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Answer the first question below before reading the poem,
and answer the second question after reading the poem.

1- Based on the title of the poem If You Forget Me, which themes do you think the
poet will handle in this poem? Why might he want to handle this theme?

2- Read the poem and try to guess the unknown words from the context of the poem, and match
the sentences below with the relevant line in the poem. Then check your answers by looking at the
words you don't know the meaning of in the dictionary.

a- the impalpable ash


b- or the wrinkled body of the log


c- toward those isles of yours that wait for me


d- at the crystal moon, at the red branch

e- to leave me at the shore
Find out literal or figurative meanings
A- Write "L" if the meaning is literal and Write "F" if the meaning is figurative

I want you to know If I look remember If suddenly In me all that fire is

One thing at the crystal moon, at on that day You forget me repeated,
the red branch on that hour do not look for me In me nothing is
I shall lift my arms I shall stop loving you extinguished or forgotten
and my roots will set off

B- Analyze the given stanza and find the irrelevant word

1. Everything carries me to you, 2. Well now,

as if everything that exists, If little by little you stop loving me
aromas, light, metals, I shall stop loving you little by little
were the boats
A) Separation
that sail
B) Romance
toward those isles of yours that wait for
me. C) Parting the ways
A) Separation D) Divorce
B) Romance

C) Parting the ways

D) Divorce
4. But
3. I shall lift my arms
If each day,
and my roots will set off
each hour
to seek another land You feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
A) To begin another life if each day a flower
B) Romance climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love ah my own,
C) Parting the ways
In me all that fire is repeated,
D) Divorce In me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving me

A) Reunite

B) Reconcile

C) Remember

D) Come together
Watch the video about the Pablo
Neruda first.

Discussion Questions
1-) Can you relate the poem to
Pablo Neruda's life?

2-) Why do you think Pablo

Neruda wrote: "If you forget me"?

3-) What is the thing that has

caught your interest about Pablo
Neruda's life in the video? Do you
think it has affected Pablo Neruda
and his writing style?
Mind Map
A mindmap worksheet will be given to the students. After
they are given teacher will write the word Poem to the
white board. Teacher will give some time to students to fill
their mind map. They can fill it according to their wishes, for
example they can write about the theme or anything
related that they can think of. After a time teacher will ask
for answers and write ideas of the students to the board
and a class mind map will be created.
Writing Poem and Drawing a Poster
Teacher will ask students to write their own poems. The only restriction they have is
that they have to write it about the main message of the problem. They don’t have to
use rhymes or anything else that will hinder their writing process.

After they write their own poems teacher will give blank papers to students so they
can draw their posters based on their poems. After students complete their posters
they will present their poems and posters in the class.

Poster Example made by teacher:

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