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You are on page 1of 3, prayer, almsgiving, fasting pilgrimage.

Koran, restoration of mosque , buh

7.Soul of the world: religion is trusting in worshiping a higher power while not going in off of one
faith. Wanting to know the reality of out existence. Al things are a part of the internal spirit who
has written a path for everything
8.most of jordan’s population is from nomads. Many have settled and made crops. Most famous
for hospitality for values, loyalty to tribe for survival
9.freuds dream is forms of desires, thoughts, wish fulfillment, and motivation. The soul tries to
tell you things.
10.Strong easterly winds in mediterranean region, sirocco is hot wind wind from southern
mediterranean to europe. Better to envision the stuff happening then

14-17 notes
-Dreams are the language of gods
Santiago meets an Old Woman and an Old Man
What does Santiago learn from the Old Woman?
-God speaks through dreams r words, and she can only interpret, which is difficult

What was he supposed to "take" with him after their interaction?

-He takes wisdom, to go to egypt

What is the wisdom she shares with Santiago?

-if it’s a child that shows the location, it is the world telling the truth, and the woman can’t make
dreams real

- Gypsy’s are seen as bad people, devil worshipers, kidnappers, slavers

What does Santiago learn from the Old Man?

-the world’s greatest lie is at a certain point in life, we lose control of our lives, and is controlled
by fate
-the king of Salem, possible profit.

What was he supposed to "take" with him after their interaction?

-He should not give up trying. The journey can be whenever you want it too

What is the wisdom the Old Man shares with Santiago?

-Everything in life has a price, sometimes it has to be in the moment of what you have, dont
promise what you dont have, sacrifices will be made
Personal legend: try your best, even if something stops you, keep pushing, things will try to
block you from trying,
p32:The rocks are backup for when you’re really lost, black yes, white no

Be able to focus on one thing while still being aware around you. Take your time. The oil is
important just as much as the things around you.

Santiago is racist, he goes to new land and calls them infidels

Pg 44-87
48-he got food fo cleaning glass
50- he get back sheep?
53- nice merchant man
54- display case
56- Mecca pilgrimage
61- maktub “it is written”
72-Rocks were in de bible with shepard recognising the king first
Elixir and the Phil Stone, great magics for the alchemists who turned metal into gold
Camel man- focus on the now, not the later

90- Hundreds of wells, thousands of date trees in the Oasis
91- tribe wars, stay in oasis, oasis is neutral area
93- women in black are married, don’t talk to them for traditions sake
94-95- witch doctors are powerful, even for tribe chiefs
95- he fell in love
97-Fatima, name of the Prophet’s daughter
97-Alchemist, speaks with the genies of the desert, the spirits of good and evil
100-101- if Fatima is a part of his dream, he will come back
102-the desert has shells, therefore being once a sea
103- War Omen
105- Seer, people feared them, if a man goes to war knowing he will die, he will be demoralized
110-Slave who believed in dreams, around his age
111- Prepare for war, they believed him
115- Courage is what is needed for the language of the world

116- invasion happened
118- the advise always comes back from someone new by the king
sometimes , when you settle, you realize life will still nag at you for what you’re legend is, and
what even if you have what you want, it’s not always what you could have if you just tried a
little bit more.
Dreams make hearts suffer, and heart doen’t want to suffer
The soul of the world test everything learned as a test of mastery

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