed in the overview and clicking on an invoice line immediately
updates the info bar at the top of the overview to display the last workflow action
associated with the selected line. To ensure that you are showing the range of invoices
that you are interested in, you can use the filter field just above the overview. You can
filter on any of the applicable fields in the overview.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

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164 Invoice Processing User Manual

27.1 The View invoice icon

You can open an invoice overview by either double clicking on the invoice line itself or
selecting an invoice from the list and clicking the View invoice icon.

The invoice overview contains all of the icons on the main screen, plus an extra Close
icon so you can exit the screen.

The yellow bar shows you if an workflow is currently active and you can use the Actions
button to see details of the workflow history for the invoice you are looking at. The
history screen also contains a Close icon, which returns you to the invoice overview
screen. If an invoice has the status Submit. the yellow bar will NOT be displayed in any
of the sub flow documents. When the sub workflow is active, the yellow bar is

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Using the Enterprise Portal 165

The contents of the invoice overview screen are described in detail in the section titled
Creating or editing an invoice. When you Close the overview you are returned to the main
Enterprise Portal overview screen.

See Also
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

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166 Invoice Processing User Manual

27.2 The Document icon

This icon opens the journal voucher overview which lists all documents associated with
the invoice.

The screen opens on the View tab.

The upper are of the screen shows details of any announcements or other related
information that may be attached to the invoice. You can hide or extend this list at will.
To get more details on an announcement, just open the appropriate link.

The lower area of the screen contains information groups showing the following data
spread over three tabs.

Field Description
Balance amount The total balance in the accounting
Total debit amount The total debit in the accounting
Total credit amount The total credit in the accounting
Date Posting date.
Voucher Voucher number.
Account Account number ID of the account used
for the transaction.

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Using the Enterprise Portal 167

Invoice Invoice ID.

Description Short descriptive text.
Debit Debit amount in the accounting currency.
Credit Credit amount in the accounting
Sales tax group Sales tax group codes used for automatic
tax calculations on a sale or purchase.
Item sales tax group Group of sales tax codes that can be
used to calculate an item.
Identification group Details of the journal batch number and
the voucher applied to the transaction.
Offset account group Transaction text account details.
Document group ID of the document that generated the
voucher and the date it was applied.
Posting group The posting profile used and how the
settlement will be handled.
Account group The company ID, type and ID. A backup
account can also named, if one exists.
Invoice group Basic invoice data such as ID, due date
and terms of payment ID code.
Currency group Currency and exchange rate used to
apply the debit and credit values.
Cash discount group Discount ID code, date applied, amount
and percentage.
1099 fields group Bar code on the 1099 form that the
invoice is posted to, plus the amount for
the specified state.
Sales tax group Sales tax code and group applied to the
transaction. You can also see if the sales
tax direction is controlled by the set up
of the Ledger account.

When you Close the overview you are returned to the main screen,

The Page tab looks like this.

The Page tab is displayed for use with every action icon on the main screen and lets you
perform the following tasks:

© 2015 AXtension bv
168 Invoice Processing User Manual

Edit page - Use the Page Tools and Web Part Tools tabs to add
Edit properties - Lets you edit the metadata properties of the page.
Versions - Go to the History page to view and manage precious versions of the current
Permissions - Add, remove or change permissions for the current page.
Delete page - Delete the current page from the site.
Email a link - Send a link to this page to another user.
Approve - Approve this page as a major version.
Reject - Reject this page as a major version.
Workflows - Access the Manage Workflows page where you can start, view or change
workflows related to the current page.
Edit Mobile Page - Specify the information that you can access from your mobile
Make Homepage - Specify that the current page is the new home page for this site.
Title Bar Properties - Modify the title, description, icon and other properties of this

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

27.3 The Matching details icon

This icon opens the Vendor invoice screen, which shows all of the purchase orders
matched to the selected invoice. For more information on the fields contained in this
screen see the section titled Matching invoice details.

The icons available in this screen allow you to

Edit invoice details.
Cancel your changes and leave the form.
Delete the selected invoice
View the calculated sales tax for the selected invoice.
Open and view the current documents attached to the selected invoice.
View the budget check errors or warnings.

