Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Brgy. Noli, Bayugan City


Name: ______________________________________ Score: _________________

I. Direction: Read each of the following questions carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer in the space before each item.

1. What is true about Permutation?

a. It focuses on the arrangement of objects.
b. It focuses on the probability of objects to be chosen.
c. It focuses on the selection of objects regardless of order.
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following situations or activities involves Permutation?
a. Electing class officers.
b. Buying 5 pairs of shoes.
c. Forming a 5–man committee.
d. Choosing students representatives in a class.
3. What is the product of a positive integer n and all positive integers less than it?
a. multiples of n c. n factors
b. n factorial d. powers of n
4. Which of the following is true in the definition of factorial?
a. n! = (n-1) (n-2) (n-3) … c. n! = n(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) …3(2)(1)
b. n! = (n-1) (n-2) (n-3) …3(2)(1) d. n! = n(n-1) (n-2) …3(2)(1)(0)
5. Which of the following can be the factorial notation of 42?
a. 7! 5! b. 8! 6! c. 7! d. 7! ● 5!
6. Evaluate: ?
a. 135 b. 336 c. 540 d. 1,680
7. What is the value of 4! + (18 – 13)!?
a. 144 b. 5,040 c. 120,000 d. 362,880

8. What is P(8,5)?
a. 56 b. 336 c. 1,400 d. 6,720

9. What is the total number of different permutations of all the letters of the word MATH?
a. 48 b. 36 c. 24 d. 12
10. In how many ways can 9 different books be arranged on a shelf?
a. 5,040 b. 9,000 c. 120,000 d. 362,880

11. How many different ways can the 8 persons be seated in a circular table?
a. 5,040 b. 5,220 c. 5,440 d. 5,520

12.Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word MOMMY.

a. 8 b. 12 c. 20 d. 24
13. How many ways can 10 differently colored beads be threaded on a string?
a. 180,340 b. 181,440 c. 182,540 d. 183,240

14. A stockbroker wants to assign 12 new clients equally to 4 of its sales agents. In how
many different ways can this be done?
a. 369,600 b. 379,700 c. 389,800 d. 399,900

15. Bobby applied for a landline phone in his new house. He was given the number 7-
630-8380. How many distinguishable permutations are there in his telephone number?
a. 5,000 b. 5,040 c. 5,060 d. 5,080
16. How many ways can you arrange books of the same kind if there are 4 Math books,
3 Science books, and 2 English books on a shelf?
a. 1,260 b. 1,264 c. 1,270 d. 1,274

17. At a dinner party, 4 men and 4 women sit at a round table. In how many ways
can they sit if the women must sit next to each other?
a.62 b. 120 c. 144 d. 220
18. Malou owns five different blouses. If she cannot wear the same blouse on two
consecutive days, how many different ways can she dress on Wednesday and Thursday?
a. 9 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
19. If there are 4 chocolate chips, 2 oatmeal, 2 double chocolate cookies in a box, in how
many different orders can be made out of these cookies?
a. 420 b. 440 c. 470 d. 490

20. Find the number of permutation if five 1,000-peso bills, three 100-peso bills, and
two 50-peso bills are arranged in a wallet.
a. 2,500 b. 2,510 c. 2,515 d. 2,520


_______________________ Prepared by: Jonalyn O. Macas

Parents’ Name and Signature Subject Teacher

I. Direction: Simplify the following.

1. (9 + 1)!
2. 6! (5 – 2)!
10 !
10 !
4. +6 !

5. P(5,5)

II. Direction: Analyze and solve the following problems.

1. Jervis is organizing sports equipment for the physical education room. He has 15 balls that
must be placed in a line. In how many ways can he line up 6 footballs, 2 soccer balls, 4 kick
balls, and 3 basketballs?

2. Find the number of ways in which 5 people, Rose, Malou, Sheina, Bobby, and Chris can sit
around a circular table, such that Bobby and Malou always sit next to each other?

3. How many 4 letter words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of the
word ‘LOGARITHMS’ if repetition of letters is not allowed?

4. Ten frontliners are going to get their meal. In how many ways can the 10 frontliners be
arranged in a row in the food station if 4 of them wear green PPEs, 3 wear blue PPEs, and 3 wear
yellow PPEs?

III. Give 2 examples of problems or situations in real life that involve permutations. In each
A. Explain the problem or situation.
B. Solve the problem

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