When using this icon to view the details of a posted invoice, the read-only Vendor
invoice form will be displayed. For more information on the read-only version of this form
see the section titled Using the read-only Vendor invoice form.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Lines icon

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Enterprise Portal 169

The Sales tax icon

The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

27.4 The Lines icon

This icon opens the Lines screen, which shows all of the purchase orders matched to the
selected invoice. The upper section of the screen contains basic vendor information
applicable to the selected invoice. For more information on the fields contained in this
section see the section titled Creating or editing an invoice.

From this screen you can also use the Edit icon to update the selected invoice or the
Sales tax icon to view the sales tax transactions for the selected invoice.

The Lines tab lists all of the lines associated with the invoice and contains the following

Field Description
Date Posting date.
Automatic If checked the line is automatically added
to synchronize with the ledger journal.
Account type This specifies the type of account to
which the transaction will be applied.
Account number Account number ID of the account used

© 2015 AXtension bv
170 Invoice Processing User Manual

for the transaction.

Description Short descriptive text.
Debit (Excl) Debit amount in the given currency.
Debit Debit amount in the accounting currency.
Credit (Excl) Credit amount in the given currency.
Credit Credit amount in the accounting
Sales tax group Sales tax group codes used for automatic
tax calculations on a sale or purchase.
Item sales tax group Group of sales tax codes that can be
used to calculate an item.
Destination The target journal for a breakdown of the

The Line details tab displays all information related to the selected line. When it is open
you will also access the General information tab and Financial dimensions tab. This
area of the screen also contains a Project and a Fixed assets tab.

The Project tab contains the following fields.

Field Description
Date Posting date.
Project ID Project number or ID.
Activity number Activity number or ID.
Category Default category.
Worker Name of the worker.
Line property Attribute that defines
Cost and sales percentages.
Options for revenue accrual.
Capitalization cost.
Description Text describing the transaction.

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Using the Enterprise Portal 171

Quantity Number of units in the transaction.

Cost price Run-dependent cost price per unit.
Sales currency Code for the currency in which the
project is invoiced.
Sales price Overview of sales price setup for costs.
Sales tax group Sales tax group codes used for automatic
tax calculations on a sale or purchase.
Item sales tax group Group of sales tax codes that can be
used to calculate an item.

The Fixed assets tab contains the following fields.

Field Description
Value model Value model related to the transaction.
Transaction type Type of transaction.
Depreciation run date Date from which the fixed asset will start

When you Close the line overview you are returned to the main screen,

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

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172 Invoice Processing User Manual

27.5 The Sales tax icon

This icon opens a screen where you can view the sales tax transactions for the selected

The General tab contains the total amounts for the calculated and actual sales tax
amounts for the selected invoice. The Sales tax and Sales tax adjustments tabs
contain an overlapping set of fields that are all described below.

Field Description
Sales tax code Sales tax ID code.
Quantity Quantity that the sales tax calculation is
based on.
Amount origin Original amount that the sales tax
calculation is based on, in the
transaction currency.
Adjusted origin Adjusted amount that that is applied to
the sales tax calculation, in the
transaction currency.
Percent Percentage or amount per sales unit.
Calculated amount Calculated sales tax amount in the tax
settlement currency.
Actual amount Amount to which the sales tax is

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Using the Enterprise Portal 173

Override calculated If checked the override has been

included in the calculation.
Direction Description of how the sales tax is
Currency Currency code of the transaction.
Calculated charge Sales tax to be included in the cost
Actual charge Sales tax amount that is manually
adjusted during data entry.

You leave this screen by either clicking the Close icon in the icon ribbon or scrolling to
the bottom of the screen and clicking the Close button.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

27.6 The Log icon

This icon opens the Purchase invoice history log, which shows all of the logged actions
that have been performed on the invoice. An example history log is shown below.

AXtension® Invoice processing has extended the standard Dynamics AX functionality to

show the log history of the complete workflow, including and expanding any sub-
workflows. This expansion also allows you to see all of the relevant invoice approvers at
all levels.

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174 Invoice Processing User Manual

This expanded view is also available from the Workflow log form. As you can see, if there
is a case where the workflow has a sub-workflow on the Vendor invoice and a line
workflow on the Vendor invoice lines, the total view is displayed.

Note that this expanded view is only displayed if the top level workflow is an AXtension®
Invoice Processing workflow.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

27.7 The Scanned Invoice icon

This icon automatically displays the scanned document associated with this invoice. Click
Close to close the invoice.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Notes icon
The Attachments icon

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Using the Enterprise Portal 175

27.8 The Notes icon

This icon opens the Invoice notes log, which shows all of the notes that have been
attached to the selected invoice, who attached them and when.

An example notes log is shown below.

After drafting your note, click Add note to append your note and leave the form.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon
The Lines icon
The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Attachments icon

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176 Invoice Processing User Manual

27.9 The Attachments icon

This icon opens the Attachments overview, which lists all of the attachments related to
the selected invoice.

An example overview is shown below.

The icons available in this screen allow you to:

Upload a document - the Add document form is displayed and you must enter the
description and document type. You must then enter the path to the document and any
restrictions that it has, such as, for internal use only. Then click OK or Cancel to leave
the form.
Add a note - the Add note form is displayed and you must enter the description and URL
type. You must then enter any restrictions that the URL has, such as, for internal use
only and the text itself. Then click OK or Cancel to leave the form.
Add a URL - the Add URL form is displayed and you must enter the description and note
type. You must then enter any restrictions that the note has, such as, for internal use
only and the URL itself. Then click OK or Cancel to leave the form.
Open a document - click on a listed document and use this icon to view its contents.
Delete a document - deletes the currently selected document.

You can close this screen by clicking the Close icon.

See Also
The View invoice icon
The Document icon
The Matching details icon

© 2015 AXtension bv
Using the Enterprise Portal 177

The Lines icon

The Sales tax icon
The Log icon
The Scanned Invoice icon
The Notes icon

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178 Invoice Processing User Manual

28 Appendix A - ReadSoft® Offline Invoices

Every invoice is identified by a Document element and every Document has one Invoice,
one System and (optionally) one or more ProcessLog elements.

The Invoice element contains a Supplier element, which contains the following sub-
elements that should be used:
Identifier: vendor's account number.
Name: vendor's name.
City: vendor's city.

Similar to the IP XML spec, the vendor can be located using this information.

Invoice header information is found in the Invoice and System elements. These elements
contain field elements with a Name and Type attribute. The Type attribute is used to
determine the field you are dealing with. The Name attribute is language specific and
cannot be used for a generic ReadSoft Invoices interface. The following table contains a
one to one mapping:

ReadSoft invoices XML IP XML

Invoice / invoicenumber PurchaseInvoice / InvoiceId
Invoice / invoicedate PurchaseInvoice / InvoiceDate
Invoice / invoiceduedate PurchaseInvoice / DueDate
Invoice / invoicetotalvatratepercent PurchaseInvoice / TaxCode
Invoice / invoicetotalvatamount PurchaseInvoice / TaxAmount
Invoice / PurchaseInvoice / AmountInclTax
Invoice / PurchaseInvoice / AmountExclTax
Invoice / invoicecurrency PurchaseInvoice / CurrencyCode
Invoice / invoiceordernumber PurchaseInvoice / PurchaseOrderNo
Invoice / paymentreferencenumber PurchaseInvoice / PaymentNote
System / Imagefile1 PurchaseInvoice / FileNameAndPathScannedFile
System / Description PurchaseInvoice / Description
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber1, or PurchaseInvoice / SupplierBankAccount
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber2, or
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber3, or
Invoice / SupplierAccountNumber4, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN1, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN2, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN3, or
Invoice / SupplierIBAN4
Invoice / deliverynote Add to PurchaseInvoice / Notes

© 2015 AXtension bv
Appendix A - ReadSoft® Offline Invoices 179

The Invoice element contains several Table elements. The table with the type attribute
LineItem contains the invoice lines and every TableRow element contains a line. The
following table contains a one to one mapping:

ReadSoft invoices XML IP XML

Readsoft invoices XML IP XML
TableRow / lit_ordernumber Line / PurchOrderId
TableRow / lit_rowidentifier Line / PurchaseOrderLineNumber
TableRow / lit_articleidentifier Line / Item
TableRow / lit_deliveredquantity Line / Quantity
TableRow / (not supported by IP)
TableRow / lit_unitpriceamount Line / UnitPrice
TableRow / lit_vatexcludedamount Line / LineAmount

ReadSoft Invoices has no out of the box support for item dimensions or storage
ReadSoft Invoices has no out of the box support for matching packing slip information.

Within the Invoice element there are several Table elements. The Table with Type
attribute “VATTable” contains the sales tax specification. Every TableRow element
contains a sales tax line. IP currently does not support this. The following table contains a
one to one mapping:

ReadSoft invoices XML IP XML

TableRow / VAT_BaseAmount (no support)
TableRow / VAT_Code (no support)
TableRow / VAT_Currency (no support)
TableRow / VAT_RateAmount (no support)
TableRow / VAT_RatePercent (no support)
TableRow / VAT_TotalAmount (no support)

The ReadSoft Invoices XML contains a processing log. Every ProcessMessage is

imported into the IP log in the following format:

[Owner TimeStamp]
ReadSoft Invoices: Action

The Import session form is described in full in the section titled Importing invoices and
xml files.

Click Close to leave the form.

© 2015 AXtension bv
180 Invoice Processing User Manual

29 Appendix B - ReadSoft® Online header fields

This appendix contains a list of all of the ReadSoft Online header fields that are currently
supported by AXtension Invoice processing.

AXtension Invoice ReadSoft Online

Header fields Tag ID Default fieldtype
Vendor account <special> Party("supplier").
Bank account 3 supplieraccountnumbe
Purchase order 10 invoiceordernumber
Currency 6 invoicecurrency
IsCreditInvoice <Fixed> creditinvoice
Amount including tax 7 invoicetotalvatinclude
Amount excluding tax 8 invoicetotalvatexclud
Tax amount 9 Invoicetotalvatamoun

See also: Multiple tax

entry support in xxx
External tax code 22 invoicetotalvatrateper
Invoice number 12 invoicenumber
Description 16 Description
Payment note 17 deliverynote
Notes 18 deliverynote
Invoice date 13 invoicedate
Due date 14 invoiceduedate
Offset account 15 <new>
Total discount 25 <new>
Site 20 <new>
Invoice type 24 <new>

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Appendix C - ReadSoft® Online line fields 181

30 Appendix C - ReadSoft® Online line fields

This appendix contains a list of all of the ReadSoft Online line fields that are currently
supported by AXtension Invoice processing.

AXtension Invoice ReadSoft Online

Line fields Tag ID Default fieldtype
Purchase order 101 LIT_OrderNumber
Item 105 LIT_ArticleIdentifier
Line number 102 LIT_RowIdentifier
Quantity 104 LIT_DeliveredQuantity
UnitPrice 106 LIT_UnitPriceAmount
Line discount amount 120 LIT_DiscountAmount
Line amount 108 <Special> Using
nt and
LIT_VatAmount fields
to determine
exclusive amount.

Note: The Inclusive

amount is determined
in case the line
specifies a PO AND
that PO is set to use
amounts including
Product receipt 103 <new>
Price unit 107 <new>
Configuration 109 <new>
Color 110 <new>
Size 111 <new>
Style 112 <new>
Site 113 <new>
Warehouse 114 <new>
Location 115 <new>
PalletID 116 <new>
Batch number 117 <new>

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182 Invoice Processing User Manual

Serial number 118 <new>

© 2015 AXtension bv
Appendix D - ReadSoft® Online Multiple tax entry 183

31 Appendix D - ReadSoft® Online Multiple tax entry

Multiple tax entries are supported in two ways:

The ReadSoft Online document has VAT lines support.

The ReadSoft Online document has multiple VAT related fields on the header (only for
documents that do not have VAT lines support).

1. VAT line support

AXtension Invoice ReadSoft Online

VAT line fields Tag ID Default fieldtype
Amount excluding tax 301 VAT_BaseAmount
Tax amount 303 VAT_RateAmount
External tax code 302 <Special> VAT_Code, using
VAT_RatePercent if
VAT_Code is empty

2. Multiple VAT fields on the document header

AXtension Invoice ReadSoft Online

VAT line fields Tag ID Default fieldtype
Amount excluding tax <fixed> invoicenetamount<x>
Tax amount <fixed> invoicetaxamount<x>
External tax code <fixed> invoicetaxrate<x>

1. A multi VAT specification (<x>) is used if the External Tax code is entered a s w e ll a s
at least one of the other two values.
2. The main VAT on the header (invoicetotalvatamount) is ignored if at least one multi
VAT specification is found.

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184 Invoice Processing User Manual

32 Appendix E - Example XML file

This appendix contains an example XML file in the AXtension® Invoice Processing OCR

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<InvoiceType>Vendor invoice</InvoiceType>
<SupplierName>Divertissement Denmark</SupplierName>

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Appendix E - Example XML file 185


© 2015 AXtension bv

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